Author Michael Wolff Discusses Trump’s Disastrous Last Year as POTUS (September 5, 2021)

  • čas přidán 4. 07. 2024
  • The chilling, yet hilarious saga of a deeply insane President.
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  • @hopefletcher7420
    @hopefletcher7420 Před 2 lety +61

    Does anyone else remember the 60 Minutes interview after Pence was chosen as running mate?
    He was asked "If you see Donald Trump doing something you think is wrong will you talk to him?"
    He hemmed and hawed and blithered until Trump literally patted his leg and said "It's OK, you can answer that." And then he gave a convoluted answer.

    • @michelebenedosso3899
      @michelebenedosso3899 Před 2 lety +3


    • @freda2758
      @freda2758 Před 2 lety +6

      Yes, sadly. Trump controlled the narrative from the beginning. Here's the clip:

    • @degill76
      @degill76 Před 2 lety

      Pence let Trump do anything in exchange for putting conservative judges in power. He sold America out.

  • @susansuewwilliams
    @susansuewwilliams Před 2 lety +93

    Al run for Senate from Minnesota; we need people like you.

    • @onopuni7864
      @onopuni7864 Před 2 lety +5

      Yes and Get rid of Gillabrand

    • @imisstoronto3121
      @imisstoronto3121 Před 2 lety

      @Robert Hunt if I recall correctly she was one of the first to shoot her mouth off.

    • @silva7493
      @silva7493 Před 2 lety

      @Robert Hunt Which one is the one we/they all hate?

  • @trevorbarre5616
    @trevorbarre5616 Před 2 lety +89

    In many ways, I find monsters like Abott and Greene and McCarty more despicable than Trump. Their level of cynicism and bad faith is staggering.

    • @trevorbarre5616
      @trevorbarre5616 Před 2 lety +4

      @Jay Bee How on earth can an American 'give' another country to its own inhabitants? Another bizarre rabbit hole to go down. Or it is merely American Exceptionalism once again?r

    • @trevorbarre5616
      @trevorbarre5616 Před 2 lety +9

      @Jay Bee "What's wrong with Trump? How long have you got?

    • @cyninbend
      @cyninbend Před 2 lety +6

      @Jay Bee Trump negotiated the Afghan pull-out dates with the Taliban leader known as the "BUTCHER OF BERADAR" who he had released from prison with 5000 of his Taliban buddies--after Biden beat his butt in the election. Trump and Pompeo tried to set up Biden. It's bizarre because Trump went nuts over the Iraq pull-out he blamed on Obama even tho Bush43 negotiated it when the Iraqi leader demanded the US get out. Trump attacked telling people when you plan to leave--yet he set up the same scenario 4 yrs later! Is he that senile/demented? Or so stupid and corrupt he thought he could get away with it?

    • @trevorbarre5616
      @trevorbarre5616 Před 2 lety +1

      @@cyninbend Afghan was never a humanitarian war, and would have failed several tests if assessed as one. It was a product, dating back to the late 70s, of the dying days of Cold War dynamics.
      Biden had the balls, unlike Bush, Obama and Tramp, to actually end this puppet show. Tramp, I would remind you, released hundreds of Taliban militants as part of his 'deal'. ("Bid deal" is all I can say to that".) Any USA ass-biting is a product of delusional thinking.
      Biden will go down is history as the man who made THE difficult decision, and he will be honoured for this.
      What will Tramp be remembered for - tax breaks for the millionaires and grifters. Go figure. The rest of the GOP anti-democrats will also have their day in the roll of shame and bad faith.

    • @cyninbend
      @cyninbend Před 2 lety +5

      @Jay Bee Trump let 500,000+ people die of a virus that other countries did a far better job protecting their citizens from. He lied straight out saying it would be gone, he canceled efforts to respond bc he thought he could use blue state deaths against Dems in the 2020 election. Jared told his friends and Vanity Fair reported it at the time. (NOTE: This is called a citation--proves the truth of what I say. Try it.)
      Trump left an economy in ruins. He repeatedly announced job creations that Obama had accomplished in 2014, 2015, 2016. His economic record is worse than Obama, Clinton, Reagan, Carter... Only the Bushes can compare to his numbers. AND he left a $7 TRILLION greater debt created by cutting taxes on the richest Americans and foreign investors and literally trying to buy a better stock market with constant infusions of cash. He even broke Obama's record of nearly 80 months in a row of job creation within months of taking office.
      He used lies of caravans of foreigners heading north to invade our borders and of tax cuts for middle-class voters to try to win elections yet lost the Republicons every election after the electoral college victory--yet popular vote loss--in 2016. He broke all his promises of bigger, better healthcare and yet tried that lie over and over and over--all he did was try to take away healthcare from many Americans and create executive orders to create confusion and unpredictability in insurance markets--to raise premiums--he even admitted it to cameras as tho it was something to be proud of! Trying to end health insurance for children and adults with rare, uninsurable diseases as tho this is something to be proud of, instead of something that would kill tens of thousands--something we now know he is happy to do!
      He said he'd never hire lobbyists, yet his entire admin was full to the brim with lobbyists! He made an Exec Order banning lobbyists in govt and banning govt employees from lobbying within yrs after leaving govt service. THEN HE GAVE EVERY EMP,LOYEE A PERSONAL WAIVER FROM HIS OWN EXEC ORDER!
      He promised not to hire his kids or Jared then made them the frontline employees in his admin--so they could violate constitutional prohibitions on profiting from govt service. Hundreds of thousands of dollars of profit were declared by Javanka while in the govt jobs Trump promised not to give them. He turned the US into a laughing stock around the world when he brought his 8th grade drop-out daughter to international summits and placed her in his seat representing the largest economy on Earth. (at least it was b4 Trump).
      Trump made every decision to benefit Russia. Russian farmers now have the long-term Chinese soybean contracts American farmers used to possess while they have lost their farms and are on welfare. Russians now operate US bases in Syria, use our equipment, and have their middle eastern port they wanted for decades while our former allies the Kurds have disappeared after Turkish cleansing...and Trump brags about HIS victory over ISIS. A con worthy of a master--a master of narcissism and corruption. Of lying, of fraud, of genocidal proportions.
      And we still have not seen the results of his utter corruption of the EPA and Interior Dept, and his utter incompetence at the Dept of Agriculture which bears responsibility for the content of American diets, food products... What superfund cleanup sites will future admins have to pick-up the bills to clean after his lobbyist teams erased regulations protecting air, water, foods... His massive ignorance and lack of a conscience has enabled horrors we have no clue because of the pandemic...full circle back to his letting half a million plus people die. If you are numb to this atrocity, you need to watch the interview done linking to young people in Germany, the UK, and Asia and discussing the emerging deaths in America. They kept bursting into tears, shocked by what the US was experiencing. It was the horror we thought it was to all but the corrupt Trumpists and their dear leader.

