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  • @haroldwilson950
    @haroldwilson950 Před 2 měsíci +10

    An introduction and warning...Trying to describe Grace's music is like trying to load mercury into the back of a pickup truck with a pitchfork...How does one even adequately describe her subtle, near transcendent music with mere gross material words? I'll give it my best shot here though. The real secret is to first realize, that the source of her music she's been gifted with, has the ability to peel away layer after layer of cosmic crud that's been gathered lifetime after lifetime, from time immemorial, right off of one's heart. My words I write here and there, are only mere primary level instruction manuals to implore one and all, to simply listen not just with your ears, but with your whole heart, where/when inexorably, time after time, song after song, she will blissfully uncover the near inner core of one's heart and soul...Her unearthly beautiful ethereal voice and music rival Die Lorelei herself,calling out for her lost Knight...So let us now start our journey, with Grace's first foray during her 'Pink Period Sesh' songs from an IG video, which will enchant us all with her quasi-Divine voice and really cool outer space music....Those of you who know of Picasso, well he went and had his chance with his rather mundane 'Blue Period Sesh'. Sacre Bleu? Mon Dieu! Oh I do not think soooo! NO! Well these IG posted songs and accompanying dialogue are actually the start of what I call Grace's 'Pink Period Sesh'; where she dyed her hair pink. And I can truthfully say that I never copped much of a buzz off of Picasso's stinky ol' Blue Sesh', but I can with utmost certainty state, that I damn well got a really huuuge, near transcendent buzz from Grace's 'Pink Period Sesh' stuff! Funny thing here, I'd completely forgotten about the first song on this IG video. And now, waaay up here, in the high and lofty Ivory Tower; the inner sanctum sanctorum of our fine host, Mr The Bean Pot's site. Its where I get to say EXACTLY what I REALLY think about this lovely little session by our wonderful 'Heavenly Singer in Residence' here on Planet Earth! WELL now (stated with much aplomb and bombast)...This first song streaks like a massive Comet above our earthy sky, across and on up to that Sky beyond our sky.........💫✨🕉.......To a really, really nifty place, where Grace just simply as easy as pie, scoops up a big mystical, magical bucketful of stardust music, which is lying around like everywhere y'know, and then she sprinkles that magical-mystical stardust musical stuff allll over the place like anything...As it eventually drifts dreamily down for our mortal ears to relish!🤗And this first song? Wow! It gives us the ethereal mood for songs to follow. Now the second song here she sings, she says: "It's lit!". Dayum straight it's lit folks, because with that second mystical magic bucketful of musical Stardust she scoops up, she flings it waaaaay on up high into the night sky there in Demi-God land, where it just gathers even MORE mystical magical mo-jay-oh from all of the other Heavenly Stars...Then that 2nd song too, it also drifts dreamily on down to us all here on Planet Earth to enjoy, where we're all stuck in our mortal, mealy-mouthed material-corporeal meat sacks...Well right about now, I am as com-puh-leete-ly be-dazzled as she obviously is!!! And anybody who is NOT similarly dazzled, well they should just go ahead and stick their stupid head in a regular old type wooden dumb-bucket back down here on crummy old Planet Earth, and simply whimper piteously, like the tasteless wimps they truly are! And ANYbody, ohhh, do NOT even TRY to argue with me here about my claim that her music comes from faaar above! This music is mos'-def', NOT from around here, NO! And I'm willing to duke it out with y'all, the whole lot of ya', if you think otherwise! Oh, just bring it ONNNN!!! A big can o' whup-ass be ah' waitin' for ya' from this Musically minded Warrior Monk. Well, now that you know the score here, we can move along to her third song here, 'The Toy Piano Song' (sans Piano of course, lol). It's called, 'Don't Ruin The Movie'...So don't ruin the 'effin' movie, and very easily, simply remove yourself from the 'snarf side of the dorks', and agree with me, that she's like totally ripping it here with more music from 'Up There' somewhere high. And O M G! she does it sooo masterfully and with so much glee; and does it all with nothing more than a 'Garage Band' computer generated home studio system, I mean come ONNN! And the way she talks about picturing entire movies playing out in her head? Oh I'll just bet she does! Well by now I'm simply a blathering idiot, lacking any more words to describe where these first three songs have taken me, and I simply can't continue any further...Because....Well just follow the freaking yellow brick road there yourself, and with an open heart realize that Grace tay-ohhh-tally raaawks it; from the Sky beyond the sky! So, puh-eeease, 'DON'T Assume What You Don't Know' (Yet)!!! She also mentions that she doesn't know if she's really supposed to be releasing these songs, lol. That's Our Grace, she don't play by the rules of the game. And me thinks that she had waaaay to much fun here too, lol.

