PWI: Nation Wars, Cleric PvP, January 2017 - Lessons Learned

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024
  • The cleric is a funny class. We can heal, and we can damage, and we can cc enemies. And depending on the situation, you always have to decide: which role should I be playing right now?
    This Nation Wars, I was late, and I ended up going by myself. Here we can get some ideas of what a cleric can do, when they focus a bit more on debuffing and damaging in Nation Wars.
    As a cleric, I often think of pvp in terms of strategy. Clerics have several cc (sleep, seal of gods) that last a long time, but they also have long cds. When pvping offensively, it is vital that those 2 skills are not wasted. You can observe thoughtout this video the types of targets I chose for ccs, and when I used them.
    But strategy comes down to more than just planning out skill choice. In Nation Wars, strategy is about observing which battles to join, which battles to ignore, and which battles to ask for help in. At several points throughout this Nation Wars, I used the Nation Wars chat to request help for battles that I thought were critically important from a strategic standpoint. By this I mean, that by winning these battles, our nation as a whole would be able to acquire a number of lands as a result of the win, by sending strong enemy squads back to their bases. I am mostly pleased with the results of my efforts on this part. If you like, pay attention to when I ask for help in $ chat (the Nation War chat) and note how many players entered the battle afterwards.
    Hope you enjoy the video. If you like, be sure to give it a thumbs up! New content coming soon, as I have the time and energy to make quality videos that I am satisfied with.

Komentáře • 36

  • @redeemedone672
    @redeemedone672 Před 7 lety +1

    This cleric is one of the three best clerics I've ever seen, & I don't even know the other two! WTG girl.

  • @zentfamily5824
    @zentfamily5824 Před 7 lety

    Yay! Your videos are back. :D

  • @J_Entropy
    @J_Entropy Před 7 lety +1

    The best Ep is back!!!!!

  • @theonebeing4549
    @theonebeing4549 Před 7 lety

    Great job !
    just wondering whats the first song name ?its kinda catchy xD

  • @HorizonMediaGaming
    @HorizonMediaGaming Před 7 lety

    I like the idea behind this video I definitely wanna do one behind similar pretense. Gj

    • @HorizonMediaGaming
      @HorizonMediaGaming Před 7 lety

      4:15 seeker debuff and sin goes from normal to 14k and 32k while full buff yep totally normal

    • @khaled_2249
      @khaled_2249 Před 7 lety

      Eternity PWI don't blame me blame the seeker qq

    • @HorizonMediaGaming
      @HorizonMediaGaming Před 7 lety

      Casher PWI it's nothing agianst you!!! I just don't understand why sins can have so much damage for so little work xD

  • @yuunieeirainingquitted3815

    Sin' damage in general is pretty crazy. But 32k is low consider that you had channeling gear on and with seeker debuff. My cleric would've taken much more damage than that and there was a gap after he used tackling slash, you could've avoided the death.

    • @csquaredgaming
      @csquaredgaming  Před 7 lety

      Oh gosh you are right I had channeling gear in that does explain things. Yeah there was a tiny gap, and I think I was focused at that moment more on sending out the message in nation wars chat, I pressed 'enter' right about when I got tackling-slashed and a moment later the throatcut landed. I've been thinking for a while now that I need to find a way to hotkey pan gu, but there's just no more room left on my main skillbar... hmmm... going to have to come up with a creative solution :D

    • @yuunieeirainingquitted3815
      @yuunieeirainingquitted3815 Před 7 lety

      csquared don't think UVD need to be on hotkey so as Thunder Crash. Should swap it for Ult and Pan Gu essence

    • @cristian2775
      @cristian2775 Před 7 lety

      csquared just notice you have to many macros D: well as a wiz i barely use any macros in PvP xD so, whats all them for?rebuff and stuff or u use for uvd combos too?

    • @csquaredgaming
      @csquaredgaming  Před 7 lety

      Hmmm... I've always wanted pan gu (or sutra) on my hotbar somewhere. I'd still want thunder crash on hotbar somewhere because of how often it gets used (clicking it would just be annoying) but I can definitely imagine giving up UVD. Thanks for the idea.

    • @csquaredgaming
      @csquaredgaming  Před 7 lety

      They are convenience macros for PvE purposes mostly. Once is simply cyclone with a repeat in front of it. Another is a debuff macro (does my crit debuff, elemental debuff, physical debuff, then some cyclones on repeat), and finally another dmg macro which I need for when I'm out of UVD (has thunder crash, cyclone, plume shot, and elven boon in it). These macros are essential when you duel client. Another macro is a rebuff macro that also doubles as my spirit's gift if I cancel the macro after the first skill. And the final macro is a heal macro that doesn't really need to be there but is useful when I want to be lazy.
      I've thought about just having cyclone on a macro but I can easily imagine myself getting into trouble with that. Cyclone already tends to go off more times than I'd like. A macro would just exacerbate that problem I think.

