Presioni - Nentori i Trete ft. UniKKatiL

  • čas přidán 22. 11. 2011
  • Zábava

Komentáře • 319

  • @drruapodrras1253
    @drruapodrras1253 Před 3 lety +53

    Respect from Çameria🇦🇱

    • @muradie666
      @muradie666 Před 8 měsíci +2

      Love Cameria Love Kosova Rrofte Rraca Ilire

    • @AP-AKA-ZH
      @AP-AKA-ZH Před 7 měsíci

      Love From Kosovoë ! Nuk ju harrojm !

    • @Lkk509
      @Lkk509 Před 5 měsíci +2

      Shume ❤️ prej Kosove.

  • @elmedinaidrizi8
    @elmedinaidrizi8 Před 6 lety +43

    Kjo kenge doli ne vitin 2006 por edhe pas 12 viteve vazhdon te ndegjohet.
    Unikkatil, profi i repit Shqiptar

    • @birillibre1689
      @birillibre1689 Před 2 lety

      Qy mas 12 aj u bonen 16 edhe kan mu bo 1000 amo qato un sun e mrri be nonen

    • @halfmoon6433
      @halfmoon6433 Před rokem +4

      16 vite pas, hala ngohet.

    • @aldohatija4024
      @aldohatija4024 Před 4 měsíci +1

      18 vite pas 🇦🇱

  • @malta0160
    @malta0160 Před 8 lety +48

    Rrespekte nga Durresi proud to be Yllyrian

  • @veselifatos
    @veselifatos Před 10 lety +143

    500 Vjet Pun, 500 Vjet
    Vetmi, 500 Vjet Luft, Luft Per Te Ruajtur
    Gjuhen E Shpirtit Ton

  • @leontropoja
    @leontropoja Před rokem +10

    Kenga qe çdo shqiptar duhet ta dëgjoj të pakten një hër në dit 🇦🇱🇦🇱✌️☄️

    • @Rednblack900
      @Rednblack900 Před rokem +1

      Respekt nga SUEDIA jam nga vushtrria
      Jam SHALJAN

  • @bleon4980
    @bleon4980 Před 7 lety +67

    500 vjet pun
    500 vjet vetmi
    500 vjet luft,luft per te ruajtur gjuhen e shpirtin e kombit (besa besa besa bes)3x
    Sa me pak krime me aq ma pak lot Hey
    Jetoj smuar e me smundje te pagjumsis
    Qndroj pozit vertikale statuj e liris
    E shikoj se si krimi me shpejtsi shtohet
    Askush s'mer pergjegjsi por edhe askush s'pendohet
    Kta qe e vrasin lirin jane lakmus per roberi
    Dojn me t'gjitha forcat te na kthejn nder serbi
    Tani e m'bar Kosova por edhe un i sigurt jam
    Kta jan argat t'armiku se atje rrogat i kan
    Kur zgjohem ne mengjes une gjithmon e pys veten
    Qdo tndodh me mua si ta ruaj veten
    E tani nga te shkoj hapat e kujt ti ndjek
    Kur jam ne shenjester i gatshem me vdek
    Nga e gjith kjo befasi qe ma servon jeta
    Me ngarkon me detyr e me len met meta
    Sepse zvaritem rrugve drejtsi duke kerkuar
    Ajo qe dikur moti Kosoves i ka takur
    Por derisa sa ta gjej hetimi do tvazhdon
    Nga ter kjo dhimbje e ter ky presion
    E mua tani i vetmi ky mision me mbet
    Ta kerkoj drejtsin e te bukrin kryeqytet
    Ref: UniKKaTiL
    Qe nga e lashta Iliri ende mbeten tmeret
    Sa shum shekuj kan kaluar gjaku yn ende po derdhet
    Tlutem vllau im perqarje s'bëjm n'kufi
    Lot tja ndalim nenes dashur ta shfrytzojm ket fillim t'ri
    Rebel aka unikkatil:
    E shoh ni nan qe po kan se djali saj vdiq
    Vllau e vran vlluan edhe spo merzitet hiq
    Ehh mori Kosovë qka na gjeti jem tranu
    Nuk osht kjo hera e par qe shqiptari u egersu
    Gjithmon ishim bashk ja vdekje ja liri
    E njekem at turqi ma n'fund edhe kta shki
    Po kallxom per qfar arsye per mu bo sikur ata
    Mytem ndermjet veti nven se mu kap krah per krah
    U bo boll mo me vrasje boll mo me gjakderdhje
    Falnja njoni tjetrit ka ardh koha me bo mledhje
    Pom doket spo kuptoni kit Kosovë po dojn me shit
