If You Look At Your Akashic Records Right Now, What Would You See? ✨📖 👀✨ | Timeless Reading

  • čas přidán 9. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 485

  • @rebeccaowen8565
    @rebeccaowen8565 Před 10 měsíci +4

    Pile 2. Wow!! I've been my own bully since forever 😢 I suffer with body dysmorphia and I've struggled since childhood with my appearance. Tomorrow I'm facing my biggest fear by doing a burlesque photo shoot! I entered a competition and I won 🏆 😌 I'm absolutely terrified because I usually hate having my photo taken 😅 wish me luck!! Thank you so much ❤️

  • @kigaigaia
    @kigaigaia Před 11 měsíci +140

    i see new tarot reading from Reem, i click, it's that simple

  • @kassietaylor9728
    @kassietaylor9728 Před 11 měsíci +45

    Pile 1. My biggest advice on adjusting emotions is to find a safe space for you to release all emotions and process them. Get to the root of the anger or sadness. Use the feeling wheel to see the opposite emotion and do am activity that gets you to that emotion. For instance, sadness is the adversary to joy. If you dance while sad, you will eventually feel joy because you dance when you're joyful. You can trick your brain just by telling it how you want to feel and it will eventually listen.

    • @palacinkasmarmeladou
      @palacinkasmarmeladou Před 11 měsíci +1

      Thank you for your advice. Interestingly this is not the first time I'm advised to dance for joy. I hear it everywhere

    • @aparna2203
      @aparna2203 Před 9 měsíci

      Thank you so much. I think it is amazing advice. I wish you love, light and abundance. Could you please elaborate on the processing of the emotions part? Like how you do it?

  • @Aventuras-Viajera-Espiritual
    @Aventuras-Viajera-Espiritual Před 9 měsíci +4

    Thanks for the invitation to participate (group 1) ❤ As you were talking about identifying and transmuting emotions to project them into the external world as a manifested reality, I was writing in my diary a message from the last new moon and we both wrote and said the word alchemist / magician at the sane time, as a confirmation that my 5D /3D worlds are now integrated and no longer functioning in parallel. This means that I see with the depth of the eyes of the soul, having closed and completed all my karmic cycles (my dad died 2 months ago and I walked with him all the way to help him pass over peacefully, which he did), having transmuted my shadow over a long spiritual path of 26 years, and having studied 5 languages, I am tapping into something new - Spiritual frequencies of the DNA vs decoding capacity of the brain to read energy and translate it into words or language. In another reading you told me that I was getting my gift of manifesting with words back. Well, it looks that between you and I, we are unravelling my path forward by reading my akashic archives 😅😊🎉 Thank you for your guidance!!

  • @metaniahailu1583
    @metaniahailu1583 Před 11 měsíci +10

    Pile 1, my two pence here: I recently read Dr. Gabor Mate's book 'When the Body Says No' and worked on what he explains are level III emotions. I previously thought I had healed most of my psyche but this was a whole other experience. I highly recommend reading it and most importantly healing on this level.

  • @MAJE22
    @MAJE22 Před 11 měsíci +19

    Pile 1. Thank you beautiful Reem for this reading. What I’ve mastered is to stop blaming my external world and to always look at myself and my internal world because what I experience externally only reflects my internal world. It was life changing for me. Hope this helps xxx

  • @ll-tp8yz
    @ll-tp8yz Před 11 měsíci +16

    I, 110% resonated with realising that I am actually not locked out of the world, realising my power, that the bullying energy as you so accurately called it, isn't actually imprisoning me. This has been such a massive year of rebirth for me and I am so so grateful for your readings Reem!

    • @SomethingNew1133
      @SomethingNew1133 Před 11 měsíci

      @ll-tp8yz Thank-you for sharing your experience! 💜I’m impressed with the enlightenment and feeling you have about not allowing bullies to imprison me… I can really relate to that!✨🩵✨Something really lifted for me today. Can you share what it was that allowed you to release the anguish and possibly fear and anger of bullies?

    • @ll-tp8yz
      @ll-tp8yz Před 11 měsíci

      ​@@SomethingNew1133 I visualised it for myself and I learned to find what I needed within myself so it didn't matter so much what others said and did anymore. I held my power. My power to be my full and true self, to thrive in any setting and to feel what I want to feel :)

  • @ourpandoraboxx
    @ourpandoraboxx Před 11 měsíci +4

    What sets you apart from everyone else is the fact that you are one with us all. I love how you described Pile no 1 with such enthusiasm and awe as you kept discovering more with each card. And it takes an equally enlightened and pure soul to appreciate others the way you concluded by asking advices for your community at the end of the reading. You are truly priceless, and we are eternally grateful for the human being you are. ❤️

  • @starryeyedtara
    @starryeyedtara Před 11 měsíci +9

    Pile No.1. Currently putting in the work to start my own business. Something completely new to me and I'm working hard to make it happen so that I can be the master of my own universe. Last year was the beginning of my spiritual awakening starting with a 10 day silent meditation retreat and I've felt much more attuned to the signs of the universe ever since. I feel all the right things coming my way and I feel very very blessed at this time of my life. This reading resonates with all the synchronicities I've noticed in my life lately and makes me optimistic about the future as well. Thank you!

