The 5 RULES ALL SUPPORTS MUST KNOW to RANK UP - Best Tips and Tricks | Dota 2 Pro Guide (Immortal)

  • čas přidán 6. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 222

  • @twiinsensei
    @twiinsensei Před 4 lety +144

    00:26 - Get GameLeap
    00:48 - Introduction
    01:19 - Positioning
    03:13 - Trading
    04:58 - Defensive items
    07:31 - Smokes
    09:30 - Warding
    12:26 - Get GameLeap

    • @hellionak
      @hellionak Před 4 lety +16

      I legit feel like they provide more than just "get gameleap", as a sub, we get detailed hero guides that teach us indepth hero mechanics. They also get us to experiment heroes we wouldn't consider being fun, by disclosing the way high MMR players see hero mechanics. Honestly, they deserve exclusivity over what they are doing.

    • @s0r445
      @s0r445 Před 4 lety +1

      Just get GameLeap!

    • @fikri5662
      @fikri5662 Před 4 lety +2

      @@hellionak i want gameleap account from a long ago honestly, but i dont have any credit card nor paypal :(

    • @dmorgan0628
      @dmorgan0628 Před 4 lety +1

      If you live in a first world country get a job!

    • @kekw9493
      @kekw9493 Před 4 lety

      @@hellionak Gotta say thanks to Speeed for contributing all of this!

  • @bobes2992
    @bobes2992 Před 4 lety +4

    6:00 - so you say that arcane Boots are Not good for Supports? what about Pos 5 omniknight/ ogre Magi/undying/ witchdoc/dazzle etc. who really need the additional mana+ flash Mana bursts? or did I get you wrong there?

  • @RobbieRobski
    @RobbieRobski Před 4 lety +48

    People do NOT want to rosh and it really pisses me off. So many times around 20-25 I try to get the team to rosh but MOST of the time first rosh happens around 35-40. LAAAAAME

    • @TheusKhan
      @TheusKhan Před 4 lety


    • @massdestric6945
      @massdestric6945 Před 4 lety

      Depends on the team Comp doesn’t it?

    • @ayushgupta6883
      @ayushgupta6883 Před 4 lety

      @@massdestric6945 don't even get started i had a ursa in my team who didn't go to do rosh until he died trying to go highground.
      While we kept telling him to get rosh earlier but his excuse was that he doesn't need it yet....

    • @massdestric6945
      @massdestric6945 Před 4 lety

      Ayush Gupta wow, I’m a ta player, so generally I rose alone at around 23-24 minutes. And I have a friend who spams ursa, so I can’t really relate there

    • @ayushgupta6883
      @ayushgupta6883 Před 4 lety

      @@massdestric6945 That was just one match though .We don't get these types of players everygame but it does come around sometimes

  • @ValkyrieRnGris
    @ValkyrieRnGris Před 4 lety +1

    Hi Speeeeed! Just want to mention that I've been winning a lot of games. It's really the basic stuffs you mention that push me onward. 1) Keep hero pools small, 2) Creep aggros and correct positioning and rotations, 3) Farming/Fighting prioritization, 4) Communications and having positive mindset (not being toxic). In about a month I've raised my supp MMR by 900 and core MMR by 500. That's a grand total of 1400 MMR. Feels good to actually know I'm good at this game.

  • @Monika_AYAYA
    @Monika_AYAYA Před 4 lety +3

    1st tip is actually the best tip. i'm only 5k mmr and the number of times my legend friend said "it's fine, i'm only a support" is way to damn high. 10/10 guide

  • @utsabsilroy1971
    @utsabsilroy1971 Před 4 lety +4

    It's an extremely frequent occurance, that one supports the 2 or 3 role so well, that they feel overpowered and keep going solo and feeding. They leave the laning phase with 3-0-2 and end the game as 5-16-7. You get the point. So don't become too good of a support. :p

  • @lucasvillamil8698
    @lucasvillamil8698 Před 4 lety +7

    i do all this stuff in this video and more im divine 1 support and in general i cant win because i play with cores leyends 7 and ancients 1 2 and 3 and they have no idea how to play the core role. any tip?

