Methodist Church of Southern Africa makes history

  • čas přidán 16. 11. 2019
  • Purity Malinga is the first female presiding bishop in the Methodist Church of Southern Africa. Courtesy #DStv403

Komentáře • 17

  • @nozizwejona4177
    @nozizwejona4177 Před 3 měsíci

    Yho thank you for this, wow I am speechless, may God bless you

  • @thami031
    @thami031 Před 4 lety +1

    Shout out to that... Now may the God lord help the congregation to preach the loyal word of God

  • @lavanniek
    @lavanniek Před 4 lety +5

    Funny how this is not in the bible.

  • @kobenanemilekossonou5173

    14 Then the magi realized that they had made a mistake by leaving the star. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. The magi had nevertheless well started! Like Moses and Israel in the desert, the star was their absolute! When the star went fast, they went fast, when the star turned, they turned! When the star stopped, they stopped! It was their absolute! An absolute always alive! The absolute of the sons of God is always alive! When a man is dead, whatever his greatness, he cannot be the absolute of a living person! [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
    15 When the Jews were getting out of Egypt, including the sons of the devil, they all said, "Our absolute is the prophet! It is Moses!" But God saw their heart. There was no Bible or scroll yet and they were obliged to say as the sons of God that their absolute was the prophet living amongst them! But God knew that, the same way some angels did not submit themselves to Him in the Heaven because He is an Angel like them, the sons of the devil would never submit themselves to a prophet living amongst them, because this prophet is a man like them! When they said "Our absolute is Moses, the living prophet amongst us!" God knew in the Heaven that it was a lie. The sons of the devil cannot accept a living person as an absolute. And then the angel of death rose but God said to him, "Leave them alone! At the appointed time, they will be separated". [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
    For more details about this Message, please see the numbers to call:
    Birthwell Langa
    +27 83 573 2256
    Péter Machimibirike
    +27 84 540 0846

  • @hophialafulgenceouattara293

    15 Yiloo nto yabangela ukuba uThixo awutshabalalise umhlaba ngemihla kaNowa. Amabandla ayenoTommy Osborn, abahendi kunye namadoda odumo avunywe ngabantu. Yaye yonke indlela yentsindiso yayonakele. Funda uGenesis 6:11-12: "... umhlaba wonakaliswa phambi koThixo, kwaye umhlaba wawuzele ubundlobongela. UThixo wajonga phezu komhlaba, yabonani, wawonakalisiwe, yonke inyama yonakalisa indlela yayo emhlabeni." Phawula oku: "...yonakala phambi koThixo". Hayi phambi kwabantu kodwa phambi koThixo! Kubantu, basenyanisweni; ababonanga kungcola kuloo nto abayenzayo. Kwaye kungoko uThixo wabathumelela indodana, ngaphandle koqeqesho lwetiyoloji, intshumayelo yakhe yayibaphazamisa. Kwaye uNowa washumayela kwintlango yokwenene.
    16 Abantu bayaqhaphela ukuba sikwimihla kaNowa. Bonke abashumayeli bayaqaphela ukuba sikwimihla kaNowa. Amabandla ayaqaphela ukuba sikwimihla kaNowa ... Kodwa uphi na uNowa? Nguwo kuphela umbuzo abangawuphenduliyo. Kodwa umntu unokwenza njani ngemihla kaNowa ngaphandle koNowa? Kwaye nina, boonyana bakaThixo, ningakhangeli oomalusi abakhulu, abapostile kunye nabaprofethi kodwa funani uNowa! Nina belusi abancinane! Kwaye nina zazi ezincinane! Ningayi eYerusalem kodwa yiyani eBhetelehem! Ningayi kumabandla amakhulu, ningake nikhangele amabandla amakhulu, ningayi ebandleni likaHerode, ningayi kwababizwa ngokuba ngamadoda amakhulu kaThixo, kodwa kungcono niye kuYosefu ongumchweli. [Um: Ibandla lithi, "Amen!"]. UNowa wayechasiwe kwaye yayingumqondiso uThixo awunike zonke izizukulwana zomhlaba. Bonke abaprofethi bayakuchaswa ngenxa yeMiyalezo yabo. Kodwa uThixo, eZulwini, ubavumile.
    17 Ukuba uNowa uvunyiwe, ndiyakuvunywa. Kwaye sinokuphumla apha, mna kunye nabam.
    For more details about this Message, please see the numbers to call:
    Birthwell Langa
    Péter Machimibirike
    +27845400846 Ou
    Langue: Xhosa