  • @griffgryph
    @griffgryph Před 11 měsíci +4

    Pile #1
    For me, I was the bird who couldn’t sing anymore. I was burned out and afraid for most of this past decade.
    It’s been a long road, and I still consider myself to be in “songbird rehab,” but I’ve been slowly finding my voice again lately!
    I’ll try to share some things that have helped me :
    finding ways to practice self-love, in ways like the most loving parent or partner you can imagine would take care of you.
    Forgive yourself for whatever you think is wrong with you. Try to recognize your failings as guidance, not punishment or condemnation.
    Learn to listen to your body, not just your head.
    Pay attention to your feelings - do your homework of processing them, don’t suppress them, you’ll get constipated! For me it’s journaling. It’s like having to eat your vegetables, it’s hard sometimes in the moment but you’ll benefit.
    And I owe a lot to my friends, I’ve been lucky to find supportive people who love to spend time together.
    One of the craziest things to me is that today, I found out I may have an opportunity to “sing” coming up…in January! So my mind was blown when I watched this!
    It’s also going to involve a lot of planning, pencils and paper, and feedback from friends… we’ll see how it goes, but I found this so encouraging.
    Your videos are always such a rewarding opportunity to reflect and consider my experiences. Thank you so much! 💛💛💛💛💛

    • @aparna2203
      @aparna2203 Před 9 měsíci

      You have shared such an important piece of advice. I can't thank you enough. All my life I have struggled from self hate/sabotage. It's getting better with time. I've also been going to therapy and it's about inner child work. Reparenting myself is the key. And you reaffirmed that. Thank you so so much. Sending your way love light and abundance ❤ The next year will make you a rockstar ❤

  • @OSensateHeart
    @OSensateHeart Před 10 měsíci +1

    I was pile 1 but also other piles. Some things to share: We do immense damage when we believe the lie that we are weak, when we are immensely powerful, when we believe we don't matter, when we are quite impactful, when we check out, disconnect, blur our willingness to perceive others and be perceived, when we are never not part of the field of What-is, that which is perceived, that which is perception, that which is touched by the light, the light of awareness, of the Sun - that which touches us, through us, animates us, reflects all, equally, without judgement.
    Read everything from multiple dimensions and you will understand.
    Use synonyms, think of antonyms/opposites, read literally, read figuratively, metaphorically, with a questioning tone and an exclamatory tone, picture it, what does it feel like, what is it like for others, what are examples in your life, what hz is it, how strong, sing it, shout it, say it silently to a beat, make a rhyme with it...This is quantum thinking, this is study, this is understanding - from different perspectives, beyond our learned habit of overintellectualizing and overidentifying with emotions, which are all only passing through - trains, with cars, on the ir way somewhere, as we are emergent fields of being, not simply static moving objects. Energy is never still. That is part of our suffering. We make habits of hesitation, of beliefs in our weakness, given us by larger systems, by family, friends, rote paths of jobs & commutes & reactions. We are always tracing the way. We are always the way. "My being is the way."

  • @mariabright5003
    @mariabright5003 Před 11 měsíci +2

    Pile One, resonates so much with me. What I have done to regulate my emotions are to sit quietly in a room and just let my thoughts flow while I reflect on them and what i can do to change for the better. I recently started to journal and that has also helped greatly. Also, getting out in nature and exploring releases so much of my stress and negativity. But of all things, I realized that if I vibrate at a higher frequency than others, then I can not go below that new standard and meet people at their lower frequencies where they can drain my energy. Instead, I need to keep rising higher so that the negative people can not reach me and drain me and I can peacefully protect my energy. I have found my safe space and it leaves room for good things to come in. ❤

  • @disgustingwater
    @disgustingwater Před 11 měsíci +6

    Pile one advice: When I find myself slipping into ways of being, that I do not want to embody, I remind myself that it isn’t “fake”, to simply re-center myself and try again. I realized that anything I want to be good at, I must practice, AND allow that I will not get it perfectly right, each time, but I will get it right, or close, if I keep practicing. That is about as authentic as someone could be, I estimate.
    Example: I am sharp or cross, with someone. I do not resign that “I’m tired, and that’s just how I am”. I fix it. I re center and decide I will be attentive, and compassionate. If I have to apologize, I will, right then. And I Try again, through love. This is how I learn to embody the compassionate, graceful person, I would like to be.

  • @eyeofthelion3384
    @eyeofthelion3384 Před 11 měsíci +1

    Pile #1- I have been learning how to detach from my emotions and the outcome of my desires in order to manifest what I want

  • @saraii7
    @saraii7 Před 11 měsíci +1

    All three readings hit kind of interesting how they were in a backwards timeline almost...😊 All of them feeding into each other. Pile 3 reminds me of the beginning stages

  • @johnconway9116
    @johnconway9116 Před 11 měsíci +7

    Blessings to everyone and May love 💕 shower you all like the rain 🌧️!! Regardless of your age or circumstances, all can experience the joy of life and the gifts of love by adhering to the following; 1. Remember what you loved as a child and pursue that experience once again. 2. Release judgement. Each person’s journey is their own. 2. Release blame. Blame is an entrapment that prevents one from growing and keeps you bitter. 3. Align yourself with your higher person so you can eventually radiate love and wisdom.
    This things will elevate you to a higher dimension and offer you inner peace and guidance. We are spiritual beings within a physical framework. The spirit demands a higher dimension. My encouragement to all that read this.

  • @shirleyheynes7179
    @shirleyheynes7179 Před 11 měsíci +31

    Oh my this reading (pile 1) is so on point. I'm not done listening yet but a tear of joy is running down my cheek. Thank you White Feather and big thank you Universe. Stay blessed....❤

  • @kushaagrasaxena3543
    @kushaagrasaxena3543 Před 11 měsíci +24

    I let go of a person, I forgave, I accepted that everything that is happening in my outer reality is what is happening in my inner world so I did subconscious programming with healer and became a healer too to heal myself and others who are in dark as I was. You helped in a huge way Whenever I wanted to give up you said something that kept that hope alive in me that everything is going to be fine, God bless you with long and abundant life. If I ever get a chance I will like to meet you I am from India. 🙏🙏🙏

    • @Natella111
      @Natella111 Před 11 měsíci

      Can you please tell me how you did subconscious programming with healer?

