Project IGI Mission 8 Re-Supply (HD)

  • čas přidán 4. 09. 2024
  • Walkthrough:
    There are two ways to complete the First Objective (Easy and Hard)
    The Easy method is when you are too bored or fed up with the mission
    Easy Method : Take out your Dragunov and run forward. Turn left at the entrance to the garage and shoot the sniper in the tower. If you get hit, restart and try again. Tip: If you haven't noticed by now, you can hold alt. fire to zoom in. No need for Page Up Key or whatever. Move forward near the truck, when the camera on the right side is facing against you run forward towards the camera in the front and pass it before the alarm goes off, it it goes off you may wanna restart. Reach the green containers and climb the wooden crate between the two, then climb the container which is next to the wall and then jump out of the compound. Et Voilà you are out, now proceed to the second objective. (Tip: Some enemy infantry may attack you, those will be a good source to provide you with their AK47 and S.P.A.S. 12)
    Hard Method : When you get out of the truck and kill the sniper, turn right and shoot the camera then shoot the man who ducks to evade. Move forward and shoot the camera in front of you when it is not in the line of sight of the other cameras. Then shoot the rest of them. Open the gate and pick up the AK-47 and leave. Now move towards your right and use the computer to shut down cameras, then open the gate and turn right. Throw a grenade on the roof in front of you(be careful the gunners may see you). When the grenade explodes move forward and look towards the left, a man will come running out shoot him and take his gun. Switch to his Spas 12, open the door to the right, kill the guy, get his gun, and go up the elevator. There are three enemies you have to worry about when the door opens. There's one to the right who is standing at a gun outside. Shoot him first, then turn left and wait for another guard to come running. Kill him, then use peek to look out of the elevator to your left. Note his location, step out of the elevator, and kill him. There are two more enemies - one on each balcony. Kill them and collect all the weapons. Press the button at the far end of the room and go back down the elevator. There's nothing worthwhile in the basement, so just push the button again when you arrive there. Shoot the camera on your way out, go through the gate, past the booth, and follow the wall to the main gate. Once you're out, turn right and snipe the guy in the tower. Run towards that tower, climb up, and get the Dragunov. While you're up here, kill three enemies in the next area. Slide down, switch to the Spas 12, and run to the garage on the right.
    Level 8
    Location where second objective is to be completed.
    Climb up the ladder, jump on the barrel, then jump on the roof. Shoot the skylight to your left, then crouch and drop down. Press the button next to the rightmost garage door and run to the tower. Climb up, shoot the guy, collect the weapons, and slide back down. To your left is another garage, and to the right of that is a building with a "yellow arrow" sign on it. Run to this building and peek around the corner. Once the camera is facing away from you, pick the lock on the door and hack the computer inside. Leave and run to the medical building right in front of you. Pick that lock and get the medipack inside. Leave and turn right. Follow the fence to the gate. Open it, follow the wall to your left, enter the building, shoot the guard, go down the ladder, use the computer. Back to the gate, run past the tower to the sunken-in building. Shoot the camera, then shoot the guy in the window. Open the (small) door, press the button inside, and go through the big doors. Kill two guards, and get your map computer, homing beacon, and two LAW's in the areas to your left.
    (LAW Launchers will be Useful to Destroy the enemy tanks that may attack you with Machine guns and Missiles)
    Leave the same way you came and turn right-ish to leave the base. Use your map computer to find objective 4 to the north. After this unnecessarily long walk, plant the beacon and run to objective 5. Kill a couple guards thru the gates, then make your way to the dome building. Press the button right in front of you, leave the area, and run to the chopper to complete the level.

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