國安法後 BNO 平權 香港人英國留學準備須知-英國學校收生注重性格多過能力 英國本地人不看排名榜選校|張寶華

  • čas přidán 9. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 106

  • @TooSimpleSometimesNaive
    @TooSimpleSometimesNaive  Před 4 lety +9

    Samuel 於 2020 年 6 月 30 日下午受訪,及後 BNO 平權有所進展。英國政府於 2020 年 7 月 1 日表示,BNO 持有人不受目前居留 6 個月限制,將獲得在英國工作和學習的 5 年「有限居留許可」(limited leave to remain),之後可申請定居 (settled status),12 個月後可申請英國公民身份。

  • @tinlo5534
    @tinlo5534 Před 4 lety +40

    張寶華 找這個升學顧問 做訪問, 係絕對錯誤,呢個顧問所提供的資料非常bias。 我有三個孩子,全部在英國state school 由 year 9 (即係香港中一中二嘅程度) 開始讀到上大學, 他們讀的3間state schools 都提供寄宿與不寄宿部分, 即係學生部分是寄宿生,另外亦有day students。 我嘅經驗可以話畀你哋聽,英國絕對係有不少有質素嘅 state schools 提供寄宿學位,並不是這個顧問所說,只有private schools 才是好學校, 實際上 很多private schools都會有良莠不齊的情況。我三個孩子考 gcse嘅成績都不錯,我一個女兒去年才考入了 University of Edinburgh ,大家可以上綱查一查這間大學 嘅排名,係比香港任何一間大學都要高。 我幫孩子找學校的過程中, 並沒有聘用任何升學顧問 ,我是自己上網找資料申請, 然後替孩子向香港學校請假, 專登飛到英國不同學校interview, 還可以親身視察學校及宿舍環境, 與教職員傾談, 可以親身見到該校學生, 感受一下學生品格、禮貌。 有時升學顧問 因為生意理由,只會向顧客提供對他們公司有利的資料。

    • @zaimym7102
      @zaimym7102 Před 4 lety

      dick lo 很多outstanding schools , 佢知道嘅事太少

    • @chengmaggie8767
      @chengmaggie8767 Před 4 lety +2


    • @caterpillar3478
      @caterpillar3478 Před 4 lety +3

      講者做中介有佣的當然讚好boarding, 聽吓無所謂,但貨比三家不能盡信,孩子在身邊每日照顧住,讀state schools ok

    • @fion4185
      @fion4185 Před 4 lety

      dicklo, 求教,請問如果小朋友鍾意藝術,想搵間著重藝術既state school Year 4,可以點樣搵到呢啲資料?

    • @kellychan5295
      @kellychan5295 Před 4 lety +1


  • @michelle49ification
    @michelle49ification Před 4 lety +13

    本來都呢個Samuel 都有啲好印象,但一講到BNO既子女可唔可以係英國讀到共立學校就咁有保留,支吾矣對。始終都係要顧住自己檔生意,比既意見都是十分商業考量!

    • @sillyfillet
      @sillyfillet Před 4 lety +3

      State school /政府學校:任何國籍嘅人都讀得,呢d係人權。當然你問一個sell私校嘅人關於state school就梗係依依哦哦啦

    • @dyan1900
      @dyan1900 Před 4 lety

      本來也對Samuel chan印象唔錯,但經過佢今次分享,對佢有保留,感覺佢想保住自己D生意

  • @Apollochannelhk
    @Apollochannelhk Před 4 lety +15

    呢D"嘉賓"又係有利益衝突, 點會講真野比你聽

    • @sillyfillet
      @sillyfillet Před 4 lety +2


    • @happymmw8190
      @happymmw8190 Před 4 lety


  • @arrohang
    @arrohang Před 4 lety +14

    真心希望寳華吾好再叫升學顧問,移民律師接受訪問,有冇理由叫人比二十皮一年去讀private school,吾通個個都要做最top個7%!

    • @nearchan7849
      @nearchan7849 Před 4 lety


    • @nearchan7849
      @nearchan7849 Před 4 lety


    • @lamlam3787
      @lamlam3787 Před 4 lety +1


    • @arrohang
      @arrohang Před 4 lety +2

      @@nearchan7849 冇人話簡單

    • @arrohang
      @arrohang Před 4 lety

      @@nearchan7849 你讀大學並係中學,佢講中小學學費喎。

  • @eunizkung7522
    @eunizkung7522 Před 4 lety +2

    Its rather bias about state school, but I don't blame Mr Chan. He needs to look after his business.
    My daughters are in state school, her class has 22 pupils with 1 teacher and 1 TA. General speaking, there are 30 pupils in a class with 1 Teacher and 1 TA. There are plenty of after-school clubs. And many other affordable clubs (dance, drama, gymnastic etc) out there cost roughly £7-12 each lesson.

