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  • @John-jc3ty
    @John-jc3ty Před rokem +157

    khorne is right. if his lackeys start claiming each others skulls, the skull-claiming performance will sink exponentially really fast. he did the math

    • @aguspuig6615
      @aguspuig6615 Před rokem +6

      he did the math

    • @VikingDrummerRob
      @VikingDrummerRob Před rokem +12

      So his claim that he doesn't care from where the blood flows is hyperbolic at best xD

    • @Subject_Keter
      @Subject_Keter Před rokem +3

      @@VikingDrummerRob It the Choas Gods, they cant even smack you let alone stick to their own ideas.
      Doe atleast 5,000 skulls vs 500,000 skulls is easy math.
      Also you think Khrone since he wants to be the "best" would try to make his champio. The best.

    • @widdershins5383
      @widdershins5383 Před rokem +2

      @@VikingDrummerRob preferably not your own since there’s so much elsewhere, but if there is absolutely nothing else, needs must as a the devil says lol

    • @Prophetofthe8thLegion
      @Prophetofthe8thLegion Před rokem +2

      He’s a capitalist.
      More skull takers equals more taking of skulls equals exponential growth.

  • @qwertpoo1
    @qwertpoo1 Před rokem +118

    The great hypocrisy of the chaos undivided, saying you don't rely on the gods when you clearly rely on all of them.

    • @Archon3960
      @Archon3960 Před rokem +3

      Perhaps. But you get less garanties to get screwed by staying Undivided. B)

    • @fredklein2261
      @fredklein2261 Před rokem +10

      If Khorne betrayed Abbadon, the other 3 would pump him up to take advantage in the great game. Abbadon is riding that knife edge masterfully, playing the game and all 4 chaos gods against each other, keeping them in check to ensure their aid.

    • @Kristian.B.Kristiansen
      @Kristian.B.Kristiansen Před rokem +6

      @@fredklein2261 True, and Khorne is the God most likely to honor a deal. Schemes and betrayal isn't really His style.

    • @Emidretrauqe
      @Emidretrauqe Před rokem +2

      That's all just to try to set Abbadon apart from Horus. The difference between the two (supposedly) is that Horus allowed the full extent of chaos to flow through him, which turned him into a frothing maniac who had nothing in common with his old self. Even if Abbadon hates the Imperium and tolerates chaos, he hates what happened to Horus more than anything.
      He hates Emps for killing Horus, but he also blames the chaos gods. It's like if a loyalist chapter master deeply hated the Emperor, but honored his oath of loyalty purely out of a deeper resentment of chaos. I'm honestly surprised that hasn't been done already.

  • @kaynesylvar8277
    @kaynesylvar8277 Před rokem +59

    I think Abaddon wasn’t putting trust in “the Ruinous Powers”, he was putting trust in Khorne, who, despite being evil, comports himself with twisted honor

  • @thescarletpumpernel3305
    @thescarletpumpernel3305 Před rokem +32

    I guess Kharn didn't know that Abaddon can only lose three wounds per turn before his chaos dads step in and break it up.

    @NATHANARCHY Před rokem +49

    I think Kharn would win, and apparently, so does Khorne.
    The fact that Kharn can die and be brought back from glorious combat tells me that Khorne only intervened because Abbadon was at serious risk. Khorne had to send an emergency diplomatic bloodthirster to convince Kharne not to kill Abbadon. If Abbadon had gotten the better if Kharne, he could claim glory in combat as a better warrior... but Khorne knew that wouldn't happen

  • @Jpipooly
    @Jpipooly Před rokem +58

    Kharn is the chosen of Khorne, 100%
    That said, Abaddon has the backing of the four. With their spiteful nature I'd imagine that the other three would pour power into Abaddon, if the chosen champion of Khorne were to make a move.

    • @Archon3960
      @Archon3960 Před rokem +2

      Most likely. No God can win the Great Game after all. B/

  • @charlesdanaa8514
    @charlesdanaa8514 Před rokem +164

    Reading Betrayer now. Pity he went traitor, but Kharn, despite the nails, seems like a level headed guy. And like it says in the book, hard to dislike. He's disgusted by the Word Bearers treatment of prisoners, for their penchant for torture of prisoners. He'd rather just kill quickly and not prolong suffering.

    • @regularrory4692
      @regularrory4692 Před rokem +10

      Betrayer/first heretic are my favorite books.

    • @ridgefrost
      @ridgefrost Před rokem +11

      Thats literally all world eaters including their primarch, thats what the nails did, all they do is force u to be horrific and incapable of doing anything reasonable
      if u look into angron's life you'd know nothing he's done was truly his fault and nothing that happened to him was of his own volition or control, he only killed cuz he was literally forced to fight for the emperor by the emperor but his ruthlessness was because he believed he'd rather immediately kill everyone he faced to free them from a life of servitude to the imperium which was a valid sentiment if u know how many if not majority of the world's under the imperium lived

    • @phantomwraith1984
      @phantomwraith1984 Před rokem +4

      But that's Khorne in general. One of Khorne's aspects is honor in combat, so all his followers will always kill you quickly

    • @AphitethLordOfLight
      @AphitethLordOfLight Před rokem

      Kharn is a Demi-God send to the tortured.