  • @amonleonie8418
    @amonleonie8418 Před 2 lety

    47 Let the whole world know that these members of churches and religions and their leaders that you see, it is Satan that they worship in their temples, churches and mosques. And Salvation has never been their concern. One Brother told me that when he was a parish counsellor in the evangelical church of Cameroon, he had many questions about his Salvation. He was afraid of going to hell. And he had a dream in which someone gave him a white Bible with scriptures in an unknown tongue and said: "It is through this book that you will have Salvation". And he woke up.

  • @amanijeremiesoukou6395

    1 I would like to preach on the subject: woman’s ministry. First we notice that God created man on the sixth day and in the last place, and there was no woman. Then He rested on the seventh day, in which you must see years and years. Then seeing that the man was alone, God decided to make him a helpmate. If not, in the original plan, God had not found it necessary. That is why the good reading of Genesis 2:18 is: "And Jehovah Elohim said, It is not [too] good that man should be alone; I will make him a helpmate, his like."
    2 So woman was not in the original plan of God but she is a by-product of man. Female dogs, hens and the other females are original creatures of God but it is not so with woman. That is why within each animal species, the mating takes place per period, contrarily to humans. And you will not see a dog mounting on a pregnant female. You see? Which is not the case with humans. Even an elderly woman who is already past menopause still has some sexual relations. You see? I can therefore say with respect that woman is the lowest in the creation.
    3 And it is God Himself who has sovereignly placed her under the authority of man. Thus, when she is not under the authority of her father, she is placed under the authority of her husband. Her father or her husband has the right to cancel her vows. See Numbers 30 ... You see! And the Lord Jesus Christ did not come to abolish these things.
    4 So we understand, in accordance with Genesis chapter 2, that woman was not there when God was giving the instructions to Adam in the Garden of Eden. There is a reason to that! She was not there when Adam was naming the animals, the birds and others! You see? God did all that so that woman may humbly recognise her place.
    5 And speaking of her ministry, if a man has not come on earth to fulfill a mission like Judas Iscariot, he cannot admit a woman in the pulpit; and if you are not a goat, born to be seduced, you cannot sit to listen to a woman preach or lead songs when men are there! Even if she does it well, it is the devil that is behind. Nature itself teaches us that a woman is not carrier of seed. She can therefore not preach and bring eternal Life. And only one boy among a thousand of women makes the "they" feminine change into "they" masculine because of the authority of man.
    6 A child of God cannot go against what God has established; even without the Holy Spirit, he will be disturbed. The Bible cannot contradict itself. If Jesus had established a woman apostle or disciple, then he would have not been the Messiah. If Paul allowed woman to preach then Paul would be false. No matter his miracles, they would be miracles of seduction. [Ed: The congregation says: “Amen!”].
    7 Woman’s ministry and the marriage of homosexuals are the two biggest abominations of the end of times. And a person who enters into a church where women preach, it is like a person who takes part in a parade of homosexuals. 2000 years ago, mankind did not know that one day, homosexuals were going to parade in Jerusalem. 2000 years ago, mankind did not know that one day a woman, despite her menses, was going to preach before people in some churches. [Ed: The congregation says: “Amen!”].
    8 In the entire Old Testament, there was no woman priest. Even in the world, there was no woman minister. It is emancipation that has placed woman there! The feminine for "minister" did not exist. And we know that women came on the scene of the nations through emancipation. The first emancipated woman of the earth was Naamah, a daughter of Cain. And the first emancipated woman in Israel was Jezebel, a foreigner. But in the beginning, it was not so. And we have seen some women fighting for the right to vote in Europe and America but at the beginning in the Old Testament, in Israel for example, women were not counted. And in Africa, a woman cannot be a village chief. Even, in the villages, when men gather, women do not have the right to speak. [Kc.10v58] [Kc.22v24]
    9 What God gave to the Jews in writing, He also gave it to the pagans in their heart! Is it you who taught the nations the dowry in the marriage, the first-fruits or to give the name of the father to the first son? And in case of serious sins or of alliances, to make blood sacrifices? It is God who did that! And that is how God also revealed the position of woman to them. Even with no teaching, they know for example that the original sin is a sexual act. With no teaching, a true son of God knows in his heart that sexual act is the sin that Adam and Eve had committed. But when they go to the churches, the devil takes that from them. And it is the same devil that places woman in the pulpit. A church is supposed to be the bride of Christ. And a church which accepts a woman in the pulpit is a lesbian church. And all the women who go in the pulpit have male genitals in their dreams and many confessed that to me.