  • @TooSimpleSometimesNaive
    @TooSimpleSometimesNaive  Před 4 lety +5


    • @mcheuk6832
      @mcheuk6832 Před 4 lety

      Perfect, love it👌

    • @Mic-88
      @Mic-88 Před 4 lety


    • @amgtshen9748
      @amgtshen9748 Před 4 lety


  • @roastpigeon9511
    @roastpigeon9511 Před 4 lety +1

    Hi, I am surprised to find there is so few Sixth Form / A-Level colleges in England. Is it true the ratio is 20 secondary schools to 1 Sixth Form? How can it be? I am confused. Secondary school graduates in England don't normally go to Sixth Form / A Level schools?

  • @lihungchau
    @lihungchau Před 4 lety

    thank you

  • @peppalaw601
    @peppalaw601 Před 4 lety +1


  • @ck8250
    @ck8250 Před 4 lety

    Like 睇廣告,留言支持

  • @caterpillar3478
    @caterpillar3478 Před 4 lety +3

    有小朋友的家庭去英國定居,如小朋友讀中二year8,理論上6年後申請到入籍BC,那麼他上大學時就可作為本土生,£9000對£2萬國際生學費,乘3年就慳好多錢。中學讀boarding school 有很多款收費,寄宿週一至五星期六日回家會平D,day pupils不用宿費又平D。

  • @ThomasKwokHK
    @ThomasKwokHK Před 4 lety +7

    呢位嘉賓一係唔識BNO, 一係刻意隱瞞.

    • @TooSimpleSometimesNaive
      @TooSimpleSometimesNaive  Před 4 lety +1

      Samuel 於 2020 年 6 月 30 日下午受訪,之後及BNO 平權再有所進展。英國政府於 2020 年 7 月 1 日表示,BNO 持有人不受目前居留 6 個月限制,將獲得在英國工作和學習的 5 年「有限居留許可」(limited leave to remain),之後可申請定居 (settled status),12 個月後可申請英國公民身份。

    • @ThomasKwokHK
      @ThomasKwokHK Před 4 lety


    • @meowmeow-mg3nb
      @meowmeow-mg3nb Před 4 lety

      就算係咁 都同呢位嘉賓本身biased既評論態度係無衝突既

  • @christykoo019
    @christykoo019 Před 4 lety +7

    叫你讀免費嘅state school,佢點樣賺你錢呀?🤪

  • @kellychan5295
    @kellychan5295 Před 4 lety +3


  • @manslam8839
    @manslam8839 Před 4 lety

    Glasgow is good. I lived for 11 years.

  • @EW-pm7zu
    @EW-pm7zu Před 4 lety


  • @tigawong6462
    @tigawong6462 Před 4 lety +5


  • @Apollochannelhk
    @Apollochannelhk Před 4 lety +2

    合法居留就可以了, 16歲以下, 睇下education act

  • @ricky851117
    @ricky851117 Před 4 lety +3

    如果唔係有必要既嘉賓,我鐘意聽你solo your own option, 分享下英國考試, 讀書經驗, 點睇英國人。

  • @vandersarlok
    @vandersarlok Před 4 lety +4


  • @oelain8058
    @oelain8058 Před 4 lety

    In London, people look at the league table. People will move house to a better catchment area to get their children into a better school. People do employ a private tutor for their children.

  • @yuetchuen
    @yuetchuen Před 4 lety +10


    • @TooSimpleSometimesNaive
      @TooSimpleSometimesNaive  Před 4 lety +2

      Samuel 於 2020 年 6 月 30 日下午受訪,之後及BNO 平權才有所進展。英國政府於 2020 年 7 月 1 日表示,BNO 持有人不受目前居留 6 個月限制,將獲得在英國工作和學習的 5 年「有限居留許可」(limited leave to remain),之後可申請定居 (settled status),12 個月後可申請英國公民身份。

    • @yuetchuen
      @yuetchuen Před 4 lety +1

      @@TooSimpleSometimesNaive 11:58 他正正就是在回應上個月提出的「六個月變十二個月」這個建議時的安排。而那時(七月一日前),內政大人、外相、首相都已經多次提及able to work or STUDY. 並不是只能「揾工」

  • @ricky851117
    @ricky851117 Před 4 lety +1


  • @5Brightman
    @5Brightman Před 4 lety +1


  • @sya4464
    @sya4464 Před 4 lety

    state school in uk must check and make sure you have a British passport for admission.

  • @alvinsoon8184
    @alvinsoon8184 Před 4 lety +1

    your outfit and make up make you looks 5 years younger today

  • @kinsonlee4049
    @kinsonlee4049 Před 4 lety


  • @hakkalaw9412
    @hakkalaw9412 Před 4 lety +6


  • @tommycheung7156
    @tommycheung7156 Před 4 lety


  • @pianaloro2181
    @pianaloro2181 Před 4 lety +2


  • @Yorn122007
    @Yorn122007 Před 3 lety


  • @alvinsoon8184
    @alvinsoon8184 Před 4 lety

    is kids eligible to have free education in UK once arrive UK or have to wait after 5+1

    • @MeiinUK
      @MeiinUK Před 3 lety +1

      This question, you can ask the British Embassy in HK. I think this is the correct department to answer this query. And would not get it wrong, or to give their own personal opinion. It will be lawful and it will be correct.