  • @flyingcat8565
    @flyingcat8565 Před 11 měsíci +32

    Pile 2. This is a wonderful reading and also a confirmation for me as it’s been consistent in several readings, thank you Reem!

  • @askShar
    @askShar Před 11 měsíci +2

    Hello Reem! I felt like responding to the emotional work from pile #1
    Every emotion has its own frequency, I recommend finding an emotional frequency chart that works best for you. I personally believe shame is the lowest frequency(20), that keeps a person stuck the longest.
    Once you have your chart, and your struggling with emotions. Notice what emotion and then write out your beliefs surrounding that emotion. Then the next day, move up the emotional chart by 1.
    So if I was feeling shame regarding an authority figure, I would write out my thoughts about why. Day 2 would be guilt (30) and I would write out all my thoughts about guilt and the authority figure. Day 3 apathy (50) again, take the same topic of emotional pressure and write your thoughts. As you move about your day, make sure to take your notebook with you, to write all your thoughts, even if it feels really random. Day 4- grief (75)
    Day 5 -fear (100) day 6- desire (125)
    Day 7- anger (150) day 8- pride (175) day 9- courage (200) day 10- neutrality (250) day 11- willingness (310) day 12 -acceptance (350)
    Day 13 - reason (400) day 14- love (500) day 15 - Joy (540) day 16- peace (600) and day 17- Enlightenment (700+)
    I highly recommend this practice and once you've walked yourself through the whole process a few times, it becomes easier to take yourself into a neutral state during the emotional experience.
    I really love your connection to inspiration it spreads Enlightenment!! 💗🍃🍊🍃💗

  • @limorezra2570
    @limorezra2570 Před 11 měsíci +10

    Listening to pil 2 and I'm actually on my way to Egypt to Nile River ❤❤❤talking about synchronization ❤️❤️❤️thank you so much for this reading ❤❤❤resonate 10000% with me ❤god bless you

  • @janakikuttyaakkappilly6080
    @janakikuttyaakkappilly6080 Před 11 měsíci +1

    Pile no:1 it really resonates with me .
    Thank you Universe for being with me , for staying with me for my rest of my life ❤❤

  • @scooby1970m
    @scooby1970m Před 11 měsíci +9

    Thank you! Pile 3 is an answer to my prayers. I picked on feeling without checking out the zodiac and then when you called out Pisces, it was the hammer on the nail. This reading is very encouraging. I have some options to change my career and life now. This gives me a bit of a different perspective on making choices. Just so helpful, take care!

  • @R3Quency
    @R3Quency Před 11 měsíci +16

    Plié 1, 2, and 3.
    Dearest Reem,
    I'm reaching out to express my heartfelt admiration for your shining spirit. You're more than a tarot reader to this community; you're a luminous soul illuminating the lives of those around you. Your radiant vibrance and positive energy ripple through our collective existence, making every encounter with you a source of inspiration.
    Your insights are not just enlightening but also remarkably insightful, acting as invaluable treasures shared among us. You bring light penetrating the murk of everyday struggles, propelling us forward with renewed energy.
    So, thank you, Reem, for being an emblem of positivity, a beacon of inspiration, and a beautiful soul. Your contribution does not go unnoticed and is wholeheartedly appreciated.
    Now, as per your request, I'd like to share the awe-inspiring journey I've embarked on. It's been a wild ride of self-discovery and spiritual awakening that feels much akin to accelerating from 0 to 60mph in mere seconds. Post near death experience during November 2021, I was then sent spiralling into this remarkable journey going into 2022 with many highs and lows along the way.
    My journey took an intriguing turn upon my mother's passing. Among her possessions, I discovered my birth chart authored by Peter West back in 1976. This chart served as a wake-up call, reminding me of my potential and the power within. It made me ardently remember that I could manifesting stringently, and reconnect with my spiritual gifts. In the mix of these treasures was a manuscript, which I believe to be authored by my grandfather. Its emergence felt like manifestation into this plane - and its content is nothing short of extraordinary. It takes us beyond the worldly confines, providing an in-depth insight and wisdom.
    In harmony with my spiritual guides, I set on this journey of self-discovery, aligning my inner self with the universe's energy and growing spiritually. I have worked on my inner self while being deep in hermit mode. Making the most of many different practices including meditation and hypnotherapy, amongst others, while also planning to establish my own ventures to offer remote energy healing and a Wiccan-group to help guide The group's focus it will be to help others reconnect with their guidance, refine their spirits, and guide them to discover their inherent magic, particularly through rituals and personal spells.
    A significant highlight of my spiritual journey has been this historical manuscript I unearthed, outlining extraterrestrial phenomena. The manuscript is a treasure trove of UFO encounters, interactions with otherworldly beings, and it chronicles a naval flight colonel's life from 1896 to 1995. It presents fascinating accounts of both world wars, significant global events and elite figures from the respective era. The authenticity is further established by the presence of tangible relics including newspaper excerpts and the colonel's own aviator badge.
    The publishing of this manuscript is my next milestone. My vision is to manifest a collaborator who shares my passion and would venture with me to bring this epic narrative to light. Life threw a series of formidable challenges at me, yet I maneuvered through them emerging victorious at every turn.
    In 2021, I was wrongly diagnosed with muscular dystrophy but recently found out that I don't have it. This either can be attributed to sheer healing within me, or perhaps even a timeline shift, I can't be certain. Regardless, my health journey has been a daunting roller coaster, having to relearn to walk post my accident, and enduring chemotherapy, which I'm now graciously cleared of. Despite the financial hardships encountered from being unable to work, I stayed unwaveringly resolute and continue to reach greater heights in my journey. And I am sure I would not of come so far without your guidance simply thank You dearly may you always be blessed

    • @michelleellerby6160
      @michelleellerby6160 Před 11 měsíci +1

      So we'll said❣️ May Peace,luv&light flow through out ur life🕊️💖🌄

  • @SojournerMaya
    @SojournerMaya Před 11 měsíci +10

    I’m pile 3 and I’ve actually been wearing a Scarab necklace recently, that I haven’t worn for a while, I took it off the other day and hadn’t put it back on this was a good reminder to wear it. I also really enjoyed the reading. Thank you as always.