    • @thundercricket4634
      @thundercricket4634 Před rokem +5

      People keep trying to assign elements of noble character to the followers of the blood god. Their distaste for tormenting their victims doesn't stem from any sense of mercy or compassion. They avoid it because the pain and misery feeds the chaos god they most vehemently detest: Slaanesh. They don't spare killing the weak because they think it ignoble to take a non-combatants life. They spare the weak because every kill is an offering to Khorne, and offering to Khorne the blood of someone too weak and too pathetic to even lift a hand in their own defense is insulting. To slaughter weaklings would be like a devout Christian going to church and leaving a turd in the offering plate and genuinely believing that was a worthwhile offering to ones god, and not something highly insulting.
      The World Eaters behavior may vaguely resemble that of some more noble minded creeds at times, but it's coincidental and surface level only. None....NONE of their motivations are the same.

  • @tjorgensen8760
    @tjorgensen8760 Před rokem +35

    Abandon is unknowingly doing the work of the emperor

  • @pentacosttb2565
    @pentacosttb2565 Před rokem +19

    Basically like with Sigismund, Abaddon loads the dice in his favour and still only survives because the gods cheat on his behalf.

    • @Subject_Keter
      @Subject_Keter Před rokem +4

      I would say difference is, Sigismund has enough Skill to cut above and literally went into Traitor held land and bullied people into the Warp.
      Abaddon would cry and plan their "defeats" in a bunker so far away, it doesnt count.
      Also mf needs like 70% cheats to do his stuff.

  • @OEFarredondo
    @OEFarredondo Před rokem +19

    Shroud of Night had a dope perspective on him. He was like a rampaging Jason X.

  • @thundercricket4634
    @thundercricket4634 Před rokem +28

    I think Kharn is a heavy contender for the title of "Best melee combatant in the WH40K Galaxy" but it's almost surreal to hear him having conversations. That dude should be screaming in incoherent fury whilst cutting something in half .

    • @VikingDrummerRob
      @VikingDrummerRob Před rokem +9

      I for one think thats why people like Kharn, it makes him and his interactions interesting because of the duality between his blind rage and bouts of sanity, unlike most of the 40k cast who is rather 1 dimensional.

    • @thundercricket4634
      @thundercricket4634 Před rokem +7

      @@VikingDrummerRob I get what you're saying. Even a World Eaters fan like me sometimes forgets that Kharn isn't JUST rage, he's also superbly talented at what he does. He's both Skill AND Fury.

    • @seankelly69
      @seankelly69 Před rokem +2

      *cough cough* Sanguinius!

    • @Elthenar
      @Elthenar Před rokem +1

      As awesome as Kharn is, he isn't the best melee combatant. Ignoring table top rules because of their fluctuating nature, I'd argue that Skarbrand, Angron and most of the other primarchs would take him in a straight fight. The Avatar should be able to take him but the fluff has ruined his rep.

    • @VikingDrummerRob
      @VikingDrummerRob Před rokem +2

      @@Elthenar Comparing Kharn to the primarchs are a bit unfair since they were above and beyond the marines even before they became demonic.
      And yes the fluff has ruined Abaddon beyond repair, and that is because however badass GW want to show that abaddon is, they can't let him be a super badass, because GW treats 40K as a setting, not a storyline.
      Hence everything has to more or less go back to status quo after every plotline.
      And that keeps Abaddon back more than anything I think. If GW just let Abaddon have a massive win for once with far reaching consequences and maybe som MAJOR characters or faction leaders killed by him, I believe that people would maybe see that Abaddon is more than a hot air ballon.

  • @SupersaiyanChristian
    @SupersaiyanChristian Před rokem +36

    It doesn't seem like Abaddon is the "chosen" but more that there is a deal that has been struck. I wouldn't be surprised if Abaddon included immunity from other champions of Chaos. Abaddon clear has an important role to play, and Kharn kind of assumed Abaddon was the reason he was on the red path. This was kind of Kharn's mistake in my opinion.

    • @Subject_Keter
      @Subject_Keter Před rokem +3

      It like how Bandit groups in fiction will get a specialist and generally keep them "happy" so they can get all that profit

  • @pinorska6316
    @pinorska6316 Před rokem +50

    Imagine offering blood to the blood god and the blood god just says no.

    • @Archon3960
      @Archon3960 Před rokem +5

      Skarbrand? x)

    • @monkeybusiness673
      @monkeybusiness673 Před rokem +3

      @@Archon3960 Ouch..Too soon!

    • @Archon3960
      @Archon3960 Před rokem +5

      @@monkeybusiness673 [SPOILERS FOR TOTAL WAR WARHAMMER 3]
      It goes even harder when in his ending for Realms of Chaos, Skarbrand offers _Ursun's_ skull to Khorne and he's like: "Thanks, but you're still banished. Bye."

    • @monkeybusiness673
      @monkeybusiness673 Před rokem +5

      @@Archon3960 Sounds like an absolute Khorne thing to do! "K, thx, bye!"

    • @ricardohumildebrabo
      @ricardohumildebrabo Před rokem +2

      @@Archon3960 Khorne is being smart there, he knows Skarbrand will keep doing bloodshed while banished.

  • @OllyHux
    @OllyHux Před rokem +10

    This would have been a perfect opportunity to showcase Abaddon's diplomatic prowess. Having Khorne forbid the taking of a skull is an questionable way to resolve the conflict say the least. Sounds like the write just wanted to have Kharn fight Abaddon without really thinking too hard about the ramifications

  • @korkronwarlord
    @korkronwarlord Před rokem +30

    Surely it's Kharn. The guys got a kill counter inside his helmet, for goodness sake!

