Steve Vai "Under It All: EP3 - Meditation"

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024
  • Episode 3 of "Under It All: Hard Questions" - My weekly Facebook Live Stream every Thursday at 12 Noon Pacific on / stevevai
    Watch all of the previous episodes here on my CZcams channel, and tune in to Facebook every Thursday for new episodes! Leave your questions below, and I will answer a few each week. This is my stream where I delve more into the esoteric, and no question is off limits.
    #SteveVai #UnderItAll

Komentáře • 400

  • @GlennMarshallRocks
    @GlennMarshallRocks Před 3 lety +72

    Just some notes (for ease of future reference) -
    6:33 - Purpose of Meditation (What You Are "Waking Up" From via meditation)
    9:18 - Meditation Provides an Opportunity to Experience "True Reality"
    15:12 - Attaining The Awareness That Personal Reality Is Relative Is A Great Discovery
    16:55 - Definition of Meditation (The Escape From Suffering & Stress)
    20:04 - The "Doing" Meditations
    23:43 - How to Find "That Space" to Enter Flow State
    26:04 - Benefits of Staying "Present" (Entering the Creative State, Which is State of Peace)
    37:23 - Ways to Practice "Doing" Meditations (Clearing Out "Mental Noise")
    44:36 - How to Handle Any Fear That May Come Up When Meditating
    46:14 - "Listening Meditation" (Experiencing The "Symphony of Life")
    49:30 - Guided Meditation (Listening Meditation)
    53:15 - Mindfulness (The Joy of Experiencing The Present Moment Fully)
    56:22 - Mindfulness (Observing the Thoughts That Pass Through Your Mind)
    57:55 - Joy of Food (Meditation)
    1:01:29 - Meditation Allows "Full Capacity" of Brain to be Accessed (Steve's Theory)
    1:03:52 - "Being" Meditations (Inward Focused; Higher Form of Mediation)
    1:04:54 - Transcendental Meditation (Mantra/Chanting Meditation, David Lynch website)
    1:07:20 - Breath Meditation (Observing Your Breathing; Practiced by Buddha)
    1:07:53 - Pain Into Pleasure/Ecstasy While Meditating
    1:10:39 - Breathing Meditation, Continued
    1:13:13 - Psychological Time; Greatest Obstacle to Meditation ("Eternal Now" is Reality)
    1:14:36 - Inner Body Meditation (Eckhart Tolle Meditation)
    1:16:20 - Inner Body Meditation is Healing to Mind and Body
    1:18:15 - Inner Body Meditation: "It Heals the Mind, Which Heals the Body"
    1:18:42 - "Awareness of Awareness" Meditation (very high form of meditation)
    1:23:52 - How Meditation Practice Relates To Being The Best Musician You Can Be
    1:24:39 - Meditation Melts Obstacles Away and Enables Mastery To Be Attained
    1:28:14 - It's Important to Realize Enlightenment Can Happen/Is Available to Everyone
    1:30:44 - Brief Summation of Session: Two Types of "Reality", One That is Uniquely Experienced By Each One of Us, etc.
    1:32:26 - "The Invitation" (to Reality)

    • @mladen777
      @mladen777 Před 3 lety +2

      Man you ROCK!!! Ahahhaha

  • @AmritaMandala
    @AmritaMandala Před 4 lety +55

    Steve, I love you man. 8 Years ago I wrote a book, entitled "Zen of Steve Vai" (look it up, free ebook, published with Steve's permission), in which I gathered bits and pieces of spirituality and meditation from your interviews over the years and compared what you said with traditional sources of buddhist art. I've listened to you since Roth days and it always was apparent to me that there was much more to your music than technique. There was pure creativity, peace and light, also love. It is mind boggling how often musician and artists miss this side of their art and get caught up by the technical side because of their mind. I am a buddhist meditation teacher, trained in traditional zen art, and I am immensely happy that you made this video. Finally! Artists, musicians, please please please, take into your heart what he says. Thanks and bows. -Kim Katami Rinpoche

  • @TurbulentJuice
    @TurbulentJuice Před 4 lety +8

    My personal belief is that all of what Steve is encompassing in this "Under It All" series IS personal enlightenment and is the emerging way of being and level of consciousness which many are not currently ready for.
    Also this comment section is awesome.

  • @BTbass68
    @BTbass68 Před 4 měsíci

    Steve, not sure if you will ever read this comment but….
    The escape of suffering and angst we create and overcoming that is the key.
    You hit the nail on the head!!!

  • @randyhetlage9202
    @randyhetlage9202 Před 4 lety +66

    To be honest , I am more interested in this side ♡☆

    • @TimoBaader
      @TimoBaader Před rokem

      Eckhart tolle :) (Steve posted about him before)

  • @monopodbs
    @monopodbs Před 4 lety +50

    I'm finding your unfolding talks fascinating; I greatly appreciate the fact that you are making them available on youtube because I don't use facebook. Thank you!