  • @ManyfiresWoman
    @ManyfiresWoman Před 2 lety +147

    "...deeply insane President." I'd laugh but unfortunately it's no laughing matter...still. The fact that that this person who ran our country didn't read or listen, was used by a former KGB agent as a money launderer, and that 70 million Americans voted for him was incredibly and deeply disturbing. Where has our America gone? Are we just another failing empire? Please say it isnt so because...and I guess this must sound hokey but...I love America!

    • @annettepora8091
      @annettepora8091 Před 2 lety +21

      This is the fall of the Roman Empire redo. No question about it. Trump is Caligula.

    • @ManyfiresWoman
      @ManyfiresWoman Před 2 lety +3

      @@annettepora8091 - 😥

    • @redhead5990
      @redhead5990 Před 2 lety +13

      Each day, I am worried about our Democracy. It is upsetting to imagine 70 million vote for Trump. Now, I am watching Gop have 40 bills to restrict our voting rates! 🤮🇺🇸.
      What can we do now?
      Trump did say Get the vaccine and he did get booed!

    • @liviadix1433
      @liviadix1433 Před 2 lety +9

      @@redhead5990 we have to keep fighting for our democracy, it's that important.
      I never asked anything for myself.
      All i want a Country I can still be proud A FUNCTIONING
      Do you your part, and vote, with the hope that there're more of us than of them.

    • @davidobriend8560
      @davidobriend8560 Před 2 lety +7

      @@annettepora8091 at least Caligula had savvy. He was more like Nero.

  • @mowler8042
    @mowler8042 Před 2 lety +82

    When is Trump going to be prosecuted for anything?

    • @dont-want-no-wrench
      @dont-want-no-wrench Před 2 lety +4

      he will never be held to account, and that is bad in several ways

    • @dont-want-no-wrench
      @dont-want-no-wrench Před 2 lety +5

      @Jay Bee russian money laundering, just for an appetizer, plenty more on the menu.

    • @brucegruetzmacher5891
      @brucegruetzmacher5891 Před 2 lety +2

      Ya, like the Russia Russia Russia pee pee thing? Or the very fine people thing? My God he even walked to a church in Washington DC while ANTIFA was trying to burn it down. Yet he has not seen a single day of prison time even for that! And how about telling people to go to the capitol snd peacefully make your voices heard on JAN 6th! Trump should be shot for saying shot like that. Seriously.

    • @mowler8042
      @mowler8042 Před 2 lety +4

      @@brucegruetzmacher5891 Trump not shutting his pie hole for 4 years blathering nonsense should be a mandatory life sentence

    • @brucegruetzmacher5891
      @brucegruetzmacher5891 Před 2 lety +1

      @@mowler8042 i agree. And person that gets elected president in an HONEST election needs to learn to shut has pie hole or get shot by the leftist tyranny that controls this nation. Well said.

  • @Cbase125
    @Cbase125 Před 2 lety +192

    Susan Collins knew exactly what she was doing! Now all she has to say is he lied to me. She played the people of Maine!

    • @liviadix1433
      @liviadix1433 Před 2 lety +7

      @@sandrapeck967 you're probably right, her constituents wanted to be played

    • @davidobriend8560
      @davidobriend8560 Před 2 lety +9

      She just won reelection too. She's so terrible

    • @richardreddick5681
      @richardreddick5681 Před 2 lety +8

      she seems to me that she is not very bright. Sort of stupid and gullible.

    • @JukeboyJoeAxford
      @JukeboyJoeAxford Před 2 lety +11

      Regardless if she knew what she was doing, the people of Maine were gullible enough to buy her bullshit.

    • @L98fiero
      @L98fiero Před 2 lety +14

      @@JukeboyJoeAxford In the end, “The government you elect is the government you deserve.” ― Thomas Jefferson

  • @liviadix1433
    @liviadix1433 Před 2 lety +88

    His election and continue support says more about us
    than about him.

    • @annettepora8091
      @annettepora8091 Před 2 lety +11

      It's a reflection on the educational system and mindless parenting that creates this lack of critical thinking skills.

