“Making A Murder”-The Reporters Who Covered Steven Avery - Full Discussion

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024
  • The documentary series “Making A Murder” suggests that Wisconsin police may have framed Steven Avery for murder. On Monday, three of the reporters who covered Avery and his trial talked about what they saw in the courtroom and how it compares to the popular Netflix series.
    The Minnesota Society of Professional Journalists hosted the conversation in Minneapolis.
    Here is the Minnesota SPJ’s description of the panel.
    The panelists:
    Tom Kertscher is a PolitiFact Wisconsin reporter for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. He has covered the Steven Avery case since breaking the story in 2003 that new DNA evidence would exonerate Avery of a sexual assault after 18 years in prison. Kertscher, who has more than 30 years of reporting experience, also covered Avery’s 2007 murder trial.
    As a reporter for WLUK-TV in Green Bay, Jay Olstad interviewed Avery several times and covered his exoneration and release from prison in 2003, as well as family and community reaction during Avery’s murder trial in 2007. He is a reporter at KARE-TV.
    Jessica Olstad worked at WLUK-TV’s Fox Valley bureau from 2005 to 2007, when she went by the name Lauren Cook. She was one of the lead reporters who covered the Avery and Dassey cases and trials. Her interview with Ken Peterson, outgoing Manitowoc County Sheriff at the time of Halbach’s murder, was featured in “Making a Murderer.” She is now an account director at Kohnstamm Communications.

Komentáře • 94

  • @freedomofspeech5646
    @freedomofspeech5646 Před 8 lety +10

    To Tom: How is it you feel Steven had "more presumption of innocence" than someone else that might be in court ( as you stated "due to his previous exoneration") when in fact TONS of people were still obviously labeling him a rapist for that 1985 incident during the murder trial? And 2nd, how the hell do you feel he had ANY presumption of innocence AFTER Kratz's PRESS CONFERENCE that children were advised NOT to watch.. a statement from a prosecutor that was from a BEYOND questionable confession AT BEST.. AND BEFORE a trial??? Frankly no matter whether Kratz, you or anyone else felt he was reading this from "public record" or not, public "record" is not shoved down our throat on the 5:00 news! AND Kratz's statement was a theatrical despicable narrative of what HE edited, cropped, clipped and pieced together for his press conference the way HE wanted it to exploit THE PEOPLE... NOT from PROVEN evidence that supported HIS narrative; which hadn't even had a chance for rebuttal or hearing from a jury OMG!! Jus sayin

    • @cateellington4081
      @cateellington4081 Před 8 lety

      Trying to talk to Kerschner does no good. He comes from a place of deep arrogance. He still thinks Kratz' did nothing wrong in that ugly and IMO beyond misconduct press conference. In the documentary - you clearly see TK smirking and implicitly agreeing every time Kratz said some arrogant comment. Why? Becs TK recognizes a kindred spirit and becs of that sided with Kratz early on. Fact.

  • @jeffhovey1810
    @jeffhovey1810 Před 8 lety +6

    People should ask why would Steven Avery commit murder!! The answer is simple. He wouldn't commit murder. He was set to win a lawsuit for 36M.

    • @KodiAndroidTV
      @KodiAndroidTV Před 8 lety +1

      plus he had a car crusher

    • @milart12
      @milart12 Před 6 lety

      This is nonsense . The 36M number was plucked out of thin air by his attorneys. They multiplied the number of years that he was incarcerated by 2 and came up with 36M. These cases are very difficult to win. The settlement that he received was in line with what he was likely to receive .

  • @freedomofspeech5646
    @freedomofspeech5646 Před 8 lety +5

    To Jess, the female reporter in this video ... THANK YOU for being the one to remember Teresa in this!! I too, every time I see or hear of a RAV4 instantly think of Teresa Hallbach! Sadly, my comments must include this question... do you find Steven guilty? The true reason I ask is because you stated in your intro that the RAV4 reminds you of Teresa AND "UNFORTUNATELY Steven"... I find that to be somewhat subjective and offensive as you were NOT the jury and is it really fair that he be tried by the court of "media" opinion by the "tone alone" of that statement? Thank you again for remembering Teresa in all this!! I agree she deserves more remembrance than anyone in this; may she RIP and I pray her family find peace as I too have lost a child and its devastating! I ONLY ask that you, however, please advise as to my question above so that I can have "your" answer and NOT be forced to have only speculation as to what you meant by such a tone in your comment "unfortunately" ... considering Bobby and Scott Tadych BOTH had the same access to that salvage yard as Steven AND could have easily narrated, threatened, coerced Brendan's confession against Steven and caused his fears, weight loss and tears! JMHO

