NIH director makes plea to evangelical Christians


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  • @dkpqzm
    @dkpqzm Před 2 lety +107

    What a sad place that we have found ourselves in

    • @odawg2255
      @odawg2255 Před 2 lety +4

      Why is it only evangelical christians isn't it all major religious beliefs in america. Oh they only target certain people makes sense

    • @theaterpup3466
      @theaterpup3466 Před 2 lety +7

      @@odawg2255 Waa waaa such a victim.

    • @odawg2255
      @odawg2255 Před 2 lety +3

      @@theaterpup3466 I'm asking

    • @theaterpup3466
      @theaterpup3466 Před 2 lety +7

      @@odawg2255 No you’re whining. 😂

    • @tim3172
      @tim3172 Před 2 lety +9

      @@odawg2255 Because no other major mass of brainwashed ("religion") is as vehemently against vaccination.

  • @tjrizzo1619
    @tjrizzo1619 Před 2 lety +115

    I trust in God but if I walk onto a busy highway I’m not expecting God to protect me from getting hit by a truck.

    • @thunduh.5430
      @thunduh.5430 Před 2 lety +20

      Sorta reminds me of Matthew 4:7 Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.

    • @JahonnamoNEWS
      @JahonnamoNEWS Před 2 lety

      Hello from Tajikistan

    • @patriotzfinder
      @patriotzfinder Před 2 lety +3

      @@jacobcalham155 You heard terrible things about the Vaxx. Who told you these horrible things? Your Facebook friends or the voices in your head?

    • @patriotzfinder
      @patriotzfinder Před 2 lety +5

      @@jacobcalham155 😂 They all are vaccinated.. Joe, Kamala, Donald, Melania... They are alive and well. Even in 10 years time... Anyway, you didn't answer my question, who told you the horrible stories? Your Facebook friends or the voices in your head?

    • @elyssay3157
      @elyssay3157 Před 2 lety +2

      @@jacobcalham155 My vax only works if another 90% (or more) of the population are also vaccinated. Some people cannot get vaccinated for medical reasons, and it's the job of the rest of us to get vaccinated and protect those who cannot be.
      Plus, if everyone is vaxxed, there won't be breakthrough cases. My mom got one of those. She didn't get very sick, but it caused quite a bit of upheaval.

  • @JoshuaJacobs83
    @JoshuaJacobs83 Před 2 lety +32

    Whatever happened to separation of church and state?

    • @briobarb8525
      @briobarb8525 Před 2 lety +8

      I would like to ask the same question...regarding the crazy anti-abortion laws being passed in so many states. WHAT HAPPENED TO SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE??? Don't push your religious views on others!

    • @JoshuaJacobs83
      @JoshuaJacobs83 Před 2 lety +7

      @@briobarb8525 That’s cute. You think it’s about religion. Adorable. Also, ending a life when there is a measurable human heartbeat…that’s the crazy part. Then again, I identify you as a clump of cells so…maybe it’s not too late for a late late term abortion. Wanna volunteer?

    • @JoshuaJacobs83
      @JoshuaJacobs83 Před 2 lety +4

      @@briobarb8525 Also, screaming doesn’t make you sound any smarter.

    • @michissouri10
      @michissouri10 Před 2 lety +2

      Separation of church and state is not what you think it is.

    • @bradynlotterman8164
      @bradynlotterman8164 Před 2 lety +1

      @@briobarb8525 My position on abortion has to do with a lot more than just my religion.

  • @MrDXRamirez
    @MrDXRamirez Před 2 lety +16

    We got to this space because hospitals are privatized and health is something you can buy.
    You don't like but that is how you made it.

    • @caseydoe2674
      @caseydoe2674 Před 2 lety +1

      You have no idea what you are talking about!

    • @jennifersmith4864
      @jennifersmith4864 Před 2 lety

      heakthcare is not's bought & someone somewhere is paying for it.

    • @Other3.5
      @Other3.5 Před 2 lety

      This is actually true. We are the only advanced economy which treats healthcare as a product, rather than as a public service along the lines of police, fire, and public education. And we pay dearly for it. On average we pay $2.64 for every $1 Europeans pay (and they each have different systems, as there are many).
      The key is not the healthcare, it’s the insurance. Non-profit health insurance has about a 3 percent overhead, whereas private health insurance has on average a 25 percent overhead (heavy paperwork staffing and astronomical compensation for top executives).
      There is a confusion between healthcare and healthcare insurance. What we’re overpaying for is for-profit insurance. We should opt for a capitalistic form of insurance (we don’t have that now): scale up, cost down. 330 million Americans (or even broken into regions, or even states) would save us 22 percent on for-profit insurance and then even much much more on scale driving negotiations for lower cost - and we would have private hospitals and private doctors (look at the Bismarck system in Germany).
      Every American business (except our health insurance) functions on scale up, cost down.
      What we have now is an anti-capitalistic monopolistic day healthcare insurance industry.
      We’re buying yachts for insurance company executives.

    • @jennifersmith4864
      @jennifersmith4864 Před 2 lety

      Well, insurance companies are in business to make a profit....otherwise why would they be in business? & of course, CEOs of these gigantic businesses get paid very well....not as much as, say Zuckerberg or Bill Gates.
      So, what happened to obamacare?

    • @MrDXRamirez
      @MrDXRamirez Před 2 lety

      @@Other3.5 Stop calling it names, 'anti-capitalist monopoly'....this is capitalism.
      Your summation was perfect until you sad 'what we have now...' a monopoly system other than capitalism. Competition breeds monopolies and monopolies get broken up by anti-trust laws to re-establish competition. Common mistake and dead give away for the age of commenters who have no recollection of the growth of Bell Telephone that became ATT&T and is now just another company.

  • @yournanna866
    @yournanna866 Před 2 lety +132

    I like this sentiment…the man had flaws
    “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
    ― Mahatma Gandhi

    • @truetech4158
      @truetech4158 Před 2 lety +4

      A unapologetic afterlife professing catholic (clepto skitzo) threatened to arson my atheist parents home after we let him move in.

    • @OneEyedJack1970
      @OneEyedJack1970 Před 2 lety +19

      That's why we worship Him instead of each other.

    • @Lionesssa12
      @Lionesssa12 Před 2 lety +7

      During the 1980s Ghandi treatment of women came under the spotlight
      There have been unprecedented condemnations against Ghandi s racism in Africa and India - his moral failings has attracted much global interest
      Citing him is ridiculous

    • @danwright1794
      @danwright1794 Před 2 lety

      Your. That’s perfectly ok .. as .. God has been relegated to status of myth by postmodernism. Now it’s.. ‘truth depends on what the goal is .’ Fortunately man is now up to the task of godhood. No worries patriot ! 👍

    • @LordAaronus
      @LordAaronus Před 2 lety +1

      @@Lionesssa12 still more than you're citing

  • @DarthFurie
    @DarthFurie Před 2 lety +143

    I was raised in an evangelical mega-church in the South, to be honest a lot of them have alarmingly stupid and anti-science beliefs, in addition to being extremely obstinate about whatever opinions they've latched onto, even when there is solid evidence to the contrary. What's all the more frustrating is that many I grew up around, while being naïve and judgmental of those they considered "sinful," had kind hearts overall and wanted to be good to others. For example in the mega-church I grew up in I saw kind acts of charity both big and small on a regular basis. It's really a shame that so many are brainwashed to not think for themselves or employ critical thinking from a very young age, and any deviation from this was heavily shunned. Some of their behaviors are cult-like, they are not bad people they are just sucked into a sect of Christianity that has toxic traits. But not all act like fools in every regard, my mother is still an evangelical and she got vaccinated because she is medically fragile and permanently disabled

    • @connieadams7131
      @connieadams7131 Před 2 lety +6

      The same here.

    • @DarthFurie
      @DarthFurie Před 2 lety +18

      @@connieadams7131 What's worse, my mom is an evangelical and my dad's a Jehovah's Witness 😂 I'm immune to insanity at this point, lol. I'm sure some triggered evangelicals will find this comment and start spewing nonsense soon enough 🙄

    • @virginiamoss7045
      @virginiamoss7045 Před 2 lety +10

      ".... not think for themselves or employ critical thinking from a very young age." Isn't this exactly what all religions do in order to control the flock? Religions are nothing but made up stuff to capture people's minds and hold them for a lifetime and indoctrinate the children of the sheep, you know, the lambs. Generation after generation after generation.

    • @aaronburratwood.6957
      @aaronburratwood.6957 Před 2 lety +3

      Let their god save them or whatever they need to think as they die.

    • @circa1890
      @circa1890 Před 2 lety +7

      @FateAndFurie Thank you for sharing your background and understanding. Hopefully others will realize that there are a lot of kind individuals in these churches and just being lead astray during this most important time.
      I grew up with a JW mother.. sounds like you came out on the other side with caring logic and a reasonable view. Glad that you and your family are staying safe! ⚘

  • @titusnixon
    @titusnixon Před 2 lety +18

    I can't see them as anything close to Christians that read the Bible. Their history is well documented so to call them followers of Jesus is a joke.

    • @doneestoner9945
      @doneestoner9945 Před 2 lety +2

      That's right. If they were actual followers of Jesus, then I might have some respect for them. They are not.

    • @PUAlum
      @PUAlum Před 2 lety

      They are religious partisans whose devotion to some group or leader does not include comparing/contrasting/evaluating various possibilities. Happily, many groups do good stuff so those adherents will do good things. Unhappily....well...we see that in this comments string.

    • @julius8698
      @julius8698 Před 2 lety +1

      Wait until they take your cash away and tell you, you must have a chip to buy or sell in your left hand or forehead. You'll understand then.

    • @andyxfish
      @andyxfish Před 2 lety +2

      The Bible is chock full of scumbags, Jesus is just one of them.

    • @Graeme_Lastname
      @Graeme_Lastname Před 2 lety +2

      @@andyxfish Shhhh. You're not supposed to know that. :)

  • @hylimm
    @hylimm Před 2 lety +52

    Pay them off after all these crooks are after cash donation to buy their own jets!

    • @mistercohaagen
      @mistercohaagen Před 2 lety +2

      Yeah, they're definitely bribable. But why empower them? Let their flock die, they'll make less money off their usual grift.

    • @lchjr
      @lchjr Před 2 lety +2

      Well, that is just babble; stick to your native language.

    • @rapunzeleh546
      @rapunzeleh546 Před 2 lety +1

      you'd think the pulpit bangers would be more interested in keep their 'donators' alive. otherwise they may not be able to afford the fuel for those jets!

    • @kM-ij2ly
      @kM-ij2ly Před 2 lety +2

      Yes including this so called Christian

    • @KentBalzer
      @KentBalzer Před 2 lety

      The vaccine is deadly. I will avoid the shot and outlive all the dumb sheep who blindly took the deadly jab.

  • @terriv9002
    @terriv9002 Před 2 lety +145

    I’m an evangelical who got her booster this week.
    The vehemence against Fauci has been dumbfounding to me. When I first heard about Covid and then saw Fauci was involved, I relaxed to a certain degree. It was the name and face of someone looonnnng trusted and I knew we could count on him.

