Perk Guide (Part 4)

  • čas přidán 12. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 55

  • @mingodingo
    @mingodingo Před 5 lety +110

    0:43 reach advantage 3
    5:11 overwhelm 4
    7:47 lone wolf 1
    11:21 underdog 1
    12:21 footwork 3-4
    14:55 berserk 1
    17:47 headhunter 1
    20:29 nimble N/A It does something different now
    26:25 battle forged 1
    28:45 fearsome 5
    30:40 duelist 1
    31:54 killing frenzy 1
    32:46 indomitable 2

    • @livelifehatefur
      @livelifehatefur Před 5 lety +2


    • @ratemal7748
      @ratemal7748 Před 4 lety +6

      Reach advantage got changed, it now grants flat melee defense up to 25 at 5 stacks. Also, quick hands no longer works with a shield, so reach advantage should be rated much higher now

  • @CC_Cane
    @CC_Cane Před 6 lety +34

    Really changed my game to a point i had to question my own intellect in choosing perks before these guides. Thank you!

  • @pendantblade6361
    @pendantblade6361 Před 4 lety +31

    So these videos are pretty outdated with all the patches, would you consider making updated perk guides?

  • @misteral9045
    @misteral9045 Před 6 lety +11

    A word on nimble. The proc percentage greatly scales with armor durability:max f penalty. I've found it is mathematically efficient to use armor that has a ratio of .7:1 (as in, you are getting .7 durability for every 1 penalty to max f). This makes nimble much better in the late game because you'll have a couple of legendary armors floating around. Most, if not all, legendary armors have a higher ratio than .7:1, so nimble becomes a lot more usable.

  • @HalIOfFamer
    @HalIOfFamer Před 2 měsíci

    Lone wolf for a very rare roll of a character. 3 stars in ranged so you can max it out. That trait that lowers the chance of friendly fire, perk that lowers the penalty for targets behind cover or other people.
    You get an archer that can stand way behind the Frontline and fire into mele. Probably a bad build but you can cosplay legolas with that.

  • @rogue1112002
    @rogue1112002 Před 5 lety +2

    Running adrenaline on the frontline can really pay off. The battles can be planned differently if the brothers can spare the stamina. In battles against humans/orcs/beasts moral will break quickly as hits land unanswered. 2handers can clear pathways in all but the toughest foes and close distance against archers or geists. The majority of frontline brothers need to have the Adrenaline perk for the improved initiative effect to really pay dividends, hybrids/archer/tank brothers do not need to take it. Just like Rotation, the benefits of Adrenaline are magnified the more brothers have it.

  • @AsianSensationist
    @AsianSensationist Před 6 lety +9

    I've tried to do an overwhelm build before. The only way I could get it to work was creating an archer with high enough initiative to consistently go first. Also applying this perk was only useful in fights where the enemy numbers were either equal or smaller than mine. So orcs, brigand leaders, and fallen heroes mostly (It a very niche focused build). Having 2 or 3 was more consistent.
    But I combined it with this one build that was a bit out there but I enjoyed using him. So, I had a hedge knight with high MeleeO and MeleeD and Resolve. I created him to be a 2H Axe tankish build. I always started him couple squares away from my main group and just had him barrel down one side and draw the attention of enemies. The lone wolf perk was useful because he’d constantly get surrounded. The 6-man Axe swing dished out a lot of damage. In addition, I utilized my bowmen with the overwhelm ability to “shoot” the enemies surrounding my hedge knight. Also this definitely took a bit of planning beforehand to get it to work consistently so I can’t say it’s effective, but I had fun trying it.

    • @McShieldBash
      @McShieldBash Před 6 lety +1

      i tried it. it's annoying when the arrows are not hitting the target and not applying the overwhelm debuff when the tooltip says "hit or miss" too. :(

  • @draiguk
    @draiguk Před 5 lety +11

    Thanks for all this info on such a great game, and ruining what I thought was a simple(ish) fun game that I sucked at, into a math fest and making me restart one of the few campaigns I got past day 100 without all my "best" guys dying (who thanks to this turns out to be terrible) and exposing all the shitty perk points I had used to be utter crap. I'd never heard of Battle Brothers until this new DLC came out and I picked it up on sale. You've now got me sucked into watching HOURS of your bloody vids instead of playing the freaking game and I'm about to restart (again) and this time (try) and play it properly. Yeah thanks a lot.