    • @johndotes
      @johndotes Před 4 lety +1

      My sentiments exactly. *sigh*

    • @keegs1163
      @keegs1163 Před 4 lety

      this shouldnt hold you back if you dont get angry at your situation, and playing the victim like he said

  • @seeknndestroy420
    @seeknndestroy420 Před 4 lety +3

    2-Buying defansive items
    3-Trading efficiently
    4-Calling for smokes
    5-Dewarding tactics and warding

    • @manuelcornelio4348
      @manuelcornelio4348 Před 4 lety +2

      6. Block the enemy jungle to make the enemy carry tilt, and start a flame war with the supports.

    • @thedjentleman1662
      @thedjentleman1662 Před 4 lety

      @@manuelcornelio4348 that's the funniest thing you can do as a support

  • @robertperry766
    @robertperry766 Před 4 lety +1

    Another thing about wards/vision in the fight, I see it all the time, someone like ck ults, everyone runs from him, and every time he casts reality rift the fog stops it mid cast animation. This situation 1 ward can be the difference between missing the kill or wiping the enemy team.

    • @nickfuryjr1346
      @nickfuryjr1346 Před 4 lety

      supp: what r u going to do if your carry doesnt help you proctect ur ward, and the enemy carry always come with their supp to deward or , how do you protect your ward if the enemy supp has back up when dewarding and carries blame supp for not warding.

  • @LaggerLB
    @LaggerLB Před 4 lety +66

    Speeed about every item in the game: IT'S BROKEN

    • @itriggerpeople4433
      @itriggerpeople4433 Před 4 lety +7

      Locket: *breathes*
      Speed: IT'S BROKEN

    • @menelik6652
      @menelik6652 Před 4 lety +1

      @@gameleapdota2 what about soul booster
      Best item in the game

    • @yuzureux
      @yuzureux Před 4 lety

      @@gameleapdota2 Veil?

    • @devilincarnarion
      @devilincarnarion Před 4 lety +2

      glimmer is truLY BROKEN, as low bracket I learning to climb up the rank, it's hard but most support at crusaders bracket(I once included) rarely buy defensive item such as glimmer and force staff, it is a legit item to help your teammates, especially when they're over extended their positioning and I notice that buying those item could benefit them in their bad position, since that my support role never be the same I got more winning than ever and got more commend that I used to have. I'm agree with speeed. Thanks great video as always.

    • @Hyperversum3
      @Hyperversum3 Před 4 lety +1

      @@devilincarnarion It's not only that they can be used both for yourself to survive and keep playing and do the same for your cores while they farm their BKBs, Damage or whatever, but that they have a direct impact on the game.
      I mean, take a Desolator. Cool item, damage and armor reduction. You can kill faster and siege towers more efficiently... but what if your team just isn't taking fights? What if you are behind and it's not the lack of direct damage in making you be such? The same goes for some support items: they may not directly influence what's going on in the match.
      On the other hand, Glimmer Cape and Force Staff are ALWAYS influential. As a 5th I almost never skip Force Staff and I can't think about a single match in the last months in which I didn't buy the Glimmer even as 4th AND a 3rd at times. Really. I get it on Mars to tank magic damage and manuever around team fights if needed or just use it on my safe-lane core if needed.
      For 300 more gold I could have a Dagger? Yeah, but in those times I made the specific decision to go for the Glimmer and it worked out. Maybe as I climb I will need to give it up but it's such an influential item that I just can't think I shouldn't buy it in Solo.

  • @leslielim93
    @leslielim93 Před 4 lety +5

    what about supports teleporting to other lanes/shrines to help when their cores are getting ganked ? i feel like that deserves a mention.

  • @Julian-td4vl
    @Julian-td4vl Před 4 lety +1

    Thanks for the support videos

  • @drrrw
    @drrrw Před 4 lety +3

    I feel encourage when you said "check enemy inventory for wards then after moments the ward was gone" at 10:33. They saying "high IQ stuff". Been doing that but didn't knew that was high IQ stuff. *pats on the back *claps Thank you for the tips.

  • @samhartway437
    @samhartway437 Před 4 lety +8

    Thanks Speeed, geat video

  • @Verk-
    @Verk- Před 4 lety

    yup! thats what i notice too in being suport. the positioning itself is the key

  • @silverrakhsh34
    @silverrakhsh34 Před 4 lety +1

    How do i submite teamfights for the guess the rank videos? Do i have to pay the site?!