  • @aakritisharma10
    @aakritisharma10 Před 11 měsíci +5

    Pile 3! Will definitely come back to this reading next month.

    • @kimanderson4171
      @kimanderson4171 Před 11 měsíci

      I picked pile 3 also. I was just thinking about having myself and having others come back and tell how Nov turned out to this reading. I will return at the end of Nov and tell my story. I will see you then and can't wait to hear what happened to you.

    • @aakritisharma10
      @aakritisharma10 Před 11 měsíci +1

      @@kimanderson4171 for sure! Hope you have a wonderful October and a splendid November! 🤍

  • @user-gs8jz6mf4m
    @user-gs8jz6mf4m Před 11 měsíci +1

    Pile #3 makes a lot of sense, an inheritance is on its way to me and I'm seeking the master key business that will exactly as you said open new doors🙂of opportunity. An amazingly accurate reading thank you so much!

  • @user-kp8fc4un6j
    @user-kp8fc4un6j Před 11 měsíci +9

    Pile #1. I’ve been so encouraged and guided by many of Reem’s readings. Following my heart to take responsibility for upsets throughout my life; forgiveness opens my heart even more and leads to spiritual growth. At least for me. Especially forgiveness for self. Recognizing that we’re all loved unconditionally and equally. And life has been so hard at times, but trusting in divine guidance and love has me feeling like I’m at the top of the mountain and the view is beautiful. I feel love and appreciation for all the people in my world. I know there will be more life lessons coming my way and I hope that I’ll remember to TRUST in the process. That everything is for the highest good of one and all. ❤

  • @goddess117A
    @goddess117A Před 11 měsíci +7

    Pile 1: This was a fascinating reading. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts and wisdom with us, Reem. You are truly a special, wonderful soul.
    After TRYING so hard to "do the most" to heal over the past x number of years (inner child meditations, FasterEFT, affirmations, painbody meditation, visualizations and some things I'm probably forgetting), I recently felt at my breaking point. I realized TRYING begets more trying. It creates a state of perpetually trying to fix oneself, as opposed to realizing that NOW is all there ever is, and I can create a new narrative now. I basically surrendered to what was happening. I also accepted that by my very existence I am a part of all that is. One of the things I tell myself now is: I don't react to the 3D; I AM the 3D."

    • @aparna2203
      @aparna2203 Před 9 měsíci +1

      Thank you so so much. Your insight is really valuable and reading this is in itself so healing to me. Be blessed by the Divine ❤

    • @goddess117A
      @goddess117A Před 9 měsíci

      I'm so glad. Thank you for letting me know. It's always fun to come back to readings I have forgotten about. Much love from Texas

  • @TYannaVenice
    @TYannaVenice Před 11 měsíci +1

    Pile #2 blew me away. I chose the pile i was most drawn to and I didnt know it was connected to my Sun ♉ and Rising ♍ signs. My intuition is growing stronger🥰 The reading was spot on as usual. I've been taking the time out to heal and really reflect on what mindset am Inin when I make a decision. Im really cognizant of who I allow around me. I choose not to entertain low vibrational people, places, or things anymore. I love the woman im becoming🥰🙏🏾❤️✨
    Edited: I listened to pile #1 since you suggested it and wow. It mirrors everything I've heard in my signs readings. Plus my secret admirer is a Scorpio🥰

  • @KrisKris_Miller
    @KrisKris_Miller Před 11 měsíci +8

    G1: Thank you Reem. My secret power I would like to share with everyone that's been life changing is, read aloud to yourself. 😊❤

    • @mariabright5003
      @mariabright5003 Před 11 měsíci

      I'm interested to learn the benefits of that if you don't mind explaining more thoroughly.

    • @KrisKris_Miller
      @KrisKris_Miller Před 11 měsíci

      @@mariabright5003 oh sure, Increased confidence when speaking and volume (I used to mumble a lot 😄) Writing skills: as in spelling and structure. (It's a strange feeling when writing, as if I KNOW more without study) Pronunciation and definitions: to new words that are foreign when I struggle to read aloud, "this is a new word I'm not used to" (a quick Google search on my phone saves me) Conversation depth when speaking with others (I'm used to hearing my voice, I enjoy speaking with others for longer) AND overall I'm learning SO much after reading so many books! 😂 I'm definitely a bookworm nowadays.

  • @VampiressSubs
    @VampiressSubs Před 11 měsíci +11

    Wow. I've never had a pile resonate with me so much before, I chose pile #2 because a bloodstone randomly appeared on my bed yesterday and I now see why that happened 🙏🏼 much love Reem

  • @user-vo6jv3oo6i
    @user-vo6jv3oo6i Před 11 měsíci +1

    Pile2, I just lost my job that I have been working for 12 years. Now on the road traveling. Hope for the best what to come next in my life❤

  • @southerntearoom
    @southerntearoom Před 11 měsíci +1

    I am MamaKay the Alabama Root worker. I set everything down to the side, everything. I even sat down my name and found my internal life force. Once there, I realized that Everything had been made up, scripted to story tell. That what we worry about is all something we created from either scratch or a continuum. Then I realized my power. Pile 1.

