Shocking Truth: European Women and the Hijab

  • čas přidán 9. 05. 2024
  • #Islam #Bobbysperspective #christianity
    ☕Buy Bobby A Coffee:
    European Women used to Wear Hijab 100 Years ago in England. Why did they stop the Veil? Why do Europeans think that the Hijab does not belong to Europe? Will the Islamic Attire get banned in Europe? How about Freedom of Religion?
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Komentáře • 452

  • @KtKo0t
    @KtKo0t Před 26 dny +212

    "Modesty is backward
    Marriage is backward
    Defending your land is backward"
    May Allah protect us

    • @xxCrimsonSpiritxx
      @xxCrimsonSpiritxx Před 26 dny

      Getting naked is freedom
      Having multiple girlfriends is cool
      Oppressing and massacring others on their land is self-defense
      This world deserves to end asap, It's just that Allah (SwT) is giving people more time, more chances, out of pure mercy

    • @user-ll8rz9zp2o
      @user-ll8rz9zp2o Před 26 dny +19

      When the world is flipped upside down anything moral seems backwards

    • @tubba-dg7to
      @tubba-dg7to Před 25 dny

      Ikr! like child marriage, adult!

    • @KtKo0t
      @KtKo0t Před 25 dny +13

      Once a child reaches puberty, He/She not a child anymore, that's worldwide, My grandma had my uncle when she was 12, and that was 90 years ago.
      And for the adult breastfeeding is Aahad hadith and considered Da'ef

    • @xxCrimsonSpiritxx
      @xxCrimsonSpiritxx Před 25 dny +11

      @@tubba-dg7to Both account you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about lol

  • @azlaanwajid9119
    @azlaanwajid9119 Před 26 dny +161

    Western world be like : Nakedness is modesty 💀☠️

    • @Khalid-xassan
      @Khalid-xassan Před 26 dny

      think about this western twisted logic
      wearing bra and pants in streets and beach =✅☑✅ this what want *gets boner**
      wearing hijab in streets or beach =❌❎❌ this weird not right this oppressing women Muslims oppress women

    • @TheWatchmanWebsite
      @TheWatchmanWebsite Před 26 dny +1

      Why do *Messianic Jews* (Jews who become Christian) who know the Torah and the *ONENESS* of the God of the OT then go on to believe in the *ONENESS* of the *TRIUNE* God of the NT (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit)? Wow!
      [Many beloved Muslims aren't aware that Jesus already existed in spirit form (the eternal Word) before he added, at a later point in time, a human nature to his spirit nature]
      So how do Messianic Jews (being Christian) make sense of the ONENESS of God in the OT and the ONENESS of the triune God of the NT? How can they it still be the same God?
      You see, *["ONE"* in Deuteronomy 6:4 in the Hebrew language is *"ECHAD"* /אֶחָד which means a single entity but made up of more than one part *(UNITY/COMPOUND)].*
      "ECHAD" is also used in Genesis 2:24 in referring to a husband and wife (who are TWO) leaving their parents and becoming united into “ONE” *(ECHAD)* flesh:
      Genesis 2:24
      "Therefore shall an ish (husband) leave his av (father) and his em (mother), and shall cleave unto his isha (wife): and they shall be basar *ECHAD* (joined into one flesh).
      [There is a Hebrew word that means “absolute singularity,” *(YACHID),* but it is never used in the Hebrew Scriptures in reference to God! The Hebrew scriptures never says "God is YACHID"]
      Even the Arabic equivalent of echad, *AHAD,* (from which the Islamic Tawhid is derived) means *"one of"* and is usually used to indicate part of a whole. *AHAD does not mean absolute singularity!* All attributes of Allah of the Kaaba, as is the claim, are united with his essence and also united with each other.
      Moses was the first to write about the supernatural occurrence of God being on earth and being in heaven at the same moment (when God had come down as a man to Abraham and Lot (Genesis 18-19) to see to the repentance of Sodom and Gomorrah:
      Genesis (Bereshis) 19:24
      'Then Hashem *(the LORD)* rained upon Sodom and upon Amora gofrit and eish (fire and brimstone) from Hashem *(the LORD)* out of Shomayim (Heaven)'.
      Wow! This is Torah!
      So God is a *unity* of *one* God.
      What has this got to do with Jesus?
      Jesus confirmed (Mark12:29) the OT teaching that God is ONE.
      "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is *ONE."* (Deuteronomy 6:4)
      Jesus also declares in his own words: "I and the Father are *ONE”* (John 10:30, John 14:8-9). In the OT (Psalms 95:6‭-‬7) God is the *Shepherd* and believers are the *sheep* in his *hand* who hear his *voice.* Jesus was also declaring (John 10:26-29), like God, to be the *Shepherd* and believers who hear his *voice* are like *sheep* in his *hand.* This led the Jews to attempt to stone Jesus for his obvious claim to be God! Jesus even said he was the good Shepherd (John 10:11) who lays down his life for his sheep.
      Beloved Muslim, the ONENESS of the true God of Israel (the God of the previous scriptures) is different from the ONENESS (Tawhid/monotheism) of Allah of the Qur’an. They are not the same being, despite Allah of the Qur'an's claim to be same God of the previous scriptures (QS 29:46)! Allah of the Qur’an is a 7th century false god!
      The OT and NT are harmonious in revealing the three persons of the ONE God:
      The *FATHER* (Deuteronomy 32:6,
      Isaiah 63:16, Isaiah 64:8 and Jeremiah 31:9)
      The *SON* (Genesis 49:10, 1 Chronicles 17:11-15, Daniel 7:13-14, Isaiah 9:1-7, Luke 1:31-33)
      The *Holy Spirit* (Numbers 11:17‭, ‬25‭-‬29 Psalms 104:29‭-‬30, Acts 2:1‭-‬6)
      Beloved Muslims, leave the false God of Islam for you will surely perish. Blessings!

