Pneumonia (mechanism of disease)

  • čas přidán 14. 10. 2024
  • This is a short video on the mechanism of disease for pneumonia.
    This video was made using Google Slide.
    Complicated pleural effusion, possible empyema
    Risk factors
    Disease process
    Drug/alcohol use
    Dysphagia / dysmotility
    Esophageal lesions
    Impaired airway protection
    Viral respiratory tract infection (e.g., influenza)
    Chron. Obstruc. Pulm. Dz
    Congestive heart failure
    Diabetes mellitus
    chronic comorbidities
    crowded living conditions (e.g., prisons, homeless shelters)
    environmental toxins (e.g., solvents, paints, or gasoline)
    Impaired immune system
    Respiratory tract irritation
    Pathogen infection (bacterial, fungal, viral)
    Various mechanisms
    (incompletely understood)
    Microbial virulence factors

    Cellular damage

    Inflammatory response

    Tissue damage
    Accumulation of mucus, immune cells → antibodies and inflammatory mediators in the alveoli
    Altered transmission of sound fluid-filled alveoli
    Decreased or consolidated lung sounds
    Diffuse, heterogeneous airway obstruction
    Blocked airways forced open with deep inspiration
    Activation of peripheral sensory receptors
    Ventilation perfusion mismatch
    Altered blood chemistry:
    ↓ pH, ↑ pCO2, ↓ PaO2
    Peripheral sensory receptors detect hypoxia → CNS centers drive activation of respiratory system → increased work of breathing
    abnormal lung exam
    Prostaglandins → ↑ core body temperature set point via hypothalamus
    Chemo- and mechano- sensory receptors lining airway activated
    Mucus secretion
    Efferent signals to diaphragm, pharynx, intercostal, and neck muscles
    Pulmonary pleura
    is damaged
    Exudative pleural effusion
    Exudative pleural fluid has one of the following: pleural/serum protein ratio 0.5; p/s LDH ratio 0.6; pleural LDH ⅔ x ULN serum LDH. Complicated effusions are exudative with high WBC, LDH 1000, pH 7.2, glu 40 mg/dL OR have bacteria present. In empyema, pleural fluid might be difficult to obtain.
    Core concepts
    Cellular physiology
    Inflammation / cell damage
    Social determinants of health
    Respiratory gas regulation
    Microbial pathogenesis
    Cardiovascular pathology
    Chronic inflammation pathology
    Pharmacology / iatrogenic
    Immune system dysfunction
    Flow gradients physiology
    Nervous system pathology
    Signs / symptoms
    Labs / tests / imaging results
    Fibrous septa form localized pockets +/- scarring of the pleural membranes
    pleural fluid

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