Escaping the Watchtower: Ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses Speak Out

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 89

  • @SheepAmongWolves
    @SheepAmongWolves  Před rokem +10

    I want to put this out there, if any of you ex-JW's would like to share your story. Email and we'll work on it!

    • @AnimaOrphei
      @AnimaOrphei Před 9 měsíci

      I tried to send you an email but it said the email was invalid…?

    • @SheepAmongWolves
      @SheepAmongWolves  Před 9 měsíci

      I emailed you this morning

  • @Mcc1956
    @Mcc1956 Před rokem +24

    I used to go to the cheboygan cong, until 73. Quit school after 10th grade , deceiving my mother that I'd pioneer before Armageddon coming in 1975. I knew I'd never measure up, so I left home and never looked back, settling in traverse city. I was born in also, I can feel your pain man.

    • @SheepAmongWolves
      @SheepAmongWolves  Před rokem +4

      MC thanks for sharing, if you're interested in an interview, email me'd be glad to have you on

    • @jimbobaggans1564
      @jimbobaggans1564 Před rokem

      Moving away from your congregation really helps. You are watched all the time. If you are a born in jw, you are watched all the time. They will find out where you work. I worked for a government facility and they found out about that. They didn't know what I did there but I was asked about it. I couldn't answer them because it was classified. So I told them that I made nuclear warhead detonators. Now I had them hooked. They wanted to hear more. I said, yes I test them. I take the detonators out in a field and blow myself up. Geeze, did their jaws get tight! I loved it! But I did move away. I moved to be closer to work but it did get their noses out of my butt.

    • @adamantiumbullet9215
      @adamantiumbullet9215 Před rokem +7

      Right there with you, M C. Born-in, fourth generation. I wish I had been ahead of the curve like you, and exited when most of my life was still ahead of me. But, the prospect of losing all of my friends and family if I had left was too much to consider. It wasn't until I could no longer look the other way, and an authentic life was more important to me than holding to JW concepts, that I left after doing massive amounts of research regarding the dark history of the WT organization.

    • @BG-nm5xt
      @BG-nm5xt Před 11 měsíci

      Good for you Traverse City! Here in Traverse City!

  • @trudytrew6337
    @trudytrew6337 Před rokem +4

    Once I was studying with Jehovah's Witnesses. One of their elders came to my house every week. I had been reading a book by Ray Franz. One day I showed this book to the elder and asked for his opinion. It was like showing garlic to a vampire. He just rushed out into the street and I never caught sight of him again! Thank God.

  • @adamantiumbullet9215
    @adamantiumbullet9215 Před rokem +23

    Fourth generation JW as well. Shunned despite not being disfellowshipped.
    Everything Tim has said is absolutely true. My exit from WT began after horrible mistreatment by the elders. That experience shook me to the core and I began doing my research. 90% of the evidence that woke me up about the WT organization _came from their own literature!_ I researched from Russel's writings to the present day and saw clearly the pattern of failed prophecies, ever-changing doctrines, scandals, hypocrisy and total twisting and misunderstanding of the Bible to suit their doctrines. I realized that, not only was WT not "god's organization", as they claim, but they NEVER WERE. They are not teaching "the Truth" and never have taught the truth.
    WT is a real estate corporation pretending to be a religion. That is all. They keep JWs enslaved through fear, intimidation, deception, isolation and manipulation. JWs are captives to a concept that WT is "god's organization", and, as long as a JW holds that false idea, they will always be enslaved by this group of self-serving religious charlatans.

    • @SheepAmongWolves
      @SheepAmongWolves  Před rokem +5

      Thanks for sharing!