  • @Puu1546
    @Puu1546 Před 6 lety +5

    I have rotation on my front liners, but footwork on archers too. I cant use rotation of front liners to save archers very often, because I would rotate them to another enemy. I usually bring few archers to orc fights to kill charging berserk or young orc and then footwork is awesome when orc warrior break my lines.

  • @andretirta9801
    @andretirta9801 Před 5 lety +7

    reach advantage becomes more powerful now since quick hands shield is not a thing anymore

    • @Spider-Too-Too
      @Spider-Too-Too Před 5 lety +2

      oh, no wonder i found that i cnst quick hand swaping a shield

  • @krixig
    @krixig Před 5 lety +3

    Some really good thoughts on all the perk videos. Its odd that sometimes Ill read the skill descriptions, be like "that kind of sucks", then Ill look at the name and sort of convince myself than its better than it really is. But considering the implied costs, raw numbers and proc rates, you make a good deal of sense. Thanks for the rundown.

  • @nnmmnmmnmnnm
    @nnmmnmmnmnnm Před 5 lety +1

    I love the depth of your reasoning.

  • @theclimbto1
    @theclimbto1 Před 5 lety +1

    Lone Wolf seems good on 3 Types.
    Solo Defender. Your Mega Tank that is holding a line on the side.
    Archers. You can space them away from each other for Ranged Attack and Ranged Defense.
    Back Line Killer. Highly Mobile that gets to an Archer or Necromancer to 1v1, picking off the back line once the front line engages.

    • @MrMrtvozornik
      @MrMrtvozornik Před 5 lety

      Problem with Solo Defender is that he doesn't want to tank 3 tiles away, you want to use him to tank but still close neough so you can encircle enemies and actually profit from your mega tank tanking.
      Problem with archers is that if you back off from each other that's fine, but you never want your archers to be 3 tiles from your front line.
      Back line killer is what it's made for, problem is that build doesn't actually exist. It exists on paper, and which is why that perk exists at all, problem is that in 90% of cases you wont be able to use your guy like that, and it looks like you need to dedicate whole b uild to it. I tried great axe lone wolf build, as in literally rush into people then use aoe attack, sounds good, doesn't work. But so do all 3 of your sugestions.

  • @AGiantPie
    @AGiantPie Před 6 lety +5

    I find Pathfinder very important for my company that consists exclusively of interchangeable Hybrids with identical perk builds. Everyone is equipped with a 1 hander/shield, a billhook, a greatsword, and a throwing weapon. I sub in crossbows instead of throwing weapons sometimes especially when fighting goblins or orc warriors.
    Basic combat strategy involves chucking javelins at the enemies as they come running at you then leapfrogging backline brothers into gaps in the enemy line to maximize surround penalties + hurt enemy morale (hence why Pathfinder is important). Brothers with no gaps to occupy swap to polearms or the greatsword if there is room to step forward 1 square (or if they're already in base contact with an enemy) and spend the rest of the fight as two handers. The thing I like about throwing weapons over crossbows is that the most dangerous enemy type by far are enemy crossbowmen, and I can stay safe behind a kite shield during the first two turns of the fight as the enemies close while using them. Crossbows are better with fearsome though so usually that perk is paired with runs that use crossbows instead of javelins. Usually after the first turn or two of melee combat, one of the brothers is able to spend their turn moving into base contact with enemy archers which disables them for the rest of the fight.
    The best use I've ever found for Nine Lives is also to counter enemy crossbows. Lucky crossbow headshots are usually the only thing that ever kills one of my brothers (Being routed by geists is the only other real danger; keep everyone near the banner) and since usually the guy who was hit by the crossbow is someone standing in the backline, Nine Lives lets them survive one extra turn to run away and survive. Despite that, it's still fallen out of favor with me and I prefer to use a combination of anticipation and using the enemy melee units as screen cover to minimize damage from crossbows. I also don't keep people sitting on the backline anymore and keep them in melee distance with enemies or retreat them out of crossbow range if they take too much damage.
    Edit: Also of note is that I usually only have 12 Brothers in my company at any one time. I don't keep Brothers in Reserve unless I'm in the process of training up a replacement for a Brother with bad stats in the midgame. Brothers with injuries get swapped to the least dangerous positions (starting in the middle of the front line) while they recover. This is basically only viable because I build every Brother the same, but it drastically reduces the cost of hiring Brothers and maintaining the company which is very helpful in the early-midgame.

