Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Course - Pass the Exam!

  • čas přidán 1. 05. 2022
  • Prepare for the Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer (ACE) exam and pass!
    Associate Cloud Engineers deploy applications, monitor operations, and manage enterprise solutions. They use Google Cloud Console and the command-line interface to perform common platform-based tasks to maintain one or more deployed solutions that leverage Google-managed or self-managed services on Google Cloud.
    ✏️ Course developed by Antoni Tzavelas.
    🐦 Antonio on Twitter: / antoniscloud
    🔗 Get your Free Practice and Downloadable Cheatsheets:
    ☁️ Introduction
    🎤 (00:00:00) Meet Your Instructor
    🎤 (00:16:56) Google Cloud Certifications and Exams
    🎤 (00:28:46) Scenario Bowtie
    🎤 (00:41:27) Preview of Practice Exam
    ☁️ Cloud Computing Fundamentals
    🎤 (00:46:35) What Is Cloud Computing
    🎤 (00:53:29) Cloud Deployment Models
    🎤 (01:00:13) Cloud Service Models
    ☁️ Google Cloud Fundamentals
    🎤 (01:08:22) Google Cloud Global Infrastructure
    🎤 (01:15:19) Compute Service Options
    🎤 (01:24:10) Storage and Database Options
    🎤 (01:32:56) Networking Services
    ☁️ Account Setup
    🎤 (01:38:56) Resource Hierarchy
    🎤 (01:47:53) Create Free Tier Account
    🎤 (01:54:41) Securing Your Account
    🎤 (02:05:13) GCP Console Overview
    🎤 (02:13:17) Cloud Billing
    🎤 (02:28:18) Controlling Costs and Budget Alerts
    🎤 (02:38:14) Controlling Costs and Budget Alerts Follow Along
    🎤 (02:53:15) Billing Export
    🎤 (03:00:07) Cloud APIs
    🎤 (03:04:32) Adding an Admin User
    🎤 (03:14:16) Cloud SDK and CLI
    🎤 (03:18:32) Cloud SDK and CLI Follow Along
    🎤 (03:36:08) Managing Cloud SDK
    🎤 (03:52:25) Cloud Shell and Editor
    🎤 (04:10:53) Creating and managing projects
    🎤 (04:10:57) Limits and Quotas
    ☁️ Identity and Access Management
    🎤 (04:20:55) Cloud IAM
    🎤 (04:37:07) Policies and Conditions
    🎤 (04:47:22) Cloud IAM
    🎤 (05:04:56) Service Accounts
    🎤 (05:16:40) Service Accounts
    🎤 (05:33:40) Cloud Identity
    🎤 (05:44:05) Cloud IAM Best Practices
    ☁️ Networking Services
    🎤 (05:51:56) Networking Refresher PART 1
    🎤 (06:07:46) Networking Refresher PART 2
    🎤 (06:18:39) Virtual Private Cloud
    🎤 (06:35:56) VPC Network Subnets
    🎤 (06:40:58) Routing and Private Google Access
    🎤 (06:57:47) IP Addressing
    🎤 (07:11:59) Creating Internal and External Static IP Addresses PART 1
    🎤 (07:21:05) Creating Internal and External Static IP Addresses PART 2
    🎤 (07:33:33) Firewall and Firewall Rules
    🎤 (07:46:55) Custom VPC Part 1
    🎤 (08:01:43) Custom VPC Part 2
    🎤 (08:13:16) VPC Network Peering
    🎤 (08:20:02) VPC Network Peering
    🎤 (08:34:53) Shared VPC
    🎤 (08:43:43) VPC Flow Logs
    🎤 (08:51:03) DNS Fundamentals
    🎤 (09:06:32) DNS Record Types
    🎤 (09:18:27) Network Address Translation PART 1
    🎤 (09:28:48) Network Address Translation PART 2
    🎤 (09:39:05) Cloud DNS
    ☁️ Compute Engine
    🎤 (09:47:08) Virtualization Fundamentals
    🎤 (09:59:21) Compute Engine Overview
    🎤 (10:09:24) Creating a VM Instance
    🎤 (10:27:41) Compute Engine Machine Types
    🎤 (10:42:03) Managing Instances
    🎤 (11:00:40) Connecting to Your Instances
    🎤 (11:23:13) Metadata and Startup Scripts
    🎤 (11:38:27) Compute Engine Billing
    🎤 (11:53:35) Storage Fundamentals
    🎤 (12:04:21) Persistent Disk and Local SSDs
    🎤 (12:21:50) Managing disks on Compute Engine
    🎤 (12:40:37) Snapshots
    🎤 (12:50:11) Creating Snapshots and Snaphot Schedules
    🎤 (13:03:37) Deployment Manager
    🎤 (13:16:46) Deployment Manager
    ☁️ High Availability and Autoscaling
    🎤 (13:33:21) Cloud Load Balancers PART 1
    🎤 (13:41:10) Cloud Load Balancers PART 2
    🎤 (13:54:00) Instance Groups and Instance Templates
    🎤 (14:05:38) Managing Bowties PART 1
    🎤 (14:17:49) Managing Bowties PART 2
    ☁️ Kubernetes Engine Containers
    🎤 (14:25:45) Introduction to Containers
    🎤 (14:34:50) GKE and Kubernetes Concepts
    🎤 (14:47:10) Cluster and Node Management
    🎤 (15:00:23) Pods and Object Management
    🎤 (15:14:12) Kubernetes Services
    🎤 (15:32:18) Ingress for GKE
    🎤 (15:40:57) GKE Storage Options
    🎤 (15:57:05) Creating a GKE Cluster
    ☁️ Hybrid Connectivity
    🎤 (16:42:38) Cloud VPN
    🎤 (16:51:57) Cloud Interconnect
    ☁️ Serverless Services
    🎤 (17:03:10) App Engine Overview
    🎤 (17:15:44) Deploying Serverless Bowties to App Engine
    🎤 (17:30:49) Introduction to Cloud Functions
    🎤 (17:38:56) Deploying a Cloud Function
    ☁️ Storage Services
    🎤 (17:49:46) Cloud Storage Storage Types
    🎤 (18:04:24) Object Lifecycle Management and Versioning
    🎤 (18:12:05) Managing Cloud Storage Access
    🎤 (18:32:43) Object Lifecycle Management and Versioning
    🎤 (18:46:20) Cloud SQL
    🎤 (19:03:51) Cloud Spanner
    🎤 (19:11:42) NoSQL Databases
    ☁️ Big Data and Machine Learning
    🎤 (19:24:04) Big Data Services
    🎤 (19:41:34) Machine Learning Services
    ☁️ Operations Suite
    🎤 (19:50:36) Operations Suite

