What are your rights against trespassers?

  • čas přidán 21. 02. 2019
  • What is the legal extent you can go to protect your property?

Komentáře • 79

  • @STR8L8CED
    @STR8L8CED Před 3 lety +38

    My property is fenced and gated with posted no trespassing signs. I open carry at all times. Usually does the trick 99% of times. If that doesnt work I just turn my six dogs loose and watch them run like hell.

    • @RJ-hm9gi
      @RJ-hm9gi Před 3 měsíci

      And you are intent on the easement no? You have to be S T U P I D....your comment is reckless endangerment....at best

    • @Tiffanysfarm
      @Tiffanysfarm Před 29 dny

      A couple of people recommended that I buy some dogs too for security reasons

  • @jeffreyhaley991
    @jeffreyhaley991 Před 10 měsíci +8

    Exactly!!!!! The cops do NOTHING!!!!

    • @glennrobin3141
      @glennrobin3141 Před 3 měsíci

      Maybe the cops did nothing because he wasn't breaking the law. You can't legally landlocked somebody off their property. It was an easement

  • @cac7549
    @cac7549 Před 2 lety +16

    The law does not protect the tax paying property owner, but they do get mad when you dont pay your property taxes. It all comes down to the polticians that you people vote for.

    • @davidcole8448
      @davidcole8448 Před 2 lety +1

      As a property owner I can tell you the government doesn't care when you pay your property tax, when you sell or when you die a title company ensures that all delinquent property taxes are paid in full before transfer of ownership, property owners only live so long, our government lives forever, in addition, I have a sidewalk in front of my house, I paid for the sidewalk, I own the sidewalk, I pay property tax on the sidewalk, it is also my responsibility for any tripping hazards, public access dictates that anyone can walk on my property as long as they stay on the sidewalk, twenty four hours a day seven days a week.

    • @patrickbodine1300
      @patrickbodine1300 Před rokem +1

      NO one truly owns property. You simply pay to have the opportunity to use it.

  • @i-primeproductions1517
    @i-primeproductions1517 Před 2 lety +25

    There’s no law against holding a gun and telling someone to leave your property in any state in the United States. If he did not points a gun at the person in a threatening matter no law was broken and he was falsely arrested.

    • @bruhstandler
      @bruhstandler Před rokem +2

      Only brandishing on public grounds or when near a police officer is illegal.

    • @charleswilson2448
      @charleswilson2448 Před rokem +2

      In Texas you can use threat of deadly force with weapon actually pointed at offender. You just can’t use it unless there is a attempt at forced entry or threat of deadly force from offender.

    • @champy1210
      @champy1210 Před 11 měsíci +1

      @@bruhstandlerDefensive display of a firearm or other deadly weapon IS lawful anywhere, incl. in public or in front of a cop, if done in necessary self-defense. The legal justification depends on the state in which one is present. If it is _reasonable_ to display, either by lifting one’s shirt, placing one’s hand on the holstered pistol, or even drawing it, in necessary self-defense, defense of another, or defense of property - highly state-dependent(!) - it is lawful. A cop’s presence or the defender’s presence in public changes nothing about that. That said, on private property, there are less restrictions on open carry and/or display, again, depending on the jurisdiction.
      Rule of thumb: Only display it, draw it, or use it if it reasonable to do so under the circumstances, and _necessary_ to dissuade the criminal actor from continuing his crime.

    • @bruhstandler
      @bruhstandler Před 11 měsíci

      @@champy1210 Agreed and it's as it should be. If necessary, there should be no situation in which it's illegal to defend yourself, but there are also many situations I can think of where having a gun out would not only be unnecessary but also a potential danger to yourself or others

