Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche ~ The Lineage of Good Heart

  • čas přidán 8. 12. 2013
  • Public talk by Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche, Lerab Ling, 18 July 2010.
    2010 marked the centenary of the birth of Kyabjé Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, to commemorate the occasion, Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche-who was recognized in 1995 as Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche's incarnation-was invited to take part in a programme of celebrations around the world, which included a six day visit to Lerab Ling in France.
    In welcoming Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche to Lerab Ling, Sogyal Rinpoche said: "At Prapoutel in 1990 I requested Khyentse Rinpoche to return and he promised that he would. We have been waiting ever since. And now today, that promise has come true. This is why it is so incredibly moving and meaningful, Rinpoche, to welcome you here today."

Komentáře • 59

  • @joyceconnor2913
    @joyceconnor2913 Před 9 lety +43

    Thank you, Rinpoche, for your perfection of the English language so we can understand Buddhist teachings in America and all English speaking countries. Such a blessing!

  • @MrDeltaNoir
    @MrDeltaNoir Před 8 lety +93

    These Tibetan Buddhists are just the best people in the world ! So polite, caring and unassuming.....I am an Indian and I am so proud to have them in my country as well !

    • @joanmarietsultrimparkin1821
      @joanmarietsultrimparkin1821 Před 4 lety

      The tulku lineage is about money family caste system. and power tripping. Zlmidt of the ure great ones are gone.. We are left with weak tea and million dollar foundations. A patriarchy that does not recognize nuns as equal ractitioners of Buddhism.. Yes hh dilgo was a hero. A Saint.
      But this tulkilu is, far far from that living Buddha.. He will be as superficial as the 21centurey....hr has no wisdom.

    • @MrReedTea
      @MrReedTea Před 3 lety +3

      India is a GOLDEN BIRD! - Neem Karoli Baba Jai shri baba Jai Shri Hanumanji Jai Shri Khyenytse Rinpoche!

    • @anamariamarquez105
      @anamariamarquez105 Před rokem +1

      @@joanmarietsultrimparkin1821You sound very angry....

    • @joanmarietsultrimparkin1821
      @joanmarietsultrimparkin1821 Před rokem

      You people are ignorant .

  • @aidanharrison3888
    @aidanharrison3888 Před 4 lety +9

    Without that caring , loving heart there is nothing . No wisdom , nothing worth doing . Thank you .

  • @gyaltsengyaltsen6857
    @gyaltsengyaltsen6857 Před 3 lety +7

    It was really wonderful to listen to Ven Rinpoche teaching on Buddhist philosophy . May his activity flourish to serve the scientist beings .

  • @tseringyoudon4078
    @tseringyoudon4078 Před 8 lety +13

    i feel unfortunate not being able to mèet such holy dilgo khyentse rinpochey in the past yet i am feeling happy and excited that one day i will see you in reality and get your blessings...kyapsuchey rinpochey

  • @Ka-hx9gx
    @Ka-hx9gx Před rokem +1

    Precious teacher khyentse yangsi and sogyal rinpoche 🙏

  • @dorjinamgyal1530
    @dorjinamgyal1530 Před rokem +1

    The three worlds of cyclic existence
    are by nature suffering,
    So, may I eradicate all attachment
    and clinging.
    As I pray to you, precious teacher,
    Bless me, incomparably kind lord.
    - Dudjom Rinpoche -

  • @sophieamat9467
    @sophieamat9467 Před 4 lety +7

    Wonderful to listen to these teachings!

  • @dorjinamgyal1530
    @dorjinamgyal1530 Před rokem +2

    You are the Lama, You are the Deity, You are the Khandro, You are the Dharmapala. From this day to the day of enlightenment, I take refuge only in you - please bless, guide, and protect me in the path of liberation, in this life, and in all lives to come. May I be able to break the notion of samsara and nirvana."
    It’s a really wonderful prayer.
    Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche

  • @jeanneterrasson4943
    @jeanneterrasson4943 Před 6 lety +3

    Je viens juste de visionner cette émouvante et si profonde première manifestation en France de la réincarnation du GREAT MASTER DILGO KHYENTSE , dont j'ai eu la bonne fortune de recevoir enseignements et transmissions en 1991, à Prapoutel, Alpes Françaises, et qui reste gravée si vivante en mon coeur. Gzongsar Rinpoché était présent à cette retraite de Rigpa. J'ai eu le grand plaisir, en visionnant la présente vidéo, de voir apparaître mon Précieux Tsawaî Lama :Maître SOGYAL RINPOCHE , toujours si présent. Je pense même aller fêter le nouvel an Tibétain Vendredi à Rigpa Levallois. Nous serons tous unis en

  • @tseringyoudon4078
    @tseringyoudon4078 Před 8 lety +8

    i pray to god that i meet you and get your blessings...