Komentáře • 495

  • @ExamProChannel
    @ExamProChannel Před 2 lety +326

    It's Andrew from ExamPro. Thanks for watching the course and good luck on your exam!
    I just wanted to point out a minor production mistake. In the very last section for "Operational Suite" Antoni suggests there is another lesson but actually this is intended to be the final section. So there is nothing missing in this course.

    • @RHKH
      @RHKH Před 2 lety +8

      Hi Andrew, I have studied your course for AWS and I passed the exam, and now I am studying GCP with exam pro, you guys are going above and beyond, Thank you!

    • @mayurrathi26
      @mayurrathi26 Před 2 lety +1

      Could you share all the links which Antoni mentions throughout the course for more learning and details? Thanks Andrew.

    • @liamconverse8950
      @liamconverse8950 Před 2 lety

      Who would this certification be most useful for I'm wondering? If someone never had a cloud related job and got this certification how many companies would really feel comfortable higher than them to work on their website's infrastructure?

    • @Redonick
      @Redonick Před rokem

      A aparição de Nossa Senhora das Lágrimas é extremamente importante, principalmente para nós brasileiros.
      Infelizmente esta aparição e sua mensagem (que tem aprovação eclesiástica) não tem a divulgação que merecem.
      As Lágrimas de Nossa Senhora são um verdadeiro tesouro e tem um grande poder.
      Seus sacramentais - como a Coroa das Lágrimas, a Medalha e a sua imagem (quadro) são fontes de muitas graças físicas e espirituais.
      Este é um devocionário que tem como objetivo mostrar um pouco deste presente do Céu para nós brasileiros e para todo o mundo.
      Que nos possamos ser devotos das Lágrimas de Nossa Senhora, usar sua Medalha, rezar diariamente a Coroa das Lágrimas, ter uma imagem em casa e divulgar esta importante e preciosa mensagem.
      Este devocionário é um convite para você se tornar um Apóstolo das Lágrimas.
      São muitas as promessas para os que divulgam as Lágrimas de Nossa Senhora.
      Se possível, compartilhe muito este e-book, imprima e distribua a oração da Coroa das Lágrimas, ensine outras pessoas sobre esta aparição, faça um apostolado pelas redes sociais por Nossa Senhora das Lágrimas.
      Com certeza serão muitas as graças para quem fizer este Apostolado das Lágrimas e muitos se beneficiarão com graças físicas e espirituais em conhecer esta devoção!
      Nossa Senhora disse:
      "- A Minha Coroa das Lágrimas também deve fazer lembrar-te do meu grande amor pelos pecadores."
      Porque eu dei o nome de Coroa?
      Por minhas Lágrimas foram coroadas por meu Divino Filho, estas lágrimas são benditas e muitas gerações vão exaltar os benefícios recebidos por seu meio.
      Meu Filho coroou-as com tantos privilégios.
      Use de todos os privilégios, desde que recorras com amor e confiança.
      Quando as almas dizem - Meu Jesus, pelas Lágrimas de Vossa Mãe Santíssima, o meu Coração se abre e faz jorrar sobre aquelas almas as torrentes de minha Misericórdia.
      As Lágrimas de Nossa Senhora são luzes que iluminarão o caminho obscuro da conquista das almas e são o prenúncio do meu Reino.
      Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo disse: "- Desejo exaltar as Lágrimas de minha Mãe! Já exaltei outras prerrogativas - suas Dores, seus triunfos, sua Imaculada Conceição; mas ainda não tinha feito com suas Lágrimas.
      Chegou a hora certa, então, enviei minha Mãe com este tesouro enriquecido pelo meu poder infinito."
      Eis-nos aqui aos Vossos pés, ó dulcíssimo Jesus Crucificado, para Vos oferecermos as lágrimas d'Aquela que, com tanto amor, Vos acompanhou no caminho doloroso do Calvário.
      Fazei, ó bom Mestre, que nós saibamos aproveitar da lição que elas nos dão, para que, na Terra, realizando a Vossa Santíssima Vontade, possamos um dia, no Céu, Vos louvar por toda a eternidade.
      Vêde, ó Jesus, que são as lágrimas d'Aquela que mais Vos amou na Terra, e que mais Vos ama no Céu.
      Meu Jesus, ouvi os nossos rogos, pelas Lágrimas de Vossa Mãe Santíssima.
      Vêde, ó Jesus, que são as lágrimas d'Aquela que mais Vos amou na Terra, e que mais Vos ama no Céu.
      Virgem Santíssima e Mãe das Dores, nós Vos pedimos que junteis os Vossos rogos aos nossos, a fim de que Jesus, Vosso Divino Filho, a quem nos dirigimos em nome das Vossas lágrimas de Mãe, ouça as nossas preces e nos conceda, com as graças que desejamos, a coroa da vida eterna. Amém.
      - Por Vossa mansidão divina, ó Jesus Manietado, salvai o mundo do erro que o ameaça!
      - Ó Virgem Dolorosíssima, as Vossas Lágrimas derrubaram o império infernal!
      Imprima-se - com 50 dias de indulgência cada vez que se repetiremas orações e jaculatórias acima mencionadas.
      † F., Bispo Diocesano
      • Imprimatur: † Bispo Francisco de Campos Barreto, Diocese de Campinas, SP
      (Brasil), 8 de março de 1931.
      •Imprimatur: † Bispo Michael James Gallagher, Diocese de Detroit, MI (Estados Unidos), 22 de março de 1935.
      •Imprimatur: † Arcebispo John Robert Roach, D.D., Arquidiocese de Saint Paul e Minneapolis, MN (Estados Unidos)
      •Nihil obstat N.º 924/1935: Ansgarus Borsiczky, Censor Diocesano em Sopron
      (Hungria), 25 de maio de 1935.
      •Imprimatur: † Bispo Stephanus Breyer, Diocese de Győr (Hungria), 13 de julho de 1935.
      •Imprimatur: † Vigário Geral Ferdinand Buchwieser, Arquidiocese de Munique e
      Frisinga (Alemanha), 22 de março de 1935.

