Hamas 'Blows Up IDF Soldiers' After Troops 'Walk Into Qassam Trap' On Gaza Border; Israel Says...

  • čas přidán 16. 05. 2024
  • An Israeli soldier was killed and several others injured in an explosion that Hamas says was an attack near Gaza-Israel border. The soldier was killed and another four troops were lightly hurt in a blast caused by Israeli munitions in a military zone near the Black Arrow memorial site on the border, Israeli military said. Hamas, however, said it they booby trapped Israeli soldiers and detonated an explosive device. Watch the video for more.
    #hamas #rafah #alqassambrigades #palestine #israel #IDF #abuobaida #hamas #israelhamaswar #gaza #alaqsaflood
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Komentáře • 444

  • @TMan786
    @TMan786 Před 15 dny +263

    I think under international law the Palestinians have a right to defend themselves against illegal occupation.

    • @gildaiancu9516
      @gildaiancu9516 Před 14 dny

      The resistance of an exterminated population cannot be called terrorism. Israel practice state terrorism using American money and resources. Most of the Bolsheviks that killed in USSR and Eastern Europe were Jewish. From Russia they bowed to US and soon they will bow to China. Any state power that serves Bolshevism sooth these criminals that use Religion to say that they act as entitled chosen people to kill and rob. Christ God chooses people from all Nations, not only from one nation ,which would be religious apartheid

