Deconstructing Woke Churches | Mark Driscoll | Nathan Finochio

  • čas přidán 25. 01. 2023
  • Deconstructing Woke Churches | Mark Driscoll | Nathan Finochio
    In this Real Leaders episode, Pastor Mark Driscoll interviews Nathan Finochio, one of the founders of Theos University, on the current state of apostate, woke and soft-woke churches in the West.
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  • @MarkDriscollMinistries
    @MarkDriscollMinistries  Před 9 měsíci +1

    For more bold, unfiltered content, subscribe to my channel:

    • @KatyYoder-cq1kc
      @KatyYoder-cq1kc Před 6 dny +1

      0 seconds ago
      It is unfortunate that the world now views the rainbow as a sign of demonic influence and hatred of Christians and all things related to it. God created a rainbow after the flood as a sign of a new covenant for His people and the promises for abundance and fulfillment in life by following and submitting to His authority. Evildoers have turned the rainbow into a sign of darkness which has divided the church, wreaked havoc globally and things will never be the same. Pray for peace

  • @blairmalfara6990
    @blairmalfara6990 Před rokem +6

    WOW! Unreal video. Mark, you did a great job asking questions and letting Nathan have his chance to speak. Well done boys.

  • @christophersmith4300
    @christophersmith4300 Před rokem +2

    Loved it guys! Thank you for a balanced discussion on some of today's issues.

  • @IamKevinEloy
    @IamKevinEloy Před rokem +1

    What a great conversation…super solid. Thank you!

  • @MarkieG101
    @MarkieG101 Před rokem +2

    Great conversation!

  • @TboneSloanaroma
    @TboneSloanaroma Před rokem +16

    Pastor Mark just wanna say that I love you and your church and I look forward to seeing you Saturday night with my family. Keep up the good fight and keep up with teaching God’s word.

  • @zachboles8466
    @zachboles8466 Před rokem +10

    We truly need another 3 hours of this!! This is pure gold. Thanks to both of you!

  • @Kylecombes4
    @Kylecombes4 Před rokem +5

    Great interview

  • @PresencePioneer
    @PresencePioneer Před rokem +2

    Loved this!!

  • @elizabethjames1238
    @elizabethjames1238 Před rokem +1

    Really appreciated the frankness and in an easy to share format. Loved the easy open hand/closed hand portion. I agree that the majority of current issues is underwear related.

  • @andryrakotomalala6219
    @andryrakotomalala6219 Před rokem +1

    Great discussion !!!

  • @radamesgonzalez
    @radamesgonzalez Před rokem +3

    Really good stuff. 🙏

  • @colbyfmaier
    @colbyfmaier Před rokem +3

    Nate is a great golfer 💯🔥 He whipped me good

  • @brooke5699
    @brooke5699 Před rokem +5

    Thank you for talking about what no one else is

    • @edwinStephens
      @edwinStephens Před rokem

      This stuff is literally all the major news stations (left and right) talk about. Literally. This and other culture war distractions is what the world(both left and right) talks about non stop. My two cents.

  • @cbeer315
    @cbeer315 Před rokem +1

    Good conversation. 👍

  • @javajoel08
    @javajoel08 Před rokem +1

    Oh man this was a home run!

  • @RevivalontheHudson
    @RevivalontheHudson Před rokem +4

    "the gift that abused the most is Teaching" BINGO!

  • @bradymcphail9690
    @bradymcphail9690 Před rokem +2

    Thank you for sharing this. My Heart has always been for the youth and young adults, now I’m 59. What do I do to REACH our younguns? I feel that God is preparing me for His calling. We are preparing for a move to the Oregon Coast where I feel I can build a Youth/ young adult ministry where we provide an opportunity for kids to learn about our Faith & Discipleship, but also real work with your hands Craftsmanship and Blue collar Trades. I also will be training an gifting PTSD animals for those of us suffering with TBI & PTSD.
    Something I severely suffer from. I am, as Pastor Mark may think little too laid back Red letter Christian. I absolutely believe there are closed fist Doctrinal beliefs that will not be changed! Then the peripheral stuff is just less important, but still important. I see that the World the WOKE way, in my eyes is failing, I understand this generation thinks we failed them. God doesn’t fail anyone, if we can give ourselves to Christ, tune in and listen to The Holy Spirit, and live our best life here while sharing the love of Jesus. Then we will have done our good for both Earth and Heaven. Even though it isn’t about good works, it’s just about Love & Grace!