    • @jaimepatena7372
      @jaimepatena7372 Před 2 lety +5

      @@annettepora8091 I used to think so. But not anymore. Hitler and others have been popular through the years even though the people could think. Hitler got 37% of the vot. I think every culture has a portion of the people who love cruelty and want to inflict in on others.

    • @LilikoiJammin
      @LilikoiJammin Před 2 lety +2

      @@jaimepatena7372 wow ! That’s profound. Sad to think of the implications in society.

    • @sydgriffin7591
      @sydgriffin7591 Před 2 lety +4

      @@annettepora8091 Education, and importantly, critical thinking are not prioritized enough, without a doubt. But not everyone is cut out to be a great thinker. A minority are, I'd say. The larger problem, which Al mentions, is the pervasive and pernicious influence of disinformation, both on mass media, particularly the right wing variety, and on the internet. It has literally poisoned people's minds and the political climate in this country. Until we find an antidote to Carlson and Hannity we are effectively doomed to a future of division and strife. It's frightening to me, and needs to be addressed as a nation, somehow.

    • @celinelaberge2190
      @celinelaberge2190 Před 2 lety +4

      @Jay Bee I love unanimous hate of Biden alongside GOP voters. 83% is an extremely strong number. A country that divided par party lines is in deep trouble.

  • @sidilicious11
    @sidilicious11 Před 2 lety +27

    I was very impressed with America as a whole for continuing to function as well as we did for the 4 years while the lunatic conman was pretending to be a President.

    • @STScott-qo4pw
      @STScott-qo4pw Před 2 lety +1

      No shit! the yanks were lurching like punched-out drunks but they're still upright. Absolutely amazed me!

  • @robertprice5039
    @robertprice5039 Před 2 lety +26

    Trump probably doesn't know his grand kid's names either, and remembers Eric's name only half the time.

  • @NoSacredCowFla
    @NoSacredCowFla Před 2 lety +13

    Thanks Al! Enjoyed it. It's still unfathomable to the some people still truly believe that Trump is a successful businessman either. 😂🤣😂🤣

  • @blahpunk1
    @blahpunk1 Před 2 lety +29

    Everything about this, the guitar music, the sound quality, even the delivery is 100% public radio. It's uncanny.

  • @tomsreviews238
    @tomsreviews238 Před 2 lety +140

    Wolff is 10 times smarter than Trump and plays with his ego to get him to jump through hoops.

    • @michellejester9734
      @michellejester9734 Před 2 lety +7

      Can Wolff give some tips to those trying to prosecute him?? The sly fox needs to be outwitted by the big bad Wolff

    • @BioniqBob
      @BioniqBob Před 2 lety

      @@michellejester9734 fox out, swine in

    • @susanford2388
      @susanford2388 Před 2 lety +11

      To my mind all media should just stop talking about Trump. Saying nothing is far more productive than talking about him.

    • @judithsmith9582
      @judithsmith9582 Před 2 lety +8

      Giving Trump ANY attention works to his advantage.

    • @chrismerkel9604
      @chrismerkel9604 Před 2 lety +1

      D.J. Chump is a Grifter, Charlatan, Malignant Narcissist, Sociopath. Cy Vance District Attorney
      from NYC is going to put Chump and his clan of shills behind bars. The walls are closing in.
      The State Department should take the entire families passports away so they cannot flee
      the country.

  • @jenniferbraud5942
    @jenniferbraud5942 Před 2 lety +4

    Excellent photo Michael Wolff. Thank your photographer or person responsible.
    This interview with 2 highly intelligent humans, both with excellent communication skills & grounded in reality, is not something you hear much lately.
    It's quite refreshing.

  • @marniefriedman879
    @marniefriedman879 Před 2 lety +57

    There are millions of people who think just like Trump. This scares me death and I have walled myself off from all Trumpers. They are insane!

    • @superbmediacontentcreator
      @superbmediacontentcreator Před 2 lety +17

      Yes and the sad thing is that in the past in what we call "polite society" there was a veneer of what I call "manners" toward such things as race, the handicapped and so forth but Trump took the lid off it all starting with language such as open accusation and name calling and opening up the violence and absolutely twisted logic of the anti-vaxer and anti maskers to the hunting of Asians (me for one) black and people that are simply non white. What we have all seen conferment in the last six years is that "it" all does flow form the top.

    • @sandralybrand9407
      @sandralybrand9407 Před 2 lety +7

      The bad part about it, is half the family follows this fool (Trump)!

    • @marniefriedman879
      @marniefriedman879 Před 2 lety +5

      @@superbmediacontentcreator i have been an activist all my life. Now, I take a firmer stance, because these “times” mandate it. I cannot affiliate with those who think they are better than the next person. We are all…just people!

    • @superbmediacontentcreator
      @superbmediacontentcreator Před 2 lety +6

      @@marniefriedman879 I wish this were true but it is so idealistic and is why we are in this mess as so many of us (me included) just sat by as we have seen our rights eroded the name calling the power plays and so forth and just thought it would equalize and self-right like a ship.
      This was obviously not and will not be the case until regular people that actually believe in the basics of the county and the Constitution take an ongoing and continuing part in it.

    • @ArtfullyMusingLaura
      @ArtfullyMusingLaura Před 2 lety +6

      @@superbmediacontentcreator It is staggering how much of the population are selfish bullies where cruelty is the point. Trump also proves how a significant portion of the population is uneducated and uninformed, making it easy to get them to act against their best interest. There was a psychologist who posted a comment on another podcast who addressed the cognitive dissonance of the Trump supporter and, in a nutshell, said something to the effect that there is nothing you can present to these people that will get them to change their minds as any information that conflicts with their beliefs makes them uncomfortable (like a short circuit in the brain). They will accept lies and reject truth as it is the only way to reconcile the false beliefs they hold.

