Little People of the High Arctic

  • čas přidán 10. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 470

  • @aeondimensions
    @aeondimensions Před 2 lety +109

    We live in the Arctic in Norway and during our house building process we had to blast some rocks. An hour or so later we were just standing and looking at the blast area and my husband and I both saw a small naked man run from the blast area straight into the side of the mountain. Our dog saw it too and ran after it to the mountain wall where he just smelled the dirt trying to figure out where it went. Since the little man was naked, we feared we had destroyed his home with the blasting. We were told to put out offerings to apologize. Years later I read folktales from the area that are filled with little people who dance around a house or a barn or look after the animals (if treated properly). If not treated properly they can do harm. Never saw anything like it before and never seen anything like it since - but I know they are real now.

    • @KC-jr6zs
      @KC-jr6zs Před 2 lety +9

      I'd try to share as well. Just to be nice. Sad, you didn't know. It's not like they come out and say, "Hi, I'm your neighbor". Hope you get another chance that's peaceful.

    • @graceyjewels7148
      @graceyjewels7148 Před 2 lety +7

      I guess this is why Icelanders have rules about rock blasting.

    • @sarahc8862
      @sarahc8862 Před 2 lety +10

      I agree with you my grandmother told me a story about seeing one in her parents house he came out from behind some books on a shelf he was a little hairy man about a foot tall he walked to the edge of the shelf sat down and swung his legs over the edge for a second and then pointed at my grandmother and laughed got up and disappeared back behind the books, granny wasn't someone to make things up like that and she was old enough to remember clearly what happened I believe her, they lived in blue ridge ga in the mountains this would have been in the 40s

    • @gentleasa5728
      @gentleasa5728 Před 2 lety +1

      Do you live around or know any Sami people?

    • @mgwgeneral6467
      @mgwgeneral6467 Před 2 lety +3

      I saw your moving video! Was a great little video. I tried to leave a comment but i dont think it was recorded. I was wondering if the house you left was the location of the rock blasting and the little guy? And you are speaking English. "Canadian English " wow that's different. Greetings from Brazil.

  • @judethedudeisrude16
    @judethedudeisrude16 Před 2 lety +196

    There are stories my grandmother told me of “little people”. We are Kiowa, a nomadic people of the Great Plains of the US. She told me that some of them were nice others were mean and they had the ability to shape-shift. They were able to appear and disappear and were tied to the land. I think “little people” are a lot more widespread than we think.

    • @vgang3605
      @vgang3605 Před 2 lety +18

      The UK and Nordic country's have the some traditions of little people basically the origin of dwarfs hobbits and the stuff Tolkien wrote about( from Nordic and Anglo Saxon legend) you still get that feeling in the few ancient woodlands we have left in th UK now but you have to go a!one lol

    • @freeman7079
      @freeman7079 Před 2 lety +20

      I’m not Kiowa, but I’m from an area where we once had a respectably sized Kiowa population and these stories are well known within our community.

    • @vgang3605
      @vgang3605 Před 2 lety

      @J. C. there's no evidence of homo floresiensis in the northern hemisphere

    • @Sulimaaren
      @Sulimaaren Před 2 lety +17

      Interesting! In sweden we have our own little people called "tomte/tomtar". They are small, gnome-like and have magic hats that they can use to become invisible. They can also shape shift and are tied to the house or area around it. If you treated them well and offered them gifts they took care of the farm. But they could cause great mischief of you insulted them. The similarities to your kiowan little people is almost creepy, considering the differences in culture and how our people lived.

    • @patriciaroysdon9540
      @patriciaroysdon9540 Před 2 lety +1

      I think the "little people" are a Worldwide phenomenon.

  • @tonygibson5171
    @tonygibson5171 Před 2 lety +48

    I used to go in the woods everyday in Florida and Alabama growing up. One night I had a dream these little people brought me to a section in the woods that they said no one could see us. I just kind of watched and the talked and sang and danced and lastly showed me a spring that had a small waterfall down to a creek. I’m not sure why. But within a few days I came upon the spring I saw in my dream. It’s always puzzled me. And honestly so crazy that this is the first time I’ve said anything. But I’m older and don’t give a shit what people think about me anymore.

    • @WK-47
      @WK-47 Před 2 lety +2

      For what it's worth, in Celtic folklore certain little beings (depends on who you ask/the region - anything from faeries to gnomes and even will-o'-the-wisps) will lure humans to specific places, springs being a prime example, usually to cause mischief but sometimes out of malice. Faeries especially are traditionally said to entrance people in a dreamlike state (maybe it's widespread, but there's an old saying here about daydreaming people being 'away with the fairies'). Back to dreams, I've also had vivid ones since I was small, sometimes of situations that would later play out for real. All very strange stuff, real or no.

    • @tonygibson5171
      @tonygibson5171 Před 2 lety

      @@WK-47 thanks for sharing. Do you know if there is any literature or video that brings up their connection to springs I could find?

  • @ToddDouglasFox
    @ToddDouglasFox Před 2 lety +79

    I’ve had one encounter, completely unexpected by me. It was in Ireland. I would love to have had more but in nearly 70 years there has only been the one. The little person hid as soon as “he” knew I was looking. I called after, basically saying, “I already know you’re here.” Momentarily “he” looked around a tree for a second and was gone again. I shouted after “him”, “thank you!”. There was NO doubt that I had the honor just the once.

    • @classicrocklover5615
      @classicrocklover5615 Před 2 lety +6

      I often see shadows moving, just out of range of my vision. Things seem to disappear then reappear in an overly obvious location (like the middle of the floor, etc). I've wondered what I am experiencing...

    • @ToddDouglasFox
      @ToddDouglasFox Před 2 lety +6

      @@classicrocklover5615 sprites, orbs, fairies, you name it!

    • @tayooo1000
      @tayooo1000 Před 2 lety +1

      @@classicrocklover5615 are they shiny things

    • @mgwgeneral6467
      @mgwgeneral6467 Před 2 lety +1

      @@classicrocklover5615 that is classic demonic spirits you are encountering! Shadows and no people to make the shadow. Classic. Yes shadow people as many call them . They are demon spirits. I bet soon after all sorts of mishaps happen too! All so common. This is why we are given authority over them through Jesus. One of the top priorities in his message about what we are to do is CAST OUT DEMONS, heal the sick, give sight to the blind , raise the dead. These "shadows" are on assignment. Against you and those in the area.