  • @magnoliakouakou8744
    @magnoliakouakou8744 Před 2 lety

    23 The revelation is progressive and after me, a prophet will come with a new Message and a new baptism. And a child of God will not say that his prophet is Kacou Philippe while I, Kacou Philippe, I am no longer on the earth. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. Today on the earth, there is no disciple of Jeremiah or Isaiah and if there were no sons of the devil on the earth, there would be no Lutherans, Methodists or Branhamists on the earth today. God always leads his people by a living prophet on the earth.
    Prophet kacou Philippe

  • @francisekoh2595
    @francisekoh2595 Před 2 lety

    52 All of you inhabitants of the earth, in the name of the Almighty God, I beg you to lift up your head. In regard to Salvation, God who is just did not favour one people over another people. God did not favour the Jew over the Arab or the Hindu over the Christian. You the Arab, the religion of your birth family could have been Hinduism. You the Christian, the religion of your birth family could have been Islam. You the Hindu, the religion of your birth family could have been Christianity. Whether Moses, Jesus, Mahomet, Krishna or Buddha is a messenger of God or not; whether the Torah, the Bible, the Quran, the Veda is a book that came down from heaven or not, that is not important for you who are alive today. The will of God for your salvation is not what your family or everyone else does around you, but it is what the living prophet of your time tells you. You were born alone and be aware that one day, you will die alone and also, you will go to judgment before God alone. Neither your father nor an imam, or anyone else will answer for you. But God who is just will send a prophet in your lifetime, to show you the way to heaven, just as before you, He also sent prophets to show the way to heaven to generations before you.
    53 In 1993, I saw the paradise of God and his prophets covered with a white cloud but the paradises of the religions and holy books do not exist anywhere. And Salvation can never be obtained through debates or discussions or through the practice of an old religion of one’s parents but Salvation is to recognize the living prophet of your time and it is this prophet who will tell you what you must do to be saved, just as before you, people like you received prophets in their time and were saved. After reading or listening to me, you have two choices before you: either you die in Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity or Judaism and go to hell, or you follow the living prophet of your time to go to heaven and I am this prophet, I that speak to you.