    • @jordanmadden7388
      @jordanmadden7388 Před rokem +3

      You reach young people the same way you reach any people. The Gospel.

  • @rccpromotions
    @rccpromotions Před rokem +14

    I appreciate this type of content that's relevant to today's world. Also thank you Mark for all you do.

  • @sanityscove8917
    @sanityscove8917 Před rokem +1

    Good conversation

  • @SpadeAce
    @SpadeAce Před 10 měsíci +3

    I just don’t believe in tongues. I’ve heard too many people bullshit it in order to take it seriously. When you hear someone say raka shaka tiki tuki untie bow tie fruitoftheloom and then turn and tell me God gave them a message for me- no, sorry.

  • @msmdg88
    @msmdg88 Před 3 měsíci +1

    Does he golf in that hat? Love it

  • @DannyD-lr5yg
    @DannyD-lr5yg Před rokem +4

    I’m genuinely surprised Mark didn’t make some snide, shaming comment about Nathan’s leopard print bucket hat, and prim-and-proper way of sitting.
    Don’t get me wrong, Nathan seems cool, but he also seems like someone Mark would flame from the pulpit if he didn’t know him.

  • @sc-ds7hx
    @sc-ds7hx Před rokem

    This is 💯

  • @1969cmp
    @1969cmp Před rokem +2

    I have heard an angle on Augustine's quote was used to close down those in the pre-millenialist camp, him being an amillenialist.
    I'm pre-millenialist because simply put, it has yet to happen and clearly there is a Millennial reign of Christ 😎

  • @MandoVillarreal
    @MandoVillarreal Před rokem +6

    Pastor Mark, thank you for talking about this topic because this is a silent killer of Christianity. As a pastor I'm always thinking about my audience and what needs to be open hand and closed hand. I believe its Both/And when it comes to certain topics the truth is no longer the truth and this generation has no conviction. COVID was the contractions needed to give birth to multiple schemes of the enemy. The deconstructing of the church has just begun and I believe pastors and anyone in the ministry will be more attacked about what they preach and what the church stands for. Everything hs been made wicked which is bending the truth.

    • @Heseesyou
      @Heseesyou Před 10 měsíci +1

      2 Timothy 3
      King James Version
      3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
      2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
      3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
      4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
      5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
      6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
      7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

  • @jholman714
    @jholman714 Před rokem +2

    The real problem is the lack of preaching of Paul’s Gospel. The two main errors of the modern church are either the political in nature (both right and left), or the self help, pop psychology, mega churches preaching basically the same thing the world is preaching on all the talk and news shows daily. Both types of churches misunderstand and misapply much of what Jesus taught (not understanding that Jesus technically ministered under the Old Covenant of Law, as the New Covenant of Grace had not yet been fully revealed). As a result, they are preaching a confusing mix of Law and Grace instead of understanding and preaching the full revelation of the True Gospel, revealed to the Apostle Paul alone (he often referred to it as “his Gospel”) after Jesus’ finished work at the cross, His resurrection and ascension. There is only one record of one of Paul’s complete Gospel sermons which he preached wherever he went (not his letters, his actual preaching of the Gospel). This is the climax and also the crux of the Gospel Paul preached 👇🏻
    “Therefore let it be known to you, brethren, that through this Man is preached to you the forgiveness of sins; and by Him everyone who believes is justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses.”
    ‭‭Acts‬ ‭13‬:‭38‬-‭39‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
    Notice he didn’t command them to repent of their sins to receive forgiveness and justification before God. The only qualification to receive the complete forgiveness of sins and justification by faith was just to believe in Jesus’ finished work at the cross. Repentance (change of mind) is implied and automatic when the True Gospel is preached and believed. Notice the forgiveness didn’t even need to be asked for… It was a proclamation by Paul only to be believed and received. Believing this causes a changed life where old sins just fall off and in their place grows the fruit of the Spirit.
    This is the result of the True Gospel being preached 👇🏻
    “So when the Jews went out of the synagogue, the Gentiles begged that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath. Now when the congregation had broken up, many of the Jews and devout proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas, who, speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God. On the next Sabbath almost the whole city came together to hear the word of God. But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled with envy; and contradicting and blaspheming, they opposed the things spoken by Paul.”
    ‭‭Acts‬ ‭13‬:‭42‬-‭45‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
    Notice the people begged for Paul to come back the next week and preach the exact same words so they could bring their family and friends to hear the good news of Christ.
    PS…People don’t go to hell for “wearing Cinderella slippers and changing your pronoun”. They go to hell for rejecting Jesus’ sacrifice at the cross for them. Focusing on the sins of the ya know…sinners is a waste of time. Introduce the solution to their sin (Jesus), and when they believe the Gospel, they change without trying. The church (mainly the political type of church) are so busy “taking stands” against sins and the sinners who commit them (only doing what they were born to do)(People aren’t sinners because they sin, they sin because they were born sinners). Once someone is born again, they aren’t made righteous because of their actions, they’re made righteous by Jesus’ sacrifice, and their actions begin to line up with who they are born again to be. The more we hear the True Gospel, the more the fruit of the Spirit is produced just by resting in Him and beholding Jesus in His word.
    PPS You can’t get people to “align with God” by preaching Law to them. Putting people under Law (the Old Covenant) instead of Grace (the New Covenant) gives strength to sin and produces the opposite of the intended effect…Lordship Salvation (John MacArthur’s version of the Gospel) is essentially putting people under Law and giving strength to sin. Preaching Grace causes sin to have no more dominion in their lives.