    • @classicrocklover5615
      @classicrocklover5615 Před 2 lety +1

      @@tayooo1000 no. Just shadows

  • @DoloresJNurss
    @DoloresJNurss Před 2 lety +42

    A friend of mine lived in Alaska for awhile. She saw a little man walking some distance away, and took him for a human dwarf. But then he reached a construction site, knelt down, hugged his knees, and turned into an old tire, right in front of her eyes. She went up and touched it--it was an old tire. It's possible that one might see a tire from a distance and mistake it for a small, kneeling person hugging his knees, but not likely that one would see that tire walking first, looking like a tiny man. Anyway, she speculated that he might have wanted to spy on the construction going on.

    • @faeriefriendable
      @faeriefriendable Před 2 lety +1

      Aloha D.D. thank you for sharing , I hope you write your knowledge down for us, I so highly value you- you are a well of experience & understanding

    • @DoloresJNurss
      @DoloresJNurss Před 2 lety

      @@faeriefriendable Wow, a person I've actually met face to face! Thank you! It's good to hear from you!

  • @nomebear
    @nomebear Před 2 lety +14

    While working in the arctic I heard many stories such as this, and was enthralled by these tales. The little people stories go back many centuries.

  • @auntie-angie-2112
    @auntie-angie-2112 Před 2 lety +63

    I have lived all across North America and everywhere, without exception, there are stories of the Little People. They have different names in every region, usually a Native given name. Similarities in all stories include; ground/tunnel dwellers, a degree of mischievousness in a range from practical jokes to outright murder, dress in skins, leaves, moss, tree bark or whatever is plentiful in the local environment, utilize small animals to pull their sledges and carry their belongings (like rabbits, mice, lizards, arachnids, etc.) steal food and small trinkets, territoriality aggressive, exceedingly fond of shiny, especially silver &/or gold objects (copper and bronze being less prized) Those are a few things about them I have learned.
    When you stumble into their environment you usually feel "watched" - because you are! You may notice a lot of tree stumps still attached to the ground that appear hollowed out or rotted (here in the PNW these are entrances to their underground domiciles) or holes in the ground or small openings in cliff/mountain sides in more arid areas. The area will have a "fairy tale" sort of look and feel, like it was constructed to look that way (it was.) Often, other humans who have happened by the same area will feel the same "pull" and will often leave presents of various kind, spray paint the area with bright colors, &/or distribute glitter, of all things, all around the area. It is common, I have seen it multiple times in various regions of the country.
    When I am aware of their presence I greet them, both mentally and vocally, with respect, and explain I am only passing through and mean no harm. To prove my intent I find the newest, shiniest coins I can locate [new quarters seem to be highly prized - so I carry them when and where ever I hike - and I leave them on natural objects that look like tables (i.e.: mushroom caps, tree stumps, rock ledges, etc.)] I have witnessed their movements in my peripheral vision but none of them has ever shown themselves to me face on.

    • @djquinn11
      @djquinn11 Před 2 lety +4

      They’re just stories, fairytales.

    • @auntie-angie-2112
      @auntie-angie-2112 Před 2 lety +8

      @@djquinn11 as you wish, buttercup ;)

    • @gravedigger7034
      @gravedigger7034 Před 2 lety +14

      Most people don't believe in something they haven't seen. When i hear something like this i like to open my mind to it , imagine all the possibilities. There's no one man or woman that knows all , or seen all, so there's only one way to be and that is having an open mind to any and everything. I loved your comment angie . peace to you and yours ::)

    • @sventer198
      @sventer198 Před 2 lety +4

      @@djquinn11 and isn’t it amazing how widespread & prevalent they are? Sounds like there could be truth in there somewhere.

    • @auntie-angie-2112
      @auntie-angie-2112 Před 2 lety +8

      ​@@gravedigger7034 we agree on this Shane ;) But I do not disrespect @Dale Anderson for his stance. It is a sensible one. However, I don't know about you, but I, personally, have never lived in a sensible world.
      I have a very firm suspicion that the world we live in is a cross between physical and virtual. Like a computer simulation that somehow projects itself onto a 3-D seeding mat, where ideas root and grow into seeming solid objects &/or concepts. It is so cool to consider that our realities, our universe (or multi-verse, if you will) caters to our own internal landscape. As you believe, so you are - to go further - as you believe, so is your reality. We simply exist in an overlapping simulation where each avatar creates and controls its own reality, yet we are all still operating on the same playing field (the 3rd dimension) So, for @Dale Anderson, in actuality, the faerie folk do not exist. My own personal life experience has led me to live in a much different, more fabulist sort of world.

  • @Krowmobe
    @Krowmobe Před 2 lety +23

    I was staying in a old farmhouse surrounded by woods, when I moved in there it had been unlived in for yrs many repairs were made, one problem I found was there were rats in the back of the house. During the clean up repair a little ways from the house was a old root cellar full of rat bones, skulls, etc. Many were cracked open like theyd been eaten. I figured a fox or some predator was using it for a den. I had put my bed on the large front screened in front porch. I lay on the bed one evening kind of dozing as the sun went down out of the corner of my eye I saw something move outside on the far screened side. So i kept my eyes semi closed like I was sleeping, i saw a small clawed hand reach up and try the door super slow motion all i saw was a hand. I jumped up fast ran to that side of the porch to see what the fuck was up. I caught a glimpse of what looked like a little mans back greenish skin maybe 2 ft tall with buckskin pants disappear into the wood undergrowth, to this day I dont know wtf that was I saw.

    • @hamster1169
      @hamster1169 Před 2 lety

      Oy. - Seal Everything Up Now. I got Sasquaches attention by learning of them and finding my entire nature surrounding my home is totally NEPHALIM filled a Month ago - and I disrespected a creek bed a clay mound digging a bit in to plant a seed- I also took a old bottle a month ago from the creek bed - and now I've been woken up near every night for two weeks - early it was Giants - sealed my doors better - Windows gotta put up Duck Tape soon before it gets dark - but I offended Little People - I think I had also been stomping on their field this field I loved running in - I'm very heavy - there are stories of people being tripped - I tore my knee - only 1 for sure bite on my Cat it was rancid a clear pierce mark - after I learnt it was little people last night at 4 am i apologized sincerely told em I'm getting gifts sweets and wish em well and I was sorry for messing with their home - and I was woken up today by a Bright Bright Bright Red Glow in my Face - my Cat had slept on me and I was fully awake now seeing their big shadows on my wall in this red light - cats ears are peaked it's mowing staring jumping up and down - they must have known I was awake - and darted back into view once I saw - Tinkerbell look - Seal Up All Entrances NOW - if there is any NEPHALIM signs in a home or near it that means they've always been around there - so SEAL up your home they can unlock doors - at least those weak twist locks - and Outdoor Slide Doors - need a stick in the bottom - I'm yet to secure my window - if there's any little sign those little goblin fuckers are hunted by the fairys who are hunted by the Giants Bigfoot and Wolfman - so SEAL it up homie - 4 days ago it's meant to be - nothing but the best just SEAL THIS up - I'd been watching nothing but scary vids y'know of caves and Giant footage for a few months now - DO NOT look at the woods as if you're Looking - seriously don't don't get their attention - this goblin guy don't impede him from rats but SEAL UP your Floor and all else - nothing but the best

  • @ColonelPanic007
    @ColonelPanic007 Před 2 lety +79

    It's astonishing how similar these stories are to those of the Fair Folk of European folklore.