    • @eliasziad7864
      @eliasziad7864 Před 26 dny

      Yet Muslims flock to the West. if you dont like it here, then you can leave. gfy.

    • @aimaoren
      @aimaoren Před 25 dny +3

      قُلْ يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلْكَـٰفِرُونَ ١
      Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “O you disbelievers!
      لَآ أَعْبُدُ مَا تَعْبُدُونَ ٢
      I do not worship what you worship,
      وَلَآ أَنتُمْ عَـٰبِدُونَ مَآ أَعْبُدُ ٣
      nor do you worship what I worship.
      وَلَآ أَنَا۠ عَابِدٌۭ مَّا عَبَدتُّمْ ٤
      I will never worship what you worship,
      وَلَآ أَنتُمْ عَـٰبِدُونَ مَآ أَعْبُدُ ٥
      nor will you ever worship what I worship.
      لَكُمْ دِينُكُمْ وَلِىَ دِينِ ٦
      You have your way, and I have my Way.”

    • @TheWatchmanWebsite
      @TheWatchmanWebsite Před 25 dny +1

      *But why would God add to his divine nature the nature of a man?* Many beloved Muslims aren't aware that Jesus already existed in Spirit form before he added a human nature to his spirit nature. That is why telling a Christian that they worship a man comes off as lacking knowledge of what Christians believe. The Jesus whom Christians believe in existed in eternity (uncreated) before Mary, David, Abraham and Adam (None of us, or any prophet, existed in eternity (uncreated) form before our human birth).

      Jesus Christ existed in divine (spirit) form as the *Word* until the time in history when he added a human nature to his divine nature (when Mary gave birth to Jesus). That is why the scripture says Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit because he already existed in spirit form. No regular human/prophet was ever conceived of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not created but exists in eternity. The birth of Jesus is the first and only instance of the divine and human nature (flesh) ever being united together.
      'In the beginning (before creation) was the Word, and the Word was with God, and *the Word was God.* He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. *The Word became flesh* and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.' (John 1:1-3, 14).
      A man did not become God but God added the nature of a man to his divine nature. The Word was with the Father from eternity and the Word had the essence/nature of God. The Father and the Son are one God. They are *ECHAD* (meaning one/unity) as declared by Moses in Deuteronomy 6:4 and Jesus in Mark 12:14. That is why Jesus said he and the Father are ONE (John 10:30).
      *"ECHAD"* is also used in Genesis 2:24 in referring to a husband and wife (who are TWO) leaving their parents and becoming united into “ONE” *(ECHAD)* flesh:
      Jesus in his own words confirmed his pre-existence:
      “You are not yet fifty years old,” they said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!” “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds. (John 8:57-59)
      So what was the reason for the Word to lower himself by taking on a *human* form?
      'Since the children (mankind) have flesh and blood, he too shared in their *humanity* so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death-that is, the devil- and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. For surely it is not angels he helps, but Abraham’s descendants (Hebrews 2:14-16).
      Remove the crucifixion and there is absolutely no need for Jesus to humble himself by taking on a human form. Love of mankind, not weakness, caused Jesus to humble himself and subject himself to the cross.
      That is why Jesus Christ strongly rebuked the rejection of his crucifixion as being of *'S-tan', 'offensive',* and *'not mindful of the things of God'.* (Matthew 16:21-23).
      7 centuries before the coming of the Messiah, the New Testament, Paul or Nicea, the scriptures prophesied about the *'arm of the Lord'* who *'bared his soul unto DEATH and bore the SINS OF MANY'.* (Isaiah 53:12)
      Wow! Every Muslim needs to read this chapter for themselves!
      Jesus confirmed this prophecy:
      'For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, *and to give his LIFE as a RANSOM for MANY.”* (Mark‬ ‭10:45‬).
      Isa of the Qur’an (the 7th century imposter of Jesus Christ) is offensive to the true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
      Qur'an 4:157 is offensive to the true God and has shut out beloved Muslims from God's salvation. The 7th century Allah of the Qur’an is offensive and an imitation of the true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
      Let him who has ears hear!