  • @fauzansuhanda455
    @fauzansuhanda455 Před 7 lety

    40k hp , wow , how much build stat that ??

  • @forsaken8382
    @forsaken8382 Před 7 lety

    How is cleric overall for pvp ,massive and pk and ofc for pve group and solo is it wanted class? i am new player and just starting between duskblade,cleric and stormbringer :P any advice? Honestly cleric looks amazing.

    • @csquaredgaming
      @csquaredgaming  Před 7 lety +1

      Hi thanks for asking.
      Regarding clerics.
      1v1---cleric, if you know what you are doing, is considered one of the better 1vs1 classes. This is due to our long-lasting cc and debuffs which we can stack up on an enemy. Clerics are also decently tanky, possible the tankiest arcane class (wiz take less dmg per hit, but have fewer save skills and their heal is slow; mystics are about equally tanky as clerics). We can't kill our opponent quickly, but we can eventually kill them, by tanking their dmg and chipping away at their hp. Not the best 1vs1 class though---db and assassins are better. We are very strong against archers, psychics, wizards, seekers, and venos. We are ok against barbs (high hp but easy to cc) and bms. And sins and dbs give us a hard time. Cleric vs cleric or cleric vs mystic is just boring lol. Hard to kill each other.
      Small scale pvp like 3v3: Clerics are good. In a 3v3 situation, a cleric can play a complicated role as offensive support (lock 1 enemy out of the fight, stack debuffs on other enemies, and purify/spot heal allies as required). The more ppl there are, the less effective a cleric's long, single target ccs become. At about the 6v6 range, a cleric should be thinking of mostly healing allies (not going into violet dance mode, where we can't use most of our heals).
      Large scale pvp lvl 10v10 or tw or svs, a cleric is usually full defensive support. Purifying, rezzing, rebuffing, and healing are the main duties. Clerics bring 2 essential defensive buffs (physical and magic defense) and 1 useful offensive buff (magic attack) to a squad. Mystic heals, being faster than ours, are actually more potent. However, mystics lack a reliable purify, and if an ally gets purged before dying, or simply didn't have rez buff on for whatever reason, a mystic cannot rez that person while a cleric can. Therefore a cleric is never going to become obsolete in mass pvp, ever. We are also an essential staple in pve squads. Almost every squad needs a cleric.
      Thing about being a cleric is, you do have to enjoy healing. If you get tempted away from healing too much in situations where you really *should* be healing, people won't think well of your abilities. Clerics have some very nice debuffs in pvp (mainly healing debuff and crit debuff) but our dmg is mediocre. We are good at prepping somebody for a killing, but we aren't good at actually doing the dmg needed to kill somebody. Literally every class can output more dmg than a cleric in equal geared situations.
      1v1---stormbringers are solid, neither the best nor the worst. Stormbringers do have a few nasty debuffs that can spike their dmg up very high, but they have long cds. If you know what to watch for, you can avoid them. Stormbringers are pretty good against melee enemies, since a stormbringer can attack while moving with many of their skills (no other class has this ability). Against other ranged classes, stormbringers fare ok, and it comes down to player skill.
      Small scale pvp---neither the best nor the worst. Solid dps output while being hard to pin down makes them dangerous, but they don't take the top of the list because they don't add a particularly useful buff to squad (their buff reduces normal dmg, aka, auto attacks, but hardly anybody uses auto attacks in pvp anymore except maybe archers) and their dmg output spikes aren't frequent enough compared to some other classes, so they are less deadly. And vortex isn't too hard to avoid when there are few ppl like in 3v3.
      Large scale pvp, stormbringers are CANCER. OMG how we all love to hate on stormbringers vortexes. This skill has probably caused more high blood pressure in the pvp community than any other skill. Vortex is a persistent, laggy pink aoe that yanks you repeatedly if you are within 12-15m of it, to the center of the vortex, for over 10 seconds. As you might expect, this is highly problematic for a number of reasons. The yank interrupts any skill you might be casting. If you try to get out of the vortex by running away, you end up getting yanked in (unless you run really fast or port away) which means you waste a lot of time, probably while taking dmg from enemies, who will aoe on anybody caught in vortex. Vortex can literally wipe out entire sections of the playing field. Even more nasty is if the enemy has multiple vortexes up at the same time, so that your character bounces back and forth between them, helpless to do ANYTHING. In other words, in mass pvp, stormbringers are incredibly powerful, and if the enemy has stormbringers, your team MUST have stormbringers of their own to have any hope of surviving. A good example is on one server, where 2 factions fight. Faction A has many excellently geared players, much stronger than Faction B. But faction B has almost 20 stormbringers (thats at least 2 per every squad of 10). Faction A spends the entire TW stuck inside vortexes unable to move or use skills effectively, and die without being able to do much. Thus stormbringers can turn a weaker team into an incredibly powerful one.
      1-1---arguably tied with assassins as most dangerous 1v1 class. A duskblade is incredibly powerful against arcane enemies, does good against seekers, ok against barbs and bms, and tied with sins and other dbs. Dbs are quite good at killing each other.
      3v3---still incredibly dangerous. A db has the ability, like clerics, to almost lock somebody out of the fight. However, they can do this while also doing good dmg to the person at the same time, which a cleric just can't do. (When a cleric locks somebody out of the fight, typically, you leave the person alone that you've cced and hit somebody else). Also db brings a truly EXCELLENT squad buff. This buff reduces how hard a crit hits by 45%. Considering the 20% crit reduction passive everybody has by now, combined with 20% more from inkdragon, and now adding in db 45%, crits only do 115% of normal dmg. In other words, a 1000 hit, that crits, will only do 1150 dmg. This makes the squad really tanky especially against light armor enemies like sins and dbs and archers.
      Large scale pvp, quite good, not the best. Their squad buff means that you should always have 1 per squad if you can manage it. And a db has the ability to occasionally copy a skill of another class, which means that sometimes, they can do a lesser version of a vortex, just like a stormbringer (must be a stormbringer present for db to use vortex). However, like all melee, dbs suffer from coming under intense focus fire, because they end up being the tab target of a lot of ppl. Sins survive this focus by having tidal---debuffs slide off of them like hot butter. Dbs survive this focus through their self buff (unpurgeable) which reduces dmg of attacks from over 8 meters away (further away you are from db, less dmg you do). However, if a db gets caught in a group of enemies, which will happen if a db tries to go for clerics who are way fur back shielded by allies, that db will need to have his genie ready to escape, because he'll get cced heavily. So dbs aren't the best in mass pvp, but they are still a solid choice.
      So to wrap up what you should choose?
      Cleric---choose only if you really enjoy healing/surviving while tanking decent amounts of dmg. While they are a strong overall choice and will never go out of vogue, there are quite a few of them already.
      Stormbringer---choose if your real passion is mass pvp, and if you enjoy watching enemy squads suffer as they try to escape your vortex. A very hit and run playstyle. Cannot sit there and tank lots of dmg like a cleric.
      Duskblade---choose if you favor a more melee-style play, which is very good in 1v1 while still being a solid choice for mass pvp.