  • @garybrown5824
    @garybrown5824 Před 2 lety +22

    A really great podcast again Al (& Michael). You guys even noted Malignant Narcissism.

    • @garybrown5824
      @garybrown5824 Před 2 lety

      And I really, really need to encourage, encourage you to add Bandy Lee to your guest list! Please, please. She and the WMHC must be given a bigger platform. What better than yours?
      Let’s drive home, scientifically, how bad, dangerous our current reality is. This must be pounded into you collective consciousness. Loudly!!
      I speak as a person with professional AND personal family experiences. I’ll only talk of family experiences. I have a second cousin who should never be released from prison following his conviction of murdering his former with special circumstances wife at UCI. The cause of this action? He was upset about child support payments. His is the only murder at ever at UCI.
      I know it’s not 5th Ave but it is the show of a Malignant Narcissist. Your audience should know these people exist. AND that Trump is one of them.
      Please, please have a mental health professional on. Please.
      Thank you, Gary Brown

  • @mikefleming4736
    @mikefleming4736 Před 2 lety +27

    Great Podcast, Al...Wolff is a GREAT insight into trump...

  • @dreykini407
    @dreykini407 Před 2 lety +10

    “You know….for a change” my favorite line, I get tickled every time Al Franken says it.

    • @dreykini407
      @dreykini407 Před 2 lety +4

      and of course Michael Wolf, who called it perfectly… “shit show” presidency. Great commentary either side. I ordered his book

  • @michelebenedosso3899
    @michelebenedosso3899 Před 2 lety +5

    “Rudy’s always clearing the room…”

  • @13699111
    @13699111 Před 2 lety +18

    Thank you for posting this podcast.

  • @JiveDadson
    @JiveDadson Před 2 lety +35

    Re. Rudy: That couldn't have been commercial hair dye. He must have improvised with shoe-polish or something.

    • @debrakron9049
      @debrakron9049 Před 2 lety +4

      Agreed! I’ve colored my own hair for years and I’ve never had color run down my face!

    • @Rincenso
      @Rincenso Před 2 lety +4

      I was thinking cheap mascara.

    • @generalscheisskopf7435
      @generalscheisskopf7435 Před 2 lety +1

      It was what's left of his rotted brains leaking out...

    • @marciajones2993
      @marciajones2993 Před 2 lety +1

      Rudy was leaking voter fraud fluid. 😂😂😂

    • @davidgatzen1543
      @davidgatzen1543 Před 2 lety +1

      That's what happens when vampires get exposed to sunlight.

  • @lucibjlb
    @lucibjlb Před 2 lety +31

    The idea that Trump wins a second term scares the hell out of me.

    • @thepaulusmaximus
      @thepaulusmaximus Před 2 lety +2

      He will lose a fair election again then will try to seize power with his maga mob...again. Predictable.

    • @Clusterboy
      @Clusterboy Před 2 lety

      @Don B Your question contains the answer. Very efficient post.

    • @penguinuprighter6231
      @penguinuprighter6231 Před 2 lety

      He'll be in no shape to run. We should be more worried about a Ron DeSantis/Erik Prince ticket, or some other terrible combo.

  • @matthewmccarter3284
    @matthewmccarter3284 Před 2 lety +10

    The really insane thing is the fact that 74 million people support the lunatic.

    • @jakebe4915
      @jakebe4915 Před 2 lety

      It's just a MOON CULT, only ORANGE!

    • @sidilicious11
      @sidilicious11 Před 2 lety +1

      Many are non-thinkers, non-readers, and non-listeners like him.

  • @superbmediacontentcreator
    @superbmediacontentcreator Před 2 lety +99

    Trump gives access and so forth since there have never ever been any consequences personally that ever really touch him in and for HIS WHOLE LIFE.

    • @katvdee8920
      @katvdee8920 Před 2 lety +8

      100% agree

    • @carolyntalbot947
      @carolyntalbot947 Před 2 lety +9

      I'm keeping my sister's kid and pets at her home this weekend while she and her husband are on a trip. I just saw Newsmax on their apps, trying to find something for them to watch while I shower--I knew of course that they are red hats, but Newsmax?! I threw up in my mouth a little. My sister is a college graduate!

    • @superbmediacontentcreator
      @superbmediacontentcreator Před 2 lety +2

      @@carolyntalbot947 That is sad but fits into my theory that we have created such a complicated or secretive society (this is privileged, that is redacted, this is restricted, that is classified) that the right wing elements appeal to the human need for what has been called "simple solutions to complicated problems." This is also true for these that are conscious of the actual complications of life and just want to throw up their hands to it all and leave it to these people. Somehow that just do not understand the alternate and nefarious agenda that these people operate on or that their solutions have irrevocable ramifications to them.