    • @user-hr6gz7wo2y
      @user-hr6gz7wo2y Před 13 dny +6

      القانون الوحيد انا من حق الشعب الفلسطيني ان يحصل علا دولة مثل بقية شعواب العالم

    • @robertocharik5403
      @robertocharik5403 Před 13 dny

      اسر ايل
      الباطن : قيدوكم اللذين غطو عنكم حقائق الحروف الربانية و شوهو سمعتها الحميدة و اسروكم باضافتهم لحروف بشرية من صنعهم و تشكيلات على أهوائهم لياخذوكم إلى اتباع صراطهم لتكونو لهم أسرى و أنتم تعبدونهم محتبسين في محيط ظاهري وضعو على حروفه الربانية طلاسما ليغشو أبصاركم عن حقيقة اختباركم الدنيوي و اسروكم إلى اتباع الضلال و كتمو عنكم حقائق علوم الحروف الربانية لكي لا تحاربو علمهم من باطن علمها الجوهري و اوصلوكم إلى ما أرادو بكم لعدم تقربكم من خلقة الحروف الربانية و عدم تمعنكم للتعرف على سر تنزيلها عليكم و اتباعكم لما علموكم كأنهم دار بقائكم و تحرمون على أنفسكم ما علموكم من آيات مطلسمة ترددونها و تاسرون أنفسكم فيها من دون نبأ مبين وانتم مستمرين في اتباعهم إلى الجحيم الذي رسموه لكم بظاهركم ، و جعلو أرواحكم تركب بعضها و رضت أنفسكم ان تتزوج أرواحكم الربانية الطاهرة، و اخترعو لكم كتبا و أحاديث ليعززو استمراركم في اتباع ما رسموه لكم و لتنسو اختباركم الدنيوي وضعو لكم المودة بين أرواحكم المتزوجة و في أبنائكم لكي تلتهو فقط في هموم الحياة التي رسموها لكم، و تنسو اختباركم الرباني الحقيقي و وصلو إلى مرادهم بتقتيلكم و تهجيركم و حبس أهلكم الذي جعلوكم تحنون اليهم لكي لا تحاربوهم بسلاح العلم الرباني الباطني، و صارت لهم قبضة حديدية عليكم و أنتم أسرى في عبادتهم و يشتد اسركم كلما تابعتم عبادتكم لهم بظاهر ما رسموه لكم على خلقة الحروف الربانية و اسراركم في طلب العون و أنتم خاشعون في عبادتهم متبعين ما وشوشو به على عقولكم لكي لا تعلمو عن السر المخفي في خلقة الحروف الربانية الراقية و ان لا يكون لكم خبر عن سلاحها المخفي لتدمرو بها اعداء الدين الأسلم من كل ما فعلو بخلقة حروفه الربانية بظاهرها و كتمو عنكم حقيقة حروفها الربانية المتشابهة المثنية المليئة بالعلوم الربانية و ونعيمها عليكم، و ليكون العدل الرباني يجب أن ترجع لهم الحروف الربانية بروحها الجوهرية القوية ما فعلوه على خلقتها الطاهرة و تفرح من افرحها و رضى عن خلقتها ، و تدخل السرور على من ادخل السرور على روحها الطيبة بتعابيره المستمرة عليها و تطيب نفسه بما أطيب أنفس الحروف الربانية الزكية و تلقي في الحبس من حبسوها في سجن مظلم كما أظلمو روحها الجوهرية و تسقطهم فيما فعلو بخلقة الحروف الربانية و ترد عليهم بمثل ما غطو حقائقها المعلنة و ترميهم بكل ما فعلو بخلقتها الكريمة و تشد سلاسلهم كما شدو سلاسلها بربطهم لحروفها الربانية القوية و تاسرهم اسرا شديدا في فعلتهم بخلقة الحروف الربانية العظيمة و تضربهم بجحيم ما رسمو عليها و ما جعلو ارواحا بريئة تتبعهم عليها و يرونه في ظاهرهم و أوانه قد حان عليهم بقوة ما فعلو بأرواح الحروف الربانية و أرواح بشرية بريئة يرجع عليهم جميع أفعالهم بالأرواح البريئة و الجرائم برمتها التي ارتكبوها عليها ترتمي عليهم في ظاهرهم بما فعلو بظاهرها و ترجع لهم ما جائو لمعرفته منها و تاسرهم جميعا في ما فعلو بنعمة علمها عليهم و تحشرهم في جرائمهم عليها و تفضي كل علومهم الدجلية بما افضو من دجلهم بأفعالهم عليها و تقيدهم جميعا في أفعالهم بها و يكون العدل الرباني في الأرض و ترضى عنه الأنفس و يطيب في الأرواح الربانية الجوهرية و يبقى فقط اسم العلم الرباني الجوهري ينتشر بسرعة في ظاهركم و يتعالى علمه القوي الجامع لكل العلوم الكونية على كل علم عبري غطى حقيقة علومه الربانية الخفية و جمع ما قدر له عقله المحدود من معلومات علمه الخفي و ايل عليه بخبثه و كشر عن أسنانه ظانا منه انه قصر طريقه بالصاقه الحروف الربانية مع بعضها مقبلا عليها بحروف و تشكيلات بشرية من صنعه ليدخلها بالمكر إلى عقولكم حتى تمكن من السيطرة بها على افواهكم و أصبحتم تتغنون بكل ما أراده بكم و جعل ارواحا بريئة تسجن بهياكل حيوانية روحهم من روحكم الربانية الجوهرية من فصيلة واحدة و جعلوكم اعداءا لبعضكم و حددو رتبا لارواحكم بتصنيفكم و سجنكم داخل هياكل اختلقها لكم بظاهركم و جعل لكل منكم اسنانا داخل فمه قصيرة بما أوتي من العلم الرباني ملتزقة ببعضها كما فعل بخلقة الحروف الربانية مقبلة على أكل لحوم هياكل حيوانية بداخلها أرواح ربانية بريئة تبتلعونها بفمكم و تناسيتم انكم كنتم مذكرين عن حقيقة الحروف الربانية و جعلكم الدجال بظاهركم ذكورا و اللذين كانو يثنون على ما كنتم تذكرون به الأرواح عن العلوم الربانية جعلهم إناثا ليجعل الفتنة بينكم و اركب بعضكم على بعض و نجح في اسقاطكم في البلاء العظيم و أنتم تنظرون و ليكون العدل يجب أن يرجع للفاعل أفعاله على خلقة الحروف الربانية و ما فعل بخلقة جميع الأرواح الكونية و يعود عليه فعله بكل ما فعل من تشويه و تخريب و تدمير و تعذيب و قهر جميع الأرواح الكونية الربانية و يحرق بالجحيم الذي رسمه على ظاهر خلقة الحروف الربانية الطيبة و يرد له كل ما اوهم به المخلوقات و الأرواح الربانية منذ نشاتها ليكون العدل الرباني و نضرب كل من غطى حقائقها العلمية الربانية بما ضربو حروفها الربانية الكريمة بجمعهم لحروفها الربانية القوية تجمعهم بما كانت نيتهم على جمعهم لها و تفعل بهم ما فعلو بجميع الأرواح و الكائنات الربانية و ترد لهم تغطيتهم لحقائق العلوم الربانية عنكم و تغطيتهم بما غطو حروفها الربانية و ترد لهم ما رسموه عليها و يقام العدل الرباني في جميع بقاع الدنيا بحقه و تبقى فقط الارواح الطاهرة الراضية على إقامة العدل الرباني بجوهره الراقي على وجه الارض

