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  • @HuntingFarmerOfficial
    @HuntingFarmerOfficial Před 5 lety

    Wow!! Great garlic!! It’s always rewarding when you harvest what you have planted 👍

    • @BrewCityGardener
      @BrewCityGardener Před 5 lety

      In a frustrating growing season like we're having this year it's very encouraging to get a nice harvest! Now let's see if the potatoes are just as successful. Stick around to find out soon!

  • @HomeInTheSticks
    @HomeInTheSticks Před 5 lety

    Seriously sweet garlic harvest!!! I gotta try your method of growing garlic!! Well done sir!! Dan

  • @CBsGreenhouseandGarden

    Awesome Garlic ya got there buddy! So many just don't know how well that old straw works! Glad to hear you did not get any damage from that storm. WOW 120 index is mighty harsh for you folks. We been triple digit index for over two months now. Stay cool as ya can my friend and hope you have a great week!

    • @BrewCityGardener
      @BrewCityGardener Před 5 lety

      I love it! I'm so glad I stumbled onto the straw gardening method. Done right, it's the easiest way to grow great plants. Luckily it has cooled down quite a bit. We're in the mid 80's all week with clear blue skies. This is easily my favorite weather and favorite time of year. Ya'll stay cool down there. I know it can get miserable in the summer. You guys have a great week as well. Thanks!

  • @PlanetMojo
    @PlanetMojo Před 5 lety

    We are usually about 6 to 10 degrees hotter here in western Wisconsin -- and it was NASTY HOT! The tornado took out my brother-in-law's shed up north, and they are still out of power. up there! But back to the garlic. I'm a big garlic fan and will be giving it a shot next year. Thanks for the advice Opie!

    • @BrewCityGardener
      @BrewCityGardener Před 5 lety

      Just like anything else, home grown garlic is far better than anything store bought. More rewarding too.
      I really do feel for those affected by the storms. I heard that one of our sister plants at work is still out of power in Appleton. Thankfully, the weather cooled down some. I would hate to be out of power in the extreme heat.

  • @13MoonsOverMayhem
    @13MoonsOverMayhem Před 5 lety

    That's an awesome harvest! Very impressive!

    • @BrewCityGardener
      @BrewCityGardener Před 5 lety

      Isn't it great!
      I'm still amazed by how well it did this year. I love it!!

  • @grannybee6805
    @grannybee6805 Před 5 lety

    So strange; wet cold spring, heat wave summer. Great harvest and super tips, too.

    • @BrewCityGardener
      @BrewCityGardener Před 5 lety

      Yep. I think Mother Nature has done gone and lost her mind! I'm very thankful for the great garlic harvest.
      Thanks Granny!

  • @VouersWiscoHomestead
    @VouersWiscoHomestead Před 5 lety

    Great harvest. Accurate info is what we like. Lol

  • @JyjusHomeVideos
    @JyjusHomeVideos Před 5 lety +1

    Great Job Mate !! Keep up your wonderful work !! All the very best !!

    • @BrewCityGardener
      @BrewCityGardener Před 5 lety +1

      Thanks Jyju! I really appreciate that. Harvests like that and comments like yours are what keep my spirits up and keep me motivated!
      Thanks for watching and have a great week!

    • @JyjusHomeVideos
      @JyjusHomeVideos Před 5 lety

      @@BrewCityGardener Thank you for your beautiful words !

  • @IndependenceAcresHomestead

    Great looking garlic! That sounds like a nice variety of garlic to grow. We love garlic in our house and it is on our list for planting next year.

    • @BrewCityGardener
      @BrewCityGardener Před 5 lety +1

      Oh yeah! Garlic is a must. Keep your eye out for deals real soon. You want to get it planted in October for next years' harvest. It is likely the only thing you will plant just before winter sets in. Nothing compares to fresh home grown garlic. Its worth making space for in the garden.

    • @IndependenceAcresHomestead
      @IndependenceAcresHomestead Před 5 lety

      @@BrewCityGardener we will put it in one of our raised beds this fall. I'll have to go back and watch your planting video.

  • @OzarkMountainGoats
    @OzarkMountainGoats Před 5 lety

    Nice haul. We love garlic too!

    • @BrewCityGardener
      @BrewCityGardener Před 5 lety

      Thanks! If everything else goes belly up this year I can still say I got a great garlic harvest! That's good enough for me....haha

  • @pgnanofarm9776
    @pgnanofarm9776 Před 5 lety

    Beautiful harvest!

    • @BrewCityGardener
      @BrewCityGardener Před 5 lety

      Thanks, Linda!
      I'm so excited with the harvest this year. My best ever!

  • @PrairiePlantgirl
    @PrairiePlantgirl Před 5 lety +1

    That’s very nice looking garlic. I’ll be harvesting my very first crop of garlic this week. I’m so excited to see what it looks like. Thanks for the curing tips.


    Awesome crop!

    • @BrewCityGardener
      @BrewCityGardener Před 5 lety

      I'm the proud papa of about 75 big fat garlic bulbs. I couldn't be more proud!

  • @deeblakley7422
    @deeblakley7422 Před 5 lety

    Awesome harvest! My suggestion for your unoccupied space would be short maturity bush beans, beets (some for using the greens in salad and some for roasting after harvest - wonderful roasted in the oven with garlic and a little olive oil drizzled over them). If you have any extra tomato or pepper plants, you could try that also.