    • @greenwarrior4635
      @greenwarrior4635 Před 2 lety +18

      God has given Us a free will, so We can be a better version of Us everyday. Congratulations on your booster, and please spread the word

    • @aaronhorsman1396
      @aaronhorsman1396 Před 2 lety +17

      He made the virus

    • @peachybuttercrunch4409
      @peachybuttercrunch4409 Před 2 lety +15

      his life and his families lives were threatened...his wife's life for God's sake.what kind of person would do something like that, when he only wants to help the public

    • @thetweatles8176
      @thetweatles8176 Před 2 lety +3

      I think it's safe to say Democrats are supportive of the LGBTQ community

    • @markgreen4612
      @markgreen4612 Před 2 lety +6

      @@thetweatles8176 That's right, Billy. You have the full support of the Democrats to engage in whatever your natural form of sexuality happens to be as long as it's with consenting adults.

  • @PUAlum
    @PUAlum Před 2 lety +82

    How on earth can a Christian "use religion" to oppose vaccines? Makes no sense. The Bible says, "Love does no harm" (Romans 13:10). It also says, "examine everything; hold firmly to that which is good" (1 thess 5:21). The first part requires some open-mindedness that's hard to come by in Evangelical circles that have been politicized.

    • @kathecurless3282
      @kathecurless3282 Před 2 lety +9

      Many evangelical pastors are saying taking the vaccine is taking the mark of the beast.

    • @NickSandt
      @NickSandt Před 2 lety +8

      @@kathecurless3282 A quick Bible research easily debunks that claim

    • @CoachCreesh
      @CoachCreesh Před 2 lety +10

      When the bible says that you can't buy or sell except you take the mark; this MANDATE makes the shot look like the mark. You can't sell your services to earn a living or buy from certain places without the shot.
      Some were going to get the shot. But, that mandate sealed the deal. This is WICKEDNESS and ANTI CHRIST. God doesn't mandate anything.

    • @theinsaneshecklador6598
      @theinsaneshecklador6598 Před 2 lety +14

      @@CoachCreesh Have you read the Bible? Do you understand the definition of the word "mandate?" What exactly would you call the 10 commandments?

    • @DAndyLord
      @DAndyLord Před 2 lety +15

      @@CoachCreesh "God doesn't mandate anything." I can think of ten commandments that would disagree with you.

  • @hadara69
    @hadara69 Před 2 lety +100

    "Christianity started out in Palestine as a fellowship; it moved to Greece and became a philosophy; it moved to Italy and became an institution; it moved to Europe and became a culture; it came to America and became an enterprise."
    ~Sam Pascoe

    • @kelleygreenhalgh1646
      @kelleygreenhalgh1646 Před 2 lety


    • @dabblerdeluxe775
      @dabblerdeluxe775 Před 2 lety +2

      move to? more like Rome moved on it like a bitch
      they let you do that when your Emperor

    • @jimbob3030
      @jimbob3030 Před 2 lety +5

      It didn't start as a fellowship that sounds like a good thing, it started as a cult like heavens gate or any other end of the world death cult. Evil and wrong from day one.

    • @Kingdombuilder5-Deborah
      @Kingdombuilder5-Deborah Před 2 lety +9

      Christianity did not start in Palestine & it is not an enterprise like is a faith that allows people to have a genuine, personal relationship with Almighty God through His son Jesus Christ who walked this earth & died on our behalf. No other religion is able to say that because they are not even able to approach God as we can

    • @Kingdombuilder5-Deborah
      @Kingdombuilder5-Deborah Před 2 lety +7

      @@jimbob3030 You would do well not to try to speak on something that you obviously know nothing about because GENUINE Christianity is not is for the betterment of humanity

  • @shannonfreeman1
    @shannonfreeman1 Před 2 lety +17

    I got my covid shot on Saturday, I had no side effects, my second shot will be given at the end of October, hopefully there will be no side effects.

    • @kimweaver1252
      @kimweaver1252 Před 2 lety +5

      Same here and I've had two Pfizer jabs. NO side effects. Didn't even feel the needle.

    • @shakeedachisolm
      @shakeedachisolm Před 2 lety +3

      I received my full vaccine in March, and I haven't had any side effects.

    • @WarriorOfWriters
      @WarriorOfWriters Před 2 lety +3

      I had both doses. Only a bit of muscle pain.

    • @laurentsaint-laurent3659
      @laurentsaint-laurent3659 Před 2 lety

      Too much h

    • @nmdakini5226
      @nmdakini5226 Před 2 lety

      Sometimes there will be a reaction. My experience was a 24 hr “flu” that disappeared as quickly as it came on. Good luck - either way you’ll live through it!

  • @jackiehaigh3401
    @jackiehaigh3401 Před 2 lety +35

    'I wish I could take religion out of politics.'
    He's a straight talker. It is nothing to do with either.
    It's Science - Respect.

    • @raden2232
      @raden2232 Před 2 lety


    • @siaf2398
      @siaf2398 Před 2 lety +1

      RESPECT ppls religion!

    • @TwinGoats
      @TwinGoats Před 2 lety +1

      It’s “science” that changes daily and requires changing definitions... yeah ok dummy, keep wearing your mask and get your fucci ouchie

    • @melissahurst3790
      @melissahurst3790 Před 2 lety +6

      @@TwinGoats okay what about those of us who are told to wear masks long before the pandemic because of severe asthma and allergies. And also have a parent who is fighting cancer. And deal with people with low immune systems And disrespected by these crazy Believers in the propaganda BS and I also worked in the medical field. Is disrespected by others who have fallen into hatred just cuz they see someone wearing a mask. Shouldn't have to explain myself to anybody. And shouldn't have to have anyone come up to me and tell me I'm wrong for wearing a mask. This is truly very unamerican and unethical to disrespect somebody period because of their hatred and Prejudice keep it to yourself. From my point of view of seeing people who have died from this pandemic period and I've taken care of people and people who were dying over Decades of time. Ignorance is the meaning of uneducated

    • @DetonatorCallan
      @DetonatorCallan Před 2 lety +4

      @@melissahurst3790 Exactly. They don't understand any of that stuff

  • @MrEdukator1
    @MrEdukator1 Před 2 lety +35

    You will be missed sir. Thank you for your service

    • @MAli-uk9xx
      @MAli-uk9xx Před 2 lety

    • @Ur2ez4me81
      @Ur2ez4me81 Před 6 měsíci

      Nope he’s a lying scumbag

  • @firstnamelastname2552
    @firstnamelastname2552 Před 2 lety +5

    On what basis is he an evangelical Christian? How are we defining this?

  • @LazyJack2003
    @LazyJack2003 Před 2 lety +21

    3:52 - That is what is fundamentally wrong with the US: scientific facts told by a pastor will be more acceptable than facts told by a scientist?!

    • @IslamBigGay
      @IslamBigGay Před 2 lety +4

      Well "Dr" Fauci said the Wuhan Lab Leak was a white supremacist conspiracy theory, he said the vaccine would work, hes flip flopped on masks, and in the 80s he said you could get aids from a cereal box.

    • @toofrosty6344
      @toofrosty6344 Před 2 lety +5

      A scientist that said HIV is airborne? You liberals are delusional

    • @TheNiwotmom
      @TheNiwotmom Před 2 lety +4

      @@IslamBigGay In the beginning we didn't know if masks would work with this virus. It was a new strain, one that no one, not even doctor's or scientists had ever seen before, that's why our medical industry had such a hard time treating COVID patient's, because it was a NEW virus. As time as gone by, they've learned what works and what doesn't work. When we were told to wear masks, many didn't, but many did and the amount of people who became infect decreased. When the new DELTA variant came around, the unvaccinated are the ones over running the hospitals, to the point where people who don't have COVID and need medical help are being turned away.
      There was a LOT to learn. Bashing Fauci doesn't help anything. Do you have a degree in medicine???? Masks WORK. That's why they were introduced! Would you go into surgery and ask your surgeon not to wear a mask while he's opening you up?

    • @angeladansie4378
      @angeladansie4378 Před 2 lety +2

      Hey, if it helps evangelicals see reason.....

    • @vercoda9997
      @vercoda9997 Před 2 lety +3

      @@jacobcalham155 I swear to God, I don't know what people like You get from trolling. Besides which, he's only one man, of Many doctors, scientists, governments, medical heads etc all over the world who ALL say the same thing - if anything, Fauci is an echo of the outside world, including my country. But the way people like You talk, you'd almost think he is the only pandemic expert on the planet. Just don't leave America. Your kind of toxic, malicious and malevolent troll is not welcome out here.

  • @BuzzardlyThings
    @BuzzardlyThings Před 2 lety +24

    I was raised and was an active evangelical until I was 30. Thé thinking used to be that God provides his miracles in many ways including science.

    • @Caterfree10
      @Caterfree10 Před 2 lety +3

      That’s actually how I was raised even in my conservative church! Something has gone very wrong in the past 20-something years and I wish I understood what happened.

    • @robclark3095
      @robclark3095 Před 2 lety +5

      @@Caterfree10 Propaganda, aka conservative talk radio, FNC, OAN, etc. That's what happened in the last 20-something years. Churches got away from Christianity and started practicing Republicanity.

    • @marklasky3555
      @marklasky3555 Před 2 lety

      Now you're secular? Good luck

    • @Caterfree10
      @Caterfree10 Před 2 lety +3

      @@marklasky3555 some of us are capable of being religious and not rejecting science. It’s quite simple. I’m sorry you lack that skill.

    • @kimweaver1252
      @kimweaver1252 Před 2 lety +2

      Give that a little consideration. A "miracle" requires the suspension of the natural order. Science IS the natural order. Ergo, science and miracles can not co-exist.

  • @rebekahcuriel-alessi2239
    @rebekahcuriel-alessi2239 Před 2 lety +35

    Thank you for this propitious and authentic interview.

    • @luckywhite9270
      @luckywhite9270 Před 2 lety

      Hello, Rebekah... How are you doing? Hope you have had a great day?

    • @luckywhite9270
      @luckywhite9270 Před 2 lety

      @@marcofixribeiro7567 How

    • @nunyabiz1780
      @nunyabiz1780 Před 2 lety

      They’re using Wikipedia articles and New York Times and Vox and Wired Magazine op-eds to determine what are supposed to be scientific matters and shunning actual scientists

  • @chrisvincent8123
    @chrisvincent8123 Před 2 lety +29

    Thank you so much Dr. Collins for your service to us all. You are truly a great person.

    • @paulhritchie
      @paulhritchie Před 2 lety

      Kind and gracious words.

    • @lisamariluhm6804
      @lisamariluhm6804 Před 2 lety

      He is NOT at all a creep!

    • @Lp78Ch
      @Lp78Ch Před 2 lety

      Shut up. Name ONE thing Dr. Collins did that was good. ONE.

    • @otisdylan9532
      @otisdylan9532 Před 2 lety

      @@Lp78Ch He's fighting against disinformation about the vaccine.

    • @reubenherrera9827
      @reubenherrera9827 Před 2 lety

      @@Lp78Ch He produced fact. Numbers and science do not lie.