    • @ProstheticHeadd
      @ProstheticHeadd Před rokem +1

      I’m pretty sure all the world waters have one it’s just that Kharn has the highest kill count

    • @larsbose6279
      @larsbose6279 Před rokem +4

      ​@@ProstheticHeadd no kharn is the only one with the kill counter it s ark tec and a present from horus himself to him.

    • @ProstheticHeadd
      @ProstheticHeadd Před rokem

      @@larsbose6279 “His visor showed him target icons, though. A decent number. A moderate challenge to fill an afternoon. How many of them would be his? He considered, for a moment, resetting his tally counter. The number, a long one now, throbbed in the bottom left of his visor display. Most Astartes-pattern warplate had this function. Some called it a kill-counter.” Excerpt From Saturnine Dan Abnett

  • @patrickfletcher7067
    @patrickfletcher7067 Před rokem +13

    I wouldn't say he chose Abaddon. He has made a bargain with Abaddon, as well as his brothers of Chaos. He can't back out of that bargain. The one thing I didn't hear mentioned was whether Kharn was forced to serve Abaddon. If he wasn't forced to serve Abaddon then I would say it was a wash. Kharn couldn't take Abaddon's skull but he also wasn't forced to serve him either.

  • @Wolfenacht
    @Wolfenacht Před rokem +9

    I see it more like... if abbadon dies, then the amount of skulls and blood will drop dramastically since none of the traitor legions can actually plan shit and not kill each other, on the other hand, if abaddon DOES win against Kharn, then he loses his best champion... It's a generals worst nightmare, Your commander and your best most experience warrior are fighting each other.

  • @nild9153
    @nild9153 Před rokem +71

    If there was only one person a Chaos God could love, it has to be Kharn.

    • @jfkshouldofducked4348
      @jfkshouldofducked4348 Před rokem

      Absolutely not Abaddon is a terrible character but kharn is worse than Lucius. Horrible character archs

    • @sneedclave7867
      @sneedclave7867 Před rokem +4

      First would probably be his consort Valkia, but Kharn is definetly coming in at a close second.

    • @mduckernz
      @mduckernz Před rokem

      Tzeentch IMO. Khorne worshippers lose too much of their minds.
      That said I understand why you say so. They’re close together in acceptability I think, to me

    • @horusluprecal1144
      @horusluprecal1144 Před rokem

      I think Slanesh wouldn't like the idea of only loving one person.

  • @hurnn1543
    @hurnn1543 Před rokem +10

    Honor is one of Khornes things, so of all the gods to make a promise he's probably the only one I would trust to keep it. In addition Kharn is his favorite and his champion, but he can't lead a crusade that will destroy the Imperium Khorne and his brothers (/sister/whatever) are also smart enough to realize Abaddon is probably their only real shot so he kind of needs him alive. If terra falls I don't think he will stop the fight a second time. As a final point it wasn't Abaddon who was told to stop, so I think we know who Khorne would be betting on.

    • @TheZMovies
      @TheZMovies Před rokem +1

      Kharn doesn't lead a crusade, he's the entire crusade.

    • @KaiserAfini
      @KaiserAfini Před rokem

      Honestly, if he could motivate him, Ahriman would be a far superior planner and strategist. Problem is, Khorne hates mages.

  • @graemealkins9138
    @graemealkins9138 Před rokem +13

    This is totaly understandable abbadon is only 1 skull from kharn
    If abbadon is allowed to live and carry on with his war there will be many skulls for kharn to claim
    I wouldnt count it abbadon having khornez favor jus khorne thinkn of the bigger picture the long march back to terra

  • @andarchy1386
    @andarchy1386 Před rokem +9

    With Khorne sure he's not only the God of blood and skulls but also honor I wouldn't be so sure zeentch or slaneesh would be as likely to keep there pact if they thought they may benefit some way in the great game

  • @zedhiro6131
    @zedhiro6131 Před rokem +46

    Abandon isn't the chosen of the chaos gods, he's the chosen of Games Workshop with all the plot armor and retconning of failure that comes with it.

    • @theemperorofmankind2
      @theemperorofmankind2 Před rokem +1

      Gw is the trie ruler of the warp.

    • @jubimagi
      @jubimagi Před rokem +1

      *chambers bolt* I'll only ask you once gaurdsman...who is james and WHERE is this "workshop" of his?

    • @leandrocastello309
      @leandrocastello309 Před 10 měsíci +1

      God, you guy dont know what plot armor is, failbadon the armless came out a decade ago. stop parroting memes from reddit that are oudated for like 4 editions .

    • @jmlaw8888
      @jmlaw8888 Před 10 měsíci +1

      ​@@leandrocastello309The only thing thats outdated is having the right hand man of the last guy to lead Chaos take over the reigns after his death and oversee 10000 years of stagnation while still having the nerve to call the faction 'chaos'. Abaddon should have been killed off 10 years ago. The best thing they could do now is have Guilliman or The Lion rip off his head to conclude a long overdue massive Chaos defeat and then have the demon Primarchs or others like Kharn fight with for the right to lead for a time.
      THAT is more in line with 'Chaos'.

    • @leandrocastello309
      @leandrocastello309 Před 10 měsíci +1

      @@jmlaw8888 oh god, that actitude is genius, GW should hire you to kill all their iconic characters in the span of probably five years.
      I am sure with all interesting characters pushing the narrative fowards the setting will never stagnate and the fans will not harass you like they do Matt Ward.
      There is a fucking reason DC havent killed the joker yet, you think you are smart because would discard characters before they can even leave a mark on the franchise.