    • @ihatetobethatguybut....
      @ihatetobethatguybut.... Před 12 dny

      Definitely. Israel is an ILLEGAL OCCUPIER.

    • @amiruddin156
      @amiruddin156 Před 10 dny +1

      i think the problems are getting consensus internationaly that it is indeed "illegal occupation" at the first place.. it is like chicken and egg which one is first kind of story..

  • @ShamsyOluwadarey
    @ShamsyOluwadarey Před 15 dny +362

    After Hamas they are facing the angel of death

    • @MelMarley
      @MelMarley Před 15 dny +17

      Nikar & Munkar in full effect 😮

    • @ShamsyOluwadarey
      @ShamsyOluwadarey Před 15 dny +8

      @@MelMarley exactly

    • @physicslover790
      @physicslover790 Před 15 dny +5

      ​@@MelMarley Wait.... They aren't the angel of death as far I know.... Azrail (as) is angel of death if I am not wrong 🤔

    • @AprilManno
      @AprilManno Před 15 dny +2

      ​@@physicslover790i see what you did there👍

    • @silverify
      @silverify Před 14 dny +5

      ​​​​​​​​@@physicslover790many people call it Azrail but its not in the Quran.. Its named angel of death actually on Arabic. Melek ul meuth. So better read vs I heard from someone..

  • @coshyno
    @coshyno Před 15 dny +301

    God please protect the Palestinian soldier !

    • @MrDbflex1
      @MrDbflex1 Před 15 dny

      You are an abomination asking God to protect terrorist, rapist, baby burning devils and call them soldiers. How dare you be so obtuse. May God send you a dream.

    • @bobperrone2105
      @bobperrone2105 Před 14 dny

      you phillstine who s dna is Egyptian,,,no such people nor land ..phillstia

    • @purushothamansameasabove7765
    • @MailBoxExpress
      @MailBoxExpress Před 14 dny +1

      Don't wait on god...he never turns up

    • @puyinpuyin4945
      @puyinpuyin4945 Před 14 dny

      You mean Hamas is Palestinians soldiers

  • @yakubahamed-bp2tk
    @yakubahamed-bp2tk Před 15 dny +286

    End the occupation and free Palestine

    • @stevenpbm
      @stevenpbm Před 15 dny +1

      No such place exists.

    • @Luluu205
      @Luluu205 Před 15 dny

      @@stevenpbmIsNOTreal doesn’t exist in Palestine 🇵🇸 so move tf on back wherever the heck y’all came from

    • @arturferrao7353
      @arturferrao7353 Před 14 dny +4

      @@stevenpbm The reality:
      The term “Palestine” is derived from the Greek word Philistia, which referred to the ancient state of the Philistines. This name was given to the region by Greek writers in the 12th century B.C.
      Source: PCRF -> Who Are the Palestinians?

    • @vilinu3476
      @vilinu3476 Před 14 dny +12

      We know how the story ends. May Allah grant patience to the Muslim ummah and unite us together to protect those oppressed. Oh Allah! Grant victory to the Palestinians and liberate them! Amen

    • @Luluu205
      @Luluu205 Před 14 dny +3

      @@vilinu3476 Ameen

  • @kevingleed2928
    @kevingleed2928 Před 15 dny +178

    Thats what happens when u invade a country

  • @pauljmeyer1
    @pauljmeyer1 Před 15 dny +107

    The IDF Supremacists are not so cocky now.