    Ku na meten syt si mu pas kon kejt tpit
    UCK LDK kejt n'zemer une ju kom
    Boll mo se spo bon sikur vlla po ju thom
    Shqiptar Kosovar gutnu se ska koh
    Edhe KATILAT sikur un jon bo me ju kallxu qka me bo
    Ref:2x UniKKaTiL
    Qe nga e lashta Iliri ende mbeten tmeret
    Sa shum shekuj kan kaluar gjaku yn ende po derdhet
    Tlutem vllau im perqarje s'bëjm n'kufi
    Lot tja ndalim nenes dashur ta shfrytzojm ket fillim t'ri
    Shiko sa njerz u bene
    Sa tjer e kan mendjen e zemren ktu
    Sa e sa te tjer jan vrar gjat 5 shekujve
    Po kjo keng tani u shendrua nporosi
    U pershtat per tgjitha moshat pleq e te ri
    Pa dallim feje a po edhe ideje qe e ngasin
    U dedikohet te gjithve qe shqipen e flasen
    Ju s'bashku duart me njeri tjetrin shtrengoni
    E besen e tparve ju kur mos e harroni
    Se do tna vret kjo besa e te parve ton
    Sikur se na vrau neve pergjithmon
    Pra ti lojm mas dore dredhinat e xheloziat
    Se si bumerang neve na kthehen t'kqijat
    Se gjithmon kur t'mundohesh tondit keq me i ba
    Ti vetit ja ban por nuk e sheh me pa
    Po seriozisht mu ndal e veq pak me mendu
    Se sa m'brapa kemi met smuj as me paramendu
    Si ma i vjetri popull nket gadishull qi jetom
    Na duhet t'perparojm se ne at e meritojm
    Pra ta harojm te kaluaren e ta lem kujtime
    Qe vepruam si te verber e jetuam ne trillime
    E sot me mendje t'shnosh perparsin e kemi
    Nga gabimet te mesojm e te bashkuar te jemi
    Ref: UniKKaTiL
    Qe nga e lashta Iliri ende mbeten tmerret
    Sa shum shekuj kan kaluar gjaku yn ende po derdhet
    Tlutem vllau im perqarje s'bëjm n'kufi
    Lot tja ndalim nenes dashur ta shfrytzojm ket fillim t'ri

  • @alba1eagle
    @alba1eagle Před 12 lety +7

    O Zot cfar kenge. Teksti eshte fantastik, rytmi fantastik, tgjith breee fantastisk jan te TBA! Degjojeni me vemendje!
    Unikkatil, tlutem ne albumin e rinj beje edhe nje kenge per shqiptaret as this one :)

  • @liridonhyseni4059
    @liridonhyseni4059 Před 4 lety +8

    Shum i Analizoj FJALT E VIKTORIT .
    Shum analist .ika pa senet qysh jan tu ardh ..para shum kohe..e tash veq kan ndodh

  • @MadAlbo
    @MadAlbo Před 3 lety +3

    Sa relevante kjo kange. Qysh prej 2000tes hala tnjejtin mesazh e percjell, tash veqse psiqikisht, shoqnisht, ekonomikisht edhe shpirtnisht jena shum ma keq se para 21 vjetve.
    Ju pershendes nga Gjermania, une 1 prej gjys milioni prej kosovarve qe e kem lshu Kosoven n10 vjet e fundit!!!

  • @CultureTvEldi
    @CultureTvEldi Před rokem +4

    Kenga me e mir e krijuar nga Unikkatil!🥲❤️

  • @thebbloodyalboz
    @thebbloodyalboz Před 5 lety +14

    2019 😭 sa shpejt po ec koha

  • @zima3266
    @zima3266 Před 2 lety +2

    2022 edhe nuk ka njeri qe ja kalon katilit all time legend 🇦🇱

  • @albania485
    @albania485 Před 8 lety +94

    aaa ca kangsh te pavdekshme...sikur tu rikthente edhe njiher TBA......rrespekte prej Shqipnis

  • @elodiemordacq9784
    @elodiemordacq9784 Před 5 lety +8

    11-05-2019 like kush e ndeshon hala 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱

  • @Rednblack900
    @Rednblack900 Před 2 lety +2

    Old school song still forever real🔥🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼❤️❤️❤️❤️😔😔 Krejt fjalt hala 💯

  • @SamSung-tp3si
    @SamSung-tp3si Před 11 lety +5

    unikkatili esht legend!!!

