CANYON SHOWTIME WITH NIDALEE! - GEN Canyon Plays Nidalee JUNGLE vs Wukong! | Season 2024

  • čas přidán 25. 03. 2024
  • GEN Canyon Plays Nidalee vs Wukong JUNGLE in Challenger Elo Korea Season 2024 Patch 14.6 , GEN Canyon Nidalee JUNGLE Gameplay.
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  • @chriswho12345
    @chriswho12345 Před 24 dny

    1:27 enemy bot start? canyon paths away from top since ww may survive a 1v2 gank in order to snowball thru bot via ganks on immobile bot laners. wukong's win con should be counterganking and vision control, with vision control being the harder goal due to slower clear. a good jg will assume wukong starts top unless proven otherwise.
    2:52 subtle, but canyon's dear old friend showmaker fake pressured a gank from bot side to get priority, which was enabled by canyon's driveby heal enabling threat of all-in without trade. this could be big for bot 3v3, 4v4 since a melee having priority vs ranged is rare.
    3:47 wukong attempts a tempo gank mid, but showmaker, a legit pro player who won worlds, flashes the melee ganker. wukong's advantageous 2v2 is a neutral wash for both junglers, and canyon wins both tempo and CS.
    5:07 canyon can choose to continue exploiting tempo to invade wukong botside and bully enemy bot laners, or prevent wukong's only play left available with his poor tempo, void grubs. taking all 3 grubs will put nidalee 1-2 camps behind in tempo and possibly allow wukong to come back due to those win-cons.
    5:48 canyon knows this so he pulls off a delayed/lagged mid gank since wukong is unable to cover mid once he crosses river. wukong may have prevented this with a ward at mid river top brush, but if he was smart enough to do so, we'd be watching his vod instead of canyon's.
    6:36 canyon plays to nidalee's win con and covers his bot laners via invade, but enemy support catches him off guard with polymorph-flash-ignite. nidalee and wukong are even in tempo after nidalee's death, since nidalee can race wukong again starting from krugs to bot, or threaten wukong's top jg invade with low death timer in exchange for wukong burning tempo on drag.
    7:49 wukong pulls a massive blunder getting baited by his support to gank mid (when enemy sup is coming too), meaning he cannot contest nidalee's topside and in turn his top side will be vulnerable to a lag-gank from nidalee once wukong is forced to leave.
    8:20 wukong recognizes this and hard commits to mid gank, then goes to clear his bot side to prevent counterjungling as his top side is safe via distance from nidalee. however, the delay means canyon is able to flip the map and path from bot to top and threaten wukong topside. this means wukong's top is again at threat.
    10:03 wukong's top has priority albeit item disadvantage, so nidalee can only shallow invade. wukong sees the shallow invade and instead of matching back, hard sends it on bot gank since he is already botside from clearing. however, he will not have a jungle as an objective reward even if his gank succeeds. his bot lane will be ahead but he will be even more behind and may be choked out on his next repeat attempt to force a gank.
    10:18 nidalee punishing wukong showing on vision
    11:52 normally this tempo advantage allows you to countergank, but since nidalee's support also roamed, canyon's bot lane was pushed in and he couldn't hide in bush. so he needed to crash, but wukong counterganked on time and punished his support's sightseeing tour. wukong and nidalee are still even on tempo since they both need to reset to start another rotation from top.

    • @chriswho12345
      @chriswho12345 Před 24 dny

      13:08 wukong makes a minor mistake and doesn't check bush. he makes another minor mistake, taking gromp instead of checking scuttle at least for vision. arguably taking gromp is fine since he can be invaded and needs to empty jungle of liability before invade. canyon makes a minor mistake taking red instead of checking scuttle. this can be arguable correct too, because though nidalee is not at risk of being invaded and should leave it, doing so requires doubling back for red buff advantage, reducing tempo effects on rest of map including upcoming bot jg invade. this small sequence of mistakes results in wukong's top laner being unaware despite pings, which is his fault tbh, and so he dies.
      13:42 canyon and warwick trolled that top gank so hard. they get punished accordingly, just how things should be.
      14:13 herald is gone and wukong invading nidalee top jg eliminates wukong's influence on the map, so canyon feels comfortable running straight bot to cover his mid and bot lanes, as well as set up early warning of wukong while denying farm.
      14:33 nidalee stalls on her camps waiting for bot lane to enter a gankable state. she has 3 camps of time to wait, approx 1 wave at this point with clear speed. they overwhelm bot lane despite the gank setup being sketchy. nidalee can invade red into krugs to allow bot to hit tower, or krugs into bot tower into drag for safety.
      15:21 his bot lane refuses to invade and wants to back, fair enough. nidalee should forfeit dragon, but there are no top objectives to play for, including wukong jungle invade, and her camps on botside are down since she took them while waiting for bot gank. canyon just reset too so he can't even use this breather to back.
      16:03 enemy support is AFK so lulu walks into nidalee and dies. free dragon.
      16:31 top jg invade not possible because lulu will respawn and walk mid
      17:00 jg diff is getting to lulu after leaving laning phase cuz she's desperate and overextending. sups are 50/50, either megamacro ward kings countergankers or megainters limiting the impact of their int via useless role
      17:56 nidalee poke and bait from invade allows team to win advantageous fight and secure objectives on the backside of the play. wukong is now 1-2 levels behind and 1.5 quadrants behind in tempo from dying. canyon can continue to suppress him via 1v1's to nurture team adv but he has yet to win jungle.
      19:30 enemy top laner desperate farming, unforced error. nidalee is 1.5 quadrants ahead in tempo still and gets to deny wukong's entire top side jungle, firmly cementing a 2 level lead and winning the jungle matchup. wukong had no way of preventing this besides pinging his 0/4 top laner to bleed out under tower.
      20:40 enemy team make their last stand with positional advantage vs nidalee's team item advantage, resulting in a neutral fight that canyon's team barely wins. with this, it is GG, and ff20.