Everyone Claims to follow Qur'an and Sunnah But in the End Attacks each other....!

  • čas přidán 1. 10. 2009
  • Everyone Claims to follow Qur'an and Sunnah. But in the end, they endup attacking each other with the backing of Quran and Sunnah. So how do we common people differenciate and not fall to prey to these differences. Answered by Dr. Muhammad Salah on ask Huda. Please Support Huda TV Channel. Please forward your views & comments to: feedback@huda.tv (14th Sep 2009)

Komentáře • 23

  • @spiritlite
    @spiritlite Před 14 lety

    AssalaamuAlaikum, Alhamdulillah brother thanks for posting the video, MASHALLAH.
    After watching your videos from Huda this Ramadan I came upon the site from Huda Tv Live Streaming and Alhamdulillah watched Live Taraweeh prayer and Eid prayer from Makkah.
    Great Channel MASHALLAH.
    May ALLAH reward you, Ameen.
    May ALLAH guide us All, Ameen.

  • @c2gr8ness
    @c2gr8ness Před 11 lety

    Bukhari's Hadith 5.713:
    Narrated 'Aisha: The Prophet in his ailment in which he died, used to say, "O 'Aisha! I still feel the pain caused by the food I ate at Khaibar, and at this time, [b]I feel as if my aorta is being cut [/b]from that poison."

  • @zakuk77
    @zakuk77 Před 14 lety

    I love sh. Salah very much. I must however diagree with his statement that Abu Hanifah "reached this level of knowledge", because it is known from the books of history and rijal that he was not a muhaddith nor was he an acceptable narrator. This absolutely does not dimish his rank and status as an Imam but things are not as simple as they are made to be. Wallahu a'lam.

  • @Wassalaam92
    @Wassalaam92 Před 14 lety

    @zakuk77 ....salaam brother, i think you're mistaken on this issue; Imam Abu Hanifah was indeed a great authority when it came to ahaadith....this is why Allamah Dhahabi has included him in his book Tadhkiratul-Huffaaz, rather, he was ranked as part of the more prominent circle of muhaddithoon; from the huffaaz of ahaadith....Abu Yusuf Al Qadhi states: "I have never found anybody with more insight in the tafseer of hadith than Imam Abu Hanifah"....

  • @jjdaydreamer1218
    @jjdaydreamer1218 Před 8 lety +1

    Do not go to extremes in your religion. Respect the views of other mazhab and school of thought.

  • @arabianblues
    @arabianblues Před 13 lety

    assalamualaikum.. i offer my salah according to the hanafi scholars and Dr Mohammed Salah and all other scholars believe all the four school of thoughts are correct and are based on hadees and sunnah.. im a layman who does not have much knowledge in fiqh and its rulings now my question is do i offer my salah as thought by the hanafi madhab or as Dr Salah teaches in his programme the Prophets prayer.. how do i contact Dr Salah to get an answer to this.. plz suggest

  • @c2gr8ness
    @c2gr8ness Před 11 lety

    i started my study on religion from mystery babylon, the babylonian religion,have you heard about nimrod? or the tower of babel?, if you really want to study theology you start from the beginning and do a comparative study of all books, not the last(quran),but dats just my opinion

  • @zooneyl2248
    @zooneyl2248 Před 10 lety

    He says at the end to follow the sound ahadith. But how can we (the common people) know which hadith is sound?

    • @CrestinaBerzentho
      @CrestinaBerzentho Před 9 lety

      Very simple the weak and fabricated hadit are very clear

  • @c2gr8ness
    @c2gr8ness Před 11 lety

    koran says it's acomplete book in verse
    "And We have revealed the Book to you which has clear explanation of everything, and a guidance, mercy and good news for those who submit." (Qur'an 16:89)
    it doesnt have the 5 pillar of islam mentioned, they have to derive it from the sunnah's and hadith which is man made in nature, yet they claim bible is a man made book...wait a minute if this guy says the quran is not complete he has to refer the sunnah and hadith isnt he not contradicting koran

  • @alithelin1234
    @alithelin1234 Před 12 lety

    follow who ever you trust for your deen. The lay person does not have a madhab, he ask those whom he trust for his deen (who could be of any 4 madhabs)

  • @BillzUnited
    @BillzUnited Před 12 lety

    follow your locol masjid imaam if you trust his aqeedah is sound and doesnt really matter what school of thought he follows, as long as you follow your locality school of thought.

  • @ReligionWhistleBlower
    @ReligionWhistleBlower Před 11 lety

    We all have to put aside jealousy and being prejudice and study the Untouched Message of GOD. Religion is for individuals. So put aside misguided religious leaders, what ever you have learned, and try to translate the Arabic Quran for yourself. This Message is not the conjectures of a preacher or a mullah. Yet, it is the Purified Message of GOD. GOD is the only teacher, no one is going to help you but GOD. Let GOD teaches you His Purified scripture. Believers have no fear nor grieves. Peace

  • @ReligionWhistleBlower
    @ReligionWhistleBlower Před 11 lety

    When we came up with these so called religious schools like Theology that means we want another human teaches us religion of God instead of God Alone. All the knowledge comes from God. God is the Teacher of the Quran as Quran says, not those mullahs and preachers. God is the one Who gave Hikmah and knowledge to Moo-saw and E-saw and David and Soleymon and Yusuf they did not sit and listen to those misguided preachers.
    This is only Quran's opinion!

  • @ReligionWhistleBlower
    @ReligionWhistleBlower Před 11 lety

    And thus We have made for every prophet an enemy - devils from mankind and jinn, inspiring to one another decorative speech in delusion. But if your Lord had willed, they would not have done it, so leave them and that which they invent.

  • @ReligionWhistleBlower
    @ReligionWhistleBlower Před 11 lety

    Allah swears by what you see and what you do not see that the Arabic Quran is the utterance of an honorable messenger a revelation from the Lord of the universes. If Mohammad had uttered any other sayings against Us We would have taken away his right hand (Mohammad wrote the Quran with his right hand) then We would have surely cut off his aorta (vein) and none of you could have defended him 69:37-46 So the ones who wrote the hadith sunna and Sharia law their hands and Hearts should be cut off

  • @ReligionWhistleBlower
    @ReligionWhistleBlower Před 11 lety

    The Arabic Quran says Hadith and sunna, sharia law, Resalah are works of satan and wicked people (42:21). Why don't we just follow Allah's Sharia law (45:18). Do you think Quran Alone is not enough for us? Do we have to worship beside Allah's Arabic Quran another satanic and human made books? Why do we have so much disasters like wars, revolutions, and ugly labels upon us all around the world? Look for Untouched Message of Allah. We have 50 different Qurans being printed all around the world!?

  • @c2gr8ness
    @c2gr8ness Před 11 lety

    if you are koran only beleiver u are in a dilemma of contradiction b'cos there is no context and the verses are abbrogated, then what do u do? btw if you think bible has lot of version those are different translation in the greek and armaic, offcourse translating them into any language has textual variants...let me let you know at the time of caliph uthman they were so many version arabic koran which uthman select one among the various arabic koran which is your koran today

  • @zakuk77
    @zakuk77 Před 14 lety

    @Wassalaam92 - I am afraid you are speaking with too much emotion. If you have any sense of adl, you would bring evidence from the Ameer al Mu'mineen of Hadeeth like Bukhari, Muslim, Ishaq ibn Rahaway, Ali ibn Madini, Abdullah ibn Mubarak, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Sufyan etc to prove your case. Imam Abu Haneefah was a faqeeh and not a Muhaddith, there are about 120 hadeeth that are related through him, the vast majority of them are weak due to him being in the chain.