    • @conspiracyclownsgfy8264
      @conspiracyclownsgfy8264 Před 2 lety +10

      @@carolyntalbot947 my brother, sister and her husband are trump cultist. So is a cousin and her husband. A brother would be the sixth but he was a staunch anti everything where the coronavirus was concerned. He got covid in early July and died at 57 on August 27th. He never expressed regret for his choices and died after it appeared he was getting better. One of his doctor's said his lungs just couldn't take it any longer. The above mentioned cousin battled covid for nearly two months and her husband said she admitted she should have gotten the vax in the way to the hospital. She developed pneumonia while in the hospital yet thankfully she recovered. The rest of my family is vaccinated now. To be fair another brother got the Johnson & Johnson in May and he has had difficulty ever since. His doctor finally diagnosed him with calcification which is effecting his legs and groin area. There is no cure and it somehow works itself out after about a year. So this whole pandemic has been a mixed bag in my family much the same for our country. I haven't seen News max offered on my cable, but it is on the Pluto tv app on my phone... I'll watch it sometimes to get a laugh but end up getting mad instead. All of the family members listed above are highly educated, very well off and they are mostly compassionate people. But the overriding reason they love trump is because of his dog whistling.

    • @nbc902
      @nbc902 Před 2 lety +2

      Time for that to change! Slippery sludge needs time-20years-or, just throw the kez away-or, send him to live with Jimmy Hoffa

  • @citizendame9098
    @citizendame9098 Před 2 lety +31

    Texas could do that as soon as Viagra & vasectomy's are outlawed & or have specific restraints put on them.

    • @rainydaywoman8997
      @rainydaywoman8997 Před 2 lety +14

      And child support is enforced.

    • @dustytrails1
      @dustytrails1 Před 2 lety +6

      white men in texas aren't going to outlaw Viagra, maybe any women's version of it

    • @pamelaporter4750
      @pamelaporter4750 Před 2 lety +3

      Oh, no! We're going to elect women only to all levels of government in Austin and viagra will be by special exception, only. Condoms and birth control will be free.

  • @biggtrux
    @biggtrux Před 2 lety +155

    Al!! Get back in the game! You're a voice of reason among a cacophony of BS.

    • @norman_5623
      @norman_5623 Před 2 lety +15

      I hope Franken establishes residence in New York and runs against Kirsten Gillibrand in 2024.

    • @greggoreo6738
      @greggoreo6738 Před 2 lety +2

      I'd vote for him!❤️⭐💪😎👍 Gregg Oreo Long Beach CA

    • @greggoreo6738
      @greggoreo6738 Před 2 lety +2

      @@norman_5623 Love it! That's the plan! And! You'd be his great campaign manager
      Let's start that new conflagration in the torch of Lady Liberty's Lamp! Gregg Oreo Long Beach CA

    • @LuisaRodriguez0212
      @LuisaRodriguez0212 Před 2 lety +1

      Al come to Arizona. We need a REAL democratic senator in place of the 2 corporation democrats we currently have in office.

  • @dont-want-no-wrench
    @dont-want-no-wrench Před 2 lety +16

    i'm sure susan collins is "concerned"

    • @licxylugo1462
      @licxylugo1462 Před 2 lety

      Is she still alive? Look like she disappear, from the Senate.

  • @IExpectedBSJustNotThisMuchBS

    Ridiculous... Constitutionally it was important to impeach him and put Republicans on the record. This 2020 BS is just that.

    • @superbmediacontentcreator
      @superbmediacontentcreator Před 2 lety +3

      Yes but its failure only strengthened both him and the party of unconstitutionality.

    • @EvolutionWendy
      @EvolutionWendy Před 2 lety +1

      ... Catch-22 !!, every effort to bring Justice causes publicity that raise Rump up. The human animal's addiction to stress hormones is truly our downfall, as people make money by perpetuating the trauma cycle.

    • @superbmediacontentcreator
      @superbmediacontentcreator Před 2 lety

      @@EvolutionWendy First we assume you mean "trauma?" Further this is just a wholly over simplified and elemental concept however I think you have cortisol confused with adrenalin and I think the vast majority of individuals avoid stress not seek it.

    • @cyninbend
      @cyninbend Před 2 lety

      It may have been better to announce it was a criminal matter, under investigation, awaiting punishment on that level, and hard core scare the jerk as he waited for the ax to fall.

  • @J0einOK
    @J0einOK Před 2 lety +23

    Al, you aren’t the only male that has behaved inconsiderately when experiencing hormones. Forgive yourself and run again.

    • @HopeWins777
      @HopeWins777 Před 2 lety

      Al's timely departure was definitely our lost not his. The country needs Al back in office more than ever. I would love to see the election! I would volunteer. It would be so fun. At least for us....

    • @HopeWins777
      @HopeWins777 Před 2 lety +1

      @circusoundsTIME SERVED. We all fall short of perfection. Level the field... Donnie's crimes pileup is at a minimum 20-plus known sexual assault allegations plus bribery, scams, intimidation, dereliction of Duty, abuse-of-office, both unprecedented presidential impeachments after losing the popular vote...TWICE. Then all the unethical and criminal Financial schemes, paybacks to cronies PLUS removing public health and safety measures in our food and water and countless other places plus intentional failure to appropriately and actively manage the prevention and spread of a worldwide pandemic in a nation that makes up 4% of the world's population with 25% of the death and cases.
      How is it legal that judges and justices can be seated by a President that was impeached? What if Donnie had only been VP? What if he runs again and lines up DeSantis as VP? What if Donnie's running mate is DJTJ? Or Jared?
      Senator Sharpton is a cakewalk... a good mind, a great heart, and very good hair.

  • @swiftables
    @swiftables Před 2 lety +9

    Great interview with Michael Wolfe!!

  • @1MarkKeller
    @1MarkKeller Před 2 lety +32

    Thank you for your intellect, inciteful humor (yes, I mean inciteful) and insightful interviews, I hope a certain network will pick you up and maybe replace Chuck Todd's MTP Daily show or have you become the main MTP host on the weekend.

