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  • @bennbastard5082
    @bennbastard5082 Před 4 lety +38

    This needs to be the national anthem

  • @fedorshcheglov5534
    @fedorshcheglov5534 Před 2 lety +11

    Ah, the most difficult song to find

  • @Nickallsopp92
    @Nickallsopp92 Před 3 lety +15

    I freaking love this band!

  • @GurahkWeavile
    @GurahkWeavile Před 2 lety +6

    I can't believe I only just learned about these guys.

  • @GrimdarkCrusader20th
    @GrimdarkCrusader20th Před 3 lety +47

    Remember the dream the l Founding Fathers envisioned and don't let any commies or fascies tear it down for this is the land of the free and home of the brave

    • @thegermanempire489
      @thegermanempire489 Před 3 lety +5

      Sadly the commie scums are trying too, I’d take Fascism over communism anyday

    • @PedroCosta-po5nu
      @PedroCosta-po5nu Před 2 lety +6

      @@thegermanempire489 as if there were an difference between the two...

    • @sethfrisbie3957
      @sethfrisbie3957 Před 2 lety +1

      @@PedroCosta-po5nu you are being ignorant. Here is fascism The Doctrine of Fascism” (1932)
      by Benito Mussolini
      Like all sound political conceptions, Fascism is
      action and it is thought; action in which
      doctrine is immanent, and doctrine arising
      from a given system of historical forces in
      which it is inserted, and working on them from
      within. It has therefore a form correlated to
      contingencies of time and space; but it has also an
      ideal content which makes it an expression of truth in
      the higher region of the history of thought. There is
      no way of exercising a spiritual influence in the world
      as a human will dominating the will of others, unless
      one has a conception both of the transient and the
      specific reality on which that action is to be exercised,
      and of the permanent and universal reality in which
      the transient dwells and has its being. To know men
      one must know man; and to know man one must be
      acquainted with reality and its laws. There can be no
      conception of the State which is not fundamentally a
      conception of life: philosophy or intuition, system of
      ideas evolving within the framework of logic or
      concentrated in a vision or a faith, but always, at least
      potentially, an organic conception of the world.
      Thus many of the practical expressions of Fascism
      such as party organization, system of education,
      and discipline can only be understood when
      considered in relation to its general attitude toward
      life. A spiritual attitude. Fascism sees in the world
      not only those superficial, material aspects
      in which man appears as an individual, standing by
      himself, self-centered, subject to natural law, which
      instinctively urges him toward a life of selfish
      momentary pleasure; it sees not only the
      individual but the nation and the country;
      individuals and generations bound together by a
      moral law, with common traditions and a mission
      which suppressing the instinct for life closed in a
      brief circle of pleasure, builds up a higher life,
      founded on duty, a life free from the limitations of
      time and space, in which the individual, by selfsacrifice, the renunciation of self-interest, by death
      itself, can achieve that purely spiritual existence in
      which his value as a man consists.
      The conception is therefore a spiritual one, arising
      from the general reaction of the century against the
      materialistic positivism of the 19th century. Antipositivistic but positive; neither skeptical nor
      agnostic; neither pessimistic nor supinely optimistic
      as are, generally speaking, the doctrines (all
      negative) which place the center of life outside man;
      whereas, by the exercise of his free will, man can
      and must create his own world.
      Fascism wants man to be active and to engage in
      action with all his energies; it wants him to be
      manfully aware of the difficulties besetting him
      and ready to face them. It conceives of life as a
      struggle in which it behooves a man to win for himself a
      really worthy place, first of all by fitting himself
      (physically, morally, intellectually) to become the
      implement required for winning it. As for the
      individual, so for the nation, and so for mankind.
      Hence the high value of culture in all its forms
      (artistic, religious, scientific) and the
      outstanding importance of education. Hence also
      the essential value of work, by which man subjugates
      nature and creates the human world (economic,
      political, ethical, and intellectual).
      This positive conception of life is obviously
      an ethical one. It invests the whole field of
      reality as well as the human activities which
      master it. No action is exempt from moral
      judgment; no activity can be despoiled of the
      value which a moral purpose confers on
      all things. Therefore life, as conceived of
      by the Fascist, is serious, austere, and
      religious; all its manifestations are poised in
      a world sustained by moral forces and
      subject to spiritual responsibilities. The
      Fascist disdains an “easy” life.
      The Fascist conception of life is a religious one, in
      which man is viewed in his immanent relation to a
      higher law, endowed with an objective will
      transcending the individual and raising him to
      conscious membership of a spiritual society.
      “Those who perceive nothing beyond opportunistic
      considerations in the religious policy of the
      Fascist regime fail to realize that Fascism is not only a
      system of government but also and above all a system
      of thought.