    • @robertstone9988
      @robertstone9988 Před 11 měsíci +2

      Had a very similar situation myself there's a housing addition that buts up to the back of my farm. The kids from the housing addition are always trespassing into my Woods I'm not even mad at them they're just doing what kids do but I had several discussions with their parents about not allowing them into my Woods and explain to them that it's private property not a park. Lo and behold I found the exact same kids trespassing again these are 12-13 year old kids they know better so I walk them out of my Woods and to their houses to have a another conversation with their parents. The father wasn't home but the mother was I told her again I do not want your kids in my Woods if they trespass again I'll have to get the law involved she started screaming at me how I'm a mean old man who won't let people on his property. that they are just kids playing and I need to relax. I told her do you let random people just walk into your backyard or your house? Why should I let random people walk around on my property? I walked back to the house through my Woods about halfway back up to the house here comes a guy on a four-wheeler flying up on me It's the dad. He jumps off the four-wheeler and comes up to me already yelling and screaming about how I have no business coming up to his house to yell at his wife about his kids the irony right? I have no right to be on his property while he's standing on my property yelling at me? Anyway I noticed the handgun in his waistband snow heavy angry man yelling at me on my property and he has a gun. What he didn't know is that I conceal-carry and I had a gun too. So I drew on him. I told him to get right back on his four-wheeler and to head back to wherever the f*** he came from. I told him he was trespassing and if he took one more step towards me with that gun I was going to shoot him. He rides back off to his house and within a half-hour here come for Sheriff cars whipping into my driveway all of them jumping out guns drawn screaming at me to get the f*** on the ground. I comply they kick my gun off to the side and immediately handcuffed me and put me in the back of a police car. Another Sheriff car comes pulling in with the wife in the husband in it they pointed me and the cop takes off again with them. I was charged with pointing a gun at a man with a gun trespassing on my property. I was also lectured to by the cops about how stupid I am and how I could have killed somebody and what the f*** am I doing pointing guns at people. Anytime I try to explain what was going on I was told to shut up that it was their turn to talk right now and then I have the right to remain silent and they suggest I take it because I'm in a whole big heap of trouble and I'll be lucky if I have property when this is all done and over with. Now this is a 50-50 to everybody I told his story to half the people think that I was in the right in this is all b******* and the other half of the people talk to me like the cops did. Needless to say after I got a lawyer all the charges were dropped but that husband and wife did file a protection and restraining order against me and my state anybody with a protection and or restraining order against them cannot own a weapon so I lost my second amendment over this at least until their order runs out of time. Was I in the right or should I have taken my chances on whether or not he was going to draw that gun first? Cuz according to those cops I had no right to draw a gun on him even though when they showed up they had their guns drawn me and my gun was holstered. So if it's immoral and illegal to pull a gun on somebody who has their gun in their holster/ waistband who's acting hostile towards you why do the cops do it?

  • @patrickbodine1300
    @patrickbodine1300 Před rokem +8

    Let me say this: we are being invaded from our southern border. Trespassing may become a way of life for more folks than usual. Multi-lingual signs are a necessity.

  • @Greatday68
    @Greatday68 Před 10 měsíci +4

    The solution: When you see a trespasser first call the cops. Then confront the criminal with your gun drawn and pointed at the criminal. Tell the police that when you kindly asked the criminal to leave your property he threatened you and lunged at you so you pulled you weapon. and waited for law enforcement to arrive.
    Also in some state you can actually sue a trespasser for damages. Like any property damage they may or what you claim they did. Emotional distress things like that. Plus you can get a protective order that says the criminal needs to stay away from your property and family.
    If the Police will not charge the criminal for trespassing, then you demand the officer to do so. If the officer refuses, get the officers name and badge number and file a complaint against the officer for dereliction of duty. And then tell the officer at the police station that you want to press charges against the criminal. It is your right to do this. They cannot refuse when there was a clear violation of the law.
    And again check your local laws to see what the possibilities are of suing these criminals.

    • @DWCessna4130
      @DWCessna4130 Před 10 měsíci +1

      Texas prosecutor here. 🙋‍♂️
      Aside from you being one yourself anyone else who takes your advice is an absolute fckng idiot. You’re the same exact person that I send to prison constantly for antics like this. I don’t know what state you’re in but you better reread your trespassing laws because trespassing laws are identical from state to state between 44 different states. I’m pretty certain you’re in one of those states. No where, ANYWHERE in any states statute does the utterance or verbiage of threats with a deadly weapon come about as a justifiable method of removing a trespasser. FORCE ONLY can be used not deadly force or even threats of deadly force. This is not about what a trespasser does or doesnt deserve as someone knowingly trespassing in my opinion DOES deserve to be threatened with a firearm depending on the circumstances. It’s the fact that people like you blatantly ignore laws and out of your own ignorance create a bigger shit show of a situation than what it has to be which creates more problems in society. It’s more of about getting rid of the dumb homeowner like you after threatening violence versus someone simply trespassing. I’d rather throw a homeowner away than a trespasser any day of the week, and we do daily. I’ll give you this, and all the years of my line of work I’ve seen about six or seven people who originally trespassed shot with the fire arm with most of them dying. Everyone of the gunman went to prison for either Murder or Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. You can argue all you want to about why you had a gun to begin with confirming the trespasser but at the end of the day the only thing the jury hast to no one understands with the state statute reads. And if you can front of them with a firearm you’ve already violated it. No one forced you to exit the safety of your home to confront the unknown when the police could’ve been called to handle it to begin with.