  • @papablue3015
    @papablue3015 Před 2 lety +11

    Franken for PRESIDENT!!!!!

  • @vcundari
    @vcundari Před 2 lety +9

    This was a great podcast; you know, for a change 😉. I truly enjoy your podcasts. 🙏 thank you.

  • @judychandler8485
    @judychandler8485 Před 2 lety +5

    This was a wonderful interview.

  • @carolyntalbot947
    @carolyntalbot947 Před 2 lety +4

    Great conversation, enjoyed it 👍

  • @citizendame9098
    @citizendame9098 Před 2 lety +8

    You're both good enough & smart enough to .. carry on🥰

  • @michaeld718
    @michaeld718 Před 2 lety +14

    I really appreciate AF’s view and intelligence. This could have been a remarkable interview.

  • @pamelaporter4750
    @pamelaporter4750 Před 2 lety +65

    I can't wait until the books describe the former president's behavior during his many trials that he loses.

    • @oleeoleeoo2610
      @oleeoleeoo2610 Před 2 lety +6

      I agree 110%. History will show just how wacko the orange turd is. My only concern is the courts, will they do the right thing or will the let this narcissis continue to slide past the courts or punish him/them ( family & friends) for their crimes? Time will tell.

    • @dr.g3860
      @dr.g3860 Před 2 lety +5

      I look forward to a tell-all book by his cell mate detailing his life in prison.

    • @oltedders
      @oltedders Před 2 lety +5

      He'll be committed to a high security mental facility for what's left of his life. The extent of his substance abuse and drug addiction will be revealed then. .

    • @michellejester9734
      @michellejester9734 Před 2 lety +4

      @@oltedders I just don't believe that will happen. Life in America is bat shit crazy.

    • @oltedders
      @oltedders Před 2 lety +2

      Don't lose faith in the system. That's their 1st victory in a total takeover of the government. The foundation and success of our system is the steadfast belief of each citizen.

  • @silva7493
    @silva7493 Před 2 lety +3

    Great show! Thanks.

  • @AZWings
    @AZWings Před 2 lety +30

    It's profoundly saddening that this great country elected Trump. Just mind boggling, as well.

    • @michaeledwards1193
      @michaeledwards1193 Před 2 lety +2

      I can understand it. Half the country knows that Washington has been sold to the corporations and so they want somebody to blow up the system. Hence....trump. personally I would have chosen somebody more effective than trump but hey, lesson learned.

    • @michaeledwards1193
      @michaeledwards1193 Před 2 lety +2

      @Jay Bee I said "Washington". I did not parse that by party. Both parties are guilty of the sellout. The election of the gobshite trump was a thumb in the eye to Hillary who was seen as an establishment politician.

    • @michaeledwards1193
      @michaeledwards1193 Před 2 lety

      Biden, being another establishment politician barely sqweeqed in against trump who arguably ran the worst campaign of any incumbent ever. My point is....if the republicans choose another "outsider" who is competent (which trump was clearly not!!!!) they will win again in 24.

    • @michaeledwards1193
      @michaeledwards1193 Před 2 lety +7

      @Jay Bee are one of those that swallows what you are fed. Sorry, I thought I was talking to somebody who cares for the country. Adios

    • @bchollis1451
      @bchollis1451 Před 2 lety +1

      Well he gave them permission to be their absolute worst selves and then tells them he loves them, which seemed to work for far too many

  • @oldnewsclipster
    @oldnewsclipster Před 2 lety +4

    "He can't read, but at least he doesn't listen."

  • @randomaxe662
    @randomaxe662 Před 2 lety +4

    Every time Al asks if Tyrump ever showed any genuine empathy or compassion...hilarious. It's an image you can't possibly visualize.

  • @TheLolapuff
    @TheLolapuff Před 2 lety +3

    One of your best shows! You two should get together more often.

  • @markmarco2880
    @markmarco2880 Před 2 lety +2

    It is so good, on top of content, to hear the wholesome and charismatic voice of Al Franken. Still, and despite everything. You are a true friend, Al, and I do love you. Endure. I know it isn’t so necessary to say so, but anyway I command you: Endure. Live long and prosper.

  • @jazzysophie9943
    @jazzysophie9943 Před 2 lety

    Thanks for the CC.

  • @barbaracollins8293
    @barbaracollins8293 Před 2 lety +4

    Great radio! Intelligent conversation at it's best.

  • @bernardliu8526
    @bernardliu8526 Před 2 lety +6

    Despite the Hollywood tape, despite the Covid 19 catastrophe, despite the Helsinki betrayal, despite the porn star scandal. And despite every conceivable
    Instance of ineptitude, corruption, and meanness, Trump is still the no. 1 Republican !

    • @seahorse2
      @seahorse2 Před 2 lety

      Do you mean sarcastically?

  • @philesq9595
    @philesq9595 Před 2 lety

    Thank you for sharing.

  • @Siveth-ff3jy
    @Siveth-ff3jy Před 2 lety

    Took a while to get to this one, but great podcast Al, I can’t help to wonder if things kinda turned out for the better for you, and for the rest of us as a result bc I really enjoy listening to you and your guests, seems a better use of your time, thanks!

  • @glendagraves1637
    @glendagraves1637 Před 2 lety +4

    I am STILL so sorry you resigned over that stupid accusation by the woman who said you kissed her at a party. We needed you then. We need your insights now. Thank you.

