Who Is The Woman, The Dragon And The Child

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024
  • In today's video, I'll share with you in deep details who are the 3 characters in the book of Revelation chapter 12 which are the woman, the dragon and the Child.
    You'll be shocked to know who are they and why it makes sense for you as a reborn again Christian.
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    Never forget, God loves you and He cares for you.
    I love you so much my dear brothers and sisters!!!

Komentáře • 11

  • @cristalistheappleofhiseye6838

    I’m understanding

  • @lapilulecryptee7518
    @lapilulecryptee7518 Před 2 měsíci

    Once we've have identified the AC, the dragon/beast identification will as a result be easier..
    As i've stated before, in a previous post, i believe the Beast/Dragon can be known by matching the prophecy of Daniel with Revelation..
    Therefore let us begin by looking at what Revelation tell us :
    "8The beast that you saw-it was, and now is no more, but is about to come up out of the Abyss and go to its destruction."
    The Beast is said to come up out of the Abyss..
    And in Daniel he is the little horn that will rise up from the earth to the host of heaven, i quote :
    Daniel 8 : 9-10
    "9From one of these horns a little horn emerged and grew extensively toward the south and the east and toward the Beautiful Land. 10It grew as high as the host of heaven, and it cast down some of the host and some of the stars to the earth, and trampled them."
    And as the little horn that rises up as high as heaven, the term insolent king is used to describe him later, i quote :
    Daniel 8 : 23
    "23In the latter part of their reign, when the rebellion has reached its full measure, an insolent king, skilled in intrigue, will come to the throne"
    An image reminiscent of Nimrod's will to rise to the heaven using the tower of Babel to do so..
    Also notice the king is skilled in intrigue..
    The Earth in the book of Revelation symbolizes the bottomless pit from the standpoint of John who saw all these prophecies unfolding from heaven or the sky..
    Thus the Beast that rises from the Earth is the little horn of Daniel.
    And he is described in Revelation 11 :
    Revelation 11 : 7
    "7When the two witnesses have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will wage war with them, and will overpower and kill them."
    Who is the Beast who comes up out from the Abyss (?)
    The answer is in Revelation 9, i quote :
    Revelation 9 : 11
    "11They were ruled by a king, the angel of the ABYSS. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek it is Apollyon."
    This Beast, Insolent King described in Daniel is the king of the Abyss, Abaddon.
    The abyss is also an image for the pit from which Satan emerged after being unchained :
    Revelation 9 : 1
    "1Then the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth, and it was given the key TO THE PIT OF THE ABYSS."
    Revelation 20 : 1-3
    "1Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven with the key to the ABYSS, holding in his hand a great chain. 2He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent who is the devil and SATAN, and BOUND him for a thousand years. 3And he threw him INTO THE ABYSS, shut it, and sealed it over him, so that he could not deceive the nations until the thousand years were complete."
    The topic of the pit is conflated as the abyss or the bottomless pit here..
    Therefore Satan is Abaddon who is the Beast also..
    And in Daniel 8, he is the little horn that rises from other horns..
    These horns are spoken about in Revelation when describing the Dragon who is Satan as well as the Beast, i quote :
    Revelation 12 : 3
    "3Then another sign appeared in heaven: a huge red dragon with seven heads, ten horns, and seven royal crowns on his heads."
    Revelation 13 : 1
    "1Then I saw a beast with ten horns and seven heads rising out of the sea. There were ten royal crowns on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads"
    Notice that what distinguish the Dragon from the Beast are the royal crowns.
    The Dragon possess 7 horns with 7 royal crowns while the Beast possess 10 horns with 10 royal crowns.
    The meaning as to these horns with the royal crowns is explained further in Revelation 17, i quote :
    Revelation 17 : 9-10
    "9This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. 10There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for only a little while."
    The 7 heads with the royal crowns of the dragon/woman are 7 kings..
    In fact the dragon crowns are great kings or should i say emperors..
    The 7 heads would be a system of empire that birthed 7 empires..
    Rome is a city with 7 hills and the roman emperors from the julio-claudian and flavians dynasty could have been his crowns at a time..
    Revelation 17 : 12
    "12The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but will receive one hour of authority as kings, along with the beast."
    The beast crowns would therefore be the 10 kings that came after the fall of the western roman empire..
    A statement confirmed in Revelation 17 when the Beast will destroy the prostitute who is the dragon previous system, i quote :
    "16And the ten horns and the beast that you saw will hate the prostitute. They will leave her desolate and naked, and will eat her flesh and burn her with fire."
    Dragon crowns = emperors or empires
    Beast crowns = kings or kingdoms
    History also shows that the Western Roman Empire was divided into 10 separate kingdoms : Alemanni, Franks, Burgundians, Suevi, Vandals, Visigoths, Anglo-Saxons, Ostrogoths, Lombards, and the Heruli.
    Thus these 10 kingdoms are the 10 horns of the dragon-beast of Revelation..
    Let us resume all the elements we know so far..
    The beast :
    - comes out of the abyss in Rev 11-17
    - is the little horn of Daniel 8
    - is the insolent king of Daniel 8
    - has 7 heads like the dragon Rev 12-13
    - is called Apollyon
    Revelation 17 tell us also that, i quote :
    Revelation 17 : 11
    "11The beast that was, and now is not, is an eighth king, who belongs to the other seven and is going into destruction."
    Meaning the Beast was amongst the 7 julio-claudian roman emperor and will become a king after the fall of the roman empire (!)
    We can track the AC identity by knowing whose 10 kings who came at the fall of the western roman empire named himself after 'Apollyon'.
    And there is one king in particular that we should focus on :
    Theoderic the great..
    Theoderic is said to be :
    - King of the Ostro'goths'
    - as the historical teuton Theoderic bores the name of the Gaulish Apollo
    - the first incription of the name theoderic is found in a roman era inscription : Apollini Tovtiorigi = Apollo Teutorix
    - Theoderic names cognates with the english form T(er)ry = Tr(o)y.
    Now let us compare this list to this one..
    Odoacer :
    - King of the 'Goths'
    - Barbarian from the river 'Danube'
    - Killed Romulus Augustulus
    - Deposed the western roman empire
    And this one..
    Priam :
    - Last King of Troy and the Franks
    - Once sailed from Troy to the river 'Don' and then on Pannonia, which is on the river 'Danube' with 12000 soldiers..
    - killed by the Romans
    - witness the end of Troy
    Odoacer the king of the Goths is said to have deposed the western roman child emperor Romulus Augustulus and the western roman empire with it..
    Romulus Augustulus is certainly like one of the twin brothers of the founding tale of Rome except in Rome founding myth it was Remus who got killed by Romulus and not the reverse..
    Could it be that after being wounded or 'killed', the legendary king Priam resurrected as Odoacer who as the king of the Goths is also the king of the Ostro(Goths) Teutorix Apollo aka the Beast Apollyon (?)..
    Notice also the presence of '2' of these king(s) on the river Danube.
    Could it be that they were the same as the father of Dan ?
    Since the word Danube and Don are obviously forms of the word 'Dan'..
    Odoacer is said to be king of the Ruthenians and in a norse myth Odin(the father of Dan aka PoseIDON the greek god of the sea)as Othinus is said to have encounter the king of the Ruthenians to sire a son through his daughter Rinda..
    Could it be that Odoacer and Othinus are in reality one and the same ?
    Odin= (Od)oace(r) = Odr
    A last thing, through Priam semi mythical figure we can guess that the prostitute aka the scarlet woman of Revelation 17 could be a mythical being as well..
    I suggest that she is the founder of Rome the She-Wolf who had nourished Romulus and Remus in the founding of Rome myth..
    It is therefore obvious that the Beast is a divinity and that the prostitute also is a divinity, the Beast is as the she-wolf who may be the mother of Apollo-Abaddon or his sister/female aspect..
    I suggest she is either Hera, Athena or Aphrodite Urania because in a greek myth it is said that at one time Hera rebelled against Zeus along with other Gods/Goddesses and binded him by drugging him.
    This myth of Zeus being drugged is like this story in Genesis where it is actually Noah who has gotten drugged by his son 'Cham' in Genesis 9..
    I may add that the dragon may be a mythical creature such as the serpent Python.
    Satan would therefore be Typhon the greek father of monsters and behind Typhon entry we could actually see the gods and goddesses rebellion under the 3 main greek goddesses influence..