    @DAANBRO Před rokem

    Good phraseology - 'conversations and conclusions'
    What rebels against God's love, law, truth, word is sin, not a conversation or debate. If his kindness to me is supreme to all other loves, it's in my best interest to surrender this sinful will to his guidance for my own good, not fight but my flesh will fight. God help us by your spirit and power...

  • @sukarabd
    @sukarabd Před rokem +1

    Wow great content. What is the issue with discernment/. I have been trying to learn more to understand what it is

  • @SeanShineYouth
    @SeanShineYouth Před rokem +2

    These 2 guys share some common foundations, but they could not be more different human beings. If you take the way Mark dresses and Nathan’s theology you would have super pastor.

  • @Rev.DavidJTowns
    @Rev.DavidJTowns Před rokem +2

    The Bible is quite honest about both the human propensity to distort or refuse GOD's revelation and the consequences that result.

  • @jeremytunney1521
    @jeremytunney1521 Před rokem

    Really like this always wish mark would not speak over guests so much really want to here what this guy has to say not be lead so much still learned a lot

  • @k12rswow
    @k12rswow Před 8 měsíci

    I threw up in my mouth!!!! Hilarious

  • @scottotf6250
    @scottotf6250 Před rokem

    26:35 is powerful

  • @sharon5081
    @sharon5081 Před 10 měsíci

    Amen! Thank u for edifying me & sharpening my MUCH needed iron ❤!
    Is it true that the ‘F’ word stands for, ‘Fornication Under Carnal Knowledge?’
    God speed dear family in Christ Jesus! Praise the Lord for all His faithful Saints ❤️🙏🕊️🗡🩸

  • @scottotf6250
    @scottotf6250 Před rokem +1

    28:05 it’s a little more deeper. It’s about self worship. Sex is self worship, pride is self worship and power is self worship. Sex-Power-Pride is the main topic or key-pin with deconstruction actions

  • @scottotf6250
    @scottotf6250 Před rokem +2

    13:14 it is not a safe play for the community to define closed hand or open hand topics. The safest play is to have the Bible define those topics.

  • @kristikilgore5884
    @kristikilgore5884 Před 7 měsíci +1

    Too many churches are more concerned with the Offering collected than the saving of souls

  • @ArchAdvocate
    @ArchAdvocate Před rokem +1

    WOW! I had no idea that marc was allowed to show his face anywhere.

    • @kyloooooo
      @kyloooooo Před rokem +1

      See that's the thing about wolves. He had to step down from ministry and was told you are NOT qualified to be a pastor, stay away from the ministry forever. But..... like the wolf he is, in one ear and out the other. Refuses to submit to church discipline and still calls himself a pastor. The church needs to take it's sling and drive out the wolves.