    • @haroldwilson950
      @haroldwilson950 Před 2 měsíci +5

      @@thebeanpot- Grace was indeed a beacon of light during those dark days of Covid. And she's still shining bright.

    • @juliuspekar7620
      @juliuspekar7620 Před 2 měsíci +6

      Just think, i wouldn't of had the pleasure of reading your words. Thanks to Grace & technology . This one is a perfect work of art. No dragging out or repeating issues. I like it when you don't hold back. When i write some thing i make a rough draft with 5 or 6 versions of each sentence. Some thing the sisze of you comment would take me a long time to word it right. Even still i would use twice as many words, saying less than half, compared to you. From the heart "i love your words" . i have already read this one 4 times. Your word play is easy to get, understand. There is a whole new kind of "joy" that i only get while reading your words

    • @haroldwilson950
      @haroldwilson950 Před 2 měsíci +3

      @@juliuspekar7620 Well bust my buttons there Julius! Thank you so much. It's so exciting, and actually therapeutic, lol, to write about Grace. Have a Grace-full day my fellow Graceverse Traveler!

  • @robertoriskealmeida9153
    @robertoriskealmeida9153 Před 2 měsíci

    Thank you The Bean Pot, your work is remarkable. Grace is a musical reference, in the last decade few artists have so much personality when writing and the ability to extend the composition to melody. A magical touch of seeing with the heart and translating with the soul, her work is beautiful, she is incredible!
    "Success always"!!!

  • @barbaracastille2149
    @barbaracastille2149 Před 2 měsíci +1

    I wonder if she’s circled around to these songs for the album being they were gonna be for LV2? I doubt it and I have a feeling the album will contain material we’ve never heard before. Exciting times y’all. This livestream was one of the best.

    • @haroldwilson950
      @haroldwilson950 Před 2 měsíci +1

      👋🫶 It is getting exciting! i'd settle for her developing even just one song here, 'Don't Ruin The Movie'.🤗

    • @barbaracastille2149
      @barbaracastille2149 Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@haroldwilson950 I hear you and to be fair she did release DAWYDK.

    • @haroldwilson950
      @haroldwilson950 Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@barbaracastille2149 Yep, she surely did 'rocket' it with 'DAWYDK"! And I really liked it a lot... But that little toy piano song, 'Don't Ruin The Movie' just stole my heart completely. Isn't it wonderful that she was so gleefully happy about making all these songs? 🤗She was simply over the moon happy here............................... 🌛

    • @barbaracastille2149
      @barbaracastille2149 Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@haroldwilson950 indeed as is I !

    • @haroldwilson950
      @haroldwilson950 Před 2 měsíci

      @@barbaracastille2149 🫶

  • @juliuspekar7620
    @juliuspekar7620 Před 2 měsíci +2

    "The Bean Pot" thank you for putting the time and effort. I know it's not an easy thing to do. since i'm new to it all (little over a year ago) your collection is helping me to sort everything out. I'm taking my time getting caught up, thank god these young folks are comfortable being recorded for the world to see. I sometimes get that shocking feeling when i think, if we didn't have this technology i wouldn't get to view footage of the first 7 years. There is plenty to view. I'm trying to stick to viewing by age. WOW she has done so much in such a short time. She already has as many if not more "good" songs than what Prince put out. But that's just my opinion, opinion of "the only true Prince fan". I have 104 songs in my list now, & the lyrics to almost 80 of them