  • @nigelsheppard2953
    @nigelsheppard2953 Před 8 lety +3

    This is very coherent and lucid .. You can tell that he is not speaking his first or perhaps even his second language, so sometimes searches for words, but also he is nervous .. I found his teaching most useful

  • @ommanipadmehum3143
    @ommanipadmehum3143 Před 4 lety +3

    For the liberation of all sentient beings

  • @pamelalyons7685
    @pamelalyons7685 Před 3 lety +2

    😍 How Wonderful! 🙏💓💐💐

  • @tingdzinkochu
    @tingdzinkochu Před 3 lety +1

    Lama Khyenno 🙏

  • @tannerh3838
    @tannerh3838 Před 7 lety +2

    Thank you Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche from California :D

  • @luceleonard607
    @luceleonard607 Před 10 lety +7

    As Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche is coming on this planet for every sentient being, it would be very nice of you to translate this video in other languages like Spanish, Portuguese, French, German etc. Many people can’t go to the Teachers because they don’t understand English so consequently they don’t understand their teachings and the meaning of Refuge. If they don’t understand what means Refuge they can’t take Refuge. Thank you so much to put at the bottom of the screen what the Teacher says in other languages.

    • @testngjst3851
      @testngjst3851 Před 10 lety +8

      I typed out the content of the video from 7”50~23”20 and translated it into Chinese. As for the translation into other language, I’ll have to leave it to others. =)
      The essence of Buddhist teachings is to have a good heart, so what is to have a good heart? It doesn't mean to be obedient and to have good manners; it means to be a good human being, and to have the wish to free all beings from mental and physical sufferings. We all have this basic potential of helping others, but helping others should not mean to help the only ones that we love and care about, as our family or our friends and our loved ones. It means to have an intention to help all beings, no matter who they are or where they come from...
      So the way to achieve this is through mind training. As a practical way of mind training, in Tibetan we have in tradition is called "Lojong"; it simply means improving the mind. So as I mentioned about mind, mind is like a baby or a child, it absorbs like a sponge everything that is going around it. So the motivation colors the mind and that is how it shows the true character of oneself and how it may appear. It is like saying if we have a glass of water and we put a drop of ink, there is no use of drinking it because the water is useless. So that is what it means of motivation. We should always think what kind of motivation that we are having, and is it a good motivation or a bad motivation. We should be careful of what kind of motivation we have.
      We have a saying in Tibetan that if your mind and motivations are pure, your heart will be pure. And if your mind and motivations are polluted, your heart will be polluted. When we practice, we must be free from all poisonous thoughts. Even though if our positive action, thoughts, and words, if we pollute them with anger, jealousy and ignorance, it has very less benefit. It is like walking on a tightrope with high heels.
      All the living beings throughout the universe, starting from tinest insect to a gigantic fish or mammal, we all want to be happy and not to suffer. But that happiness we are looking for is to have positive thoughts and positive actions. But we don't see that, and we try to avoid suffering and think that we are getting happiness but in that case, at the last, at the end, we are just plunging ourselves into suffering more. What we must do in order to help those beings? Until our mind is free of ignorance, we might all just think that to help is to give moeny, and food, and affection, but that will only give limited and temporary happiness. So to give them the real happiness is to put the Dharma into our daily practice, so that we can free them from suffering.
      This human body, the king of the ruler is the mind because whatever we do physical or mental the mind controls it. Even what kind of thoughts we have like aggressive or gentle or cunning or determined. Our mind is like directing; it is like a pilot, directing the body. Inner most the strongest and destructive weapon it is the mind, and the most powerful and blood thirsty dictator is the mind. So the only way to combat with that kind of negativity, we should practice the Bodhicitta, that simply means contributing a good heart.
      There are two levels of Bodhicitta, first one, it is the absolute Bodhicitta, the realization of true nature of all phenomenon of the whole world. So in order to practice that absolute Bodhicitta, one needs to know about the relative Bodhicitta, which is what we see as usually. So if we don't know that or if we don't first realize the relative Bodhicitta, then it is quite difficult to really practice the absolute Bodhicitta. So, first of all, you must first know the relative Bodhicitta in order to practice the absolute Bodhicitta. There is a piece of advice from Shantideva that all the happiness comes from wishing others happiness and all suffering comes from seeking happiness for ourselves. So, if wishing others happiness if that gives us happiness, so nevertheless wishing others to ultimate happiness will give us the ultimate happiness. So in that case, if we think like that, so the question is: what is this ultimate happiness? Ultimate happiness is to be free from samsara, so in order to free all beings from the ocean of samsara, we should, we must get seek the guidance and help from a source that is already being free from all samsara.
