The Aids Epidemic that Ravaged San Francisco

  • čas přidán 30. 04. 2023
  • AIDS - 1985
    A two part report on the medical world's most urgent disease-control challenge and the fear it engenders.
    In San Francisco, close cooperation between public health authorities and the gay community offers the best hope for containing the spread of AIDS.
    Presenter: Andrew Olle
    Producer: George Pugh
    Executive Reporter: Jonathan Holmes

Komentáře • 47

  • @kathyullah1619
    @kathyullah1619 Před 17 dny +8

    These Documentarys shoukd be shown in High Schools ,Still Need in Educating of this

  • @Mr.Majestic77
    @Mr.Majestic77 Před 16 dny +15

    Unfortunately, from the 1960s through the early 1970s, was the time period when communities in major cities (i.e. San Francisco, New York City, etc) in the United States, started HIV serio-convertions due to MSM unprotected anal sex or IV drug use.
    If you do the math, the first group cases of AIDS was documented in the late 1970s (1977-1979) through the early 1980s (1980-1983). The incubation from intial HIV exposure without PEP to HIV infection, and years without taking HIV medications to the progress to AIDS is 10 to 15 years. So, unfortunately for those first large clusters of AIDS cases in the early 1980s, actually serio-converted HIV positive in the early 1970s. Essentially those who walked into age of free sex in 1970s was walking into death trap, without even knowing it. The "party" was over before it started.
    Although, Robert Raymond (African-American Missouri teenager) was the victim of first confirmed case of HIV/AIDS in North America, who died on May 15, 1969 at the Barnes-Jewish Hospital, in St. Louis, Missouri, there were also two unusual deaths which doctors later reported in New York ( as well in the U.K), in 1959. Also, an additional case in the U.K. (David Carr) was believed to be HIV positive.
    There is also a theory that the 1959 oral polio vaccination test by Hilary Korprowski in Africa (Congo and Lake Victoria region) may have accidentally cros contaminated with HIV. In fact, there were conference records, research papers, and even a quote from another scientist warning in 1959 that Koprowski' oral polio vaccine was contaminated with an "unknown monkey virus".
    HIV-1 possibly crossed over to humans around 1908, at the time the Congo was a Belgian colony with devastating human rights abuses, and possibly some of the people of Congo engaging in the use of chimpanzee bushmeat.
    Fast forward to the late 1970s, Michael Worobey, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Arizona, spent years tracking down blood samples taken prior to the key year of *1981* , the start of the HIV epidemic in North America, and tracked down pror-1981 blood samples. He found that those samples contaminated signs of HIV-1. He and his colleagues stumbled upon two Hepatitis B virus studies from *1978 to 1979* , with one sample in New York and one sample in San Francisco, collected from gay men, which those samples were found to be positive for HIV-1.
    The virus that started the HIV epidemic in the United States may have moved from the Caribbean to the United States in the 1960s.

    • @MsNooneinparticular
      @MsNooneinparticular Před dnem +1

      Yes indeed. It was in NYC in 1970, in Haiti in the '60s and the Congo way back in the early 20th Century. IV drug addicts in the U.S. were actually thought to be the REAL first affected population, but they were homeless street-dwellers dying of "the dwindles" and "junkie pneumonia" & often non-white so nobody noticed or cared. Haiti's filthy blood donation practices--and the U.S's non-existent hygiene standards regarding blood donations (which still exist today)--allowed it to enter this country through the blood supply during Papa Doc's Duvalier's heyday. Serial passage via reused syringes definitely could've helped it jump species and transform from the relatively harmless SIV to HIV in S. Africa's early vaccine campaigns :(

    • @Iamhermajesty9
      @Iamhermajesty9 Před 4 hodinami

      Wow so we can blame king Leopold for aids as well

  • @adrianh332
    @adrianh332 Před 6 měsíci +21

    As bad as the epidemic in San Francisco was it pales in comparison to the epidemic in New York. People were coming down with AIDS from about 1976 onwards although no one knew what it was. San Fransisco was affected badly New York was absolutely decimated.

    • @richardmcgraw6881
      @richardmcgraw6881 Před 16 dny

      it decimated millions everywhere.
      it is a sad reality that more of the younger generations need to see in order to realize this disease is not over. there is still no cure.!

    • @davidsouthwood5106
      @davidsouthwood5106 Před 2 dny

      America invented aids

    • @davidsouthwood5106
      @davidsouthwood5106 Před 2 dny

      In today world aids dont kill only money dose

  • @Perfectpearl
    @Perfectpearl Před 6 dny +2

    “On the positive side….@
    Great pun 😂

  • @Perfectpearl
    @Perfectpearl Před 6 dny +1

    I was 5 when this documentary was made

  • @taylorburtis
    @taylorburtis Před 20 dny +3

    Rest In peace Russell Hanley. I couldn’t imagine being sexually active in the gay community in the 80’s/ early 90’s.

  • @Perfectpearl
    @Perfectpearl Před 6 dny +1

    I read about that.