  • @buckkillman
    @buckkillman Před rokem

    I just wish people would stop saying Augustine said the quote about “In essentials unity, etc.”. That was not Augustine!

  • @brittanyd3173
    @brittanyd3173 Před rokem +1

    9:00 Cultural Christians….so so hard to stomach. Moved from Seattle (saved by God under Mark’s teaching MH Ballard 2009) to Georgia…painful to see so many profess Christianity, but not truly know Christ. 😭

  • @lindseyweaver6956
    @lindseyweaver6956 Před rokem +5

    I like Pastor Mark, and I like Theosu. One thing that I have issue with is theosu blocking anyone who says anything they dont like. Should everyone who is questioning their own theology be kicked out? If we have genuine questions, why can’t we ask them in love and have respectful discord as brothers and sisters in Christ?

    • @joshuahallmark2103
      @joshuahallmark2103 Před rokem +3

      Yeah you didn’t put this on IG because you’d go right to jail 💀

    • @MarkDriscollMinistries
      @MarkDriscollMinistries  Před rokem +1

      Sounds like someone wants to get blocked here too 😂

    • @caleb281
      @caleb281 Před rokem +3

      ​@RealFaith by Mark Driscoll so you admit you're scared of questions and earnest doubt, and have no answers so you hide behind the pulpit on stage and blocking online? Thin skinned, lack of trust in God's Word, and the opposite of our commission. Though i guess cowering from accountability and fleeing when things get tough are Mark's proven specialties.

    • @Judybhorne
      @Judybhorne Před 7 měsíci +1

      Because we’re all dictators at heart and take offense if anyone disagrees with us, because we have this weird idea that we’re the only ones right. I know from experience, my father was a Church of Christ preacher and our church was the only one right, because we didn’t play a piano in Church. God had mercy on me and saved and baptized me in the Holy Spirit when I was 32. It’s about knowing God personally through His word, not about religion.

    • @madetofitout
      @madetofitout Před 4 měsíci

      😂 Is there a limit? Cuz I feel like my Block list has almost reached it​@@MarkDriscollMinistries

  • @lukewarmnomore7523
    @lukewarmnomore7523 Před rokem

    Wondering, where do you stand on the pendulum swing coming from the Doug Wilson, Michael Foster, Dominick Bnonn Tennant movement "anti-culture" Radical patriarchy via 'it is good to be a man' piety wholeness lifestyle camp? Seems the theonomist/reform movement from Moscow Idaho is really dividing in a negative way rather than positive. So little of Jesus, Holy Spirit and sooo much in psycho-analysing self introspection and works based theology.

  • @newmexico23
    @newmexico23 Před rokem +2

    Can’t believe Mark is sitting in the same room with this clown

  • @dangilmore246
    @dangilmore246 Před rokem +2

    Fun fact: I was raised secular, have never had want or need for any religious belief, and yet am enjoying a monogamous relationship as a cis het man with my cis het woman spouse. That's because that's what works for me and for her; I can't imagine trying to tell other people that they MUST also live that way. That's just silly.

  • @johnwhitehead5457
    @johnwhitehead5457 Před rokem +1

    Like a moth I'm drawn to the light. You can junk your dimmer switch.

  • @DJ468pb
    @DJ468pb Před rokem +2

    The topic you talked about at the end of fornication im struggling with right now. I love my girlfriend and I want to be married to her but she doesn't believe in God. She isn't against learning and seeing what its all about but doesn't believe yet. She also tells me she's to young to be married right now. What do I do? I love her and I know she loves me. Do I tell her no more sex until we are married? Or no more sex and just see what happens to our relationship? Thank you

    • @kap849
      @kap849 Před rokem +4

      Wow. Let's start with what is love? Love is from God. And you are a Christian and know the love of God, then you will work everyday to be closer to Him by obeying His commandments and living a holy life. From where you are, it is a journey, one that requires proper guidance/counseling, prayers and spending time in the word of God.
      1. I'm sure you know you should not be sleeping with your gf;
      2. Your position is also dangerous because she isn't a believer - you don't have similar values so sex before marriage is okay for her.
      3. If you are in a church, please talk to your pastor/friend who can hold you accountable.
      The problem with premarital sex is that we all know it's a sin but we still want to debate with God. That's why I said, you need proper guidance and you have to be willing to try.