  • @SherifDewidar
    @SherifDewidar Před 26 dny +220

    I speak for everyone when I say that we’re all incredibly happy to see Bobby back to consistent uploads 💯 💪

    • @One-jh6di
      @One-jh6di Před 26 dny +3

      IKR, glad he's back to consistency

    • @monotalk
      @monotalk Před 26 dny +3

      Yes yes yes

    • @TheWatchmanWebsite
      @TheWatchmanWebsite Před 26 dny +1

      I wish Bobby could address the issue of why *Messianic Jews* (Jews who become Christians) are amazed to discover that over 300 prophecies of the Messiah match with *Jesus Christ of the New Testament* Gospels and none of the prophecies of the Messiah from the Law of Moses and the Prophets (Moses to Malachi) match with the 7th century Prophet Isa of the Qur'an?
      In fact, the study of *Messianic prophecies* is one sure way for a sincere Muslim (who seeks the truth, not religion) to finally come to the realization that Prophet Isa, Allah and Islam are false.
      The Qur'an *deceptively* teach beloved Muslims to believe in the revelation of the prophets (QS 2:136) yet it then goes on to contradict over 300 revelations/prophecies
      Islam and the Qur'an deliberately keep Muslims in a state of ignorance inorder to hide the true identity, nature and mission of the Messiah.
      Allah of the Qur’an says that the Qur’an is a book sent to the prophet of Islam *confirming what (the Torah and Gospel) is with them* (the Jews and Christians) (QS 2:89) at the time of Muhammad. Logically the Qur'an cannot be contradicting the Torah and Gospel that it is confirming, right? QS 5:43 also tells the Christians to judge by the Evangelion which Allah has revealed. How can they judge by what is already corrupted or disappeared?
      Muslims do not realize that the Qur'an is like someone claiming that a vegetarian diet is the best and yet in the same speech tells you that a meat diet is the best! It says believe in the prophets and then goes against what the prophets wrote. Hypocrisy. Deception.
      According to the Prophets, we can prove that the Messiah is more than just a prophet, pre-existed his human birth through Mary, would be born in Bethlehem and would die and be resurrected for the sins of mankind.
      The prophecies, not written by Paul or at Nicea, line up with Jesus of the New Testament Gospels and not with the 7th century Isa of the Qur'an. Truth!
      Jesus said, “This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is *written about me* in the *Law of Moses,* the *Prophets* and the *Psalms.”* (Luke 24:44). There are well over 300 prophecies from the Law of Moses (Torah) and the Prophets (Moses to Malachi) which match with Jesus of the New Testament.
      But the prophecies of Messiah do not line up with Isa of the Qur'an. In Islam Isa is just one of the prophets, nothing more nothing less. He only exists when Mary gives birth to him and had no existence before that. He is son of Mary and not the Son of God. So the Qur'an contradicts the revelations of the prophets. Can't be from the same God, yet Allah of the Qur’an claims to be the same God of the previous scriptures! (QS 29:46)?
      Even if there was just the Qur'an after the revelation of the prophets, Isa of the Qur’an would still be false and a contradiction of the prophecies of the Messiah.
      I invite any "sincere" Muslim to focus on this challenge: *can you provide a minimum of 3 prophecies from the Law of Moses and the Prophets which MATCH with the claims made in the Qur'an about 7th century invention of Islam-the false Isa?*
      No Muslim, Sheik or Imam can have the courage to respond to this challenge. That's how you know Islam is false. The day you start to search the prophecies of the Messiah will be the beginning of your journey to the truth, salvation and eternal life. The veil of deception will be lifted from your eyes. Friend, take the first step. Blessings!

    • @karimpradhan9225
      @karimpradhan9225 Před 26 dny

      Agreed. Alhmadulillah.

    • @thebesttruth4659
      @thebesttruth4659 Před 25 dny +1

      Pakistan army open Firing Pok
      Pakistan Occupied Kashmir😔
      May Allah protect innocent Muslim Brothers Sisters😔 in Pakistan Kashmir😔

  • @Viper1924
    @Viper1924 Před 26 dny +75

    Remember, these people say one can insult the prophet as that is “freedom of speech” but any criticism of Israel is “hate speech” and you end up in prison. “FREE” and “DEMOCRATIC” am I right?

    • @user-ll8rz9zp2o
      @user-ll8rz9zp2o Před 26 dny

      Democracy sounds like demon and hypocrasy put together

    • @rommelangus
      @rommelangus Před 25 dny +7

      Lol the irony of white Christian nationalists 😮😮

    • @_Mo-Ham_
      @_Mo-Ham_ Před 25 dny

      The dfference is muhamad is dead.