    • @gildaiancu9516
      @gildaiancu9516 Před 14 dny

      The resistance of an exterminated population cannot be called terrorism. Israel practice state terrorism using American money and resources. Most of the Bolsheviks that killed in USSR and Eastern Europe were Jewish. From Russia they bowed to US and soon they will bow to China. Any state power that serves Bolshevism sooth these criminals that use Religion to say that they act as entitled chosen people to kill and rob. Christ God chooses people from all Nations, not only from one nation ,which would be religious apartheid

    • @AthenaLorenz-nx7gk
      @AthenaLorenz-nx7gk Před 12 dny +2

      they are fearful

  • @user-jm9bx3ey1j
    @user-jm9bx3ey1j Před 15 dny +177

    Free Palestine 🇧🇩❤🇯🇴

    • @92naz32
      @92naz32 Před 15 dny +5

      You can't free something that doesn't exist.

    • @eddiethegray1884
      @eddiethegray1884 Před 15 dny +3

      Free Palestine-FROM HAMAS

    • @abdullahazeem113
      @abdullahazeem113 Před 15 dny +9

      @@92naz32 it exist israel does not even dictators like hitler accepted it as a soverign nation

    • @abdullahazeem113
      @abdullahazeem113 Před 15 dny +11

      @@eddiethegray1884 from israel from zionism

    • @TR42000
      @TR42000 Před 15 dny

      @@92naz32I have a picture of a sinkhole that says Palestine government 1931 ..
      Before your shitty country even exists 😂

  • @herimulyocahyo
    @herimulyocahyo Před 14 dny +40

    How fools IDF soldier sacrifice their soul while Netanyahu's son live happily abroad

    • @youtubespot7753
      @youtubespot7753 Před 12 dny

      IDF are jobless just for money they join the army killing innocent children, people..
      IDF Satan chosen army

    • @yuser237
      @yuser237 Před 9 dny +1

      IDF Idiot Duck Force

  • @mdnormatnor5226
    @mdnormatnor5226 Před 15 dny +95

    itu bukan anggota hamas mereka adalah rakyat Palestin menjadi pejuang jihad pertahankan tanah mereka dari penceroboh rejim zionis

  • @AdamSahr-cj4kf
    @AdamSahr-cj4kf Před 15 dny +106

    Welcome to Jahannem...

    • @dacracking5768
      @dacracking5768 Před 15 dny +4

      Oh, they are going to have a wonderful time over there.

    • @shahbegam1623
      @shahbegam1623 Před 14 dny +4

      Setnyhu sent his army to be finish,, pure evils,,
      Then his own people after him,
      Also the bee's,,,then the dogs😂😂😂

  • @ryhanahmed6242
    @ryhanahmed6242 Před 15 dny +33

    IDF isreali Diaper force 🔻🔻🔻🇮🇳🇯🇴☝️

  • @ok_best
    @ok_best Před 14 dny +10

    imagine if these Palestinians get full military support…. the Israelis will be doomed…

  • @0z_e1m
    @0z_e1m Před 15 dny +26

    S4tanyah0o is sending his army straight to hell 🔥

  • @JanetCarter-bp4mb
    @JanetCarter-bp4mb Před 15 dny +17

    ❤🇯🇴🇯🇴🇯🇴🇯🇴❤ Viva Palestina❤🇯🇴 🔻🔻🔻Viva La Resistance 🔻🔻🔻

  • @cnccarving
    @cnccarving Před 15 dny +75

    IDF wouldnt stand a week against an army like russians

    • @pelaubenson1230
      @pelaubenson1230 Před 15 dny +19

      @cnccarving..A whole week?..guess more a question of a few hours!

    • @stevenpbm
      @stevenpbm Před 15 dny

      Russians fight like school girls.

    • @DeathCultSlayer
      @DeathCultSlayer Před 15 dny +3

      Russia won't try, but 57 Muslim countries will still cry 😂

    • @donaldapolala1271
      @donaldapolala1271 Před 15 dny +4

      The Russian army can take on the whole world army at once

    • @DeathCultSlayer
      @DeathCultSlayer Před 15 dny +7

      @@donaldapolala1271 That's why still couldn't conquer Ukraine in 2.5 years 😆

  • @qdvidzone1890
    @qdvidzone1890 Před 15 dny +53

    Free Palestinine from India 🇮🇳🇵🇸 shame on Israel 🤮

  • @HaiderShah77777
    @HaiderShah77777 Před 15 dny +60

    اللہ اکبر۔ حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَ نِعْمَ الْوَ كِيلُ ❤

  • @FarrahWhitecloud
    @FarrahWhitecloud Před 15 dny +31

    Another bites the dust, Free Palestine 🇵🇸

  • @donnaroberts4513
    @donnaroberts4513 Před 15 dny +21

    Well the whole world warned Nethanyahu about not invading Rafah.

