Astroworld: Countdown to Tragedy

  • čas přidán 6. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 63

  • @perrymason4208
    @perrymason4208 Před rokem +22

    It was a demonic sacrifice.

  • @MoniqueXia
    @MoniqueXia Před rokem +12

    And the recent one in Korea was even worse..

  • @34562_
    @34562_ Před rokem +9

    this video is getting shadow banned, it should have millions of views.

  • @daft9097
    @daft9097 Před rokem +9

    Only 1,000 views? Cmon this has to be seen by everyone

  • @anthonycortez4079
    @anthonycortez4079 Před rokem +4

    And he just gets away with it he just gets to keep putting on shows collecting money with no consequences...and that's that...that's the world we live in..wake up

  • @nancycole-auguste6614
    @nancycole-auguste6614 Před rokem +2

    The people who are blocking this news only care about MONEY! Human life and principals are not in a heart that loves money. That kind of love is the ROOT of all evil, while money earned properly is not evil. Money is not evil if the love of God and service to humanity comes FIRST.

  • @nataliegarcia234
    @nataliegarcia234 Před rokem +18

    Is he ever gonna be charged😡

    • @perrymason4208
      @perrymason4208 Před rokem +3

      What you think?

    • @agrant4701
      @agrant4701 Před rokem

      Of course not. Roc Nation is culpable. There was a defective design concerning the layout. Multiple people died in same area. Travis did not call people toward stage. Travis did try to help when he saw people in front of him. But, there was a progressive crowd collapse here. It is terrifying, but not his fault.

    • @lesliepropheter5040
      @lesliepropheter5040 Před rokem +1

      @@agrant4701 The same exact situation occurred at another concert of his in another state, no one died but they almost did. What are you, his manager?

  • @-_-Code-_-
    @-_-Code-_- Před rokem +3

    How do these kids who were at the show and are attached to the internet and social media 24/7 not know what happened til the next morning? im a 30 year old IT nerd with 0 interest in travis scott and i knew the night it happened...

    • @Generalsavage656
      @Generalsavage656 Před rokem

      I do like Travis Scott but it's really sad seeing people on a stretcher during a concert and I was there

  • @annetteslife
    @annetteslife Před rokem +8

    I can't believe it has been one year since this horrible preventable tragedy! I hope this never happens again

  • @catherinemisiek6508
    @catherinemisiek6508 Před rokem +15

    Wow...everyone needs not to forget this tragedy. So sad. My heart ❤ goes out to all who were lost or injured. Mr Cruz I feel so bad for you. You really were a hero.
    And the other girl who tried so hard to stop the concert. I hope you can heal your soul 🙏. In my eyes you are a hero!!! Love n hugs to all involved in this tragedy...😇🤗🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

    • @samengel5950
      @samengel5950 Před rokem

      0776 mmm 00000m0mllpkkkkk0j! Jj huh II hc8ih gjb 998nnjpojjjjp ok kk up k8999

  • @gre3n3r
    @gre3n3r Před rokem +5

    Ain’t no way this happened in 2021 I thought this happened in 2022

    • @TheRealChrisBeard
      @TheRealChrisBeard Před rokem +1

      Feels like it happened in 2021 to me.

    • @solitaryopm
      @solitaryopm Před rokem

      @@TheRealChrisBeard it felt like it happened in 2022 realizing it was so long ago

  • @nancycole-auguste6614
    @nancycole-auguste6614 Před rokem +5

    The LOVE of money is where evil starts in the heart and evil ALWAYS has consequences

  • @JEdwards713
    @JEdwards713 Před rokem +6

    THANK YOU KPRC 2! Please, keep this transparent high quality reporting consistent! Never claimed Travis Scott and never will, Astroworld is a continuously forgotten tragedy.

  • @ahintofhish07
    @ahintofhish07 Před rokem +5

    Honestly it’s crazy how much privilege these people get. If a random person is responsible for the death of 8 people, then, rightfully so, they’re going to jail. Because Travis is famous and African American it’s like he can’t do anything wrong and the media ignores his wrongdoings and the lives of those 8 people like they’re animals.

    • @seventieslove8783
      @seventieslove8783 Před rokem

      AMAZING how certain people don't have to be held accountable. But if he's in any way responsible, he will bear it, one way or another.

  • @charlesdeangelo4055
    @charlesdeangelo4055 Před rokem +2

    What is Astro world???

  • @VeggieStraws3
    @VeggieStraws3 Před rokem +2

    Why did a golf cart drive through a crowd of people?