    • @russwilson4
      @russwilson4 Před 2 lety

      Terri Gross of NPR did a fantastic interview of that situation. Look it up.

    • @glendagraves1637
      @glendagraves1637 Před 2 lety

      @@russwilson4 Thanks for info.

  • @douglasjones8494
    @douglasjones8494 Před 2 lety +5

    The laughing, Al, makes you sound vacuous, which we all know you're not.

  • @overover..
    @overover.. Před 2 lety +2

    Keep it coming Al

  • @lexfiddle
    @lexfiddle Před 2 lety +1

    Excellent interview!!

  • @jvillanueva7707
    @jvillanueva7707 Před 2 lety +4

    The guy was an old rich tourist who bungled into the oval office, because everyone was at each other's throats.
    The ultimate mascot for "divided we fall."
    It can happen again, and if we value our country, we shouldn't let it.

  • @covfefe5156
    @covfefe5156 Před 2 lety +3

    The word you were looking for instead of off his rocker is psychopath.

  • @margaretpederson4604
    @margaretpederson4604 Před 2 lety

    Excellent listen thanks

  • @thestreamoflife1124
    @thestreamoflife1124 Před 2 lety

    Love Al Franken and Wolf

  • @jenniferhizzy6591
    @jenniferhizzy6591 Před 2 lety +8

    His senility is already getting the best of him, no worries.

  • @stevechance150
    @stevechance150 Před 2 lety +7

    Will Trump run again?
    Ask yourself, can Trump make money by running again?
    If the answer is yes (which it is) then yes, he will run.

    • @lolodee3528
      @lolodee3528 Před 2 lety +1

      No. He simply will not say anything because he's supporting himself on pac money, the minute he says it(y or n) money dries up. Money gone, Drumpf gone.

    • @jakebe4915
      @jakebe4915 Před 2 lety

      Indeed it's about the GRIFT

    • @billwalsh388
      @billwalsh388 Před 2 lety

      Remember when Dump said he would use his own money?

  • @lololine
    @lololine Před 2 lety

    This a great video!!!

  • @FollowmedowntheNumberWhole

    Love you Al! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🎹😍😍 PLEASE RUN AGAIN! We need you! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🗣

  • @37Dionysos
    @37Dionysos Před 2 lety +17

    Gotta love journalists who "let him play us" and then when it's too late they bring out the books full of hand-wringing conscience

    • @susandevine2314
      @susandevine2314 Před 2 lety +5

      He wrote 2 other books during the orange idiots presidency.

    • @maryvaughn1951
      @maryvaughn1951 Před 2 lety +3

      Mary Trump, Wolff and the rest were all at the very least sorting info that should have been made public instead they chose to hold back until the damage was done. That's not patriotism or journalism or writing on an historical figure that's dead. This nut is still alive and killing thousands. Helping traitors make you one just like driving the getaway car makes you part of the crime.

    • @oltedders
      @oltedders Před 2 lety +2

      That was Bolton, not Mary Trump or Michael.

    • @maryvaughn1951
      @maryvaughn1951 Před 2 lety +3

      @@oltedders Bolton was part of my "the rest". Mary Trump lost her bid for money from uncle donny then and only then decided to turn over files and write a book to get what she felt was hers. A trump, is a trump, is a trump!

    • @TheCynthiaRice
      @TheCynthiaRice Před 2 lety +3

      Mary Trump didn't even realize she had financial evidence on him until a reporter told her she had it.....NY Times reporter

  • @MartineReed
    @MartineReed Před 2 lety +7

    Al- we didn’t hear much from Michael! Perhaps ask questions and let him answer?

  • @jameskonzek8892
    @jameskonzek8892 Před 2 lety +1

    I like Al Franken! Al Franken makes me feel like skipping and hopping!

  • @jamesbarclay8430
    @jamesbarclay8430 Před 2 lety

    Enjoyed this podcast.

  • @faithnelson6069
    @faithnelson6069 Před 2 lety +4

    susan collins is a terrible judge of character at very least.

    • @edwardb7811
      @edwardb7811 Před 2 lety

      I bet she really understands the base character of Kavanaugh and others but is afraid to say what she really thinks. Not a profile in courage.

  • @margaretfrenkel408
    @margaretfrenkel408 Před 2 lety +6

    Another great one. I wake up every Sunday morning and wait for the eo

  • @lindachancellor7538
    @lindachancellor7538 Před 2 lety

    Your expression in this photo tells all in your openion of how most of us feel today. Dazed, tired and tiered of it all. Dazed like unbelievable. Keep it real for us. Thanks

  • @esmeraldamahoney575
    @esmeraldamahoney575 Před 2 lety +2

    Congratulations Senator, love your podcast!

  • @peacelovejoy8786
    @peacelovejoy8786 Před 2 lety +3

    I absolutely love the higher intelligence in the comments!

  • @garybezner6774
    @garybezner6774 Před 2 lety +4

    It’s a chicken,and egg question, what came first the Republican Fascists or Trump.

    • @billwalsh388
      @billwalsh388 Před 2 lety

      I have always thought the Republiclan party had an authoritarian agenda.

  • @halleluyah757
    @halleluyah757 Před 2 lety


  • @jacobzaranyika9334
    @jacobzaranyika9334 Před 2 lety

    Thank you 🙏 Michael Wolff
    Thank you 🙏 Al Franken

  • @michaeledwards1193
    @michaeledwards1193 Před 2 lety +3

    Much as I like Al I cannot stand schadenfreude

  • @cfrankwolfe2024
    @cfrankwolfe2024 Před 2 lety +4

    Love the show but I wish you would give your guests more time to talk.

