Contemporary Christian Music.  Inspirational Music - “Butterflies” - by Deborah Clingan

  • čas přidán 22. 05. 2024
  • Butterflies - from the album Transformed. Written by Deborah Clingan. Mixed & mastered by Jeff Nelson.
    Story behind the song: This was a song written during Covid in 2020. I was taking a songwriting class by Sue Ennis who was my professor at Shoreline Community College as I was working on my Audio Engineering AAAS and Electronic Music Productions AAAS.
    We were asked to write a song and given the title, "Butterflies and Angel Wings." I had watched so many people go through so much and was especially moved in my writing to inspire young people to not give up and to continue for the dreams that God had placed in their heart.
    Many students had to take classes online. They missed important events. It was a really hard time for everyone. This song was written to inspire people going through that time or any hard time, to not give up and to persevere through the hard times.
    We all have to face fears & press on when things are hard. Character is formed in the hard times. The Butterfly is transformed from a caterpillar to a beautiful creature in the chrysalis where for a time it can do nothing but hang as it is changed.
    I often think of the symbolism of Butterflies and the Resurrection:
    Jesus knew what suffering was. He came to this world for one purpose, to redeem fallen man back to God. His love knew no bounds. Just think of this; Jesus/God incarnate (made flesh), came to the earth he created, because He loves us so much.
    He became sin for us, he died and suffered for us, so we could have newness of life through the blood he would shed. He who knew no sin, took our sin, that we might become the righteousness of Christ through him. The great exchange. It still amazes me.
    From caterpillar to butterfly, we need to be born again. The advantage of making Jesus Lord of our life is that we get to have His advantage and experience the world from a new and elevated vantage point. We can see from God's perspective. We will still have trials and hard times, but when we have Jesus in us, we have the "hope of glory living in us.
    Christ conquered death, hell and the grave and he has made a way for everyone to walk in freedom and newness of life.
    We all have God given gifts and potential. The one who created us knows our greatest potential. Don't you think it might just be to our advantage to trust in the one who holds the whole world in his hands. Yes, the one who created all the galaxies and, as Luke 12:7 says; He also "counts the very hairs on your head."
    Isaiah 49:16 says, "See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me."
    Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.
    My invitation is to be all you were made to be. He has given us wings to fly and soar.
    “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isa. 40:31)
    ˜Deborah Clingan

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