    • @SuperDan1006
      @SuperDan1006 Před rokem +6

      I think some of things you’re laying out are the reason that God gives us instruction on reserving sex for marriage. It’s truly for our good.
      By sleeping together, you have made the relationship much more intimate and bonded, but you don’t have the same level of commitment in the relationship to match the behavior. This always causes confusion amongst couples that don’t see eye to eye on foundational beliefs.
      You like sex with your gf and say you love her, so you want to get married so that you’ll be within God’s design. I would ask, do you want to get married just to keeping having sex without the feeling of guilt?
      Your gf doesn’t share the same conviction so marriage sounds like it’s not on the table for her to fit in with Gods design for sex bc she doesn’t see the incentive.
      I can’t tell you what to do but seek the advice of someone you trust who is older and married who loves God.
      Good luck friend.

    • @indigos290
      @indigos290 Před rokem +4

      You may want to assess your relationship with Christ from the ground up. If you are not able to make the hard decision of severing that unequally yoked relationship which is already contaminated with active sin, you may want to consider the possibility that you are not actually in Christ.
      Additionally, your feeling for her and vice versa is not love (love isn't primarily a feeling of attraction) but lustful infatuation. I can assure you that God is expressly displeased about it and if you aren't receiving his discipline because of it in such away that you repent and forsake it you are not his.

    • @DAANBRO
      @DAANBRO Před rokem

      Thanks for sharing. My direct reaction is move on. Better for you long term. This lady does not have a relationship with God and does not want to be married. Leave. If you were already married, view Paul's instructions in scripture. If not, de-idolize this relationship, worship God, work with God and sober men on the process and surrender of sexual immaturity. These are all things I need, friend. Not easy but if God's love is higher than any other, this is for our joy.

    • @Heseesyou
      @Heseesyou Před 10 měsíci +1

      Well your not right with God and it seems not to bother you😢
      Unless you repent and forsake your sin.. then your going to be tossed to and fro😢
      She doesn't love you and you don't love her😢
      You both are lusting..and are not concerned with eachothers souls. You are trespassing against eachother😢
      Please man up and repent. Stop playing games with God sinners.. because you do know only ex sinners enter the kingdom of God ❤
      I can speak this because I was once in your situation.. no more, I repented and I don't want to hurt God or others.. I would not be a good witness if I continued.. I have my conscience cleansed ❤ only because I chose to forsake. You keep justifying your sin.. leave unless a worse thing happens to you 😢

  • @adamgorski51
    @adamgorski51 Před rokem

    How are you quoting Augustine and not Catholic have you read all of him ?

  • @gerryjamesjames2418
    @gerryjamesjames2418 Před rokem +4

    This guy is a perfect example of 1 foot in 1 foot out Jesus is my buddy, let's do Christianity my way Not buying it 🤔

    • @Heseesyou
      @Heseesyou Před 10 měsíci +1

      Totally lukewarm 😢
      7] Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, [8] This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. [9] But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

    • @melvinfleck
      @melvinfleck Před 9 měsíci

      If you pick up a Bible and read it you would understand he is doing it God's ways. Bible isn't a buffet where you pick what you want to follow and what you dont.

    • @Heseesyou
      @Heseesyou Před 9 měsíci

      @@melvinfleck who are you referring to that is doing it gods way?

  • @erichbobbitt9012
    @erichbobbitt9012 Před rokem +2

    What’s wrong with John MacArthur?

    • @brittanyd3173
      @brittanyd3173 Před rokem

      I was also confused about the coughing “John MacArthur” …is he known to be a cessationalist?

  • @GoddessofChaos79
    @GoddessofChaos79 Před rokem

    There’s gonna have to be a hard STOP, there is a line in the sand…..

  • @davehart9972
    @davehart9972 Před rokem +1

    money grubbing crooks should be locked up

  • @LdyCalvrt22
    @LdyCalvrt22 Před 8 měsíci

    Wish you guys would stop and each give your own brief synopsis of what some of these different terms means like “dispensationalists” - came here to learn but clearly I’ll need to take notes, google and come back 😓

  • @Staremperor
    @Staremperor Před rokem +1

    Yeah! I totally stopped believing because I wanted to have sex with anybody.
    That's why I'm married for twelve years and I only had sex with my wife and noone else.
    Makes total sense!
    BTW I still go to church with my wife and three daughters. I love our parish (we are catholic from Czech Republic) and I'm very active there. It just happend to me, that I no longer believe in intervening God and ressurection of Jesus.