    • @BrewCityGardener
      @BrewCityGardener Před 5 lety +1

      I will have to see if I still have some golden beet seeds. I was never a big fan of the red variety. Good idea on the short season bush beans. All my tomatoes and peppers are spoken for but that's okay because I already have tons of those! LOL
      Thanks for the suggestions and for watching. I really appreciate that. Have a great week, Dee!

  • @EssayonsFG
    @EssayonsFG Před 5 lety

    Great harvest Oppe. Incredible results. I would not have expected this in straw but am continued to be surprised this season.

    • @BrewCityGardener
      @BrewCityGardener Před 5 lety +1

      Thank you!
      This is why I would recommend straw gardening to anyone. Especially newer gardeners. With a little bit of prep it's easy to grow anything really well.
      Thanks again and take care!

  • @TheNakidGardeners
    @TheNakidGardeners Před 5 lety

    great harvest on some garlic Oppe. You did a lot better than I did this year. Thanks for sharing. This year I will be getting some organic ones instead of the ones from Walmart

    • @BrewCityGardener
      @BrewCityGardener Před 5 lety +1

      Yeah, buying garlic from an actual vendor isn't cheap. However, I'm so glad I made the leap and picked up the variety I have been wanting for so long. The cool thing is I don't have to buy it ever again if I just keep replanting it every year.
      Thanks for watching!

  • @PlanetMojo
    @PlanetMojo Před 4 lety

    Love garlic! I need to try some next year!

    • @BrewCityGardener
      @BrewCityGardener Před 4 lety

      It's so easy. Just plop them onto the ground in mid October, cut the scapes in late spring and harvest a couple weeks later. It's very worth the effort!

  • @WhatWeDoChannel
    @WhatWeDoChannel Před 5 lety

    Great stuff! I picked mine on Saturday and it’s hanging in the shed to cure. You have a nice crop there. I grow a garlic in the porcelain group too, it has been my observation, that when I am selecting the bulbs that will be re sown, I choose from the bulbs with more cloves, it seems to encourage future cloves with more bulbs as well. I think I only harvested one three clove bulb this year, lots of fours and fives, even the occasional six.

    • @WhatWeDoChannel
      @WhatWeDoChannel Před 5 lety

      Oh I forgot to mention, I sowed Red Russian Kale and Kohlrabi to replace the garlic, they are both ready in about fifty days.

    • @BrewCityGardener
      @BrewCityGardener Před 5 lety

      Great! Thanks for the tip. Perhaps some experimentation is in order. I will plant some of the biggest bulbs and the bulbs with the most cloves and do a comparison.

    • @BrewCityGardener
      @BrewCityGardener Před 5 lety

      @@WhatWeDoChannel Perfect! That will give me time for a harvest and still be able to replant the garlic this fall!

  • @ourselfreliantlife
    @ourselfreliantlife Před 5 lety

    What an amazing harvest!
    That's crazy temperatures you have to deal with. The North and Central part of the state always gets hammered with harsh weather.

    • @BrewCityGardener
      @BrewCityGardener Před 5 lety

      I'm loving the harvest this year! My best ever.
      Yeah, those poor people are always getting the brunt of the storm. Lucky for us it seems that everything tends to break up as it gets closer to the lake. How are the temps down there?

  • @mudhuthomestead8545
    @mudhuthomestead8545 Před 5 lety

    Oppe - That is beautiful garlic! I've never had good luck with garlic here in Ohio. Perhaps I am using the wrong variety. I can smell your garlic from here! I'd plant brassicas there now.

    • @BrewCityGardener
      @BrewCityGardener Před 5 lety

      It's a wonderful smell. This is my best harvest yet. The combination of using a well known variety from a real vendor and planting in the straw was a winner for sure!
      I think you're right. Some short season brassicas is a good idea so I can harvest in time to open the spot up for my garlic this fall.

    • @mudhuthomestead8545
      @mudhuthomestead8545 Před 5 lety

      @@BrewCityGardener I have decided to turn my back lawn into a straw bale garden. Right now I've mowed it to the shortest setting (near bare ground). The lawn is so weed infested, it's not salvageable as a lawn. I was going to have to use a broad spectrum herbicide anyway and rather than replant grass seed, I'm going to try straw bale. I am not sure how to go about doing this. Is it too late to do a fall harvest or should I just work on killing everything and start in the Spring? Please advise. FYI, I don't use herbicides typically but this lawn is infested with Canadian thistle EVERYWHERE!

    • @BrewCityGardener
      @BrewCityGardener Před 5 lety

      If you don't mind using herbicides I would go for it. Spray then lay black plastic down to knock it all down until spring. I would hold off on the bale garden and start fresh early next spring. Check out my conditioning playlists to help you with getting set up. Don't be afraid to hit me up with any questions or issues you might have.
      Good luck!

  • @Citystead
    @Citystead Před 5 lety

    Nice garlic harvest! I grew some music garlic but Mr. Man pulled up all the markers so I don't remember what garlic was where, good year to plant 5 varieties 😄

    • @BrewCityGardener
      @BrewCityGardener Před 5 lety

      Oh nooo....lol.
      I know your pain. With 7 kids bopping around my garden everything has been messed up at some point. Luckily mine are getting old enough to know better now.