  • @nanettewalker4065
    @nanettewalker4065 Před 11 měsíci

    Resonates with me. I have been working diligently on my reactions, old beliefs being triggered. I have been feeling stuck, trapped with current life situations and obligations I have taken on all of which are pushing on me to adjust my inner self and to let go, let flow or relive the old ways over and over and I can’t keep that going, so I am taking a dive into my shadow work and being honest with myself and with my partner even if it hurts my ego and I fall apart while doing it. Exposing self helps the flow to happen and for me to relearn new ways of being in the body and life.

  • @desireebrand2632
    @desireebrand2632 Před 11 měsíci +6

    Firstly thank you for this WOW reading. I was pile 1,I chose a stone using my intuition and then my zodiac sign was also in pile 1.This is long, apologies I have been talking to my spirit guides and guardian angels daily for the last few weeks. I have an altar with candles and crystals displayed next to my bed. I charge them with moonlight. I found the crystals in various containers in my flat about 3 months ago, i cannot tell you where I got/bought them, but they were there when I needed them and now they are on display on my altar. I resonated so much with this reading and I have to tell you about my WOW week. I am from Cape Town South Africa. Last Sunday I ordered shopping online for Monday delivery(public holiday), an extra bag arrived filled with around R300.00 worth of cleaning materials, I called thinking I got someone else's stuff, turns out it was a free gift! I am a nervous driver, so hardly use my car. My lift was not in Tuesday, so Monday evening I did a pendulum question and asked if I will drive in to work and if my guide would be with me. The answer was yes. I went to work and back home and there was no nervousness. My internet was off for 2 days, Wednesday got a msg saying it is sorted, but it wasn't when I got home, got an amazing call centre agent who assisted and even followed up using her personal email address for 2 days after. Thursday, my manager's manager called me in, and basically said if our 'mother company" in Manchester tries to poach me, I should speak to him and my manager first before signing anything! Friday, my new microwave arrived and I was told I would get 2 books for R300.00 direct from the author (Amazon top 10 Romantic author) I was driven to wear my silver jewellery as well as one ith butterflies, and when I checked the spiritual meaning of silver and butterflies, its the hope, transformation, absorbing nervousness and stress that I need. Today, my moonstone chain arrived, am so excited. This new chapter in my life is already amazing. So talk to your guides, listen to them, give them a chance to talk back to you. Thank you for reading all of this, love and light to all

  • @marshagreen9759
    @marshagreen9759 Před 11 měsíci +13

    Pile #3 (Fluorite). I was amazed when I came to your channel and chose this deck not knowing the zodiac sign. I am a Pisces, and you always take your readings up a notch and never disappoint. Thank you for your kindness in doing these readings.

  • @Tistyr
    @Tistyr Před 2 měsíci

    Pile 2, I watched this reading last night. And today I sort of announced to my sis that I am launching my new project, then when I headed home, on my way I saw 3333,330,333 almost at the same time. Thank you!

  • @CyrilNarayan
    @CyrilNarayan Před 11 měsíci +3

    i've watched 3 of your readings from here and other videos and November came 3 times and the message was the same, it's truly amazing !! 💗

  • @tericarson3468
    @tericarson3468 Před 11 měsíci +5

    ♑ Reading 3. The ankh, held by Khepre, is known as the 'key' of life. 🦋 T x

  • @TheOneAndOnlyMichelleAngelique
    @TheOneAndOnlyMichelleAngelique Před 10 měsíci +1

    I did pile 3 and it does fit me. Thank you for sharing your gift with me.

  • @shruthiraghu-rc4uh
    @shruthiraghu-rc4uh Před 11 měsíci +1

    I picked pile #1 and #2 and completely resonated. Surprisingly even my zodiac and sun rising fell under these. I felt like sharing my story here..
    I have been married for 10 years now and few years back things started turning sour with my partner trying to manipulate and control me from my own growth point came where people cursed me to death. This completely broke my self confidence to an extent where I only cried for days and nights. I had my 2 year old.kid to take care and had nowhere to go. Even my own family dint believe what I said.
    I started praying to Lord Krishna and heard Bhagwad Gita 🙏 I started getting visions thereafter, strongly guiding me towards my healing journey. I started noticing angel numbers, synchronicities and clear messages in some form that I saw or heard in everyday life exactly telling me what I should be doing next.
    It started 2 years back and I went from building me back from ashes to being my own pillar.
    People who betrayed, lied and cheated on me were shocked to see me coming back strong again but continued repeating their action only to find this time how I smiled at their foolish actions and nothing shook me. I also stopped being a people pleaser and took my power back by being my true self! 😊
    I have been planning to move out by being financially independent as I have to take care of both me and my toddler.
    I have learnt from this beautiful spiritual journey that God chose me for a reason and our true power always lies within us ❤
    Also during the peak transition phase of mine I was recommended White Tarot by one of my closest friend. As I saw your readings it gave me strength & to stay optimistic about my life journey 😘
    Thank you so much for such beautiful insightful readings. Thank God for bringing you into this world ❤❤❤

    • @tjy1115
      @tjy1115 Před 11 měsíci

      Yes. Grateful for the people and test they gave so that we become stronger and not get attached to what's outside of our control. Kudos and all the best in the future!