    • @isaiah30v8
      @isaiah30v8 Před rokem +2

      I did some research to determine if the leaders of God's people could be liars and false prophets according to the bible:
      Isaiah 28:14-15
      Therefore hear the word of Jehovah, YOU braggarts ** YOU RULERS ** of this people who are in Jerusalem: 15 Because YOU men have said: “We have concluded a covenant with Death; and with She´ol we have effected a vision; the overflowing flash flood, in case it should pass through, will not come to us, for WE HAVE MADE A LIE our refuge
      “We have concluded a covenant with Death"
      Millions Now Living Will Never Die
      2 Thessalonians 2:11
      So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing ** THE LIE **

    • @MariaNunes-po5rc
      @MariaNunes-po5rc Před rokem +3

      Very well presented your statement.
      I,m from Europe, and I got baptized in 1975.
      I was supposed to attend college and later on find a job to support myself
      but the huge propaganda about the end coming in 1975 make me give up college....
      I was a faithful JW for 47 years.
      I,m 72 now.
      I left WT 5/6 ago.
      CSA was the turning point for me.
      In good conscience I can't accept gross imorality done against children....
      WT created a huge desastre by hiding CSA for decades, and that itself is a HUGE blasphemy against God YHVH.
      I,m still a Biblia beliver and I read the scriptures frequently....
      I have to continue work in my old age because the retirement pension is small.
      WT does a lot damage to people because they set dates..for the fulfillment of Crist prophecy , and that is wrong...
      I do believe that Crist is in control of separate True Cristians from false Cristians..
      He knows the person ❤️ condition.
      How sincere the person is etc etc..
      The Prophetic book of Daniel chapter 11, 35 speaks about a refinement among Cristians before the end comes
      that refinamento is happening right now.
      Our responsibility as true Cristians is to stay faithful to Almighty GOD YHVH and Crist until the very end....
      Thank you very much for your time.

    • @isaiah30v8
      @isaiah30v8 Před rokem +1

      @@MariaNunes-po5rc --- So how does Jesus Christ separate the Christians, the wheat from the weeds?
      I think this end time prophecy that has always been in every Christians bible has the answer:
      Isaiah 66:5
      Hear the word of Jehovah, YOU men who are trembling at his word: “YOUR brothers that are hating YOU, that are excluding YOU by reason of my name, said, ‘May Jehovah be glorified!’ He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part, and they are the ones that will be put to shame.”
      [Name of person] is no longer one of JEHOVAH's Witnesses ---->> excluding YOU by reason of MY NAME
      An end time prophecy that can only be fulfilled by disfellowshipped Jehovah's Witnesses.
      This prophecy has always been in every Christians bible but, few are finding it!
      Matthew 7:13-14
      “Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; 14 whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it.
      Does that help with your refinement?

    • @SheepAmongWolves
      @SheepAmongWolves  Před rokem +2

      Maria, welcome! Thanks for watching and sharing your story

  • @desertboot9755
    @desertboot9755 Před rokem +14

    In the 80's we used to pay for the magazines and then ask for money at the door to cover it back.

    • @SheepAmongWolves
      @SheepAmongWolves  Před rokem

      See I never personally had any encounters with JW's until the 90's. I've never had them ask me for money for the magazine

    • @SCD4
      @SCD4 Před rokem +1

      Same for the books.

    • @Lee.Freeman
      @Lee.Freeman Před rokem

      @@SheepAmongWolves We sold the magazines for 5c each and the books for 25c each (at an 80% profit) up until around 1980 after the Jimmy Swaggart taxation verdict. ☕️

    • @shamrox12
      @shamrox12 Před 9 měsíci

      In the 80's we paid 12 cents for each magazine and were told to ask 25 cents for them out in service. Then in the late 80's they changed and said to ask for a donation. I reasoned right away that this change was to get more money from the publishers because who would donate 25 cents? Most likely the householder would flip out a dollar.

  • @fujman100
    @fujman100 Před rokem +4

    Hi, I'm Ken, originally from London UK, now on Louisiana USA. I wanted to thank you for sharing this. Tim's reasons for leaving are identical to mine. My mother got "The Truth" in 1975. I was 5. By the time I was 16, I wanted desperately to go to college. I wanted to become a veterinarian, but I was terrified that God would kill me for not preaching. By the time I was 21 and the Watchtower bought itself a few more years by changing the meaning of "This Generation", I realized something was off. When they changed it again to "Anyone who was alive in 1914" I was in my late 20s and I thought "I wonder what crap they'll come up with when 2014 rolls around".
    I only stayed through my 30s because I didn't want to lose my family. It was becoming a parent that forced my hand. By 2012 I no longer believed and could not indoctrinate my son, who was by this time 5.
    I left. I never looked back and up until recently didn't even know there was an online ex JW community. I did however, wonder what Watchtower would have to say when everyone alive in 1914 died.
    I can't believe that anyone with a functioning brain can swallow the entirely fabricated, unscriptural "Overlapping Generations" garbage that they now spout. It's literally, totally unbelievable nonsense.

