Learning to Change-Changing to Learn

  • čas přidán 4. 09. 2024
  • Learning to Change Changing to Learn Advancing K-12 Technology Leadership, Consortium for School Networking(COSN) Video

Komentáře • 41

  • @OnOttButton
    @OnOttButton Před 11 lety +2

    The death of education and the dawn of learning... makes me extra happy!

  • @RachShels
    @RachShels Před 11 lety

    I think this video is great- and I encourage others to stop taking it personally and find a solution to this problem in America go away and start finding solutions to help our education progress forward. Instead of holding back and staying tradition, technology is coming whether we want it to come or not. Instead of fighting it, learn it, teach it and learn to accept change, because it's coming rather we want it to come or not; the longer we wait on accepting this, the further our children fall.

  • @UEtrainer
    @UEtrainer Před 14 lety

    It' s a very exciting time for learning an for sharing ideas. I think, that we can change our awareness when we use youtube, twitter, slideshare and others to share our ideas. The possibilities are realy great now and they are for free.
    Education and training with social networks is really exciting. More of this stuff can change teacher brains lets coorporate.

  • @jenniferkrill
    @jenniferkrill Před 14 lety

    Each time I watch this video I am amazed. I look forward to being part of the change.

  • @SarahElaineEaton
    @SarahElaineEaton Před 14 lety

    I just came back from a university presentation where some scholars questioned why we are even using technology to teach. I just shook my head at the myopia.
    Brilliant video. Thanks for sharing.

  • @straylor
    @straylor Před 16 lety

    Well done. Allow our students the same access to technology in school that they have outside of school. It's time to move forward with new paradigms for learning and embrace 21st century technology learning skills.
    Scott Traylor

  • @mjurbanseal
    @mjurbanseal Před 14 lety

    Thank goodness there are folks like you.
    Now, how do we do this?? We have to change and entire industry, an institution, a nation. Lets get started!

  • @adrianmoore525
    @adrianmoore525 Před 9 lety +6

    I assume that its meant to be an introduction but this is like a lot of undirected digital student learning - lots of vague comments floating around with no depth and no detail. It's such an interesting topic and so important. We need analysis that goes way beyond this and it seems likely that the contributors on the video could have provided this if they had been asked to contribute more and if the editing had been better done.

    • @michelecavanagh3708
      @michelecavanagh3708 Před 5 lety +1

      These people need to do some REAL research on what the facts ae about device use, effects on the brain, antisocial implications... These people are either blind or completely ignorant.

  • @LooneysWorldOfficial
    @LooneysWorldOfficial Před 11 lety

    For me innovation and improvement of education is necessary.. That implies to the changes that the society continually going through.. We adapt some new improvement but what matter most is they learn both the manual and the technical know-hows of things around them.. we can't just remove some stuffs because technology is very trendy.. knowledge about everything no matter if is basic is indeed important for them.. past in history and they must kept it in their heart.

  • @AJPape
    @AJPape Před 15 lety

    Outstanding. A great message delivered in a compelling effective way. Thank you!

  • @SmartVisionMethod
    @SmartVisionMethod Před 11 lety

    Tips for exams to clear your mind. Take 5 deep breaths @ hold for 5 seconds realsing slowly concentrating on your breathing the whole time,with practice you will become an expert. Also 90 percent of the time C is the right answer to to multiple choice questions.

  • @mjb6110
    @mjb6110 Před 6 lety +3

    My professor expect me to write a one-page reflection paper based on this video. A video that's wordy and all over the place.

  • @lassielaughs
    @lassielaughs Před 13 lety

    It makes me sad and distressed to see so many negative replies on what is a very positive video. At no point i did I hear one educator suggest that we should not help students learn to read or write, or to learn Math, and yet that seems to be the fear. As an adult, a mother and a teacher I know that my own child and all the children in my classroom learn faster than I do, I strive to have at least a basic understanding of the technology they encounter on a daily basis but often they teach me!

  • @DavidMillsVocalist
    @DavidMillsVocalist Před 15 lety

    Yes! Are there any organisations out there asking young people what they want? That's why I set up CLC Education (Children Leading Change in Education). At the moment it is nothing more than a discussion group on Facebook but my intention is to organise meetings, conventions and other public-speaking platforms to provide young people with opportunities to have their say on the future of education.

  • @Lotusandcedar
    @Lotusandcedar Před 15 lety

    I would agree with the speaker (at time = 4:07-4:30) who lists the skills that young people need, and employers are looking for, in the 21st century.
    Added twist (as of date of posting): If these young people are going to work for the Big-Three auto companies, will they find this video helpful?

  • @mjurbanseal
    @mjurbanseal Před 14 lety

    @katmarq Using technology and new and creative ways to re-engineer education does not mean all the old ways are wrong or bad or unnecessary. It certainly does not mean that traditional teachers wont be needed or that people can be replaces with "machines". But with new technology, we have a responsibility to really look at how we might make learning more inspiring, more related to what learners already know and more related to what they are interested in.

  • @edavidove
    @edavidove Před 14 lety

    Nearly 2 years later (since this video was posted) and I have not seen much progress. The messages in this video are still spot on. I have been following this debate re:the need to transform our educational institutions and practices rather than continue with the educational model invented a long time ago. I am frustrated that we have seen so little progress towards the vision illustrated in this video. What will it take to break through all the sacred cows, resistance, policies, etc?