    • @freedomofspeech5646
      @freedomofspeech5646 Před 8 lety +2

      Actually, Same question goes out to ALL of the reporters in this video... "did he do it"? REALLY? $36 million is not motive? Bobby quite likely "could" have just as easily been the LAST to see Teresa; as he was peering out his window watching her? Was found to have scratch marks on his back (which he states was from a puppy?)? What about what the Jury (public and media) was NOT ALLOWED to hear by the defense due to the Denny motion Kratz called to be put into motion and was then ordered by the Judge and Kriatz VERY successfully used MANY objections to enforce this Denny clause!!! PLEASE!!!! Give your American people some credit! WE HAVE done our best to look at the evidence and reports that had been "forced " to be PURCHASED from the county, records that SHOULD BE public record!! Hours and hours of studying depositions, court transcripts, photo's, interviews, etc!! OMG give your fellow Americans a little credit! AND for those that DONT research! What about what the MEDIA feeds people? Jus sayin

    • @freedomofspeech5646
      @freedomofspeech5646 Před 8 lety +3

      Please don't forget also to INFORM the people that Teresa's brother Tim, acting as family attorney, brought a lawsuit against Steven for wrongful death (unspecified amount) BEFORE he even settled for the $400K in hopes to retain legal coucil; AND LONG BEFORE Steven went to trial... so he was considered guilty before any presumption of innocence??? --- theinspiringdad.com/buting-and-strang/ --- Tim also filed a motion rebutting Steven's right to a new venue for a fair trial (unprejudiced jury)... --- www.stevenaverycase.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Affidavit-of-Tim-Halbach-Re-Defendants-Motion-for-Change-of-Venue.pdf

  • @Jms4448
    @Jms4448 Před 8 lety +12

    also the abuse of power w in the justice department is a large problem. the gentleman in the audience brought up an excellent point. the general public is taught and assumes there isn't any corruption and the police are always the good guys. this misconception allows a huge blind spot for corruption to take place. when nobody is watching anything and everything w in your power becomes fair game.

    • @cateellington4081
      @cateellington4081 Před 8 lety +4

      Exactly! And with journalists like these ppl - who are SUPPOSED to be smart enough to at least report on the problems- (but instead just took Valium I guess) and made assumptions Avery & Dassey were guilty until proven innocent- we are never going to get an accurate picture of corruption at the top. (Top being a relative term.) I'm convinced that these ppl are really pissed off and spitting mad that Making A Murder exposed their incompetence as well and that's why they're committed to bolstering the prosecution committed by a self admitted narcissist, stalker and predator of vulnerable women. Who DOES that??!?
      People with a self interest that's who.

    • @mojorising0071950
      @mojorising0071950 Před 8 lety +5

      you may not get an accurate picture of corruption at the top, but rest assured that it exists at all levels of law enforcement and judiciary, and the thing to remember is that what happened to Avery could happen to anyone out there, or your child, or brother, or to you. something to think about.

    • @whatdoiknow2856
      @whatdoiknow2856 Před 7 lety +2

      I say this all the time.

  • @TheCorrectionist1984
    @TheCorrectionist1984 Před 5 lety +2

    Funny to look at the comment section and see people who think they know more about the case than these people.

  • @sonlover62
    @sonlover62 Před 8 lety +3

    ....So, Jess (and Tom). If you are not willing to share your OPINION as to guilt or innocence, why are we listening to you? And with that, I end my time watching this video.

  • @cateellington4081
    @cateellington4081 Před 8 lety +8

    The Averys did not turn down all media interviews lady. Maybe yours and his but not all as we hv seen them. But once SA was arrested- of course a good lawyer is going to tell his client not to speak to media.
    And I don't blame them for not anyway. The media and town were horrible to the Averys. Looking down on them and treating them as if they were trash. Even poor uneducated ppl pick up on ppl looking down on them.