  • @marcadja4731
    @marcadja4731 Před 2 lety

    20 And how can a woman lay hands upon someone? Perhaps she has her menses, and if such is the case, even an Angel cannot deliver you. Especially since this can happen even at that moment. Labour pains and menstruation can come at any time, even because of an emotion or of any kind of situation. That is why the women who preach always wear some pads underneath them. A man who seats to listen to a woman preach, he is a sub-human, he is an animal. [Ed; the congregation says, “Amen!”] The Jews rejected the Messiah but a Jew will never allow a woman in the altar! Acknowledge that you do not worship and you do not serve the God of the Jews that Paul served. And a Muslim who leaves Islam to go to an evangelical church or other is a son of devil. [Ed: The congregation says: “Amen!”]. Let’s go back to 1 Corinthians 14:34-38! And you sons and daughters of the devil, listen to what Paul said after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit: "Let your women be silent in the assemblies, for it is not permitted to them to speak; but to be in subjection, as the law also says. But if they wish to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is a shame for a woman to speak in assembly ... If any one thinks himself to be a prophet or spiritual, let him recognise the things that I write to you, that it is the Lord's commandment." [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. Paul says: "As the law also says!" and he says: "It is the Lord’s commandment"...The fact that a woman must not preach in the church, it is the Lord’s commandment as the law also says! You see?
    21 For having accepted the five books of Moses, Muslims do not have any woman imam. And they are women who no longer have menses who go to the mosque and you want to evangelize them? So that your women in menses, having pads underneath them may lay their hands upon them? Sons of Cain! You be cursed! This is why God has put on their heart to hate you, you sons of sin and of perdition. [Kc.13v21]
    23 But what does mankind want to prove to God? What do evangelical churches want to prove to God? That the woman that God minimizes is capable of many things? That woman is as efficient and intelligent as man? That a woman as priest, evangelist, apostle, pastor or song leader could have achieved her mission better than any man? She certainly can! But we, children of God, we oppose that, not by contempt or that she would be incapable in the eyes of men but because God did not give her to do it. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. Let’s read 1 Timothy 2:11-12 after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit: "... Let a woman learn in quietness in all subjection; but I do not suffer a woman to teach nor to exercise authority over man, but to be in quietness;" You see? If God has to enter in a church led by a woman, that woman must be thrown out, the pulpit must be thrown out and the church must be washed. Why? Because it is a cursed church. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. God has never given to a woman to be a priest and no man of God can give this place to a woman.
    22 Read Acts 2:16 and you will see if Joel 2:28 is not fulfilled there! ...
    24 And we are delighted that the Apostle Paul, Saint Martin, Columban, John Wesley, Martin Luther, William Branham and all the authentic servants that God has sent on the earth have never put a woman in the pulpit. Check throughout history and come and tell me that one man of God put a woman in the pulpit. Even before the 18th century, that never existed in all Christianity, even in the Catholicism! This has been the work of the emancipation and the evangelical churches. [Kc.22v24-25]
    25 And in this 20th century, a devil in a human form, whose name is Tommy Osborn went up to asking women to baptize ... Whoever who has seen Tommy Osborn, has seen Satan. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]

  • @hophialafulgenceouattara293

    15 Yiloo nto yabangela ukuba uThixo awutshabalalise umhlaba ngemihla kaNowa. Amabandla ayenoTommy Osborn, abahendi kunye namadoda odumo avunywe ngabantu. Yaye yonke indlela yentsindiso yayonakele. Funda uGenesis 6:11-12: "... umhlaba wonakaliswa phambi koThixo, kwaye umhlaba wawuzele ubundlobongela. UThixo wajonga phezu komhlaba, yabonani, wawonakalisiwe, yonke inyama yonakalisa indlela yayo emhlabeni." Phawula oku: "...yonakala phambi koThixo". Hayi phambi kwabantu kodwa phambi koThixo! Kubantu, basenyanisweni; ababonanga kungcola kuloo nto abayenzayo. Kwaye kungoko uThixo wabathumelela indodana, ngaphandle koqeqesho lwetiyoloji, intshumayelo yakhe yayibaphazamisa. Kwaye uNowa washumayela kwintlango yokwenene.
    16 Abantu bayaqhaphela ukuba sikwimihla kaNowa. Bonke abashumayeli bayaqaphela ukuba sikwimihla kaNowa. Amabandla ayaqaphela ukuba sikwimihla kaNowa ... Kodwa uphi na uNowa? Nguwo kuphela umbuzo abangawuphenduliyo. Kodwa umntu unokwenza njani ngemihla kaNowa ngaphandle koNowa? Kwaye nina, boonyana bakaThixo, ningakhangeli oomalusi abakhulu, abapostile kunye nabaprofethi kodwa funani uNowa! Nina belusi abancinane! Kwaye nina zazi ezincinane! Ningayi eYerusalem kodwa yiyani eBhetelehem! Ningayi kumabandla amakhulu, ningake nikhangele amabandla amakhulu, ningayi ebandleni likaHerode, ningayi kwababizwa ngokuba ngamadoda amakhulu kaThixo, kodwa kungcono niye kuYosefu ongumchweli. [Um: Ibandla lithi, "Amen!"]. UNowa wayechasiwe kwaye yayingumqondiso uThixo awunike zonke izizukulwana zomhlaba. Bonke abaprofethi bayakuchaswa ngenxa yeMiyalezo yabo. Kodwa uThixo, eZulwini, ubavumile.
    17 Ukuba uNowa uvunyiwe, ndiyakuvunywa. Kwaye sinokuphumla apha, mna kunye nabam.
    For more details about this Message, please see the numbers to call:
    Birthwell Langa
    Péter Machimibirike
    +27845400846 Ou
    Langue: Xhosa