  • @mininadosolhos
    @mininadosolhos Před 11 měsíci

    May you eternally be blessed!!!!! 🙏🏼✨🙏🏼✨🙏🏼✨🙏🏼✨🙏🏼✨🙏🏼✨🙏🏼✨

  • @tkammyus
    @tkammyus Před 11 měsíci +2

    Pile 2, yes, planning to move to another country soon. Thank you for this confirmation ❤

  • @divineawakenedempress888
    @divineawakenedempress888 Před 11 měsíci +1

    Pile 1 and 2 reasonated. As far as shadow work is concerned I actually take myself out and journal when I'm feeling triggered or overwhelmed. Of you sit with your emotions and identify where you want to be in life and why you feel the way you do, you will feel empowered.

  • @komal-pandey
    @komal-pandey Před 11 měsíci +3

    pile 3 - omgggg. The accuracy of your reading is so scary yet surprising. You talked about a wish coming true and a vision board. And omg it is so true. Thank you so much. Love from India

  • @LuisaYuja
    @LuisaYuja Před 11 měsíci +2

    Pile number #1. When you said the 'Awaken' part, i just got real surprised, not even surprised but happy, because i got an experience to share with all of you.
    A few years ago i discovered that nature can be real a confidence boost while you awaken spiritually, as for an example: one night, it was not real late but sure enough to everything go quiet. I grabbed my earbuds and started putting music that makes me feel powerful, the one that i used was one of Ashley Sienna, it's specially for manifestations of love, but i used it for more empowering energies than anything else. Then, when the music played, i started visualizing me in real creative scenarios, here you have to use your big imagination to the point where you impresse yourself or feel real confident of how you can see things like. (Just trust your own mind), and go back to times in your life that you felt real yourself or with your real power, or times when nature or other people made you realize things like how powerful you are or that you have this and that. (As an example, one day i was whispering a few words to myself in the mirror and a lightstreak appeared in that exact moment and made my eyes go shook.) And once you do that, feel the energies and the feelings you got. When i did that as the music played on, a thunderstorm started and many thunders were heard and visible, i had my eyes closed real tight so i would only hear it, even the music started getting lower as the rain was like real heavy. Then, when the music finished (it was almost a playlist like 3 o 4 songs, even less, all of them made me feel real confident.) ,Then the thunder stopped, as if it was intentional. I then inmediatly felt a huge feeling , almost an impulse of getting a paper sheet and write 'Awaken'. And as funny or weird as it sounds, that's what i did, i also added the exact hour and date. Then, i have this paper holder in my desk that i can attach paper and drawings in it, and since all the drawings i got there were made by me when i was real peaceful and calmed, i felt like it would be a special place to save it in. So i hid the paper in the back of all the drawings. It was a few months ago, but since i did that, my life started changing in a big good way, now i feel like i almost changed many and indeed yes, i changed many things, as mental and physical. When you said 'Awaken', it really moved me since that's the exact word i've been thinking about, and the same word i always say when i feel like moving from something, or growing spiritually and in general. Ty Reem

  • @Samanthawishes
    @Samanthawishes Před 11 měsíci +1

    Pile # 1 ONE 1️⃣ ♏️…
    This reading, has Blown my mind ‼️🤯
    Lol … incredible so so on point, With everything really !
    It’s taken a lifetime to finally get it , and I can’t wait lol😇🥳🤩
    I’ve BEEN excited for a minute now, love surprises lol ! Thanks you for a awesome reading ‼️ God Bless you 🙏♥️

  • @raimonda6653
    @raimonda6653 Před 11 měsíci +1

    Thank you Reem ❤🎉 pile 3 . Master Key . Make decisions wisely . Tight view I saw the world in shifting …. Plan the choices well . 🌹🙏👩‍🎨🥳💜🌠🦁

  • @brittanymedellin
    @brittanymedellin Před 6 měsíci

    Reem telling me not to worry about what Im worrying about but I worry about everything 😭 appreciate your guidance so much ❤

  • @LR.8888
    @LR.8888 Před 11 měsíci

    Pile 2. Spot on. I remember listening to a sleep guided past life regression and seeing 3 exes who loved me and I mistreated d/t fear

  • @adrieg.1513
    @adrieg.1513 Před 11 měsíci +1

    Piles 1&2: #1 for me and #2 for my crush 😻 lol- thank goodness for all you do, Reem!!! ❤👼

  • @amanarunganaikaloo1470
    @amanarunganaikaloo1470 Před 11 měsíci +1


  • @SA44442
    @SA44442 Před 11 měsíci

    Pile 2 - Thank You, I am eternally grateful & blessed ❤️🙏

  • @nidibekal9925
    @nidibekal9925 Před 11 měsíci

    God is the answer for everything. Just by remembering him at all times helps us to carry our lives peacefully and blissfully 💕✨

  • @vigavigaviga
    @vigavigaviga Před 11 měsíci +1

    Pile #1, and I would love some help on how to move on !
    I just yesterday saw myself as the wise woman, crown comleptly open, recieving recieving information to the tribe. I deeply desire to embody her, to have that connection to the higher realms. I know it takes consistent practice and I would love tips and insight on what practice to prioritize, where to find it and so on. All love, thank you for the reading and the space ❤

  • @jieyuxn3564
    @jieyuxn3564 Před 11 měsíci +1

    Pile 2. Thank you. You make me tear up, I feel greatly liberated by your words.