    • @joefox9765
      @joefox9765 Před 4 lety +2

      I don't use Facebook either, or Twitter or any of the other platforms. I sometimes wish I did Instagram to connect with others but I don't

  • @laluna5192
    @laluna5192 Před rokem

    Steve Vai the musician is about 20% of what he is! as excellent as he plays the guitar ! It's about 20% of what he gives to us!

  • @splntr.exe1
    @splntr.exe1 Před 4 lety +3

    This is not a video, this is a life lesson.

  • @tokyomassa22
    @tokyomassa22 Před 4 lety +28

    Playing with the guitar is too easy for him now... he's graduated to playing with our minds. Great video, thanks for sharing your philosophy so candidly. These types of ideas always remind me that what we all have in common, is that we are all so unique.

    • @Dweenz69
      @Dweenz69 Před 4 lety +2

      He isn't playing with our minds he is sharing with us how we can play with our own minds. Thanks Steve I love this series keep it coming please. Peace be with you brother.

    • @laluna5192
      @laluna5192 Před rokem

      Steve himself will tell you that every time he picks up the guitar it is a challenge and it's never easy! He is also able to knock anyone know of any stage anywhere in any condition, But he doesn't do it intentionally it comes from somewhere else and through him, Steve only speaks from his heart and experiences and to me he puts any other mentor to shame

  • @leandrodivera
    @leandrodivera Před 2 lety +4

    After so many hours of Vai interviews and talks, I can say I simply love this dude. I love what he's been doing for people even more than I love his music

  • @goodtogo2876
    @goodtogo2876 Před 4 lety +2

    your podcasts on spiritualism come out at exactly the right time!
    i surrendered to my arrogance half a year ago, quit alcohol, quit cigarettes, found god and am now looking for more. I need to learn to get to know my ego better, how to use it, how to lose it, how to transform it, how to whatever. I simply notice it and its causing more trouble than good i feel.