    • @Heseesyou
      @Heseesyou Před 10 měsíci

      Catholic is not Christian.. when will you repent and be born again?

    • @cland4140
      @cland4140 Před 4 měsíci

      So you’re a wolf in sheep’s clothing?

  • @lewislibre
    @lewislibre Před rokem +2

    I would lean more cessationist studying the book of acts it’s so clear that the apostles performed all the miracles

    • @gavinostertag1023
      @gavinostertag1023 Před rokem +1

      Honest question, how do you explain that to someone who has seen a miracle today?

    • @lewislibre
      @lewislibre Před rokem +1

      @@gavinostertag1023 I would say you don’t know what cessationist means. I believe miracles happen I just don’t believe people carry the gift of healing anymore.

    • @annieaviles4760
      @annieaviles4760 Před rokem

      @@lewislibre please share the verses that say Christians do not have the gift of healing.

  • @MrFestusPapyrus
    @MrFestusPapyrus Před 10 měsíci

    I am legion; we are here; you are cowards; I devour you; you are not what the master had in mind. You know this is true. Your time to change is running short. God hates most that which does evil in his name. Your viscera is not the judge. The judge is coming. Repent.

  • @EddieM1994
    @EddieM1994 Před 8 měsíci

    Did I miss the part of the Bible where Jesus wasn't ALL ABOUT reforming broken institutions? How do you miss the point of your own main book this badly?

  • @GoddessofChaos79
    @GoddessofChaos79 Před rokem

    Also, there’s a horrid pastor who is doing a sermon Bible study series about homosexuality and the Bible. Saying the sin of Sodom is not homosexuality but hospitality because of a verse in Ezekiel.

  • @jahorst
    @jahorst Před rokem

    What does Cessationism & Paedobaptism beliefs have to do with being Woke? These are not salvific issues. Arguments can be made for both.

    • @MarkDriscollMinistries
      @MarkDriscollMinistries  Před rokem +3

      Cessationism is borderline false teaching.

    • @Praise___YaH
      @Praise___YaH Před rokem

      @@MarkDriscollMinistries - Sir, HERE is The Savior
      YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified/Pierced for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
      From the Ancient Egyptian Semitic:
      "Yad He Vav He" is what Moshe (Moses) wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
      Ancient Egyptian Semitic Direct Translation
      Yad - "Behold The Hand"
      He - "Behold the Breath"
      Vav - "Behold The NAIL"

    • @Praise___YaH
      @Praise___YaH Před rokem

      THIS sir, Understanding This, is Salvation
      HalleluYAH translates “Praise ye YaH”
      YaH is The Heavenly Father
      YaH arrives via the TENT OF MEETING
      YaH was Who they Crucified for our sins
      - Ancient Semitic Cuneiform of Moshe (Moses)
      - Isa Scroll (The Original Isaiah)
      Isaiah 42:8
      "I am YaH; that is my Name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols.
      Isaiah 43:11
      I, I am YAH, and there is no other Savior but Me.
      Isaiah 45:5
      I am YaH, and there is none else.

    • @wpog8453
      @wpog8453 Před 10 měsíci

      ​@@MarkDriscollMinistries"it was almost a falsehood... But they told the truth." I'll have to think about that one..

  • @shanegoins2965
    @shanegoins2965 Před rokem

    Well God said that he rather people be hot or cold than lukewarm..which the holy spirit came out in yalls conversation yall actually said the same thing God said in hot or cold instead of lukewarm...

  • @marz9676
    @marz9676 Před 11 měsíci

    THERE IS NO NUANCE TO THIS SIN!! RIGHT? ❤️🐑❤️ or 🔥🐐🔥? "When the Son of Man shall come in his glory..And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats. And he shall set the sheep on the right hand..goats on the left. ...Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick and in prison, and ye visited me not... Lord, when saw we thee?...Inasmuch, as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment.." MATTHEW 25:31-46. SO WHY ISNT THIS THE PRIORITY OF CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS???