  • @starryknight437
    @starryknight437 Před 11 měsíci +12

    Hi, Reem! Pile #1.….Thank you for your constant encouragement and the solid foundation of trust you've built with we, your followers. I know all things being considered your words will have a pertinent message I need to hear!!! Bless you, Reem and sending much love!!!🙏🙂🔥🍁🍂🌼🐾😼📿🌍

  • @kuhusharma8540
    @kuhusharma8540 Před 11 měsíci

    Pile 3 thank you Resonated completely including the examples ...thank you 🙏🏻💖

  • @deenarocco8908
    @deenarocco8908 Před 11 měsíci +5

    Wow! Your reading number 1 fit my life today so perfectly. Thank you for your love and support. It means so much. Blessings to you and everyone ❤

  • @manifest_your_dreams126
    @manifest_your_dreams126 Před 11 měsíci +3

    Hi dear Reem, your readings are a blessing, so grateful for them. You asked in pile 1, what helped us process our emotions. Besides following classical psychotherapy, doing art helped me so much in the past decade. It transformed me into the person I am today. It is true magic that happens when doing art, and it helps us wherever we are on our path. I just wanted to share this to inspire this beautiful community to jump to painting, making music, or whatever comes to mind. Enjoying playing with colours, sounds, anything - being free as a child in the process - is already a healing in itself. ❤ blessings to All of You ✨️💫

  • @apoloblue
    @apoloblue Před 11 měsíci +1

    😮 I chose 2nd deck but my signs are on other 2 decks so I watched all 😅 I'm usually all. The only advice I have for you is: you wouldn't be here if the universe didn't want you, need you, or love you. Just always remember in your lowest darkest hours the universe knows you are worthy 🫂 just stay humble about it or the universe will humble you 💜🤗 I love all of you for you so just do what makes you truly happy, and always make sure by asking: does this make me happy. ☺️ that's it that's what makes me smile and change my mood to a higher vibration.

    • @apoloblue
      @apoloblue Před 11 měsíci

      @SweetVicky-ob7kv 🤔 I don't know what this means 😶 I don't use what's app and nothing you wrote is going to make me download it.

  • @user-ss1yi7me5l
    @user-ss1yi7me5l Před 11 měsíci

    #1. Yesss I have been going deep and still deeper inside of my self tried to be fully alighned with the Universe .

  • @lesleyriseam1282
    @lesleyriseam1282 Před 11 měsíci +1

    Pile no 3 . Extraordinary powerful reading .
    I would love to embark on the journey foreshadowed in my Akashic Records .

  • @something2learn936
    @something2learn936 Před 11 měsíci +6

    Thank you Reem for your readings..they just fill my heart with so much positivity! I resonate so much with Pile 2. In the last few months, I have grown so much spiritually and realized the power of gratitude. I am so thankful for the blessings and abundance ❤🙏

  • @1Cestevens
    @1Cestevens Před 10 měsíci

    You really are the most beautiful light! I am grateful for you and the gifts you continuously give to us.

  • @MsGnor
    @MsGnor Před 11 měsíci +1

    Thanks dear Reem 🥰🪲 Thanks for your lovely readings.
    Pile 3, amazing & welcome today!
    Edit, returning for Pile 2 (2 days later). I've literally just finished drawing a funnel! Also recently receiving signs in two's e.g. gong & bell. Healing people & poverty patterns. Thanks for your wonderful words of encouragement! 🔔😍💕

  • @flora3765
    @flora3765 Před 11 měsíci +5

    I look forward to your readings every morning ☺️

  • @colleensantos718
    @colleensantos718 Před 11 měsíci

    OMG! I received 333 sign earlier! I’m keeping faith. 🙏🏼

  • @Sandra-hc4vo
    @Sandra-hc4vo Před 11 měsíci +1

    1 and 3 and with 3 as my first choice. Thanks, love your positive messages, they always fill me with a sense of hope and joy that the best possible version of events will happen for all of us here. 🤗

  • @laurasmith1398
    @laurasmith1398 Před 11 měsíci +2

    Thank you, Reem. I love that you put all the cards down to get the whole picture before you start reading.

  • @samanthajanepowell1
    @samanthajanepowell1 Před 11 měsíci

    ✨️✨️✨️💛 thank you so much. Love and Light, always! 💛✨️✨️✨️

  • @niclaalexandrafabickgonzal9998

    Pile #1 I came to the realization that my life had been ruled by my complex trauma. This change of consciousness changed everything for me.

  • @zz33.33
    @zz33.33 Před 6 měsíci

    Thank you Reem!! Thank you universe!! I am so grateful 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🥺✨✨✨

  • @kodaharts3647
    @kodaharts3647 Před 11 měsíci +1

    Thank you! Pile 3 here. I'll check out the amulet. I melted when you were talking about it. I love sun energy!

  • @starbreedreality
    @starbreedreality Před 11 měsíci

    Thanks white feather for that beautiful message pile #2 nomore repeats of this cycle is what motivates me so much ❤️🙏🏾

  • @bluerobinreiki
    @bluerobinreiki Před 11 měsíci +1

    Yes!!! I have had unknown fears and panic my whole life. I have done a lot of conscious work... but those fears linger from time to time. I feel that finally leaving me karmicly 🎉and feel lighter. Past life stuff for sure!! I'm so glad this lifetime the chains are breaking!! Ty, for your readings and gift, they always resonate.

  • @DonutTalkToMe17
    @DonutTalkToMe17 Před 11 měsíci +2

    I love how intuitively I pick a card and confirm it with my zodiac. Thank you! 🤍🕊️🪽🪽

  • @JS-io2bh
    @JS-io2bh Před 11 měsíci +1

    Thank you! Pile 3 has exciting news for me 😊

  • @WisdomSeeker888
    @WisdomSeeker888 Před 11 měsíci

    Pile 2. Thank you so much Universe. 🙏❤️🧿

  • @fla91
    @fla91 Před 11 měsíci +1

    That's really the feeling I have, that something is about to start and I can't contain myself, I want to start right away, even though I don't really know what it is. I love your way of seeing the meaning of the cards. I thank you for all your dedication to this work.
    kisses and hugs from Brazil ❣

  • @jamesmcfarlin8739
    @jamesmcfarlin8739 Před 10 měsíci

    I will focus on my purpose and abundance will follow.