    • @2400N0RDV35T
      @2400N0RDV35T Před 23 dny

      Did you tell France, England, Spain, Netherlands, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, Germany to never go to other continents as well? Hypocrite.​@user-wq7mf2pd7l

    • @DududniallaI.A
      @DududniallaI.A Před 23 dny +1

      But Israel don't bother us everyday with their beliefs like you do 😂😂😂, that's the difference

  • @bobbyvinter9114
    @bobbyvinter9114 Před 26 dny +74

    My names Bobby and I’m also a Muslim yay

    • @chaosinfernoid9008
      @chaosinfernoid9008 Před 26 dny +14

      aaaaalright guys

    • @Bb-pw1zi
      @Bb-pw1zi Před 24 dny +2

      You mean a Musim gay??

    • @Bb-pw1zi
      @Bb-pw1zi Před 23 dny

      @lucifersss666 Why you call yourself Lucifer 666?

    • @zu7t785
      @zu7t785 Před 21 dnem +1

      Nobody said it's a Muslim name​@lucifersss666!

  • @xxCrimsonSpiritxx
    @xxCrimsonSpiritxx Před 26 dny +114

    They have always wore Hijab as God commanded, but now they condemn it because they follow their whims and desires, not God
    Alhamdullilah for Islam

    • @eliasziad7864
      @eliasziad7864 Před 26 dny +3

      God never commanded hijab, stop the lies.

    • @xxCrimsonSpiritxx
      @xxCrimsonSpiritxx Před 26 dny +5

      @@eliasziad7864 No? I have a 1400 year old authentic book that says he did, do you have an authentic book that says that he didn't?

    • @ilanaelbay3000
      @ilanaelbay3000 Před 26 dny

      ​@@eliasziad7864 Relax! Some believe it's commanded by God. Some believe it's more cultural.

    • @ilanaelbay3000
      @ilanaelbay3000 Před 26 dny +1

      ​@xxCrimsonSpiritxx the woman in Arabia were covered before Quran revelation. The Quran doesn't talk about head cover but about chest covering..

    • @Putra.Betawi
      @Putra.Betawi Před 25 dny

      You enjoy looking at women's bodies, what if other people look at your children's/wife's bodies?
      Isn't that a problem for you?🤔​@@eliasziad7864

  • @rosol_polski
    @rosol_polski Před 26 dny +26

    "Feel free to undress and treat your body as an object..." This is the modern sick world, a world turned upside down.
    I remember my Christian grandmother, she used to cover herself. I also choose to dress modestly. All we can do is lead by example. Thank you for your work as always. May God bless you Bobby 🙏🤍

    • @HumanBeingsRThinkingBeings
      @HumanBeingsRThinkingBeings Před 24 dny +1

      Mind Begs the Question:
      - If Hijab shields from Prying Eyes
      - Need not shield from Prying Eyes
      - Best to shield from Prying Eyes?

  • @jaziibrahim7413
    @jaziibrahim7413 Před 26 dny +82

    Looks like European women back then were brainwashed by Muslims' fashion😂

    • @homer1273
      @homer1273 Před 24 dny

      Black Hijab is not Islamic and was copied from chrstians. Christian’s priests and nuns wear black because black clothes symbolise poverty and death

    • @Ufu4847
      @Ufu4847 Před 23 dny

      @user-wq7mf2pd7lAs long as you don’t bomb, steal and invade other countries.

    • @IbnRushd-mv3fp
      @IbnRushd-mv3fp Před 15 dny

      You could use this argument in reverse since not wearing hijab isn't "being corrupted by western influence!" as you hypocrites say.

  • @AbdussalamIbnMarwan
    @AbdussalamIbnMarwan Před 26 dny +32

    I remember seeing black and white video footage of Spanish royalty, and among them a woman, presumably a noble woman, wearing a complete, top to bottom black veil, like what we call an Abaya.
    If someone knows where to find the footage, please tell.

    • @AbdussalamIbnMarwan
      @AbdussalamIbnMarwan Před 26 dny +5

      Needless to say, the footage is probably a century old. Couldn't find it though. But I know I've seen it before.

    • @homer1273
      @homer1273 Před 24 dny

      Wearing black is Christian tradition not Islamic

    • @AbdussalamIbnMarwan
      @AbdussalamIbnMarwan Před 23 dny +3

      @@homer1273 I don't know about that, but wearing black is not inherently religious, like wearing a cross for example. so if Muslim women wear clothes similar to the clothing of nuns, for the purpose of veiling and not mimicking, then there's no problem there.

    • @homer1273
      @homer1273 Před 23 dny

      @@AbdussalamIbnMarwan Muslim tradition men and women wore colerful clothes or totally white. The concept of these black sacks came from chrstians who invented the priesthood and nuns and forbid themselves enjoyment. They even made clothes from hair to be is uncomfortable as possible

  • @k.komega
    @k.komega Před 26 dny +11

    The more you learn the history.
    The more you understand the hypocrisy of west and secularism & Liberalism.