    • @raidermaxx2324
      @raidermaxx2324 Před 6 lety

      This is really interesting.. im going to try it:) got any more advice on this type of company\builds?

    • @jeremysmith54565
      @jeremysmith54565 Před 5 lety

      @@raidermaxx2324 "@Sren Draws not sure what you mean, a private university is a private university no matter whether it is in the states or on that foggy, uppity island of yours.. its either funded by tax payers or it aint, so heres an idea, git smarter, cuz you sound dumb as hell.
      " Fuck me you're thick as shit then, of course when all else fails talk utter bollocks pmsl

  • @drakesmith6132
    @drakesmith6132 Před 4 lety +2

    Here is an idea on Lonewolf
    Colossus, dodge, Nimble, Shield Expert, Anticipation, Spearwall, Taunt, Overwhelm, Lonewolf
    A lightly armored lone spartan?

  • @shoethief
    @shoethief Před 6 lety +1

    Kind of a n00b but I've been running a dagger build that uses overwhelm and fearsome for farming. He basically runs up on people and stabs them before they can act making it harder to hit him and usually triggering a morale penalty by the time he's done.

  • @briane75
    @briane75 Před 6 lety +6

    I don't see the reach advantage/quick hands comparison. Quick Hands is supposed to give one free switch a round. If the first round you attack with your two-hander and switch to a shield, great. But the next round your free switch would be pulling the two-hander back out, attacking, and not having enough action to switch back to a shield.

    • @jinwenglee6667
      @jinwenglee6667 Před 6 lety

      I believe the quick hands pick up also combines with adrenaline and possibly recover as well. It also relies on being low on initiative and wearing heaviest armour and 2h weapons means its not difficult.
      Before battle: Start with shield and 2h wpn in bag.
      Turn 1: enemies go 1st. player delay turn if enemies have delayed, switch to 2h wpn, chop shit up and use adrenaline.
      Turn 2: player goes 1st, chop shit up or use recover if low fatigue and switch to shield.
      Turn 3: repeat from turn 1.
      Personally I don't like it not because it isn't good it but it requires much more focus and attention to the initiative, turn order and fatigue management to not screw up.

  • @coyedwards6184
    @coyedwards6184 Před 6 lety +14

    The volume and quality of your content is staggering lol.
    I really love your videos but can't find time to watch them all.

  • @joeblack5393
    @joeblack5393 Před 5 lety +1

    I wanna say youre kinda wrong on overwhelm. If you have it with most of your characters, especially the first line ones, it can make a contact with orc warriors go from being dangerous, to being a breeze. It works very well against other enemies that are few in numbers, but are powerful individually.

  • @johnnewton5352
    @johnnewton5352 Před 3 lety

    This is great, thanks. I came across your help videos while looking for help with the civ games. Very thorough and helpful.

  • @mrotreba001
    @mrotreba001 Před 5 lety +3

    Love your videos. Keep it up

  • @Neptuneashes
    @Neptuneashes Před 5 lety +1

    very good guides you make my friend! i saw all of darkest dungeon and battle brothers guides!

  • @alexandreregniez3189
    @alexandreregniez3189 Před 6 lety +10

    You are not consistent with the way you handle bonuses/percentages : for example overwhelm, you say 10% debuff is small. But if you have 50 def againt 70 attack, and you put a -10% on this attack now it's 50 against 60, you just halved the chance for your opponent to hit you. It's huge ! Well that's the reasoning you exposed yourself on other perks...On bad perks you seem to forget that.

    • @Morganix01
      @Morganix01 Před 6 lety +6

      It was something I noticed as well. Understandably we all have our preferences/biases but he seemed to value perks such as gifted but then write off perks like overwhelm without applying the same logic he used. I really enjoy running overwhelm on late game pure bowmen. Great for debuffing Orc Warlords or giving them some use when fighting skeletons besides stripping armor.

    • @georgiyyamov5827
      @georgiyyamov5827 Před 6 lety +1

      Both gifted and overwhelm are good, so there is consistency with percentages it's just him inconsistent in case of overwhelm

  • @jackfitzgerald9619
    @jackfitzgerald9619 Před 5 lety +1

    Maybe if your band only has one archer Lone Wolf would work well because he wouldn't be near the melee fighters?