      In the Fascist conception of history, man is man only
      by virtue of the spiritual process to which he
      contributes as a member of the family, the social
      group, the nation, and in function of history to which
      all nations bring their contribution. Hence the great
      value of tradition in records, in language, in customs, in
      the rules of social life. Outside history man is a
      nonentity. Fascism is therefore opposed to all
      individualistic abstractions based on eighteenth
      century materialism; and it is opposed to all
      Jacobinistic utopias and innovations. It does not
      believe in the possibility of “happiness” on earth
      as conceived by the economistic literature of
      the 18th century, and it therefore rejects the
      theological notion that at some future time the
      human family will secure a final settlement of all its
      difficulties. This notion runs counter to experience
      which teaches that life is in continual flux and in
      process of evolution. In politics Fascism aims at
      realism; in practice it desires to deal only with those
      problems which are the spontaneous product of
      historic conditions and which find or suggest
      their own solutions. Only by entering in to the
      process of reality and taking possession of the forces
      at work within it, can man act on man and on nature.
      Anti-individualistic, the Fascist conception of life
      stresses the importance of the State and accepts the
      individual only in so far as his interests coincide
      with those of the State, which stands for the
      conscience and the universal, will of man as a
      historic entity. It is opposed to classical liberalism
      which arose as a reaction to absolutism and
      exhausted its historical function when the State
      became the expression of the conscience and will of
      the people. Liberalism denied the State in the name
      of the individual; Fascism reasserts
      The rights of the State as expressing the real essence
      of the individual. And if liberty is to he the attribute of
      living men and not of abstract dummies invented by
      individualistic liberalism, then Fascism stands for
      liberty, and for the only liberty worth having, the
      liberty of the State and of the individual within the
      State. The Fascist conception of the State is all
      embracing; outside of it no human or spiritual values
      can exist, much less have value. Thus understood,
      Fascism, is totalitarian, and the Fascist State - a
      synthesis and a unit inclusive of all values -
      interprets, develops, and potentates the whole life of a
      No individuals or groups (political parties, cultural
      associations, economic unions, social classes) outside
      the State. Fascism is therefore opposed to Socialism to
      which unity within the State (which amalgamates
      classes into a single economic and ethical reality) is
      unknown, and which sees in history nothing but the
      class struggle. Fascism is likewise opposed to trade
      unionism as a class weapon. But when brought
      within the orbit of the State, Fascism recognizes the
      real needs which gave rise to socialism and
      trade unionism, giving them due weight in the guild
      or corporative system in which divergent interests
      are coordinated and harmonized in the unity of the
      Grouped according to their several interests,
      individuals form classes; they form trade-unions
      when organized according to their several economic
      activities; but first and foremost they form the State,
      which is no mere matter of numbers, the suns of the
      individuals forming the majority. Fascism is
      therefore opposed to that form of democracy
      which equates a nation to the majority, lowering it to
      the level of the largest number; but it is the purest form
      of democracy if the nation be considered as it should
      be from the point of view of quality rather than
      quantity, as an idea, the mightiest because the
      most ethical, the most coherent, the truest,
      expressing itself in a people as the conscience
      and will of the few, if not, indeed, of one, and
      ending to express itself in the conscience and the
      will of the mass, of the whole group ethnically
      molded by natural and historical conditions into a
      nation, advancing, as one conscience and one will,
      along the self same line of development and spiritual
      formation. Not a race, nor a geographically
      defined region, but a people, historically
      perpetuating itself; a multitude unified by an
      idea and imbued with the will to live, the will to
      power, self-consciousness, personality.
      In so far as it is embodied in a State, this higher
      personality becomes a nation. It is not the nation
      which generates the State; that is an antiquated
      naturalistic concept which afforded a basis for
      19th century publicity in favor of national
      governments. Rather is it the State which creates
      the nation, conferring volition and therefore real
      life on a people made aware of their moral unity.
      The right to national independence does not
      arise from any merely literary and idealistic form
      of self-consciousness; still less from a more or
      less passive and unconscious de facto situation,
      but from an active, self-conscious, political will
      expressing itself in action and ready to prove its
      rights. It arises, in short, from the existence, at
      least in fieri, of a State. Indeed, it is the State
      which, as the expression of a universal ethical
      will, creates the right to national independence.
      A nation, as expressed in the State, is a living,
      ethical entity only in so far as it is progressive.