    • @StevenSiroVai1
      @StevenSiroVai1 Před 2 lety

      The first step in the awakening process is the sincere desire for a better way. This can be brought on by great psychological suffering and usually is. Once the sincere desire for peace above all else is an authentic and sincere desire, that is all that is needed. The rest starts to happen in and of itself. The beginning of the waking up process is then the recognition of the little voice in the head that we speak to all day and believe is who we are. That voice is the conditioned thoughts that we have inherited, or the ego. Its basis is fear and that fear will show itself in all the thoughts, words and actions that stem from it such as a grievance with a family member or world war. If you find yourself criticizing, blaming, condemning, judging, labeling, another person, event, yourself or the world, know that these are all conditioned thoughts that have their foundation in fear and are untrue. They harbor victim mentality and are mental stories and commentaries that are fictitious that create illusions when we look into the world through them. Once a person starts to recognize these egoic thoughts, only then do they have the potential to look past them, or forgive them. By forgiving those thoughts they dissolve and what is left is your real thoughts that have their foundation in appreciation and love.
      Once a person starts to recognize the myriad negative and fearful thoughts they are entertaining in their mind on a daily basis, (and in some cases virtually all the time), it could seem as though they are being attacked by their mind and that the vast majority of their thoughts are fearful. In truth, those thoughts were always there but unrecognized.
      The ego is the belief in separation from all that is. I suggest not trying to examine it so much. The ego loves when you try to examine it and get to know it because then you are giving it credence. Any thought, word or action that has its foundation in fear (blame, judgement, grievances, etc) is in fact the ego. The only thing that is needed to be known about the ego is that it is an insane illusion of the human mind and in reality does not exist. This is the same for fear. You can not look into the world and find fear. It does not exist in reality. You can look into the world and see people acting out in fear, but all the thoughts that engendered that fear are upside-down mental stories that are opinion based and have no reality in truth. But because we believe them, they seem real to us.
      If you feel you are being attacked by your ego, I suggest finding the present moment. Just stop the little voice in the head for a moment and give your full attention to your immediate environment and what you are doing in your now. This takes the attention out of the egoic thought patterns and places your attention where it belongs, in the present moment. You will inevitably come to the realization that in reality, all is well in your immediate environment. Of course there are challenging situations at times but they are relatively few. And the only effective way to approach a challenge is in a state of presence. This is where real solutions to any challenge can be found.
      This is why it's so important to bring your meditation into your daily life. Every action you take in the state of presence is charged with inspiration, joy, healing, and appreciation. This is your natural state of being and the things humanity will co-create together when the majority of people have awakened to their natural state is way off the charts of what we can even imagine right now. So, in regards to your question about the ego, my suggestion is, when you recognize it in yourself, immediately look past it, or forgive it. The forgiveness I'm talking about is not the conventional forgiveness that the world knows. Worldly forgiveness has an agenda in it, a quid-pro-quo. Divine forgiveness is the realization that there is nothing to forgive. It allows things to be as they are and what you are "forgiving" is your misaligned perspectives of yourself, other people and the world. When you do this you are forgiving the world and this leads to the Peace of God, which is already there, has always been there, will always be there because we are not separate from it. Meditation is the process of recognizing the obstacles to the Peace of God in you and looking past those obstacles, or forgiving them.
      Our greatest tool of transformation, and our only real tool in this world of any value is forgiveness because from it comes everything. Forgiveness removes the illusory obstacles to the presence of the love of God that is already in us and is in fact what our essence is made out of. There's no words in this world or anything that can be used symbolically or even experientially that can remotely scratch the surface of what the Peace of God is. It truly passes all understanding. As a matter of fact, understanding as the world sees it is seen as the obvious illusion it is when seen through the Peace of God.
      Here's the good news. You are doing great. You are recognizing what you want and what you don't want. I highly recommend experimenting with forgiveness. Allow people to have their opinion without condemning them or letting it effect you. refuse to take anything personally. Forgive yourself all the beliefs you have used to create an identity for yourself as being a victim. We can not judge our past. It's not that we shouldn't, we just can't judge with any reality when we do not know the big picture.
      Recognize when you are labeling people and creating identities for them in your own mind and look past it. Notice when you are taking anything personally and blaming someone for anything and look past it. Realize the difference between a criticism and an observation. Notice whenever you feel any resistance in yourself such as frustration, impatience, unworthiness etc, and trace that feeling to the thought you are thinking and look past it. This is true forgiveness. These are all the obstacles to your peace, prosperity, fascinating creativity, solution oriented thinking, co-creative ability, quality of relationships etc. etc. Forgiveness such as this doesn't necessarily mean that you start hanging out with people you may not enjoy being with, or that people who do unconscious and outlandish things should not be dealt with appropriately for the safety of others. Your only real function in this world is forgiveness. It's the only thing that engenders peace and the recognition of true reality.
      I wrote a lot. You might have noticed that when asked a question I can't seem to shut up! Understand that these are not my beliefs, but instead are sound spiritual truths that have resonated through the teachings of all true spiritual disciplines worth their salt. They transcend belief and are fact. You know this because the truth is in you and is recognized by you when you hear it. They are not Steve Vai's opinions. Truth has no opinion in it and zero intellectualization.
      It's also important for you to know that you have built in guidance. We are never alone. That guidance is always there and it's basic answer to all inquiries is "choose joy". You can call this guidance anything you want. It goes under many names such as, your higher self, your Buddha consciousness, Christ consciousness, Jesus, Holy spirit, atman, etc. etc. etc. It doesn't matter what you call it, it will always respond and is there in everyone. But your guidance can not make a choice for you. It will only guide you in making decisions but only you have the ability to make a decision. If your guidance made the decision for you it would be going against its own law of free will, which is yours. So peace is an inside job.
      So if you find yourself in a state of resistance, fear, defensiveness, anger, blaming, judging etc... tell yourself, "I can choose joy over this". That is all that's necessary to allow your inner guidance to be heard and honored. There is no room for the ego when you choose joy. But only you can make that choice for yourself, and when you do this, the perspective that you look into the world with will change and thus the world you see must change. This is fact and not opinion. But a person must change their perspective to experience the truth of this fact.
      All the best

  • @twalsh29
    @twalsh29 Před 4 lety +9

    I have been so unpresent in my own life for years now. Yet here I lay listening to Vai and drinking in these insights...I can feel the old creative juices flowing again. I had resigned them to the condemnation the ego would speak of them, "that was the old you. People change. There is no art in you anymore. You left it rightly for being better at your role as father and provider." Wow, I think I am on the edge of a creative resurgance though from drinking in this insight of your's Steve. I feel so lucky to have stumbled on it. It's almost like "the Universe has prepared this moment" just for me.

  • @get1rocstartim5
    @get1rocstartim5 Před rokem +4

    What an insightful human being. Somehow I always feel better when he talks. I also feel more confident on the guitar and as a person, and it helps me want to learn more and even just try harder with more heart and soul. For 50 years I have needed this knowledge. But as he would say it's never to late. Thank you for keeping me interested in learning and expanding my mind and my life. You have always been one of my hero's and now even more so. God Bless.

  • @RealThunderberg
    @RealThunderberg Před 2 lety +3

    HOW COOL to have the good fortune to stumble across this from Steve Vai! I was just searching around for meditation for guitar players (if there even was such a thing lol) and this video comes up where Steve is teaching on meditation in a way that clicked for me way better than when long time professional teachers have taught on the subject talk about STOKED!! Definitely subscribed🤙🏼

  • @genadiiivanov5050
    @genadiiivanov5050 Před 3 lety +3

    This, my dear friends... this is the internet in it's best form... Thank you Steve, this video was just great....