    • @forsaken8382
      @forsaken8382 Před 7 lety

      honestly all seems wery solid choices >P have to think litle :) Any idea about barbarian and wizard ? Big thanks to u about this long text :).Seeker seems allso really intresting :) but heard they pretty week overall. Just wanna make right choice as i heard this game isnt wery alt firendly.

    • @csquaredgaming
      @csquaredgaming  Před 7 lety

      Barb is good at 1vs1 due to being the tankiest class while still being able to access spike dmg. Against other heavy armor its mostly draw/pointless fight but does alrighty against arcanes. Not great in small scale pvp imo, being melee and having unreliable cc and not many ways to avoid cc. Good at mass pvp of course, essential in many cases by design: tw needs barbs to pull catas; svs needs barbs to tank dragon; pve instances are sometimes requiring a barb to tank certain mechanics. PWI kept barbs relevant with mechanics that don't affect barbs that would otherwise one shot others. If you like being able to tank lots of dmg but still keep going barb is for you.
      Wizard used to be the ultimate nuke class. Wizard can still do some of the best spike dmg (especially pve, they are top dmg burst in pve nothing else comes close, due to a seeker debuff that amps fire dmg a lot) in game. However, and I hate to say this, but while wizards are a very tricky class to counter if they play correctly and they have many cool combos and such, but they are outclassed by sbs, because vortex is overpowered. A perfectly played wiz may be better than a sb in 1vs1, not sure. Wiz has more frequent ability to bypass charm I think. If you like playing a bit of a rare and tricky class that can output excellent burst of dmg, then wiz may be for you

    • @forsaken8382
      @forsaken8382 Před 7 lety

      Any idea about seeker :) ? Btw is this true it is really hard for new player get into game and good gear as best gear is purchased only whit real money :P? people are scaring me allready :D