    • @dronenpc6877
      @dronenpc6877 Před rokem +1

      @@liamconverse8950 get the three provider certs and start as a junior

  • @John_Nash_195
    @John_Nash_195 Před 3 dny +34

    Really helpful! Together with the course, I used 1000 Practice Question from Aldovelio Castremonte to pass the exam! Thank you so much!!

    • @p.harees
      @p.harees Před 5 hodinami

      This book made all the difference! The practice questions were incredibly advantageous for tackling the GCP exam. Achieved success on my first endeavor, all honor to Aldovelio Castremonte! 🎉

    • @KaluDholkiya
      @KaluDholkiya Před 5 hodinami

      Truly, the most phenomenal GCP preparation resource!

  • @JasonJones-gs6ns
    @JasonJones-gs6ns Před měsícem +11

    Passed my ACE today! This was a huge part of it. Barely any prior GCP experience.
    Watched this through, then again on 2x the week of my exam.
    Google Practice Questions
    Exam Pro Practice Questions
    Google Cloud Skills Boost

  • @satyakidesarkar6777
    @satyakidesarkar6777 Před rokem +94

    1:15:17 - Compute Service options
    1:24:11 - Storage Database options
    1:30:20 - Database options
    1:32:56 - Network options
    1:47:54 - Creating an account
    1:54:41 - Securing your account
    2:05:12 - Console overview
    2:13:25 - Cloud Billing
    4:11:00 - limits and quota

  • @naivedinusaur
    @naivedinusaur Před 2 lety +209

    I just passed ACE exam yesterday and I would say that this course is almost the only preparation material I used, supposedly with some free practice tests online and chapter tests in Dan Sullivan book.
    Almost 1 months of prep for my first stepping stone in the GCP journey and it actually paid off.
    Cannot really find a good word to fully express my appreciation of your making this very extensive course for free. Would definitely check out your other courses !

    • @proxy5061
      @proxy5061 Před 2 lety +3

      please put the links of resources u used

    • @siddhant3457
      @siddhant3457 Před rokem

      was the exam hands-on or just MCQ ?

    • @bam_bamidele
      @bam_bamidele Před rokem +1

      can you share the resources you used? congratulations. i want to start my journey

    • @zmsaw
      @zmsaw Před rokem

      can you please suggest

    • @azad2546421
      @azad2546421 Před rokem

      What is the name of the book? Thank you

  • @diegonayalazo
    @diegonayalazo Před rokem +93

    1:02:02 Geography and regions
    1:15:00 Compute Service Options
    1:37:00 Cloud DNS
    1:37:45 Advanced Connectivity
    1:39:05 Resource Hierarchy
    1:47:52 Create Free Tier Account

  • @arthurtragante8167
    @arthurtragante8167 Před 3 měsíci +15

    I usually don't comment in videos, but I'll register my experience here.
    I literally crammed the content on this video in two days and also grinded the sample questions at ExamTopics.
    I passed the exam with only that, with no previous experience.
    I did try some udemy courses, but any of them seemed good enough.
    The content in this video is amazing.
    I don't recommend anyone to do as I did though. Use this amazing content wisely.

    • @karthik_kg
      @karthik_kg Před 3 měsíci +1

      Congrats! How was your exam experience? Can u pls suggest the other resources that you used? it will be really helpful.. thank you!

  • @ghadeershaaya
    @ghadeershaaya Před 2 lety +79

    I just passed the exam thanks to you. Your course is by far the best one out there for ACE preparation and to get started as GCP Cloud Engineer. I use it everyday as a reference. This one was for free but I am more than willing to pay for your other courses.

  • @madhavmore5649
    @madhavmore5649 Před rokem +138

    I followed this course. And today passed my exam. Thank you so much for providing this knowledge.

    • @vanshmandanka9046
      @vanshmandanka9046 Před rokem +2

      Hi By, Doing this videos you can clear exam or you have to take course from udamy??

    • @madhavmore5649
      @madhavmore5649 Před rokem +14

      @@vanshmandanka9046 I used this video only

    • @redbutton_photo
      @redbutton_photo Před rokem

      Did you purchase the course or did you just use the one here on CZcams? Any practice exams??

    • @madhavmore5649
      @madhavmore5649 Před rokem +5

      @@vanshmandanka9046 I did this course and took some examtopic braindumps

    • @madhavmore5649
      @madhavmore5649 Před rokem

      @@redbutton_photo I did this course and took some examtopic braindumps

  • @grzegorzmichalak1791
    @grzegorzmichalak1791 Před rokem +16

    Really great training. I truly appreciate the fact, that the Author was not only concentrating on the "how to pass an exam" aspect, but also on "how stuff works" ;) Thank you Antoni and Congrats. I really enjoyed your training.

  • @kariukiwahome7427
    @kariukiwahome7427 Před rokem +13

    What a great course this is. Antoni is such a great teacher. I recommend this course for anyone starting out on Google Cloud. 100%. Thank you Antoni for the free course.

