Pre and Post Vatican II Canonizations by Fr. Benedict Hughes (Traditional Catholic Conference)

  • čas přidán 12. 09. 2024
  • Work Of Human Hands by Fr. Cekada
    Fr. Benedict Hughes (CMRI) talks about the canonizations of John Paul II and John XXIII.

Komentáře • 49

  • @grammyapples6474
    @grammyapples6474 Před 9 lety +12

    Very informative. Especially for those who question the last 2 canonizations.
    Thank you Fr. Hughes

  • @fatima01917
    @fatima01917 Před 9 lety +7

    Very important information that needs to be shared and thank you for posting it.

  • @quincyalderson2506
    @quincyalderson2506 Před 7 lety +5

    thank you father

  • @robert112uk
    @robert112uk Před 5 lety +5

    I don't know when this video was made Father but it has happened, Paul VI has now been canonized. We are supposed to venerate that enemy of God with our pious kisses and venerate him, perhaps put his picture on our wall!Truly these are diabolical times, this proves Our Lady's words that in these times the devils will have unusual power. God help us! Let us cling to our rosaries!

  • @islandswtpea1958
    @islandswtpea1958 Před 10 lety +4

    This was the most honest & informed talk I've heard yet, on the "New Fast-Track to Sainthood Approach", which the Post Vat II Church is guilty of using.

  • @northtexas4110
    @northtexas4110 Před 5 lety +3

    Thank you Fr. Hughes for clearing up the fake canonizations by the sneaky Novus Ordo. And thanks be to God for all you CMRI priests for keeping the true, apostolic, Catholic church alive and well because we would not have anywhere to go to get the valid Holy Mass and the valid Catholic faith. J.M.J.

  • @jasonkolinsky5884
    @jasonkolinsky5884 Před 6 lety +2

    Thank you Father!

  • @glimmerman272
    @glimmerman272 Před 5 lety +1

    This video is an eye-opening. Knowledge destroys ignorance and stupidity.

  • @novellanurney1294
    @novellanurney1294 Před 5 lety +3

    This is an excellent video, I've listened to it 3 times now. Opus Dei is , from what I understand via a good deal of research through various resources is truly evil. It is outwardly a quite decent concept, but inwardly a reversal of orthodox Catholic teachings. But it was allowed to be its own order under JPII, so it is or was at that point in time, a high achievement for him( both JPII and Escriva). So it makes since the counter church would honor it. They did canonize genuine Saints, St. Padre Pio for instance as only one. But the devils greatest triumphs are to muddy the delineation between good and evil. Confusion and the decent to Chaos.As opposed to God's Divine Will of Truth and the ascent to Holiness.

    • @truthaboveagenda
      @truthaboveagenda Před 5 lety +1

      Novella Nurney I agree, this is very informative research.
      Jesus Is The Truth.

  • @alexgottmituns7049
    @alexgottmituns7049 Před 8 lety +4

    They are "canonizing martyrs" without satisfying the requisite of "odium Fidei" against these "martyrs".

  • @psychedelicpython
    @psychedelicpython Před 6 lety +2

    A person couldn’t be canonized for a certain number of years. I just caught this though I’ve listened to this video several times. (Oh my goodness, I hope I don’t have selective I watch a movie on blessed Margaret of Castello and when she died the parishioners and some of the clergy of her church wanted her buried in church itself and not the convent claiming she was a saint. One priest (I think he was) said that they had to wait for the Vatican to proclaim Margaret to be a saint, though in his mind she was a saint as well. One of the clergy said that could take years to happen. I wasn’t sure why this was, but now I understand why the clergy argued at blessed Margaret’s funeral. Though blessed Margaret of Castello died in 1320 she was never canonized. I don’t have a clue to who 98% of the Vatican II saints are, and I refuse to honor and pray to anyone canonized by these new popes.

    • @novellanurney1294
      @novellanurney1294 Před 5 lety +1

      Becareful, forget not, St Padre Pio.
      I agree the vast majority would not meet the criteria, but don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. I do not attend the counter church liturgies, but
      Be careful, St. Padre Pio is in that group. I agree the vast majority is illicit. If they did not appease the traditional Catholic occasionally, that would present a an issue for them. So, instead of wholesale rejecting all things, learn to know the faith in such a away that you have the interior disposition to know what is correct and what is not through much prayer, only through our Lord and Ladies direction can we ever know the least inkling of thes will of God. The devils greatest and most successful ploy is part truth and part lie. Please know I am not chastising you or questioning your devotion in any way. But to disregard all, throws out a true SAINT of The Church. God Bless you and keep you always.
      And wow, look Paul VI, and JPII, Canonized, very good video.
      Mother Teresa, St JPII, Paul VI, and others , Romero and his Socialist agenda, out with the bathwater.