  • @michael1
    @michael1 Před 4 měsíci

    I went to driver ed last week and closed my eyes, focused on who I was and where I wanted to be and then the car hit a tree. I failed and didn't get my license but I bought a bicycle on the way home and this time when I closed my eyes, cleared my mind and focused I ran over a cat. I wrote a song about this and it now has over 100k streams. Thanks Steve! It works.

  • @brentonbayly1760
    @brentonbayly1760 Před 3 lety +1

    every time I watch steve under it all i just feel great ,,this man is inspiring .dowm to earth ,honest and real

  • @nandrumacparlan4086
    @nandrumacparlan4086 Před 3 lety +2

    Thank you Steve, how gracious of you to take the time to share so much love. This came at such a perfect time.

  • @bardoface
    @bardoface Před rokem +1

    Steve you need to keep doing teachings videos interspersed with your music. It’s really a brilliant idea and way to interact and it enhances your career and makes you distinct and elevates your contributions and distinguishes you qualitatively from all the others! It’s great.

  • @rovingnomad8397
    @rovingnomad8397 Před 2 lety

    just do it! Steve is on it, he owns it. I'm happy to have met him and learn from him.

  • @harryelektron3086
    @harryelektron3086 Před 2 lety

    An Authentic Person elaborates on Authenticity 🙏

  • @zomesargentina
    @zomesargentina Před 2 lety +1

    So thankful of hearing you talking again about all these topics, love both, your music and all these fundamental themes, thanks, love!

  • @TruthTalk1221
    @TruthTalk1221 Před 4 lety +2

    the last part with the mooji meditation literally brought me to tears because it was so relevant to what ive been experiencing in life right now. I am so grateful that I get to listen to one of my guitar heroes sharing such profound knowledge with the world. Thank you!

  • @RichBischoff
    @RichBischoff Před 4 lety +1

    Steve I love that you are passionate about helping others be the best. Much respect! Love seeing my hero's that care about other people!

  • @billtaykir5267
    @billtaykir5267 Před 4 lety +2

    Who dislikes this? Geez this man is great guy.

  • @michaellugaresi700
    @michaellugaresi700 Před 3 lety +2

    How to fuse all my exoteric lesson in the last three years in to my music. Outstanding Steve Vai. Thanks you so much

  • @duckfootguitars76
    @duckfootguitars76 Před 4 lety +124

    Anyone else wanna see Steve do the Joe Rogan Experience after this?

    • @BenjiBartlett
      @BenjiBartlett Před 4 lety +2

      Hell Yeah! That'd be a FABULOUS interview of depth and sincerity! ;o)

    • @jackvial5591
      @jackvial5591 Před 4 lety +10

      Would be great to see him on Russel Brands Under the Skin podcast too

    • @intrinsic524
      @intrinsic524 Před 4 lety +9

      This is better

    • @billville111
      @billville111 Před 4 lety +7

      I'd like to see Steve say
      "hey Joe,
      how come you sold out to the globalist crime syndicate?

    • @BartMontalti
      @BartMontalti Před 4 lety +1

      Great idea. How about a book / audiobook?

  • @zbroyc11
    @zbroyc11 Před 4 lety +6

    Good work brother Steve. I’m glad you’re adding to the needed wave. May those you touch in this manner expand and deepen. You have stepped into you Elder function. And you do it in such a real and down to earth manner. Keep it up. Thank you.

  • @johnunderwood3132
    @johnunderwood3132 Před 6 měsíci

    I was here for music but I have to say that I really liked hearing this. Thank you very much for this.

  • @Kroeber38
    @Kroeber38 Před 4 lety +1

    I just love Steve's talk. He is not only a great guitarist, but also a wonderful philosopher!

  • @scottfriery9091
    @scottfriery9091 Před 4 měsíci

    No sir... I can hear you play anytime. Just saw you in Cincinnati. Phenomenal show! Here to listen to you speak on meditation and to learn from your experiences with it and then apply that to my playing/composing and, most important, to my life.

  • @piavillatx2005
    @piavillatx2005 Před 4 lety +3

    The passion album with all its imagery just awakened me. From the angles / angeles of light fairies to the pillars to the direction of the guitar on you in that stance then tears later i saw the interview of you talking about the shape you had hanging over your head while recording just confirmed what i was only guessing at. We recieve therefore we must behave.The audience was and is still listening. You made it possible for me to seek knowing i was not alone. Thank you so much for this gift. The gift of answers to the 4 fundamental fact questions and courage to seek truth. OM Ohm aum.