  • @chevyman19691
    @chevyman19691 Před rokem +2

    I thought for sure you were about to say..... and so Kharn took the bloodthirster's head

  • @PhynixDS
    @PhynixDS Před rokem +10

    Backing by the 4 gods is not much as being the living Avatar of the blood god, it would be better to just use Kharn as a point and shoot weapon to do as he pleased.

  • @VikingDrummerRob
    @VikingDrummerRob Před rokem +47

    Khorne literally has to send his demons to break up the fight between Kharne and Abaddon to avoid that Abaddon gets Roflstomped, and yet Abaddon has the gaul to hide behind the demon and whine like a bitch... "Mom says you have to do what I say, waaaaaaaahh!"

      @DJROCKSTAZ Před rokem +9

      ...So the Warmaster of Chaos is the galaxy's biggest coward. Noted.

    • @Subject_Keter
      @Subject_Keter Před rokem +14

      @@DJROCKSTAZ Always has been.
      He only beat Cadia after losing 99% of his forces and throwinf a spaceship at the planet which is a Comissar Garza way of killing any character aka bullshit.

    • @roguechieftain233
      @roguechieftain233 Před rokem +11

      @@DJROCKSTAZ Sig ran his sword up to the hilt and through both of Abaddon's hearts but Sig forgot about his plot armor.

      @DJROCKSTAZ Před rokem +5

      @@roguechieftain233 Ouch! I'd be salty if I were Sigismund right then!

    • @Subject_Keter
      @Subject_Keter Před rokem +4

      @@DJROCKSTAZ I think they shoved both Malal and Malice into Abaddon wound so it could heal him. Mostly kidding but he had a MASSIVE sword in him and... even in 40k that would be "too much"

  • @Angron_Of_Nuceria
    @Angron_Of_Nuceria Před rokem +100

    Considering that kharn has his own pile of skulls next to the skull throne... I’d say kharn
    Edit: also to note, kharn has kicked the head of a decapitated ally so that in its dying moments, it could see kharn slaying a bunch of enemies.

  • @15DEAN1995
    @15DEAN1995 Před rokem +4

    Considering the force khorne sent to stop this duel, I think kharn would have won against Abaddon. Both of them are too valuable for khorne to lose but to stop kharn the blood god had to show a significant presence.

  • @nekomancer4641
    @nekomancer4641 Před rokem +1

    Lmfao the bpoosthirster that stopped the fight must be like "holy shit that's the weirdest thing I've ever done"

  • @andyduke6119
    @andyduke6119 Před 10 měsíci +1

    Since Malcador and Big E knew it was inevitable, and they could, to some extent, manipulate who fell, I wonder if they pushed their least desired choices onto the chaos gods to hamper them.

  • @laserbeastman7447
    @laserbeastman7447 Před rokem +3

    Honestly I’m not a huge fan of the direction they took Abbadon. He’s never really seemed like a 5d chess-playing hyper intelligent chosen-one style badass, but more of an over-emotional Skeletoresque duber who stumbles randomly into success, but mostly just gets thwarted. I just kinda thought people obeyed Abbadon out of some might-makes-right fear of him caving your face in as opposed to him being some inspiring commander. I mean, mostly just seems to lose his temper all the time.

  • @Malvok
    @Malvok Před rokem +2

    GW has to mess with the best chaos character. 'Oh how can we make baby abaddon look tough? Retcon! Oh, and let's demean Kharn."

    • @worldeater2414
      @worldeater2414 Před rokem +1

      Kharn is straight up the Jason Vorhees of 40k, while Abaddon is at best Ghostface

  • @7heDust
    @7heDust Před rokem

    The way you stretched the "daddy loves me more than you" dialogue of two schoolgirls is a masterpiece.

  • @bobbobertbobberton1073
    @bobbobertbobberton1073 Před rokem +2

    Khorne, the gods give Abaddon all their gifts so they can equally control him, remember Kharn is a better fighter in the CSM codex in 2nd edition he had a higher WS.

  • @WarsmithThanatos
    @WarsmithThanatos Před rokem +3

    So, all I hear is Abaddon needed to be saved by Khrone himself from the ass whooping he would have gotten otherwise. Because, why would he needed to intervene if Abaddon would have won anyways.

    • @Subject_Keter
      @Subject_Keter Před rokem +1

      You think the level 420 "Leader of Choas" would beat a "upstart" Champion but Kharn would kill him so bad, not even the gods could revive Abaddon.

  • @Subject_Keter
    @Subject_Keter Před rokem +3

    Khan would slay ababby if all that plot armor wasnt on ababby, amazed he can move with all of it bolted on

  • @theezekarion164
    @theezekarion164 Před rokem

    Thank U Brother Thank U Soo Much for This.

  • @joshley1320
    @joshley1320 Před rokem +2

    Kharn my favourite character and always will be but I truly believe that kharn would slap fake horus

  • @GenghisTron
    @GenghisTron Před rokem +1

    I don’t think he leaned on favor to flex his usage of its power but I believe it was a tactical assertion. Like the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Using his adjacency to power as a means of avoiding conflict. A true lunar wolf.

  • @Ordo.Vigilant
    @Ordo.Vigilant Před rokem +5

    I thought that book was the red path? In any case, it's worth noting how many severe injuries kharn had sustained, I swear I remember lozepath stabbing him clean through the chest mid fight and blasting him into was before kharn got the win, he also took out a chaplain dreadnought just before that, as well as God know how many loyalists.. If he was fresh, Abaddon would be just another skull for the skull throne.

