fitzsimmons | clocks


Komentáře • 51

  • @Kaiirel
    @Kaiirel Před 10 lety +7

    I have watched this video about 10/15 times since yesterday and I still can't seem to find the right words to express how much I love it and how perfect it is. BECAUSE IT IS PERFECT, LITERALLY PERFECT. the parallels, the colouring, the EDITING... you already know how much i love your videos but this one is... something. JUST... PURE PERFECTION. and the song, dammit the song. I am in love. as for these two... I have fallen for these two partly thanks to you and now here I am obsessing over them like there's no tomorrow. THEY ARE LOVE, THESE TWO IDIOTS ARE LOVE. I just love them so, so much :')
    you know I wouldn't have caught up on the show and therefore known them (and skyeward and skye and the pure epicness that is this show) if it weren't for you SO MOLTE GRAZIE. and needless to say this is one of my favourite videos from you. JUST... FLAWLESS.

    • @ItalianRory
      @ItalianRory  Před 10 lety

      aaawww merci ma boo, tu es trop.. uhm.. merci ahah xD damn I have to work on my french but seriously THANK YOUUU I know I have been bugging people left and right to watch this show but I am so happy you did and loved it and that my bugging you with fitzsimmons led to a further obsession eheh * insert Rose's smug face here and a 'muahaha my plan worked' *
      and you know your opinion means a lot so thank you, thank you, thank youuu

  • @TEHEmmie
    @TEHEmmie Před 10 lety +1

    apparently i am not over the finale, you've just made it 100 times more painful, thank you
    asahduagauga you and your perfect beautiful editing T_T

    • @ItalianRory
      @ItalianRory  Před 10 lety +1

      thank you? sorry? both? ahah no but I get it, I swear to you I cannot watch that scene without crying, it's getting ridiculous. especially since I -obviously- already watched it about a hundred times since it aired :3 but at least we can be killed by fitzsimmons feelings together

  • @eternalsky02
    @eternalsky02 Před 10 lety

    I literally cried reading your DB because this is exactly how I feel about Fitzsimmons. You summed it up beautifully and obviously with many raw emotions. OMG I love them so incredibly much, it's nearly insane at this point. But how can we not love this pairing, huh? The way they always finish each other's sentences is what got me first, I think. They are like the yin and the yang and I need them to keep soothing each other and overcome every obstacle together next season because they are so meant to be. The last episode was without any doubt my favourite for them too. Fitz was the sweetest guy ever and Simmons hugged him with equal force as if her life was depending on him. And the truth is, it was! They saved each other, my babies *sobs*. Okay, I'm gonna stop my ramblings now, I don't want to be annoying. I just wanted to fangirl with someone who loves Fitzsimmons as much as I do because they are utter perfection!
    Your editing is great btw and I love the song you chose to make this. Brillant work, thank you a lot!

  • @Kaiirel
    @Kaiirel Před 9 lety +1


  • @comicfreak10
    @comicfreak10 Před 10 lety

    I couldn't say any words to come even close to the perfectness of the video! Thank you so much for posting and including an awesome song by an amazing band and some of my favourite FitzSimmons moments!

  • @RobinHoodTragic
    @RobinHoodTragic Před 10 lety +2

    i agree with everything that you wrote in the description. It's going to be a long 4 months

  • @fenblablabla
    @fenblablabla Před 10 lety +2


    • @ItalianRory
      @ItalianRory  Před 10 lety +1

      awwww thank you my sweet friend :D and this is absolutely also dedicated to you because you are always so nice to me and these two gosh, serious OTP here, those damn scenes will keep me going all summer - wonder just how long it will take for me not to cry while watching them because even after vidding them I still do, every time xp

    • @fenblablabla
      @fenblablabla Před 10 lety +1

      ***** IKR!!! The 'you're more than that!' omg omg omg and the kisses and he freaking sacrificed himself to save her and omg :''') OTP ♥ Really?? Thank you love!! You're the very besttttt

  • @Ilovehertjes
    @Ilovehertjes Před 10 lety +1

    Your video left me completely speechless! I was already hoping you'd vid them after that finale, and you never disappoint! Their scenes were so amazing, and I love how you showed their relationship and the impact of those scenes in this video. I can't even find the right words to tell you how beautiful this video is

    • @ItalianRory
      @ItalianRory  Před 10 lety

      and yet you always do manage to find the right words just to make me smile with happiness and delight :D happy not to dissapoint! I couldn't not vid them (after that finale but also in general. but also, *that finale*. I can't even talk about it, it was so perfect)

  • @filmmakerdreamstudios
    @filmmakerdreamstudios Před 9 lety +2

    This very video got me into Agents of Shield! Thankyou! It's so beautiful!