    • @Firstthunder
      @Firstthunder Před 2 lety +8

      They may migrate down from the top of the Earth from the Arctic. They could go anywhere in the north continents from there.

    • @Bakedea87
      @Bakedea87 Před 2 lety +2

      Elves are Ancient Asians. Just an fyi

    • @DoloresJNurss
      @DoloresJNurss Před 2 lety +5

      People all over the world tell stories of little people. My tribe call them Surem, and claim descent from them. Another tribe I know of calls them Eeyapoo. They're all over.

    • @archangel5627
      @archangel5627 Před 2 lety +7

      The little people of the remote wilderness/forests are definitely out there. My grandfather used to talk about them all the time. He would regal us of stories about the Fae and the Elves whenever my sister and I would visit. My grandparents lived in northern Montana near the Alberta Canada boarder. My grandfather especially believed in the little people of the forest so much that he forbid my sister and I from venturing too far off their property when we used to play outside.

    • @justinkennedy3004
      @justinkennedy3004 Před 2 lety +3

      European type fey followed us over.

  • @Kiteflyer-pi2sg
    @Kiteflyer-pi2sg Před 2 lety +15

    In oregon I saw a little person when i was about 5-6 years old , i was asleep in my moms bed when i remember rolling over and woke up with the sun going in my eyes from the window i looked up at the window and there was a little man walking on the window sill carring a stick that was about as tall as he was i remember being scared and couldnt speak when he stopped and turned and looked at me he the seemed to be really agitated then turned towards the window curtain took his stick and slowly pushed it through the curtain then i shook my mom trying to wake her then the little man jumped out right through the window and my mom said your just dreaming go back to sleep but i swear to this day it was no dream

  • @sharonmedeiros9819
    @sharonmedeiros9819 Před 2 lety +13

    In Massachusetts they are known as Puckwudgies by local native american tribes, who were afraid of them and believed them to be evil and play mean tricks on them. I thought they were just legends and stories. But one day as I went for a walk in the woods of Westport, Mass and came to a stream in a gully, I looked across it and saw a little brown man crouching down and looking over his shoulder at me. His face was deeply wrinkled like one of those shrunken apple dolls they used to make, and he had on a little cap and a vest with no shirt. I remember thinking he must have been cold. His arm was pretty muscular. When he realised I saw him, as I continued to walk along the bank, he slowly turned into a tree stump. I stopped, astonished, and turned to retrace my steps, thinking that I was seeing an optical illusion and it would look like a little man again as I walked back. But it didnt, it stayed looking like a tree stump. Then I got scared and quickly walked away feeling like I was not welcome there. I never went back there again. Nearby is the Freetown State Forest that is famous for many local legends and bad happenings. Its a part of an area known as the Bridgewater. Triangle and is well worth googling to read some of the stories about it. It is known to have a band of Puckwudgies living there, and many unfortunate things have happened to people who venture into that forest.

  • @AdrianJamesEllis
    @AdrianJamesEllis Před 2 lety +28

    Encounters with Little People, who are able to become invisible, can even occur in urban areas. Even though they can become invisible (which simply means that we can't see them with the visual range of our eyes, which is very limited), they have a very strong presence. They also make noises. They are very noisy eaters! They are physical, and will need to open and close doors to get in and out. They also move fast. This all sounds weird, but as J.B.S. Haldane once said, 'the universe isn't stranger than we imagine, it's stranger than we can imagine.'

    • @justinkennedy3004
      @justinkennedy3004 Před 2 lety

      Nice comment but I believe the quote is not "stranger" but "queerer", although I understand the change.

    • @wendydee3007
      @wendydee3007 Před 2 lety +1

      I tell my husband he is part gnome. He looks like a little gnome, he's often grumpy and has black curly hair and doesn't speak much, and eats noisily. When I tell him, he just gives a little smile. :o)

  • @anthonyburke5656
    @anthonyburke5656 Před 2 lety +16

    I’ve told this story to others, never been believed, 40+ years go I was driving at about 3.30 am, in bushland in Australia, the road went down to cross a creek, I saw a very small adult male walking, on being hit by the headlights, he ran to the side of the road and jumped into the creek. I stopped, got out with a flashlight, went over and shone the torch down to the creek, all there was were wet patch’s on the rocks.

    • @WK-47
      @WK-47 Před 2 lety

      I believe you. Not that I'm a big believer myself, but even having growing up in a very tame part of the Scottish countryside, I know there are weird things out there. There's usually a rational explanation for such things - usually. Thanks for sharing and take care, mate.

  • @curledup
    @curledup Před 2 lety +74

    You are knocking out of the park lately. Your narration style is literally the best for all things paranormal.

  • @crusader.survivor
    @crusader.survivor Před 2 lety +18

    When I was about 10, camping with my family in northwestern BC, I was on a hillside with a bunch of purple flowers. I remember seeing a boy with purple hair sitting among the purple flowers. When he noticed me, he beckoned me with his hand to come play with him. I was just about to, then I heard my mom calling for me and when I turned my head to look back at the boy, he wasn't anywhere I could see.
    I didn't think anything of it for decades until I saw this video and thought maybe the boy with purple hair I saw was one of these little people. I'm glad I didn't follow him. His kind face could've been a subterfuge of malice and ill will.

  • @normajean2131
    @normajean2131 Před 2 lety +10

    My mother told me about the little people she said the would sometimes get in the basement or cellar. One got in her basement and made lots of noise every night she was home alone with the baby she couldn’t sleep and was so tired she got tired and went down to find out what was going on and she peeked down and saw this little man with a long beard she got frightened and ran back waited for daddy to come home from work and told him about it he said she was tired needed to get rest so no more was said about it. Sometime later she was talking with a friend and told her about the little man in her basement. Her friend said they was very real and would do no harm just made more noise than they realized. If it bothered her to much to say what in the name of the farther and the son are you here for and it would not bother her again. So she remembered that and kept in mind when she heard that noise again she ran down and there he was as she said what in the name of the father and son and the Holy Ghost are you here for. It looked up at her and was gone she looked around to see what he was making so much noise there was lots of wood that was not there before. But she never seen or heard it again. This was in Kentucky. There are lots of things my mom told me.