    • @worldeater2414
      @worldeater2414 Před rokem +1

      Hello, World Eater Lore Nut here.
      This happened at the end of Red Path, and Kharn sustained many wounds before he met Abaddon. To the point that it most likely slowed him, he even killed a Dreadnought singlehandedly prior to killing the Living Saint in the book

    • @Ordo.Vigilant
      @Ordo.Vigilant Před rokem +1

      @@worldeater2414 Well, you successfully managed to reiterate everything I said with arguably less detail 😅 cheers lore nut 👍

    • @lordfarquad8913
      @lordfarquad8913 Před rokem

      @@Ordo.Vigilant ^

  • @popamonkey190
    @popamonkey190 Před rokem

    I always love another entry into the codex of wolf lord rho.

  • @XandeJam
    @XandeJam Před rokem +2

    I tire of the Abaddon plot armour. His character isn't too desimilar from Lucius. They both fail constantly but continue to exist because apparently they're chosen. Funnily enough the chaos gods never seem to reward failure in their greatest demons.

  • @astrieth138
    @astrieth138 Před rokem +1

    We definitely had different interpretations of the Bloodthirster's interjection. I didn't consider it to be that Abbadon is of higher value than Kharn, but that Khorne knew or at least suspected that Kharn would win and he has need of them both. We also know that Kharn can return from the dead, a gift we've not seen Abbadon flaunt.

  • @Jatte92
    @Jatte92 Před rokem +6

    ... How is it Angron and Skarbrand not in the conversation ?
    But lovely video as always

    • @Archon3960
      @Archon3960 Před rokem +2

      **Laughs in the sounds of carnage.**
      They never were the Chosen. B)

    • @Jatte92
      @Jatte92 Před rokem +3

      @@Archon3960 They're to swole to be ignored 😏

    • @Archon3960
      @Archon3960 Před rokem +2

      @@Jatte92 But Skarbrand was yeeted and Angron is a slave.
      Kharn is _blessed_ by Khorne. 😎

    • @Jatte92
      @Jatte92 Před rokem +3

      @@Archon3960 Skarbrand was yeeted in the same way that a bird kicks out its young from the nest to teach them how to fly ❤️
      And Angron outbenches Kharns protein decefeit ass, and I think Khorne values this greatly

    • @Archon3960
      @Archon3960 Před rokem

      @@Jatte92 Too bad Skarbrand can't fly anymore. X)

  • @tappingninja
    @tappingninja Před rokem +7

    Lozepath was decapitated by Kharn, Blood for the Blood God, and took on Abaddon after going from a void ship battle taking on astartes to directly taking on planetary forces and a living saint. Even after all that non stop fighting Abaddon was only able to take Kharn to a draw...

    • @DaniMol
      @DaniMol Před rokem +2

      Honestly, it does seem like Abaddon was on a better standing than Kharn near the end, and it's likely if he had wanted to kill him he could've. But the fact my boi was standing at all is quite wild. Still it's sad to see Kharn the way he is now, reduced to a plot device, the wise legionnarie is LONG gone.

    • @worldeater2414
      @worldeater2414 Před rokem +2

      He also took out a dreadnought singlehandedly prior to killing the Saint

    • @tappingninja
      @tappingninja Před rokem +1

      @@worldeater2414 went toe to toe with a venerable dreadnought and held it back with BRUTE chaos infused strength alone, Kharn is f*cking epic to say the least...

    • @tappingninja
      @tappingninja Před rokem +2

      @@DaniMol 10k years of straight brutal combat in the immaterium and real space will do that to you...

  • @dhanu_4539
    @dhanu_4539 Před rokem +1

    that's just Abaddon's plot armor.

  • @GaIvatr0n
    @GaIvatr0n Před rokem +6

    Great video Rho. I think Abaddon would dispatch Kharn... he's been killed a number of times before right? Abaddon not so... Also Abaddon would be used to many a rodeo like this with top tier champions to hold his power.

    • @Kristian.B.Kristiansen
      @Kristian.B.Kristiansen Před rokem +4

      Solid reasoning. Most just discount Abaddon out of meme-based nonsense. The Duel was very much Bear vs Wolf. Abaddon was stronger, tougher and more powerful, Khârn fought smart, fast and ruthlessly. Abaddon overall took the least hits and landed the most blows, but nothing was settled truly.

    • @Subject_Keter
      @Subject_Keter Před rokem +7

      Abaddon runs gunlines, gets teleported away way too much, got beaten up by a gurl and literally got the Sigimun blade shove right through him and barely got out with his plot armor nonsense.
      Kharn is allowed to be revived but Ababby needs a Xmen resurrection crew everytime he gets smacked around.

    • @Kristian.B.Kristiansen
      @Kristian.B.Kristiansen Před rokem +5

      @@Subject_Keter most of that was pure nonsense, but essentially "beaten by a gurl"! Triple No! 1: Celestine is a Demon Prince killing legendary level badass.
      2: She didn't beat Abaddon, She lost to Abaddon, was saved, and then stabbed him in the back.
      3: the text literally calls him her fare superior as a Warrior.
      As for Sigismund... You say plot armour, I say the stronger, tougher duelist survived and the lesser died. Sigismund was the best ever, but on that day Abaddon wasn't someone he could kill, even sacrificing his own life.