  • @akal7885
    @akal7885 Před 15 dny +40

    just remeber over 15000 children buried and bulldozed.

  • @UnboxEnjoyerBN
    @UnboxEnjoyerBN Před 15 dny +47

    the smile is gone now 😂

  • @taufeqabbas6149
    @taufeqabbas6149 Před 15 dny +20

    They are not killed... just got a free ride to meet Aroel Shoron for bbq party.

  • @yeasminchowdhury6090
    @yeasminchowdhury6090 Před 15 dny +35

    Ya Allah please help Palestinian people and make all Muslims together and all over the world people together InshaAllaah

  • @user-ke8wv9lo6w
    @user-ke8wv9lo6w Před 15 dny +23

    Remember when the Russian Soldier said during the Battle of Berlin; "Comrades, we have destroyed the Gang of Criminals, who claimed that they were the best Army in the World" If israel won't stop their oppression against Palestinian people, soon they will be stop by their enemies who keep growing in numbers

    • @liaqatkhan7850
      @liaqatkhan7850 Před 13 dny

      You talking about Jewish Lobby in washington.under biden.the shame full thing is from the day one you are after civilians,till this day we haven't seen any hamas.just heard that many got killed.where are they.

  • @AhmedLaarossi-xg3ot
    @AhmedLaarossi-xg3ot Před 15 dny +54

    Libanon has the right to defend herself and to defend the jews from zionism...

  • @Irishandproud2707
    @Irishandproud2707 Před 13 dny +4

    Freedom and justice for Palestine 🇵🇸

  • @vilinu3476
    @vilinu3476 Před 14 dny +13

    May Allah disperse their unity, weaken their plots and turn their attacks back on to them and protect our brothers and sisters in Palestine. May Allah grant the highest ranks in Jannah to those that have passed away and strengthen the hearts of the ones that are alive and calm their fears and pour upon them Patience. May Allah unite the Muslim ummah to protect those oppressed. Amen

  • @mwanykange
    @mwanykange Před 15 dny +9

    Free Palestine!

  • @syamjoharisyamjohari3048
    @syamjoharisyamjohari3048 Před 14 dny +15

    Now he will be Unite with the promised land😂😂

  • @69sakibkhan
    @69sakibkhan Před 15 dny +9

    Alhamdulillah. send them to Jahannam

  • @user-hh8rl7ys9j
    @user-hh8rl7ys9j Před 14 dny +10

    Peace for all, Netanyahu out .

  • @user-nj1qu1cs7s
    @user-nj1qu1cs7s Před 15 dny +25

    When you invade or occupy a land that is not yours then expect resistance, and to say the IDF get what they deserve is an understatement in fact they don't get anywhere near the resistance they should.

  • @ukhilali7418
    @ukhilali7418 Před 15 dny +56

    No more posing for photos?!...
    “accept defeat or fall into the abyss and beyond”..... Nasrallah !..

  • @hoodwolf4155
    @hoodwolf4155 Před 15 dny +65

    The tunnels are still in use this is true gorilla warfare.

    • @rcristy
      @rcristy Před 15 dny

      Israel too scared to go in because they're booby trapped. Alot of fake tunnels too

    • @AdamSahr-cj4kf
      @AdamSahr-cj4kf Před 15 dny +8

      Nice comment but it's guerrilla not gorilla...

    • @susanmclane7781
      @susanmclane7781 Před 14 dny +2

      @@AdamSahr-cj4kf Just remember that many people who comment are not English speakers first. Often there are misspellings, etc, but if you can understand just accept them.

    • @AdamSahr-cj4kf
      @AdamSahr-cj4kf Před 14 dny

      @@susanmclane7781 What did I do? Did I make fun of him? I corrected his mistake very politely.