  • @emiliakara
    @emiliakara Před 10 měsíci +2

    Wow so on point. From pile number one. The key has always been to feel everything and in that process naturally we remember wisdom of how to be in unison with our creations and who we are ..I’m always learning and don’t know but a lot of stillness has really helped me on my journey …followed by action.
    Thank you so much for your readings, they are always so aligned and I retain a lot of valuable information for my journey.
    Blessings and Gratitude to all 🤍

  • @archangelhalo6358
    @archangelhalo6358 Před 11 měsíci

    Pile 2 Gratitude & Namaste 🥰💞💜🙏🏼💜💞🥰

  • @jamesmcfarlin8739
    @jamesmcfarlin8739 Před 10 měsíci

    The difference is. I am deciding my new purpose with new resources as they are made available.

  • @terilepine7403
    @terilepine7403 Před 11 měsíci +1

    Blessings and Benevolence to all! ❤ pile #1 . Think it, Feel it & Be it! Attached to nothing but connected to everything all at once. I AM that I AM. The most important weight you can lose is the weight of other people's opinions. You are a spiritual being having a human experience 🙏 Namaste'. Keep up the great service! You're an earth angel and the world needs your light right now. Love you! I feel your energy, peace and grace 🌹❤️

  • @LexRex1800
    @LexRex1800 Před 11 měsíci

    To heal is to accept things are they are and allow for things to be different. That's all healing is.
    The only thing that's certain in life is uncertainty, once I've accepted that, it allowed me to move through life with more grace and patience for myself and others.
    Healing is always within you, and once you embrace that, you're untouchable.
    It's that simple. Blessings. 🙏🏽🩷

  • @Salamander1269
    @Salamander1269 Před 11 měsíci +2

    This was very interesting, thank you for pile number 2. Everything you said resonated with an energy deep inside me. God bless.

  • @neezz397
    @neezz397 Před 11 měsíci +2

    Pile 3:
    + Choice (Mars in Libra), Key (hidden, secrets, discovery), signpost (indecision, mulitpicity, crossroads), Renewal, November, Bear (Danger Money matters), flute (disappointment in lover), Mule (someone stubborn), Wealth, Boat, money (property inheritance), well (wishing well dreams come truth),
    + 6 fo wands (overcome, winning something), 6 of pentacles, magician, knight of pentacles, page of swords, 9 of pentacles, 4 of cups, 9 of swords
    + strong new chapter coming in
    + November, you are making a key move, changing trajectory of how you saw your life going, and changes with this key decision, making key decision and open so many doors, one smart move will open so many doors that were locked and stubborn (and make a lot of wealth), new decision could be purchase of bicycle and that opens world of possibilities with the bike, all the things you couldnt' do before.

  • @NamiWonderful
    @NamiWonderful Před 11 měsíci

    Pile 2 here :)
    Thank you for your reading!

  • @moongoddess555
    @moongoddess555 Před 11 měsíci +3

    I always listen to all the piles, because I’m not trying to miss a powerful message from one of my favorite readers! However, I LOVE the addition of astrological signs. I have all signs in my chart except Aquarius. It’s absolutely mind blowing to see how each pile corresponds to my astrological placements, it literally feels like a personal reading. I didn’t think it was possible for this dear woman to become dearer to me but she did it AGAIN! Babe, you are AMAZING and I am so blessed to watch you flow. Thank you, may you be blessed in all aspects of your life abundantly 😘🙏🏾💃🏾

  • @theresashetler
    @theresashetler Před 11 měsíci +3

    Thank you so much for pile 3!!! My astrological chart and my intuition totally resonated with your messages. Love the idea of wearing a Scarab! 💯🌟👑🙏🌹🕊

  • @peachybbylikesfrenchfries9291
    @peachybbylikesfrenchfries9291 Před 11 měsíci

    pile 1 & 3. thank you so much for the message!

  • @jacquidilley1933
    @jacquidilley1933 Před 11 měsíci

    Pile 2
    OMG correct
    Moving to another home
    It's much much better

  • @pixiedusttarot
    @pixiedusttarot Před 11 měsíci +2

    My favourite time of the day 🤍

  • @Eebydeeby2112
    @Eebydeeby2112 Před 11 měsíci +1

    Manifesting with law of assumption is the secret!

  • @ruchaj.5550
    @ruchaj.5550 Před 11 měsíci +2

    Pile 1, so perfect resonance..just before this reading i have received some information which really answered my questions related to Karma concept. We are ascending to 5d , so there is no more karma concept. We are free souls and few more things... literally info was bombarded on me suddenly today. Thanks to Mother Earth and our divine source

  • @harinisridharan1899
    @harinisridharan1899 Před 11 měsíci

    Hi Reem, pile# 1, I don't think I have learnt anything. But I can say, I have exercised what is already present in me, the blessings,the resources that the Divine has given me during testing times.
    I don't ask anything to the divine. I surrender to the universe. In Sanskrit there is a saying - Jagathaha Pitharau Vande Parvati Parameshwarau. Meaning - I bow down to the parents of the world, (goddess) Parvati and (God) Paramehwara, (who is the other form of lord Shiva)
    This was taught to me by my Sanskrit teacher in my childhood days. I am strongly attached to it. I know whatever my parents do is for my best. So I surrender to them and accept whatever they give me. They were my strength and succour during my days of turbulence. I love them as I love myself.

  • @gunneetbains
    @gunneetbains Před 11 měsíci

    I came back to your channel after so many months and the readings still blow my mind as they resonate with what’s happening in life.

  • @sheebahussaini2080
    @sheebahussaini2080 Před 9 měsíci

    Pile 1, v reassuring reading, great guidance, God bless 🌸🙏🙌🌟