  • @kristianshkambi3552
    @kristianshkambi3552 Před 11 lety +2

    Gjithmon ishim bashk,
    ja vdekje ja liri E NJEKEM AT TURQI...
    ma nfun edhe KTA SHKIEE...

  • @burhansallahu6577
    @burhansallahu6577 Před 7 lety +6

    Legendat nuk vdesin kurr edhe shum gjenerata kan mi ngu kto muzik ☺
    TBA 22.03.2017

  • @clasholtii3949
    @clasholtii3949 Před 7 lety +27

    28 disslike-28 Serbe(Qetnika)👎👎
    Katili duhet me shkru himnin e Kosoves👑❤👐

  • @MrStreetkingboy
    @MrStreetkingboy Před 9 lety +38

    Stay Strong Ilirida!

  • @erviskaloshi4940
    @erviskaloshi4940 Před rokem +1

    Si gjithmon te lumt goja 👏

  • @gjergjmirdita.7986
    @gjergjmirdita.7986 Před 6 lety +2

    numer 1 TBA unikkatil.i pa arritshem pergjithmon.respekt

  • @TeddyGreyOS
    @TeddyGreyOS Před 6 měsíci +2

    English Translation
    INTRO : [ 500 years of labor, 500 years of loneliness, 500 years of war, war in order to protect the language and the spirit of our nation.]

    -Besa Besa Besa Besë (x3) (Besa is an Albanian Code of honor, he commits you to keep your promises, and do everything possible to help the innocent, even to give your life)

    -The less crimes the less tears hey

    Presioni :
    I live sick and with the sickness of insomnia
    I stay upright like the Statue of Liberty
    I look at how the crime is growing so fast
    no one declare himself responsible, and no one regrets
    Those who kill freedom, seek for slavery
    They want with all their might to bring us back into Serbia
    Now all of Kosovo, including me are sure about that.
    They are enemy employees, that's where they got their salaries from. (*he's speaking about corrupt politicians and others officials who are paid by serbian government)
    When I wake up in the morning, I always ask myself
    What will happen to me, how to protect myself ?
    And now which way do I need to go ? Who's steps to follow..?
    when I am in sight, ready to die ..
    From all this surprise that life gives me
    Life bind me with duties and leave me with problems (trauma)
    'Cause I'm running around in the streets looking for justice
    This justice to which Kosovo had the right since a long time
    But until I find it the investigation continues
    From all this pain and all this pressure
    And for me now, I only have this mission left
    To seek for Justice in our beautiful capital city (Prishtina).

    Unikkatil REFRAIN (hook) :
    Since the ancient Illyria We still have the fear (apprehension) (Illyria is the ancient name of Albania, Albanians are the descents of Illyrians. The name Albania is from one of the most know Illyrian tribe at the time (Albanoi))
    So many centuries have gone, but our blood is still flowing
    please brother, we don't discriminate (differentiate) at the border (border with the ALB of KS and the ALB of ALB / Unikkatil is saying that even after many decades separated, we're all Albanians, we're all the same)
    To stop the tears of our mother (Albania probably), take advantage of this new beginning (freedom of Kosovo)
    Unikkatil :
    I see a mother who's crying because her son is dead.
    Brother is killing brother without any regret or sadness (Here Unikkatil is probably talking about criminality in Ks and Alb in general, between the same alb blood)
    This is not the first time that Albanians have gone wild
    We were always together, either freedom either death
    We chased Turkey and finally even those serbs too
    But tell me for which reason ? To become like them ?
    We kill each others instead of shaking hands
    Enough of the murders, enough of the bloodsheds
    Forgive to each other, it's time to unite
    I think you dont understand, they wanna sell Kosova
    Where were our eyes looking at ? as if we were all drunk
    UCK LDK you are all in my heart (LDK (Democratic League of Kosovo) is a political party in Ks)
    Stop because it's not good, I tell you that like a brother
    Albanians, Kosovar, hurry up because there is no time left
    even the "katils" like me, have to tell you so that you understand (katil mean ruthless killer, Unikkatil is a combination of Unik (unique) and katil (ruthless killer)