    • @sarahc8862
      @sarahc8862 Před 2 lety +4

      my grandmother told me a story about seeing one in her parents house he came out from behind some books on a shelf he was a little hairy man about a foot tall he walked to the edge of the shelf sat down and swung his legs over the edge for a second and then pointed at my grandmother and laughed got up and disappeared back behind the books, granny wasn't someone to make things up like that and she was old enough to remember clearly what happened I believe her, they lived in blue ridge ga in the mountains this would have been in the 40s

  • @brightbite
    @brightbite Před 2 lety +27

    They exist. I saw them all of the time as a child. In New England. Some are safe, some unsafe. Just the way it is with people. My father was a huge Beatles and George Harrison fan. Harrison's "All Things Must Past" album cover gave me the creeps, because he was depicted surrounded by little bearded men like the ones I knew about.

  • @907Prism
    @907Prism Před 2 lety +6

    There are legends here in Alaska about these little people too. I know of a couple stories where people were mislead off the trail during their snowmachine rides. One guy was led into the ocean with his snowmachine, he wasn't found until summer. Some see strange lights, others think they see a village but as they head toward the "village", the lights would get farther away, some people disappear.

  • @pauloh3591
    @pauloh3591 Před 2 lety +17

    I love these types of stories. So fascinating.

  • @sxysweetyungthang
    @sxysweetyungthang Před 2 lety +6

    Lovely story! I relish stories of the old world, before the past and future began to be changed at will it seems. Life was hard but it was simple and folks were happy.

  • @kevinpotts123
    @kevinpotts123 Před 2 lety +10

    I have never been in the Arctic but I have absolutely seen something like this. I do not expect anyone to believe me, in fact I wouldn't believe it had I not seen it with my own two eyes.
    I grew up in rural Indiana in a normal nuclear family in a normal modern home.
    I went to the restroom in the middle of the night and surprised what I would describe as a Brownie in the restroom. I saw him and he saw me see him and he noisily jumped behind the shower curtain.
    I naturally freaked out and yelled. This awoke my mother who came in. I told her there was something in the bathtub, and I'm sure she thought it may be a wild animal, but when she looked it was empty. She told me I must have been dreaming and to go back to bed. I absolutely wasn't dreaming and I saw a hairy 2 foot tall humanoid creature in our bathroom that night.
    I spent very much time researching and have concluded it is what we call a Brownie. It was obviously very non evil and never hurt anyone or anything in our house.

    • @nomanmcshmoo8640
      @nomanmcshmoo8640 Před 2 lety +2

      Likely that is exactly what you saw, a House Spirit.

    • @sarahc8862
      @sarahc8862 Před 2 lety +1

      I agree with you my grandmother told me a story about seeing one in her parents house he came out from behind some books on a shelf he was a little hairy man about a foot tall he walked to the edge of the shelf sat down and swung his legs over the edge for a second and then pointed at my grandmother and laughed got up and disappeared back behind the books, granny wasn't someone to make things up like that and she was old enough to remember clearly what happened I believe her, they lived in blue ridge ga in the mountains this would have been in the 40s

  • @memomorph5375
    @memomorph5375 Před 2 lety +18

    This is quickly becoming my favorite channel! These last few have had incredible quality. You should be proud of your whole team 😃👍

  • @snootdingo9365
    @snootdingo9365 Před 2 lety +20

    You are an incredible researcher and storyteller. I feel blessed to have discovered you!

  • @mikegeary8056
    @mikegeary8056 Před 2 lety +15

    Where I’m from in the mountains of North Carolina there are current stories of people seeing the little people. There’s documented cases of finding their tunnels as well.

    • @sarahc8862
      @sarahc8862 Před 2 lety

      my grandmother told me a story about seeing one in her parents house he came out from behind some books on a shelf he was a little hairy man about a foot tall he walked to the edge of the shelf sat down and swung his legs over the edge for a second and then pointed at my grandmother and laughed got up and disappeared back behind the books, granny wasn't someone to make things up like that and she was old enough to remember clearly what happened I believe her, they lived in blue ridge ga in the mountains near the kahutta park this would have been in the 40s.

    • @genkaikuroneko5412
      @genkaikuroneko5412 Před 2 lety

      Moon people!

  • @bobkelley8291
    @bobkelley8291 Před 2 lety +21

    There are stories of little people threw out the world. My wife comes from a remote Island in the pacific ocean and they also have stories of little people much like the Irish or like this video.

  • @generaleerelativity9524
    @generaleerelativity9524 Před 2 lety +6

    It's so fascinating how people are able to to survive and flourish in those regions of the world. I can't stand the cold, so I couldn't imagine actually living in a place like that.

    • @susanmccormick6022
      @susanmccormick6022 Před 2 lety +1

      GeneralLee Relativity: Another great handle.Like me sport,hate the cold with a deep n deadly hatred.

  • @StStephen11
    @StStephen11 Před 2 lety +13

    They are definitely still around. I lived in the forest in Colorado, at high altitude, and have encountered them on numerous occasions. They are inter-dimensional beings, and only approach people with certain energy. Not necessarily something I would recommend seeking out, without being ready, if they would even appear to you in a solitary walk in an aspen forest. Thank you for your wonderful channel ⚡️🦋🌹⚡️

    • @gordanazakula5669
      @gordanazakula5669 Před měsícem

      11; I want to see them. However, they can be malevolent!!!

  • @mikeymizor2934
    @mikeymizor2934 Před 2 lety +4

    BROOKLYN NY, There He Goes 😁😁😁, Thanks for all your hard work & Entertainment, GoD Bless

  • @jrtstrategicapital560
    @jrtstrategicapital560 Před rokem +3

    Thank you for continuing on with the “oral traditions” of these folklores…it brings brings back wonderful memories. The little people do exist worldwide..I truly believe it. Please don’t stop ..your format is perfect 👍 😊

  • @bonejangles
    @bonejangles Před 2 lety +18

    People tend to write their “””real””” scary experiences on 4chan and one of my favourites was the story of a guy and his Swedish grandpa being harassed by tomtenisse deep in the Yukon wilds. Never actually thought that story was legit but it’s interesting that it lines up both in behaviour and geography with these

    • @hamster1169
      @hamster1169 Před 2 lety

      Hey! Any stories of people appeasing them? They may have been mad but an offering made it good?