  • @Perfectpearl
    @Perfectpearl Před 6 dny +1

    Yeah right

  • @themanhattanproject2471
    @themanhattanproject2471 Před 15 dny +2

    Omg the song in this movie, "TELL ME WHYYYYYYYY TELL ME WHYYYYYY!' drove me crazy 😂

  • @Perfectpearl
    @Perfectpearl Před 6 dny +1

    Update on Russell’s partner?

  • @user-vp4qw3ei5s
    @user-vp4qw3ei5s Před 11 dny

    Мы с мамой недавно поймали ВИЧ,я не родился с ним,мама вышла замуж за богатого,моя мама гадалка,он приходил погадать и как-то полюили друг друга,а у меня всё проще сейчас все девочки гулящие,и то что у них дети и то что они тихие и скромные-это не показатель.Как мама узнала на нервной почве у неё начался гипертонический криз,её забрали в больницу,дома мы не могли ничего сделать.У нас в России в маленьком городе к таким как мы боятся даже подойти.В больших городах ничего.Мы на 2города живём.Мы смогли это принять.Хотя и среди артистов это есть,но наши артисты не лечились умерли,и это в наши дни,боялись работу потерять.Я знаю,что Чарли Шин тоже ВИЧ инфецирован и всё с ним в порядке.Нужно лечиться и всё будет хорошо.

  • @TheDoorWayToHell
    @TheDoorWayToHell Před 6 měsíci +3

    21:09 so true.

  • @chrissimpson6701
    @chrissimpson6701 Před 22 dny +4

    SIN- Romans 6:23, Leviticus 18:22; I Corinthians 6:9.

    • @danielhooper502
      @danielhooper502 Před 20 dny

      Those are later translations you fool

    • @_letstartariot
      @_letstartariot Před 20 dny +3

      No one cares

    • @kimberlykuehl9461
      @kimberlykuehl9461 Před 17 dny +7

      In God’s eyes, one sin is equal to any other sin, they carry the same weight. One of the things Jesus was clearest about was the sinfulness of judging others. Based off your comment, I think you have plenty of your own sins to worry about and need not be concerned with anyone else. There is “reading the Bible” and there is “understanding the Bible”. I would suggest people concern themselves with understanding the words they so carelessly fling at others.

    • @richardmcgraw6881
      @richardmcgraw6881 Před 16 dny +4

      stop putting religion into this. we have a Provident God who loves everyone. ❤ we need less hate and condemnation in the 🌎 this religious ingrained hatred is what causes homophobia and fear of patients. christ walked with the lepers, and he loved them.

    • @richardmcgraw6881
      @richardmcgraw6881 Před 16 dny

      ​@kimberlykuehl9461 exactly 💯

  • @adamwalker2377
    @adamwalker2377 Před 6 měsíci

    40:18 are you sure that's not what happened?
    "Homophobia" is just a clever way of "He/she is joining all of human history in not condoning my lifestyle, and I'm too committed to it to let that much evidence give me pause".
    It's a solipsistic coping mechanism for repressed guilt.

    • @WasFakestCenturyAesthetics
      @WasFakestCenturyAesthetics Před měsícem +1

      Didn't your parents pay someone to cut the most sensitive parts of your penis off when you were born?

    • @WasFakestCenturyAesthetics
      @WasFakestCenturyAesthetics Před měsícem +4

      I guess mass heterosexual infanticide is another one of those "all of human history" things

    • @danielhooper502
      @danielhooper502 Před 20 dny

      No, homophobia is where people hate and are disgusted by gay people, where there is nothing wrong or disgusting about being gay

    • @_letstartariot
      @_letstartariot Před 20 dny

      All of human history? There were MANY times across all societies where homosexuality was normal. It’s also normal in all other animal species. Humans are the only species where a select group in modern history have decided that what other people do with their bodies is some how relevant to them. Mind your own business and quit thinking about other people having sex all the time, it’s weird.

    • @th8257
      @th8257 Před 11 dny

      What a weird, warped comment. You're also clearly ignorant of human history. Many cultures in the past were accepting of homosexuality. But I suppose hatred makes people ignorant.

  • @garethfieldstead7547
    @garethfieldstead7547 Před 2 měsíci +4

    Self inflicted.

    • @KatherineSparkes
      @KatherineSparkes Před měsícem

      **** *** **** ** ****. ***** *** ******.

    • @_letstartariot
      @_letstartariot Před měsícem +9

      No, it wasn’t. A pathogen does not care how it is spread. And this one does not show its face sometimes until a decade later. Have so god damn empathy ffs.

    • @wannabebluestocking
      @wannabebluestocking Před 21 dnem +7

      Tell that to the individuals who obtained it through Factor VIII and other medical procedures.

    • @TheSpice26
      @TheSpice26 Před 17 dny +8

      That’s a disgusting attitude

    • @joachim5080
      @joachim5080 Před 11 dny +1

      And even if self inflicted ! Humans should still help humans. And besides that, the progress achieved by aids research now helps other parts of medicine (eg virology in general and vaccine research) which everyone benefits from