What Is Focused Improvement? (Total Productive Maintenance Series)

  • čas přidán 13. 11. 2022
  • www.gembaacademy.com • Watch the unlocked first video in our new course "Focused Improvement". Learn how Focused Improvement takes a narrow and deep approach by targeting the six big losses one at a time. See MORE⬇⬇⬇
    Focused Improve­ment is part of our expanding Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Series.
    In this course, learn how Focused Improvement as a set of activ­i­ties designed to increase the Over­all Equip­ment Effec­tive­ness, or OEE, of plants and their process­es. Dig deeper to reveal how Focused Improve­ment tar­gets the six big loss­es one by one, the dif­fer­ent meth­ods and tools used, and how it builds the sta­bil­i­ty nec­es­sary for oth­er pil­lars of TPM. Learn the sim­i­lar­i­ties and dif­fer­ences to oth­er improve­ment meth­ods, includ­ing unique tech­ni­cal analy­sis meth­ods and imple­men­ta­tion approaches.
    Watch the first video here:
    🔗 www.gembaacademy.com/school-o...
    "Focused Improvement (TPM)"
    Focused Improve­ment is a set of activ­i­ties designed to increase the Over­all Equip­ment Effec­tive­ness, or OEE, of plants and their process­es. Learn how Focused Improve­ment tar­gets the six big loss­es one by one, the dif­fer­ent meth­ods and tools used, and how it builds the sta­bil­i­ty nec­es­sary for oth­er pil­lars of TPM.
    Gemba Academy’s New Focused Improvement Course is comprised of thirteen videos:
    What Is Focused Improvement?
    The Six Big Losses
    Getting Started with Focused Improvement
    Focused Improvement of Changeover Losses
    Focused Improvement of Startup and Yield Losses
    Focused Improvement of Idling and Minor Stops
    Focused Improvement of Speed Losses
    Focused Improvement of Breakdown Losses
    Focused Improvement of Defect Losses
    Practical Problem Solving for Focused Improvement
    How to Do a Loss Analysis
    What Is a TPM Small Group Activity?
    How to Create a Failure Map
    🔗 Click here to view more details about the course and other related content
    ∙∙∙∙WANT MORE Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)? ∙∙∙∙
    If you are interested in learning more about Total Productive Maintenance and how it can help you reduce waste in your company, visit the growing TPM Series in Gemba Academy’s School of Lean. The cours­es in this series explain TPM’s core fun­da­men­tals, ben­e­fits, and what you lose when you don’t make main­te­nance a priority.
    🔗 Click here to visit our TPM Series:
    This course and others can be found among many other series in our School of Lean
    🔗 Click here to visit and see our lineup: www.gembaacademy.com/school-o...
    Preview some of the top courses found in our School of Lean:
    "5S"- The method­ol­o­gy focus­es on cre­at­ing a clean and order­ly work­space that expos­es waste and makes it easy to iden­ti­fy prob­lems or abnor­mal­i­ties as they emerge.
    "The Kaizen Way" Part-phi­los­o­phy, part-action plan, Kaizen relies on every­one from C‑suite exec­u­tives to front-line work­ers con­tin­u­ous­ly mak­ing small changes any­where that there’s poten­tial for improvement.
    Done right, Kaizen uni­fies an organization’s col­lec­tive tal­ent pool and turns it into a pow­er­ful improve­ment engine, result­ing in high­er-qual­i­ty prod­ucts, more effi­cient process­es, and hap­pi­er customers.
    "The Seven Deadly Wastes"
    There are sev­en (and some­times 8) types of iden­ti­fied wastes that are keep­ing your orga­ni­za­tion from reach­ing its full poten­tial. This is not just a man­u­fac­tur­ing prob­lem, all indus­tries can ben­e­fit from iden­ti­fy­ing and elim­i­nat­ing wastes.
    🔍 Preview this course and more in our School of Lean:
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