  • @kodywright6685
    @kodywright6685 Před 2 lety +54

    That’s why guys like this are my hero they’re actually doing something trying to save people

    • @charliebrown8092
      @charliebrown8092 Před 2 lety +5

      Really? He's trying to save lives? You need to look to see who the National Institute of Health is funding. From the 1970s to now, I'm pretty sure they funded the Wuhan lab. Enjoy the man that saves lives you deserve him

    • @noneshere
      @noneshere Před 2 lety +6

      Theres no cure for a problem with a 99% survival rate

    • @fionabologna1768
      @fionabologna1768 Před 2 lety +2

      @@charliebrown8092 Have we tried throwing a politician or a bureaucrat into a volcano to appease the virus yet? Probably work better than the toxic voodoo these quacks do.

    • @soylentgreen9492
      @soylentgreen9492 Před 2 lety +1

      @@fionabologna1768 ✨

    • @devo2
      @devo2 Před 2 lety +1

      Yaaay, spotted an asian bot.
      Who in their right mind would call the person that funded gain of function in covid, a hero...
      Yay goodjob, your funds helped with creating a virus that killed millions and will never be defeated.

  • @rosesmith6925
    @rosesmith6925 Před 2 lety +48

    Too many people expect God to save them and refuse to give him help in any way. Bet God loves that.

    • @peachybuttercrunch4409
      @peachybuttercrunch4409 Před 2 lety +3

      maybe God gave people the skill to do this, save us and we don't take the help/vaccine

    • @peachybuttercrunch4409
      @peachybuttercrunch4409 Před 2 lety +2

      he wouldn't like it...i think.

    • @beachmezz
      @beachmezz Před 2 lety

      Got brought us the virus

    • @thetweatles8176
      @thetweatles8176 Před 2 lety +3

      Democrats support TRANS-KIDS and LGBTQ *FACT

    • @nickromo8195
      @nickromo8195 Před 2 lety +4

      @@beachmezz I'm not religious at all but following that logic he also gave the vaccine.

  • @warrenjones376
    @warrenjones376 Před 2 lety +30

    “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves." "And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity." “Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you." Care and get vaccinated....bottom line.

    • @JC_Forum_of_Christ
      @JC_Forum_of_Christ Před 2 lety +1

      How do people who took the mark of the beast, the vaxxed, need to worry about the unvaxxed? Shouldn’t we be dying off?? Why changing my body showing you love? How do you even believe the news media? SHOW ME ONE STUDY THAT SAYS THIS VIRUS IS LETHAL? BY DEFINITION A PANDEMIC CANT LAST THIS LONG... WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR VISION? GOD OR THE TELEVISION?

    • @gaylemc2692
      @gaylemc2692 Před 2 lety +3

      @@JC_Forum_of_Christ what about over 700,000 of them? Worldwide? I don't know, but it's for damn sure you don't.

    • @armaellis6358
      @armaellis6358 Před 2 lety +2

      @@JC_Forum_of_Christ I've heard some dumb comments before but this one beats the cake. GOOD LUCK.

    • @JC_Forum_of_Christ
      @JC_Forum_of_Christ Před 2 lety +1

      @@armaellis6358 besides the Telescreen brainwashing you... provide one study that says this virus is lethal.... prove it.:::oh you don’t have to everyone knows.... knows what...? Prove it

    • @cindywade1414
      @cindywade1414 Před 2 lety

      @Just Be exactly. God will never force or coerce us into anything.
      However, when the mark is implemented, that's all about force and coercion, isn't it?
      God bless you!

  • @jamesc7894
    @jamesc7894 Před 2 lety +15

    Please stop calling these people Christians. Calling people Christians implies they follow Christ.
    These people do not follow the Christian faith.

    • @tvdinner325
      @tvdinner325 Před 2 lety +1

      They follow tRump and their donors.

    • @richardhardin9184
      @richardhardin9184 Před 2 lety

      @@Browne7100 - Christians DO NOT ACT this way and you should know this if you are a SO CALLED "CHRISTIAN". READ YOUR BIBLE AND YOU HOPEFULLY THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL TELL YOU THE TRUTH. Trump and his followers are not following Jesus Christ in any way but then if you read the Bible, you would know that, right?

  • @thechurchofsillybeggars8912

    Alas, no one is coming to save us from ourselves.

    • @tacitblue1973
      @tacitblue1973 Před 2 lety +3

      There's nothing worth saving honestly. Just biding our time circling the drain of history. A few million years from now it'll be the birds or something coming full circle laughing at the memes left by the weird hairless apes.

    • @margaretnicol3423
      @margaretnicol3423 Před 2 lety +1

      We need to put a large dose of ''common sense'' into the water supply.

    • @elyssay3157
      @elyssay3157 Před 2 lety +2

      @@rayerickson7614 Are you a Christian? Jesus was about as liberal as it gets, more so for his time. His *literal* bleeding heart is an important symbol for a lot of Christianity.

    • @jayadams2801
      @jayadams2801 Před 2 lety

      no way a real Christian is on msm

  • @MinisterEvil
    @MinisterEvil Před 2 lety +41

    He has more chances of being heard by talking to the wall.

    • @do-beebrothers2550
      @do-beebrothers2550 Před 2 lety

      Abortion is how these Satanist condition their patients, for the big medical experiment of their "Hail Satan" Satanic utopian California sunshine dream. Yes Scary Mary's dance marathon of "They stab babies don't they?" the opposite of love, now your dancing to the devil's tune, under the howling blood moon. Some folks believe there is a Satanic dance marathon first prize, I don't think Judy Garland believed that. Learning not to dance to the devil's tune, under the Scary Mary fellowship of the blood moon.

    • @davidparker527
      @davidparker527 Před 2 lety +5

      @@do-beebrothers2550 Seek therapy.

    • @jimbob3030
      @jimbob3030 Před 2 lety +2


    • @ChairPacer
      @ChairPacer Před 2 lety +1

      @@davidparker527 hahahaha it could take this guy a lifetime to even realize he needs therapy in the first place.

    • @ChairPacer
      @ChairPacer Před 2 lety

      @@do-beebrothers2550 as a satanic utopian Californian I can confirm that we howl at the blood moon, (??) stab babies (??), and worship satanic rituals. We all spend HUGE amounts of our lives dedicated especially for you because we have nothing better to do than dance around in blood and think about you idiots. While we’re carrying the finances of America on our back, if it wasn’t for California and NY we would be broke as a joke as a country.

  • @bstorm4413
    @bstorm4413 Před 2 lety +20

    Sadly he needs to do this on FOX and ONN.

    • @paulawagstaff686
      @paulawagstaff686 Před 2 lety +1

      They wouldn't receive it. Most of them are in apostasy, and wouldn't accept Christ if He walked into their service today.

    • @JiMun
      @JiMun Před 2 lety

      @Richard Gilley fetal cells are not in the vaccine but were used to test the vaccines. But also Tylenol, Advil, Tums, and many other medicines were tested with fetal cells. So has the usage of all the other medicines compromise Christians’ salvation?
      I don’t believe that taking vaccine will take away my salvation - although it is still a controversial topic. Threatening Christians that their salvation will be jeopardized from usage of medicine does not sound like sound theology.

  • @mugovekanjera2324
    @mugovekanjera2324 Před 2 lety +27

    Amazing. The vaccine mandate is like being asked to eat your brocolli? Oh my

    • @matthewbenton6246
      @matthewbenton6246 Před 2 lety +7

      No. It’s being told to eat your broccoli, or you’ll never be allowed to eat, work, learn or have any other freedom that non-segregated people have.

    • @Hyperpandas
      @Hyperpandas Před 2 lety +2

      @@matthewbenton6246 Oh my, that's quite the fantasy world you live in. Is that also where the War on Christmas is waged?

    • @Hyperpandas
      @Hyperpandas Před 2 lety +2

      @@rayerickson7614 Except that none of it is true. Otherwise, sure.

    • @logansolares3699
      @logansolares3699 Před 2 lety +1

      @@matthewbenton6246 it's going to be funny when the economy tanks even harder and these people are like "I wonder how that happened, see what trump did" lol

    • @Hyperpandas
      @Hyperpandas Před 2 lety +1

      @@rayerickson7614 Really? And, yet, not getting vaccinated doesn't result in any of the things he mentioned and you're not "segregated". Maybe you live in the same fantasy world he does.

  • @randal_gibbons
    @randal_gibbons Před 2 lety +47

    Thank you Doctor.

  • @wukaili1785
    @wukaili1785 Před 2 lety +7

    What a great interview Jim, and a delightful guest! More please. I met `Cooper’ the other week in HRW and told him to ‘keep going’! I say the same to you…great great job

  • @hadara69
    @hadara69 Před 2 lety +27

    "In every country and every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own."
    ~Founding Father *Thomas Jefferson*, in a letter to Horatio Spofford, 1814

    • @niallmacceide4603
      @niallmacceide4603 Před 2 lety

      Ditto for academics too, I'm afraid.

    • @someguy5438
      @someguy5438 Před 2 lety +4

      @@niallmacceide4603 academics, like Thomas Jefferson? That's a ridiculous sentiment, jethro.

    • @KatherineUribe-1
      @KatherineUribe-1 Před 2 lety +1

      Hence, the division of church and state.

    • @JahonnamoNEWS
      @JahonnamoNEWS Před 2 lety

      Hello from Tajikistan

    • @kepler186f4
      @kepler186f4 Před 2 lety

      @@niallmacceide4603 Religion is authoritarian rule by construct, Academicians are aligned to truth.

  • @patriciajohnone
    @patriciajohnone Před 2 lety +15

    Here in the RED state of Alabama, where there is a church on every corner, the parking lots are full on Sunday, yet, we have one of the lowest vaccination rates, in the nation, and one of the highest infection rates. You would think that here in the Bible Belt, people would be "loving their neighbor as their self" You would think, that they would care about others more than themselves, yet that is not the case.

    • @DefenderoftheCross
      @DefenderoftheCross Před 2 lety +2

      Yeah, I do not get my understanding of Scripture from those who never crack open a Bible. Loving my neighbor means that I do not force him to get a harmful, experimental, ineffective, poisonous shot just so he and others are protected from a virus that has a survival rate approaching 100%.

  • @journeymansmitty8283
    @journeymansmitty8283 Před 2 lety +61

    In this life we all have our faith to believe in but when it's misguided information and we mix that with religion it is a bad combination it could even be devastating to the human race🤔

    • @virginiamoss7045
      @virginiamoss7045 Před 2 lety +12

      Seriously, what is this faith idea as if every last person has a need for it whatever it is? I don't get it at all. Is the need the result of fearfulness of the unknown? Loneliness? Failure to mature past one's parents so that most people need a replacement parent so they make up a god to cling to? What is it? I really and truly don't get it.

    • @jimbob3030
      @jimbob3030 Před 2 lety +5

      No we don't all have our faith, people with faith are brainwashed and deceiving themselves and deceived by others.
      All faith is misguided, all religion is misguided, and yes all are devastating to millions of species going extinct possibly including us.
      Instead of faith, we need critical thinking skills across the board and a rejection of faith and fairy tales.