  • @ovejavier5685
    @ovejavier5685 Před 4 lety

    A non mentioned tip I got from WoW long time ago: Learn your rotation. What does it mean? You got to know wich is your initiation spell! I've seen so many CMs trying to frostbite from long range and totally fucking up the gank instead of just pressing Q. Same for SShaman, not even talk about SD.
    Do not go around like a headless chicken, you got to know exactly what are you going to do, and for that you need knowledge on cast ranges, mana management (bonus points for fighting under vision and/or with smoke) and nerves of steel.
    Back in the day, outplaying was all about reaction times, now its about perfect resource management and patience in the midst of chaos

  • @princeofsomnia7664
    @princeofsomnia7664 Před 4 lety +16

    5:18 "people dont buy dust"
    wrong, im playing in SEA and yes sea server is the most toxic af region BUT, they dont fckin forget to buy dust and sentry. seriously, buying shadow blade and mirana ulti is basically useless in SEA. i also shocked about this.

  • @theRAVEN1337
    @theRAVEN1337 Před 4 lety +5

    Rule#1 Basher is must on CM.

    • @LaggerLB
      @LaggerLB Před 4 lety

      Step 1- Wait for CM ult
      Step 2- Bash
      Step 3- Win team fight
      Step 4- GG EZ +25 MMR

    • @theRAVEN1337
      @theRAVEN1337 Před 4 lety

      @@gameleapdota2 *laughs in 400 attack speed and abysal*

  • @Plaxer02
    @Plaxer02 Před 4 lety

    I am playing Support in Crusader and i am always buying brown boots and a Magic Stick depending on the lane and then RUSH Glimmer Cape. I am also always checking their Item and try to find out where the wards are. The only thing i didn't really got is the Smoke Gameplay and Positioning is also a big problem. Also i have problems playing consistantly i am playing some games really well and then i am throwing it the next game. I really want to get better and reach a new level of dota. My luck was that i am playing with Immortals and Divine players and i can hold on in those games. We get ranked against Legend V - Divine V and i can hold on with them. But when i played solo queue now i realised that this is not anymore my bracket. Although it is possible to carry as a support when your carrys are throwing the game by just going solo into 5 and saying, I KILL THEM ALL i always lose the game. I started now to play ranked on my 2. Account and got ranked into Divine 1 but i am really frustrated that the low elo is like a hell where you never can get out without good friends.

  • @karthikeyanswaminathan2380

    I usually buy mana boots for ss BUT I disassemble like 30 minutes into the game and get an aether lens and tranquil boots. Getting the mana boots is more efficient, saves me some gold and in matches where my friends needed mana in a team fight been a key item. I mean obviously tranquil is better. But not in the early game when I have mana problems

  • @NopeNope860
    @NopeNope860 Před 4 lety

    For low mmr/rank if you want to play pos 4-5 you need to make sure that you fall into one of these criteria
    1)you hate yourself or you are a masochist.
    2)you hate creeps killing.
    3)espscially pos5, like getting gangbang by everyone in the match.
    If you're in one of those you have to
    - embrace carry's idiocy.
    - there are chance that pos5 just doesn't give a fuck and just went for core item instead of ward or support item. In this case just go pos5 instead
    - if you're lucky, ask teammates nicely and they'll buy wards, smoke, dust for you.
    - normally pos5 gives mid 1-2 tango at the beginning of the match not pos4. there are exceptions but this would be ideal.
    - force staff, glimmer cape, wards, smoke, that mana boots or green boots are your best friend, not your teammate. Buy them!!
    - as pos4 you may want to pick a hero that can fuck enemy pos1 and/or pos 5 up instead of ones that can keep pos 3 alive.
    - getting blame is part of playing support. Just don't get upset about it.

  • @chiimchauu
    @chiimchauu Před 4 lety +3

    Man, I want to see your vods/gameplay. It would greatly help. Not that your regular vids don't, it's additional info to digest.
    Thanks my man, keep it up

  • @ThePhillShow
    @ThePhillShow Před 4 lety +8

    I really have no idea what you're talking about when you say "people don't buy dust" (or detection in general) in solo queue. It's just flatly untrue. People DO buy dust.