  • @Rusty69-er
    @Rusty69-er Před 3 lety +2

    I have been meditating for years but I decided to take a break and watch this. Namaskar 🙏

  • @joefox9765
    @joefox9765 Před 4 lety +1

    Dear fans of Steve Vai, what he is saying about thoughts being illusory will not make sense until the Mind recedes from thoughts. It is impossible to make sense of the world of chaos. It is only when you regress to the true nature of Self does one really begin to understand what he is saying about thought being illusory. In everyday life there must be dualities a you and I and separateness. When one is in the zone or very focused it makes more sense. It is a form of meditation. One cannot stay in the zone. The guitar is a great meditative tool. Vai is a wonderful teacher. This will not make any sense to you either. There are a lot of great teachers in the world today and yesterday. It is best to listen to all of them to get a more full understanding of the meaning of life. Thus the Journey Begins.

    @TOMDHARLEYJKD Před 4 lety +1

    Thank you Mr Vai, for all you’ve done and continue to do...
    You’re an incredible inspiration

  • @devolve42
    @devolve42 Před 4 lety +6

    I very much enjoyed this. I've had a non-practicing interest in these topics since I stumbled upon Alan Watts in the early 90s.

  • @amadorsanchez5222
    @amadorsanchez5222 Před 2 lety

    brother, i love seeing this side of you,thank so much.....god bless you.

  • @mang3139
    @mang3139 Před 2 lety +1

    As a yoga loving, meditating guitarist, I gotta say, I love seeing this side of you Steve! TY for sharing

  • @marcelomartins1887
    @marcelomartins1887 Před 4 lety +1

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge Steve !
    The secret to improve anything in your life is Meditation.
    Just try to practice it.
    Your music will become better day by day . Steve is the prove of it.

  • @troywilliams9315
    @troywilliams9315 Před 4 lety +6

    Also my morning guitar warm up is "Eugene's bag of tricks" by the great Steve via which I don't play perfect by any means as I been working on it for the last 5 months and I'm warming up with it now as I watch this episode as well as meditating Along with and it really feels perfect and mentally intune with Mr vai I want to thank u and ur presence in the world is far reaching it's amazing ballz 🤘😁🤘btw hope everyone is being safe and happy out there....rock on mofos!!

  • @thobraa
    @thobraa Před 2 lety +1

    Thank you Steve. In a crazy world this helps to calm myself. It gets overwhelming. Immensely grateful.

  • @troywilliams9315
    @troywilliams9315 Před 4 lety +7

    Thank u for this series steve.Im a guitar player but I feel this more valuable to me more than any guitar content...I'm so happy you do these😊🤘

  • @sandrosadhukhan
    @sandrosadhukhan Před 2 lety

    Thanks Steve, have been searching for a path to meditate to tune out the noise, and chanced upon your video at the perfect time! Gratitude

  • @Jaikay1
    @Jaikay1 Před 2 lety

    This is pure gold to me. Love Steve Vai, love meditation. What a combo.

  • @bacobill
    @bacobill Před 3 lety

    I knew it before I heard you say it.. "ACIM".. I've been a student for 28 years.. And then you blew my mind with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's book which sits on the table next to me.. The reactions to this topic are to be expected but that is an entire talk of it's own.. Ken Wapnick has been my 'drinking buddy' since day one with the Course although I never met the 'man'.. I started my day with a video of you playing a show and ended up here 12 hours later.. Inspiration is an incredible high in both music and purpose for living.. Good lord you offer an immense amount of it.. clearly an open channel to the Devine.. Thank you

    • @StevenSiroVai1
      @StevenSiroVai1 Před 2 lety

      Thanks Bill, you nailed it... ACIM. I just finished "Absence from Felicity". I've probably read ACIM 15 times. All the best.

  • @incognito7090
    @incognito7090 Před rokem

    Thank you so much Steve for this video!I!! To find out toaday that you know Mooji and his teachings was a wounderful experience. He helped me to find the truth during a Silent Retreat in Portugal 6 years ago. I also highly recommend to listen to him

  • @jacobj.1969
    @jacobj.1969 Před 2 lety

    Since we are getting into the subject of meditation let me recommend two books to those that are sincere seekers : (Synthesis of Yoga) and also (The Divine Life) both are by Sri Aurobindo. Thank you Mr. Vai for bringing this subject into people's lives. Everyone will benefit from this. We all benefit from learning to quite the mind chatter and bring down the peace into our daily lives. We all are unknowingly programmed by this world from cradle to grave. We have many false attachments that we carry that bog us down in life. Being able to relinquish all these attachments of false self, labels and ideals of society that limit our full potential is just the beginning. Just like the Universe is constantly expanding itself we are also supposed to be constantly expanding our awareness of higher self which is beyond the avatar physical body that is not true self at all, but just a window.