    • @Kingdombuilder5-Deborah
      @Kingdombuilder5-Deborah Před 2 lety +1

      @Virginia Moss It's a need to know & understand that whether you like it or not, your body will one day die in this lifetime, but there is a life after that because we also have a spirit & unlike our body, it is eternal, which means that it will never die, because it lives forever. But it won't be here on earth because there are only 2 places that are for eternity & that's heaven or hell & you make your choice in this life of which one you want to spend your time in eternity at. But no matter which place you choose, you will have to stand before God first & based on where you have chosen to go, He & only He can send you to it because no one BUT GOD has a heaven or hell to put anybody in. So God is not someone imaginary that people have made up to replace someone or help them get through life, although He does help us when asked to, but He is real & whether you believe it or not, you will one day have to come face to face with Him & my prayer is that you will have made the right choice before you leave this life, to spend your eternal life with Him in heaven

    • @olinewright6877
      @olinewright6877 Před 2 lety +2

      Faith in God helps us to give something to strive for and it encourages us to help others. What many people miss is that many religions have a doctrine that calls for aiding the poor. Christianity is among them. If you study it with an open mind you can see a thread of charity and helping others. Some parts of the Old Testament are not a part of that, however, as all too often religion is corrupted by people who are meant to be servants to the people but instead take the power unto themselves. This is one reason I say I believe in God but not in religions.
      Christianity is meant to have people strive toward selflessness but has instead been corrupted towards selfishness.
      In the Bible (since this is the religion I know best) the rich were supposed to pay their laborers a just amount for their labors (the laborer is worthy of his hire). This is a problem that is still existing even today. Part of the problem is greed and the idea that "I got mine so everyone else can". Ignoring the fact that the further up you go in a company the fewer job opportunities there are. If however people at the bottom can earn enough to live on the basics of food, shelter, health, etc then many may not strive to rise higher if they are content with what they have. Those who want more will look for jobs and you will have workers who want to work rather than those who have to work.

    • @jimbob3030
      @jimbob3030 Před 2 lety +4

      @@Kingdombuilder5-Deborah "your body will one day die in this lifetime, but there is a life after that because we also have a spirit & unlike our body, it is eternal."
      Only brainwashed and childish mortals think they are immortal and don't understand even the most basic part of what it means to be mortal.

  • @christopherhughes2211
    @christopherhughes2211 Před 2 lety +35

    Yeah!!!! Finally!! Thank the gods for these amazing works of science that our fellow brilliant American men and women have developed!

    • @truetech4158
      @truetech4158 Před 2 lety

      Skitzo affective afterlife expectations disorder is a real thing then?

    • @beachmezz
      @beachmezz Před 2 lety +1

      Pfizer was developed in Germany

    • @Lionesssa12
      @Lionesssa12 Před 2 lety

      Americans aren’t the leaders in science whatsoever

    • @Chrispbacon99
      @Chrispbacon99 Před 2 lety

      Brainwashed much

    • @chrisgill1302
      @chrisgill1302 Před 2 lety

      Zombie on!

  • @cockyplopsnigga
    @cockyplopsnigga Před 2 lety +10

    I live a block from the hospital this entire time despite news reports the emergency intake has been relatively placid

    • @charliebrown8092
      @charliebrown8092 Před 2 lety

      The hospital in my town closed. Although I see renovation work taking place there , I don't know if it will still be a hospital or something else. But I know there is no patience there and hasn't been for a year

    • @cuttingman007
      @cuttingman007 Před 2 lety +2

      Are you saying that there is no COVID pandemic right? Or People come to your home prior to check in triage? 700000 people died just because of COVID!

    • @deborahfreedman333
      @deborahfreedman333 Před 2 lety +1

      Despite your unverifiable claim, the hospitals in my city have had to build extra morgue capacity, to handle Covid-19 deaths.

    • @charliebrown8092
      @charliebrown8092 Před 2 lety

      @@deborahfreedman333 they can build whatever they want, but I doubt they filled it. If you don't use government money, you will not get it the next time around.

    • @cockyplopsnigga
      @cockyplopsnigga Před 2 lety

      @@deborahfreedman333 what city?

  • @eddiearmijo6635
    @eddiearmijo6635 Před 2 lety +4

    End tax EXEMPTIONS for all RELIGIONS in the United States. If they survive it will be because of their Worshippers and not off the backs of the working class.

    • @DefenderoftheCross
      @DefenderoftheCross Před 2 lety

      This is rather stupid logic, and frankly is unconstitutional.

  • @chipious9736
    @chipious9736 Před 2 lety +9

    We can’t be afraid to point to the problem.

    • @KrustyKlown
      @KrustyKlown Před 2 lety +2

      Problem is Evangelicals would rather be with Jesus, than get Vaxxed and live.

  • @petercullen9880
    @petercullen9880 Před 2 lety +38

    The trouble is most have religion, few have faith. If people are so ignorant, leave them be, there’s too many people in the world as it is.

    • @Alltime2050
      @Alltime2050 Před 2 lety +5

      The problem is that most of those idiots will survive getting Covid to have life long complications driving up the cost of healthcare for decades to come.

    • @markgreen4612
      @markgreen4612 Před 2 lety +4

      It's mostly the evangelical red states where antivaxxers are dwelling in so hopefully Francis Collins' advise for them to get vaccinated will dispel any believe they have that vaccines are the Mark of the Beast.

    • @Maddie9185
      @Maddie9185 Před 2 lety +1

      My sentiments exactly. Plus they’ll get to meet their maker sooner.

    • @tanyawest2017
      @tanyawest2017 Před 2 lety +4

      Peter Cullen/Miss Maddie: Not only is that an incredibly cruel attitude, but it overlooks that fact that unvaccinated people give COVID a chance to continue spreading and mutating into something even more dangerous-an ability viruses have long been famous for. Nor does it consider the people who genuinely can’t be vaccinated or for while the vaccine is not effective-children under 12 (children under five after the next approval) and people with certain allergies can’t have the vaccine, and people with compromised immune system, people who must take certain immune suppressing drugs, people who have had recent chemotherapy, organ transplants or some other medical conditions are especially vulnerable because they either can’t have the vaccine or because it isn’t as effective for them. All the people who refuse to vaccinate are putting all of these people at extreme risk and seem to believe that anyone in any of these categories should be forced to stay home indefinitely.
      And people don’t seem to understand that their mask protects the people around them. Masks much more effectively keep our own virus in, rather than keeping other people’s viruses out. So apparently any children who have recently had to have chemotherapy, take immune suppressing drugs, have severe allergies to certain vaccine ingredients or who have had to have organ transplants, don’t have a right to go to school or play with other children, because their right to refuse a vaccine and even a mask has primacy over the rights of sick children to be educated and socialized.
      That’s not even considering the children or anti vaxxers, who aren’t old enough (or perhaps are, but haven’t been exposed to enough other beliefs to know) to defy their parents views on vaccines and masks.
      Not only is the attitude to let them refuse vaccines and masks cruel, it’s unfair to those who really are at risk from them.

    • @brandonburns5365
      @brandonburns5365 Před 2 lety

      @@markgreen4612 Its not just red states or republicans

  • @marielovegrove5085
    @marielovegrove5085 Před 2 lety +13

    If you want kids to get vaccinations. Just tell them their parents forbid it

  • @johncloois3301
    @johncloois3301 Před 2 lety

    11/21/21 did I just see this? It seemed shorter and was tonight, like an hour ago but this is from a few weeks ago. Maybe it was an old clip or just a repeat of it.

  • @barrylyndongurley
    @barrylyndongurley Před 2 lety +39

    I am saddened to see Dr Collins go...what a wonderfully brilliant and compassionate man. I hope his influence will be felt in the parts of the Christian community that remain fearful of vaccinations.

    • @jonathanmol4489
      @jonathanmol4489 Před 2 lety +1

      I would expect this from jehovah's witnesses, but not the other morons.

    • @lisamariluhm6804
      @lisamariluhm6804 Před 2 lety

      He is NOT at all a creep!

    • @marklasky3555
      @marklasky3555 Před 2 lety +1

      He is running from what he did

    • @Ur2ez4me81
      @Ur2ez4me81 Před 6 měsíci

      lol are u even still alive from the clot shots?

  • @davehill9457
    @davehill9457 Před 2 lety +9

    life expectancy is higher in Cuba than USA ... ....

    • @satansgimp4609
      @satansgimp4609 Před 2 lety +2

      Wishful thinking of Cubans 😂 that's why they all flee to Miami

    • @texajp1946
      @texajp1946 Před 2 lety +1

      @@satansgimp4609 only the gusano traitors

    • @satansgimp4609
      @satansgimp4609 Před 2 lety +2

      @@texajp1946 nah only people who are looking for food 😂

    • @peachybuttercrunch4409
      @peachybuttercrunch4409 Před 2 lety +2

      i am not that surprised. our health care system needs a face lift and a tummy tuck.

    • @texajp1946
      @texajp1946 Před 2 lety +1

      Satans Gimp usa sanctions starve and kill millions per year, cuba has been embargoed for 60 years, every single country in the UN voted to lift sanctions, only evil usa and Israel blocked it

  • @MakaiMauka
    @MakaiMauka Před 2 lety +2

    Uttar Pradesh, INDIA: 221 million population. Was never expected to recover from the high case and death rates after Delta hit. Records for one day death toll, new cases in one day. Makeshift funeral pyres in vacant lots all over the State. Scenes from armageddon nobody expected after INDIA beat the original Wuhan stain and had herd immunity. Two months after the record of Delta cases and deaths, Uttar Pradesh has the lowest numbers new cases and deaths in one day in the entire world. Uttar Pradeshn had only 5 deaths in the past 14 days. Compare to US 24,600 deaths in past 14 days; 2541 deaths yesterday in US; Zero deaths in Uttar Pradesh yesterday (past three days); US: 111,707 new cases yesterday; Uttar Pradesh 20 new cases.
    These number tell the world the Delta Variant is treatable ("killable"), and complete recovery is possible, within 6 to 8 weeks. The US has 331 million population; Uttar Pradesh is roughly comparable population at 221 million.
    The Pandemic is over in the least likely country in the world to end it based on means and resources. They beat it with a treatment protocol taht works. Since late April, Uttar Pradesh treated all Covid-19 Delta infections immediately with a protocol they developed, highest risk patients given "COVID KITS"; Rapid deployment of treatment to positive cases and patients with clinical symptoms reduced Uttar Pradech's cases and deaths to those listed (Google Covid News). This is a curable pandemic. COVID-19 is not a pandemic of the unvaccinated. It is a pandemic of the UNTREATED!

  • @mark19441944
    @mark19441944 Před 2 lety +31

    A very decent man. The kind of American that I usually associate with this country. Just tragic that Trump became President

    • @1USA1st
      @1USA1st Před 2 lety +2

      Biden is the bigger tragedy...

    • @hillbillybeerdranker6678
      @hillbillybeerdranker6678 Před 2 lety +2

      A very decent man, you say? He along with Fauci funded gain of function research in the Wuhan lab and helped create this virus. He's resigning, because he's under investigation and scared he's going to prison.

    • @beetoven8193
      @beetoven8193 Před 2 lety +3

      @Just Be You had three chances to spell 'follow' correctly, and you hilariously botched it every time.

    • @someguy5438
      @someguy5438 Před 2 lety +1

      @@hillbillybeerdranker6678 and the name says it all, Cletus. Tell your sister I said high.

    • @chaos3340
      @chaos3340 Před 2 lety +2

      @@1USA1st I agree, Biden's presidency has been an absolute train wreck. America can never survive another 3 years of his incompetent administration. Fact!