    • @clocloww1622
      @clocloww1622 Před 14 dny +1

      As the others were saying here yes the spelling is Guerilla and is a Spanish name for little war. Now given the awful American English pronunciation of other languages they pronounce it as Gorilla, which makes me always itchy for the ignorance of the case. And through the years now everyone awfully and mistakenly pronounce this word as the poor Gorilla that nothing has to do with a war!

  • @saimariaz7938
    @saimariaz7938 Před 15 dny +12

    When answer with truth ur message gets deleted what a fcking joke double standard’s

  • @viajandoyaprendiendoconRicardo

    Guerrilla warfare is never good news. Ask any Viet Nam veteran.

  • @shadabshaikh4397
    @shadabshaikh4397 Před 14 dny +10

    May Allah help and bless Palestinians

    • @kaypeebp-uz9lz
      @kaypeebp-uz9lz Před 14 dny +1

      Allah already told, who is owner of this land.

  • @noorfazeleyaziz902
    @noorfazeleyaziz902 Před 15 dny +31

    By the name of Allah for the river to the sea Palestine will be free

    • @92naz32
      @92naz32 Před 15 dny

      Palestine exists only in the imagination of fools.

  • @AlbertLuka-nw1ij
    @AlbertLuka-nw1ij Před 15 dny +16

    Qassam ❤

  • @kamelsabri1122
    @kamelsabri1122 Před 14 dny +8

    Welcome to Gaza City 🤷‍♂️

  • @lbrhodes6080
    @lbrhodes6080 Před 14 dny +10

    They must leave Gaza.

  • @benitomoralesjr1142
    @benitomoralesjr1142 Před 15 dny +8

    You want to play in the real world.
    You gotta pay.
    Libre; Palestinia!

  • @shamshadparwez8192
    @shamshadparwez8192 Před 15 dny +15

    Agar dunia ka sab se deler ( Brave) mulk koi hai to wo PALESTINI HAI

  • @tufailkhantufail800
    @tufailkhantufail800 Před 15 dny +23

    Not Israeli personal, They are Contractor who is fighting for Israel for money

    • @Al7amed
      @Al7amed Před 15 dny +2

      IDF soldiers even their names were posted on some Israelis Televisions Channels

    • @greatmahatmagandhi4713
      @greatmahatmagandhi4713 Před 15 dny +5

      All occupiers must go home.

  • @n.al-n.7580
    @n.al-n.7580 Před 14 dny +12

    They were warned on entering Rafah, but they didn’t know it’s for their own safety 😂

  • @dilawardilawar2872
    @dilawardilawar2872 Před 15 dny +10


  • @robertojesus1681
    @robertojesus1681 Před 15 dny +46

    Best video ever, Thanks for continuing to update... I prefer to trade in the stock market or crypto because it is more profitable. I earn an average of $34,840 per week even though I barely do any business.

    • @bellaellen5273
      @bellaellen5273 Před 15 dny +18

      Wow! I thank God. I prefer to operate in the cryptocurrency market because it is more profitable. I make a good amount of money per week even though I hardly trade on my own.

    • @Sophie-226
      @Sophie-226 Před 15 dny +4

      I started with 1500$ and accumulated 22000$k

    • @evaserrano8175
      @evaserrano8175 Před 15 dny +4

      How is that? if you do not mind

    • @avabernard9851
      @avabernard9851 Před 15 dny +3

      Olivia has been my backbone since last year and has brought me many benefits, I now smile to the bank every week

    • @kong9347
      @kong9347 Před 15 dny +3

      I trade with Olivia she helps me alot to increase my capital.

  • @serunjogimutwalib984
    @serunjogimutwalib984 Před 15 dny +28

    Operational mistakes are dew to fear and panic!!!!

    • @lilianebarlow1719
      @lilianebarlow1719 Před 13 dny

      Ironical that they could not even accept attack that caused death among their soldiers. They would rather call it an operational error, 'friendly fire' which is an obscenity of a term that should not have entered our language.

  • @HeIsAllahTheOneAndOnly
    @HeIsAllahTheOneAndOnly Před 15 dny +4

    Free Palestine 😢

  • @k.j3172
    @k.j3172 Před 14 dny +6

    Omg is it the 5th strongest army in the world??😂😂😂

  • @ridesafealways4929
    @ridesafealways4929 Před 15 dny +16

    Al Qassam, Al Quds, send these occupiers to Malak al Maut

  • @1959jskin
    @1959jskin Před 14 dny +6

    Ive been watching thousands of Al Qassam videos. They try to take out comand tanks mostly and although they could they dont attack medivac helicopters. Morally higher than the IDF.