  • @juliuspekar7620
    @juliuspekar7620 Před 2 měsíci +1

    oh man it's so great to hear how happy she is with her work (DAWYDK). even though i can hear lot of self doubt

  • @haroldwilson950
    @haroldwilson950 Před 2 měsíci +3

    My Dear Mr. The Bean Pot...Sir! Just before I took rest last night I read your comment about Grace and covid, and about how this video was a little historical snapshot of those truly dark times...I replied with a short, and somewhat generic response to you, because if I would have started writing, I would've got so jacked up that I wouldn't have been able to get to sleep! Soooo, now I have time to say what I'd like to say to you about posting this wonderfully stitched together pastiche of song and cherry-picked narrative dialogue. I think you did a truly spectacular job on this Sir! This beginning of Grace's 'Pink Period Sesh' came well before I started commenting on any social media platform or on even any of her songs...For 6 very long years, I was just gathering information and staying away from all of the 'squabblers';it was all I could do to hold myself back. This beginning of Grace's 'pink' time was also when she was still back at her tree house, just before she went to that horrible Super-Max Prison, Interlocken. Ugh! I'm actually quite glad I wasn't commenting on any social media platforms, as it wouldn't have been a very pretty thing to see/read. No, it would have been decidedly ugly what I had to say about that horriffic place! Anyways, I don't want to take up too much of your time, so I'll wrap it up here...From the very first time I ever saw Grace perform on AGT with 'I don't know my name', I somehow was certain, that soon, I just knew that I was going to be able to participate somehow in a 'living history', instead of just studying dry old moldy stuff that happened in the past. So I just doubled down, blocked out all of the covid happy horseshit that was plastered all over the media...And I waited... During these dark covid times, as I've said, I just kept my mouth shut, and simply avoided all social contacts, went full on 'Mad Monk((key), 🕉and just kept spelunking on down the rabbit hole of the Graceverse...And Grace Vanderwaal was indeed, the light I used to navigate my way...Then she ratcheted it up a notch during her pink period sesh', with her 'Nasty Bathroom' Sessions... But that's another story for another day Sir. I want to thank you once again for inviting me here to make yet one more 'brief' commentary😅. I consider it a semi-Divine privilege to blather away here on your truly historical cataloging of Grace's music. I remain Sir, sincerely yours, 'Sky Herald', your aspiring to be humble servant from the Sky beyond the sky. ....................🙏💫✨💖

    • @thebeanpot-
      @thebeanpot- Před 2 měsíci

      Mr. Wilson, the storm has passed and all the apples are on the trees. I found what I was looking for.

    • @haroldwilson950
      @haroldwilson950 Před 2 měsíci

      @@thebeanpot-Well I'm glad the storm has passed Sir. As far as my being able to stop my blathering, I don't think that's going to be happening anytime very soon. And just in case the storm does come back, my so-called merry band of discord gangsters and misfits and I want to make sure that you have a backup plan: I sent you a link for a Google file, but as usual, the dreaded YT algorithms prevented it from getting through to you on your site.

    • @haroldwilson950
      @haroldwilson950 Před 2 měsíci

      @@thebeanpot- drive.google.com/file/d/1tQPV3f0G7makLAh3-5s75mEOaF_LQZC6/view

    • @haroldwilson950
      @haroldwilson950 Před 2 měsíci

      @@thebeanpot- drive.google.com/file/d/1tQPV3f0G7makLAh3-5s75mEOaF_LQZC6/view

    • @thebeanpot-
      @thebeanpot- Před 2 měsíci

      @@haroldwilson950 Thank you Mr. Wilson. You're effort is always well appreciated. Never stop your blathering, Mr. Wilson. You're fans base is growing, and much adored. You're smack dab, knee deep in this history thread, Mnemosyne.