    • @whatdoiknow2856
      @whatdoiknow2856 Před 7 lety +1

      Great point. How about bitch from the Associated Press in episode 4. Asking Steven if he things Brendan is smart then saying he's sending Brendan a threat. They can turn an apple into an orange.

    • @Mistyeyes321
      @Mistyeyes321 Před 7 lety +1

      Yes very telling the way she did that sly bint,
      This first guy is also the one strang put in his place regarding the brendan dassy comment.
      I wouldn't put any value in anything these parasites say or do, They lost their credibility as journalist many years ago. Shame on them at one time the press searched for the truth no matter what?
      Not any longer!

    • @exoxoe7128
      @exoxoe7128 Před 3 lety

      CateEllington supports the murder of woman YIKES!

  • @cateellington4081
    @cateellington4081 Před 8 lety +11

    How about critiquing the fact that the POLICE who are SUPPOSED to investigate the victim's background i.e. Relationships - and see whether anyone might hv had a motive to harm her??
    That's why the filmmakers could NOT talk abt Teresa much because the investigation was nil and void of any investigation into her life her troubles- the ex BF who has domestic violence issues- her erased voicemails. It goes on and on and on. But the hosts and interviewees here completely miss the point and just want to blame the filmmakers. Limited intelligence is what u have here on this panel.

    • @krmccarrell
      @krmccarrell Před 8 lety +1

      What about the impotent Judge??? Does anyone know much about him? Do you all think he knows about a little thing called "mistrial" ?? He had numerous opportunities to rule mistrial, yes? Perhaps he was working on his book while he was on the bench, as well as Ken Kratz (sp).

    • @krmccarrell
      @krmccarrell Před 8 lety +1

      They were all making money at Avery's expense.

  • @whatdoiknow2856
    @whatdoiknow2856 Před 7 lety +5

    2 things I tell everybody. Ask for a lawyer and NEVER!!!!!!!!!! TALK TO THE PRESS!!!!!!!!!!

  • @darksideofthemoon2348
    @darksideofthemoon2348 Před měsícem +1

    Steven Avery is guilty 💯

  • @electricfireplace5071
    @electricfireplace5071 Před 8 lety +6

    Nope. The question wasn't and is not "did he do it?".
    The question was and still is "are we beyond reasonable doubt?".
    We aren't and so shouldn't have been the jurors.
    Kratz didn't prove anything beyond reasonable doubt and SA lawyers put holes all over his false case. That's what the jury should have realized.

  • @PechilvrsPreciousPeepsNursery

    Explain her last stop then? New Attorney's will clear up these questions! There was plenty questionable ...beginning with The 2 cops who were deposed....allowed on the property and the family of the victim....who can put DNA on scene? Why was her bloody hair found in the car...months later in less than 30 minutes??? Why would he kill a lady who provided income to the family? He was in love with his girlfriend why would he need to rape a woman? Why didn't he crush the car? Why wasn't 1 iota of the dead woman's DNA found anywhere inside the trailer? Only on a bullet but allegedly shot 2-11times ? Why would 7 jurors flip their minds in 1 day after the strong juror was replaced? So many questions?? These reporters can't answer!

  • @freedomofspeech5646
    @freedomofspeech5646 Před 8 lety +2

    I would like to give the reporter to the far right (Jess' husband, I guess? She should strive to be more like him!) the absolute best score in this video for being objective on this case for the most part AND also on GOOD journalism/reporter ethics!! We NEED reporters that are willing to get facts and STATE them on rebuttal BY MEDIA in the same format that they cover LIVE, if needed and proven by court records!

    • @peggyfincher1135
      @peggyfincher1135 Před 8 lety

      +freedomofspeech Yes all the court records/documents are online now, calls, to and from ppl, jail, officers, investigators, full length vids of the interrogations, PHOTOS, all collected evidence. all this stuff brings so much more to light for us as viewers, this documentary is incredible and exposes much more than any one wants to know in Manitowoc !