    • @DududniallaI.A
      @DududniallaI.A Před 23 dny

      😂😂😂This joke Learn about your own religion so before talking about some stupidityyyyyy 😂😂😂

  • @guzel-mu9dw
    @guzel-mu9dw Před 26 dny +16

    Because Muslim women follow us, Lady Khadija and Lady Maryam, who is not followed by many Christian and Jewish women, and this is what women were for a period of time in ancient times who used to wear a veil on their heads and cover their entire body, unlike today’s women, today’s women, yes.

  • @rimatok9236
    @rimatok9236 Před 26 dny +35

    Funfact : Spidermans grandma was wearing a Hijab in the first movie with tobey maguire 😂

    • @MuhammadZyedMan
      @MuhammadZyedMan Před 25 dny +3

      i was just thinking about that 😂😂

    • @mustafaacar8514
      @mustafaacar8514 Před 25 dny +3

      Yeah, and she was such a sweet old lady, strong in belief too.

  • @kaywarze4218
    @kaywarze4218 Před 26 dny +13

    I received the same video recommendation about a week ago. After watching it, I had the same thoughts. I was like, 'Damn, so many women are covered, and it's in a European country.' So they lied in those old films when they showed us women with their long stylish hair uncovered.

    • @chinesecovidanalswabs4752
      @chinesecovidanalswabs4752 Před 25 dny

      It's called revisionism.

    • @DududniallaI.A
      @DududniallaI.A Před 23 dny

      😂😂😂You rally believe that, it's not like we do have the photo since long time little man who show man and woman from those years 😂😂😂

  • @marcusbrown9555
    @marcusbrown9555 Před 26 dny +2

    Let’s gooo a Bobby Video! Ur the Man! Nice video

  • @zenzhunder
    @zenzhunder Před 26 dny +10

    Wow Mahshallah thanks for exposing their double standards

    • @DududniallaI.A
      @DududniallaI.A Před 23 dny

      😂😂😂Lol double standard, yes from muslimmm people sure, you are to hypocrite 😂😂😂

  • @shoegazingguy3155
    @shoegazingguy3155 Před 26 dny +5

    It’s easier to treat someone dressed modest with dignity and respect. You of course should treat everyone with dignity and respect but it’s less of a natural inclination when the person you’re interacting with is basically naked.

  • @katfitness3398
    @katfitness3398 Před 25 dny

    Great to have Bobby back and health man. His content is superb

  • @zenzhunder
    @zenzhunder Před 26 dny +1

    Thanks bro it is tearjerker

  • @user-xr8jh7bj8e
    @user-xr8jh7bj8e Před 26 dny +1

    Good seeing you back

  • @Zaga33
    @Zaga33 Před 26 dny +2

    جزاك الله خيرا 🌷

  • @saifulazrinfoto9993
    @saifulazrinfoto9993 Před 24 dny +1

    TQ brother for the footage. Assalamu alaikum to whom ever read this.

  • @maggnetta
    @maggnetta Před 26 dny +13

    Salamualaykum brother

  • @kcc66
    @kcc66 Před 25 dny

    TERBAIK.! Bobby 👍👍. Peace ✌️

  • @fahimredwan
    @fahimredwan Před 26 dny

    Love your videos Bobby❤❤❤

  • @rabieelka4801
    @rabieelka4801 Před 26 dny +1

    "Aaaaalright guys! Welcome back to the channel." My favorite intro ❤
    Much love Bobs!

  • @ibrahimy8805
    @ibrahimy8805 Před 26 dny +4

    Subhan Allah! I saw this video a while ago and it astonished me to see the beautiful clothes of both men and women. Such modesty is lost nowadays....

  • @alukazoldyck5306
    @alukazoldyck5306 Před 25 dny +2

    I follow you for a long time and I'm proud of where you are now Bobby, Inshallah you develop into a even better man

  • @MikaeelRevert
    @MikaeelRevert Před 26 dny +4

    AsSalamAlaikum brother Bobby, I'm also a revert just over a year now alhamdulillah. I've enjoyed learning along with you. Thank you for the great work and great thoughts. May Allah bless you inshaAllah

    • @tubba-dg7to
      @tubba-dg7to Před 25 dny

      Awesome man! Have you checked out sahih.muslim 1453a yet?

  • @elhamhermas1554
    @elhamhermas1554 Před 25 dny +2

    بارك الله فيك وجزاك الله خيرا

  • @IA67676
    @IA67676 Před 26 dny +3

    Crazy coincidence i stumbled accross the same video today and thought the exact same thing

  • @MohamedTarek-jw9cd
    @MohamedTarek-jw9cd Před 18 dny

    ربنا يثبتك ويزيدك علما ويقربك الى الله انا فرحان ان فى اشخاص زيك ربنا هداها واسلمت وبتثقف نفسها

  • @Hijabilover102
    @Hijabilover102 Před 25 dny

    Thank you for the hard work. May Allah bless you brother

  • @mataayyinich5008
    @mataayyinich5008 Před 25 dny +1

    Salam Bobby ! 😊

  • @Suleiman_
    @Suleiman_ Před 25 dny +1

    May Allah (SWT) bless you for all of your work Brother Bobby!