    Unikkatil REFRAIN x2:
    Since the ancient Illyria We still have the fear
    So many centuries have gone, but our blood is still flowing
    please brother, we don't discriminate (differentiate) at the border (border with the ALB of KS and the ALB of ALB / Unikkatil is saying that even after many decades separated, we're all Albanians, we're all the same)
    To stop the tears of our mother (Albania probably), take advantage of this new beginning (freedom of Kosovo)
    (part taken from a movie about albania's independence from the Ottomans (turks))
    ? ? ? look at how many people are here ??? (not sure about this line)
    how many other people have their thoughts and their hearts here
    so and so many others have been killed during 5 centuries
    Presioni (this part is really hard to translate, as some word and sentence signification doesnt have sense in english but I did my best):
    This song now turned into a request,
    suitable for all ages, old and young,
    without difference of religions or even of the ideas they convey
    it is dedicated to all those who speak Albanian
    You, everyone, shake hands together
    and never forget the "besa" of our elders
    because the "besa" of our elders will end up killing us,
    as it has always done
    So let's leave all our grudges and jealousy behind
    because like a boomerang, misfortunes will come back to us
    'Cause every time you try to hurt yours (your peoples)
    you will hurt yourself without realizing it
    But seriously, if we stop to think for a bit,
    How far we've been left behind, I can't even imagine it (he's talking about the Ottoman rules effect/consequence over Albania during 500 years)
    As the oldest people on this peninsula where we live,
    We have to evolve / move forward, because we deserve it,
    So let's forget the past and leave it as a memory,
    Where We acted like blind and lived in fiction,
    and today with a healthy mind we have the evolution / developpement
    From our mistakes we will learn and united we will be..
    Unikkatil REFRAIN :
    Since the ancient Illyria We still have the fear
    So many centuries have gone, but our blood is still flowing
    please brother, we don't discriminate (differentiate) at the border (border with the ALB of KS and the ALB of ALB / Unikkatil is saying that even after many decades separated, we're all Albanians, we're all the same)
    To stop the tears of our mother (Albania probably), take advantage of this new beginning (freedom of Kosovo)

  • @mergimkrasniqi4416
    @mergimkrasniqi4416 Před rokem +1

    2023 kjo Kong po ndodh qfar thot

  • @basketballhitzz417
    @basketballhitzz417 Před 7 lety +5

    Ka ardh vakti me nguu per ILIRIDËN ;).

  • @ShkunDeTunDe
    @ShkunDeTunDe Před 10 lety +6

    UQK-LDK , krejt n'zemer i kom

    • @Thedad.33
      @Thedad.33 Před 3 lety

      Mendoj se i ki ra pizhamn per qata LDK se e ki shkru

  • @bthenotorius
    @bthenotorius Před 7 lety +1

    Sa shumë shekuj kan kaluar, gjaku ynë ende po derdhet!

  • @IsyoboyG
    @IsyoboyG Před 11 lety +6

    Reperi ma i mir i tona kohve LLEGEND !

  • @erdonrasimi1343
    @erdonrasimi1343 Před 5 lety +3

    Legjenda e gjallë - Viktor Palokaj 👑

  • @BataKlanTirona
    @BataKlanTirona Před 3 lety +2

    2005-2020 sot , kurr ska me vdek si kong

  • @gentimehmeti8467
    @gentimehmeti8467 Před 11 lety +5

    Urime 5 Vjetori i Pavarsis se Kosovës

  • @user-vi1lm8tl6v
    @user-vi1lm8tl6v Před 4 lety

    Veq Albini na nxjerr pi ktyne dite te zeza o popull ti hapim syt... respekte per Viktorin dhe Agimin per ket kryeveper artistike

  • @VisarPrapashtica
    @VisarPrapashtica Před 12 lety +2

    une sun i gjaj fjal kti njeri vallahi 4 ever

  • @ArbenAbazi-xx5wd
    @ArbenAbazi-xx5wd Před 9 měsíci

    E o xhenet xheneza ka ra shi kallamoq!!