    • @ItalianRory
      @ItalianRory  Před 9 lety +2

      wow, that's amazing, it makes me so happy! glad you enjoyed it :)

  • @perfectfantasies
    @perfectfantasies Před 10 lety

    Why.. you... hmmm. You just destroyed my feelings. Even more than the actual episode already did. My poor sweet OTP.
    Loved the quotes, loved the editing choices, loved everything. Let me just curl back into a little ball and handle all the feels. Great job!!!!

  • @XxBackToTheStartxXEC
    @XxBackToTheStartxXEC Před 9 lety +2

    This is AMAZING!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD, ur fitzsimmons videos are definitely the best and this is so beautiful and emotional! Ahhhhh, excuse me whilst I go cry in a corner ;)

  • @CountingDownFrom730
    @CountingDownFrom730 Před 10 lety

    Favourite FitzSimmons vid I've seen yet. Great editing, great choices. 10/10.

  • @LWillowbrook
    @LWillowbrook Před 10 lety +1

    Gah I love this and love them! And haha my brother is a huge Fitz/Simmons shipper he literally yells at the tv when he thinks they should say or do something. LOL

  • @carotartle
    @carotartle Před 10 lety +1

    questo video è un vero e proprio colpo al cuore!!

    • @ItalianRory
      @ItalianRory  Před 10 lety

      awww Caro grazie e quanto, quanto ti capisco! come ben sai sono stati i miei personaggi preferiti dello show dal primo istante in cui li ho visti ma adesso hanno raggiunto livelli ultraterreni xD si be' Jemma è indescrivibile, ormai è in cima alla lista dei miei personaggi preferiti di sempre ma se non dico spesso che anche Fitz lo è, è solo perchè mi sembra ovvio! quel "let me show you" mi uccide ogni volta che lo senso.. e quel sorriso spezzato prima di premere il pulsante -I can't-
      grazie come sempre dei bellissimi commenti love

  • @skyesweetcherry
    @skyesweetcherry Před 9 lety

    THIS IS THE BEST FITZSIMMONS VIDEO I'VE SEEN! I just watched recently this show and they're just perfect, and now I'm watching this video and I got struck with all the feels, especially because of the voiceovers you used ;_; just... amazing job!

  • @chiaratippy
    @chiaratippy Před 10 lety

    Condivido tutto quello che hai scritto nella descrizione e non hai idea di quanto le loro scene mi abbiano fatta innamorare ancora di più di loro. Iain ed Elizabeth hanno fatto un lavoro magnifico, sono passate ormai 24h da quando ho visto il finale di stagione e ancora non riesco a vedere video, gifset (o fare wallpaper) senza che mi vengano come minimo gli occhi lucidi. Quando Leo dice "So please, let me show you" stavo troppo male e la reazione di Jemma mi ha completamente distrutta, mi sono data all'ugly sobbing per tutto il resto della giornata. Spero e pretendo che Fitz si riprenda perché non posso vivere senza i miei FitzSimmons. Cmq il video è fatto molto bene, la canzone era adattissima e poi le vecchie canzoni dei CP sono tra le mie preferite. Ora ritorno al mio (secondo) wallpaper FitzSimmons, tanto per piangere di nuovo, sai com'è XD Complimenti ancora per il video :)

  • @SunnyVids
    @SunnyVids Před 10 lety

    I literally screamed when Jemma screamed. I keep trying to make a vid, but I just get all depressed haha
    Beautiful video

    • @ItalianRory
      @ItalianRory  Před 10 lety

      I did too! and cried when and before tbh she did, and about as loudly as she xD
      I can't even with this show. but if you do manage to vid them you would make me oh so happy just fyi :D and thank you of course, you are too kind

    • @SunnyVids
      @SunnyVids Před 10 lety +1

      ***** haha XD I have a couple of full cast videos in the works; I'm just working on getting the super HD stuff right now XD

  • @ohifonlyx33
    @ohifonlyx33 Před 10 lety

    This is so very lovely and heartbreaking.