    • @SheepAmongWolves
      @SheepAmongWolves  Před rokem +1

      Ken, thanks for sharing man, so good to hear that you got out. If you don't mind me asking, what religious views if any do you hold to now?

    • @fujman100
      @fujman100 Před rokem

      @@SheepAmongWolves, I don't mind you asking at all. Initially, after leaving, I became deeply nihilistic and fell into a deep depression that I struggled with for years, becoming deeply suicidal for a while. Realizing that everything I'd been taught was an absolute lie, and that I'd had decades of my life stolen was devastating.
      I began to heal, learn and create my own philosophical foundation back in 2020.
      I'm not religious at all. For me, religion vis all about man made rules and rituals designed to control people.
      I don't believe in the classical Judeo-Christian monotheistic God.
      I do believe that there is a Higher Power, a Creative Force. As to who or what that might be? I don't know. That makes me an Agnostic, I suppose. Not knowing.
      I have found the approach of the Stoics, particularly Marcus Aurelius, really helpful. Viktor Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning" transformed my life. He taught me how to create meaning in my life, in the face of suffering and injustice.
      And Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now" taught me a lot about approaching life from a spiritual (non physical) point of view.

    • @SheepAmongWolves
      @SheepAmongWolves  Před rokem +1

      Thanks for sharing Ken!

    • @fujman100
      @fujman100 Před rokem

      @@SheepAmongWolves you are very welcome. If ever you want, I'd be happy to share my story on your channel.
      Keep up the great work!

    • @SheepAmongWolves
      @SheepAmongWolves  Před rokem

      Definitely, we could do it one of two ways...You could write a letter and I could read it to my audience, or I could interview you like I did Tim. Email me and we'll work something out

  • @pilotusaero9383
    @pilotusaero9383 Před rokem +10

    I remember being out in service with an old timer and asked him bout 75 and he laughed and said absolutely they pushed it like crazy and got everybody excited and he says it was so ridiculous they denied they pushed it, said ppl in the congregations were "overzealous" and read too much into it! ,..................and yet there he was out in service 10 years later. THAT made me go hmmmmm. YET......there I was out in service 10 years after that!

    • @SheepAmongWolves
      @SheepAmongWolves  Před rokem +1

      Are you still in? When did you leave?

    • @pilotusaero9383
      @pilotusaero9383 Před rokem +1

      @@SheepAmongWolves no I faded out about 2000.

    • @SheepAmongWolves
      @SheepAmongWolves  Před rokem +1

      @@pilotusaero9383 glad to hear that

    • @adamantiumbullet9215
      @adamantiumbullet9215 Před rokem +2

      _"said ppl in the congregations were "overzealous" and read too much into it!"_
      This is a classic WT methodology: when their false prophecies fail (WT has a 100% failure rate regarding "prophecy"), they blame either,
      A) the JWs that gullibly believed the false prophecy, or,
      B) God, for misdirecting WT leadership with inaccurate information.
      WT never takes responsibility for their own actions! The fact that this cult still has any members at all is baffling.

    • @SheepAmongWolves
      @SheepAmongWolves  Před rokem +2

      @@adamantiumbullet9215 it’s something that boggles my mind! The ones around here seem so miserable and tired or playing the JW game. If they would all just decide to leave at once!

  • @janespitfire9884
    @janespitfire9884 Před rokem +4

    Good interview. This man told all about the JW,the cult.