  • @argjentgacaferi7811
    @argjentgacaferi7811 Před 2 lety

    Janar 2022, spo thom a osht kush knej se sigurt o dikush

  • @samirbinaku2372
    @samirbinaku2372 Před 5 lety

    2019 hala e njejta gjendje sikur kjo kong ka dal sod tekst me pesh shum tmadhe i pa vdekshum Unikatil

  • @wncoldschool9615
    @wncoldschool9615 Před 2 lety

    Respekt kjo kang ka dal ne vitin (2003)

  • @omret823
    @omret823 Před 4 lety

    🇦🇱 2020 🇦🇱 KU JENI SHQIPE????? rroftë SHQIPËRIA 🇦🇱

  • @demotriusable
    @demotriusable Před 2 lety +1

    2022 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱 kurr nuk vdes kjo keng

  • @gikahaxha6353
    @gikahaxha6353 Před 9 lety +1

    Legjend e gjall ♥

  • @xhekuanonymousprince1117
    @xhekuanonymousprince1117 Před 9 lety +4

    Hala Ngjohet! 2015

  • @f3k940
    @f3k940 Před 5 lety +4

    Ala ne 2019 💥🔥

  • @edonarifi2144
    @edonarifi2144 Před 10 lety +5

    6 . 7 . 2014

  • @kristimalaj3424
    @kristimalaj3424 Před 11 měsíci

    2023 here! Sad about Kosovo raport with Serbs 😢 Gjaku yn ende po derdhet

  • @kristianjohns247
    @kristianjohns247 Před 3 lety +1

    2021 a jeni shqipe

  • @unikkatiltba2916
    @unikkatiltba2916 Před 5 lety +4

    Hala ngohet e ka mu ngu🔥🔥❤

  • @noriG429
    @noriG429 Před 4 měsíci

    2024😢 2224 ka mu ndegju❤

  • @qendrimqerkinaj3309
    @qendrimqerkinaj3309 Před 11 lety +11

    "Happy 100 years ALBANIA"

  • @taulantneziri7754
    @taulantneziri7754 Před 11 lety +1

    qekjo osht muzik qekjo osht hip hop qekjo osht shka mos muzik teper e mir

  • @dr.dreams3680
    @dr.dreams3680 Před 9 lety

    King deri ne vdekje. !

  • @krasskrasniqi9904
    @krasskrasniqi9904 Před 5 lety +2

    E shoh i nan qe Po kan se djali saj diq vllav e vrav vllan e spo merzitë 😥 hiq 😋

  • @lejlazeqirovci
    @lejlazeqirovci Před 5 měsíci

    Fjal tverteta ka lon UNIKATILI...2024

  • @redialboz2140
    @redialboz2140 Před rokem +1

    Shqipet e pergjakshme

  • @erinuzi7191
    @erinuzi7191 Před 5 lety

    2019 hala po e nigjojm Unikkatil 👑

  • @festimndrecaj675
    @festimndrecaj675 Před 10 lety +1

    far zoni katili , hallall bre king

  • @sulejmonmuharremi2399
    @sulejmonmuharremi2399 Před 3 lety +3


  • @doniunkut4048
    @doniunkut4048 Před 5 lety +1

    Unikkatil 🙏💖💖💖

  • @besspacharizi9211
    @besspacharizi9211 Před 11 lety +5

    U N I K K A T I L

  • @Kryeziu1994
    @Kryeziu1994 Před 11 lety +1

    unikkatill nr 1 je.

  • @krasniqiliridon9511
    @krasniqiliridon9511 Před 5 lety +1

    2019 hale hit 🧿

  • @astrit524
    @astrit524 Před 8 lety +7

    GJakova! derdhum Gjak per t' madhen SHQIPERI !