  • @genericusername2276
    @genericusername2276 Před 2 lety +20

    Religion should be teaching community simple morales on how to be a better person for others, bring together people so they feel part of a loving group, give people comfort in the face of existential dread and provide a positive experience for everyone involved by allowing people to gather together and grow together.
    Religion should do that, sadly it never has done that because people prefer profiting off stupid people instead of being kind and compassionate.

    • @truetech4158
      @truetech4158 Před 2 lety +2

      The church mafia is a multinational criminal organization that infected politics and causes many avoidable deaths and $ays that the victims went off to a happyland in the sky and refuse to talk about it.

    • @benlegTiger
      @benlegTiger Před 2 lety

      Religion should stay out of people’s lives, the best thing that could ever happened to us, humanity, would be for it to disappear altogether. A viral pandemic is nothing compared to the cancer religion is.

    • @Aesop531
      @Aesop531 Před 2 lety

      Yeah, it *never* does that . . .

    • @mwilk19
      @mwilk19 Před 2 lety +1

      Religion was created by man for man. It's a way to gain wealth and power .People make the mistake of equating religion with God and spirituality. The two things are so far apart Evel Knievel couldn't jump across that chasm.

    • @Nash_son_of_Zeus
      @Nash_son_of_Zeus Před 2 lety

      It may be that humankind has to learn things the hard way. Not everyone wants peace and love. Not everyone wants to follow the rules, either.

  • @gmedeiros5748
    @gmedeiros5748 Před 2 lety +3

    When you experiment on defenseless beagle puppies people have a right to be kind of upset in all due respect Dr.
    And when you experiment on “ black “ orphan children in New York people have a right to question that Dr.
    To be clear in all due respect Sir.

  • @brianfreeman8290
    @brianfreeman8290 Před 2 lety +25

    As an evangelical atheist, I was surprised to find Dr Collins to be so pragmatic, articulate, and grounded. A pleasure to listen to you sir.

    • @lannguyen-pu1db
      @lannguyen-pu1db Před 2 lety +4

      What is evangelical atheist? The words seem to contradict themselves.

    • @Hyperpandas
      @Hyperpandas Před 2 lety +1

      There's a reason Christopher Hitchens spoke so highly of him, and it wasn't just because of the support Collins provided him before his death. Collins is a good guy and a good scientist.

    • @Hyperpandas
      @Hyperpandas Před 2 lety

      @@jacobcalham155 Pics or it didn't happen. 🤔

    • @TheNiwotmom
      @TheNiwotmom Před 2 lety

      You can't be an Evangelical and an Atheist at the same time. You either believe in God, or you don't.

    • @nq4497
      @nq4497 Před 2 lety +2

      Let’s go Brandon

  • @siaf2398
    @siaf2398 Před 2 lety +14

    how much are those mega church pastor's being paid in money or compensations?

    • @newaccount6874
      @newaccount6874 Před 2 lety


    • @Ryan-my5lz
      @Ryan-my5lz Před 2 lety +1

      🤡. Lets go Brandon!

    • @cuttingman007
      @cuttingman007 Před 2 lety

      Everyone get paid in USA. don't you think religion is deep rooted in our society?

    • @zenodotusofathens2122
      @zenodotusofathens2122 Před 2 lety

      Your comment is what Leftist conspiracy theories look like.
      A year ago if anybody said that the coronavirus came from the Wuhan laboratory they would be deemed a conspiracy theorist and thrown off social media. Well it looks like the preponderance of evidence now points to the fact that it did come from the Wuhan laboratory and that it was funded by the NIH at least in part

    • @chaserofthelight1737
      @chaserofthelight1737 Před 2 lety

      @@zenodotusofathens2122 the question and discussion was about pastors and what they’re getting monetarily, not about this agency and their involvement with the virus. What does this discussion have to do with leftist conspiracy theories and Wuhan?

  • @stephenbailey9969
    @stephenbailey9969 Před 2 lety +30

    "Love your neighbor as yourself," said Jesus.
    Get vaccinated and act safely in public settings. That's faith in action.

    • @vernellwindon6771
      @vernellwindon6771 Před 2 lety +1


    • @noneshere
      @noneshere Před 2 lety +3

      Theres no cure for a problem with a 99% survival rate

    • @Lionesssa12
      @Lionesssa12 Před 2 lety +1

      You cannot cure a virus silly bean - that’s not the point of vaccines whatsoever

    • @Aesop531
      @Aesop531 Před 2 lety +3

      I still do not understand how the vaccinated are at risk by unvaccinated if both spread the virus at about the same rate and the vaccine is supposed to be 95% effective against symptoms, death, and hospitalizations?

    • @stephenbailey9969
      @stephenbailey9969 Před 2 lety +1

      @@Aesop531 And the kids who can't get vaccinated?
      Although the young are better able to fight it, there have still been 500 deaths in the US of young people under 17, beside those who have been very sick. For example, my neighbor's great granddaughter returned home a week ago after spending three weeks in the hospital with covid.
      About 37,000 covid deaths have been people under 50.
      The point? Being our brother's keeper means doing everything we as an individual can to stop the spread.

  • @kornpop6932
    @kornpop6932 Před 2 lety +5


  • @lindalauer1434
    @lindalauer1434 Před 2 lety +1

    Hey Collins,
    How close are you to Bannon, Parnes, Kin Jung Un & others in question with the law & what is going on today ??

  • @msunderstanding3198
    @msunderstanding3198 Před 2 lety +6

    If it’s so safe why does it have to be protected from lawsuits?

    • @Briguy1027
      @Briguy1027 Před 2 lety +2

      That's an incredibly tired argument. I'd say 400 million shots has shown that the vaccines are safe and effective.

    • @tsunamis82
      @tsunamis82 Před 2 lety +2

      To save the courts time from senseless claims.

  • @Alfarojv
    @Alfarojv Před 2 lety +15

    but also there will be a surprise outbreak." - Anthony Fauci, 2017 at Georgetown University

    • @otisdylan9532
      @otisdylan9532 Před 2 lety +9

      Yes, Fauci knew what all informed people knew.

    • @BothEyesWideOpen
      @BothEyesWideOpen Před 2 lety +5

      This plague was engineered in advance to give little scumbag Hitler's control over everybody and everything but it's not working because we know the lies that have been used to further their cause

    • @elyssay3157
      @elyssay3157 Před 2 lety +6

      You can say that at any time in history. There's always another one coming. As long as humanity is around, viruses/diseases will be, too.
      That's why vaccines are so damn important.

    • @rrlandservice9017
      @rrlandservice9017 Před 2 lety +3

      @@elyssay3157 it was a released virus/ act of war, currently in a war with china

    • @mikepublic111
      @mikepublic111 Před 2 lety +1

      @@rrlandservice9017 It was the first shot to soften up the people of earth before a full scale alien invasion.

  • @ltaw36
    @ltaw36 Před 2 lety +11

    Why? Hospital should come out with policy those unvaccinated ppl who go hospital for help, tell them to go church.

    • @myndgodandpsyche
      @myndgodandpsyche Před 2 lety +2

      And if it's an obese person they should go to the supermarket instead of the hospital because they just had a heart attack right? And a substance abuser who just had an OD on heroin should go back to his drug dealer? The Hippocratic oath is just what it states you treat all and you do no harm if that's the case you're no longer a doctor

    • @neffetSnnamremmiZ
      @neffetSnnamremmiZ Před 2 lety

      Even churches need lightning rods! 😉

    • @beetoven8193
      @beetoven8193 Před 2 lety

      @@myndgodandpsyche If the hospital is overflowing, even good doctors begin triage.

    • @tim3172
      @tim3172 Před 2 lety +2

      @@myndgodandpsyche Obesity isn't contagious.
      Substance abuse isn't contagious.
      Neither have a vaccination to prevent the addiction.

    • @myndgodandpsyche
      @myndgodandpsyche Před 2 lety

      @@tim3172it can be

  • @satguy
    @satguy Před 2 lety +1

    CDC US new covid cases 7 day average per day 96,950, deaths 1,750.
    As far as vaccinations go, as of a few days ago, 72% of people in the United States are vaccinated with at least one dose of the covid-19 vaccine. The least vaccinated groups are, African-Americans with only 11% and Hispanic 27%. Now please tell me what political party do the majority of them belong to? Because last I checked it wasn't the right.

  • @gailcarey3597
    @gailcarey3597 Před 2 lety +3

    I don’t know why the headline mentions Evangelical Christians except that the Doctor is a Christian, but He is so right about why there is so much distrust.
    If politicians stayed in their lane and turned the messaging over to the medical and science professionals we would have had more confidence in the vaccine.

    • @SpotterVideo
      @SpotterVideo Před 2 lety +1

      During 2011 Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, wrote an article printed in the Washington Post which advocated for Gain-of-Function research in viruses. They said it was a risk worth taking.

    • @donjohnson5123
      @donjohnson5123 Před 2 lety +1

      Collins is no Christian, he’s another demon possessed agent of Satan

  • @katmandudawn8417
    @katmandudawn8417 Před 2 lety +24

    I might add that all kids who get sick or are exposed and then quarantined are missing out on schooling.
    Even if they aren’t hospitalized, they fall behind.
    All these “anti everything”parents screamed that schools should be reopened then they insist on setting their kids up to be infected.
    Schools full of infected kids are either re closed or hampered from getting the kids back to learning and normalcy.
    I’m tired of having a fifth of my class out on any given day. And I’m tired of having to scramble to cover the duties of missing coworker because you can’t find a substitute for love nor money.
    It’s hellish.
    There was already a teacher shortage.
    Out of control monster parents, kids who think rules don’t apply since they are just following Mom and Dad. TikTok vandalism, and dangerous working conditions are making it worse. Don’t forget long hours and low pay.
    Who do you think will teach your children if we do get back to normal?
    Would you want to work in that situation?

    • @parkerdierks8188
      @parkerdierks8188 Před 2 lety +5

      Kids are almost immune to covid. Please don’t bring them into this! That’s just nasty

    • @angeladansie4378
      @angeladansie4378 Před 2 lety +7

      @@parkerdierks8188 Some people are apparently immune to facts. While children do tend to be more resilient, they still contract Covid. Some get VERY sick & some die. They also spread it to others. They are ABSOLUTELY not "immune."

    • @angeladansie4378
      @angeladansie4378 Před 2 lety +4

      Teachers are saints. You deserve more pay & respect

    • @pepsimae
      @pepsimae Před 2 lety

      One solution may be start teaching at an underground School. Seems to be normal like it used to be. Just an idea. And probably something most people are absolutely unaware of. Our kids just keep going to school and getting taught

    • @katmandudawn8417
      @katmandudawn8417 Před 2 lety +4

      @@parkerdierks8188 excuse me !?
      What are you basing that twattle on?
      I know that’s not true because I’ve got kids out sick with Covid diagnosis out for weeks.
      Then I get to try to get them caught up on lessons while also readying and teaching the present lesson.
      Oh, and covering the classes for sick co workers on my planning period.
      Don’t show your ignorance.

  • @Master_Petes_Theater
    @Master_Petes_Theater Před 2 lety +34

    Francis Collins has had a stellar scientific career. "God helps those who helps themselves" is a saying that illustrates this man of science operating under a Christian ethos. Take heed, evangelicals!