    • @SheepAmongWolves
      @SheepAmongWolves  Před rokem +2

      Glad you got something from it. I really got a lot out of listening to him

  • @VB-ff1dr
    @VB-ff1dr Před rokem +3

    3rd generation born in. I found the "green handshake" interesting I'd never heard that term but I do remember seeing this from the adults before I left. They would sometimes put the money in an envelope or card and give it to the co or sp when they would visit and families who had more means had more privileges in the congregation and got considered for district convention parts more often.
    Very good interview. Its nice to get the perspectives of those who were around pre internet access. Most 3rd-4th generation followers are extremely anxious about Armageddon and being able to save people. It's hard to express how much they talk about the end of the world but its a lot, and when you're a kid youre constantly under the threat of "being destroyed" if you think about questioning it. It is true that trade school is okay but any other type of education is looked at as dishonorable, youre not allowed to do any competitive sports and they don't like group sports because they teach kids much needed life skills the jws are depriving them of.

  • @judyarellano6196
    @judyarellano6196 Před rokem +3

    Like your guest Tim said they love bomb you to make you feel “special”.
    My daughter converted to JW in order to marry.
    I’ve been consistently studying 4 years, attending meetings, field service(door to door) doing mandatory chores.
    My “Bible teacher” is extremely strict and doesn’t think I qualify to be baptized since I rarely answer their study questions on mandatory Wednesday and mandatory Sunday meetings.
    “Bible Teacher” also “police’s “ me daily.
    This cult is scarier than anyone can imagine.

    • @SheepAmongWolves
      @SheepAmongWolves  Před rokem +1

      Thanks for watching and commenting! If you'd like to share your experience further, email me and we can figure something out

    • @vintage6346
      @vintage6346 Před rokem +1

      You have dodged the bullet, Judy. "RUN", dear. Run fast and run now. Once you are baptized, you've made a huge hassle for yourself. This is a great interview. It is completely accurate.

    • @BG-nm5xt
      @BG-nm5xt Před 11 měsíci

      You should get out Asap!

  • @moniquedelaney7958
    @moniquedelaney7958 Před rokem +4

    Good interviewing . 👍

  • @jimbobaggans1564
    @jimbobaggans1564 Před rokem +8

    We are about the same age and everything he said about the jehovah witnesses is true. Everything. In fact my growing up in the cult mirrors his, almost exactly.

    • @SheepAmongWolves
      @SheepAmongWolves  Před rokem +2

      Thanks for watching Jimbo! If you'd like to share your story with us, email me;

  • @moonsong9472
    @moonsong9472 Před rokem +1

    Thank you for sharing your experience with the JW's. Your information was honest, insightful and spot on!
    The interviewer asked excellent questions and gave plenty of response time. Well done to both of you!

  • @marmieRH
    @marmieRH Před rokem +5

    I talked about 1975 here in Quebec and jws deny that fact. Because I saw videos where people were loosing everything waiting for Armageddon? But the elders say it didn't happen?

    • @SheepAmongWolves
      @SheepAmongWolves  Před rokem +3

      Deny, Deny, Deny...Seems to be a reoccurring theme with them

    • @gennaropannelli7138
      @gennaropannelli7138 Před rokem +3

      Avevo 14 anni nel 1972 e lavoravamo insieme a un tg ,e lui ci parlava che nel 1975 sarebbe venuta la fine del mondo ,e noi lo prendevamo in giro venne il 1975 e non successe nulla e noi cattolici continuavano a prenderlo in giro ,da litalia .

    • @MariaNunes-po5rc
      @MariaNunes-po5rc Před rokem +1

      I got baptized in 1975.
      I,m 72 now.
      I remember the Huge propaganda about the end coming in 1975....
      It didn't happen.
      Here we are 50 years later...
      I didn't lose my hope because of that false WT prophecy...
      Because I,m still a Biblia beliver.
      But the worse unacceptable thing is:
      WT continues to denying those facts...
      I don't want liers around me.
      Even if someone makes a mistake
      and deceived someone they have the obligation to present an apology...
      Not continuing to blame the rank and file
      by saying that is the rank and file fault because they were carried away about
      1975 .
      That's what mister Morrys said...
      Blaming the rank and file, again,and again,and again. blame your brothers and sisters mister Morrys....