  • @jodieryan7704
    @jodieryan7704 Před 2 lety +6

    Oh Hell no stay off that man’s property!! Till you get right away access

    • @bryanrizzo9377
      @bryanrizzo9377 Před 7 dny

      I really badly wanted to go inside my old house that is currently raised up on a lift which means it's historical and its being gut renovated and it would've been nice to take a walk around but as much as wanted to I didn't because I didn't want to get in trouble and I usually pass by on Saturdays when there's nobody there working. I'm sure the manager passes by to check and make sure nobody is trespassing which is another reason why I didn't go inside...because even on a Saturday or a Sunday...you never know if one of the workers or the boss of the workers is gonna pass by the house or even stop by to go in the house themselves...obviously if it's one of the workers or the manager...they are allowed to go inside the house.

  • @thaxtonwaters8561
    @thaxtonwaters8561 Před rokem +8

    Stalkers and Crazy people know ALL of the law loopholes to get around the law/courts.
    Trust me my ex is on the loose as we speak with warrants & orders of protection and doesn't care at all.

    • @MaureenDavis-fg5sp
      @MaureenDavis-fg5sp Před 8 měsíci

      Crazy people who like to take a shortcut to get home easier than walking all the way around? Yeah we do know the laws pretty well.

  • @Miss5250
    @Miss5250 Před 2 lety +9

    I don't know who OWNS this EASEMENT... but HOW does the man ACCESS his Property?
    The STORY wasn't CLEAR on that. I'm SO SICK of LAZY or MISLEADING Reporting. This is Sad & One-Sided & seems to Tell or STEAR the Story into a certain direction.
    She never SAID WHY she was so AFRAID of this guy. Neither did the Guy that FELT it was Necessary to wave a Gun around.
    Something is very obviously Missing from this piece.

    • @Bladerunner4924764
      @Bladerunner4924764 Před rokem +1

      I agree that the reporting is lacking but the lady feared the guy probably because she doesn't know him and he's trespassing. The guy waving the gun around is her husband who confronted the trespasser. I don't know what an FDNL is but apparently that's who owns the easement. How the guy is supposed to get to his property should've been worked out when he bought the property. That's what I gathered from it.

  • @spanky1026
    @spanky1026 Před rokem +4

    With a name like conman, I can clearly see why you are against property owners have firearms for protection

  • @jjqb13
    @jjqb13 Před 2 lety +6

    Fence it in dude. Way cheaper than the bs your gonna deal with now.

    • @Falconlibrary
      @Falconlibrary Před 2 lety

      I was going to say: a higher and stronger fence (with thorn bushes on both sides) would be an effective deterrence.

    • @burritonoodle4155
      @burritonoodle4155 Před rokem +2

      What do you do when they are wire cutting your fence and literally sawing the wooden poles and the cops won’t do anything. Or ripping off your no trespassing/no hunting signs. We have this problem and they just lie to the cops and poach but do it in our field without permission. It’s scary because they are going to end up shooting my kids or any of my family members when we take our walks and lie and say it wasn’t marked. These people do know loopholes in laws and it almost seems like the laws are designed to protect criminals. I am extremely unhappy as this has gone on for longer than it should have. They have tampered with our cameras, our fences, stolen property, used our house as a location to deal drugs, messed with our animals, threatened us repeatedly, and taken our peace of mind. I totally understand why this lady and her family were scared. Legally though the cops won’t do anything until after that guy kills them. He can basically do whatever he wants, even swearing at them and stealing unless he is caught in the act and we all know the police won’t come out and if they do the guy will be long gone or lie about it. The cameras don’t catch him and he breaks or hacks the others. You’ve got to love the lack of Justice in the United States.

    • @Tiffanysfarm
      @Tiffanysfarm Před 29 dny

      @@burritonoodle4155 I am sorry that you have experienced trespassing. Have you been able to find ways to overcome your situation?

  • @FortuneCookieLies
    @FortuneCookieLies Před 5 měsíci

    If I have video from a hidden camera of people going through my stuff what should i do?

  • @driverjamescopeland
    @driverjamescopeland Před měsícem

    When someone chooses to trespass my rights, they've alienated their own. Plain and simple.