    • @coleengoodell7523
      @coleengoodell7523 Před 2 lety +1

      That is actually not scriptural. Just something that has been thrown around long enough that people think it is.

    • @Master_Petes_Theater
      @Master_Petes_Theater Před 2 lety

      @@coleengoodell7523 Kindly point out where I stated that that saying was "scriptural". I'll wait.

    • @thetweatles8176
      @thetweatles8176 Před 2 lety

      Good golly liberals are naive and unintelligent 😳

    • @Master_Petes_Theater
      @Master_Petes_Theater Před 2 lety +2

      @@thetweatles8176 I'm not a "liberal" although it's apparent you're an utter dullard. Thanks for playing! *Be best!!* 🤪😂😂
      The number of functional neurons you possess to enable you to engage in critical thinking are severely limited.
      Therefore, based upon your response to my comment, I'm not surprised that you'd spew a heaping helping of nitwittery! Remember: *Be BEST!*
      On a side note, I was hospitalized with the virus for six days and my kidneys have been chronically affected. I received the Pfizer ×2 regimen. A sore arm trumps kidney failure or other chronic adverse effects.

    • @hillbillybeerdranker6678
      @hillbillybeerdranker6678 Před 2 lety

      The reason Collins is resigning is because he is being investigated and implicated in the funding of gain of function research into Coronaviruses. He's afraid he's going to be indicted on criminal charges, so he thinks if he just resigns, it'll all go away. He's wrong.

  • @idonotlikethismusic
    @idonotlikethismusic Před 2 lety +7

    If he wants evangelical Christians to listen to him, he should go on a news channel they trust, not CNN.

  • @neffetSnnamremmiZ
    @neffetSnnamremmiZ Před 2 lety +34

    Even churches need lightning rods! Or they would all have been already burned down. 😉

    • @MAli-uk9xx
      @MAli-uk9xx Před 2 lety

    • @simonpaine2347
      @simonpaine2347 Před 2 lety +2

      That is such a fantastic point! That's my kinda logic!
      Does God control everything? Yes.
      Does God control lightning? Of course!
      Then why do churches need lightning protection 🤔.
      Unless of course, it's to protect all the sinners inside!

    • @muttinchops3708
      @muttinchops3708 Před 2 lety

      @Is XiNN a SuperPac for the DEMS? justice for Hunter Brittin .

    • @MrMarca4444
      @MrMarca4444 Před 2 lety

      @Is XiNN a SuperPac for the DEMS? Why dont you look to see if your buddy Brandon Tatum is covering it?

    • @paulettelamontagne6097
      @paulettelamontagne6097 Před 2 lety

      @@simonpaine2347 yeah and they're not teaching about the wrongs of the CRT and LBGTQ and they only did remember what the Lord said. Judgement starts at the pulpit

  • @AgentAika001
    @AgentAika001 Před 2 lety +29

    As an atheist I'm sad we lost a bright mind like Collins to the absurdity of religious beliefs but he's done an amazing job separating his belief from actual facts

    • @jonathanmol4489
      @jonathanmol4489 Před 2 lety +1

      It seems ok for a member of the clergy to give a child a shot in the behind, but the parents getting a shot in the arm is a sin.

    • @DriveInFreak
      @DriveInFreak Před 2 lety +5

      @Scott Manerez Feel free to do that as soon as possable.

    • @jonathanmol4489
      @jonathanmol4489 Před 2 lety +2

      @Scott Manerez You go to that empty black space asap.
      No sense hanging out with people who are open minded.

    • @goe1punk
      @goe1punk Před 2 lety

      Why is CZcams allowing this if it isn't true?

    • @georgialee3432
      @georgialee3432 Před 2 lety

      @Scott Manerez well first if that’s the way it worked then how on earth would you think you would get into heaven being that nasty and hateful? Second there is no sky daddy judging us. You’re not given free will then punished for using it. We are an extension of God we’re all that is not separate from. God or the universe is having experience through each and everyone of us and everything. There is no right or wrong. That’s a man-made concept with men with consequences of course but not eternal consequences.

  • @johndanenberg217
    @johndanenberg217 Před 2 lety +11

    The evangelists just turn the other ear.

    • @MAli-uk9xx
      @MAli-uk9xx Před 2 lety

  • @matthewmcdermit8744
    @matthewmcdermit8744 Před 2 lety +24

    Thanks for having the courage to speak out.

    • @satguy
      @satguy Před 2 lety +3

      According to the CDC the Delta variant is twice as contagious as previous variants. Even If You’re fully Vaccinated, the Delta Variant Can Still Impact You. As far as vaccinations go, as of a few days ago, 72% of people in the United States are vaccinated with at least one dose of the covid-19 vaccine. The least vaccinated groups are, African-Americans with only 11% and Hispanic 27%. Now please tell me what political party do the majority of them belong to? Because last I checked it wasn't the right.

    • @notheorytrue
      @notheorytrue Před 2 lety

      @@satguy honestly believe there is a "test" that can tell the difference between the dreaded "delta" variant, any "variant" and regular old covid ?

    • @Ryan-my5lz
      @Ryan-my5lz Před 2 lety +1

      @@satguy as soon as you said according to the CDC I stopped reading.🤡

    • @satguy
      @satguy Před 2 lety

      @@Ryan-my5lz Half of the people's don't like it because it comes from them, the other half say unless I put where the information come from I'm lying. I'd rather be transparent, than worry whether you like the source or not.

    • @Ryan-my5lz
      @Ryan-my5lz Před 2 lety


  • @thejellopster
    @thejellopster Před 2 lety +11

    Maybe we should keep medicine out of politics and religion.
    The evidence is COVID cases going down. As predicted.

    • @odawg2255
      @odawg2255 Před 2 lety

      Why is it only evangelical christians isn't it all major religious beliefs in america. Oh they only target certain people makes sense

    • @LostintheTwilightZone
      @LostintheTwilightZone Před 2 lety +2

      @@odawg2255 There are many conservative christian denominations who also refuse to believe science, but there are also liberal denominations who DO follow science!!! So far it is ONLY the conservative christian denominations who are fighting against the vaccine! Have not heard o any other religions except for a very conservative Hassidic Jewish community in NYC that has been anti-vaxxers.

    • @odawg2255
      @odawg2255 Před 2 lety

      @@LostintheTwilightZone no islam krap and the talks like that

    • @lchjr
      @lchjr Před 2 lety

      Yeah, I remember a guy saying 2 cases would soon being 0, and it would disappear in the summer... can you stop being stupid?

  • @abocas
    @abocas Před 2 lety +29

    To plea with anyone lost in trumpism is futile ....
    Take it from a long time European observer ....

    • @tacitblue1973
      @tacitblue1973 Před 2 lety +6

      It's a neofascist death cult. They pee KoolAid at this point.

    • @tacitblue1973
      @tacitblue1973 Před 2 lety +4

      @ILLEGITIMATE DEMENTED Joe In PT Barnum's own words, there's a sucker born every minute.

    • @tacitblue1973
      @tacitblue1973 Před 2 lety +3

      @ILLEGITIMATE DEMENTED Joe Despite my mother being a working girl when she was younger, she never had a pimp and she never bred for stupidity. At least my family tree doesn't look like a wreath. Totally legitimate child of love. Looking at your name you wish you were that lucky.

    • @daviddrake5991
      @daviddrake5991 Před 2 lety +1

      @ILLEGITIMATE DEMENTED Joe You complain when he talks you complain when he does not.

    • @devo2
      @devo2 Před 2 lety

      And this is why the country will split.

  • @hadara69
    @hadara69 Před 2 lety +31

    "When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in("Hugging") the flag and carrying a cross(Bible)."
    ~Sinclair Lewis

    • @jerrypeal653
      @jerrypeal653 Před 2 lety +5

      It’s already here it’s called leftist liberal Democrats.

    • @waynerenee3809
      @waynerenee3809 Před 2 lety +2

      Are you suggesting Jesus was a fascist?

    • @spumemonk11
      @spumemonk11 Před 2 lety +4

      @@waynerenee3809 . If anything Jesus, judging by his teachings, would have been more aligned to Communism than any other political ideology.

    • @waynerenee3809
      @waynerenee3809 Před 2 lety

      @@spumemonk11 I wasn't aware he was concerned with politics. Tell me more.

    • @lisamariluhm6804
      @lisamariluhm6804 Před 2 lety

      He is NOT at all a creep!

  • @rrlandservice9017
    @rrlandservice9017 Před 2 lety +1

    Didn't nih director resign

  • @Dan210871
    @Dan210871 Před 2 lety +26

    Asking Evangelical Christians to focus on the evidence is like asking fish to fly. If they could live evidence-based lives, they wouldn't be Evangelical Christians.

    • @roba6660able
      @roba6660able Před 2 lety +1

      The only ones ignoring science are the so called experts. They lie about post covid immunity. There is zero reason to take an experimental gene therapy that does have risks.

    • @roba6660able
      @roba6660able Před 2 lety +1

      You decry science. This Vaccine does not stop you from getting the virus and spreading it. The Island of Gibralter with a population 99% vaccinated with a 2000% increase in cases. It is you that lack knowledge and your hatred of Christianity is on full display.

    • @Dan210871
      @Dan210871 Před 2 lety +3

      @@roba6660able You have absolutely changed my mind, oh wise anonymous internet rando. I will absolutely take your advice from now on, and ignore the opinions of doctors and epidemiologists in favor of yours. I should have known that true omniscience resides with you and you alone.
      Now go borrow a dictionary and try to read the definition of "sarcasm", but do so slowly because you don't want your lips to get too tired.

    • @user-lb3nq7mi9r
      @user-lb3nq7mi9r Před 2 lety +1

      pretty much like the left.
      Science from the left: "Lancet describes women as 'bodies with vaginas'"
      Science from the left: *We must vax 5 year olds now*
      Meanwhile in Europe.... HELSINKI, Oct 7 (Reuters) - Finland on Thursday paused the use of Moderna's (MRNA.O) COVID-19 vaccine for younger males due to reports of a rare cardiovascular side effect, joining Sweden and Denmark in limiting its use.

    • @Dan210871
      @Dan210871 Před 2 lety +1

      @@user-lb3nq7mi9r Come back after you get your GED, and maybe it'll be worthwhile mocking you then. Right now you don't even qualify for derision.

  • @cockyplopsnigga
    @cockyplopsnigga Před 2 lety +4

    Making a killing investing in medical stocks

  • @spinthis56
    @spinthis56 Před 2 lety +27

    *I LOVE Dr. Francis Collins!*

    • @playgroundofsound7683
      @playgroundofsound7683 Před 2 lety +4

      And dr fauci!

    • @KatherineUribe-1
      @KatherineUribe-1 Před 2 lety +2

      I'm sorry to see him go, but he has worked hard his entire life. He deserves retirement and rest.

    • @KatherineUribe-1
      @KatherineUribe-1 Před 2 lety +2

      @@playgroundofsound7683 Dr. Fauci has dedicated his entire adult life to science and service. He's never done anything to warrant the vitriol that's been heaped upon him. He has dutifully given us the information about the virus as more was discovered. Those who don't understand that scientific discovery is a process, and our knowledge is constantly evolving. It's disgraceful that he & his family have received death threats.

