Personal Testimony: How Jesus Called me OUT

  • čas přidán 14. 01. 2012
  • I'm making this video in response to a few people who have asked me to make my personal testimony of where Jesus brought me from, to where I am today seeking Jesus full time, and so this video is going to be simply on directly how Jesus got my attention. When I was very young my entire life was saturated in church, my parents brought me up in church, I was never raised in a church that was denominational, we moved from church to church, but I was saturated in church. My parents did "Worship music", and all my life I was in church and in church programs. When I was graduating from high school some people in my family encouraged me to become a pastor and I decided I wanted to work with youth. So at that time I prayed and I said; "Lord I want to serve you" and I became a pastor at a Baptist church, and for over 7 years I was a pastor at a Baptist church. During this time I attended a 4 year university and I got a degree in Biblical Studies and Literature, and I minored in Christian Ministries as well. And throughout all this time I was preaching sermons, I was serving in the church, I was working with youth and with families and I was a licensed minister. I thought I knew everything there was to know. And it was about maybe a year and a half ago now, maybe 2 years ago that I started asking myself; "What if I was in the wrong religion?" And I thought at first; "Well this is a stupid thing to think because I know the Bible is true, and I know the Jesus that I follow is true." But I thought to myself; "Doesn't every pastor or doesn't every teacher of their religion believe that their religion is truth?" and I thought to myself; "No person teaches what they think is a lie, people teach what they think because they believe it IS the truth." And so what I believe to be the truth, a Buddhist monk is going to think he is in the truth, the same as a Mormon, a Jehovah's Witness, or an Atheist. So how do I know what the truth is? And you know someone who is raised in a certain denominational background; they believe that their specific denomination is absolutely true. There are all these different denominations and they all use, you know, this same Bible. And so I though; "How do I know that I have the truth?" I really started seeking this out and I prayed at one point and I remember I asked Jesus; "What is the power of prayer? I really want to know what it is because I feel like my prayers are useless." You know, I would pray and I would hear nothing. So one day I wrote down, and I wrote: "Jesus tell me what the power of prayer is?" And I put that up on my wall on a sheet of paper and I tacked it to my wall, and almost every day I prayed and ask Him to reveal that to me, and I started asking Him to reveal to me His truth, and if I was in deception to show me. It wasn't very much longer after that the Lord started leading me into truth. And it was a long time before I completely accepted that. There were many times the Lord would give me a dream, and He would show me something, and I would write it off and I'd say; "That can't be Lord, that can't be." And at some time point the Lord spoke to me and He said; "The people in church are not glorifying Me." And I struggled with that, I kept that in my mind for about a year, and I didn't really do much with it and I just kept on doing what I was doing and I started to feel more and more convicted. But I kept on praying. And at this point, I had myself surround by my fellowship, my Christian friends and mentors who encouraged me. And I also started praying about that, I sad; "Lord if my mentors and all these people I have in my life, if they're wrong let me know." And I'll tell you something; every single one of the people that I considered a mentor in my life, every single one of them, the Lord Jesus gave me a specific dream about them, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM! And a specific dream, and I know it wasn't just a dream either because then it happened before my eyes. It was a prophecy about them and I watched it happen and I KNEW the Holy Spirit was speaking to me. And I said; "Jesus I want to follow you because all my wise counsel, all my friends were leading me astray." One night the Lord spoke to me in, I don't know if it was a dream or a vision, but in the night, I'm not sure even at this point if I was asleep or awake, but I heard in my ears or in my spirit the word, "WORMWOOD". And I didn't know what that meant, and I woke up, I went to my computer and I googled that and I researched it in my Bible and what I came across was a passage in the Old Testament where the Jewish people had let false gods and idols infiltrate their belief/faith in God...

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