  • @nicholasbstone
    @nicholasbstone Před 2 lety +12

    It's crazy how different the map of Canada looks post-Mandela. There's zero chance of me missing those huge bodies of water all these years previous to the phenomena.

    • @auntie-angie-2112
      @auntie-angie-2112 Před 2 lety +1

      your name is not lost to those of us with the ears to listen to metal >.

    • @sarahc8862
      @sarahc8862 Před 2 lety +1

      Yes it does look so strange now , I'm gifted with a good memory and I had a big globe in my room as a kid I definitely see what you're saying.

  • @samanthaivyleigh
    @samanthaivyleigh Před 2 lety +5

    So glad for the more often and extensive uploads

  • @obxarms7685
    @obxarms7685 Před 2 lety +4

    These creatures exist in the lizard creek valley in Carbon County Pennsylvania along the Blue Mountain on the Appalachian trail.

    • @sarahc8862
      @sarahc8862 Před 2 lety

      All along the A.T .
      I've lived all up and down from Georgia to Maine.

  • @jamestwerdin1189
    @jamestwerdin1189 Před 2 lety +2

    As an Inuk from Nunavut it’s cool to see this on CZcams.

  • @theattemptedhomemaker
    @theattemptedhomemaker Před 26 dny +1

    I love having you on in the background while I crochet ❤. Your voice calms me down and very soothing. Your books are on my Christmas list this year 😊

  • @jfranklin9549
    @jfranklin9549 Před 2 lety +4

    Little people have been seen in Big Sur, CA, as recounted by three generations of Steinbecks. . . . . We daren’t go ahunting for fear of little men.

  • @BonafideGail
    @BonafideGail Před 2 lety +3

    This is SO interesting. Thank you for sharing.

  • @AFloridaSon
    @AFloridaSon Před 2 lety +8

    Bigfoots are my favorite, but little folk is right up there.

  • @CaucAsianSasquatch
    @CaucAsianSasquatch Před 2 lety +3

    Perfect timing thanks

  • @haelz1367
    @haelz1367 Před 2 lety +3

    Glad I found your channel. Really nice work, thank you. Wishing you the best from the far Canadian Northwest, Alaska.

  • @DynamicOwl13
    @DynamicOwl13 Před 2 lety +7

    I love little people stories

  • @r0b0saurusrex80
    @r0b0saurusrex80 Před 2 lety +4

    This was great! Never heard much about little people in the US and Canada. So these stories are really cool. subbed liked.

  • @AnnaBridgland
    @AnnaBridgland Před 2 lety +3

    This was super interesting, thank you. I used to live in Arctic Norway and the environment that far North can be so eerie, remote and creepy!

  • @themysticnavigator
    @themysticnavigator Před 2 lety +13

    love your narration! as always the stories are intriging and keeps my attention. I have had encounter with fairy folk. Very informative.

    • @susanmccormick6022
      @susanmccormick6022 Před 2 lety +1

      Earth is A School: Rate your handle sport.Can you go into more detail about your Faye encounters?

    • @themysticnavigator
      @themysticnavigator Před 2 lety +1

      @@susanmccormick6022 yes i have some stories and a video of one

    • @themysticnavigator
      @themysticnavigator Před 2 lety

      @@susanmccormick6022 no idea what rate your handle means lol .. old school here

    • @sheldonhatch8255
      @sheldonhatch8255 Před 2 lety +1

      @@themysticnavigator is the video you have here on your CZcams channel?

    • @themysticnavigator
      @themysticnavigator Před 2 lety

      @@sheldonhatch8255 yes i will check which one now

  • @nomanmcshmoo8640
    @nomanmcshmoo8640 Před 2 lety +23

    I've been dying to tell you of my brief experience with the Good Folk (either Daoine Sidhe or Huldufolk, I am not sure which) about 20 years Arizona of all places. They are truly everywhere.

    • @adammurray8361
      @adammurray8361 Před 2 lety +5

      I'm thinking about leaving out the little offerings at night . Even if for the lizards and butterflies or bees or whatever ! Lol 🎄 🇨🇽 🤶 🎅 🌲 🎁

    • @auntie-angie-2112
      @auntie-angie-2112 Před 2 lety +2

      I met them when I lived in Arizona as well! In the Mingus Mountain area and the Sedona Red Rocks back country. Oh, also while hiking outside of Tuscon either in the Rincons or the Santa Catalinas, can't recall. I was told by a local Native man that down there, they are called the "Ca-Ca-Ca"
      Your names for the Little People are European. Daoine Sidhe is Irish Gaelic and mean "Faerie People" (yes, I met them in Ireland as well in the Shannon River Valley outside of Innis) Huldufolk is Icelandic and means "Hidden People" (haven't been there yet) Although some say the name is Lituanian in origin. There is a story saying the name Huldufolk is used as a euphemism to avoid calling them by their real names ("álfar") and thus drawing them to you.

    • @nomanmcshmoo8640
      @nomanmcshmoo8640 Před 2 lety +2

      @@auntie-angie-2112 Glad to know I am not alone!!! My experience was very positive and kind of funny because, unlike a lot of folks, I actually KNOW Faerie Lore pretty well. I messed up the entire meeting but it was met with laughter by the Merry Lady. She knew she had surprised me and did not hold my failure in etiquette against me.

    • @auntie-angie-2112
      @auntie-angie-2112 Před 2 lety +1

      @@nomanmcshmoo8640 wow - good on yeh! blessed are the mcschmoos. it is known ;) (so sayeth Merry Ladies everywhere)

    • @nomanmcshmoo8640
      @nomanmcshmoo8640 Před 2 lety

      @@auntie-angie-2112 Thank you! That made me smile!

  • @1polvomagico
    @1polvomagico Před 2 lety +9

    Again similar stories from here down in south America and although I haven't personally seen any little people I have a close friend that swears that he met one while he was playing soccer with a group of friends, rather than fleeing they try to catch it but he soon disappear between a line of trees. Another person (which wasn't so close, so I can't verify or dissmis) told once he's grandmother saw one lurking in his backyard on a rainy night, after seen him leave hastily trough the bushes she went to investigate, to her surprised the little guy left a shoe behind. this person saw the shoe once, it was very tiny like for a doll or a very small child, amazingly crafted and was made from bat leather, however if it had sole or/and shoelaces was not mentioned. One grand uncle once told me he could hear him/it sometimes in the night railing up the horses and riding them until dawn, in the morning the horses were exhausted and sleeping but all of them with intricate braids on their mane's.

