  • čas přidán 10. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 59

  • @tkdleeds
    @tkdleeds Před 14 lety

    If There is not Hazir Imam there is no life. Be thankfull To Allah jale jalalahu. And pray he may Give Hazir Imam long life. and Good Health... Yam to all

  • @dilkeaaspass
    @dilkeaaspass Před 16 lety

    Absolutely Superb. Magnificent Performance for the Magnificance of the presence of His Highness The Aga Khan. Many Many Thanks.

  • @brownmamba08
    @brownmamba08 Před 12 lety

    When I see my Mawla smile it makes me smile. Great performance!

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    & its your thinking that he speaks & understand just 1-2 languages ... He is a true King and .......
    Translation : Ae Allah mera Sajda aur Tabedari sirf tere liye hai.

  • @khowajazubair8885
    @khowajazubair8885 Před 8 lety

    great i love you mola thanks

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 ... We have such religious scholars, who can prove our Imam through any of the Holy Quran Ayah.

  • @shehnaz22
    @shehnaz22 Před 12 lety

    Bravo zinakhan1.

  • @realrhymez
    @realrhymez Před 15 lety

    beautiful, mashallah

  • @hasansamnani6385
    @hasansamnani6385 Před 6 lety

    make me cry

  • @simoi-shughnan
    @simoi-shughnan Před 16 lety

    thx for the vedio,it`s wonderful and beautiful.

  • @amjadshahali
    @amjadshahali Před 14 lety

    thank you mowla

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    Bullay shah talked about Hazrat Ali ... and Prince Karim Aga khan is direct blood descendant of Hazrat Ali A.S

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 ... FAIRYYYY TALE BROTHER FAIRY TALEE ... who told you that story.
    The World knows about our Imam & that he doesn't need single penny from anyone. & We are with our Imam with Life, Soul & all our Wealth. & We have no doubt that where all the money utilized.
    We are not people who only speaks & have no faith in their Actions. We ACT on what we believe. If our Imam says on Day time that its Night, & Night time that its Day then we will definitely obey him

  • @shiverji
    @shiverji Před 12 lety

    so beautiful. :)

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    The Heart of Quran is Surah Yaseen & Allah clearly mentioned in Surah Yaseen " Wa Kullah shain aasaina uffi Imam e mubeen" Translatin " Aur humney sab cheezain Imam-e- Zahir mei samo di hain " and it is also clearly mentioned in the Quran that on the Day of Judgement everyone will be called upon with their Imam .... so where is your present and Zahir Imam ??

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 ... With your Noah example ... its not just that the descendant, Imamat is transformed from 1 Imam to next Imam. like Hazrat Ali transformed Imamat to Hazrat Imam Hussain so it was not with both Hassan & Hussain,

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 ...
    We must follow what Hazrat Muhammad P.B.U.H practically showed us not just only the physical things. There are numerous incidents and events but unfortunately we are left with everything & Just force and judging people on their physical appearances

  • @zaazi123
    @zaazi123 Před 14 lety

    @zi5hy on the contrary, if someone is laying claim to falsehood, you are allowed to question them at least... islam does not say if someone is doing bad or wrong you cant challenge them

  • @akreza1
    @akreza1 Před 15 lety

    Rasool Allah PBUH said: Today I am leaving behind two things which will keep you on the right path, one is the book of Allah and the second is my Ahle Bait A.S. Surah Kausar has also been totally misquoted by Salokhan. Imam Mehdi Aakhir Uz Zaman A.S. is the only continutity of imamat. Not someone who lives a life full of whisky and women. The kaafi was beautifully sung. Please do not spoil it by your ignorant comments about the din. GO read the translation of Surah Kausar at your earliest.

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 ... I am not sure about the Hassan Bin Sabahs incident you are talking about ... but yes it happened not just at that time, it first happened after the death of Hazrat Muhammad P.B.U.H and we have Shias & Sunnis. & then it happened couple of times in shias as well that is why we have Shias, Bhoris etc .... but none of them have present Imam & we do have.

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 ... YEs not in our Dua, but we use to recite those Ayah's in regular.
    you believe it or not, I am reciting Surah Bakrah daily in the morning as Mom is not well for long and we believe and got to know from some resource that someone has done black magic on her. so someone asked me to recite it for 30 days to get rid of it.

  • @noorallahnoorali1651
    @noorallahnoorali1651 Před 12 lety


  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 ... Well there are some realities which if I tell, you will not absorb it and I agree that its hard to absorb it. & as I told earlier that I am not a scholar so ....