  • @mjurbanseal
    @mjurbanseal Před 14 lety

    @katmarq As a parent, it is obvious to me that we are not using all the resources available to us to, partly because teachers don't know how to use it, partly because it is growing so rapidly, they kids learn faster than the adults, But, mainly because we don't know how. We need more concrete research in this area.

  • @mjurbanseal
    @mjurbanseal Před 14 lety

    @katmarq I am not sure you are listening to the entire message of this video. You are right, that a basic set of skill need to be taught before any higher level thinking can occur. That is true in reading, writing, math and technology. We know where the foundation should start.

  • @beyondschool
    @beyondschool Před 16 lety

    I largely agree with this. But: until the monopoly of the ETS/SAT/AP/College Board is broken, schools will be forced to focus on the vending machine/right answer approach. Colleges are complicit by taking the SAT as the main indicator of ability. So we have to dethrone the ETS.

  • @katmarq
    @katmarq Před 14 lety

    @RetnuhDrallim Thats just awesome that you are so inspired - but unless you learned to read, communicate and do math from TEACHERS in CLASSROOMS just exactly how much of that do you think you could accomplish?

  • @katmarq
    @katmarq Před 14 lety

    @mjurbanseal just exactly how do you think these wonderfully inspired kids will text or communicate or create or twitter or do anything if they don't have any basic skills? How do you think they should learn to write words, read words or do basic computation? I have not seen very many kids motivated enough to manage that without a school setting of some kind. yes, technology can be integrated into learning, but basics are basics and you can't do anything unless you have a foundation.

  • @mjurbanseal
    @mjurbanseal Před 14 lety

    @katmarq But where does the "foundation" stop and higher lever learning really begin? The take away message for me is that we need to think in a new ways about education. We need to apply our American Creative Talents to the field of education. In much the same way that we applied technology to manufacturing, farming, healthcare and business.

  • @bmagdepietro1
    @bmagdepietro1 Před 11 lety

    Check the credits: Project Tomorrow, North American Council for Online Learning (NACOL) and more

  • @straylor
    @straylor Před 16 lety

    I may be an adult, but I'm all for the opinions of kids, especially kids around the globe. Just because I'm an adult commenting, don't stereotype me. :-)

  • @pammyoneto
    @pammyoneto Před 15 lety

    I was a `turned off child` simply because so called educators left me to my own devices. This all sounds to me like these people here are passing on there responsibility of teaching to the child. Using flowery language as they have sounds frankly a cop out.
    Ik kan ook andere taalen schrijven en spreken, maar dat kwam niet van skool.
    Teachers...take your classes to museums, art galleries, tach them languages...You do your job, don`t talk fancey to shift your responsibility!

  • @mjschube23
    @mjschube23 Před 13 lety

    My point is that nobody paid the children to learn technology skills.
    Educators are holding the students back!

  • @pammyoneto
    @pammyoneto Před 15 lety

    I would also add that children of today may well be capable of texting and twittering or messaging eachother on social networks, however they have a new speak that debases the English language. Many children in the UK leave school unable to do simple maths.
    I was educated during the mid 60`s and 70`s experimentation era and left with not one qualification. I have since discovered I have an IQ of 138, why wasn`t that noticed?

  • @tahiyamarome
    @tahiyamarome Před 14 lety

    captions? accessibility folks. let's get with it.

  • @pammyoneto
    @pammyoneto Před 15 lety

    I don`t agree with everything said in this film. While I accept that change begins with an idea. I wonder what all the fuss is about. It was only some 45 years ago that television was introduced into the classroom and as childen we would all sit together and watch interesting educational programmes. It all depends on how a lesson is taught and how interesting a teacher makes it. Bring back P.E. get children to run about a field and do more sport, teach them languages.

  • @BrittGow
    @BrittGow Před 16 lety

    The irony is that this video is inaccessible in many schools - so teachers and students will not get the message! How about cross-posting on Teacher-Tube?

  • @daddyslackful
    @daddyslackful Před 13 lety

    I don't mean to be pragmatic but all the nylon-string backed rhetoric in the world won't change education. What is the role of parents? Do they expect a "school as a factory" situation? If they don't, then they must take a hugely more active role in their child's learning.
    Why have ministries of education? What are they measuring, who is it for and what is the purpose? It is rarely for the benefit of the individual student as a learner.

  • @354ever
    @354ever Před 15 lety

    yes, kids are great communicators. Unfortunately, they can't spell and most of them cannot put together a grammatically correct declaritive sentence. What standards are we holding them too? Use technology to help in these areas!

  • @garvess
    @garvess Před 15 lety

    I know that you made this comment months ago and maybe you aren't as stupid now as you were then but this video does envision an edcational system that is better than could have been imagined fifty years ago. And if you still hold the same opinion then I understand that the educational system has failed you.

  • @bilberryflay7800
    @bilberryflay7800 Před 7 lety

    These ideas are for wealthy white kids. There is no way that my students (Title 1) would assume the responsibility of educating themselves at home on their phone. When they go home (if they don't go to work till 11pm), they will light up a joint, and puff away while they play XBOX or look at cultural rot on snapchat.
    These educators think the internet is a magic bullet for education...on the contrary, the internet just streamlines people's access to their own desires. If you desire a good education, that's what the internet will give you. If you want to look at porn and listen to rap music, that's what you'll get...and the availability of chemistry lessons online will not entice them to shut off the xbox.