    • @drinipopaj6528
      @drinipopaj6528 Před 7 lety

      AlbanianRap Gjakova
      Gjakovari ne TBA osht ma i forti i Grupit

  • @TheDardiTBA
    @TheDardiTBA Před 11 lety +3

    UniKKatil # Presioni ♥♥

  • @kreshnikmuhadri3481
    @kreshnikmuhadri3481 Před 6 lety

    2018 jemi! edhe sod pe jetojm te njejtin kuptim ksaj muzike

  • @leonardsimoni2314
    @leonardsimoni2314 Před 7 lety

    rrqehtht mi qon sa her qe e ngoj ket kang respect

  • @ShqipStarOfficial
    @ShqipStarOfficial Před 7 lety +5

    1 Dhjetor 2016 hala ngohet :(

  • @Petersilie891
    @Petersilie891 Před rokem +1

    2023 💣🔥

  • @sedatberbatovci8492
    @sedatberbatovci8492 Před 11 lety +3

    ♥ Rebel A.K.A Unikkatil ♥
    TBA 4LIFE ♥♥♥

  • @kevikapa4545
    @kevikapa4545 Před 3 lety +1


    @ILIRIK Před 4 lety

    2020 15 janar shqipe 💣✍✍

  • @FUNNYVIDEOS-xq5pi
    @FUNNYVIDEOS-xq5pi Před 4 lety +1

    Kush po e ngon ne 2021 like

  • @bossiprer757
    @bossiprer757 Před 2 lety +2

    2021 Ngohet ende

  • @mario_gr.6577
    @mario_gr.6577 Před 2 lety

    Realiteti fytyres🇦🇱

  • @doribrahalilaj8698
    @doribrahalilaj8698 Před rokem

    2022 still on fire 🔥 ❤️

  • @albitba2121
    @albitba2121 Před 9 lety +5

    05.10.2014 hala po ngohet

  • @thebbloodyalboz
    @thebbloodyalboz Před 3 lety

    2020 🔥🔥🔥

  • @urimmaqkaj1976
    @urimmaqkaj1976 Před 7 lety +3

    20/04/2017 hala ngojeeett

  • @klaudiomuca9101
    @klaudiomuca9101 Před 7 lety +1

    02/11/2016 i pavdekshëm

  • @besard100
    @besard100 Před 11 lety

    Urime 100 Vjetorin e Pavarsis Te gjith shqiptarve

  • @BS-kw5ks
    @BS-kw5ks Před 4 lety

    2020 sot po duhet si kurr

  • @jetb0696
    @jetb0696 Před 10 lety +1


  • @ermz420sh
    @ermz420sh Před 10 lety +1

    qar kanget man nice 1-sh

  • @makavelirap4809
    @makavelirap4809 Před 3 lety +2


  • @dme341
    @dme341 Před 3 lety +2

    "Nga gabimet te mesojm e te bashkuar te jemi"

  • @suardhoxha8011
    @suardhoxha8011 Před 6 lety

    2017 kjo kang me fut ne dhe per sgjallli I madhi unikatil I pavdekshem

  • @AlboUnit1
    @AlboUnit1 Před 6 lety +2


  • @xhali
    @xhali Před 12 lety +3


  • @ciaobella377
    @ciaobella377 Před 2 lety

    Why you think that we shouldn't learn from you anymore, you shouldn't stop opening eyes to people. 👍💪

  • @armandopjetri1441
    @armandopjetri1441 Před 2 lety +1


  • @artantba9788
    @artantba9788 Před 9 lety +1

    Kto fjalt tiii bii ejj!!!!!!!!!!!!! For life

  • @valmirvali9033
    @valmirvali9033 Před 11 lety +2


  • @fisniikberiisha8288
    @fisniikberiisha8288 Před 8 lety +2

    Urime 28 Nentori Shqipeeeeeeeeee

  • @uranobrazhda8204
    @uranobrazhda8204 Před 3 lety

    2020 !

  • @Maffiossoo
    @Maffiossoo Před 12 lety +1

    qeta e quajn keng ship

  • @tomazinlumci2465
    @tomazinlumci2465 Před 4 lety

    Ma i malli ✌🏻

  • @gjemneziri848
    @gjemneziri848 Před 7 lety

    vllav e vrau vllan e spo merzitet hiq king unikkatil

  • @bossipergjaktta1725
    @bossipergjaktta1725 Před 11 lety +1

    hallall shokiii

  • @pashkbuzhala9387
    @pashkbuzhala9387 Před 4 lety


  • @edontusha3931
    @edontusha3931 Před 9 lety

    25.02.2015 UniKKaTil ft Presion
    Ju Du Shum Pasha krejt

  • @Kryeziu1994
    @Kryeziu1994 Před 11 lety +2


  • @arbikurtishi8274
    @arbikurtishi8274 Před 3 lety