  • @D4rkP4ssenger1
    @D4rkP4ssenger1 Před 10 lety

    i wish i had the right words to describe how this video made me feel!! THIS IS EPICNESS!! this song means the world to me and the fact that you vidded it with these 2 amazing characters that now i consider as some of my favourite, makes this even more special to me!! the voiceovers, the scenes, everything about it? where to begin actually!!! a great video for a great ship! in the beginning i didn't know if i shipped them but after i realized that fitz has feelings for simmons i couldn't stop wanting them together!!! I ADORE THIS TOO!! i am gonna shut up now and watch this again and again and again!
    p.s: this thing has to stop. in the shows we both watch we share the same ships, it's insane :P

    • @ItalianRory
      @ItalianRory  Před 10 lety

      you are to kind for words!
      it's always nice to be appreciated but it's particularly nice when it's super lovely talented people such as yourself :D no it must not stop, it's not our fault if we both happen to have fabulous taste in ships and fandoms. thank you so much again, means a lot!

  • @gem8695
    @gem8695 Před 10 lety

    Never stop making these, they're perfect! :3

    • @ItalianRory
      @ItalianRory  Před 10 lety

      I will not, and thank you, thanks so much for all the comments, you are too kind :D

  • @UntilKingdomComeOTH
    @UntilKingdomComeOTH Před 10 lety

    Omg :')) I was hoping for a fitzsimmons vid in my subbox. This is absolutely beautiful dear! Definitely one of my fav vids from you so far! Love it!

  • @uffa91
    @uffa91 Před 10 lety +1

    I loved the video but I loved even more your words about them :)

    • @ItalianRory
      @ItalianRory  Před 10 lety

      aww thank you! means a lot that you even took the time to read them :D

  • @elepatro
    @elepatro Před 10 lety

    Woooow! Come fai, come....sul serio, sono rimasta incollata allo schermo per tutta la durata del video...fammi dire che è davvero un'esperienza tutta nuova vederti viddare loro mostrando tutti i lati del loro meraviglioso e speciale legame. Fino al season finale ero convinta di non riuscire a shipparli romanticamente ma poi Fitz mi ha fatto quel discorso in fondo all'oceano e sono crollata...ammetto di essere ancora in dubbio perché ripeto, il loro rapporto è così unico sotto tanti punti di vista diversi da considerarlo uno dei punti saldi di questo show, senza ombra di dubbio.
    Che te lo dico a fare che mi hai completamente stesa come sempre con le tue straordinarie capacità artistiche, my dear?
    E sono io che dovrei ringraziarti, se non fosse stato per te probabilmente non avrei mai dato una possibilità a questo show...quindi thank YOU

    • @ItalianRory
      @ItalianRory  Před 10 lety

      awww my love, non sai che piacere sentirti parlare tanto bene dei miei science babies e anche solo sapere che hai guardato e apprezzato lo show :')
      eeh lo capisco, persino io per un po' non sapevo se sarei riuscita a vederli romanticamente ma d'altronde con un rapporto stretto come il loro non è tanto 'riesci a vederli insieme' quanto piuttosto 'riesci a immaginarli con qualcun'altro?' e per me la risposta è ovviamente no, almeno per Fitz che mi ha preso il cuore e distrutto in mille pezzettini durante tutto il fine stagione ma il finale soprattutto, e Jemma pure, perchè probabilmente neanche lei sa _come_ lo ama, però certamente gli vuole un bene dell'anima, come ha dimostrato nel finale e okay sorry sto partendo, lo sai che loro sono una di quelle coppie -come solo stydia forse- su cui non posso star zitta :3
      grazie mille del commento my dear, love you

  • @milenademazzi459
    @milenademazzi459 Před 9 lety

    It's give me some feels... I still don't believe that Simmons left Fitz. Is too much to my heart

  • @alice951996
    @alice951996 Před 10 lety


  • @victorianelson7812
    @victorianelson7812 Před 10 lety

    I seriously cried. I read that Paramore is your favorite band. I am BEGGING you to think about doing a FitzSimmons vid to "All I Wanted." I cannot even imagine the feels. Your voiceovers were seamless, and so is your entire description about them. ohmahgoodness.

    • @ItalianRory
      @ItalianRory  Před 10 lety

      aww, wow, thank you so much! yes, they are indeed. but maybe just because of that I can never bring myself to use any of their songs, partly because I would find it criminal to pitch shift hayley's voice.. but I can promise more fitzsimmons videos sooner or later ;)

  • @jesclle
    @jesclle Před 9 lety

    this is amazing! but can i just ask what you use for the coloring effects/filters?

  • @sweetet89
    @sweetet89 Před 10 lety

    Come sono belli!!!!

  • @TraineeHero
    @TraineeHero Před 10 lety

    My Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D ships
    Ward/Pointy things