  • @aeronjorge98
    @aeronjorge98 Před 2 lety +43

    Waiting for a GCP course. Thank you for this, ExamPro team!

  • @renascienza.bazarclub
    @renascienza.bazarclub Před 2 lety +105

    Make a twenty hours free course was a hell of work, thank you *so much* for that!

  • @amirkh034
    @amirkh034 Před 6 měsíci +10

    Just passed my ACE exam,this course helped a lot in introducing me to GC and clear doubts.
    There are some questions answers course which can be found online.
    Exam didn’t have a single question from any of those.
    But it came handy to get familiar with it.
    My strategy was to go through with this 20 hour video.
    Then solve any questionnaire found online in the last two days.
    I highly recommend use logics, break down question into many parts, read it multiples times before selecting an answer.

  • @Abu_Shawarib
    @Abu_Shawarib Před rokem +15

    I passed the exam in 2020, and used this video as a refresher to pass a re-certification. Cheers.

  • @mase_pg
    @mase_pg Před rokem +5

    This is one of the most comprehensive courses on the ACE exam I have come across. Covers everything without going too deep in the weeds. Thank you!

  • @codethinker7
    @codethinker7 Před rokem +21

    Respected Sir, Please accept my humble gratitude for your mindset on sharing and time you spent on to make this informative video available to everyone.

  • @eseheitor2035
    @eseheitor2035 Před rokem +31

    I did my exam yesterday and I got a PASS. Thank you so much for this content. It was a great tool to study for the topics in the exam.

  • @tvisoftwaredevelop1631
    @tvisoftwaredevelop1631 Před 2 lety +4

    Thanks for that free material Antoni. It helps me a lot. I pass my ACE exam a month ago. I am really regret that you have not finished GCP Professional Data Engineer course.

  • @suprabhatdas662
    @suprabhatdas662 Před 2 lety +17

    You're going above and beyond, my friend, Antoni - keep up the great work, and more power to you. I will spread the word, far and wide. :)

    @NOCDIB Před 2 měsíci +5

    I watched this full course, took the ExamPro practice test and failed, studied the flash cards, made some of my own, took the actual test on Monday, April 15, 2024 and passed. Thank you for this video and your free resources because I wouldn't have passed the exam without them!

    • @grazo30
      @grazo30 Před měsícem

      did u get a job

    • @NOCDIB
      @NOCDIB Před měsícem

      @@grazo30 searching right now

  • @abedelraofmhmood4279
    @abedelraofmhmood4279 Před rokem +33

    Thank you for this course, it was very helpful, I watched this from the first beginning to the end, and I just passed the exam yesterday, all I've done :
    - Watched this awesome course with hands on and practice
    - practised some exams, paid and free
    - nothing more than that
    Tips to pass the exam :
    - most of the exam questions talk about the google best solution and recommendations
    - lots of questions regarding kubernetes
    - VPC Networking and VPN and Peering
    - Cloud Run
    - and lots of Roles and permissions questions
    it was awesome experience and I would Apply for another exam in the future
    I hope everybody pass the exam and get succeeded
    Thanks again

    • @Matheus_HenriqueSantos
      @Matheus_HenriqueSantos Před rokem +2

      Nice to hear that, I'm starting to study now to pass this exam and I very excited

    • @shumayilkhizer1838
      @shumayilkhizer1838 Před rokem

      I've my exams this mid month can you guide me to where to prep paid or free content to prepare from? which side has best paid content for practice offcourse ;)

  • @josephmusembi4391
    @josephmusembi4391 Před 2 lety +25

    This is super detailed than the ACG one. Very indepth and tailored to a newby in Cloud Technologies. I'm lucky to be alive in this period of time with all the free tech stack content available for free.
    Thank you also for not monetising the video.

  • @bamidelak
    @bamidelak Před rokem +25

    Thank you exampro and Antonitz. I wrote my exams yesterday and I passed. Thank you so much 😊

    • @darkwarrior_agentj3879
      @darkwarrior_agentj3879 Před rokem

      How do I download the study material from his github...I don't get download or clone option

    • @quierojugaralaionlpm
      @quierojugaralaionlpm Před rokem

      Did you only use this video?

    • @bamidelak
      @bamidelak Před rokem

      @@quierojugaralaionlpm yes, it covered all domains. Then practice with questions. On his exams-pro, he has some sample questions. Just go through the course and look for some practice questions and you are good to go.
      You can drop you email, I think I still have some sample/practice questions

    • @ffblegend
      @ffblegend Před 3 měsíci

      Do you have a link to the github for it?

  • @RHKH
    @RHKH Před 2 lety +11

    They say you get what you pay for, but this one is an exception, I assure you this youtube vid is wayy better than many paid courses on udemy, this comes from a guy who just finished 1 course and started with another on udemy, till I found this gem

    • @e19293001
      @e19293001 Před rokem

      What's the course you took from udemy?

  • @RenzoAG
    @RenzoAG Před rokem +13

    For what it’s worth. This has been a great presentation towards GCP. I am definitely enjoying each chapter and the full explanation. I don’t have much experience in the cloud environment but definitely looking forward in learning and getting my first Google Cloud Certification. Will definitely follow your channel. 🙏🏽👍🏽💯

    • @chidera2776
      @chidera2776 Před rokem +1

      Hi please have you gotten the certificate ?

  • @charlesmahouve7795
    @charlesmahouve7795 Před rokem +5

    I just passed the exam yesterday, and i had it thanks to you guys

  • @kushalpatel4
    @kushalpatel4 Před 9 měsíci +8

    I passed the exam, and it is all thanks to this course! THANK YOU, Antoni! You not only helped me pass the exam, but your course taught me a lot of the fundamental Network and IT concepts other courses never touch on. It's clear you have a very deep understanding of each and every concept and took the extra step to articulate that understanding for us. You are easily the best teacher from any of these online cloud courses I've done (and I've done a lot!). So again thank you for really going out of your way to explain the fundamentals and details even if they were on the exam. It helped to understand the concepts deeper which helped tremendously when taking the exam.

