Spiced up Lemon for Indigestion & Gases - अपचन व गैस के लिए नींबू मसाला

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024
  • Lemon is an Ayurvedic home remedy par excellence for indigestion, gases and stomach upset, plus its anti-viral. How to make the masala-lemon recipe is shown in this video to get rid of all problems related to indigestion.
    In Sanskrit, in Ayurveda, we say, ‘Rogaaha sarvepi mandaagnam’, meaning each and every disease, originates from low digestive fire.
    Paachak agni- digestive fire, that which we cannot fathom, we can’t see, can’t touch, that which is very subtle and is omnipresent, we call that entity, The Supreme Soul-Consciousness.
    He is saying that , ‘you are eating anything as you like, what should i say, cause God has given this freedom to humans, that all food in Nature is made by me, but what you want to make out of it as food is your choice. Only one thing he requests us not to do, any action which causes the digestive fire itself to leave your body after food.
    Like when there is a fire outside, even if we blow air on it, it is done with care, we take the tube and slowly blow, then the fire lights up, if we blow strong and hard, it may get extinguished. And if we don’t blow at all, then too the fire will be put off.
    This fire that is in the body, the main job is that all the food that comes inside the body, all the seven body tissues, they are made by proper digestion of food. So imagine that if your digestion is disturbed, it is an invitation letter to all the big diseases. Keep this in mind. There are people, who inspite of having a bad breath, still they keep on eating junk. Doing three days fasting, by drinking only water, will lift up the fire again, then you can eat again.
    Therefore for low digestive fire, we need an excellent remedy, and we do have one, and we do have one superb home remedy, it is the lemon. This lemon is number one medicinal herb, like the herb ginger, is by itself a treasure chest of medicine, so is lemon.
    What exceptional quality does the lemon have?, it is anti-viral. Alcohol is called, spirit, all these viruses, these spirits, they can be treated with lemon.
    The other half of lemon too we can repeat the same process and then join the two halves like this. Take a small skillet, the small frying pan, put it on fire and keep the lemon inside, no need to add any water or anything else, the fire from below does its job. The lemon will boil, so now this is the boiled lemon. Remember this, the lemon when kept on fire, it will bubble and boil, once boiled switch off the flame and take the lemon out of the pan. Once it has cooled down, take out the juice and keep it.
    The digestive fire, which has become dull, we wish to re-ignite it, to re-kindle it. If the fire is good, then it will digest the food well, when food gets digested well, it gets converted into the seven body tissues, upto the stage of the seventh tissue veerya and further into the energy-oja. Which disease can dare then to enter the body? no disease dares to enter the body.
    In this manner, we have shown you a very exceptional Ayurvedic remedy. Often, what we do, what people say, take some lemon water, take a glass of lemonade, this all helps when the heat in the body increases, then it is good. Like in the summer days, taking the lemon sherbet together with a little cumin seed powder, is nice, salt and jeera powder, if sugar is added it is more nice. This can be taken. Sometimes, just licking a little juice of lemon is also helpful. Or taking the juice of lemon and ginger is also beneficial.
    But this regular habit that some people have, some days pass and once again the fire is very low, there is indigestion and yet one keeps on eating and this causes more problems and then the disease sets in. If this you wish to make this better, this is a superb medicine.
    And understand one thing further, that when there is gas in the stomach, if too much gas passes from the downward route it is not good, if it doesn’t pass out, it is also not nice. One keeps getting burps, when there is gas, the stomach bloats up and then one gets restless and anxious, in this condition also this remedy is useful . one thing we need to keep in mind that when there is indigestion or low fire, one doesn’t get the wish to eat at all.
    But people eat by the mind or by the eyes, nowadays, the way food is served, one says yummy-yummy, this yummy food is the sister of Yama-the god of death, remember this. Thus, this lemon remedy will work very well , in cases of gases, stomach ache, take it for four to five days, make fresh juice every day, if more remains give it to someone else. As it is if someone doesn’t have low digestive fire, by taking half a spoon of this juice, the digestive fire only increases, so give it to anyone else at home. But do this for five to six days and get rid of this habit of indigestion.
    #lemon #indigestion #gases

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