      So in whom should we take guidance or refuge is Three Jewels. The Three Jewels is the Buddha and the Dharma and the Sangha. So first of all the Buddha, the Buddha wasn't god or a supernatural living being. He was a sentient being or a human being just like ourselves, and he went through all the difficult times and sufferings and experiences as we gone through only that matters is that he was in the historical time and we are now in the modern time.
      So, the Buddha, he analyzed whatever he did in his life, as when he did like extreme way of giving the physical some hardness and all the extremist, he thought that it wasn't the real way. And when he stayed in his palace, he was not extreme at all, he was really loose. So he thought he need to find the middle way. That middle part that Buddha realized, he realized that all of us, we are in a dream, a dream that everyhting is made out of our delluded mind or our illusion, so the Buddha realized that it is a dream. So Buddha realized that it is a dream, so he thought that why should we still be dreaming if everything is just useless and everything is just made up of our own illusion? So he woke up from his dream.
      So the time that he woke up, that was the time that he was enlightened, so then he taught the Dharma, and the sangha are his followers, and we are all his followers. So, through devotion and confidence we will realize that the Three Jewels are not seperate entities, they are the three body, speech, and mind of Buddha himself. His mind is the Buddha, his speech is the Dharma, and his body is the Sangha.
      The first thing when the Buddha was enlightened what he said is the Four Noble Truths. So first what the Buddha said is there is suffering in this world. And in that case, if we check it very clearly, Buddha is not lying because there is suffering in this world, so that is truth. For example, if we sat on a cushion of pin, we will scream, so it is so obvious that there there is suffering in this world, so that is the first thing that the Buddha mentioned. So there are three types of suffering, first there is the suffering upon suffering, secondly, it is the changable suffering, and thirdly, it is not knowing that you are suffering.
      So first of all what is suffering upon suffering? It is like if somebody has lost his job, and on top of that he loses all of his family, that is suffering upon suffering because first suffering is that you lose your job, and the second suffering is that you lose your family, so suffering upon suffering, that is the first one. The second one, changable suffering is that at the moment like in a place where you are very very cold that we want to be warm, we wear like jacket or something. That at the moment we wear the jacket we feel it is very good because it gives warmth to our body, but slowly, slowly, time by time, when our body gets hotter and hotter, we feel much more, we're sweating and we don't want it this hot, so we take off the jacket. So in one moment we are all happy because we are not cold, in one moment that we are too hot we want to have coldness, so that is why in one moment we changed, so the suffering changes every moment, that is the second one, changable suffering, The third one, not knowing that you are suffering, it is like if somebody has like a very strong disease like cancer or HIV, and that person doesn't realize that he has such a disastrous disease, but one day that disease will arise and would cause death, and in that case it means you did not realize that you are suffering, that is the third one.
      So that is the first thing that the Buddha said and the second thing he said is there is a way of stopping the suffering. So if we ask anybody a choice that if you want to increase your suffering, or if you want to know the source of that suffering and try to struck it, so we all want to know where this suffering comes from and how to stop it. So the Buddha mentioned next that there is a way, I mean, the second one he said is there is a cause of suffering. So the third one the Buddha said is there is a way of stopping suffering, and that is through knowing the source of suffering and trying to struck that through practice and meditation and diligence. So the last one that the Buddha said is the path to liberation or enlightenment; the last state, step of freeing from the ocean of samsara and suffering. And that is the Four Noble Truths.
      So friends and families and ordinary teachers won't help us to achieve liberation, so in order to be enlightened we need the guidance of an authentic teacher, so we should not overestimate our capacities. An authentic teacher has no hope or fear, he doesn't have worldly desires as we desire, he doesn't speak as we speak, and he doesn't think as we think, he doesn't do things as we do. So in that case, if you ever have a chance to meet or to get an authentic teacher, we should seek his guidance and receive his knowledge and practice it diligently.