    • @gilangswandaru9014
      @gilangswandaru9014 Před 9 měsíci

      wow congrats!!,
      Are there any other resources you use to study or just this video? I'm planning to take the exam in the near future

    • @kushalpatel4
      @kushalpatel4 Před 9 měsíci

      @@gilangswandaru9014 thanks! Yep, the course covers 80-85% of the exam material. So for the other 15-20% I did a lot of practice exams and for questions I came across with topics not covered in this course I searched either the gcp documents or CZcams.

    • @shubhamrathore6080
      @shubhamrathore6080 Před 9 měsíci

      Hey kushal, I just want to know that is this tutorial enough to clear the Google cloud associate engineer exam ? I want this certificate because it is mandate to clear it in our company so I need your guidance here. Can you please help me out in this matter . Thanks.

    • @kushalpatel4
      @kushalpatel4 Před 9 měsíci +1

      @shubhamrathore6080 For me, doing this course 2-3 times and anout 100 practice questions where I looked up certain things that were covered here was enough. I don't believe you will find a course (unless maybe offered by google) that will cover 100% of the exam material. This covers like 80%. But same with udemy courses and compared to them this course is much better.

    • @sameulvries2393
      @sameulvries2393 Před 9 měsíci +1

      I am a few hours into this course as my final prep before my exams next week.I am done with the labs and a few a practice tests. Thank you for the confirmation that this course is still relevant in 2023

  • @EnglishwithNate
    @EnglishwithNate Před 10 měsíci +4

    Just passed the test, thanks a lot! This is the most comprehensive material to learn everything in depth. Re-watching some parts that I missed on practice tests helped a bunch, too, and technical jargon made much more sense.

    • @ItRachi
      @ItRachi Před 9 měsíci +2

      Did the exam had labs kind of questions as well??

  • @pineappl3pizzzasoju
    @pineappl3pizzzasoju Před rokem +10

    Thank you Antoni, I passed my ACE exam today 06/26/23. The contents in this course were still relevant on the day I took the exam.

    • @samueludeh9135
      @samueludeh9135 Před rokem +1

      Congratulations 🎊 👏 💐. I hope to drop such posts here as I prepare for my exams too

    • @hamzaghafoor8608
      @hamzaghafoor8608 Před rokem

      Hello, Can i ask you if it requires any pre requisite to start Cloud Computing for a non-tech person?
      I am a novice programmer and have a lot to learn right now. Should I jump right in, in this course or need to learn something? If yes, can you please list them here?

    • @pineappl3pizzzasoju
      @pineappl3pizzzasoju Před rokem

      @@samueludeh9135 Good Luck in your exam

    • @pineappl3pizzzasoju
      @pineappl3pizzzasoju Před rokem +1

      @@hamzaghafoor8608 Google recommends that you have at least 6+ months experience working with GCP for the associate cloud engineer. I think the better certification for non-technical or beginner programmer is the Google Cloud Digital Leader. There is no pre-requisite for that.

    • @pineappl3pizzzasoju
      @pineappl3pizzzasoju Před 11 měsíci +1

      @@CyberSupremeOptions If you expect everything to be pixel perfect than no course or tutorial will satisfy you. GCP gets updated probably every month or so. Learn the foundations instead of memorizing. Just because they move a button from right to left or rename a widget, it doesn't mean it is the end of the world.
      Yes, I am not getting paid to post this. I am only expressing my gratitude to Antoni for putting together this material that enable me to pass my exam.

  • @smithcodes1243
    @smithcodes1243 Před rokem +5

    Antoni is a life saver, passed the exam just watching this video! Thanks a lot!

    • @aniket7512
      @aniket7512 Před rokem +1

      Hey is this video only sufficient or something else also?

    • @giulianoscalia3239
      @giulianoscalia3239 Před rokem +1

      @@aniket7512 you have also the skills boost platform (where google has their on-demand courses to each specific certification) Access to this is given to you when appliying to an ACE certificate.
      eather way, i really wanna know if watching this is enough

  • @tayelolu_bells8241
    @tayelolu_bells8241 Před 3 měsíci +4

    Thank you very much for this, I just passed my associate exams. God bless you🙏🏿

    • @om-piero2010
      @om-piero2010 Před 3 měsíci +1

      Can you please tell in how many days did you complete this course?

  • @vitaliygolikov5761
    @vitaliygolikov5761 Před rokem +4

    Hello! Thank you! It's a good learning path. The exam was passed ACE exam !!! I would say this course prepared me ! It was very interesting, and extensively!!!

    • @CK30585
      @CK30585 Před rokem +1

      Could you please share your study materials? Did you buy books too to pass this exam?

  • @Kakarot__DBZ
    @Kakarot__DBZ Před 2 lety +5

    Thank You for this course ❤️
    I can't imagine myself learning 😅
    All this from Google's total mess learning paths.

  • @kyleaustin2728
    @kyleaustin2728 Před 2 lety +3

    Incredible quality!

  • @proxy5061
    @proxy5061 Před 2 lety +1

    I have started watching this, bless me to finish this completely

  • @HirmanosAI
    @HirmanosAI Před 4 měsíci +1

    One of the most detailed course of GCP associate engineer 👌, thank you so much for the effort :)

  • @mdhamzakhan5954
    @mdhamzakhan5954 Před 6 měsíci +1

    It is one of the best course for understanding Google Cloud because of simple explanation and detail discussion for each service, thank you so much

  • @przemosasa
    @przemosasa Před rokem +6

    Passed ! Now it is time for PCA :) Thank you for your help and I am looking forward to get some new content for PCA exam:)

  • @juj1988
    @juj1988 Před 2 lety +3

    Thank you very much free code camp team 💐💐

  • @MaximilianoSegovia
    @MaximilianoSegovia Před 11 měsíci +7

    I followed this course and today I passed my exam!! Thank you Toni! Amazing content, explanations and follow alongs. Superb.