  • @sanderooij
    @sanderooij Před rokem +3

    Fantastic interview💯

  • @larrypilcher3791
    @larrypilcher3791 Před rokem +2

    Yes, good real life testimonies. Brings it all back in perspective. So many lies and deceptions for believing a fallacy.
    Got indoctrinated later in life after a run in with a wicken lady. Was looking for something better, and contrary to that crap. So I bought into the WT Doctrine. It didn’t take long for me to be rejected as a free thinker. Like the first meeting. Married a sister with the Pioneer Spirit. Now you try to be respectful and attend. I considered it to be the long suffering we are supposed to suck up. Wish I had the internet back then to wake up my spouse. Now, I’m happy to be free, and the Cult members were really just conditional friends, but not real friends. It was thirty years of torture that flew by.

  • @R0ughDiamond
    @R0ughDiamond Před rokem +6

    4th generation born in fully shunned here too. Hi.

  • @southernbawselady7092
    @southernbawselady7092 Před rokem +2

    Elders are really "company men" who act as human resource agents for the Watchtower organization.
    Remember, human resource agents act only in the best interests of the company.
    Elders search out any who are not loyal to the company, and those who are not actively supporting the policies and mission; as well as, individuals who are not reaching established goals within the corporation.
    All of these individuals threaten the profitability and outward reputation of of the company, and may affect others in the organization.
    When individuals inside of the organization/corporation have learned of hypocritical actions, deceitful policies, or lies regarding the actions of representatives of corporation, departments or heads of the corporation (Governing Body) and begin exposing these...
    Elders (human resource agents of the Watchtower ) are assigned to eliminate or lessen the effects of "whistle blowers" by labeling them "apostates".
    Once they identify an individual as a "whistle blower" they follow well established company rules and actively pursue any threat that may expose secretive practices, hypocrisy, or harmful or illegal actions that may impact company's profitability.
    Elders follow corporation guidelines set forth in the exclusive manual for elders, entitled: "Shepherd the Flock of God" published by the WTBTS.
    1. To become informed as to the level of knowledge and information a potential whistle blower possesses.
    2. Have a formal meeting (Judicial Committee hearing) with them to ascertain the level of dissent or waning support for the organization and threat they pose to the corporation.
    3. Formally put the whistle blower on notice their actions constitute disloyalty to the corporation and they will be "fired" from the company losing all benefits and any ties to other members of the corporation.
    4. During a congregation meeting ( regularly scheduled corporation workshop) announce the "firing" of those who have failed to follow company rules.

    • @SheepAmongWolves
      @SheepAmongWolves  Před rokem +1

      Thanks for watching Bawse Lady! You're right, the Elder's are interested in the organization, not the people!

  • @MindBodyStorm
    @MindBodyStorm Před 10 měsíci

    💥 Narcissism ruins lives‼️

  • @davidex4197
    @davidex4197 Před 11 měsíci +1

    Wow, I was watching this and when I started to hear about Michigan I thought about how there is a side of my family that are JW... And then Northern Michigan... and then Wolverine. Yup, I'm sure you know my cousins and I know the Babcock name, the Andersons married many from this family. Small world.

  • @ericerpelding2348
    @ericerpelding2348 Před rokem +4

    Chess is warlike?
    OK, what about checkers?

  • @ticktock3526
    @ticktock3526 Před rokem

    No windows. My wife and I were volunteers for building Kingdom Halls for 25 years and I believe but am not certain that the reason for no windows is easier and quicker construction without windows. Good interview. Thanks

  • @idiotphd1046
    @idiotphd1046 Před rokem

    Cult definition fits original group of apostles to a tee. Losers call names, winners don’t feel the need.

    • @SheepAmongWolves
      @SheepAmongWolves  Před 11 měsíci

      You’re right in the general since, specifically when I say cult I’m referring to those who broke off from orthodox Christian theology with their own beliefs

  • @AnimaOrphei
    @AnimaOrphei Před 9 měsíci +2

    Ha! I’m ex jw 4th gen and my first name is Tim. How funny!

    • @SheepAmongWolves
      @SheepAmongWolves  Před 9 měsíci

      Are you interested in sharing your story?