    • @ThePhillShow
      @ThePhillShow Před 4 lety

      @@gameleapdota2 if you say so, that hasn't really been my experience. Still enjoyed the video

    • @michaellenihan4937
      @michaellenihan4937 Před 4 lety +1

      No it really is true. Maybe in low level play the best player will get dust if he realizes he has too. but in high level play usually the 3-4-5 are carrying dust while the 1-2 jump on backline supports whenever possible. core players tend to try to maximize their 6 slots with stats and their future items/best items available/wand etc. plus as a 1-2 you will eventually max out 6 items and can not carry dust unless gem is apart of your build while you're snowballing late mid game which you eventually give away for your last item.

    • @utsabsilroy1971
      @utsabsilroy1971 Před 4 lety

      So, the item provides 50% magic resistance. 50%. And even if a core has to buy dust to kill you, at least you are wasting 90 gold of his. And in pubs, people do buy dust. But that's like once or twice. Late game they conveniently forget about it.

    • @ThePhillShow
      @ThePhillShow Před 4 lety

      @@utsabsilroy1971 oh yeah I'm not knocking glimmer cape AT ALL, great item for sure. I was only disagreeing with the dust sentiment

    • @Surfas_
      @Surfas_ Před 4 lety

      I guess it depends on the bracket

  • @Geezta
    @Geezta Před 4 lety +5

    At the start of the video when the gameleap ad comes on.
    "Your team does not deserver your support..." - okay got it, I will write that down and go pos1 hard support

  • @NoIGN
    @NoIGN Před 4 lety

    I do realise that I'm not using smoke mainly because I have no idea how to use them effectively. Another issue I have is I need to ward somewhere with no vision and enemies are not on the map so I'm in a cycle whereby I have no vision, I need to ward, but because I have no vision I don't dare to go and ward (most of the time when I try to I end up dying without doing anything)

  • @haroldvincentyap2474
    @haroldvincentyap2474 Před 4 lety +3

    I always do the checking on wards of the enemy before dewarding and warding. Cant believe it is important. Thanks game leeeeap!

  • @ganeshhariharan6259
    @ganeshhariharan6259 Před 4 lety +1

    How on Earth is shaman shackling 2 heroes? Is that a new update or I'm dumb to not know that at all

  • @johanhaggstrom5494
    @johanhaggstrom5494 Před 4 lety

    Could not stress the warding for fights part enough.
    Probably the best piece of advice in the video

  • @sailormoon6117
    @sailormoon6117 Před 4 lety

    Please make a video on offlaning. I'm an offlane player but I seem to get zoned out from lane most of the games due to my post 4 leaving lanes. I want to understand pos 3 even as a solo offlaner without POS 4's presence in lane.

    • @nickfuryjr1346
      @nickfuryjr1346 Před 4 lety

      supp leaves you coz u cant play carry u have zero mind games such as hitting and running to control the lane or so the enemy carry cant get close to the creeps. BASICALLY its your fault ur impossible to supp. or there are opportunities to kill in your lane but u stick to farming "farm lord"

    • @sailormoon6117
      @sailormoon6117 Před 4 lety

      @@nickfuryjr1346 Wonder which bracket you at. With the patch changes and stuffs in 6months idk what you're talking about rn.

  • @herbangm.naibaho5405
    @herbangm.naibaho5405 Před 4 lety

    Man, im like 4.5k player and I did literary every things that you mention as supp player. My problem that make me quite depress to claims my 5k mmr is no matter what, my range mmr is stuck beetween 4-4.6k. When my bad day comes I lose no matter how hard I tried, I just lose, and when i get my good day, I win game by almost doing nothing. and I just stuck in that range of mmr.

  • @mynameisabe905
    @mynameisabe905 Před 4 lety

    I've played support and only support for years and while I'm no pro, I do watch pro vids and I agree with everything except the shade on mana boots. Mana boots while you say is overrated, it's also a game changer when you have core who are mana dependent. Wands, bracers help with survivability but mana boots is a staple along with force staff and glimmer cape (unless they have a BH/Slar who spams detection).

  • @MrDopestDope1
    @MrDopestDope1 Před 4 lety +3

    sometimes, dont just tell. anyone can yap yap like duck. show and tell. dont play random clips, play the right clip to the right tip. show people learn by seeing actual examples.