  • @karenjones1897
    @karenjones1897 Před 2 lety

    thanks, al!

  • @SnowLeopardMcD
    @SnowLeopardMcD Před 2 lety

    Bravo Sir!

  • @norman_5623
    @norman_5623 Před 2 lety +3

    Thank you, Ruth Bater Ginsberg for doing it "your way" and giving us an anti--abortion conservative on the Supreme Court.

    • @marylhere
      @marylhere Před 2 lety +6

      Honey they rushed an unqualified justice through during the election because they knew they were backing a loser.

    • @conniemartin1879
      @conniemartin1879 Před 2 lety

      Yes we were played but… it would have been helpful is she had retired in 2009 when Dems were in control. And it looks like it could happen again if SB doesn’t step down now!

    • @Clusterboy
      @Clusterboy Před 2 lety

      The road to hell will always be well paved.

  • @kristn6513
    @kristn6513 Před 2 lety +3

    Al for POTUS ✌️💙

  • @kristn6513
    @kristn6513 Před 2 lety +1

    I love Fred as Michael Wolf. Best impression.

  • @leightnite3056
    @leightnite3056 Před 2 lety

    That Was fantastic 👏for

  • @thomasruwart1722
    @thomasruwart1722 Před 2 lety +3

    Regarding masks: "...they’re terribly comfortable. I think everyone will be wearing them in the future."
    --Westley, Princess Bride

  • @DavidWiles
    @DavidWiles Před 2 lety +9

    I love to be a fly on the wall when he is found guilty and has to go to jail. What will his reality tell him? Not that I believe for a moment that he will ever stand trial...

    • @michellejester9734
      @michellejester9734 Před 2 lety

      Never. We can shit in one hand and wish in the other and see which fills up faster.

    • @dr.g3860
      @dr.g3860 Před 2 lety +1

      He’ll be going undercover to do field research on prison reform.

    • @davidobriend8560
      @davidobriend8560 Před 2 lety

      They are going to wait til he is dead, then the floodgates will open about even more illegal activity he was doing. There's a whole lot of probable cause already tho

  • @sharondawson-coates8531
    @sharondawson-coates8531 Před 2 lety +1

    Hey Al I really miss you

  • @thomasruwart1722
    @thomasruwart1722 Před 2 lety +2

    Is Michael Wolff a ventriloquist? I watched the CZcams video and his lips never moved!😈 He never blinked his eyes either👀

  • @kytediane6964
    @kytediane6964 Před 2 lety +5

    We Americans are becoming a laugh to the world. The house of cards is caving.

    • @johnauner671
      @johnauner671 Před 2 lety +1

      We have been a joke to the world since 2015 when Trump got his stage.

  • @jaseboon6282
    @jaseboon6282 Před 2 lety

    Oh God!! He said Dennis Reynolds line................"Because of the implication......¬_¬" lol

  • @tonyjoewenker7439
    @tonyjoewenker7439 Před 2 lety

    I love this episode

  • @susanford2388
    @susanford2388 Před 2 lety

    I love Al Frankin's podcast & have read Mr. Wolff's first book on Trump I loved that too.

    • @hopefletcher7420
      @hopefletcher7420 Před 2 lety

      I've read all three, "Fire And Fury", "Siege", and "Landside" (thank you public library ebooks) and loved them all. Remembering what we heard on the news as it happened and now finding out what was happening the scenes made me a little crazy. How could so many of his inner circle cover for him andsupport what he was doing?
      P. S. I just watched the Netflix docu series "How To Become A Tyrant" and highly recommend. It never mentioned Trump but the list of things to do were almost all done by him.

  • @TSSuppository
    @TSSuppository Před 2 lety

    The world needs more Al Frankens and fewer Donald Trumps.
    That is all.

  • @jenniferbailey5914
    @jenniferbailey5914 Před 2 lety

    Narcissists never, ever, ever go away.

  • @lizannewhitlow1085
    @lizannewhitlow1085 Před 2 lety +2

    He did a terrific job on this third book.

  • @morenofranco9235
    @morenofranco9235 Před 2 lety

    Thanks Al. Maybe we can get out of This Mess.

  • @MarkLipka
    @MarkLipka Před 2 lety +1

    *Wolff's book is "Landslide: The Final Days of the Trump Presidency".*

  • @jonathanross149
    @jonathanross149 Před 2 lety

    It will never end

  • @Beegee1952
    @Beegee1952 Před 2 lety

    To put it in SNL terms - Trump lives in Bizarro World.

  • @jenniferhizzy6591
    @jenniferhizzy6591 Před 2 lety


  • @agentorange81
    @agentorange81 Před 2 lety +2

    By all rights he should be serving time and barred from politics let alone run again

  • @timcollar6143
    @timcollar6143 Před 2 lety

    Is that Leo Kottke in the opening bumper? Hope so

  • @markbrainard5250
    @markbrainard5250 Před 2 lety +2

    You guys gave the answer to “why does Trump keep allowing himself to be interviewed by Wolff:” He doesn’t fucking read!

    • @jakebe4915
      @jakebe4915 Před 2 lety

      You are wrong. He read Adolf Hitler's mein kamph per Mary Trump! It showed!

  • @Aleyaha699
    @Aleyaha699 Před 2 lety

    Just ordered book. Be here in 2 days on Amazon for 18.80.