    • @susanmccormick6022
      @susanmccormick6022 Před 2 lety +1

      Carlos Scott moreira: It makes sense that those beings,Faye or otherwise,should fight shy of humans who would attempt to try to catch them.Homo sapiens does not have a good track record in dealing with other species,or something that's different.

    • @1polvomagico
      @1polvomagico Před 2 lety +3

      @@susanmccormick6022 it was a well known local legend, they were 8-10 dumb kids and this particular being is mostly harmless except when he lures children into the forest with toys and trinkets to make them lost, although most stories have the children safely return to their house. As I remember they where playing in a grassy field when the ball rolled into a slope at the bottom of the hill there he was, presumably just walking, when he and a friend saw it, someone yelled "let's get him" by the time the mob got to the bottom the small figure run into the treeline and disappeared. He also has the bad having of appearing when people keep talking about him, almost like he knows, there are several videos of him most of them are fake but one of them was of this little guy walking at night in the streets of very small town and it was capture by a newly place surveillance camera can really out my thumb if this was fake or not as is a very grainy footage.

    • @susanmccormick6022
      @susanmccormick6022 Před 2 lety +1

      @@1polvomagico Thanks for your response.Interesting.Still wish people would mind their own business though.

  • @perfectlyimperfect9129
    @perfectlyimperfect9129 Před 2 lety +13

    Love the little people stories! Very interesting Thank you😊 scared of a small man? I'd never leave my dog scared or not !! I love my dogs too much ! If they are trying to harm you I understand why you'd be afraid, So sad that so many beings are afraid to come near people cuz of the way many treat them all as enemies.

  • @matthewmaxcy1574
    @matthewmaxcy1574 Před 2 lety +14

    It's a M'ikmaq/Migmaw thing for sure ,we seem to be very intune with the paranormal and spirit world for sure, I myself would love to share my experience and photos I have of things over the yrs I have seen and many with witnesses by my side thankfully, the world isn't as boring or plain as what we've been told or led to believe it is far far more mysterious and filled with amazing and unexpected and unexplained places and encounters.

    • @masaharumorimoto4761
      @masaharumorimoto4761 Před 2 lety +6

      Yo I've seen crazy things in the deep forest of Nova Scotia where I grew up! Bipedal creatures, shadow people, coyote that speak...

    • @mainemermaid6596
      @mainemermaid6596 Před 2 lety +3

      Please make a video and upload it to your channel. People want to know the truth, and learn. Thanks very much. ❤

    • @matthewmaxcy1574
      @matthewmaxcy1574 Před 2 lety +2

      I am working on that actually, putting together my images and videos for a few videos on my channel , I really haven't been in it for subscriber's but I feel these things need to be shared and seen so others who have also had same experience/encounters can also relate and tell and share to.

    • @matthewmaxcy1574
      @matthewmaxcy1574 Před 2 lety +3

      @@masaharumorimoto4761 I think alot of people have had strange happenings and finally people are able to tell of them and were at a place now that people know and see that it happens to alot of people and isn't just a few or people being labeled off or crazy, that pretty much everyone outthere in the world can tell of weird things that happen in their lives and some of us well I think some of us are born into it , its in our "Blood" so to speak ,

    • @snootdingo9365
      @snootdingo9365 Před 2 lety +1

      @@matthewmaxcy1574 check out the channel The Facts By How to Hunt. Many, many people are having encounters of this nature.

  • @andrewlove3686
    @andrewlove3686 Před 2 lety +11

    They could be left over stories from when the inuit colonized Canada reaching Greenland in the 1300s and killed all the Dorest people. If I remember when the Norse arrive in Greenland they described the skrealings(dorset people) as little people which was 300 years before inuit came.

    • @dreamarcher4018
      @dreamarcher4018 Před 2 lety +1

      No BS! I was trying to recall this story too. About little people and the Norse in Northern Canada!

    • @derekkase7884
      @derekkase7884 Před 2 lety

      So maybe sowehere out there deep in the forest some Thule people
      Hid and survived the inuit colonization

    • @andrewlove3686
      @andrewlove3686 Před 2 lety

      @@derekkase7884 I doubt there's any survivors pretty sure their extinct only stories. Also it's not the Thule I meant the Dorest people.

    • @WK-47
      @WK-47 Před 2 lety

      As I understand it, the Dorset struggled to adapt to changing climatic conditions and already on the decline, so the Inuit weren't in direct conflict with them. The skraelings being the Dorset is only one such theory. We have to remember as well that relative to the Norse they were small, just as there are trace accounts from the Native perspective of big white men with beards and swords, because it works both ways. I don't see how the skraelings being the Dorset would change anything. Thanks and take care.

  • @diggitus
    @diggitus Před 2 lety +4

    Wonderful channel with first-rate narration

  • @freeman7079
    @freeman7079 Před 2 lety +1

    This is probably my favorite channel on CZcams at this point.

  • @isaiahpatkutaqmckenzie7964

    My great uncle and uncle played Eskimo baseball with a little person in Northern Alaska back in the 1960s

  • @robertoveson3688
    @robertoveson3688 Před 11 měsíci +1

    The high Arctic looks like such a beautiful place to live and I love the cold !

  • @barbcameron2647
    @barbcameron2647 Před 2 lety +4

    That was very interesting 🤔

  • @Ulric-Wolfshead-Khan
    @Ulric-Wolfshead-Khan Před 2 lety +1

    Thank you so very much for sharing your knowledge, may the source bless you

  • @TM-dq8mq
    @TM-dq8mq Před 2 lety +1

    I am soooooo glad you have a new video

  • @livingalaskanative3301
    @livingalaskanative3301 Před 2 lety +6

    One elder from my village was playing g down the beach with friends and they saw a little person. It was trying to tell the kids to follow into the darkness but they were too scared. They thought the little person was a child like them from another village.

    • @sarahc8862
      @sarahc8862 Před 2 lety

      Oh that is scary 😨 makes you wonder about what really happened to missing people in the area for sure.