    • @Subject_Keter
      @Subject_Keter Před rokem +1

      @@Kristian.B.Kristiansen The Sword doesnt make you a Master, just proves my point even more.
      Also he got beaten up by the "Weak" God saint so "he got beaten by a gurl" must really s t i n g.
      Slapanest cant even kill a oldman War God after not being praised and 99% of his people eaten AND big chungus couldnt even win with a sword that is powered "You will die eventually" energy.
      That is truly p a t h e i c.
      The crap Krokan Nimrod who isnt even at full power would fibd Abaddon a joke.

    • @Subject_Keter
      @Subject_Keter Před rokem

      @@Kristian.B.Kristiansen Also lmao,
      Did he "not" lose to a girl? Embrassing!
      Be salty xox
      It makes choas love you m o r e.

  • @angelgoo7772
    @angelgoo7772 Před rokem +1

    Kharn is like khornes dedicated ho while abaddon is getting trained by all 3 chaos gods

  • @kamarreingram5045
    @kamarreingram5045 Před rokem +3

    Deamon angron tried to end kharn simply because the blood God showed him what kharn would become angron choose to try and kill him so he could be khornes favorite champion so I'm going with kharn

  • @jptaylor8852
    @jptaylor8852 Před rokem +1

    This speaks volumes to kharns wholesale bad assery. Abaddon shows up with ships and all those warriors and then khorne shows up with all those demons. I personally think kharn would win.

  • @brandonnelson6018
    @brandonnelson6018 Před rokem +1

    Admittedly I haven’t read the book so I’m missing context, but from your description it sounds like khorne didn’t want to lose either champion and they responded to Kharne first. I’d be curious if the same would have happened if Abby wanted to kill kharn.

  • @lobogonzalo4745
    @lobogonzalo4745 Před rokem

    I've just had an odd thought, what happens to the skull of the living saint lying on the skull throne when they come back to serve one more time ? Do they get a new skull or is it the same one took from korne's sitting place ?

  • @sookendestroy1
    @sookendestroy1 Před rokem +1

    But can a saint of the emperor be reborn if their skull is sacrificed to Korne? Does it in someway weaken them?

  • @Trollioli
    @Trollioli Před rokem +1

    Here's my take. Abaddon doesn't want to fight Kharn because he knows he will win and the war effort will be set back. Sure Kharn will be reborn, but can Abaddon afford to wait and/or lose track of one of his best weapons?

  • @jeffersonhenrichs3362
    @jeffersonhenrichs3362 Před rokem +2

    I dont buy the idea of Korn favoring abadon more. He just said dont kill my other guy. That isnt korn giving abadon enough power to overtake karn. And dont forget, he had to tell karn to not kill him. Not tell abadon to be patient. As in, karn would've won. That's how much more favor one god juiced into him compared to the amount in the undivided champ.

  • @darkage5
    @darkage5 Před rokem +3

    Sorry but it's not that Abbadon have Khorne's favor. It's more of a political move because he is the Warmaster of Chaos undivided. You can't just kill him off like that. He would suddenly face a 3 against 1 situation. Even as much as Khorne would like to see it happen. That's why the blood thirster had to throw Kharn that bone of a compliment.

  • @chrisrodgers855
    @chrisrodgers855 Před rokem +1

    Khorne is also the God of War and Marshall skills. Abaddon does this at a larger scale then Kharn’s skull calming

  • @davidmathieson8661
    @davidmathieson8661 Před rokem

    Of all the Chaos Gods, I think Khorne is the only one you could truly trust to hold to a pact. He was at one point (technically still is) a god of honour, even now corrupted and twisted as he is, he'll still hold to a pact. Tzeench we know will twist any and all promises, Slannesh too. Papa Nurgle will keep to a promise, though you'll come out with some extra "gifts" at the end.

  • @allytank-itykitty7417
    @allytank-itykitty7417 Před rokem +1

    I think Kharn would beat abbadon in a fight, without the plot Armour of the writers, Kharn was perhaps one of the best legion fighters, along with sigy and sevatar, he liked to duel his bro Argel when he was one of the most powerful of his possessed brothers. All through the books of the HH you are shown how fast and cunning Kharn was and that his warrior instincts were insane, his fight against Erebus after he killed his bro was one of the best duels I have read.
    Abbadon is described a lot as a bull of a man and more like a thug through most of his passages.
    So to me Kharn has the upper hand in the combat.

  • @real_Jurch
    @real_Jurch Před rokem

    Rather than Abbadon being favoured over Kharn, perhaps it's more that the struggle for Abbadons soul is just one more front in the great game?
    If Kharn wins then all Khorne gains is yet one more skull amongst the countless he has, but if in a moment of struggle against a greater foe Abbadon gives in to Khornes influences then the Blood God gains a mighty soul. It would be unlikely that Abbadon would side with Khorne in a battle against his own champion so there's nothing to gain from a contest.

  • @cuban-being3087
    @cuban-being3087 Před rokem

    Plot twist, the chosen of Khorne is a Wulfen Logan Grimnar.

  • @AngerOfTheLand
    @AngerOfTheLand Před 9 měsíci +1

    First one of you lore guys that takes AI and uses it to turn your soft slow (sorry its killing me) voices and turns them into space marine voices will win the war.

  • @ashtonmartin3398
    @ashtonmartin3398 Před rokem

    Another excellent Wolf Lord Rho video. To be honest, in all of Warhammer40k, Angron and Kharn stories are over done. They are just versions of the same character and the same story. Both of which are overworked to include nuances and details that actually don't add any complexity or ambiguity to their stories. Bote are just rage demons with insatiable bloodlust betrayed by their "father" and the depravity of their circumstances.
    I would happily trade every Angron and Kharn story for stories of Corvis Corax or Lionel Johnson.