  • @DavidOrtiz-di8rs
    @DavidOrtiz-di8rs Před rokem

    Thank you Steve! Your intention for this message is of great importance for the awakening of Humanity. Much respect and gratitude to you for delivering the message of the Truth. I’ve been on this journey for years and have discovered firsthand the Power of seeking Truth through meditation. ♥️🔥The Power of Infinite Imagination is our birthright!🤗💕

  • @Hello-pl2qe
    @Hello-pl2qe Před rokem

    Thanks for the positivity. You were awesome in "crossroads".

  • @virenpune23
    @virenpune23 Před 4 lety +1

    Love you Steve.... You unicorn! A beautiful human being as much as a guitar player. You are one of those musician I've come to know who has a conscious mind on consciousness! May you be blessed, loved, revered forever and ever!! Your ardent fan in Pune, India.

  • @interstellaraxeman4468
    @interstellaraxeman4468 Před 4 lety +3

    .....annnnd at the 35 minute mark I can indeed file this in my handy GuitarStudy section,..... This is great stuff that actually validates experiences undefined but now clarifies the ability to be able....You are the genius teacher Steve.
    I felt that connection of understanding when I met you once long long ago.....You are a timeless soul. Thanks

  • @ggcoolg
    @ggcoolg Před 4 lety +1

    Hey Steve! I attended your Alien Guitar Secrets in Fullerton and must say that I was blown away by how down to earth you are. I met you again at the Seattle stop of "Generation Axe" and same experience. Your melodies, philosophy and humbleness struck an E chord in me which helped me quiet the negative voices in my head that kept telling me to "stop playing music, youre too old" or "there are so many guitar players who can shred circles around you, just stop already." You inspired me to see a hypnotherapist to silence those negative thoughts through hypnosis and meditation. Your spirit gives back and that is a rare gem in this world today. Thank you.

    • @PooNinja
      @PooNinja Před 4 lety

      He popped up right behind me at a generation axe show!
      I think I peed a little

  • @mreyes8519
    @mreyes8519 Před 4 lety +2

    it would be super neat to do guided meditation w/ vai.. have rad solos playing in the background to match the mood

  • @sokushinbutsu2877
    @sokushinbutsu2877 Před 2 lety +1


  • @karimdeane9434
    @karimdeane9434 Před rokem

    One of my favorite Under It All sessions. Helpful in life and Creativity. Namaste

  • @bobbyberetta4206
    @bobbyberetta4206 Před 4 lety

    Thank you Steve.........Thank You.

  • @davidnguyen4114
    @davidnguyen4114 Před 3 lety

    Love you Steve, you are beyond a legendary musician, you are a legendary human for positivity and love

  • @laluna5192
    @laluna5192 Před rokem

    I am not surprised that the master mentor has a meditation video! It's what I need so I guessed and found it thanks Steve!

  • @dianedi5122
    @dianedi5122 Před 4 lety +2

    Thankyou for sharing Steve, dare i say, i knew you had it in you 🤩

  • @ranmitrani3948
    @ranmitrani3948 Před 4 lety

    My new favorite form of meditating is to play that beautiful clean rhythm guitar in for the love of god, it is a very demanding track although it sounds simple and it really kind of tricky and requires full attention in order to make each note resonate, once you get it and it’s going for you it’s so much fun, keeps me calm and focused, thanks Steve so much

  • @HistoriasFrenteAlFuego

    Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

  • @eddiejuarez
    @eddiejuarez Před 4 lety

    Thanx Steve... yopu bring me back to my 14 years feeling being alone on saturday mornings in my bedroom.. spring/Summer of 1988 trying to knowing myself.. this momentumm change all my entire life.. only with thw sound of my neighbourhood..

  • @franschan
    @franschan Před 2 lety

    Thank you Steve Vai! YOU are a vital a part of this world man!!! Thank you so much for this video. makes everything make much more sense hearing this especially from you! Cheers man may happiness bless you forever.
    Mental health is wealth

  • @alexanderallegra432
    @alexanderallegra432 Před 4 lety

    It takes meditation, plus 40,000 hours of practice to be the Vai. And a life of esoteric mystic ancient symbolism alluding to a prehistoric civilization.

  • @lifelongfan07
    @lifelongfan07 Před 4 lety +3

    Love it Steve! “Oh look at that cute one, Oh! Is he better than me!..this is all bullshit!” That’s great man!

  • @FlameMarion
    @FlameMarion Před 4 lety

    Don't be sorry! I learn from you when you don't play too! I've been learning a lot! Thank you!!!

  • @karlopalenzuela7915
    @karlopalenzuela7915 Před 2 lety

    Yes Mooooji! Fantastik Vai Guitar Guru!