  • @jacquelinefirkins994
    @jacquelinefirkins994 Před rokem +7

    I like the older guy that speaks in the second half of this video. This is concerts I'm afraid that's why people shouldn't take their small children, I'm only 5ft, I've been to rap concerts, we want to be g'ed up but it is dangerous. I have been crushed against bars but because my daughter is a big girl she helped me. But I can't lie when the gates open we're like lunatics and we rush up to the stage and ignore security trying to grab us 🤷‍♀️.....but this should not have happened.
    Bless the kids that tried to stop it. God bless them. 🙏.....survivors guilt, it's horrible 😢

  • @deniseblackburn33
    @deniseblackburn33 Před rokem +1

    Shame on the Chief and staff

  • @KushLuv93
    @KushLuv93 Před rokem +6

    I'm glad I don't listen to Travis Scott

  • @JediDrallig2
    @JediDrallig2 Před rokem +7

    11:47 so someone need to bring in those two young lads who were jumping on to get the cameraman stop the show. I remember seeing one clip of them carrying Rudy Pena from the crowd. Trample to the point where his face had noticeable abrasions on it.

  • @seventieslove8783
    @seventieslove8783 Před rokem +8

    This is so tragic -
    But people DO need to wake up and realize:
    Things like this do not happen by ACCIDENT.
    I don't mean that human beings were in place to MAKE them happen -
    I mean that there were spiritual forces present that would make CERTAIN that tragedy would result, because this kind of thing is about a sacrifice being made for satanic purposes. Demons are around to affect people, to make sure their goal happens.
    Travis may or may not have been aware. But you can be certain that there were people in the mix who knew what was coming.
    The entire concert was a satanic ritual.
    And the spiritual part of it was at its most intense right at the moment those people were dying, being sacrificed at the devil's altar which was that STAGE, under the anointing of the devil's PRIEST which was TRAVIS.
    No way I would go to a concert these days - it was bad enough that it happened with certain satanist- sympathizing bands in the 60's and 70's. The WHO and the Beatles, both of them admirers of Alistair Crowley, both of them following a pattern of success which has become recognizable. Look at what Bob Dylan did... Major musicians and bands are NOT ignorant of the spiritual devices in play, they know what's up. And if they have risen up in success, they are all in.

    • @chelseastewart7951
      @chelseastewart7951 Před rokem

      You 100% know your stuff @seventiesLove
      There is so much visible evidence of what this was. Houston has blood on their hands and I pray God lifts the veil from the residents of this area. I pray they are given the words from the holy spirit to gain this land back for our Lord. May they learn of anointing and regain this land from the enemy!
      It is a blessing to hear testimony of most of the attendees that this event turned them too God! I've cried watching a few that surrendered and gave their heart to God. What a blessing 🙌
      For anyone needing a pick me up:
      Just know FAITH is our most powerful tool at the moment... Don't get lost in the works of our enemy, focus on our almighty God and his ability and desire the protect and serve justice.
      In God, there is always a blessing that comes from a curse, Amen

    • @jeffboi2668
      @jeffboi2668 Před rokem +2

      Wait what-

    • @jeffboi2668
      @jeffboi2668 Před rokem +3

      How does this connect to- I’m completely lost

    • @jeffboi2668
      @jeffboi2668 Před rokem

      Also, the internet says that this is just a conspiracy and it’s not true and has no evidence to support it and hold it up