  • @donnasmith6978
    @donnasmith6978 Před rokem +1

    Can I just say that Zach is an awesome Pastor, much better than Landon. He's more mature than Landon.

  • @marz9676
    @marz9676 Před 11 měsíci

    ❤❤❤ Black Lives do Matter. "Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you, Your riches are corrupted, ...and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. Behold, the hire of laborers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the LORD of saboath. Ye have lived in pleasure on the have nourished your hearts, as in the day of slaughter. ..Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. " JAMES 5 🔥💰🔥 ALSO, what does this say about the greed, witholding, and wealth hoarding of capitalism???

  • @sadersrule
    @sadersrule Před rokem +1

    i believe in the charismatic gifts but i have a hard time hearing people accuse John Macarthur of false teaching

    • @cland4140
      @cland4140 Před 4 měsíci

      I believe that MacArthur is an amazing man of God. So many people fraudulently claim spiritual gifts such as prophecy and speaking in tongues. However, I do believe that God can work in any way he chooses, such as appearing in dreams to people in countries closed off to Christianity.

  • @jonuvark2385
    @jonuvark2385 Před rokem +1

    Can your gift of tongues be English?
    Believe first, THEN be Baptized. (Mark 16:16) A baby can't make a confession of faith.
    I love G.K. Chesterton!!!
    Sex is at the center of deconstruction bc the adversary used sex to corrupt and hybridize humans (Genesis 6), as an attempt to thwart the bloodline to YESHUA.

  • @susanberry6157
    @susanberry6157 Před rokem

    When they spoke in other tongues, aka,languages, it was not the practice of the false tongues in these churches today.
    It is a gift from The Holy Spirit or it is not a gift at all.
    You can practice the false faking tongues in the churches, but I am pretty sure that is a demon in itself.

  • @tadd76
    @tadd76 Před 8 měsíci

    I find fault in both of you with what both of you said at But that’s the point we all fall short. None of us are worthy of heaven. You can’t debate what sin is worse. Sin is sin. Only one sin is unforgivable. None of them is acceptable. But thank God for Jesus for taking all sin on the cross and being the ultimate sacrifice for us.

    • @tadd76
      @tadd76 Před 8 měsíci

      Ps I mean no disrespect to both of you. Everyone has to make out their on salvation with fear and trembling.

  • @Heseesyou
    @Heseesyou Před 10 měsíci

    This guy is lukewarm.. he is exactly this scripture 😢
    7] Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, [8] This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. [9] But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

  • @aubreyleonae4108
    @aubreyleonae4108 Před rokem

    Two ponyboys today. Whose gonna ride who? Let's watch and see

  • @OpenMawProductions
    @OpenMawProductions Před 2 měsíci

    The speaking in tongues thing is totally hocum to me.
    First and foremost because people aren't actually reading what the Bible says, so they get up and start speaking literal gibberish and claiming its coming from God, when in reality its coming from themselves and its drawing attention away from God and to them. The Bible makes it pretty clear that when they're speaking tongues they're speaking actual language, and that its a language they didn't know. Not that its an UNKNOWN LANGUAGE. It would be akin to an English speaking American spontaneously speaking fluent French.

  • @JiminTennessee
    @JiminTennessee Před rokem +4

    If you are speaking in tongues, it must be in a real language that can be interpreted by someone who speaks that language. The apostles did not speak gibberish, they spoke in a foreign language that they didn’t know but others did :)

    • @thomassandoval8025
      @thomassandoval8025 Před rokem

      From what ive heard someone speaks the tongue and someone translates it for the group. It doesnt seem to be any good to speak gibberish to people who dont know what your saying. They dont get the message.

    • @d.rowley5023
      @d.rowley5023 Před rokem

      Tongues of angels 1 Cor 13:1.

    • @peppaironman
      @peppaironman Před rokem +1

      @@d.rowley5023 Angles speak Hebrew from what I understand, so it’s still a foreign language.

  • @WalkerJani
    @WalkerJani Před 7 měsíci

    Tongues as churches practice them are strictly forbidden. The tongues Paul mentioned wasn't intelligible baby words, it means KNOWN tongues in which no one in the congregation knows, it only happens 2-3 at a time, and an interpreter MUST be present... meaning one person will speak say...russian. the interpreter will tell the congregation what that means without KNOWING RUSSIAN. the next person stands speaks say....Farsi...interpreter then knows what that farsi means...and so non. The tongues the churches speak does not edify the church it edifies the person speaking, and the bible tells us that God would rather us edify the church meaning...DO NOT SPEAK IN TONGUES.