  • @aristotleisarocker
    @aristotleisarocker Před 4 lety

    you earned yourself a new subscriber as a SEA Support i needed this

  • @rayangeloramilo3987
    @rayangeloramilo3987 Před 4 lety

    Props to gameleap and speeed for all the efforts of making us all better players. I have followed speeed's training and advices, he pretty much repeats all lessons and emphasize to it because that's all there is to getting better. I have seen so much improvement in my gameplays specially positioning since I had the "victim support" mindset that speeed mentioned in the video before.
    However, no one really talks about how big of a deal bad teammates are. Kindly telling teammates to get certain items seems to be a pain in the ass since no one ever listens and will even get you reported simply by trying to guide your team to a victory.
    What I'm trying to say is all these technical skills and strats are useless if you are matched with people who cant think like you do. Seems like to win is to get lucky teammates.

  • @itriggerpeople4433
    @itriggerpeople4433 Před 4 lety +29

    Why's Crystal Maiden looking like the pretty girl in high school

  • @Mr_MRK
    @Mr_MRK Před 4 lety

    heyo speed, can we play offlane pl? what do you think about the possibilities for heros for other roles in dota? because i am frustrated about people calling games lose from start because they don't get what we can do in dota for real, they don't even think i believe :(

  • @josephclement2585
    @josephclement2585 Před 4 lety +1

    In herald tier, u cant just trust carry.. some of these guy will just random pick, they dont mind if the enemy will pick PL then the last pick in our team picked sniper even we already have storm in team.. they dont know how to counter pick.. so i play support and core in the same way.

    • @antivist5183
      @antivist5183 Před 4 lety +1

      in herald tier the enemy storm doesn't know how to play storm and will probably die to the sniper who just a-moved. in herald, no one knows what they are doing on either team, including you. getting tilted in the picking phase in herald is the stupidest thing you can do because the enemy team has no clue whats going on either

  • @kokosan_bass
    @kokosan_bass Před 4 lety +1

    Thanks Speeed Always Love Ur Videos About Support. Cant wait for more.

    • @kokosan_bass
      @kokosan_bass Před 4 lety

      Maybe next u should make videos about tusk. I really want to improve my skill on that hero. Thanks. Keep Going. Good Job. Cheers ✌

  • @gardettors5094
    @gardettors5094 Před 4 lety

    What are these background songs you add? Cant find in description :(

  • @ZachAgape
    @ZachAgape Před 4 lety

    Thanks that was helpful, although as someone who's just played a few Dota games, there's a lot of vocabulary and things that I don't understand, which hinder the helpfulness of the video. Eg, what's 'rosh'?😅

    • @karthikeyanswaminathan2380
      @karthikeyanswaminathan2380 Před 4 lety

      Rosh stands for Roshan, the large creep who is present in the roshan camp in the top right of the river. He is a really strong creep who when killed drops the "aegis of immortality" an item which lets you come back to life after you die

  • @anselmgarvida6415
    @anselmgarvida6415 Před 4 lety

    Your vids about supporting are always helpful 😭 thank you so much speeed

  • @ssuuppeerr44
    @ssuuppeerr44 Před 4 lety

    So much respect for your videos! Please keep them going. Always look forward to your next one!

  • @Jimmy_McGinty
    @Jimmy_McGinty Před 4 lety +1

    Almost every game i play as support, i get Glimmer Cape and Force Staff. Both items saving lives.

  • @slabshi6
    @slabshi6 Před 4 lety

    thankyou so much gameleap! ive learn alot from your guides !!

  • @lukeprice3945
    @lukeprice3945 Před 4 lety

    Great video honestly has made me a much better support flying through the ranks :)!

  • @konstantinosangelidis250

    hey speed, do you also do coaching? I did not see any option in GameLeap

  • @00taiga35
    @00taiga35 Před 4 lety +1

    What do you do when your core is so trash that no matter how good ur support is they still find ways to screw the game up

    • @manuelcornelio4348
      @manuelcornelio4348 Před 4 lety

      Report and avoid that player in the future.

    • @nickfuryjr1346
      @nickfuryjr1346 Před 4 lety

      my point exactly and the end of the game they will blame supp 🙄

  • @RulesGse
    @RulesGse Před 4 lety

    That channel help me a lot i go from 3.000 to 3.800 in a month but i see a lot of ancient players build wrong iteams hard supports go for midas and support build core iteam no support iteams like forcestaff eul's ghost ward or sentry ... And i thing my road is long until i have good games and enjoyed . sorry for my bad english .