    • @minhdungdao5442
      @minhdungdao5442 Před 14 dny

      Yet they never fight in military uniform. And later die count as civiliance

  • @user-xk5jr8ky1g
    @user-xk5jr8ky1g Před 15 dny +4

    Хамас не остовляй не капли крови погибших детей газы в земле, нород соглосившиеся жить окровавленной детской кровью земле хуже дьявола нескончаемый цифрой

  • @imii-tu4mn
    @imii-tu4mn Před 15 dny +9


  • @furqantube8876
    @furqantube8876 Před 15 dny +6

    How many battalions Israel have 😂😂??

    @ZOFIELHERRERA-wy3yo Před 14 dny +5

    The wrath of God.

  • @dahoka
    @dahoka Před 12 dny +2

    Palestinians have the right to defend themselves against the Israeli occupation

  • @Lilibet-vl4hn
    @Lilibet-vl4hn Před 15 dny +5

    Zivio Hamas , nedajte se braco

  • @Hawa-lt7yu
    @Hawa-lt7yu Před 15 dny +15

    Free palestine ,let the innocent to leave thier lives.

  • @kenanoztoprak9314
    @kenanoztoprak9314 Před 15 dny +16


  • @sahibzadakhattak3150
    @sahibzadakhattak3150 Před 15 dny +5

    مرګ بر اسراٸېل

  • @qsmobileexperts4683
    @qsmobileexperts4683 Před 15 dny +6

    Free Falsitien❤

  • @bearaffiliate
    @bearaffiliate Před 15 dny +7

    What is there to laugh in front of ruins

  • @MdRifatMiah-gk7yn
    @MdRifatMiah-gk7yn Před 15 dny +12


  • @EXHINDU293
    @EXHINDU293 Před 15 dny +24

    Ex Hindu

    • @AdamSahr-cj4kf
      @AdamSahr-cj4kf Před 15 dny +2

      Welcome to the Ummah of the just and brave...

  • @user-oj8ld9rd9r
    @user-oj8ld9rd9r Před 12 dny +1

    Свободу Палестины🇵🇸☝️🤲😞😣😔💔☝️

  • @declanmurphy6427
    @declanmurphy6427 Před 15 dny +8

    Long live Palestine 🙏

  • @n.al-n.7580
    @n.al-n.7580 Před 14 dny +2

    Jabalia - enter at your own risk 🔥

  • @Cui-bono987
    @Cui-bono987 Před 14 dny +2

    Will this be publicised as "friendly fire " too?

  • @user-sp7dx2ri4g
    @user-sp7dx2ri4g Před 13 dny +3

    Those Palestinians fight like ghosts ...certainly they are the land owners coz no one fights like this unless he is right

  • @user-jm9bx3ey1j
    @user-jm9bx3ey1j Před 15 dny +4


  • @kunfayakun5954
    @kunfayakun5954 Před 8 dny +1

    IDF Vs HAMAS ❎️
    IDF Vs ANGEL ✅️

  • @user-pm2er5qr1x
    @user-pm2er5qr1x Před 9 dny

    I am in contact with an employee of mine in Gaza. I have not heard from him for a week. He told me that he lives in the rubble of his neighbors’ house and does not want to go to Rafah until his younger brothers are removed from under the rubble. For information, they died two months ago and he still does not want to go until his brothers and family are buried, but there are not even rescuers or He preached in his city

  • @a.m.armstrong8354
    @a.m.armstrong8354 Před 15 dny +3

    Holy smoke, bro..

  • @itamnasir4910
    @itamnasir4910 Před 15 dny +6


  • @ShahNawazKhan-ud4sv
    @ShahNawazKhan-ud4sv Před 15 dny +3


  • @marianoarduino4001
    @marianoarduino4001 Před 15 dny +8

    Free Free palestine

  • @AldeeStar86
    @AldeeStar86 Před 13 dny +2


  • @liaqatkhan7850
    @liaqatkhan7850 Před 13 dny +2

    That mean idf been sent to hell 😂😂😂

  • @johankromosemito7862
    @johankromosemito7862 Před 14 dny +3

    Free Palestine

  • @Perlim483
    @Perlim483 Před 12 dny


  • @njidechu
    @njidechu Před 14 dny +2

    A week ago I commented on a video in which I predicted that Hamas would boobytrap Gaza.
    Looks like I was right.