    • @ffblegend
      @ffblegend Před 3 měsíci +1

      Do you have a link to the github for it?

  • @gokilamanirangarajj
    @gokilamanirangarajj Před 3 měsíci +1

    Thank you for the detailed explanation for each concepts, I have cleared my exam today!

  • @88ashwa
    @88ashwa Před rokem +1

    This is a comprehensive video... passed my ACE exam.. this was very useful.. thank you.. i have contributed my bit as a thanks gift

  • @cedenoaugusto
    @cedenoaugusto Před rokem +1

    this is amazing! the best by far. It's a great job.

  • @mustafaal-tekreeti1589
    @mustafaal-tekreeti1589 Před rokem +5

    Great course, thanks! There is a little typo in the diagram "Hybrid Environment" at moment 8:41:30; the ip address of the instance in subnet "subnet-2".

  • @radchenko.valerii
    @radchenko.valerii Před rokem +2

    Hello, Antoni!
    Want to say big Thankyou for this prepare video. Your video help me a lot to understand GCP.
    I pass the exam :)

  • @xbz24
    @xbz24 Před 2 lety +3


  • @aireddy
    @aireddy Před 2 lety +2

    Very nice 👍 , this free course help many students to achieve their goal. Thank you Andrew & Antoni.

  • @natashasamuel9346
    @natashasamuel9346 Před rokem +1

    Good evening,
    You always provide great classes.
    Keep up the good work.
    Thank You,
    Natasha Samuel

  • @trendyinsta42
    @trendyinsta42 Před rokem +1

    Legend like you make open source and internet awesome

  • @cos-ibeuchechukwu9398
    @cos-ibeuchechukwu9398 Před rokem +4

    Beyond greatful to free code camp, Antoni for this resource. It really helped me prepare for the exam along with Dan sullivan exam guide.
    I just took mine now and I passed!!

  • @haroldtorresmarino1657
    @haroldtorresmarino1657 Před 6 měsíci +3

    Thank you. I just passed the exam. I can't compare it with other courses regarding theory, as this was the only one I followed. However, this was enough to set the foundations for understanding the main concepts and complementing my understanding with practice tests.

    • @NOCDIB
      @NOCDIB Před 6 měsíci +2

      Did you do any practice exams or just this course and the actual exam?

  • @ElNachoMacho
    @ElNachoMacho Před 7 měsíci +7

    This course is a gem. Even after passing the ACE exam and am now studying for PCA, I keep finding myself coming back to this course to review some of the material. This course not only helps you prepare well for the exam, but it goes in enough depth that it will give you the knowledge to be a good cloud engineer. Speaking of which, I wish Antoni would develop a similar course for the the PCA cert 😛
    Edit: I can see Antoni does have such a course on the exampro website!!

    • @aryanag003
      @aryanag003 Před 7 měsíci +1

      Is it still relevant in 2023?

    • @ElNachoMacho
      @ElNachoMacho Před 7 měsíci +3

      @@aryanag003 I'd say yes. I passed my exam a couple of months ago

    • @karthik_kg
      @karthik_kg Před 5 měsíci

      ​@@ElNachoMacho hey is there any changes with the question patterns or format? it consists of mcqs only right?

    • @ElNachoMacho
      @ElNachoMacho Před 5 měsíci +1

      @@karthik_kg Yes, when I took it it was still multiple questions format. As far as I could tell, not much has changed.

    • @karthik_kg
      @karthik_kg Před 5 měsíci

      @@ElNachoMacho ok bro, thanks alot :) also how long did it take for you to prepare?

  • @siddheshnandiwadekar1423
    @siddheshnandiwadekar1423 Před 2 lety +1

    Thank you so much for this course

  • @mahithasetty6118
    @mahithasetty6118 Před 10 měsíci +1

    Thank you so much. I cleared the GCP ACE exam today

  • @TaqiA
    @TaqiA Před 2 lety +3

    whoa whoaaa, saved to watch later first, it's good content right here

  • @manihooku
    @manihooku Před 3 měsíci +1

    Amazing course, just passed my cert. Eventhough mine was a renewal but good to cover the additions in GCP. Thanks Antonio and Freecodecamp.

  • @brunorocha9898
    @brunorocha9898 Před rokem +1

    Amazing!!! Thank you so much

  • @AdeelSarwar
    @AdeelSarwar Před 3 měsíci +3

    Thanks for this excellent course, passed my exam yesterday after ONLY following this course.

    • @upskilllearn7596
      @upskilllearn7596 Před 3 měsíci

      What else did you prepare from? And how much time did it take?

    • @AdeelSarwar
      @AdeelSarwar Před 3 měsíci

      I had to complete this within one day because I couldn’t reschedule. Just followed this video for 15 hours on 1.5x speed and went with the exam and cleared 🎉

    • @upskilllearn7596
      @upskilllearn7596 Před 3 měsíci

      @@AdeelSarwar You had prior experience with GCP?

    • @AdeelSarwar
      @AdeelSarwar Před 3 měsíci +3

      Not really, i did browse through the console. But I do have 5 year development experience which might have helped as well in understanding this course in a better way

    • @vimalvs24
      @vimalvs24 Před 2 měsíci

      hey congrats on clearing the ACE 🥳
      All questions were scenario-based or direct questions also there? and have you referred any sample questions/tests like "braindumps" from online?

  • @justbe411
    @justbe411 Před měsícem

    Just passed my certification all the prep I did was watch this video at 2X the day before. Not that I recommend that but just proves the quality of this video.
    Thank you

  • @khaj337
    @khaj337 Před rokem +1

    Passed today, thanks to Antoni

  • @rohanroy1595
    @rohanroy1595 Před 6 měsíci +2

    I passed my GCP ace today....your video helped a lot.