  • @cateellington4081
    @cateellington4081 Před 8 lety +3

    You lady are not an expert either. And plenty of experts - legal experts- HAVE spoken out and disagree with you.

  • @adelevisser8579
    @adelevisser8579 Před rokem +1

    Making and getting money 💰🤑💰 its sick that they dont care ......AND YES STEVEN IS NOT GUILTY I THINK....

  • @cateellington4081
    @cateellington4081 Před 8 lety +4

    Why did I know before I even started this that everyone of them was going to throw the doc & SA --under the bus? DUH.

  • @cateellington4081
    @cateellington4081 Před 8 lety +1

    There to serve and protect!!! Shame on MCS

  • @cateellington4081
    @cateellington4081 Před 8 lety +2

    "If the filmmakers had embedded themselves with the victim's family- you would hv gotten a very different feel.
    From my understanding- the victim's family wasn't there at time when prosecutors allege Avery killed her. And since the documentary was about the criminal justice SYSTEM- the Halbach family would hv had no relevant input into their purpose. To continually bring up T Halbach and family - as if- if u are outraged at what happened TO Avery- this somehow means you don't CARE about the victim's - Is a cheap disingenuous low blow and an effort to enflame ppl against Avery. IMO Teresa actually is largely the story but it's the police, sherrif and prosecutors who are to blame if Teresa is being overlooked. I'm firmly convinced they did not care about going after who killed her- they USED her death to solve a personal problem THEY had.
    And the Halbachs are being used and don't even know it. Because what family could comprehend such jaded despicable actions by those who are -

  • @cateellington4081
    @cateellington4081 Před 8 lety +1

    Let's all say it together now:
    Is ANY1 now surprised the lady 'previous reporter' didn't know anything about that horrific Brendan Dassey interview?? Nooooooo!

  • @Fonzie223
    @Fonzie223 Před 8 lety +3

    It's very important for people to understand that the prosecuter refused to work with the documentary and chose to opt for press conferences and stories for the media. The crew for the documentary for making a murder was trying to provoke and expose the legal system not just represent one side.

  • @Oceanschild01
    @Oceanschild01 Před 5 lety

    All I hear is blah blah blah. Lots of words but no substance and an unwillingness to express an opinion. Pointless.

  • @DramaMustRemainOnTheStage

    After top 2-3 comments I think this is not worth my time. 👋

  • @dougstyles5091
    @dougstyles5091 Před 6 lety

    Sounds like a bad stand up routine in a restaurant.

  • @weeannie495
    @weeannie495 Před 5 lety +1

    I believe it’s more to do with what the jury didn’t see and hear.

  • @bobabtcr
    @bobabtcr Před 8 lety +5

    i wish that they would indeed, talk to Teresa's family. Especially her brother and how about that ex-boyfriend??? who interviewed them? Instead the "investigators" (fiction writers) took a young boy, just 16, with an IQ in the 70's, and railroad him!!! Did you watch the interrogation? "What did he do to her head?" Brendan, "punched her?" interrogators, "What else did he do to her head, Brendan?" Brendan says, "Cut her hair?" Barney Fife #1, "Think about it, what else?" Barney Fife #2 "Who shot her in the head?" Brendan say's, "He did" One of the Fife's asked, "Why didn't you tell us before?" Brendan says, "Because i couldn't think of it?" in a question... since this has been eating away at him, he couldn't think of it!!! good grief!!! Did you see his little cousin on the stand??? She made up a story, i assume she was "Questioned" by the Fifes, that they lead her into, JUST LIKE BRENDAN!!! If you didn't see her, you should watch this poor girl!!! As soon as she was asked about the interrogation, she started to cry! AND SHE SAID BRENDAN NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT TERESA HALBACH!!!

    • @bobabtcr
      @bobabtcr Před 8 lety +2

      +bobbi hanson i have watched so much interrogations and court trials. i have read transcripts until my eye balls ached.

    • @peggyfincher1135
      @peggyfincher1135 Před 8 lety

      +bobbi hanson if you heard the whole interrogation of brendan ....... starting with that one on 11/6 in crivitz .... it will make you sick ... how they railroaded him .... look it up on line .... they all are on line the whole crappin' shebang

    • @krmccarrell
      @krmccarrell Před 8 lety

      I didn't know anything about Brendan's little cousin? Where can I find it? Do you know her name? Thank you.