  • @kathelineblain7224
    @kathelineblain7224 Před 14 dny +3

    Free, free,free Palestine!

  • @lukaszzatorski9455
    @lukaszzatorski9455 Před 15 dny +2


  • @BarbieVoiceofTruth
    @BarbieVoiceofTruth Před 13 dny +1


  • @akramtahir565
    @akramtahir565 Před 14 dny +1

    this is the power of belief in allah. undoubtedly
    islam is the true religion on this planet

  • @mdnoorabdullah9588
    @mdnoorabdullah9588 Před 15 dny +10

    Who can stop this war pls

    • @axxoaxx288
      @axxoaxx288 Před 15 dny +5


    • @M.Larson_13
      @M.Larson_13 Před 15 dny

      USA could do it today and could have done it months ago but they are not interested.
      Making too much money from APAC and the military industrial war machines is in big business, the same goes for Russia and Ukraine war, making too much on it, USa could stop that one too, but again not interested. So ask Genocide Joe to stop it. lol

    • @kupis1408
      @kupis1408 Před 15 dny +12

      even if the war is stopped, palestinians still have to go through daily oppression from israel government such as harassments from settlers sponsored by their government to chase them away for new settlements to be build, denied rights to pray in al aqsa mosque for people below specific age, sometimes buying simple grocceries is impossible if guard at checkpoint say you shall not pass, fishermen cant catch fish further beyond limit set by israel & many other apartheid stuffs etc etc

    • @saimariaz7938
      @saimariaz7938 Před 15 dny +2


    • @nurasiah5041
      @nurasiah5041 Před 14 dny

      ​@@kupis1408Israehell is a form of human syaiton that exsist in this world living among us with that such cruelity that fit to be called children of the darkness (hell)

  • @poppyplaytime2636
    @poppyplaytime2636 Před 9 dny +1

    IDF = Inept Dance Force

  • @ibrohimmadymarov1054
    @ibrohimmadymarov1054 Před 13 dny

    Да здравствует бригада аль кассам, ХЕЗБОЛЛЫ, слава РОССИИ, ПАЛЕСТИНЕ, ЕМЕНА, И ИРАНА❤❤❤

  • @josephchang6599
    @josephchang6599 Před 15 dny +1

    Not yet Our lord will answer wait

  • @m33ro.
    @m33ro. Před 11 dny

    David vs Goliath.

  • @tapandas2831
    @tapandas2831 Před 15 dny +1

    Power of the roots of the largest Tree

  • @user-oe4lr8hs9f
    @user-oe4lr8hs9f Před 14 dny +1

    FREE 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 PALESTINE.

  • @RajhHamsee
    @RajhHamsee Před 15 dny +1

    All.are good and livable human....
    Due to the Ego and
    My...Land......My....Land greed....
    The holy humans are being ditched...trenched... Pitted themselves to die...
    A human life may be 60 and above...
    But due to the urging of aged person forced to trapping them into death...
    60...and above death may be reasonable...
    Everyone has to live with utmost
    Hail international peace
    Hail Unity..
    Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

  • @user-ze2tl3rn3s
    @user-ze2tl3rn3s Před 15 dny +5

    bravooo hamas ❤

  • @MelodyIV
    @MelodyIV Před 10 dny

    this editing is insanely cringe they're just making random men yell allahu akbar for no reason they're not even yelling that in the video

  • @Alnaffi04
    @Alnaffi04 Před 15 dny +2

    Perang berikutnya Israel akan benar-benar melawan Palestina, bukan lagi Hamas atau Fatah serta yang lainnya.

  • @specialcookday
    @specialcookday Před 14 dny

    Getting sick N tired of hearing " ALLAH U AKBAR " again N again. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @khalidgulzar1052
    @khalidgulzar1052 Před 13 dny


  • @user-wm7eb3qb5z
    @user-wm7eb3qb5z Před 10 dny