    • @AnimaOrphei
      @AnimaOrphei Před 9 měsíci

      @@SheepAmongWolves can I get back to you after I finish this episode? I literally just started watching and then had to get busy with something unexpected… -but yes I’m inclined to sharing with a compatible content creator. Is it ok if it has lgbt elements and csa stuff? Furthermore I’m an atheist as well. I don’t know if that’s a problem.

    • @SheepAmongWolves
      @SheepAmongWolves  Před 9 měsíci

      That's not a problem, I've only had one ex-JW that had converted to Christianity, all others have been atheist or agnostic. Tell you what, if you're interested in sharing, send me an email and give me a written version of it and we'll go from there.

  • @davidevans9992
    @davidevans9992 Před rokem +2

    The old halls had no windows, and heavy gates and doors. They were fortresses for witnesses to gather in at armageddon. There were windows, they were just small and high up to let in some air and light. It was a "privilege" to be the guy with the pole who opened and closed the windows. It wasn't to hide what was going on inside, it was to keep the congregation safe during armageddon, and protect them from angry apostates with guns. As time went on and the paranoia subsided, the widows got bigger and bigger. Believe it or not, JWs are much less paranoid now than they were in the 80s. If Hamburg is any indication, maybe the old timers were right the windows!

    • @SheepAmongWolves
      @SheepAmongWolves  Před rokem +2

      Interesting history! Thanks for sharing David

    • @davidevans9992
      @davidevans9992 Před rokem +1

      @@SheepAmongWolves Thanks, mate. Yeah, my family has been JW for 100 years or so. My maternal grandmother was a Russellite Bible Student. When Rutherford took over and they became Jehovah's Witnesses in the 30s, they gradually moved away from Russell's teachings. My grandmother didn't like that, and she faded.
      I didn't know until fairly recently, but she was fighting bitterly with my mother for my whole childhood to wake her up and get her out. But my mother never left, and was even anointed near the end of her life. I believe that was her way of coping with the fact that she was dying before armageddon, which she did not for one second believe could possibly happen. She believed 100% she would never die. So, she coped with that by switching from the earthly hope to the heavenly one. That's how I see it, anyway. I hope she is wherever she wants to be.
      My paternal grandmother joined in 1953 because her ouija board told her to (no kidding). She was right into Spiritism.
      I was a very zealous JW child, but left in a blind rage half way through a District Convention in the year 2000 when I was 20.
      I've only just discovered your channel. This is the first video of yours I've seen. I like what you're doing. Your angle is very unique and interesting. I've subscribed and am looking forward to seeing more.

    • @SheepAmongWolves
      @SheepAmongWolves  Před rokem +1

      @@davidevans9992 welcome, if you ever feel like coming on and sharing your story or want me to share it via email, contact me,

    • @davidevans9992
      @davidevans9992 Před rokem

      @@SheepAmongWolves Oh wow, OK. Thank you for that. It's quite a long, complex, and cruel story. I'd have to be very careful how I told it. I'll email you.

    • @SheepAmongWolves
      @SheepAmongWolves  Před rokem +1

      @@davidevans9992 sounds good

  • @karenmoody2763
    @karenmoody2763 Před rokem +1

    Oh yeah they had me scared to death as a child , I still won't touch a ouja board .I feel this man's pain sounds ALOT like my life 😢 and today I definitely do not believe in God of the bible , absolutely not jehovah being he is the God of war .The entire bible are stories from other books and tablets .My sisters are still waiting the Rapture . Thinking they will be the only ones left alive 😂 Sounds totally insane to me .

    • @SheepAmongWolves
      @SheepAmongWolves  Před rokem

      Thanks for sharing, Karen, I can definitely see how growing up in that would turn you away from anything to do with God or religion.

    • @karenmoody2763
      @karenmoody2763 Před rokem

      @@SheepAmongWolves Not God I believe in a creator just not the one wrote into the holy bible .I have listened to Billy Carson and Jordan Maxwell for years and I really feel like there's a lot more about mankind and our origin than tptb want us to know .But I m definitely not religious and feel it was created by man to control the masses.

  • @MrSaabsucks
    @MrSaabsucks Před rokem +3

    Good interview.