How To Spot A False Teacher

  • čas přidán 31. 01. 2012
  • Imitations and fakes are a present reality of life. You have fake watches, imitation handbags, and fakes and imitations also occur in the church of Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that there are many false teachers. It is the reality of life. Whenever there is the truth, the devil would want to corrupt it and to deceive people from it, and so he gives you the fakes, the imitations. Now, they are not easy to spot, because the Bible says they are like wolves in sheep's clothing. They are disguised, they are not easy to recognize.
    But we are not without help. The Bible does give us wonderful instruction on how we can find out who they are. In my own devotional reading in Deuteronomy, I come to chapter 13 and I find a very interesting passage of Scripture. Here it tells us that a person performing signs or wonders cannot be conclusively proven to be a true preacher, because in verses 1 and 2 of chapter 13, I am told that a false teacher can also give you a sign or a wonder. So that in itself is not totally reliable. So how do you tell a false teacher apart? Well, the Bible says in verse 2 of chapter 13, ultimately this is where they lead you to, he says to you "Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them;"
    So this is the critical factor, a false teacher leads us away to other gods, to seek them and to serve them. You say, "What are other gods?"
    In the Old Testament, you have Baal and all kinds of idols. Today, a false teacher may lead you away from God to worship wealth, to worship self, to worship fame. And he leads you away from the true and living God. And so I think this is a very important diagnostic criteria for us. Ask yourself today; is your preacher, your pastor, leading you to God, the God of Revelation, the God of the Bible? Or is he leading you elsewhere, away from Him?
    I see in Deuteronomy 13, that false teachers are given by God to prove us, to show the reality of our heart. To reveal to us who do we really seek. You see, false teachers, I believe are a kind of judgment. They reveal to us the wickedness of men's heart. That we would not want the true God, so we heed to ourselves false teachers who say soothing words to our ears but they lead us away from Him. And that's what it said in Deuteronomy 13 and verse 3, "for the Lord your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul."
    Do you love God today? Does your preacher; does your pastor lead you to God? False teachers ultimately will be judged. Deuteronomy 13 and verse 5, "that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death;"
    And God's judgment is swift. So my friends, who do you listen to? Be sure today that you are listening to the man of God, preaching the pure Word of God that will lead you ultimately to the presence of God. May God spare us today from following after false gods. To now, following and worshipping Jehovah alone. God bless.
    / pastorjasonlim
    / pastorjasonlim

Komentáře • 18

  • @nuggetoftruth-ericking7489

    Thank you for this insight.

  • @cshcsh100
    @cshcsh100 Před 9 lety +2

    True teachings from Bible.

  • @chimstership
    @chimstership Před 12 lety +6

    1. joel osteen
    2. td jakes
    3. kong hee
    4. joseph prince
    5. joyce meyer
    6. benny hinn
    7. todd bently

  • @woobstoob
    @woobstoob Před 11 lety +2

    just found this man. He is speaking the truth.

    • @Creza44
      @Creza44 Před 2 lety

      He is not. Read your bible for yourself, rightly dividing the word of God and come back when the Spirit moves through you.

  • @JoLeng205000
    @JoLeng205000 Před 11 lety

    Hi Pastor Jason Lim,

  • @TLPIC777
    @TLPIC777 Před 11 lety

    Matthew 7:23 (KJV) "And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity" I'm sure Jesus would have said if they were lying and I am sure they were not lying because they knew they were talking to Jesus who knows all things. Jesus said 'WHOMSOVER speaks to the mountain and doubts not". They believed in the power of Jesus name but were not born again - hence "I never knew you"
    Funny some unsaved people have more faith & power than a lot of Christians

  • @KeepMeLord05
    @KeepMeLord05 Před 6 lety

    Why did this happen to the Church what were they looking for that we didn't already have? It's disturbing to see one heresy after the next pop up like this new one now of entering the courts of heaven pleading our case before GOD. I'm sickened and wonder often why GOD allows these things to continue without judgment.

  • @preparinganark
    @preparinganark Před 9 lety

    A false teacher/preacher preaches or teaches another gospel, which was not first delivered to the saints. If they deny the principals of the gospel, the tenants, they are false.

  • @Kevchung11
    @Kevchung11 Před 11 lety +3

    You should cut him some slack. He is a pastor and has no need to 'fake' an accent. He is Singaporean, from the sounds of it, and that is his accent. You might want to listen to his sermon for the message instead. That is probably more helpful for you.

    • @Creza44
      @Creza44 Před 2 lety +1

      Exactly. This video just screams ‘bitter guy who doesn’t even do basic research about people but just loves to condemn everyone.’

  • @johnwert5488
    @johnwert5488 Před 11 lety

    so many false prophet in the world leading people to hell and destruction

  • @MapleBladerdude
    @MapleBladerdude Před 11 lety

    The bible says love The Lord your god.. Whether Hebrew or Tamil its the same thing...zzz.. Don't falsely accuse people cause tats a sin as well

  • @futureretro7774
    @futureretro7774 Před 11 lety

    a false teacher preaches from their living room hitting out at those with a solid congregation..tats a false teacher

  • @qiankundanuoyi1
    @qiankundanuoyi1 Před 11 lety +1

    Then you are also a false teacher. The original Hebrew bible did not mention a "God", it mentioned "Elohim" in which that they themselves are not "God". Turning away from "Elohim" to "God" is therefore a sin and teaching about "God" makes you a false teacher.

    • @williams5992
      @williams5992 Před 4 lety

      He said we should seek and worship Jehovah Alone, he didn’t say turn away from Elohim. Don’t be too fast in crucifying this servant of God. @qiankun danuoyi

    • @Creza44
      @Creza44 Před 2 lety

      Exactly. I came across a blog that transcribed one pf this man’s teachings and he for sure does not have an idea what the gospel is about. How on earth does everything Jesus say skip someone’s brain and all he thinks about is a line he read out of context and everything else Jesus said not to do, lol

  • @futureretro7774
    @futureretro7774 Před 12 lety +1

    try harder bro... get rid of that false slang..