  • @scootlesvonnoodles5529
    @scootlesvonnoodles5529 Před rokem +1

    The chaos gods don’t love anyone. They are cold opportunists. They would quickly discard Kharn or Abaddon if a better option came along. Look how quickly they abandoned Horus just before the emperor nuked him. The only thing they truly love is “chaos” itself and causing as much of it as possible.

    • @Subject_Keter
      @Subject_Keter Před rokem +2

      I kinda like the new lore idea they pulled out faster then someone saying the food you ate was rotten cuz he would ascend to a Chaos God and bully them.
      Considering they are scared of a physical bound Emperor imagine a Primaris and Primed Horus.

  • @godKiller.369
    @godKiller.369 Před rokem +1

    Whinebaddon the Bedwetter got saved by the bell.

  • @raithdoom
    @raithdoom Před rokem

    I would have to say Sevitar is one of the best duelists as well seeing as how he fought on equal ground as Sigusimund.
    Also Abbadon only killed Sigiusmund because he had an op demon blade and was able to survive being impaled by a black sword because he had all the gods empowering him.

  • @DetroitTyler
    @DetroitTyler Před 5 měsíci

    If they were to dual, I believe Khorne would actually withdraw blessings from Abaddon and funnel that towards Kharn. Abaddon clearly has the wargear advantage, I believe before either was tainted/blessed by chaos Kharn was the superior dualist. So I give the experience/skill to Kharn. The only reason I think Abaddon wins is because he has more sponsors and wargear. I do think this dual would be closer than most think because Khorne could actually depower Abaddon to an extent and perhaps grant Kharn an additional boon as he is prob the only chaos god who does enjoy a fair fight to some extent. And knowing the other 3's blessings would be against his own, I Khorne would try and close that blessing gap as much as he could so that his champion can make it a wargear/skill battle as much as possible.

  • @jeffersonhenrichs3362
    @jeffersonhenrichs3362 Před rokem +3

    If you have any reason to think getting into melee with Kharn is a good idea, you have been listening to zeentch too much.

  • @apostleoffate2028
    @apostleoffate2028 Před rokem +2

    Abaddon is the undivided chosen and Kharn is the champion of Khorne

  • @kendallsnider3966
    @kendallsnider3966 Před rokem

    Sounds like failbadon with his deamon sword talon of horus, all his guard still had to get someone bigger to save him from Kharn...in just power armour. After has been fighting for how long? Khorne is probably just honoring his pact till he can send Kharn after him later

  • @Malvok
    @Malvok Před rokem +1

    I think I remember that when Horus was dying in the dirt, Abaddon openly wept, like a bitch. Kharn is the most badass guy in 40k.

  • @DarkApostleNoek
    @DarkApostleNoek Před rokem +4

    Abaddon would take the win in most caseses. Khorne is following a deal made most likely knowing what the Warmaster is doing will give him more. It could also be a case of Khorne choosing to go against Abaddon might get the other 3 Gods against him since he is to Khorne as much as he is to the others. Kharn however is his Chosen Mortal for 40K, where he goes it is Khorne's essence being spread.

  • @racspartan1
    @racspartan1 Před rokem

    Wow 👍

  • @Scarhandpainting
    @Scarhandpainting Před rokem +1

    Oof! That time when Kharn got friendzoned by Khorne :o

  • @ashslaa
    @ashslaa Před rokem

    I'd say Khorne wants the betrayer close by, should the need arise to dispose of Abaddon. After all the warmaster owes no true allegiance to any but himself.
    I'd be suprised if Slaanesh, Tzeentch or/and Nurgle are of simmilar mind. Each wanting a fail safe incase Abaddon proves to be more trouble than his worth.
    Maychance that if only for a short moment of time, those four champions, bearing the title of chosen by their allotted patreon.
    Maybe enough to bring the warmaster down, not as allies, but as hated warriors with a common even more hated foe.

  • @paladinebahamut
    @paladinebahamut Před rokem

    This is what is referred to as a narrative copout

  • @VierAlder
    @VierAlder Před rokem

    Good on Abaddon, wouldn't have met Kharn with any less amount of firepower. Otherwise I'm in orbit, with planet breaking weaponry. Overkill? It's Kharn, not going to take any chances.

  • @theemperorofmankind2
    @theemperorofmankind2 Před rokem +1

    Abadons feat of killing sigismund, is the equivilant of braging about deafeating current mike tyson, sure he is still a beast but they are no longer at their best. Unlike kharn who faced him at sigis strongest twice.

  • @michaelhowell2326
    @michaelhowell2326 Před rokem

    Since the Black Legion is made up Marines from all different legions and chapters, how does their geneseed work?

  • @Drakenfoul
    @Drakenfoul Před rokem

    *This is no suprice , Khorne is focusing on the endgame , and it has been stated before , that Abaddone, is the ONLY one that can perhaps do this. Kharn maybe a bit miffed about this sudden demand that he is NOT alowed to take Abaddone's Head , but he isnt stupid , he wil axcept Khorn's desission.*

  • @donshipman8441
    @donshipman8441 Před rokem

    If chaos would stop fighting each other, the galaxy would be in big trouble.