  • @ericpreble674
    @ericpreble674 Před 6 lety

    High defense, high attack 2hander sword
    Overwhelm + reach advantage + underdog. Guy can wade into crowds, wreck face and not get scratched.

  • @paulblount9663
    @paulblount9663 Před 6 lety +2

    Any idea if having head shot on Lindwurms and shooting the tails builds up stacks?

  • @raidermaxx2324
    @raidermaxx2324 Před 6 lety

    are you still working on the build videos? or am i missing them cuz im lame?

  • @joeamiller11
    @joeamiller11 Před 5 lety

    Use berserk on you're 2h instead of reach. It fixes you're stop gap you dont like

  • @calonfire
    @calonfire Před 4 lety

    Are % perks additive or multiplicative?

  • @007Vaughn
    @007Vaughn Před 6 lety +6

    Hey Filthy, can you do a proper review of Battle Brothers? I have a serious love/hate relationship with this game. On one hand I think that the surface of the game is very interesting, with great art (I know lots of people disagree with this), interesting writing, a very cool overworld setting with interesting mechanics, and great late-game content. On the other hand the beginning of the game is extremely hard, the meta of perk building is obtuse and leaves much to be desired (too many weak character builds), and a combat system that becomes absurdly long (12 men vs 96 undead? are you fucking serious????).
    I would really love to hear your organized commentary regarding the game as a whole package in a review type of video.

  • @straydogfreedom7795
    @straydogfreedom7795 Před 5 lety

    Will you redo this with the next dlc? seems like there's gonna be a lot of changes coming

    • @FilthyRobot
      @FilthyRobot  Před 5 lety +2

      I'll be doing something for the DLC, been really enjoying BB again!

    • @straydogfreedom7795
      @straydogfreedom7795 Před 5 lety

      @@FilthyRobot awesome! glad to hear it! great videos

  • @mariovega6282
    @mariovega6282 Před 5 lety


  • @ediable8309
    @ediable8309 Před 5 lety

    7:40 Et tu Brute

  • @BloodM3ss
    @BloodM3ss Před 3 lety

    11:18 ... The only build i can think off is using spearwall with obwiously use the most damagin spear that can spearwall or sword & riposte.
    Just high attack & spearwall them all. Heavy armor centered with battleforged,underdog & reach adventage[very important for this imo as it gives a lot of defense when performing any of the repeling attack on spearwalling & you can have a lot of those incoming on single turn] , cripling strikes & executioner[for incrase in dmg done]. Dunno if fast adaptation will work with spearwalling but if yes then also & if using 1h spear[lower dmg but can use shield for better defence] then shield expert. Rest perks like brawny or battle frenzy to you to chose but those should be esential. Duelist if you use onyl 1h spear for even more dmg on spearwalling ;)
    The first quick build in my mind when i think about one wolf.
    Sad that this game dont have more perks like some for ranged characters or some perks,traits are just like "shity developed" , like eagle eye why it provides only vision when it could also provid an extra +5 range skill or something alike.... this game had such potential but the developers sqrewed it a lot & if not mods this game is like 3~4/10 sadly. Really low on starting profiles of the backrounds & even then you nead a lot of rolling to have a good map or at last decent starting team if you play on vet or expert difficulties[for single player runs you will try to roll a better start if your not some S&M lover ;D]
    most perks are dont like only for melee characters or just look like oly to get the game harder becosue if it harder then it will be more intresting to buy for people who like to be punished for nothing= makes game harder then game is most likele better saled[just psychology most peopel like beating games that have difficulty set up becosue they feel better about it when beating it]

  • @tomaszwida
    @tomaszwida Před 5 lety

    These are outdated ratings because of WOTN DLC

  • @囧雪
    @囧雪 Před 5 lety


  • @warsongleafcull4731
    @warsongleafcull4731 Před 4 lety

    so many commercials.

  • @samparkdewanjee7415
    @samparkdewanjee7415 Před 6 lety

    You dont know how to use 2 handers then

    • @zsomborerdelyi6166
      @zsomborerdelyi6166 Před 6 lety

      sampark dewanjee
      how 2 handers should be used?

    • @Dead25m
      @Dead25m Před 5 lety +2

      Always fun when people go "Well you don't know how to", and gives no explaination how to.