  • @publicpm8809
    @publicpm8809 Před 26 dny

    Simple yet brilliant massage.

  • @ahmedshariff7988
    @ahmedshariff7988 Před 26 dny


  • @kenshirojenova1359
    @kenshirojenova1359 Před 24 dny

    MASALLAH Bobby keep up the good work brother 🦾

  • @ef2883
    @ef2883 Před 25 dny

    you nailed it brother

  • @sosis123
    @sosis123 Před 26 dny +4

    Remind me of old western cowboy show such as bonanza,that women they're wearing lose clothing

  • @Dee-astro
    @Dee-astro Před 26 dny

    may allah keep you safe and bless you brother bob .

  • @user-zd7sn7zf3q
    @user-zd7sn7zf3q Před 23 dny

    Hmmmmmmmm 🙄thanks sir amazing video very nice job 👍👌👍👌GOD bless you all the best 👍👌👍❤️❤️❤️

  • @mizoid
    @mizoid Před 26 dny +3

    The women are covered AND they look happy as well. Grrrrr! How!!!?? Thry should be unhappy!! This is hurting the narrative. Grrrr!!
    Lol. No wonder videos like this weren't released except very rarely.

  • @Abbas-xs8ku
    @Abbas-xs8ku Před 26 dny

    Welcome brother I wish you well. Am very happy for ur family love you the most. u back to them ❤

  • @2loco
    @2loco Před 26 dny

    As usual, on point and sharp. Thank you brother bobby. Jazak Allah kheir.

  • @Sunsrise7
    @Sunsrise7 Před 26 dny


  • @irhadpajic7054
    @irhadpajic7054 Před 26 dny +5

    Everyone know brother that today times are upside down and we all know it is bad and we are so low as society. You can see almost everyone are take care of their honor no matter if you are in religion or not. And today you see this feminists, woke, lgbt and others letters. We as people have every single sin, that people from every nation who lived before, have. You see this corruption from people of prophet Shuaib and Nooh. We have this lgbt from people of Lut. If you read what previous people did to get Allahs anger we have it all today. End is near. And the end of this world will be upon the worst people.

  • @EU5Games
    @EU5Games Před 26 dny +6

    Assalamualaikum akhi. Kaifa angta.

  • @One-jh6di
    @One-jh6di Před 26 dny +4

    1:00 Bobby im speaking on behalf of new audience's Perspective to your channel like when i clicked video your merch promotion and intro was like of 1 minutes many of viewers don't have that much long attention span
    It'd be better for more attention grabbing if you put any promotions in the last of video or mid of video
    Love your videos ❤

  • @user-ol2si1pz7g
    @user-ol2si1pz7g Před 25 dny

    سبحان الله الذي يهدي القلوب للحق والله انك تزيدني ايمانا لاني ارى فيك اخي بوبي آية تدل على قدرة الله على تقليب القلوب ...طريقتك رائعة في الطرح

  • @Tigerlilly5555
    @Tigerlilly5555 Před 25 dny

    Bobby, I remember seeing a video similar to the one reacted to here, but it was even much later when Queen Elizabeth was a young queen. She was wearing a beautiful veil herself. You should look it up, it's only a short vid. But yeah I've seen this video before, it's amazing that the Western nations are worried having covered women, I wonder why.

  • @ilirunited389
    @ilirunited389 Před 26 dny +2


  • @7625e
    @7625e Před 25 dny +6

    Ma-sha-Allah (As God wills)

  • @RASH_TheBandit
    @RASH_TheBandit Před 26 dny +4

    To the Non-Believers this must be an eye opener for the most.
    *Verily Our Lord Our Creator Allah Ta'aalah has favoured this nation by completing HIS chosen way of life and named it Islam*
    Islam is a way of life; from the time we get up in the morning to the time we get to sleep. From birth all the way to death. From going to the toilet all the way to ruling the world. From being in poverty to owning multinational companies. From being a famy father brother sister or a good citizen of that country.
    EVERY aspect of our lives has been shown to us in accordance with the Commandments of the Holy Qur'an and the Prophetic Sunnah way of life.
    (All covered in the Holy Qur'an together with AaHadith)

    • @cyberyousef6405
      @cyberyousef6405 Před 23 dny

      @lucifersss666 easy
      Its not oppression, its laws of allah

    • @RASH_TheBandit
      @RASH_TheBandit Před 22 dny

      Please share with us your understanding of the Hijaab (what it is and what it means in Islam)..
      Show us how you came up with such conjecture (you say hijaab is oppression to woman)