  • @Hallands.
    @Hallands. Před 2 lety +10

    These »little men« are real. They possess four kinds of »magic« that I know of, mind reading, teleportation, telekinesis and invisibility. They look and dress (at least in Britain and Scandinavia) like Brownies (nisser) only without the red cap, but are even smaller, 70 cm or less, although proportioned like a scaled down human (not like a dwarf with the relatively big head and torso).
    They’re most often seen by people waking up from sleep, probably because it takes some effort on their part to stay invisible, so presumably they spare themselves the effort while we sleep. But if we wake up and see them, they’ll immediately detect the change in our thoughts and cloak themselves (unless you’re able to observe meditatively without forming any thoughts about them).
    They prefer clothes made of wool in shades of brown and green, closed with hooks instead of buttons. The footwear is finely cured, soft leather boots or shoes with soft soles.
    They seem interested in kilns and smelting equipment, not food.
    Despite looking tike tiny humans in Amish clothes, there’s one feature sets them sharply apart: Their jaw are hinged differently, allowing them to open the mouth much wider than us and their teeth are small, sharp and pointed, somehow giving the impression that they prefer fish…

    • @hamster1169
      @hamster1169 Před 2 lety

      What do you know of Oregons? I want to offer them something to appease them - I learnt why I and my cat had been harassed and last night apologized - sincere, said I wished em well - they didn't take the Banana and honey but took water - I'm getting LifeSavers I heard of that - anything specific to Oregon ?

    • @Hallands.
      @Hallands. Před 2 lety +1

      @@hamster1169 Oregons? What do you mean?
      As for food, the little people don’t care much and seem interested in fish only, but for appeasement I would suggest silver coins, small utensils, wire - anything silver, really, precious stones, small tools like hand-drills or wood cutting knives, balls of yarns of true wool and patches of cured buckskin and tobacco… Something made from silver is probably the best bet. They sew little, hand fashioned silver ornaments into their clothes and capes.

    • @hamster1169
      @hamster1169 Před 2 lety

      @@Hallands. thank you so much! How small should the leather be cut - they can do that themselves? they let me sleep for the first time last night - the night following my apology and reference to gifts - Tobacco - do they need it wrapped up or loose? Not chewing tobacco I assume. Do I put it near their creek bed or in my home? I haven't noticed anything of them this morning inside my home

    • @hamster1169
      @hamster1169 Před 2 lety

      @@Hallands. I think - not sure but I think they've been keeping Sasquaches out - last time I noticed big banging or felt myself being grabbed in the night was a bit ago - thank you so much for your help

    • @hamster1169
      @hamster1169 Před 2 lety +2

      @@Hallands. Meant to describe them but was worried of them reading English - they were very small - not bigger than the space between the thumb and Forefinger - they were pixies not any type of goblin or kobold - like Tinkerbell look - even saw the elf shoes and caps - I'm gonna bet on wool and wire - but yeah my only question is how do I put it by their creek bed - heard of people creating little pine needle baskets - is there a universal method? Again thank you so so so much I looked through 600 comments to find advice thank you

  • @nickread2833
    @nickread2833 Před 2 lety

    Thank you for uploading!

  • @ChristiRich
    @ChristiRich Před 2 lety +3

    They looked for the little man after he opened cabin the door, but he was having Nunavut.

  • @surrealist1976
    @surrealist1976 Před 2 lety +3

    In Greenland we call them "Alliarutsit", the myths says that they live between land and ocean/water, they don´t have noses. If they kidnap a kid, the kid turn "Alliarutsit" by losing the nose. They sometimes is invisible to adults, and only kids could see them.

    • @surrealist1976
      @surrealist1976 Před 2 lety +3

      Alliarutsit or Inuarulligaq.. there was a midwife invited by one of them, to help a tiny person having trouble giving birth. And about 20 years ago, a tourist in my hometown was exercising running to the nature, she encounted a group of small people approximatly 20-30 tiny people, she felt like violating they´re space and run another way. And a man from my hometown, has in his childhood seen their home dissappeared by the shore, and when he was a grown up, met a group of them in the nature..

  • @derrickdavis4488
    @derrickdavis4488 Před 2 lety +2

    I love your work

  • @CwL-1984
    @CwL-1984 Před 2 lety +3

    Splendid 👍👍

  • @jolynmiller3194
    @jolynmiller3194 Před 2 lety +2

    Thank you for doing the map thing showing where you are talking about.

  • @dougallen4046
    @dougallen4046 Před 2 lety +3

    Really like your videos

  • @SG-bb8pq
    @SG-bb8pq Před 2 lety +1

    When i live in hawaii i have heard of little people that live out there called the Menehune. I can't remember how far back they go or if I'm getting this right but they use to work for King Kamehameha not sure in what way but they people got the order to wipe them out. They have the same background as every other little bit but with slight variations. They disappeared, Live in the brush, visit homes, etc. Lots of story out there that are amazing to listen to.

  • @benridge6570
    @benridge6570 Před 2 lety +1

    I enjoy your stories very much I hope you keep them coming thank you

  • @vikingskuld
    @vikingskuld Před 2 lety +3

    Oh helllllllllllllllllll yes you definitely just made my week. Haven't even watched the video yet but I know it's going to be that good like always.

  • @noblehillministerprophet8689

    There is a trail leading from a cemetery near me.It leads to the edge of a very busy street and stops.Only strange thing is there is an opening in the fence made and held open with a small pipe.This trail is worn down to the dirt.The fence is about 100 years old.Its about 12 inches high

  • @BradPitbull
    @BradPitbull Před 11 měsíci +1

    Excellent upload 👌
    Thanks for sharing the truth

  • @embalmertrick1420
    @embalmertrick1420 Před 2 lety +3

    Little folk are also part of Mexican folklore. They are called Aluxes.

  • @denimjeanz916
    @denimjeanz916 Před 2 lety +1

    1940s edition of Rand McNally geographic book depicted the north with four rivers and four islands. Warm weather and also the explores notes on the little people who lived in the area. Admiral Byrd talks of these people and the vast other continents as well as the water flowing into the center.

  • @sshs1936
    @sshs1936 Před 2 lety +2

    Came from rumble, you're a great Canadian artist HP, thanks for the stories!

    • @HammersonPeters
      @HammersonPeters  Před 2 lety +2

      Thanks for watching! So glad to see I have some viewers on Rumble.

    • @sshs1936
      @sshs1936 Před 2 lety +1

      You're welcome, rumble is good because you can put "against the narrative" content on there. I always give a yt watch though cause I think it makes you more money. I've started my way though" Mysteries of Canada Vol. 1. And will get the next one when im finished.

    • @HammersonPeters
      @HammersonPeters  Před 2 lety

      @@sshs1936 Thank you very much, I appreciate that. And thank you for your patronage! I hope you enjoy the book. I don't make any money on Rumble, unfortunately.

  • @nicholasporter1417
    @nicholasporter1417 Před 2 lety +1

    Absolutely love ur videos Mr Peters. Me always been fascinated with the America’s 1800-1900’s especially the fur traders

  • @mukhumor
    @mukhumor Před 2 lety +1

    In Ireland you can't cut down a Fairy Tree because of the bad luck that will follow. There is a motorway that had to be built around a Fairy Tree, so as not to disturb it.