  • @cristalistheappleofhiseye6838

    Is this going to happen in real life what you just explained

  • @AyranVictorG
    @AyranVictorG Před měsícem

    First the Woman is Eve, than it becomes Israel, than Mary, than the church.
    I read the other messages and most people here have an understanding of this passages based on their Protestant glasses( very confused ) If you get any good commentary on the book of revelation you can easily see what I said. Also, this passage at revelation 12 is used to indicate the Bodley assumption of Mary. It becomes a big rabbit whole for many Protestants because it gets to points where they don’t want to go. It’s uncomfortable. In this passages we see Mary being portrait as the queen of heaven. I ask myself if this people here would even consider that, specially because in modern Protestantism most denomination do not give the credit that our Blessed Mother deserves. Also, when it talks about the children, those are the true believers that are part of the church.

  • @christundo2111
    @christundo2111 Před 2 měsíci

    Veils already lifted church is done!

  • @banner-fq8ln
    @banner-fq8ln Před 2 měsíci +1

    The man child here _cannot_ be Jesus; since His birth, death, resurrection, and ascencion all lie in the past from the time John had the vision. [He was told he would be shown *things to come* ]
    This is a man living today, who is given the promise of Rev 2:27 by God.
    He is also the firstborn of the woman, his spiritual mother.
    Later on she gives birth to the rest of her children (Isaiah 66:8). So it becomes evident that the woman in Rev 12 is not Israel, but a woman called 'Jerusalem'.
    Last not least ... Jerusalem's children shall be taught by the Lord (Isaiah 54:13)

  • @diamondparadigm
    @diamondparadigm Před 2 měsíci

    I am the Manchild proof is on my vids the seal of God !!!!!

  • @MegaTechno2000
    @MegaTechno2000 Před 2 měsíci +2

    The Virgin Mary is the woman

  • @elijah5791
    @elijah5791 Před 2 měsíci +3

    The woman is Mary. 🤦🏼‍♂️