    • @RASH_TheBandit
      @RASH_TheBandit Před 22 dny

      Imagine 2 women walking alone down a street. The street has a load of youth's messing around.
      1st lady is wearing tight clothes like a skirt and crop top showing her assets like most women today.
      2nd lady covered head to toe with hijaab.
      *In your opinion which woman will get all those wolf whistles, sexy one liners, or just harassed*
      IMAGINE IT'S YOUR WIFE - WOULD YOU LIKE MEN STARING HER UP AND DOWN, THE EVIL DESIRES .(What do Most men do when they see a fit, sexy looking dressed woman showing off her assets. *Male natural instinct is they stare at the woman especially assets all showing - do you think you'd have same response when you see a lady covered in hijaab)*
      If you had a very expensive diamond what's the first reaction - protect it from other eyes (anything valuable precious is always protected with some form of barrier as protection. Hijaab same)

  • @kikoulifelife6712
    @kikoulifelife6712 Před 26 dny +3

    yeah ! a lot of who criticize some countries and call them not civilized, forgot how they were themselves ! it's just they don't let the other people develop with colonialism and taking their resources from centuries now, even after the "independence" of those countries they placed some of their "agents" as rulers to keep those nations poor and don't be modernized ! this is why !
    and also they criticize that why are they standing and look at us or if it was camera some are astonished because they don't see that often : and they forgot that they their encensoirs done that too ! here i saw this and it's like in India when you are with camera and filming with a crew ! its just that in the west now there is this "hypocrisie" that people play the indifference card even they are internally very curious but it's just they don't want to be assimilate as not "civilized" like the "others" lol even they have this desire to stand and just look ! This is what this video directly reminds me of
    in France they have a problem with islam all that after all those propaganda and indoctrination from years and years ! but to celebrate a Jewish ceremony in "L'Elysée" that's ok ! abaya it's not allowed but if a woman in the traditional complete African dress is Ok because it's "cultural" despite that it's a giant dress with lot of colors and vary big ! lol (despite I am not agree that Abaya is a must Islamic dress but OK...)
    Islam bother them (those elites) because it's the last religion who is still standing on their principles and don't fall ! because like you said Christianity is finished so now their mission is Islam ! but i repeat : never Judaism ! hummm ... lol
    and you see it in the movies and T.V. Shows from decades : god or faith is always mocked and made fun of ! like a corny thing ! and all satanic and promiscuous things are cool and stylish and encouraged ! a slowly but surely destruction (they have time like the devil lol )
    and like you said : the real Christianity is not this ! this "European Christianity" was modeled in Roman times, and after, to fit the new globalist values and it became more "cultural" than everything else
    good video

  • @aali8874
    @aali8874 Před 25 dny


  • @inovade
    @inovade Před 24 dny

    they're the best for reversing the narrative, even their own history!!

  • @razaltamimi995
    @razaltamimi995 Před 26 dny

    Allah bless you Bro...

  • @MetoNour
    @MetoNour Před 26 dny +2

    They stopped wearing Hijab, because they stopped worshiping their creator and they starting worshipping other Gods, like trends, fashion & desires

  • @Rawnaq_aliman
    @Rawnaq_aliman Před 25 dny

    Amazing thing ❤

  • @CommentsProbablyDeleted
    @CommentsProbablyDeleted Před 26 dny +1

    These European women from 1901 were wonderfully modest. How did they change so badly in one century?

  • @NOUDI656
    @NOUDI656 Před 3 dny

    ثبتك الله علئ دين الاسلام وكثر من امثالك

  • @vortexvampire
    @vortexvampire Před 24 dny

    بارك الله فيكم...
    اللهم اغفر لوالدينا و ارحمهما و اجمعنا معهما في الفردوس الأعلى مع الأنبياء و الشهداء و الصالحين و جميع موتى المسلمين..
    اللهم احقن دماء المسلمين و انصرهم على من عاداهم..
    رب إني مسني الضر و أنت أرحم الراحمين...
    لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين.....

  • @ruissa
    @ruissa Před 21 dnem

    💯 💯 💯

  • @kane117
    @kane117 Před 26 dny


  • @artachi2420
    @artachi2420 Před 26 dny


  • @MonotheisticTruth
    @MonotheisticTruth Před 23 dny

    What are your thoughts on Seedless Watermelons, brother Bobby?

  • @bulldzr2601
    @bulldzr2601 Před 25 dny

    Wow you lived in france, i live there right now

  • @ummesalma8451
    @ummesalma8451 Před 26 dny

    Brother you should react to tafsir of surahs.

  • @yahyamohameden2931
    @yahyamohameden2931 Před 16 dny

    You are an encyclopedic erudite, Bobby intellect detective should be the channel name, I learn from you a lot including manhood harnessing to back up the unfailing truth.

  • @tariqvains797
    @tariqvains797 Před 26 dny

    Subhan Allah

  • @paullove9478
    @paullove9478 Před 25 dny

    Bobby, Please watch this video. And then more.