  • @colinpurssey9875
    @colinpurssey9875 Před 6 měsíci

    Pastor Mark Driscoll , in your introductory remarks , applying the analogy of a houselight gradations , you opine that the woke ethos is irreconcilable with personal commitment to God and reverence for the Gospel of Jesus . I don't wanna be uncharitable but you're demonstrably misguided . The definition of woke is a concerned awareness about social , racial , and political injustice and oppression ( consult your dictionary ) . The ministry of our Lord as recorded in sacred scripture was expressed by not only His counsel about a personal spiritual relationship with the Father , but also , very much about our moral obligations to address the material welfare of the social underclasses and marginalized . And , He Himself , both in word and deed , actively and heroically exemplified both of these Christian virtues par excellence . Jesus was , and is , the supreme exemplar of woke activism . Now , how about you go and disabuse yourself of lexical naivety and then rather than denigrate " wokism " and those who advocate it , you'll then see how it felicitously accords with Christ's sacred and faultless counsel .

  • @davidsewell9227
    @davidsewell9227 Před rokem +2

    Sorry, no. As a recent apostate of a 30 year evangelical christian faith, I can tell you with certainty that I did not leave my faith to "have sex ...". I am far more sober from any sexual misconduct (including any sex with self) than I ever was as a christian believer. That is merely a convenient accusation for you, and you show no evidence for your claim. So take my witness as evidence telling you that I have more self-control over my sexuality now than I ever did under Yahweh.
    Please consider that you might not know why someone does not choose your particular belief system, and especially stop making such offensive claims.

    • @quekrt5381
      @quekrt5381 Před rokem

      it’s totally up to the individual and to where people feel the spirit leads them, but it does not give you the right to invalidate what they are saying. Keep your freedom and let them keep theirs. The love of Jesus is for everyone

    • @melvinfleck
      @melvinfleck Před 9 měsíci

      I think they are implying a generality, Not you specifically.

  • @thomasp001
    @thomasp001 Před rokem

    0:12 - "Good to have you BUDDY"
    Yikes, bit patronising don't you reckon Ps Mark.

    • @eticketgirl
      @eticketgirl Před rokem +6

      It’s called a term of endearment. Calm down bro

  • @riverswoodshed
    @riverswoodshed Před rokem +1

    I hope that poor man wakes up someday and realizes his religion is nonsense, so he can come out of the closet and live his best life. :)

  • @Cave3317
    @Cave3317 Před rokem +2

    lol how dare you talk about another church when you have done what you have done. you should be in jail.

  • @adamgorski51
    @adamgorski51 Před rokem

    Sounds like you are describing the Catholic Church ???? Mark are you thought about returning to the church ??

  • @dansaber4427
    @dansaber4427 Před rokem +1

    You can be LGBT and Christian 👨‍❤️‍👨

    • @Hugo4104
      @Hugo4104 Před rokem +3

      No you can’t

    • @MarkDriscollMinistries
      @MarkDriscollMinistries  Před rokem +1

      Are you new here?

    • @dansaber4427
      @dansaber4427 Před rokem

      @@MarkDriscollMinistries I've been around for awhile.

    • @daydreamer5148
      @daydreamer5148 Před rokem

      Chapterand verse please?

    • @brittanyd3173
      @brittanyd3173 Před rokem +2

      You can be a Christian who struggles with the temptation to sin through homosexual attraction, BUT you cannot truly be a Christian if you are unrepentant (not confessing and turning away from the sin) and instead proudly living a life of sin.
      Repent and be saved.

  • @hlmitchel
    @hlmitchel Před 11 měsíci

    BEWARE: of any "pastor" who uses the word WOKE in Church. He has nothing to do with the Gospel, Jesus or God's message.

  • @marz9676
    @marz9676 Před 11 měsíci

    🔥🔥🔥 THERE IS NO NUANCE TO THIS SIN. Am i right, conservatives?? - "Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom; She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed, and unconcerned: they did not help the poor and needy." EZEKIEL 16:49 🪞🇺🇲🪞