New Soviet Leadership, following death of Stalin, makes public appearance in Red ...HD Stock Footage

  • čas přidán 31. 05. 2014
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    New Soviet Leadership, following death of Stalin, makes public appearance in Red Square. Military parade
    New Soviet leadership appears in public, following Stalin's death, in 1953. Russian Officers and troops in formation on Red Square in Moscow. Quick view of people assembled , in the evening, outside UN headquarters in New York. at sunset. View of Spasskaya Tower of Kremlin in Moscow. New Soviet Defense Minister, Bulganin, stands in open automobile, and salutes, as it moves along Red Square where Soviet troops line the way in formation. Huge sign with images of Lenin and Stalin displayed behind troop formation.Quick overview of Moscow, from a height. View of troops in massed formation seen from a height above Red Square. Civilian spectators in organized groups, dressed warmly against the cold. Top Soviet leaders emerge from inside the Kremlin to take their place in the reviewing balcony. Spectators applaud. Leaders including Nikita Khrushchev and Georgi Malenkov. Spasskaya Tower clock strikes. Bulganin is joined by a Soviet military Marshal, also standing in an open car. They drive about, reviewing the troops from the open cars. The cars stop and Bulganin and the Army Marshal get out. Defense Minister Bulganin, in military uniform of a Marshal, climbs to the Kremlin balcony and gives a speech. Cannons fire salutes.Sound track plays national anthem. Armored vehicles and troops fill a broad boulevard. Soviet armed forces put on a grand parade. Soviet leaders salute. Lavrentiy Beria stands to Bulganin's right and to his left, Malenkov and, his far left, Krushchev. Location: Moscow Russia Soviet Union. Date: 1953.
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