  • @TheGreatLakeRuler
    @TheGreatLakeRuler Před 26 dny +1

  • @mizanurshopon2749
    @mizanurshopon2749 Před 20 dny


  • @SmartInvestStrategies
    @SmartInvestStrategies Před 24 dny

    I love bro alhamdulillah you re here again and more stronger

  • @KilluminatiSProJustice


  • @23martinstadler
    @23martinstadler Před 24 dny


  • @Malekians
    @Malekians Před 26 dny

    Can you make a video of Medieval Islamic Society, to compare them into our society right now

    • @Malekians
      @Malekians Před 13 dny

      @@julinaonYT Sadly It’s not the case

  • @k.komega
    @k.komega Před 26 dny

    Alhamdulillah for islam

  • @ahmadruzaini4646
    @ahmadruzaini4646 Před 26 dny

    maybe i should link these type of video to haters just so they get even mad ..its not even 150 years

  • @cardboard_hat
    @cardboard_hat Před 23 dny

    Guys I have a very important exam in 2 days
    Please make dua for me
    May Allah reward everyone who does

  • @esmaalashabi4528
    @esmaalashabi4528 Před 23 dny

  • @sheryfa_
    @sheryfa_ Před 25 dny

    In France abaya and hijab are forbidden in school, and Niqab and Burqa in public.

  • @user-ll8rz9zp2o
    @user-ll8rz9zp2o Před 26 dny

    Modern society claims to be individualistic yet most people nowadays wear the same generic crop tops and jean shorts

  • @cozyvibes6178
    @cozyvibes6178 Před 26 dny +1

    Something more interesting Bob, adolt hinter liked the Muslims (not sure why honestly), he called us "Muselgermane" take a look at it, interesting stuff. Praying Was also accapted by him in public.

  • @lelouchlamperouge6220
    @lelouchlamperouge6220 Před 26 dny

    Great points. In the first video, the children seem more mature compared to today's kids, who appear less so and more soft. It's difficult to imagine them marrying young now. However, just 100 years ago, children were part of the working society rather than being solely students. Masha Allah good video brother Bobby👍

  • @selwawy
    @selwawy Před 26 dny

    That was the remaining of Islamic civilization influence before the end of Khilapha in 1924.
    May ALLAH make us see just Islamic khilapha again

  • @Zaga33
    @Zaga33 Před 26 dny

    I tried to order 2 posters, but instead of paying one shipping each poster charge it’s own shipping do you think this problem needs to be fixed? Each poster will ship for 6.99, imagine ordering 4 posters, do the math. Let me know

  • @specter_dia6395
    @specter_dia6395 Před 26 dny

    What is the name of reciter at the end?

  • @DanialFiasco
    @DanialFiasco Před 25 dny

    Its simple at every person's basic core modesty is ever present but because they have catered and succumb to their desires n the whispers of syaitan they now look at our sisters and feel envy , shame etc. Whether they know it or not..
    But instead of towing it back as they are unable to control themselves they lash out at our sisters n their preservation of modesty..
    But in saying that it does not help that we have people who claim to be muslim that do not cover themselves and make excuses for why they dont which opens up the door for these so called "enlightened" group

  • @MuammarQadaffi
    @MuammarQadaffi Před 12 dny

    I don't like the way that the footage was "restored". It looks very weird and AI was definitely used there.

  • @apf6
    @apf6 Před 26 dny

    Bobby please react to many prophets one message on Daniel's prophecy

  • @fayedomar602
    @fayedomar602 Před 26 dny +1

    People have hypocrisy

  • @fouzoumzaky1793
    @fouzoumzaky1793 Před 26 dny


  • @abdiahmed1324
    @abdiahmed1324 Před 25 dny

    AA brother!

  • @bl4cktooth
    @bl4cktooth Před 26 dny


  • @notabakary-nb
    @notabakary-nb Před 24 dny +4

    Islam is rationally the truth ❤

  • @chancelloryusuf
    @chancelloryusuf Před 26 dny

    Salam alaikum, what country in the Balkans are you from?

  • @gokuvegeta9860
    @gokuvegeta9860 Před 26 dny +2

    Apart from that Shaytan is still working on his goal, which one? To destroy the Deen of Allah swt.

    • @gsmp3744
      @gsmp3744 Před 26 dny

      Exactly, and some of them also worship Iblees , so sad.

    • @gokuvegeta9860
      @gokuvegeta9860 Před 26 dny

      @@gsmp3744 Iblis was Shaytan before he is cast out of heaven

    • @gsmp3744
      @gsmp3744 Před 26 dny

      @gokuvegeta9860 yes, so in other words many people / leaders worship shaitan and they are doing work for shaitan. They are trying hard to take people to hell.

  • @MuslimMessenger267
    @MuslimMessenger267 Před 25 dny

    Hey Bobby, since you were not always a muslim, how was your view of Israel before Islam ?

  • @Marick2009
    @Marick2009 Před 25 dny

    Now you should see the way they are dressing in UK... it's like they are wearing nothing or just an under garment!