  • @vikramadityakukreja6725
    @vikramadityakukreja6725 Před rokem +3

    Studied from this course and udemy in28minutes. Passed the exam!! Thank you

  • @prasadhg88
    @prasadhg88 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Thanks a ton. Its was really helpful clearing the exam.

  • @JP-nm6ln
    @JP-nm6ln Před 3 měsíci +2

    I cleared my exam today... big thanks to you...

  • @santiagocaraballo
    @santiagocaraballo Před rokem +1

    Thanks FreeCodeCamp and Anthony, yesterday i took the exam only studing from this course and i'd pass!!!!

  • @neidsonsouza
    @neidsonsouza Před rokem +3

    Great course! Thank you!!
    Just a tip: It would be better if it had more hands-on 😉

  • @blackcurrant0745
    @blackcurrant0745 Před rokem +3

    Great course material! Just a quick question: at 4:53:43 Antony says that Identity Aware Proxies will be covered later in the course. What's the timestamp on where it is covered?

  • @moganesanm8940
    @moganesanm8940 Před 2 lety +2


  • @sandoshvaidyanathan1103
    @sandoshvaidyanathan1103 Před rokem +4

    Thanks for the awesome sessions. Newbie to GCP, I see only 2 types Load balancers available to select recently(might have been functionality consolidated), kindly provide us latest update please.

  • @sar3262
    @sar3262 Před 2 lety +3

    unbelievable! 20 hrs Video!! Thanks

    • @emmamcclung9006
      @emmamcclung9006 Před 2 lety +3

      Yeah i thought it was 2 hours. Now im like, should i do an hour a night?

  • @tolulopeadedoyin7898
    @tolulopeadedoyin7898 Před rokem +1

    I took this exam August 2022 and I passed. I used just this course and past questions.

  • @Shainmeng
    @Shainmeng Před rokem +7


  • @shanthinis5667
    @shanthinis5667 Před rokem +1

    Best course for gcp ...I watched this and passed my exam... Thank you...

    • @aniket7512
      @aniket7512 Před rokem

      Hey is this course only enough or anything else is also required?

  • @MuhammadWaqas-ox7km
    @MuhammadWaqas-ox7km Před rokem +3

    Great training course. Thank you for making it available. But I can't find the Github link. I'd appreciate if you add it in the description of the course

  • @l4keman
    @l4keman Před rokem +5

    I passed ACE exam few days ago. Many thanks for this course!

    • @quierojugaralaionlpm
      @quierojugaralaionlpm Před rokem

      Did you only use this video?

    • @l4keman
      @l4keman Před rokem

      @@quierojugaralaionlpm no, not only, but it was most helpful

    • @quierojugaralaionlpm
      @quierojugaralaionlpm Před rokem

      @@l4keman what else did you use?

    • @l4keman
      @l4keman Před rokem

      @@quierojugaralaionlpm The Official Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Study Guide - book by D. Sullivan

    • @l4keman
      @l4keman Před rokem

      @@quierojugaralaionlpm cloud girl gcp sketchnotes - google it

  • @mayurrathi26
    @mayurrathi26 Před 2 lety +6

    This is an awesome course.
    Could you share all the links which Antoni mentions throughout the course for more learning and details?

    • @anshuraj5734
      @anshuraj5734 Před 8 měsíci

      Needed a suggestion mate, is it a wise decision to do AWS practitioner and this GCP both, or anyone of the two will do.
      Please answer to this query of mine if you get the notification.

  • @nikilson
    @nikilson Před rokem +1

    Thank you for helped me to get the certificate.

  • @lairbally
    @lairbally Před 4 měsíci +1

    I passed the exam a few days ago. Thank you.

  • @joekadendi1551
    @joekadendi1551 Před 4 měsíci +2

    Great video, your rips and tricks help me pass the exam!

    • @karthik_kg
      @karthik_kg Před 4 měsíci

      can u pls suggest the other resources that you used? it will be really helpful.. thank you!

  • @charlesbronson2618
    @charlesbronson2618 Před rokem +2

    I passed my exam yesterday. This course have helped me to achieve my certification. Thanks.

    • @aniket7512
      @aniket7512 Před rokem

      Hey is this video only enough or anything else also required?

    • @rafayghouri7800
      @rafayghouri7800 Před rokem

      Hi brother can I take this course to start my cloud engineering journey I don't know much about cloud but I wanna build my career in this field I just wondering is it good to start my journey from this course

  • @fanaralabdal162
    @fanaralabdal162 Před 2 lety +1

    hey man, you are the best actor in better call saul

  • @sawanstor3229
    @sawanstor3229 Před rokem +5

    I have gone through whole course and wanted to share some information with you. First of all - I have got an exam today and have passed, I have used this course, few lessons from Google course and 96 questions from ExamTopics (but only up to 10% came from there on the exam). I REALLY HATE that ALMOST 50% of WHOLE course is dedicated to the network. I get it, the instructor is a person with networking background but it doesn’t matter, course should be compensated and friendly for everyone. It’s great to know some details but it will be more than enough to know about 5 characteristics of all of them (I.e. interconnect used to private connection, VPC has subnets, Shared VPC if we want to share multiple VPC’s etc, there is no need to know it on low level). About other things:
    - I thought this course was recorded in 2022 (as published date suggested) but in reality it was recorded in 2020, 3 years ago. 2023 should be the last year to learn from this imho as resources are changing and you’re learning legacy/outdated information, sometimes even services doesn’t exists anymore
    - because of this course recorded 3 years ago, it is missing few services that I have seen in the exam and in the exam dumps
    - I guess that exam might have changed since 2020 as in the 96 questions and in my exam I haven’t seen any ML related questions so you don’t have to pay that much attention to it (but you still should)
    - GKE and Compute Engines are major topics in the exam, you should focus most on it. Also IAM is important, as well as billing.
    Overall - I enjoyed this course and I am glad for it but with proper network information, this course would take 10 hours top, not 20 hours so it’s a big waste of time (if you’re not interested in networking, as many software engineers aren’t)

    • @tobeskokoatobes3968
      @tobeskokoatobes3968 Před rokem +1

      I see. I plan on taking thr exam next week actually. Please give any more advice on what to watch for in the exam if you can. Also if you can recommend other resources to prepare me for the exam that would be great. I already passed the gcp digital leader exam.

