Behind the scenes Annie Leibovitz - Lady Dior - chapter 2: Lady Rouge with Marion Cotillard


Komentáře • 25

  • @miguelhp1
    @miguelhp1 Před 11 lety +4

    The difference? The best sense of composition, a masterful use of light, outstanding sense of proportions and visual strength.

  • @albert22022000
    @albert22022000 Před 12 lety +5

    Blaming the Camera for good or bad photos, is like blaming the Oven for good or bad food! - Knowing the Techniques, the light, and having your own mark in your photography, is the essentials.

  • @tontonremi
    @tontonremi Před 11 lety +1

    Annie put me up in her place on Laguna Street in San Francisco (1970-1971)

  • @kenchi08
    @kenchi08 Před 12 lety

    I've never seen a backstage video using a wireless transmitter on the camera. Looks so much fun and free, I'm gonna get one as soon as I can.

  • @dennisondennison
    @dennisondennison Před 12 lety +1

    @sethparr Annie uses 35mm digital also, as well as 6x7 film. She uses all sorts of cameras, if you read her books she talks about how she doesn't really care so much about the equipment. A canon 5d Mark2 has a 12 stop range anyway. It's all Annie- a photographer is captain of a ship. Her job is to make sure she has the right crew to get the job done. No photographer really works alone.

  • @AtanasTumbev
    @AtanasTumbev Před 12 lety +1

    If you notice Annie is using the same lighting setup on 90% of her work. Don't get me wrong I really love the look that she achieves everytime on every photo! It never gets boring to watch her pictures.

  • @mikihernandezd
    @mikihernandezd Před 13 lety

    Infinitamente bella!!

  • @b52user
    @b52user Před 13 lety +1

    @sethparr While having a 12 stop range is nice, it is not needed. If you can control the lighting (which she obviously is) then you can make the light fit in the dynamic range of the format you are shooting. And notice that she is shooting canon as well. She is shooting in the best format she can based shooting environment (low light, autofocus dificulties, ect). Besides, do you think a photograph is good because it has digital latitude or because it has impactful content and design?

  • @kenchi08
    @kenchi08 Před 12 lety +1

    @dennisondennison The 5D MkII has less than 8 stops. I agree, a better job is done when you work as a team, with your people and your client. That's what I'm looking for, to do my job and put in there my "art" with an amazed happy client and a check on his hand. I think every person can love art, everyone.

  • @dennisondennison
    @dennisondennison Před 12 lety

    @dennisondennison That said, she does have stunning Post-Production people.

  • @Everest21
    @Everest21 Před 12 lety

    @madhavzone It's a Photek Softlighter, guess the 46" model.

    @SONGLANGTHEMOVIE Před 13 lety

    @sethparr Totally agreed with you. Not taking anyway from her, but she def has a huge support of a team of amazing artists.

  • @SethParr
    @SethParr Před 14 lety

    I know Annie's an amazing photographer but I wonder what the difference between photographers would be when your shooting a $30,000 Digital Medium Format Camera with a 12 stop range. I also wonder how much of that shoot was really Annie as it looked like the people she worked with were amazing. Props to everyone especially the location scouters, model and amazing make-up artists.

  • @madhavzone
    @madhavzone Před 13 lety

    can anyone tell me what light she is using (the one that is hand-held on a octa type softbox )

  • @DennisonBertram
    @DennisonBertram Před 11 lety

    Most of the time Annie uses Canon's, she doesn't have a favorite format of camera. Look at her behind the scenes videos- you rarely see the medium format. Sometimes, but rarely.

  • @Riefenstahl7
    @Riefenstahl7 Před 12 lety

    @alexbusani alright, different taste :)

  • @iwantsquareballoons
    @iwantsquareballoons Před 12 lety +1

    @sethparr reputation

  • @Riefenstahl7
    @Riefenstahl7 Před 12 lety

    thought the model is beautiful for a while, when I see her without make ups, I screamed...

  • @cherrycoke0504
    @cherrycoke0504 Před 12 lety

    @sethparr One who knows all the vocab still can't write a book unless knowing how to arrange the words right? ;)

  • @SethParr
    @SethParr Před 13 lety

    I'll come out and say it Annie is amazing but I lost respect for her when she claimed Paolo Pizzetti's work as her own.
    I'll agree a 12 stop range is not needed for a controlled environment but rather an understanding and then an ability to manipulate light in addition to content and design is at the forefront for any good photographer, but my question still stands, I wonder what the difference would be?
    Personally Annie is amazing but her crew is better.

  • @soilgrasswaterair
    @soilgrasswaterair Před 9 lety

    Mais qui *whissle*

  • @engelwyre
    @engelwyre Před 10 lety +2

    I'm a Leibovitz fan, but the throng of onlookers/assistants looks rather aggravating. These BTS videos make it seem that she just shows up and presses the shutter release.

    • @soilgrasswaterair
      @soilgrasswaterair Před 9 lety +2

      Well she kinda does in a way, but I think the idea is hers but the camera stuff is not her stuff anymore since she is a star and can´t be running around looking for the right camera since time is precious. The higher up you get the less you do yourself. It´s called success ;)

  •  Před 9 lety +2

    Yeah, everything is top notch, awesome, amazing, etc. But what about that production value?
    Put her in MY shoes, shooting low end models (in some cases, not even models), low end locations, low end production value, and let's see how great the shots will come out.
    People forget these masters are about as awesome as the production they have at their hands.
    I know, I know, she's there for a little thing called success, I know. But every once in a while, I'd like to see these masters being tested. Put them in my shoes, or any other low end photographer's shoes, with zero production value and let's see what really happens.
    Let's see what is actually real talent, and what is just expensive production value.

  • @b52user
    @b52user Před 13 lety

    @sethparr While having a 12 stop range is nice, it is not needed. If you can control the lighting (which she obviously is) then you can make the light fit in the dynamic range of the format you are shooting. And notice that she is shooting canon as well. She is shooting in the best format she can based shooting environment (low light, autofocus dificulties, ect). Besides, do you think a photograph is good because it has digital latitude or because it has impactful content and design?