  • @daanbaas2962
    @daanbaas2962 Před rokem

    Thanks for this awesome video and for sharing your thoughts and inspiration. Starting a meditation practice and growing on the path is one of the best thing that you can do in your life. 🙏

  • @HardHat154
    @HardHat154 Před 2 lety

    Good day,
    Came across your coffee talk with Yngwie recently and something about your presence resonated to me and wanted to check out some other streaming sessions of yours, which were either touching or fully something else than music or guitar related.
    The way you explain meditation makes perfect sense (probably first time ever truly getting it) and got me inspired to learn more how I can utilise it in everyday life. You’re doing tremendous service by translating / decrypting / demystifying what it is all about and what we human beings are capable of on becoming more aware and elevating as a species.
    So grateful, thank you Mr. / Master Vai. Universum bless you.
    P.S. I normally do not comment that much, but wanted to make my little contribution on the expansion of things (and yes it actually makes me smile :)).

  • @nextplanet6275
    @nextplanet6275 Před 4 lety +1

    These are SO fantastic, Steve! I have been watching through each of the "Under It All" series and making it a part of my path to enlightenment progress during quarantine. THANK YOU!

  • @christopherthompson2136
    @christopherthompson2136 Před 4 lety +1 a Buddhist sky blue in at peace aware of my presence in my stillness ...ive no ego is all but gone...i refuse to acknowledge egotistical sound of mind and body and my own master...amongst the symphony of you are...positive vibrations to you mr vai....this was fulfilling of all my very you are....stay safe.and healthy...thank you ...for taking time..

  • @et777888
    @et777888 Před 4 lety

    Thank you Steve, I am truly grateful that you are willing to share this.

  • @anahitapourya2374
    @anahitapourya2374 Před rokem

    I wish I could give these sessions waaaaaaay more than just one like !!!! I really appreciate every single word you say and perceive them beyond the words, Thank you.

  • @brentonbayly1760
    @brentonbayly1760 Před 3 lety

    and then at the end of the session of under it all , i just cant help my mind thinking back to the Attitude Song that blew me away when i first heard it some 30 years ago
    tha funky 7/8 riff ,it still sounds great ....constant and current it never dated a bit like The Now steve talks about it just is a great riff

  • @creationinspired200
    @creationinspired200 Před rokem

    Its okay Steve! Its a rarity to have someone with your stature on the screen in this manner! Thankful to even be apart of your channel ❤

  • @marcosrenann9288
    @marcosrenann9288 Před 2 lety

    Recently in a episode of the serie " The sandman ", theres one episode ( in the coffee shop ) that looks so much with this song. At first people just talk casually " lying to each other ".. And they start to talk brutal truths to each other ( by manipulation of a guy who got some power and want to change the world ). At the moment that i saw this episode, this song crossed my mind.. And i've thinking when Steve noticed the " constant of evolution " acting on people. This kind of power just put us in another level of existential observation and at the same time it removes a weight from our shoulders.. ( we learn to not take nothing personal)... I'm happy for get in contact with the album Ultrazone and illusions back in 2011.

  • @messageswithmarni5706
    @messageswithmarni5706 Před 4 lety

    Steve, I actually love these video talks. Thank you for sharing them with us. I find them helpful. And there is definitely SO much more to life than meets the eye. I'm very much in the process of awakening it has been a amazing experience and seems to have accelerated recently and I love how the Universe speaks to me through # sequences. An example of this is... Both my parents transitioned within 34 days of each other in 2018. (that was a huge soul shaking experience in itself) Numbers started becoming a normal occurrence and I loved seeing them. (I saw all of the regular ones 111,222,333,444,555,666,777,888,999,1010,1111,1212 + many more 1234etc) So, when my dad was dying I reminded him to send me his b-day # which was 916 whenever he was around. He died on a SAT @12:12pm and that following Mon I was driving home and came to a stoplight and the cars LIC plate # directly in front of me was 916! I was so elated to see that because I knew it was a sign his energy was still around me. My Mom did the same thing (her # is 410 and I was watching this on 4/10/20. I'm truly hoping this fanomonon isn't just my ego playing games but I guess if it is... it really makes me happy when it happens 🙂 Meditation is something I should put more focus on. I subscribed & look forward to more of these. Be well 🤗Marni PS I would like to know the story behind your symbol...funny as I'm typing this my clock was at 11:11😁

  • @maribeldelafuentegarcia883


  • @felixplaza823
    @felixplaza823 Před 4 lety

    Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us. This is one of the most important lessons I have taken. It all makes much sense. And your music and actions are a perfect example of the flow of the creative impulse of the universe.

  • @resistthesystem6145
    @resistthesystem6145 Před 4 měsíci

    Love you Steve, this is excellent advice!