    • @robertdelutri8589
      @robertdelutri8589 Před 5 lety

      Well said!

  • @rosariamcnierney7477
    @rosariamcnierney7477 Před 2 lety +1

    I’m listening in 2022. Well it has come to pass that Paul VI was “canonized” and Pope Pius XII was not. Sickening.

  • @glennso47
    @glennso47 Před 7 lety +2

    I gave up on those Luminous Mysteries. It was just too confusing trying to remember what mysteries I was supposed to recite on what day.

    • @davidrice8823
      @davidrice8823 Před 6 lety +1

      I have a sneaky suspicion that they are the "Illuminati" mysteries, therefore I ignore them

    • @novellanurney1294
      @novellanurney1294 Před 5 lety +3

      @@davidrice8823 Well, I have know idea of the reason why JPII would decide to desecrate Our Blessed Ladies Psalter, no new revelation was revealed by her as her desire to " extend the mysteries of her Psalter" . No, a man's desire to leave a legacy that affects each and every Catholic in every nation on the face of this earth, the worst of sins, to alter the will of God. Which our Lady follows in all things.
      If he wished to make a devotion to these events, some really are not mysteries, however, they are biblical and true events most worthy of complentation, as is every verse of the Holy Bible in its most correct Western translation of the Douay-Rhiems translation ( pre - 1965, usually depending upon publisher). He should have just made it a chaplet, if he wished to honor these events in a special way.
      But, we speak of a man that sits upon a platform equalizing all the world's modes of worship and " gods" as equally able of saving the soul via its particular path, NO MATTER it's desecration, blasphemy and assaults against the WILL and WORD of the one and only true tri-une God, Father,Son,and Holy Ghost, to the one and only Kingdom of God Almighty . SACRILEGE.
      May you have a fruitful Advent and most merry Christmas!

    • @davidrice8823
      @davidrice8823 Před 5 lety +1

      Thank you for your well-wishes and blessings and thank you for that very informative comment. When I read the mysteries in a list form, I agree. Those events are something to ponder, for sure(His baptism, the Eucharist etc...) but to play it safe, for the reason I stated, I choose to pray my Rosary in it's original form. Ave Maria!!

    • @novellanurney1294
      @novellanurney1294 Před 5 lety

      @@davidrice8823 , I as well only say the Rosary as it had been given to us for the past few hundred years or so. To be blunt, I've never prayed the " Luminous mysteries" I have of course read them and pondered upon them . But, I decided as mentioned prior that this " devotion" did not belong in Our Lady's rosary as she gave it to us.
      I have been given the blessing by God to have the skills to make rosaries, Psalters, Zhenners, etc.( my Father was a jeweler and owner of a small business) I' ve always had an intense interest in history (which is a handy interest if your Catgholic to be sure). The history of the evolution of the style and when certain prayers, obulations, etc. we're added, changed and so it is very interesting to me and like all things in our beautiful faith truly designed by Our Lord to meet his children at the moment they needed the these graces and become the current standard. The beautiful rosary we have currently. It flows and infuses us each with the order of prayer and balance of mystery.
      I try to keep up somewhat with what is going on in our Catholic faith in these days, but I limit it or it becomes a detriment to me. Staying constantly in a state of worry and sometimes outright outrage and anger, does not facilitate an abundance of graces upon me , to be sure!
      However, if you are unaware , I do believe this particular bit of information is important as it is a direct attack upon Our Lady directly, and it is Jesuit "Fr." Martin 's rosary of modern sorrows. An absolutely diabolical plot to destroy the supernatural faith and replace it with man.
      The true Illuminati rosary if ever there was one to exist. It consists of 5 decades color coded to align with each heretical worldly teaching.
      Blue and green beads for the errors against "Mother earth", brown and tan for the sins against " man and immigration and integration ", rainbow coloured for the sorrows of the abuses against " the LGBTQ+ people's and their unions with each other to be accepted as equal to the sacrememt of marriage" and so on. That, that is a very great evil. I'll provide a couple links to short news stories from Catholic sources should you choose to find out more information. Thank you for your kind reply. I generally do not spend so much time online but I'm stuck at home after a successful minor surgery and perhaps have a bit too much time on my hands. So, thank you for your patience!
      Title: Rosary of Fr. Martin
      From " Holy Faith media"
      Title, rosary of Fr. Martin