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 ... very niceeee, so who are Deobandi ?? Brailvis ?? Sipeh Sahaba etc etc ..... ??? arn't they the Sunnis sects ??

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 ... Well it means & we strongly believe that Karim Aga Khan is a presenter of Allah & Imam of this time. Quran clearly says I do not exactly remember the words so .. " aur Humney Har dor mei Hadi aur Rehnuma behjey ... "
    I am not an Ismaili scholar so do not expect 100% from me.

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    I clearly mentioned earlier that I am not an Ismaili Scholar & yes my knowledge is limited ... concern with that Ayah, Yes I know what it meaning is & I already wrote it.
    & the time is not same as it was before at the time of Hazrat Muhammad P.B.U.H. Things are completely change, so we must be needing a Guide who understands Quran and can guide us accordingly ... Because of Poor Command after P.B.U.H, Condition of Muslim Ummah and Image of Islam all around the globe is in front of you

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    Then after me, this Ali is your master (mawla) and your leader (Imam) according to Allah's command.
    Then after him leadership will continue through some selected individuals in my descendants till the day you meet Allah and His Prophet.
    It is clear that the Prophet did say until the end Imamat will continue ! Even Sura al Kawthar confirms abundance of posterity and not a restrictive "Imamat" as claimed by some.

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 ...
    Prophet P.B.U.H never asked about his physical appearance .... He never asked people that If I have beard then you will believe me ... Prophet asked people of Makkah that If I says on the other side of Mountain there is army of enemies do you believe me ?? people says yes why not you are Sadiq & Ameen ... so become Sadiq & Ameen & following other good deeds of prophet P.B.U.H is real Sunnah ... People must have choice how they want to be & Just it to be proper and decent.

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 ... Can you please point out how many times I said that to you ?? when I do not know about any incident then how come I can say yes ?? even though I replied to you :)

  • @dralibaba0
    @dralibaba0 Před 15 lety


  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    If you look into the Islamic history, After Prophet P.B.U.H ... there were 2 scenarios Imamat & Khilafat ... one who follows Khilafat called Sunnis & one who follow Imamat called Shias ... then after time they further divide into sub fiqas.
    & Prophet P.B.U.H clearly convey the msg to Muslims " Man kunto Maula fa Ali Maula " Jtranslation " Jiska mei Maula hon uska Ali Maula hai "
    Read completely about prophet P.B.U.H last Hajj and the whole event & then lets debate on it.

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 ... Did we ever claimed that this is one Aayah ?? or our whole Dua is just one Aayah from Quran ??

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 ... Also if you really would like to know about ISMAILISM then read Pir Nasir khusraw book " Wajah Deen "

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 ... At this stage I am just interested to know the answer of only 1 question.
    on one side there is Imam Hussain and on the other side is Yazeeds Army ... you will stand with whom ??

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 ... Well I Just say that we Humans are Ashraful Makhlooqat & we just need to know who we are, why we are, how we are .....
    I need to leave office & you can post your questions and will get back to soon

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 ... how come it proves that we don't recite Quran ... Alhumdo lilallah we recite Quran. We been insisted to recite quran with meaning and not just read it & try to understand it.
    Our 48 Imam, Prince Sultan Muhammad Shah at the time of Independence of Pakistan suggested to keep the Arabic as a National language so that we find it easy to understand quran. But unfortunately it was not accepted

  • @shiverji
    @shiverji Před 12 lety

    No one benefits from this pointless arguing. Live and let live. You practice Islam your way, and I will practice Islam my way. As an Isma'ili I have as much right to bow to Allah in my own way as you do as any other faith tradition in the world.
    If you don't understand something, that does not make it wrong. If you misunderstand something that does not make it wrong.
    Allah in his infinite mercy will forgive me if I do wrong and he will forgive others if they are wrong but sincere.

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 .... See you people are sick, Just follow the appearance of P.B.U.H not just what he teached & thats a fact Brother !!

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 .. So the point is ... We never force or Impose any of our beliefs and faith on you people, We Just want to live in peace and let others to live in peace this is what Hazrat Muhammad P.B.U.H taught through out his life. that is why wrote those lines and you make fun of me :)
    " Aray logon tumhara kia mei jaanoo mera Khuda jaaney
    Aray Mullah Janaza parh mei janoo mera khuda jaaney "

  • @zaazi123
    @zaazi123 Před 14 lety

    Ismail died in his fathers lifetime so where did the question arise of him being the next imam ever? just interested to know

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 ... so tell me what lesson do you get from the concept of Fasting ?? the only issue is that you stuck with the physical things not taking it as a concept.
    & Actually the main problem is that you do not accept Hazrat Ali as a Imam ... Hazrat Ali was a first Imam announced by Hazrat Muhammadd P.B.U.H