    • @bobabtcr
      @bobabtcr Před 8 lety

      Karen, there are written transcripts of his trial, also.

    • @bobabtcr
      @bobabtcr Před 8 lety


  • @SuiGenerisMan
    @SuiGenerisMan Před 8 lety

    worst camera-work ever

  • @cateellington4081
    @cateellington4081 Před 8 lety +3

    I'm sorry, but while that statement "what seems to be forgotten in all this is that a young woman -Teresa Halbach, is dead" is such an incredible cheap shot meant to inflame and outrage ppl against Steven Avery. Because nowhere in the documentary does anyone forget that a young woman lost her life. In fact, IMO that is an important point IN the documentary- if the police set Avery up then they are willingly turning a blind eye to a killer still out there because they had a more pressing emergency at the time.
    What happened to Steven Avery or Brendan Dassey should never be judged against what happened to Teresa Halbach. Because what you are sneakily trying to do with that statement is insist- in a Back Door kind of way- that because a young girl lost her life- someone had to pay and Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey- innocent or guilty - are as good as any.
    And that is sick.

    • @javieratoledo9262
      @javieratoledo9262 Před 4 lety

      Wow! Chill out!

    • @TuesdayMoney
      @TuesdayMoney Před 3 lety

      Nobody fucking framed him! Holy fucking hell. How dumb do you people have to be to believe such stupidity. No amount of logic or reason gets through to you nutcases. You're all brainwashed morons eating up lies from a fucking tv show. Get a job.

  • @Z4RQUON
    @Z4RQUON Před 7 lety +3

    Steven Avery was _not_ the last person to see her alive, the Zipperer's were.

  • @Jms4448
    @Jms4448 Před 8 lety +5

    They bring up a valid point in regards to the bigger picture becoming lost in the hype of the series. the bigger picture being our flawed justice system and the changes that need to occur. if we let ourselves get blindsided by the players involved in this case the necessary changes will fail to occur.

    • @Jms4448
      @Jms4448 Před 8 lety +6

      people were so focused on pardoning steven avery instead of addressing the broken parts of the justice system that allowed this to occur in the first place. what the media doesn't seem to understand is that they are a large part of the problem. sure they can help w making a change but they assisted in creating this injustice. they play the largest role in creating the assumption of guilty nail proven innocent. they should be an objective source yet we can see here on the panel that you can't help but let your opinion play a part in how the story is reported. the media played a huge role in the conviction of these two individuals. we see it everyday w people like nancy grace.

    • @Jms4448
      @Jms4448 Před 8 lety +2

      +Jeannie Clegg *guilty until proven innocent

    • @bobabtcr
      @bobabtcr Před 8 lety

      +Jeannie Clegg but in the mean time, two innocent people are in prison and a murderer or murderers are out and free to do it again! this whole thing stinks and i am disgusted to see how crooked people keep getting by with murder...

    • @Jms4448
      @Jms4448 Před 8 lety

      bobbi hanson I agree w you but that isn't the the only part of the big picture. .that's all I'm saying, but you're absolutely right! :)

    • @Jms4448
      @Jms4448 Před 8 lety

      bobbi hanson if we only focus on SA and BD this will happen again

  • @cateellington4081
    @cateellington4081 Před 8 lety

    You guys got that exhausted at

  • @cateellington4081
    @cateellington4081 Před 8 lety +1

    Starting out w/ the host calling it a documentary - then revising it to 'a tv show' is so unprofessional of a journalist.
    If they think they can set the story right - they should do what the two filmmakers challenged people to: 'Make your own documentary about the case and let's SEE just how unbiased and neutral you can make it.
    It seems that journalists in the state of WI were extremely complicit in the setting up of Avery and bolstering this wicked narrative against him.
    Yeah. That's NOT what true "journalists" do.
    Making a Murderer exposed WIs despicable 'presumed guilty' before a trial, Wisconsin will go down in history as being one of the ugliest places in the US for those wrongly convicted

    • @jessicawatson4582
      @jessicawatson4582 Před 8 lety

      Yes. And when he said at the beginning he had been part of more interesting cases than this one - who the eff cares?? They weren't there to hear about your other stories, but about this particular case! And that's pretty rude to say the murder of a woman wasn't as "interesting" (or fascinating or whatever exact word he used) as other, evidently, more important stories he could tell. Insensitive and smug.