    • @seventieslove8783
      @seventieslove8783 Před rokem

      @@jeffboi2668 It depends on your source. There are a TON of people - we'll call them, oh idk, "managers", whose job it is it put things - even right here, and many others - that are either totally outright lies, or misleading. The flow of what you see has eyes watching, esp those having to do with Goo. .gill, (I had to deliberately misspell it) and all places you search, although I wd suppose that Elon's place is no longer one of them - but they WERE. Elon has been very forthcoming about the ways his new business was used to affect our choices of our leaders among other important subjects - as was Farce b and even Toobie here, and the shows you watch to inform you. To this day, Toobie watches and will make go bye bye words that oppose the lies of the those who don't want you seeing things they don't like. If you try, for instance, to reveal the truth about those things that were forced in the USA and the world abroad - the lie being that those "things" were perfectly safe, when they are actually the OPPOSITE - they were and are a very bad plan used to cause massive numbers of ppl to be gone. And the ms. mm is one of the WORST weapons of their warfare against us, bc they mix a little truth with LIES. The ms. .mm is under the eyes of those in power.
      If you actually believe that your guv, or any guv for that matter, has your best interests at heart, you would be tragically mistaken. The guvs of most countries belong to a group who want a new system, and the group of the those at the top, whose interests are in puppeting everything and everyone. They intend to do this digitally, as well as financially, and all commerce and rss, and the stuff has already been handled and watched for a number of years and their grip is tightening. This group are satanists - they LITERALLY worship him - he is their religion and their religion is a type of cult. One of their main goals is to ensure that the majority those like us go bye bye.
      They have a motto that they have openly spoken, as those who are paying attention know. You can look it up. It basically means that you're going to go the same route as the homeless that are growing everywhere, and worse. They have even given a timeline, they expect that plan to be complete in just a handful of years.
      Their motto ISN'T a kind one, they want you to be no better than animals, and actually, they want you to go bye bye. Did you know they have names for us? They call us the same term as the animals we get beef from.
      Does that sound like people who care about you?
      This is all stuff that's easily researched, and when you dive down the rabbit hole of who is pulling the strings of power, you will find everything I'm saying to be true. I fully expect my words here to go bye bye by Toobies Word Police - they have made COUNTLESS of my words go bye bye, like they did with THIS one that I've had to rewrite several times just to try to leave it for you- and the only reason to make go bye bye with a random stranger's words like mine, which shouldn't matter or be a threat to ANYONE, is because I speak TRUTH and it is a threat to the Club, because they can only win if they throttle the flow of stuff and keep most minds in the dark about the true nature of those who have the most power and wealth, and what their ultimate goals are.
      They AREN'T interested in your well being and that of the world - they intend the OPPOSITE. You have enemies that you can't even IMAGINE who literally want you to go bye bye. It's not only part of their religion, it's a commitment they've made, a pact among each other, to cause a new kind of system - which simply means, THEM in power, and YOU not in the material universe, with the exception of the small number of people who will remain as commoners under their total management. I have researched all this for over 20 years, I have hard evidence, irrefutable information, which confirms everything I've said. And it's not that difficult to find, although a great deal of that stuff has been also made to go bye bye.
      Don't believe everything you see on places like this and elsewhere, OR the shows you watch... there truly ARE people handling the stuff you're allowed to see, and those people are utterly wicked and very dangerous to you being able to NOT go bye bye.
      But as my Sister above commented, those of us who realize we are literally in a WAR for survival, of our country and others, for our autonomy and freedom, for the future of our children, and our freedom to choose whom we will serve, are working to EXPOSE this evil and to oppose it with every tool at our disposal... The wicked group I've mentioned intend to force EVERYONE to join their religion and their management of ALL people - except for themselves of course.
      THEY will have the freedom to eat meat and have "lobster dinners" like the one the "prez" recently attended, THEY - I call them "the Club" - will have access to clean water, and energy, and wealth, and the freedom to live as they choose, while the rest of us will be watched and managed, with them as the handlers.
      I'm telling you the TRUTH of the nature of this world, and there are also dark spiritual forces behind these people, behind these plans and decisions, whose intentions are so evil that in the end, they even intend the destruction of the Club who help them establish their power - but those in power actually believe they are working together to BENEFIT themselves to make them the handlers over everyone and everything else. They are sadly mistaken and at some future point, they will get the shock of their lives, that they were working the whole time with and for their own mortal enemies.
      There's a veil that's kept most people in the dark - that veil being the stifling of all places that tell you what you need to know, because freely available knowledge is POWER - because knowing the TRUTH is power. You can't be deceived if you know the TRUTH of what they are doing.
      And I'm not the only one who's no longer in the dark; we are a huge number and growing, and the WAY we grow is to WARN everyone ELSE about what's REALLY going on under their strict management.
      My Sister above spoke the TRUTH when she said faith is our greatest weapon. We fight for the side of GOOD, we fight for LIFE and LIBERTY, which are more in danger of being destroyed than any other time in history.
      If you're a person of faith, your best weapon is prayer for God's protection over you and your loved ones and for Him to show the truth to as many as will receive it. You're not alone, there are countless people praying for you and for all of us.
      And if you aren't a praying person, now is the time to start opening your eyes and really seeing what's going on, and reaching out to God to help you, and He will.
      So this is like the 6th time my words here went bye bye... And I had to redo it, and that should tell you something.

  • @micheledavidswife4336
    @micheledavidswife4336 Před rokem +2

    Stop 😢
    Just stop 😢

  • @Felhoney1
    @Felhoney1 Před rokem +2

    Nice Ad︇ Trav

  • @deniseblackburn33
    @deniseblackburn33 Před rokem +1

    He so got off I'm embarrassed of the United States 🇺🇸 shame on us .... but in the end the Devil still loses

  • @32RiverGolf
    @32RiverGolf Před rokem +3

    Do We Really Need To Be Reminded Of This: A Full “Hour” Segment !

    • @tonybeltran4366
      @tonybeltran4366 Před rokem +8

      or here is a cool concept that you may never heard of, you could not watch it 🤯

    • @aspire3620
      @aspire3620 Před rokem +2

      @@tonybeltran4366 Agree
      First time I've heard of this.

    • @MegaRamp
      @MegaRamp Před rokem +7

      Better than forgetting like most of you did.

  • @Truc1960
    @Truc1960 Před rokem


  • @jameswhitby6688
    @jameswhitby6688 Před rokem


  • @jameswhitby6688
    @jameswhitby6688 Před rokem

    James a Whitby auntie mommie 😊😅😮😢😢🎉😂❤

  • @lazyakers
    @lazyakers Před rokem

    Better not watch this video, lest you become “triggered”.

  • @VeggieStraws3
    @VeggieStraws3 Před rokem

    So many lies and cover up

  • @deniseblackburn33
    @deniseblackburn33 Před rokem