    • @chaos3340
      @chaos3340 Před 2 lety

      @@playgroundofsound7683 Dr Fauci is a disgrace. If you knew about the research in the Wuhan lab he funded you would say that too. Fact!

    • @chaos3340
      @chaos3340 Před 2 lety

      @@KatherineUribe-1 so you think making animal viruses infectious to humans is a good thing when done in a lab with a poor safety record and in a hostile country? That's what Fauci funded. He should be suspended for conflict of interest as he research he funded could've created COVID-19. Fact!

  • @lagautmd
    @lagautmd Před 2 lety +16

    A good man. I may not agree on religion, but we don't have to agree on that to move forward on science. Complete respect for a good man.

    • @Ur2ez4me81
      @Ur2ez4me81 Před 6 měsíci

      No he’s not he’s a liar & fear monger. Salesman for big pharma

  • @lindalauer1434
    @lindalauer1434 Před 2 lety +1

    The commercial by Goldman Sach's is hilarious because it really shows the stretching being made to try to say that the increases in price a couple of times before the money grab, increase for money grab, increase for virus, increase for loss of employees is not a greedy venture, lmbo !
    It's rich take the poor & they damn well know it.

  • @stephenhatt742
    @stephenhatt742 Před 2 lety +11

    All the best Dr Collins .... may your word's give some reason to pause & rethink their stance ... God Bless :)
    Zoe , Canada

    • @colmastro4373
      @colmastro4373 Před 2 lety +1

      "God" is the problem, funny how you missed that point lol.

    • @truetech4158
      @truetech4158 Před 2 lety

      A catholic threatened to arson my atheist parents Toronto home though..

    • @thetweatles8176
      @thetweatles8176 Před 2 lety

      @@truetech4158 Didn't you publicly admit to being in a SAME-SEX relationship? 🤔

    • @stephenhatt742
      @stephenhatt742 Před 2 lety

      @@colmastro4373 Sorry ... not to me ... you have a good night though :) Zoe

    • @stephenhatt742
      @stephenhatt742 Před 2 lety

      @@truetech4158 Did you see anywhere where I stated there are no lunatics in Canada ????? After the abuse of children under their care I know there are some of who are pure evil .... I also know there are those who are true Christians ..... Have a good night :) Zoe

  • @MyHandelsMessiah
    @MyHandelsMessiah Před 2 lety +8

    You cannot ask a fish to breathe lava so do not ask an evangelical Christian to be intelligent

    • @Pamela-cn3pm
      @Pamela-cn3pm Před 2 lety

      I believe the good doctor totally destroyed your point. He's objective with the science and well learned. Not all evangelicals are easily led or misled.

  • @juno7762
    @juno7762 Před 2 lety +1

    In case Americans are unaware, our government is not responsible for "protecting us". They take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. This means we the people decided with our God given rights, to choose to put the protection of all of our rights into a governing body. We can protect ourselves and our family, and our property, except when we are not around to do so. In that case we "hired/paid" a civil servant agency to protect those we live, and our property, from those who would violate our rights, and liberties, and safety. We chose our government to defend our rights, and our liberties, and our freedom from any who tried to violate them. Our government thinks it is in charge of our safety, but it is simply false. We the people, and our civil servants protect ourselves. The government is not only violating our rights, to speech, religious practice, and free press, they are also violating our right to safety, with open boarders, violating our laws, by open boarder, and coercion under duress, by forcing vaccinations, or losing our jobs, that is a crime, btw. Our president, himself and ALL of his closest advisors, are currently attempting to completely take over every aspect of our lives. This is unacceptable. I think we the people should all make our voices heard, and demand the whole lot of the ones lying, and helping to go in direct opposition of our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and other duly enacted, constitutionally correct laws, be removed, impeached, or prosecuted for crimes against humanity for the harms caused by their direct actions and words since January 6th, 2021. This is my humble opinion, but it is based on Truth. That oath :"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Equity is not equality. Equity, is the value of something, minus what you still owe on it. It is in no way attributable to human beings rights..except that what they own, they have equity in. Language, the tool of manipulation. Sheesh

  • @gonzaler99
    @gonzaler99 Před 2 lety +1

    Didn't he retire? Why is he on CNN?

  • @diysnapdragn
    @diysnapdragn Před 2 lety +19

    Science is how we try to explain the natural systems of our world in a way we can understand. Those systems where created by God. Science is explaining the systems God put in place. So how is Science against God?

    • @davidralphs4
      @davidralphs4 Před 2 lety +4

      Your God didn't create anything. You were brainwashed by others to believe in your God. You are having a delusional experience that doesn't point to any external truth.

    • @AsFewFalseThingsAsPossible
      @AsFewFalseThingsAsPossible Před 2 lety +2

      You are presupposing a god, when that has not been demonstrated. You cannot possibly know that natural systems are not natural. Science does not use "then god did it" as an explanation or evidence for any event. Does this help you understand ?

    • @davidbible1469
      @davidbible1469 Před 2 lety +2

      Every discovery science has made demonstrated that there is a better explanation than a god did it.

    • @Delvien
      @Delvien Před 2 lety +2

      I mean the Bible thumpers are like "ask your doctor if the vaccine is right for you" vs. the "secular" activists that are saying "get the poke because we told you to based off our political beliefs"
      Hard to see anyone saying science is against God when a significant amount of institutions of higher education were founded by religious organizations lol. Harvard started out teaching clergymen for example, SMU is southern methodist university, Baylor is a Baptist university, etc.

    • @DAndyLord
      @DAndyLord Před 2 lety

      @@AsFewFalseThingsAsPossible Here's a thought for you. If simulating a universe is possible then it's probable that we're living in a simulation. If we live in a simulation it implies our universe has a creator.

  • @curtiskellam5358
    @curtiskellam5358 Před 2 lety +11

    A lot of the disinformation is coming from their so-called pastors.

  • @WillNewcomb
    @WillNewcomb Před 2 lety +10

    At last, an Evangelical AND a scientist. More like him please!

    • @davidralphs4
      @davidralphs4 Před 2 lety +1

      Fewer please. He must have Schizophrenia to believe that Jesus was made without human sperm and had a physical resurrection while working in a laboratory through the week.

    • @elyssay3157
      @elyssay3157 Před 2 lety

      Honestly, just more scientists would be cool with me. Or how about theistic scientists?

    • @WillNewcomb
      @WillNewcomb Před 2 lety

      @@elyssay3157 Yes, that would be fine. I'm just grateful there are some Evangelical scientists around who aren't complete idiots (speaking as someone from am evangelical background).

  • @mattt9187
    @mattt9187 Před 2 lety +20

    Wow! What a great professional and what a great representative of Christianity. Thank you for your service Dr. Collins

    • @MAli-uk9xx
      @MAli-uk9xx Před 2 lety

    • @nunyabidnez5857
      @nunyabidnez5857 Před 2 lety +4

      I'm not a Christian but calling someone who uses aborted fetal tissue for experimentation a good representative of anything is astounding.

    • @jd3448
      @jd3448 Před 2 lety

      Are you kidding me? This is sarcasm, right? This man is a TERRIBLE example of Christianity. He doesn’t believe what the Bible says. Instead he peddles fear when the Lord tells us not to fear. This man is beyond fearful. He’s vaccinated yet he’s afraid to go to in person church? What a weak Christian. Oh, ye of little faith. 😔

    • @Ur2ez4me81
      @Ur2ez4me81 Před 6 měsíci

      lol you have been deceived

  • @arthurwatt4144
    @arthurwatt4144 Před 2 lety +13

    These so called cheistians believe this is the mark of the beast or the prelude to it, but it doesnt fit the biblical description. And I could find prelude to mark of the beast anywhere in the bible. So ????? Read your bible Christian's and stop making things up.

    • @MAli-uk9xx
      @MAli-uk9xx Před 2 lety

    • @christopherparks2987
      @christopherparks2987 Před 2 lety +1

      they also thought Dungeons and Dragons would summon Satan

    • @marklasky3555
      @marklasky3555 Před 2 lety

      I can clarify any questions that you have? There is a prelude to the mark..of course, there is, but nowhere does it talk about a vaccine in the bible.

    • @christopherparks2987
      @christopherparks2987 Před 2 lety

      @@marklasky3555 I think it's pretty clear that there is no prelude nor mark. If there were, we wouldn't have a bunch of people reading the same book freaking out every other year about some new "the mark," because they'd know wtf they're looking for.

    • @marklasky3555
      @marklasky3555 Před 2 lety

      @@christopherparks2987 I think it's pretty clear that you don't know what you're talking about when it comes to this subject which is understandable. There are a bunch of you that don't, so they just freak out.

  • @MalikaBourne
    @MalikaBourne Před 2 lety +5

    Dr. Collins presented a lifesaving point in such a kind way.
    There is an old story about a man of faith who lived in a town that flooded.
    A police car with siren and loudspeaker warned to evacuate: A rowboat with life jackets went by urging this guy to get into the boat. While the guy was on the roof of his house and helicopter lowered a rope to rescue the guy. The man drowned after refusing help from the rescuers...the same man who had faith that his god would save him.
    You may know the punch line.

  • @faithoverfear6263
    @faithoverfear6263 Před 2 lety +6

    The NIH just came out on Thursday saying this man lied about funding GOF research that killed millions of people. "For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds." (2 Co 11:13-15).

  • @Hiddeninthineheart
    @Hiddeninthineheart Před 2 lety +4

    John 3:16
    King James Version
    16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

  • @Badgersj
    @Badgersj Před 2 lety +4

    A decent man.

  • @poldetson6596
    @poldetson6596 Před 2 lety +23

    Jim Jefferies: "If you’re religious, I’m sure you’re nice but you’re slowing us down"

    • @healthlife90
      @healthlife90 Před 2 lety

      Texas A&M's Mammoth Alabama Upset Disrupts Frenzied College Football Landscape

    • @stephenjones7804
      @stephenjones7804 Před 2 lety +1

      @Ryan Boehm As a Christian, I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice." In a 1928 speech, he said: "We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity ... in fact our movement is Christian." Hitler

    • @WayneSmith-lo8be
      @WayneSmith-lo8be Před 2 lety

      Very religiously stated !!!!!!

    • @marieloa5119
      @marieloa5119 Před 2 lety

      He's kind in a world where most people aren't, he chose public service in a world where most people just look out for themselves and their's. It's the dismissal of these qualities as simple niceties that slows both our progress and hinders our quality of life. Atheism doesn't bestow intelligence or talent the same way a healthy relationship with religion won't rob you of it.

    • @chrisgill1302
      @chrisgill1302 Před 2 lety

      Just keep living your life based on a stand up comedy routine...You are the joke.

  • @davetdowell
    @davetdowell Před 2 lety +1

    How many of the research grants made to WIV came from NIH?

    • @Ur2ez4me81
      @Ur2ez4me81 Před 6 měsíci

      We will never know but one thing we do know is videos like this haven’t aged well.

  • @elsablue3646
    @elsablue3646 Před 2 lety +1

    There is evidence that is not disinformation but truth. The agenda is whats important to these people.

  • @ms.b9093
    @ms.b9093 Před 2 lety +6

    Kids can suffer permanent heart damage.