  • @RemyAlphaElite
    @RemyAlphaElite Před rokem +2

    Man, you never know when someone's caseing your home for a crime so defend your stuff. Just don't be a hothead and get trigger happy. Use force next time but don't with a pipe or a stun gun😊

  • @user-wf9cz5tz1c
    @user-wf9cz5tz1c Před 6 měsíci

    Right, that's where they messed up the shoot of called on a trash passer. They would have arrested the trash passer. After 3 or 4 times of him trash passing, they will enhance that. Trust me he'll stop trash passing

  • @FurryEskimo
    @FurryEskimo Před 3 měsíci +1

    What's the point of having the roght to a gun if you cant use to defend your rights?
    I know, food, but you know what i mean. Do you really think the founding fathers, who actively fought a war against their government, would agree with this interpretation of their laws?

  • @jstravelers4094
    @jstravelers4094 Před 10 měsíci +1

    I have a goofy neighbor who thinks he owns property on my side of a fence he had put up.
    His wife (and man of the family) has him convinced that I moved property marker pins prior to his fence being installed.
    She claims I fooled their fence installers into putting the fence in the wrong place.
    She's completely nutz!!!!
    She has him mow on my side of his fence......coocoo for coacoa puffs.

    • @user-uf9xj3wg9h
      @user-uf9xj3wg9h Před 8 měsíci

      I think I have the same neighbors.

    • @Sanwizard1
      @Sanwizard1 Před 6 měsíci +1

      Get a survey done.

    • @donmulder8061
      @donmulder8061 Před 6 měsíci

      A professional lot survey is the cheapest and most effective way to know for sure. It may not change your neighbors' minds, but it will certainly give you peace of mind knowing that an objective, professional, highly trained 3rd party has found the property corners and lines and issued you a new plat showing the location of the fence in relation to the boundaries. Be sure to tell the surveyor exactly what you need when you order it: your boundaries, all improvements on your lot including any and all encroachments or improvements near the boundary as well as any publicly recorded easements. Ask them to stake the property corners with wooden stakes and to mark that property line with stakes at an appropriate interval and to show with markings any places where the fence crosses the property line so you can have it remediated if you want to. You might want to be home and watch out the window as the crew does their work so you can photograph the stakes as soon as they depart so that the neighbor doesnt come out and move any of the stakes or pull them up (it's illegal to remove survey stakes but hard to prove). Maybe have a landscaper ready to install some shrubs inside your property line as soon as possible and of course video that as well. Am going through a similar issue as we speak......

  • @briceyokem9236
    @briceyokem9236 Před 6 měsíci

    What is an Fpl easement, is that Florida Power and Light?

  • @douglas165453d
    @douglas165453d Před 17 dny

    To many injustice in us now days

  • @fjoebiden4725
    @fjoebiden4725 Před 10 měsíci +1

    Criminals got more rights than law-abiding citizens

    • @DWCessna4130
      @DWCessna4130 Před 10 měsíci +2

      Actually they do not , law-abiding citizens overstep their boundaries and go outside of the scope of what they’re legally able to do which is why they go to prison over the actual criminals.

    • @DWCessna4130
      @DWCessna4130 Před 10 měsíci +1

      I just left a comment elsewhere about me working for our district attorneys office as a Prosecutor here in Texas. Just had a case come on my desk yesterday morning when I went in for Labor Day to work overtime and had a homeowner who was arrested for chasing a burglary suspect in his car and shooting rounds off as he was driving down the road. He caught a burglar in his garage at about 11 PM two Saturday nights ago and went back inside his house to get his gun. He then RE-EXITED his home AGAIN after retreating to safety and chased him down the road shooting about four magazines worth of rounds towards the suspect vehicle causing him to wreck out and hit a tree. I’m almost guaranteed at 100% that I will send this homeowner straight to prison for that stunt and this first time offense burglar will more than likely will work a low plea deal with the state for pro anti on only. You cannot chase a suspect after a crime has occurred and attempt to kill them for property only. Our state including 44 other state statutes make this very clear. This is why you “law-abiding citizens” go to prison so much because you make yourself into a criminal within a snap of a finger.

  • @mikeb5171
    @mikeb5171 Před rokem +2

    What state are they in

  • @ldygzlle1291
    @ldygzlle1291 Před 7 měsíci

    So not a random man but in fact the next door neighbor?

  • @cassalexander4995
    @cassalexander4995 Před 6 měsíci +1

    All the land in the US was stolen to begin with, guns exist that's a fact, i don't condone criminal acts on either side, as a tresspasser myself who does it for excitement not to steal or destroy and who knows where tresspass laws come from it's my contention that your "private property" isnt really yours and if i want to get to where I'm going and your "peoperty" is in the way in gonna go through it, also of it's abandoned it's fair game. Guns do exists though that is a fact.