  • @ernestbuckley8671
    @ernestbuckley8671 Před 2 lety

    I’m two years late but these videos are so good Maestro Vai. I hope you continue to put out more non-music content. Its all connected anyway but you’re insights and explanations are wonderful. 🙏❤️🎶

  • @SarahDale111
    @SarahDale111 Před 3 lety

    I can't stand weedly weedly weedly guitar, but this side of Steve Vai is music to my ears. 🤟😎

  • @erikmeyer2323
    @erikmeyer2323 Před 4 lety

    I agree about the 10%. We are using the other 90% all the time. We are using this capacity to receive information from a "quicker" or "higher" realm of reality. "We" just don't have a frame of reference in which to "explain" the profundity of what we are perceiving in these higher levels of being. Its like sitting in a noisy room, but, all we can hear is the sound of a dripping faucet. The other noises are there and we are receiving sensory inputs about them, but we just aren't paying attention to them. Without getting into a long dissertation on this topic, I'll just say that Meditation IS the path to discovering a broader perception of the full range of energies that we call life itself. But start now. It takes some time to loose the bonds of ego and discover the realm of freedom. But don't be discouraged. The benefits accrue from the first instant you begin. The first step is the same as the last ... forward from now ....

  • @littlewarcovers
    @littlewarcovers Před 3 lety +1

    I'm really interested in all of this, I do suffer with constant unnecessary thoughts and I see a lot of it being the Ego, is really helpful just to understand this concept, also explained a lot in anxiety groups. I believe that this causes me not to enjoy the Now as much as I could for sure and really freedom is just the ability of being present. Never really understood meditation and mindfulness before, I actually tried and thought I felt more anxious or nothing at all ahah thanks Steve for everything you are doing in life, you made a difference and surely will continue to.

  • @jessestaton167
    @jessestaton167 Před 2 lety

    That's what's up Steve. I hear you. I am so there

  • @matthamilton1321
    @matthamilton1321 Před 4 lety

    I learned the TM method 2 years ago and it is life changing. Nice to hear you mentioning it here. Love these open ended talks from Steve.

  • @juiceman1807
    @juiceman1807 Před 4 lety

    I have enjoyed listening to what you have to say. Thank you for sharing your ideas and thoughts on life. Total Respect.

  • @interstellaraxeman4468
    @interstellaraxeman4468 Před 4 lety +2

    Full Blown Mindfulness = Mind Blownfulness

  • @GiniaMarie1
    @GiniaMarie1 Před 4 lety

    Min. 28... This, It, the Awakening, is a gift. The gift of true and everlasting, ever expanding life💜❤️💛 aka birth from within/above, and it is given to every man (male&female) SHEMA!
    This is GOOD NEWS.
    Thank YOU for sharing 💛❤️💜 and following your Bliss 💗

  • @fyrehawkSix
    @fyrehawkSix Před 4 lety +2

    When I was in my teens, 40 years ago, I was going to sleep and began to try and see with my mind as if I was trying to see the room around me with my eyes closed. Very vague shapes became visible and started moving in strange patterns but there was no light, only shapes and I tried hard to identify what they were. The shapes became more pronounced and all of a sudden I felt as if I was falling into a hole or void and a strong sense of fear overcame me that I was losing myself or may lose myself or die or something. I heard you talk of sometimes feeling fear during meditation and moving through it. I have never felt safe in trying this again, but I may now. Thank you for your insight.

  • @SimpsonMusicProductions
    @SimpsonMusicProductions Před 4 lety +4

    Really enjoyed episode 1 and 2 and I like that you have updated the quality of the footage and audio 😀
    Just a little critical feedback on this current episode.. the scroll at the bottom of the screen is a little distracting 😯 thanks for sharing your experiences 👍

  • @sanderberkvens6270
    @sanderberkvens6270 Před 4 lety

    This is so powerful.. Thanks so much (again).. straight to my soul ..’it’s your birthright to be focused and free of negative thoughts’.. ❤️

  • @jacobfralin9069
    @jacobfralin9069 Před 4 lety

    Thank you thank you thank you! Love you Steve

  • @groovedodger
    @groovedodger Před 4 lety +1

    Thanks Steve really enjoyed this vid. Seemed like there were so many distractions in my world while I watched but I used the advice as you gave it to focus on what you were saying and even the dog chewing my toes and my son yelling didn't distract great feeling.

  • @andyracksthecams
    @andyracksthecams Před 4 lety +5

    Very good of you to do these. Thank you.

  • @danpiller5156
    @danpiller5156 Před 4 lety

    Wow, I’m so glad you put this up. Thank you so much for this. Passion And Warfare.. It changed me on a different level beyond music and existence. It put me In another realm. I can’t wait to hear more about it

  • @JayMatharu
    @JayMatharu Před 4 lety +1

    This was awesome! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us Steve

  • @upscalemusic5722
    @upscalemusic5722 Před 4 lety

    Thank You Steve - We couldn't do it without each other - Peace

  • @javierdiaz4401
    @javierdiaz4401 Před 4 lety

    Such a big deal to listen to you. Always a pleasure. Take care and stay safe

  • @59simonh
    @59simonh Před 4 lety

    Not a guitar fan of yours..but I'm thrilled with what you have to say..I'm learning from you.