    • @davidrice8823
      @davidrice8823 Před 5 lety +1

      Thank you for the links. Like you, I'm sorta stuck at home, can't seem to find work of the kind i like(that sounds spoiled I know) and so I plan on using it to grow spiritually .And yes, scripture says the dragon went off to make war with the woman's offspring, those who keep the commandments of God. Well, one of those commandments was to "take this and eat..". The only group who does this are Catholics and at least the Eastern Orthodox(another topic to be sure). Well, look at what's happened to the church's stance on topics, courtesy of Francistein(my label for him).God bless, Ave Maria!!

  • @rockybarookie8154
    @rockybarookie8154 Před 6 lety

    In this video one mistake has been spoken he said John Paul the second added The Luminous Mysteries this is not true it was archbishop Bugini who added The Luminous Mysteries to the rosary in 1973 illegally without permission then when John Paul the second came onto the scene the Archbishop showed him The Luminous Mysteries and John Paul agreed with it he didn't add it he just agreed to to accept it, it was in the 1960 when the Archbishop was going to add The Luminous Mysteries to the rosary it was Pope Paul the 6th who told the Archbishop Bugini that it was not allowed to be added because it was not Rosary tradition,

  • @elmerdemleon9418
    @elmerdemleon9418 Před 8 lety +1

    Does this mean that their canonization is invalid?

    • @seriouscat2231
      @seriouscat2231 Před 4 lety

      I think it does. To proclaim something inerrantly, I think it's not good enough for the Pope to just say so. He must intend it. And one can see that the intention is not there if the process is not there. It's not so that the Popes of history needed it but these current ones can somehow discern it intuitively. I intend to give million dollars to a charity, but then I hand them just one dollar. It does not matter if I say "here's your million dollars" when I do it. It's still just one dollar.

  • @ASH-ep3td
    @ASH-ep3td Před 4 lety

    Please what microphone are you using I need this

  • @toninobelimussi296
    @toninobelimussi296 Před 4 lety

    17:17 santo subito means SAINT NOW, it's much worse than saint, quick because it means "we say how it IS and it IS, no more questions allowed". I wish Fr. Hughes had explained what now: I mean, is PJPII a saint of the Church or is he not? Because it certainly appears so... unfortunately...

  • @johnraymond7877
    @johnraymond7877 Před 7 lety +1

    I guess all n o could go to mosque and kiss Koran annually to emulate JP 2, and also incense buddhas statue. I

  • @johnraymond7877
    @johnraymond7877 Před 7 lety

    So if a future pope declares conciliar 6 not valid popes, all their saints are gone....a few will make it again. St Maximilian Kolbe and Fatima seers.

  • @nnieemmT
    @nnieemmT Před 3 měsíci

    I always refused to say these "Luminous mysteries" even when I was in this dreadful diabolical conciliar (demonic) church.

  • @toninobelimussi296
    @toninobelimussi296 Před 4 lety

    Whoever takes a perfect "thing" (I mean a Perfect Church) and "improves" it should be martyred first. Because it's too easy to just "do one better", let him or her go through martyrdom before even being allowed to have a discussion about "perfecting" the Church of Christ. Oh and, if they don't resurrect, strike it all: they were pseudo-martyrs after all. So there.

    • @garyolsen3409
      @garyolsen3409 Před 2 lety

      Reading your comment is like reading a sentence backwards.

  • @johnraymond7877
    @johnraymond7877 Před 7 lety

    So argument is (and I wouldn't be making it).....sainthood means they are in heaven. Kissing Koran could be repented of in last days. But your argument is any writings against faith would rule you out, pre 58. Also sainthood is for an example. Jp2, j23, Teresa cal no examples, no matter what happened ?on deathbed

    • @seriouscat2231
      @seriouscat2231 Před 4 lety +1

      If we are to presume everyone's deathbed conversion, we could canonize every person who has ever died.

  • @leslierusso4869
    @leslierusso4869 Před 5 lety

    Pope J.P.II, as Pope can