    • @PedroCosta-po5nu
      @PedroCosta-po5nu Před 2 lety

      @@sethfrisbie3957 explain in your own simple words what thou have just written, for i know it's an copy paste you got from someone else.

    • @sethfrisbie3957
      @sethfrisbie3957 Před 2 lety

      @@PedroCosta-po5nu economics:It uses corporatism which is an economic system that goes with giving workers a six hour workday and calls for fair treatment of workers and good conditions in exchange products are sold at a cheaper price and also allows private property.It also says if the business owner is not doing the requirements the government will have a government agent take control of the business until someone can afford to buy the business.Worker safety regulation workers will check the workplace once a week.On trade the nation will buy from nations that buy from it and sell to nations that sell to it in order to do safe export trade and won't sell or buy from nations that don't buy from it or sell to it.For jobs that go with saving lives it will be 14 and 15 hours to 24 hours and that is an exception to the 6 hour workday requirement. Workers are also given fair wages by that enough to pay for food, pay bills,student loans and care for family that means employers will have to pay their workers livable wages.The harder someone works the more they get paid and the more likely they are to get promoted.A trade limit must be made with nations for if you trade with too much nation's your nation will run out of resources but if too little your nation can’t really make money.The people can choose the job they want for as long as they can do it.
      Taxes:The tax rate will be a 15% on the poor.This means they pay 15% of their income from work on taxes while the middle class pays 25% on taxes from income gained at work while the rich pay 35% of their income from work on taxes.In times of war if supplies is low than the tax rate will be increased yet when the war is over the tax rate will decrease.
      The government will be a strong one for the leader can't do anything for the nation if they are not given enough power to do their job.The amount of power will be dictatorship like but they will be subject to their own law and the law itself and also won't be allowed to outlaw Christianity nor try to corrupt Christianity
      Rights:Only takes away rights that are useless and are harming the nation while preserving the rest.
      What the government will be investing in:1:Church and tradition,2 military and security forces ,3 agriculture but with no use of chicken fertilizer for that is ruining the soil so instead use cotton meal,4 industry,5 education,6 disaster emergency forces,7 housing improvement.
      Leadership succession:The leader´s oldest son but if the son is dead before adulthood and the leader is still alive take in the daughter yet if the leader has a wife and the leader dies the wife takes control yet if the leader is not married and has no children the leader will pick on their deathbed who they see fit to rule yet if the leader is found dead and has no children and the wife is also dead or if the leader is single and dead an election will be held to pick the leader an election will be held to pick a different leader if the leader breaks the law and they will be put down but the spouse and children will not be allowed to become leader of the nation but they will live.The reason for the oldest son is to ensure succession and the only reason for elections in only those two cases is to maintain stability for elections cause instability of the nation yet even then on elections it will be decided by how many states vote for the leader but it depends on how many regions within the state vote on the leader to decide for if the majority of the regions vote on a leader than that state will be added as a vote for that leader and the states will have equal representation on that issue meaning all state votes are equal no matter what even if a state has more people than another state is the amount of states that matter when picking a leader but only in those two cases when an election is allowed.
      Church and tradition will be promoted and protected by the nation and for the non-Christians they can live but they must stay quiet on the streets and in public along with work on what they must remain quiet on is attacking the Church otherwise they will have a visit by inquisitors yet they won’t be killed but instead given a Bible yet if as soon as that non-Christian tries to attack the inquisitor they will be executed but every branch of Christianity will be allowed to practice freely on what they believe except for ones that don’t follow the Trinity Doctrine.It also goes with religious and cultural unity.On ethnic groups they will assimilate overtime but not genocided against unless they keep rebelling and causing problems in the nation but spare those who are loyal and assimilate to the nations culture yet they will have equal rights just that they will be educated in the nations schools and culture and they will expected to adopt a lot of the nations culture and customs and then pass it down to their children if they have any.They will also be expected to learn the nations language.
      Immigration:It will be allowed but it will have to be legal and also those who immigrate will be expected to assimilate to the nation's culture.How the immigration system would work is a guard at the check in place will search the immigrant for weapons and also have a doctor check to see if they are healthy or not and also ask if they have a skill that could help them get hired and if they do they will be accepted and will get help on finding a job and if the immigrant is not in good health the doctor that checked them will send them to a hospital to get them back to health then they can be accepted.They will also see the list of laws and punishments to help them understand the laws and punishments so they don’t break them by accident.If the immigrant has trouble speaking English they will be given an education to help them speak English from a teacher that speaks their language but has English as their native language then the immigrant can be accepted. This comes from my own form of fascism and this is not the whole thing yet I was just giving you the basics of it. It is rather a form of monarcho-fascism. I gave you the original definition from the source of the person who created it and I just shown you a part of his Manifesto on the one you said I copied and pasted.

  • @LAV-III
    @LAV-III Před 2 lety +4

    Happy Independence Day

  • @givemeyourproperty7993
    @givemeyourproperty7993 Před 2 lety +9

    Enclave fans be like:

  • @filipjezercic9735
    @filipjezercic9735 Před rokem +1

    No cap this song ia effin beautiful

  • @iansahleen1173
    @iansahleen1173 Před 2 lety +1

    Perfect song for today

  • @iansahleen1173
    @iansahleen1173 Před rokem

    Coming back to it again this song again now that it is once again Independence Day!

  • @iansahleen1173
    @iansahleen1173 Před 6 dny

    Happy Independence Day!!!!!!!!!!

  • @matthewaugart-peponis6361
    @matthewaugart-peponis6361 Před 3 lety +10

    Yay a song about second best nation

    • @thedootmachine6298
      @thedootmachine6298 Před 3 lety +6

      Second? I think you misspoke

    • @matthewaugart-peponis6361
      @matthewaugart-peponis6361 Před 3 lety +13

      @@thedootmachine6298 rome best empire

    • @lordmilchreis1885
      @lordmilchreis1885 Před 2 lety

      @@thedootmachine6298 yeah, he meant the 6th best

    • @lordmilchreis1885
      @lordmilchreis1885 Před 2 lety +1

      @Darren Toomer havent said that rome was best i only said the USA is 6th best, any scandinavian country is single handedly better than the US

    • @coldbob2
      @coldbob2 Před rokem +2

      albania 1st best nation 🇦🇱 💯💪