  • @jeffkwanjeff
    @jeffkwanjeff Před 4 lety +7

    as a huge fans of your channel, this guest is really....ma ma day., or....awful TBH ..好多野都講錯哂......conflict of interest obviously .....e.g,,,,how come BNO cannot study ar ? .....Compulsory education is rights to everyone living in UK including asylum seeker/ refugees status / exceptional leave to remain 既身份, 學校都唔可以reject their application lor...public school 好睇 school catchment , 即係校網.......and i suggest HK BNO holders' kids is more likely to fall into the category of exceptional leave to remain ...sigh.....advise him to do his research first and stop misleading ppl of HK

    • @TooSimpleSometimesNaive
      @TooSimpleSometimesNaive  Před 4 lety


    • @meowmeow-mg3nb
      @meowmeow-mg3nb Před 4 lety +1

      Jeff Kwan very well said

    • @MeiinUK
      @MeiinUK Před 4 lety

      He also used the wrong choice of words as well... "sponsor"... This is not how the law is. Plus also, what he said that is also wrongly expressed. A lot of children, needs to have basic standard, before most private school is admitted. And even so... do not expect that your money, is going to be above another parent's money as well. Cos a lot of other parents DO mind this... And there is a lot of disputes in this kind of area as well. I also cannot believe that HK parents spend so much on actual "tutoring".... which is indeed a waste of money. Cos that amount of money can equal to a boarding school fee.

    • @MeiinUK
      @MeiinUK Před 4 lety

      He does not know that, I think even with a BNO holder.. they can and should be also able to go to a state school as well... As far as I know. Cos he assumes that, the individual cannot. His implied meaning is wrong... Because it is obvious that, the newspaper stated clearly that BNO holder CAN study. A lot of people, even in my generation, went to colleges... to do their A levels, and then onto universities etc. It does not need to mean that you have to be under 16 etc. What he is speaking of, is his personal experience only. He does not know what the laws are surrounding the actual situation.... and cases.
      He is also behind in his knowledge as well.
      Fee-paying school = "Public" school, or grammar schools. (Trust-based)
      Non-fee paying /state supported = Comprehensives / Grammar Schools / Academies
      BNO holders should be able to go to non-fee paying schools...

  • @hyip5878
    @hyip5878 Před 4 lety +1

    張寶華、請問可否給我Sammuel 的公司contact ?我正需要一些升學諮詢。可否

  • @meowmeow-mg3nb
    @meowmeow-mg3nb Před 4 lety +1

    收費嘉賓節目 同片既內容質素之間有無共存空間
    無睇一排 睇番近幾條片都真係好失望
    明既 妳同嘉賓都要搵食
    但作為觀眾 真係好難唔unsub

  • @chiwaikung7826
    @chiwaikung7826 Před 4 lety +2


    • @inspectorw5795
      @inspectorw5795 Před 3 lety

      唔好咁悲觀。Jessica adams 話,2028香港歸英。或者預言成真呢!

  • @qilinmelb
    @qilinmelb Před 3 lety

    加拿大移民现在这么容易 为啥不去加拿大 我觉得加拿大的福利和就业都远远好于英国

  • @hongkongner2026
    @hongkongner2026 Před 4 lety

    張小姐,陳先生的意見是錯的,首先他說現在的BNO是工作或讀書,所以那些小朋友是不可以申請讀state school是錯的。Boris Johnson的政策是BNO的持有人和他們的dependents都可以到英國生活,因此持有的BNO人士他們的子女是可以申請讀state school, 等於如果一個家庭經過投資移民到英國,他們的子女都可以申請政府學位。

  • @arthur4qq
    @arthur4qq Před 3 lety

    講到卡吓卡吓。係都唔肯講。而家2021,BNO子女有得免費讀state school,呢位嘉賓檔野執左未,自己返咗英國未?🤣🤣

  • @tommycheung7156
    @tommycheung7156 Před 4 lety


  • @PP-zx1sg
    @PP-zx1sg Před 3 lety +1

    Otherwise it will just ruin your channel😒

  • @hauena230
    @hauena230 Před 4 lety +1


  • @papalovetoys
    @papalovetoys Před 4 lety

    真心 講者睇清楚先講啦
    Bno 父母 過到去讀local school 中 小學仲要錢? 人地讀書係 小朋友權利呀

    • @alvinsoon8184
      @alvinsoon8184 Před 4 lety

      hence free education for public school ?

    • @yunyunlosee6346
      @yunyunlosee6346 Před 4 lety

      @@alvinsoon8184,真係未 sure,因為仲未公佈各種 details!

  • @kv6373
    @kv6373 Před 4 lety

    中介一名...sell 屎💩⋯⋯sales