  • @JimmyGunXD556
    @JimmyGunXD556 Před rokem +1

    Proving that public service only make matters worse for the citizens.. a public servant should address the situation so it didn't happen repeatedly

    • @DWCessna4130
      @DWCessna4130 Před 10 měsíci

      First and foremost the homeowner above in this video broke the law in the commission of the stunt he pulled Aside from that……..When you’re the victim of a crime or a homeowner who refuses to file charges you’re never going to get much help from police. This is what you people in the public don’t understand or know when you hear the stories about Police not wanting to do anything. And uncooperative homeowner or victim is nothing but a waste of our time. If you refuse to file charges then we know not to waste our time on you. The Supreme Court has told us we don’t have to waste our time on you. Never believe these bullshit stories that you hear about “cops not doing anything” because it’s absolute farce. They’ll get an open records request or a FOIA and go get your hands on that paperwork/affidavit stating that homeowner wants to file. Because you won’t find it.

  • @Bubbleeyyz
    @Bubbleeyyz Před 9 měsíci

    Once i accidentally tresspassed on a cafe cause i didnt see the sign and almost got arrested

  • @MaureenDavis-fg5sp
    @MaureenDavis-fg5sp Před 8 měsíci +1

    😂 There are no private easements ... that guy is not knowledgeable of the law.

  • @BrandonKratz-ey5qd
    @BrandonKratz-ey5qd Před 4 měsíci

    Hope i dont get charged with freding the feds

  • @bridypow1947
    @bridypow1947 Před 5 měsíci

    🎗 0:45

  • @user-wv2mo2qx3u
    @user-wv2mo2qx3u Před měsícem

    129 Galveston PL SW APT 2B Washington DC 20032 IS BEING TRESPASSING can someone have a talk with the neighbors '' they said it their shit" my co-worker not giving me my house keys until he gets his cars keys his car on 129 Galveston PL SW APT 1B Washington DC 20032

  • @bimmersandars9221
    @bimmersandars9221 Před rokem +2

    How would you feel if you own a piece of property you can not get to. How about you be a good neighbor and let him get to his property.

  • @DoktorSick
    @DoktorSick Před 3 lety +7

    People are so stupid, you can't just pull a gun on someone because they are on your property . There has to be some sort of threat. And you can't just say you are in fear for you life. YOu have to be able to explain how your life is endangered .

    • @dcheard2
      @dcheard2 Před 3 lety +5

      exactly. majority of people don't understand gun laws. it's purely for self-defense. just because you don't like someone walking on your yard.. doesn't mean you draw a firearm. people get butt-hurt over "he stepped on my grass" and " I need to protect my land". i think most don't know there's a difference between trespass and breaking & entering.

    • @09TOLBERT
      @09TOLBERT Před 2 lety +4

      Well one reason why a property owner wouldn't want someone on their property because if that person gets hurt they could sue the property owner... People have a right to protect what they work hard for, clearly you missed the part that the cops was called once before for the same guys trespassing it's starting to become weird to keep trespassing after being asked not too... So at this point what are your intentions of keep coming onto my property?!?

    • @jstravelers4094
      @jstravelers4094 Před 10 měsíci +2

      ​@@09TOLBERTMy neighbor thinks he owns a lawnmower width of my yard on my side of the fence he had installed.
      I don't want him on my property at all....let alone with a power tool he probably shouldn't be using.
      I figure a verbal warning, followed by a police complaint.
      At least I have a record in case the moron gets hurt.

    • @09TOLBERT
      @09TOLBERT Před 10 měsíci +1

      @jstravelers4094 People have no boundaries.

    • @jstravelers4094
      @jstravelers4094 Před 10 měsíci +1

      @@09TOLBERT It's a long and interesting story....but I am just too exhausted to type all of it.

  • @wertiadreams7949
    @wertiadreams7949 Před 3 lety +4

    Saved the video to my playlist to spread awareness, disliked because its posted by Fox News.

    • @WestlehSeyweld
      @WestlehSeyweld Před rokem

      What are you on 😂

    • @doesnotFempute
      @doesnotFempute Před měsícem

      local Fox channels are not affiliated with Fox News. But in any event, you should get therapy.

  • @nicklawson4390
    @nicklawson4390 Před měsícem +1

    This video pointless

  • @CSAccetura
    @CSAccetura Před 2 lety +2

    This is the problem with gun culture today. The thought that the gun can be pulled out at any instance is the problem.

    • @patrickbodine1300
      @patrickbodine1300 Před rokem +1

      I must disagree, the problem lies with those persons who feel entitled to disregard property rights.

  • @user-wv2mo2qx3u
    @user-wv2mo2qx3u Před měsícem

    129 Galveston PL SW APT 2B TRESPASSING