Make Your Own Fun in MMOs (Thinking About Games)

  • čas přidán 4. 07. 2024
  • What's your favorite way to make your own fun in an MMO? Here are five ways I've enjoyed games outside of what the game intended.
    Part of my Thinking About Games series.
  • Hry

Komentáře • 11

  • @chondar
    @chondar Před 6 lety

    Nicely done, sir.

  • @kurowren3966
    @kurowren3966 Před 6 lety

    Cool video. Makes an interesting break from the programming content! I used to play Eve Online. Before that Ultima Online. Ususally drawn towards mercinary playstyles in PVP MMOs. For me the most fun to be had in Eve was fighting out numbered. Also dabbled in Elder Scrolls Online mostly to explore some corners of Tamriel I had never seen.

    • @vantonspraul
      @vantonspraul  Před 6 lety

      Thanks! I enjoy the story and exploration as much as the combat in MMOs, which may be why I'm so drawn to the Secret World.

    • @tanker242
      @tanker242 Před 6 lety

      V. Anton Spraul an old guild mate of mine from WoW during WotLK and myself once rp walked all the way from dalaran in to the castle of the lich king.. Why you ask? Well, for science!

    • @vantonspraul
      @vantonspraul  Před 6 lety

      Oh, yeah, I've done that kind of thing, too, that's a good one. WoW was really the best for doing that. People may forget how huge the base game was when it was released, compared to others, and how cool it was that you could walk across a whole continent without a load screen.

  • @navilluscire2567
    @navilluscire2567 Před 6 lety

    Wish I had found this channel sooner! You have a calm, soothing voice and addressed your key points in a brief, but informative matter. (not to say I don't enjoy a good rant ever now and again..) Now I'll admit I'm not the biggest fan of "end content," I just feel it's counterintuitive to the whole concept of *"persistent virtual worlds!"* That being said I know not ever game is made the same and end content is needed for some in order to stay afloat or to grow, for me it's more of an issue (for me) that's the ONLY thing that seems to matter. Everything else from low level content (if there's any!) to the whole leveling process for many old (and even new, "innovative" ones) mmorpgs is SUPER boring or VERY lackluster.
    To me that's just crazy, why would you make the ONLY fun thing to do in an entire virtual world start at the bloody end?! (of leveling) Shouldn't the experience be a fun, continues (but not constant) journey? Usual many players say that leveling and ultimately reaching the end (content) gives them and their charater a sense of progression and "charater development..." well I find it hard to see how just passing by everything in the world in order to reach some "carrot on a stick" (the new top gear or level cap) is real character development or even playing a heroic (or not so) role? Anyway sorry for the little rant, *it's just that amazing how "making YOUR own fun" is somehow an alien concept for many players, like they expect miracles from the very human (and probably over worked) devs of many a fledgling or established mmorpg.* I feel that if more players could actual try to make their own fun and ironically the devs give their players the means (weather by built in mechanics or otherwise) to do so, *it would REALLY make a devs' time not feel so dire, taking alot of pressure of them and having less players demand (loudly..) for end content!*
    *p.s.* sorry for some of the run on sentences toward the end of my last paragraph...

    • @vantonspraul
      @vantonspraul  Před 6 lety

      Thanks for the compliments!
      I think it's a tough time for MMO makers these days, trying to please all the gamers. For me, the Secret World has some of the best storytelling of any game I've played, and I mainly enjoy the game on that basis. The problem is that I used up all the story, and I'm not really interested in grinding through progressively more difficult dungeons/raids. Some people really enjoy the endgame, though, and wish Funcom would put more time into developing that, including PvP. Many MMOs have the same issue--the endgame and the story part of the game are almost separate experiences, and it's tough to make both of them good.
      It's similar to how first-person shooters have to divide time between the single-player campaign and the PvP multiplayer. More recently, some games have avoided the single-player altogether, which is great except that some gamers only want that part of the experience.
      I have wondered if maybe it would be better to keep these types of gameplay separately and let them sink or swim on their own. I also have a dream of a MMORPG that's based around the ability for developers to easily create some forms of new content on the fly, without needing new assets or server restarts--something like a Neverwinter Nights style toolkit. I'd love to play a game where new characters, quests, and stories, were constantly being introduced, where every time you logged in there's a chance to see something new.

    • @navilluscire2567
      @navilluscire2567 Před 6 lety

      V. Anton Spraul
      Thanks for the reply! And yes I agree it's very, VERY hard to please everyone, for devs it's a balancing act over a metaphorical fire of players feeling disenfranchised and generally unsatisfied customers. Though this has been brought up on numerous online forums and web sites I think the middle earth: shadow of mordor and shadows of war series' famed "nemesis system" could really benefit alot of games both current and future IPs. Now that doesn't mean devs have to copy the system exactly as it is in middle earth games, that be both lazy and uninspired! The nemesis system should be more like a foundation from which devs could build of from, put their own twists and make it their own. Another thing that could help enable players to create their own fun is taking a page from the older iterations SWG's (the mmorpg Star wars galaxies) "professions" were players could combine a number of trades in order to be dozens of different types of play styles from entertainers, to smugglers, crafters, engineers, pilots, *to...entertainers that did a little smuggling on the side.* Many of these professions meant that you could progress meaningfully without having to do combat, this didn't mean you were totally defenseless it just meant you were not a professional soldier, bounty hunter or mercenary. (you could still world a blaster pistol while being a dancer) And that was wonderful, sadly not many games offer a viable (and FUN) means of progression for non combat builds. (if there are any!) *Actually regarding non combat content, what if there were like in-game competitions for say characters who trained heavly in cooking (as a hypothetical scenerio), they could compete in various contests across the virtual world and at certain times for prizes, trophies and ofcourse sweet, SWEET bragging rights! After all alot of players enjoy competitions,* the thing that many players and devs don't seem to realize (or just ignore..) is that *you can create a sense of strong competition without virtual blood and guts having to be spilled!* All these things combined (and with some innovation) and more I think could really create something special, player and even lively npcs communities that demand little (and having much more time) from the game to create content because the npc charaters and players can do alot of that themselves! (and be super fun and engaging) Thanks again for the reply I hope someday to see such games be made, I think it be the next big thing for gaming in general, while making your own fun is already possible in many games having official mechanics that allow for the game to generate content (that isn't shallow..) and give players the means to turn something empty (like and old in-game area) into a new, memorable experience! (player raves YEAH!)

  • @stage666
    @stage666 Před 6 lety

    U forgot another thing...hacking! The most fun is when you can modify the packet(bypass encryption first). Fiddle around by sending packets with illegal parameters and watch some impossible crazy stuff happen. It's seriously fun.

    • @vantonspraul
      @vantonspraul  Před 6 lety

      I've never done any network packet manipulation myself. I wouldn't be in favor of anything that gives one an unfair advantage in PvP or anything like that, but I can see where the fun would be in just goofing around with params and watching the results. That said, I used to hack single player games back in my youth. For that matter, I don't know that I would have ever solved Ultima IV without a disk sector editor...