  • @shy_guy-techno
    @shy_guy-techno Před 2 lety

    I play sup now for 10 years, and I do all the Tipps you told in the video I stay in the back line I buys salve, Tangos clarity for my carry I ward I deward I block camps I stack camps , I buy glimmer forcestaff urn vessel Mekka, I Spam my spells ih there is a chance to safe my carry I gona die for him etc. Sorry to tell you this but as solo sup in lower brackets its a 50 percent chance to win. Play one day in 2000mmr section and you will go insane.

  • @ramilalinjr.5421
    @ramilalinjr.5421 Před 4 lety

    I like the last clip on how they let CM got the Rampage

  • @dmorgan0628
    @dmorgan0628 Před 4 lety

    Amazing video Speeeeeeeeeeeeeeed, very informative and great points to review on watching replays.

  • @maryclaris4762
    @maryclaris4762 Před 4 lety

    Speed sama, are there any other programs or apps outside of Dota 2 that I could use to practice last hitting?

    • @nickfuryjr1346
      @nickfuryjr1346 Před 4 lety

      play practice with bots unfair, use sf play mid sf will make you last hit better because you need soul to fight.

  • @SuBiBH
    @SuBiBH Před 4 lety +14

    Wow another repeating content with a different title! Very helpful!

    • @jinhui9861
      @jinhui9861 Před 4 lety

      because you stupid people keep making the same mistakes LOL

    • @nickfuryjr1346
      @nickfuryjr1346 Před 4 lety +1

      @@jinhui9861 carries always makes mistakes overcommiting, they know the area is not warded still farms there and blame supp if they die.

  • @MRnok14L
    @MRnok14L Před 4 lety

    Dunno if the games I had timemachined me to 2015 or something, but people just spam crap load of support item like sentry and dusts now, event sod is frequently out of stock.

  • @raysonchia1400
    @raysonchia1400 Před 3 lety

    Awesome content!

  • @Thalasius
    @Thalasius Před 4 lety +1

    Usually lose in low bracket because carry refused to go bkb or is not smart enough to realise when to go bkb and all your supporting effort was in vain.

  • @TechOwnage
    @TechOwnage Před 4 lety

    what is PMA? 8:39

  • @admiraloverlord3790
    @admiraloverlord3790 Před 4 lety +2

    If i core my support are useless. If im the support my carry feel like a GOD and always dive.

  • @ShahzadAli-ni6ny
    @ShahzadAli-ni6ny Před 4 lety

    speed can you give a guide for oracle ?

  • @TruthbtoldMD
    @TruthbtoldMD Před 4 lety

    Sea server player most of the things you mentioned in this video has been done by most support mains in SEA even up to the lowest bracket. The problem here is that everyone wants to play as a corem wants to farm until 60 mins. Nothing you can do to make them stop farming, and yeah smoking doesn't work some of them just continue to farm until ganked by the opposing team EVEN with wards in place. I want to post you a challenge, if you can please play in SEA server as a support and analyze what is missing from that server that would be great. Thank you

    • @nickfuryjr1346
      @nickfuryjr1346 Před 4 lety

      that happens if the cores keeps farming whole game, what should the supp do watch them farm? how the hell can they buy wards ?

    • @TruthbtoldMD
      @TruthbtoldMD Před 4 lety

      @@nickfuryjr1346 incoming creeps and creep pushing

    • @nickfuryjr1346
      @nickfuryjr1346 Před 4 lety

      @@TruthbtoldMD supp push alone while carries jungle? if supp farms at lane and the carries are in jungle , supp will be an ez target for the enemy and u cant just deward u absolutely dont have help from carries.

  • @KristophJeffers
    @KristophJeffers Před 4 lety

    Nice video mate.

  • @amrirasyidi
    @amrirasyidi Před 4 lety +1

    I used grim in a ranked game once, we have lion as position 4. We were in SEA server
    We were owning the game, no one was complaining about anything. I bought ward, i spammed my skill, secure space, and so on.
    Then, this lion was complaining about my positioning, he said i need to get closer on a teamfight.
    I had aether lens and took the cast range talent.
    I died twice, and this lion died like 10 or something.
    He was still complaining even after we won the game, omegalul

  • @khairilwee7732
    @khairilwee7732 Před 4 lety

    i never knew positioning is so important for glad that i watch video

  • @oddhuman2494
    @oddhuman2494 Před 4 lety

    I need more support video, thanks man

  • @petaludas88
    @petaludas88 Před 4 lety

    Urn buy urns as a support...its a must item

  • @franksbrugh1377
    @franksbrugh1377 Před 4 lety +1

    Im divine 3 from archon 4 in 3months by playing support, thx speed

  • @philsalcedo5076
    @philsalcedo5076 Před 4 lety

    What do you mean with trading?