  • @friendoftellus5741
    @friendoftellus5741 Před 10 měsíci +1

    Very interesting video !!! Thank you very much !!! Keep up the good work !!!

  • @soulstorm8806
    @soulstorm8806 Před 2 lety +2

    They are real. I believe they must be spirits. He’s not lying. He is not lying by any means. Whatever the case he was telling the truth. Subscribed.

  • @badas45
    @badas45 Před 2 lety +2

    I spent a couple months in Alaska on the bearing sea Peninsula
    Almost everyone has a weird story

    • @hamster1169
      @hamster1169 Před 2 lety

      Hold up. Any story of someone being stalked and woken every night for a while then being left alone - appeasing them somehow?

  • @jenniferlonnes7420
    @jenniferlonnes7420 Před 2 lety +1

    This is one of the more interesting stories you've presented.

  • @gonshocks
    @gonshocks Před 2 lety +1

    I spent 4 years in Alaska in the 1960's and never heard of these little people and am inclined to dismiss it, then I remember the quote from Shakespeare "There are more things
    in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy".

  • @En_Marche
    @En_Marche Před 2 lety +3

    Very interesting!

  • @Tarbtano
    @Tarbtano Před 2 lety +4

    Just Santa's elves on vacation.

  • @keithblount229
    @keithblount229 Před 2 lety +2

    Hey howdy hey y’all from Northeast Florida.

  • @normanjohnson9877
    @normanjohnson9877 Před 2 lety +2

    I lived in Bethel, Alaska for a couple of years. The native people definitely believed in little people. My mother was Irish and believed in something similar.

    • @HammersonPeters
      @HammersonPeters  Před 2 lety +2

      What a weird coincidence! I just read a Hairy Man story set in Hangar Lake, just north of Bethel.

    • @normanjohnson9877
      @normanjohnson9877 Před 2 lety

      @@HammersonPeters cool! 😊

    • @bg9318
      @bg9318 Před 2 lety +1

      I'm Irish and your right fairies definitely talked about here in Ireland older people would tell stories some bull I'm sure but some you never know

  • @Mystic_Light
    @Mystic_Light Před 2 lety +3

    Sounds like the tales of leprechauns I heard as a kid from my Irish ancestors.

  • @BroncoJoeAK
    @BroncoJoeAK Před 5 měsíci +1

    The Little People are real. They literally just stole my keys and returned them when I asked about an hour ago. I live in Alaska btw. I’ve seen them on one occasion where they stole a hammer, returned it, and I watched three of them about knee-high, butt-naked as they jumped into the tall grass in my yard and disappeared a few years prior. Ever since then, I’ve had multiple instances when they play pranks on me and after acknowledging them and their prank, they give it back. I learned of them originally after my first encounter with them when my Dad told me they stole his hatchet when he was hunting about 10 years before my birth. Just be respectful of them, laugh at their pranks and thank them for their humor. Otherwise you may go to bed angry that they stole your hammer and wake up to find they have stolen your arm. Or worse, they may steal your head.

  • @Swayzeo
    @Swayzeo Před 2 lety +2

    I've seen tracks in the snow, here in Mt. Shasta

  • @fleotusleotus8642
    @fleotusleotus8642 Před 2 lety +4

    I know they are real because there are times when I can barely see them, and when I have been complacent around them, they get sweetly yet ominously aggressive.. for real , they exist, and if you eat mushrooms from the same area they show you things like paths and i think i may have one fellas or elves underwear , saved with some other precious items. Bottom line is i have dogs and these things are real yet not scary

  • @orcvsivstitia7608
    @orcvsivstitia7608 Před 2 lety +1

    That's a cool perk.

  • @jeffbell9256
    @jeffbell9256 Před 2 lety +1

    That is so cool man

  • @dansweda712
    @dansweda712 Před 2 lety +1

    This is another good channel that should have way more subscribers than it does, kinda like What Lurks Beneath

  • @theodorepatton887
    @theodorepatton887 Před 9 měsíci +1

    Need more ,,, ❤️

  • @KendraEMoyer
    @KendraEMoyer Před 2 lety +1

    I live in Michigan and I met one. One of these days I will put up a video.

  • @AudaciousAmber
    @AudaciousAmber Před rokem +1

    That is the second time I've heard that yupik talk about that. Peter santenello interviewed them and one of the little people try to take her cousin when they were little but when they heard dogs let him go

  • @andrewsquire9892
    @andrewsquire9892 Před 2 lety +1

    These are the li-uhl people. They are fond of dancing especially around stone formations like Stonehenge.

  • @victoriapushruk9405
    @victoriapushruk9405 Před 2 lety +1

    We have the same similar stories in Alaska

  • @DarkstOfficial
    @DarkstOfficial Před 5 měsíci +1

    The Little Man I came across, just appeared out of the bush at 12 midnight, he noticed me, he was dressed in buck skin, I quickly chased him into an open field and he just vanished, he was just over knee height

  • @machinehead6961
    @machinehead6961 Před 2 lety +2

    Victoria Island is quite compelling indeed.

  • @owenthomas6967
    @owenthomas6967 Před 2 lety +1

    Dude I need more Nahanni material. I’m now inspired to explore the area one day. This is golden too! Keep ‘em coming!

    • @lionelhutz5137
      @lionelhutz5137 Před 2 lety

      Don't lose your head

    • @hamster1169
      @hamster1169 Před 2 lety

      Wooooohoa listen - you've the unique opportunity to have heard and seen all this - heard of Nahani - and now the reason to Not Do That - CZcams Missing 411 - the real life Xfiles but it's all Bigfoot and fairys kidnapping people

    • @hamster1169
      @hamster1169 Před 2 lety

      The cases are all 100 percent ran through a screening of like mental stuff of murder kidnapping aaaany animal activity at all like if there any sign at all it's ruled out - all the cases are incredible like find someone's folded clothes 20 miles through impassable terrain on top of a cliff - and 2 months later they find FRESH bones 50 miles the opposite direction in a little shrine - not human shrine like pine needles cleared in. A little circle with a pile of pine needles and a tooth or something on it

  • @royalordinance
    @royalordinance Před rokem +2

    In 1974, Klerksdorp-when my girlfriend was six, she saw a tiny alien man in the shrubs looking at her.
    She froze with fear.
    Her mother crapped on her for being so late to dinner.
    Only in her twenties did she share the bizarre, real event.