    • @sawanstor3229
      @sawanstor3229 Před rokem +2

      @@tobeskokoatobes3968 this video while taking notes + some exam dumps (even to just see the structure of the questions) should be enough to pass. It was harder than Digital Leader but I would say like 1.5-2x harder, not more

    • @tobeskokoatobes3968
      @tobeskokoatobes3968 Před rokem +1

      What exam dumps did you use or where can I get exam dumps from?

    • @sawanstor3229
      @sawanstor3229 Před rokem +1

      @@tobeskokoatobes3968 examtopics

  • @sanjaygeorge16
    @sanjaygeorge16 Před rokem +2

    The free trial seems to now offer $300 over a 3 month period, instead of a year. Still useful!

  • @apollomedia2166
    @apollomedia2166 Před 2 lety +7

    I paid for this course back in February and it was great. Was essential in me passing the exam. So aweso.e that it's being offered for free here!

    • @jobansand
      @jobansand Před 2 lety +3

      What else did you use to pass the exam?

  • @truphenalwanga9829
    @truphenalwanga9829 Před rokem +2

    @ExamPro Can you please upload timestamps for different topics? Either way, thanks so much for the course.

  • @immature_aksh8202
    @immature_aksh8202 Před rokem +1

    At 7:32:08
    In the Updated Console, you can delete internal static IP addresses using Google Cloud Console As Well.

  • @samirsamir7779
    @samirsamir7779 Před 2 lety

    Waw thank you !

  • @gabriellesamuels2137
    @gabriellesamuels2137 Před rokem +1

    Thank you 😊

  • @javieraravena8303
    @javieraravena8303 Před rokem +1

    There are a lot of mission sections on the updated repo compared to the ones on the video. Is this correct ? or maybe the content its included on another section..?
    Thank you ! this is great !

  • @juanenriquegarcia2412
    @juanenriquegarcia2412 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Wow. this course is huge. I am going to live here for the next 3 weeks.

  • @siphiwokhumalo8412
    @siphiwokhumalo8412 Před 2 lety +11

    Dude it's like you read minds, the whole world (nerds of course) was waiting for this. What took you so long?

  • @apostolosalexiou5348
    @apostolosalexiou5348 Před měsícem

    Great Lesson Just to add from my side it covers the majority of the exam but it need updating as it seems it was recorder at 2021! But i passed so thank you very much Antonara!

  • @rkp.aneesh4182
    @rkp.aneesh4182 Před 2 lety


  • @user-mu7lh9fk7y
    @user-mu7lh9fk7y Před 6 měsíci +1

    This works. Please watch it before the exam

  • @flarierza33
    @flarierza33 Před rokem +2

    At 14:53, Antoni talks about connecting to the public and private endpoint of the private GKE cluster. Specifically, these public and private endpoints belong to the control plane. However, on the illustrations, it shows a connection to the "workload nodes" instead of the "control plane node". I assume this is a mistake?

  • @parchisikings5283
    @parchisikings5283 Před rokem +4

    The course started at 16:55

  • @Shainmeng
    @Shainmeng Před rokem +3

    I thank you very much for this course. I have answered my exam with confidence and passed today (December 2). This is by far, the best reviewer and it is free. I am recommending this to my colleagues and I am sending thanks because you deserve. Thank you

    • @LOKESH-sd5lq
      @LOKESH-sd5lq Před rokem +1

      Hey hai may i know more about this exam because I have exam on19 dec

    • @nadiayaroslavtseva7511
      @nadiayaroslavtseva7511 Před rokem

      Hi Sai, have you bought the full course with cheat sheet and flash cards or this free course will be enough..? Could you please share your exam experience, were questions similar to these practice exam?

    • @Shainmeng
      @Shainmeng Před rokem +2

      @@nadiayaroslavtseva7511 this course is good enough. The practice exam I bought is from Dan Sullivan and there is a free 20+ questions for ACE on GCP.
      I sent a thank you tip to this video though as appreciation.

    • @rafayghouri7800
      @rafayghouri7800 Před rokem

      Hi brother can I take this course to start my cloud engineering journey I don't know much about cloud but I wanna build my career in this field I just wondering is it good to start my journey from this course

    • @Shainmeng
      @Shainmeng Před rokem

      @@rafayghouri7800 I suggest to start with fundamentals exam. If you are leaning towards Google Cloud over other CSPs, then take the Cloud Digital Leader to get a concept of what Cloud is from Google's perspective.

  • @oim125garage
    @oim125garage Před 2 lety +1


  • @sourav_panigrahi
    @sourav_panigrahi Před rokem +2

    Thank you so much to this Video, i passed the GCP ACE today!!

    • @jayeshpanigrahi8161
      @jayeshpanigrahi8161 Před rokem

      Hi Sourav,
      Congratulations for the achievement. Can you please let me know if this video is enough to pass the exam?

    • @sourav_panigrahi
      @sourav_panigrahi Před rokem

      @@jayeshpanigrahi8161 Hi Jayesh, the video helps in preparation, but its better to go through the Official GCP Coursework also.

    • @sourav_panigrahi
      @sourav_panigrahi Před rokem

      @@jayeshpanigrahi8161 There is also a Dump file for GCP ACE, and questions are from those set only, consists of 278 questions, and those questions are repeated in exams.

    • @quierojugaralaionlpm
      @quierojugaralaionlpm Před rokem +1

      ​@@sourav_panigrahi hi, where do I get that dump file?