    • @chrisgill1302
      @chrisgill1302 Před 2 lety

      Just to clarify...The heart damage is a direct result of the "vaccine"

  • @kylebrister7608
    @kylebrister7608 Před 2 lety +9

    It's a disgrace that a decent man like this would be threatened & treated so disrespectfully for trying to help people & also show the love of God.

    • @TheD4VR0S
      @TheD4VR0S Před 2 lety

      It is but then again showing love for a baby murderer is a disgrace

    • @kylebrister7608
      @kylebrister7608 Před 2 lety +3

      @@TheD4VR0S I have no idea what you are referring to & I don't think you do either.

    • @TheD4VR0S
      @TheD4VR0S Před 2 lety

      @@kylebrister7608 remember passover how many babies did god murder that day, how about the flood where god murdered every child on the planet it's strange that you conveniently dont know of these events

    • @kM-ij2ly
      @kM-ij2ly Před 2 lety

      Nothing decent about this man at all he needs to repent

    • @jl-tart7064
      @jl-tart7064 Před 2 lety

      Eh not quite pressuring people to take the vaccine at the risk of health (worse death) to even job loss and no unemployment benefits is not the love of God and the Bible/God was/is clear on not conforming to be like others.

  • @c1886
    @c1886 Před 2 lety +2

    They keep saying the case's are going down. I guess there not looking at montana or Alaska and some other states because the case's are going up there.

    • @MAli-uk9xx
      @MAli-uk9xx Před 2 lety

  • @cavellebelgrave6228
    @cavellebelgrave6228 Před 2 lety +2


  • @christianwayne8018
    @christianwayne8018 Před 2 lety +18

    The philosophy of the rich and the poor is that: the rich invest their money and spend what is left. The poor spend their money and invest what is left.

    • @mandywilliams7661
      @mandywilliams7661 Před 2 lety

      How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in saving account? I rest my case.

    • @christcatter2705
      @christcatter2705 Před 2 lety

      Investing for today is priceless because tomorrow isn’t promised, trading Bitcoins,gold,silver and crypto secure a better tomorrow

    • @auroraclaire3189
      @auroraclaire3189 Před 2 lety

      Interesting,most people don’t understand the market moves and tend to be mislead infact like this and always depend on money in the bank very bad idea.

    • @chloemadison8241
      @chloemadison8241 Před 2 lety

      I understand the fact that tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone,but investing today is a hard thing to do because I have no idea of how and where to invest in?

    • @ameliasophia8068
      @ameliasophia8068 Před 2 lety

      My personal portfolio/investment manager, Mrs William Clark after a whole week of research, he runs an investment platform where you don’t have to undergo any stress in the trades, he manages my trade

  • @sorcererscott5326
    @sorcererscott5326 Před 2 lety +13

    "Christians are supposed to care about their neighbors" 😂 That's funny, tell another one

    • @raden2232
      @raden2232 Před 2 lety


    • @DaveGIS123
      @DaveGIS123 Před 2 lety +2

      Not everyone who claims to be a Christian is really a Christian. Jesus said you can tell who's who by the things they do --- their "fruit".
      Read, for example, Matthew 7: 15-27.

    • @pwling888
      @pwling888 Před 2 lety +1

      Nationalist Christians are anything but Christians. More like the hypocrites (Pharisees) during the days of Jesus.

    • @garywaidelich7389
      @garywaidelich7389 Před 2 lety

      You do know that almost all hospitals in america were started by Christian organizations.

    • @sorcererscott5326
      @sorcererscott5326 Před 2 lety +1

      @@garywaidelich7389 I never said they didn't know how to make money

  • @lansanakoroma2398
    @lansanakoroma2398 Před 2 lety

    My phone is discharging and it's on the charger always looking for ways to discharge people from doing the right thing and saying the right thing we have protect this nation

  • @parkerdierks8188
    @parkerdierks8188 Před 2 lety +2


  • @tek5692
    @tek5692 Před 2 lety +11

    "Evangelical Christians" are usually neither; a better description would be "proselytizing judgmentalists."

    • @bovinityleak2066
      @bovinityleak2066 Před 2 lety


    • @thedaredevil1907
      @thedaredevil1907 Před 2 lety

      Says the people judging them for making a choice ....right right tell me more

    • @tek5692
      @tek5692 Před 2 lety

      @@thedaredevil1907 - when Evangelical Christians divorce themselves from the Republican/MAGA cult and actually focus on helping the poor and loving people, then maybe my opinion will change. But American Christianity in general and Evangelicals in particular don't seem a bit interested in actually doing what Jesus told them to do. They have brought any condemnation they receive on themselves.

    • @tek5692
      @tek5692 Před 2 lety

      @@thedaredevil1907 PS if the "choice" they/you are making is to reject science and our shared responsibility for keeping each other safe from COVID, that's a "choice" totally worth judging and condemning.

    • @thedaredevil1907
      @thedaredevil1907 Před 2 lety

      @@tek5692 haha the Church as a hole in the US gives more than any other organization...any time a disaster happens American Christians all over open there wallets to help...and not sure why you thought I was a republican but I'm not....and see where your wrong is we as AMERICANS have INDIVIDUAL freedoms and me taking my meds so your meds "work more better" is a joke. I'm young and healthy never took a flu shot not taking this one. BUT my folks are getting up in age and I took them to there appointments to get there shot. I belive that we all should get these choices and not be berated for them. Greater good be damned.

  • @michaelhoward3048
    @michaelhoward3048 Před 2 lety +6

    (For those that enjoy reading, this is a non-bias, non-political comment about what I believe is the core issue in the current situation: thinking and information. For the non-reader move along. I know. It's just exhausting but not all issues can be contained in a single paragraph or slogan. But this is scary, it haunts me, and I don't see how we can stop this.)
    Isn't truth or falsehood the most important variable to consider in a logical and rational proposition? That the proposition must be true to allow further analysis of a concept, idea, fact or subject of any kind to expect to arrive at a truthful conclusion or accurate assessment? And that if we accept an untruth or a false proposition, we cannot expect to arrive at truthful conclusion? I think this is obvious, but it gets worse.
    Given that truth is the principle variable for logic to produce rational and true propositions and conclusions, if a person has a false premise or a misunderstanding of a concept, idea or fact, derived from a false proposition, can they still use logic or reason with that false variable to arrive at a rational or truthful conclusion? Can they still be reasonable with a false variable using logic? Can you take bad information essentially and make it reasonable, even logical, and arrive at a misguided and false opinion or conclusion...and how would you know?
    That even if we used proper logic, if the premise we are using is from a false proposition we should never expect to arrive at a truthful conclusion contemplating that proposition. So I am wondering how you would suggest, without having access to the truth or the knowledge (epistemic discernment) to understand that your premise is untrue, how one can self-correct, or self-diagnose which I believe is the first step towards identification and correction, the course of their thinking if they do not have the capacity or knowledge to determine the validity of their own premise without an interlocutor with an opposing view or access to the truth itself? And ultimately, how do you discern that you even have the truth at all, or are instead trapped in your own cognitive bias?
    And I am speaking about someone particularly who may have not had any philosophical education in either logic or epistemology, let alone psychology, but is only using their own reasoning in whatever capacity it has naturally developed. In that regard, when formulating opinions regarding any subject on your own reason, without the truth to begin with, don't you think self-correction would be impossible without epistemic discernment, at least?
    Ultimately I am trying to understand more about our own capacity to analyze the conclusions we arrive at independently, without the benefit of dialogue through an interlocutor, and what methods, if any, could one use to self-correct their own thinking to arrive at more rational conclusions if they are deprived , misguided, or misinformed of the essential truths necessary for the application of logic during the premise to obtain a truthful and rational conclusion.
    Worse, and this is the part that haunts me, once they arrive at that false or irrational conclusion, how could they self-correct the process so that this false or irrational conclusion does not become part of a new premise for further contemplation which would necessarily result in further false or irrational conclusions thus leading to a cascade of increasingly false and irrational conclusions taking them further away from rationality and truth and down the rabbit hole? And without an interlocutor for rebuttals and refutations promoting critical thinking and self-correction, or some epistemic discernment of the facts or validity of their own premises and conclusions through philosophical study, how can it be stopped? How do you know you are wrong?
    These questions have haunted me because they seem to be the single biggest problem we face today as a cohesive society capable of resolving any issues behind a general consensus or rational approach. Tribalism, herd instinct and ideology seem to dominate society now and directs both thinking and decision making and this cannot endure indefinitely.

    • @lisapedersen8669
      @lisapedersen8669 Před 2 lety


    • @karascene13
      @karascene13 Před 2 lety

      You need to make this 1 paragraph. You're just using synonyms over and over- it's exhausting. This could be summed up in 1 paragraph or less. Work on it.

    • @michaelhoward3048
      @michaelhoward3048 Před 2 lety

      @@karascene13 It certainly was not proofread and condensed, and I see what you mean here objectively. But really, other than the excessive rambling you mention, I think you fortunately have the ability to recognize that and offer constructive criticism. But I am not submitting it for a grade and further revision seems to me even more pedantic than it already is!
      But, if anything, it was simply underestimating those who might read it, and I felt such methodical and repetitive steps might make the point better. And I could feel myself doing it even as I wrote it! But I actually appreciate your criticism, and indeed it is constructive, and your final statement telling me to "Work on it" I hope means you see some value in what I have said and wish only to increase that value!

  • @ruthginestre1287
    @ruthginestre1287 Před 2 lety +1

    It so sad that now they want to used evangelicals pastor to endorse this jab
    I wonder how much they ate getting paid for this.

    • @pammyillinois2392
      @pammyillinois2392 Před 2 lety +1

      Exactly....always about the money. I was a nurse until this started. Breaks my heart seeing people under huge delusion. If they worked....why do they care who chooses not to take...isn't that the point of taking it in first place🤔

  • @thunderbyrd52
    @thunderbyrd52 Před 2 lety

    ​@UCRxj53myGn2goYf8sKcEwIQ What about he science of natural immunity? I got covid and was barely sick. Why do I need a vaccine?

  • @dandansen571
    @dandansen571 Před 2 lety +10

    People chained to the Bible screaming about freedom. Hilarious - and ludicrously oxymoronic.

    • @satansgimp4609
      @satansgimp4609 Před 2 lety

      People screaming freedom yet forcing ideas on others that too

    • @thetweatles8176
      @thetweatles8176 Před 2 lety

      Just take a look at how many liberal males are BISEXUAL and or HOMOSEXUAL

    • @chrisgill1302
      @chrisgill1302 Před 2 lety

      Right...So, let's force them to take an experimental drug against their will.

    • @donnypaul6262
      @donnypaul6262 Před 2 lety

      @@chrisgill1302 Nobody is forcing you to get vaccinated. But if you choose not to, there are consequences. Choice=consequence - at least among adults. Are you an adult or a small child?
      If you choose not to get a driver's license, you don't get to drive a car. Choice=consequence - see how that works?
      There are thousands of rules, laws and regulations like that in a civilized society.
      You might consider moving to Somalia - very few if any laws, no universal healthcare and everybody owns a gun. Total freedom - MAGA style.
      BTW: Calling the vaxx experimental is classic misinformation BS.