Ultimate General : Civil War - #12 Cedar Mountain

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024
  • In this series, I play a full CSA campaign on Game Labs' Ultimate General : Civil War.
    My 1862 2nd Manassas Campaign will aim to threaten the Union supply and communications. My advance is met by a force occupying the hill above Cedar Run. I have to face them to continue my march towards Washington.
    Crossing Cedar Run and fighting my way uphill seems an impossible task. Instead, I take cover in the woods behind the stream, and I begin scouting and harassing the Union's right flank. At the same time, I am sending two full brigades and my skirmishers around the Union's left flank. They will approach undercover of the woods and strike a surprise blow to the Yankees on the hill.
    My artillery is now in position and opens fire on the hill. The Union decides to attack my forces at the base of the hill, behind Cedar Run. They are unsuccessful, however, and are beaten back with ease. I continue to probe and harass them from the safety of the woods in the center and left, while my force on the right has almost completed the flanking manoeuvre and are posied to strike the Union's left. They enter the woods unseen and take positions behind the backs of the Yankees.
    Now they see me, and I open fire from a close distance. They turn around hastily to meet my new threat, exposing their back to my troops and he bottom of the hill. In the general confusion, I manage to sneak another brigade in the woods at the top of the hill. Another one crosses Cedar Run and begins making their way up, but they are beaten back by the defenders. They are still quite strong - I'd have never survived in a frontal attack.
    I maintain the pressure on all fronts, inching towards the centre of the hill. My units at the top are pressed by the Union batteries in the north, and going is slow against the Union's centre, where they have massed no less than 4 brigades. The rebels at the bottom of the hill cross the stream, begin climbing the hill, they are beaten back - but they have to try again and again. With each uphill attack the Union has to turn and meet, they expose their flank to my other force and slowly beaten back.
    5 minutes to 4pm now, and the timer is running out. The Union flag is just a few yards away .. time for a decisive charge. Mustering the last of their strength, my two flanking brigades unleash a final charge. The losses on both sides are terrible.. the Union centre is shaken , but they still hold. The timer runs out, and I choose to continue into the evening. A bit more pressure, and the hill should be mine before nightfall !!
    My charge of the flag was not entirely successful, however it has shaken the defenders and drawn attention away from the other flank. I have finally managed to establish more brigades at the top of the hill on the Union right, and now they begin clearing those woods. This is too much for the Yankees, who abandon their post and run north. The hill is finally mine ! I quickly establish a line, bringing my cannon forward to the base of the hill. I got to hold the hill for another half hour.
    The Union is now reforming for a counter attack. My men are exhausted and running out of ammo. They hold the best they can, turning to the threats, soaking up casualties, sometimes breaking and running .. but eventually, they hold. Cedar Mountain is mine, albeit at a greater than usual cost.

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