  • @eddieedmondson4746
    @eddieedmondson4746 Před 7 lety +1

    Has any reporter state they believe SA was framed?

    • @TuesdayMoney
      @TuesdayMoney Před 3 lety

      No, because they aren't crazy and they knew MaM was lies. Apparently, some people still haven't gotten the memo because they can't bring themselves to read court transcripts. I guess it's just too hard for the lazy and ignorant.

  • @cateellington4081
    @cateellington4081 Před 8 lety

    So in answer to the audience members question: a big fat NO. NO wi reporter at all looked into whether or not there could be something very systemically wrong with how the police went about this prosecution or investigation. They did NOT question, ask or write about why there was no investigation of anyone in Halbachs life- those close to her- the suspicious calls of harassment she'd been getting for months leading up to her murder- nada zilch nothing. They took everything at face value and made assumptions the defense was just a defense argument. And the lady seriously was shocked the police were so confident in their charges? They knew you all would take everything they said at face value truth.
    Avery never stood a chance with this bunch covering.

  • @cateellington4081
    @cateellington4081 Před 8 lety

    To be clear lady. There's a massive difference between what your answer was about - (did you give equal 'coverage' to both sides) versus what the audience member actually ASKED you - which was about YOUR spin on the coverage. But that went sailing right over your head too. Journalism is definitely not for you.

  • @lydiayork9451
    @lydiayork9451 Před 8 lety


  • @richarddotson1497
    @richarddotson1497 Před 6 lety

    To the reporters, they were asked if they presumed the defendants innocent, they seemed to believe that they all did, there is the halo effect that seems to mesmerize all involved here,
    If something comes out that proves beyound any doubt that S A. and. B D. are innocent, would at that time would the reporters rethink the reporting.
    If at that time they answered “ if I had known that”. Then the answer is that they did not presume innocence.

  • @cateellington4081
    @cateellington4081 Před 8 lety

    Seriously it's a good thing this lady reporter is no longer in the business. She doesn't comprehend what a journalists job is. When asked about whether they ever gave Avery the presumption of innocence- she talks about if they had access to the Halbach family they'd immediately go to the Averys. What lady- pray tell- does the Halbach family's view have ANYthing to do with true presumption of innocence? They were not there correct? No. They were just repeating the prosecutors allegations. It was all emotional from them and understandably so. But has nothing to do w/ coming from a journalists duty of justice in presumed innocence. Her idiocy just pisses me off. No wonder the way this case was so badly tried went sailing right over her proverbial head. Ugh. Wisconsin!!!

  • @thunderlipz
    @thunderlipz Před 8 lety

    BREAKING NEWS: Avery's mom found to be the killer!! #timeforeverymfinvoledwiththeaverycasetomakeadollor

  • @cateellington4081
    @cateellington4081 Před 8 lety

    Funny how this interview/speaking engagement turned into the justice system questions into 'how do you handle such a horrific case'- as if we care about their personal experience in this big story.
    No Tom, people are not satisfied by your and others' 'rebuttals' that were really nothing more than just repeating the prosecutors unfounded claims. But it's interesting that you believe the outrage has died down. I'd say that's hubris and wishful thinking. People are a whole lot more informed than you think they are.

  • @cateellington4081
    @cateellington4081 Před 8 lety

    Gosh she is just horrible. She does not answer the questioners Actual question but instead uses it as an oppty to get in a peripheral bit of info that makes Avery look bad. Either she just doesn't care anymore or really hasn't a clue of how incompetent she is.

  • @COLLYD420
    @COLLYD420 Před 5 lety

    Pathetic that woman is such a classist

  • @chocolatedonut7905
    @chocolatedonut7905 Před 5 lety

    No brain surgeons here.

  • @inaina4449
    @inaina4449 Před 7 lety +1

    not guilty not guilt ynot guilty not guilty not guilty not guilty