  • @seymourbutts8739
    @seymourbutts8739 Před 4 lety

    Always buy regen both mana and hp so youll always be ready for team fights. This mantra made me rank up from archon 1 to ancient 4 in 1 month.

  • @robertperry766
    @robertperry766 Před 4 lety

    I don’t agree that when you ping smoke every dota player comes right away. I find a lot of people don’t know you are invisible to wards when smoked. Such an important tool that is extremely under used. When smoke ping goes off you need to drop what you’re doing immediately for if you take too long the enemy should now the smoke gank is coming.

  • @johndotes
    @johndotes Před 4 lety

    As a support player, this doesn't work with a Slark who cannot use Q and R properly. In short, even if you followed all 5 (and I believe I have been), this won't likely work out if the hard carries can't do their jobs in long game crucial clash. **sigh**

    • @ssmrj19
      @ssmrj19 Před 4 lety

      That's why you build defensive items, to save those shit Carries. If you can save your carries, they will hit more, they will tank more; and you and your carry will be able to cast more spells, which will eventually win you the fights and game.

  • @philsalcedo5076
    @philsalcedo5076 Před 4 lety

    What do you mean by trading??

  • @hulejul9748
    @hulejul9748 Před 4 lety

    A video like this for offlane would be sweet

  • @markpagtama7954
    @markpagtama7954 Před 4 lety

    One thing i see is also important. Ward when not in vision. And ward first than the enemy supp.

  • @ayushgupta6883
    @ayushgupta6883 Před 4 lety

    Okay speed because of your videos people now buy dust in low mmr also. There are a lot of smokes used as well. Just wanted to update you on whats going on down there...

  • @usire
    @usire Před 4 lety

    Thanks it helped as a sp 🙂

  • @mardonipom6937
    @mardonipom6937 Před 4 lety

    Is AA good pos 5 hero to spam?

    • @thedjentleman1662
      @thedjentleman1662 Před 4 lety

      It is, especially against high regen heroes like Lifestealer, Alchemist, Timbersaw or even Necrophos

  • @Hyperversum3
    @Hyperversum3 Před 4 lety +2

    "People don't buy dust in solo"
    Me: cries in CM costantly bullied through dust after using the glimmer on myself one time.

    • @manuelcornelio4348
      @manuelcornelio4348 Před 4 lety +3

      So true, It's not smart to understimate the enemy.

    • @mihaioancea3915
      @mihaioancea3915 Před 4 lety +1

      picks Riki in Herald/Guardian...
      Shopkeep: "well i just sold all my sentries and 10 dusts"

  • @krivjeto
    @krivjeto Před 4 lety

    Man,even in DotA 1 ppls buyed dust...
    How you say glimer is brocken...
    I prefer lotar!!!

  • @rickb4581
    @rickb4581 Před 4 lety

    the thing about using glimmer capes in lower mmrs is that the fucking carry doesn't realize I glimmered him and continues to hit the enemy....omg*sad face*

  • @sqocks8254
    @sqocks8254 Před 4 lety

    That thumbnail ❤

  • @PoP-vm4pp
    @PoP-vm4pp Před 4 lety

    How to win a a supp
    Pick kotl pos 5 and smack the enemy and keep hitting them with blinding light

  • @rishen
    @rishen Před 4 lety

    Speed, can you please make a guide on how to play *together* with a demotivating toxic teammate? It's a team game and I don't like muting my own team but some players really make it hard.
    Flaming cause a support didn't give that extra *one* tango, demotivating and abusing someone with words when losing/making mistakes, etc. The usual SEA server stuffs.

  • @greygermandur
    @greygermandur Před 4 lety +1

    HiiIGH mmr supporting 3:20

  • @ky_ra9584
    @ky_ra9584 Před 4 lety

    Who should be buying the glimmers cape, a 4 or 5?