  • @Kingers27
    @Kingers27 Před rokem +4

    What’s the heresy name for heresy

  • @xzeke666x
    @xzeke666x Před rokem +1

    if i remeber right it is even written in the betrayer that kharn is the choosen one by khorn. he is even the one who gives the most blood and skulls to khorne as far as i know. and he is so much better portraied so much better then abbadon. as far as ive read abbadon comes across as just someone with so few facets and with such a huge "daddy issue", whilst kharn has alot more depth to his charater even thoe he is supposed to be this kickass angry world eater who kills soo many. and even if khorne told kharn to not claim abbadons head, i think that he just basiclly said not now seanse we have a plan to do something first, i think abbadon is just a pawn in the gods great big plan to be tossed aside efter. but that is just my guess. but with that said i have to say that there is so many books that i havent read yet, so i can be wrong.
    but with all this said i truly belive that kharn is khorns favorite homie

    • @arionofotherworld
      @arionofotherworld Před rokem +2

      Kharn is basically the guy that Angron wishes he could be, Abaddon is too much like Horus with added petulance and resentment.

    • @xzeke666x
      @xzeke666x Před rokem

      @@arionofotherworld abbadon wished he could be like horus. But yeah i see why angron would want to be like kharn

  • @timz4217
    @timz4217 Před rokem +1

    That was a bad decision on GW part for bringing up that question but in my mind if Abbadon tried to punk Karn it would soon end in Karn victory or am I wrong that abandon lost many duels and only live by the grace of Dumb plot armor and Karn fought the best at his best and said I like you to much to actually fight you.

  • @truthteller6213
    @truthteller6213 Před rokem

    They both have his favor. Khorne was just thinking about the bigger picture for once. They had something to do right? A Black Crusade or something. Abaddon is stronger but Khorne doesn’t like him more. He hasn’t given his everything over to live breathe eat and sleep the tenets of the Blood God. Kharn is by far his favorite but Abaddon might be empowered more simply because the task he must accomplish is much bigger.

  • @cbilici
    @cbilici Před rokem

    I think we need to get comfortable with the idea that the Chaos Gods all operate their own polycules 🤣

  • @darththesungod3578
    @darththesungod3578 Před rokem +2

    I don't like this. I'm fine with Khorne telling him that Abaddon is off limits, but Khorne should have told Abaddon that Kharne wasn't his to command. That his champion is commanded by one master.

  • @serarthurdayne9490
    @serarthurdayne9490 Před rokem

    I don’t understand why the contest was so even. Surely Abaddon should win fairly comfortably.

  • @eddysplosion
    @eddysplosion Před rokem

    I think that it is more along the lines of not taking his skull..... yet.
    The blood God will probably send his champion immediately after The warmaster is useless

  • @benscoble7346
    @benscoble7346 Před rokem

    Not allowed his skull…yet. If anyone or thing is going to end abaddon it should be the betrayer right at the moment of abaddons triumph

  • @tero2535
    @tero2535 Před rokem +3

    Young sigismund would killed abaddon

  • @MrWizzyfizzy
    @MrWizzyfizzy Před rokem

    U dont send a bodyguard greater deamon without thinking that Abadon needed it

  • @Wolfenacht
    @Wolfenacht Před rokem

    Also, i'd like to point out, if Kharn stood up to him that well WITHOUT THE BLOODGODS FAVOR, then uh... if the war ended and Kharn had the full support of his god, yeah, Abaddon would be screwed.

  • @SerV689
    @SerV689 Před 8 měsíci +1

    Abby says something-
    Kharn smacks the dogshit out of him.
    End of story

  • @alvinsylvester9036
    @alvinsylvester9036 Před 9 měsíci

    Can kharn now turn away from khorn now that he feels betrayed like he did the imperium ???

  • @Gnarlf
    @Gnarlf Před rokem

    Khorn forbids Kharn to take the Warmasters skull.
    I think, that is a very straight forward resolution of this conflict and if I were Abaddon, I would shit my pants now.
    Khorne knows, Kharn would take the Skull, if he were allowed to.
    Otherwise he could had Abaddon assert his own dominance, instead of saving his ass by the referee.

  • @Alex-pn7jw
    @Alex-pn7jw Před rokem +1

    we talking 40k? coz in 30k kharn wasnt even in top 5 world eaters probably, and abby in termiantor armor almsot lost to Loken in normal armor.

  • @dentkort
    @dentkort Před rokem

    You forgot to mention that when the Bloodthirster arrived, it wasn't Abaddon that got smacked out of the death-lock, it was Kharn. Almost as if our red boi would've won otherwise.

  • @scottyelder8351
    @scottyelder8351 Před rokem +1

    Wasn't it The Great Angel that was first pick ✨✝️💫?

    • @Subject_Keter
      @Subject_Keter Před rokem

      Considering the gods dont have hands to grab physical stuff, it a whatever you can get case.

  • @kayvaanmcsharrowkyn6901

    And Khârn probably looked right at Abaddon and said
    And I AGREE WITH LORD RHO HERE...IT'S TIME TO START A WORLD EATERS ARMY METHINKS😈👹⛓️🩸💀🪓⛓️🩸💀⚔️🩸⛓️💀🗡👹⛓️🛡🛡⛓️🛡🤘🏻🩸🤘🏻⛓️🤘🏻🩸🤘🏻☠️🪓⛓️🗡⚔️

  • @j.celgoog3275
    @j.celgoog3275 Před rokem

    Just bloody (or not :P ) politics in the Grim Dark of W40K.