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    Also would like to say one thing that do not look at the people of the religion & interpret ate about it ... This is not what our Imam or our Ismailism says that.
    Every religion is Good & afterall we all are Human Being (Ashraful Makhlukat) our Allah is not just our Allah "Allah is rabul Aalamin" & our Prophet Muhammad is " Rehmat Ul Aalmin. Just understand the meaning of these &.
    Aray Logo tumhara kia mei jaanoo mera Khuda jaaney ..
    Aray Mulla Janaza parh mei Jaanoo mera khuda Jaaney

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 ... so you meant having our 47 Imams do have beard, so you accept them as a Imam?? and if Present Imam put his beard then you will accept him as a Imam.
    This is the difference between you and US that we believe in eternity and spirituality and you believe in what you see outside & physical appearance ??

  • @zi5hy
    @zi5hy Před 15 lety

    I dont understand, regardless of anyone being ismaili muslim, or sunni muslim, Islam overall doesn't teach you to point fingers at someone else's belief and say that you're right and they are wrong. Simply, if you are so against Aga Khan and claim to be such a good Muslim, please refer back to what Islam is before pointing fingers at someone else.

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 ... Well if it is so then Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H travels on Camels, horses etc ... why you people are not following that Sunnah ?? Actually the thing is that you always Use Islam in your Favor what ever you like or comfortable with you accept it and not the reality.

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 ... Its a huge debate, I can easily prove that & I already invite you to research on last Hajj of Hazrat Muhammad P.B.U.H ... Surah Maida and all.
    Tell me Hazrat Muhammat said that " I am City of Knowledge and Ali A.S is the Door of that City " Where is your Door now ??
    Long story short ... on one side there is Imam Hussain and on the other side is Yazeeds Army ... with WHOM you are ??

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    I challenge that 99.99% of you Guys do not know what they are reading in their Namaz ... you Guys do not know the translation & Just doing the exercise.
    Mashallah ... If you ask Most of Ismailies & even our 5-6 year Kids to tell you the translation or Meaning of Dua, He/She will let you know the meaning ... We know what are we doing.
    & who told you that story of Hasan bin saba & Imam ?? What is the source ?? its completely Wrong ... Hasan Bin Sabah was our PEER.

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 .. your english seems to be terrible.
    I said I answered to all the questions on other of Venkyhyundai posts but he is not responding there & instead posting the same questions on other post.

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @ TheKind19901 ... According to Ismali Muslim Hazrat Ali was a first Imam & not a Khalifa ... If you do not Argue & just do debate I can prove it. & you must first do research on last Hajj of Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H ... with complete background and Surah Maida as well.
    & Prince Karim Aga khan, is 49th Imam &direct descendant in a male line down from Hazrat Ali.
    Afterward I will have many questions which

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 ... its completely a wrong Figure 99% & why you want us to read the quran like a Parrot ... who just say what he listen and you speak & Just do not know the meaning ... Our Imam is always here to guide us according to Quran & as per the time as we strongly believe Quran is book for the whole Universe and for the all time ... Time is always not the same and we are not Good enough and capable to interpret ate Quran ...

  • @sammughal79
    @sammughal79 Před 13 lety

    @THEKING19901 ... Well that is your main problem, you compare people with religion. If that is the case, I bet that there are highest of prostitutes in ASIA, Middle east & Gulf countries that belongs to Sunnis sect, so God forbid do we relate Islam with them ?? NO NEVER .... that is what you Guys always do, so talk with open mind and think before you speak.
    What people do in this World are their own perspectives and deeds & though they are accountable for it.

  • @zi5hy
    @zi5hy Před 15 lety

    (Cont.) You are nobody to say who's right and who's wrong because even Allah decides that on the day of judgement. So quit claiming on being such an extreme Muslim when you don't even know the ethics of Islam. Live and let others live. If you can't say something good about anyone, don't say anything bad...because I'm a Muslim too, and for a FACT - Islam doesn't teach you that.

  • @zi5hy
    @zi5hy Před 15 lety

    (Cont.) Islam doesn't teach disrespect. But that's what you're showing. Therefore many others have a bad image of Muslims because of people like you. (By YOU, I refer to all the people talking shit on this page). WHY WOULD YOU VIEW THIS PAGE IF YOU ARE SO ANTI-ISMAILISM? Plus on being such a good and knowledgeable Muslim shouldn't you keep it upto Allah on what's right and what's wrong? He is the judge.