    • @shaggy371
      @shaggy371 Před 4 lety

      Both dude, depends of situations and heros.

    • @ky_ra9584
      @ky_ra9584 Před 4 lety


  • @BadNewsRuss
    @BadNewsRuss Před 4 lety +1

    And if i do this and my cores still throw the game ? xD

  • @HarbingerGaming824
    @HarbingerGaming824 Před 4 lety +2

    Me as a support: *Uses smoke on team*
    My carry: *Goes and hits jungle creeps*
    Me: WTH am I even here for??

    • @rockon795
      @rockon795 Před 4 lety

      If past mid game your carry is still not joining to fights even tho he is 5slotted, its not your fault

    • @rockon795
      @rockon795 Před 4 lety +1

      I hate when my team wants me to fight and is forcing fights on my side of the map when im AntiMage with a battlefury

    • @HarbingerGaming824
      @HarbingerGaming824 Před 4 lety

      Ya. AM requires time. So, no problem. But the fault is when the rest of the team can't understand that we can create space by fighting somewhere else by using smokes.

    • @rockon795
      @rockon795 Před 4 lety

      @@HarbingerGaming824 Its quite hard to do smokes on lower tiers, players are just all-around bad, you just have to accept that, they all think their playstyle will bring them win, because they don't know for something like smokes to exist.

    • @HarbingerGaming824
      @HarbingerGaming824 Před 4 lety

      That I can agree to.

  • @snoobriraq9523
    @snoobriraq9523 Před 4 lety

    I get k2.3 as hard sup thx speeeed 👍👍👍

  • @icarusozkavosh6573
    @icarusozkavosh6573 Před 4 lety

    But my carry magically stayed offline for whole game while got free farm and free kill. Deal more damage to creep than hero enemy, and no bkb when they have thousand of cc

    • @dotadns
      @dotadns Před 4 lety

      That's 1 game. Only 1 single game. It doesn't matter. Play 1000 games with 51% winrate. You will win 510 games and lose 490 games. With 20 games different you have already gained 500 MMR. Now play 2000 games, and you will gain 1000 MMR. See the point?

  • @hydraulichydra8363
    @hydraulichydra8363 Před 4 lety

    2:18 Well I would ask you the question: "Why did you not get Euls, SheepStick, Octo core and go 'Q-W-Hex-Q-W-Euls-Q-W' forever"

  • @relinix
    @relinix Před 4 lety +1


  • @fachryfirdaus2363
    @fachryfirdaus2363 Před 4 lety

    in crusader rank
    support : gather for smoke of deceit here
    carry : i go solo

  • @petaludas88
    @petaludas88 Před 4 lety

    What the point buying defensive items when u dont click them at the right time

  • @Psalmm-
    @Psalmm- Před 4 lety


    • @Psalmm-
      @Psalmm- Před 4 lety

      Nevermind me I'm just so eager to watch support videos and is always waiting for a new one😂💯👍🏼

  • @ratba8366
    @ratba8366 Před 4 lety +1

    Buy smoke...
    Stand in a safe spot
    Ping let's smoke for 2 minutes
    No one comes
    Watch carries get 5manned

  • @draugerplayz7272
    @draugerplayz7272 Před 4 lety

    what if im a better player than all of my team and i took support thinking my team was better than me

  • @cholesterol804
    @cholesterol804 Před 3 lety

    Easy support buy force staff, use it on carry then run home

  • @AstoDenToXeisLeme
    @AstoDenToXeisLeme Před 2 lety

    Although this video is good and the guy is always to the point, it is MISSLEADING! You can't rank up as a support for more than 1-2k mmr as its not in your hands! If your carry doesn't get a bkb and feeds in late game for example or your mid player is simply bad the game is over no matter who you are. So in the end ranking up= mid/carry job.
    Always remember that ranking in dota is based exclusively in the impact your role plays. So in the late game 3 of the 5 enemy players will have BKB to avoid any spell and also these 3 players will probably 1 shot you the same time you show yourself in the fight to get rid of your annoying ulti. And no force staff/glimmer cape wont hold for late game as your enemies DO use dust and also have blinks because guess what : they are ranking aswell!

  • @konami2979
    @konami2979 Před 4 lety +1

    My friend which his a ignorant guy always says his support he don't buy dust he don't buy glimmer Cape or force staff and he went to buy deso lol