  • @amadeovalls8121
    @amadeovalls8121 Před 2 lety

    mis hermanos en el Dharma..., sois las valiosas joyas que voy encontrando..., en el sendero del camino..., hacia el abandono del sufrimiento de samsara..., y por el beneficio de tod@s l@s seres del ciclo de existencias..., podamos tod@s alcanzar la iluminacion.

  • @yontenjamtsho6316
    @yontenjamtsho6316 Před 9 lety +4

    Extremely beautiful and profound teaching la rinpoche ..May you live eons for the sake of all being _(_*_)_**(*)_(*)_

  • @shakyajeong
    @shakyajeong Před 3 lety +2

    🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 딜고 켄체 린포체 성하 성불 하십시요 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @LindaMaryMontano
    @LindaMaryMontano Před 8 lety +2

    so incredible...true ...clear...loving

  • @tseringyoudon4078
    @tseringyoudon4078 Před 8 lety +1

    kyapsuchey dilgo khentse rinpochey yangsi

  • @shakyajeong
    @shakyajeong Před 3 lety +3

    may be all buddhas bless you 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @petermller3758
    @petermller3758 Před 8 lety +2

    Thank you

  • @binacaman
    @binacaman Před 5 lety +4

    "Guys like myself".. :)

  • @YogiPiyasiriKularatne

    Yes..wonderful to listen to you Rimpoche ඕම් ආං හූම් ( Om An hum )

  • @chopellepcha9224
    @chopellepcha9224 Před 4 lety +1

    Thank u

  • @dupthocwangmo1737
    @dupthocwangmo1737 Před 9 lety +6

    Is it So Cute la Rimpoche
    Thanks La

  • @surentamang7182
    @surentamang7182 Před rokem

    Rinpoche la Kheno 🌹🙏

  • @tomekjaglinski6906
    @tomekjaglinski6906 Před 7 lety +2

    Thank You 4 sharing ;-)

  • @francescacox9656
    @francescacox9656 Před 3 lety +2


  • @tashichodenmstashichoden


  • @ugyendema2775
    @ugyendema2775 Před rokem


  • @nunotanackovic2081
    @nunotanackovic2081 Před 5 lety +2


  • @Phelgyal
    @Phelgyal Před 8 lety +1

    Kyabsu Chen 🙏🏼🙏🏼

  • @chikim8754
    @chikim8754 Před 3 lety +1


  • @Ruthsnow
    @Ruthsnow Před 10 lety +3

    Amitabha _()_

  • @ChristianHungary
    @ChristianHungary Před 9 měsíci


  • @28105wsking
    @28105wsking Před 9 lety +7

    Yes, you really should translate it into other languages, it would be so easy to do. Please include it under the video on the screen, as they do in movies. Where is Lerab Ling?

    • @mohansnayaka
      @mohansnayaka Před 7 lety

      28105wsking Lerab Ling is in France.

    • @28105wsking
      @28105wsking Před 7 lety +1

      Mohan Sriram, Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving Day!

  • @panmanamgial8394
    @panmanamgial8394 Před rokem


  • @yyeung6062
    @yyeung6062 Před 3 měsíci


  • @marsmars8059
    @marsmars8059 Před 8 lety +3

    Rinpoche, how pure are you? Is having a girlfriend in Buddhism oK? being a Rinpoche is it ok to have a Girlfriend? I am a Buddhist myself but I find It hard to believe in lots of Rinpoche's these days. Please enlighten me on this topic, because I found lots of Rinpoche's with girlfriends and driving big SUVs and having big houses and all, so I think wants and greed and attachments are something that we being a Buddhist are not suppose to have. And whats going on?

    • @feedmeeplease1
      @feedmeeplease1 Před 8 lety +4

      it doesnt matter either way as long as your attitude and practice is strong and you dont get attached unless you are a monk and sworn to celibacy or something. i read from sakya trezin that monastic ordder is of course very conductive to dharma practice and helps preserve the buddhist tradition. while modern society is more difficult but not impossible to win enlightenment.

  • @irinaa2985
    @irinaa2985 Před 4 měsíci


  • @Yangz923
    @Yangz923 Před 7 lety

    kabsu che

  • @irinaa2985
    @irinaa2985 Před 4 měsíci


  • @ngawangjigme6200
    @ngawangjigme6200 Před 6 lety +1

    buddhist is mind to heart to nothingness....

  • @sunainapanthy5953
    @sunainapanthy5953 Před 9 měsíci

    He doesn't seem as impressive as his Guru . After getting training since childhood not wawoo prsentation.