    • @csquaredgaming
      @csquaredgaming  Před 7 lety

      Now is THE time to start if you are going to. Why? There is a special code you can submit in ARC that will give you some special items. The first item is an xp pill that will level your new character to 100. Then, you do some cultivation quests to reawaken. Then you use the 2nd item which is an xp pill to level to 100 a 2nd time. Then, do some more quests etc, and you can reawaken a second time. Potentially you could save a month or 2 of quests and levelling using this pill. In this code you also get a complete set of tt99 gear. In other words in a few clicks you can be on your way to learning a new class of your choice. Since you'll get lots of spirit and learning skills is free up until your 89 cultivation, you could make several accounts and mess around with various classes. Note: code is 1x only per account. If you have multiple char on same account, choose carefully.
      The code with all these goodies.
      Also redeem this code while at it:
      More goodies that will help you out.
      Regarding seeker. Kinda bad at 1vs1---lack of cc. Not really great at small scale pvp either, same reason. Very good at mass pvp. Functions as the front line high dmg tank. Has a seriously dangerous single-target debuff combo that can almost double the amount of dmg they do to you for a short while. Has very strong aoe it can set up. In pve its a must-have because of awesomly powerful debuffs. Bit of a tricky playstyle in pvp, in pve fairly straightforward once you make a few macros. If you like tanking quite a bit of dmg, playing on the front lines, while still dishing out a fair bit of constant dmg, seeker is for you.
      Regarding gear. Best gear does come from boutique. But you don't need to pay real money for it persay. You can purchase in-game gold (the boutique currency) with coin (the currency of money you get from quests, mob drops, etc). And, through this function, it is possible to merchant your way into a fortune and then buy the good gear. I did this. Not everybody can do this, but it is possible.
      But I mean its up to you, nobody makes you get the best gear. There are lots of ppl without best gear---more ppl than there are with best gear. You can still have plenty of fun fighting those ppl, and work your way up in strength and take on more challenging enemies.

  • @cantabrum2309
    @cantabrum2309 Před 7 lety

    !! i have to relearn sin now i dont do as much as before and everyonr so tanky im havinglots of fun

  • @venra6
    @venra6 Před 7 lety

    HOW do you have that MUCH hp?!?!?!

    • @venra6
      @venra6 Před 7 lety

      can you show the doll pls?

    • @csquaredgaming
      @csquaredgaming  Před 7 lety

      Well its a mixture of things. I have 27k hp self-buffed. This is high for an arcane, but certainly not as high as it could be (for example, if I were vit build, or if I had hp on my star chart, or more +vit or +hp on my ornaments, or if I had an S card set instead of candleflames). Most other pure-magic arcanes like myself who haven't quite finished their refines are somewhere between 22 and 27k hp.
      Next, add in barb buff which brings me (going off memory here) to around 33 or 34k. I get a bit more hp in violet dance, maybe 34 to 35k? Then when carrying the flag, you get a bit more hp, which puts me at 40k. Finally, the cleric ulti skill doubles your hp, which is where we get 80k from.
      But yeah 27k hp might seem like a lot if you are from a different version of the game, but I can *assure* you that at times I feel squishy like paper against some of the dds on my server. It isn't uncommon to see 20k+ hits from endgame assassins. Heck my own video shows that sin who triple sparked on me doing over 60k dmg within a couple seconds. In the face of that sort of dmg 27k hp isn't even OP anymore!
      Cleric ulti is kinda OP though, will admit that hehe. It is now one of the skills I rely on more than any other while fighting in 1vs1 pvp, because it lets me be much more offensive for a period of time (constant use of plume shell and only attacking while plume shell is on reduces my chi and reduces my ability to pressure enemy).

  • @theonebeing4549
    @theonebeing4549 Před 7 lety

    What is the name of the first music XDDDDDDDDDD

    • @csquaredgaming
      @csquaredgaming  Před 7 lety +1

      Gigi D'Agostino - The Riddle

    • @theonebeing4549
      @theonebeing4549 Před 7 lety

      oh Ty xD
      and for sure You improved WAY DAMN much than u used to be back on p-servers =P

    • @csquaredgaming
      @csquaredgaming  Před 7 lety

      There's no comparison yeah. I have more experience, better genies, and I am much more comfortable with my hotkeys, affording me excellent reaction time on almost all of my time-critical skills. Still need to improve on fortify though, I have it hotkeyed to alt+6, but the 6 just isn't quite as comfortable for me as 1-5 are on my gaming mouse. More practice needed!

  • @DeividBarreto
    @DeividBarreto Před 7 lety
