Assisted Reproductive Technology Pros & Cons|IVF-Dr.Alia Reddy at Cloudnine Hospitals|Doctors'Circle

  • čas pƙidĂĄn 25. 04. 2024
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    📞 +91 99728 99728 (Online & in-person appointment can be booked online or by call)
    Cloudnine Hospitals, Hitech City, Hyderabad
    The advantages of assisted reproductive technique is it has more of a success rate and anybody and anyone can get it done like if a single mother wants to have a baby. She can go for it a single father. I think we should be thankful to the Hollywood for doing this. We can time the pregnancy like suppose a person is busy with her career. She's 20 and she doesn't want to have a family so soon. She can always time it up she can have her eggs frozen up or if she's married and they both are busy they can always form embryos and freeze them up and when they are free anytime they can get them transferred it is valid for 5 to 10 years. So the embryos would be of the age where she has retrived like when they have picked it up. So this is one advantage which most of the Hollywood Bollywood Tolywood. They are following this. All the models and the stars who doesn't want to lose the figures this is one advantage. Another advantage is when you have abnormal babies in your family because of consangunity or something else you can always go for IVF where the best embryo is picked up and we can always do a pre genetic testing on it to see whether the embryo which is being going to be transferred to the female is normal or any abnormalties is there. So the normal embryo so she'll have a normal child. They will be happy enough see not having a child is one part of the story and having an abnormal child is a lifelong suffering. So we can avoid that by going for a IVF or assisted reproductive technique with a PGT pre genetic testing . These days most of the IVF is almost is going to be related with genetics because a couple who come to us some way or other they are having some defects in the genetic problem. Gene problem or chromosome problem and then the success rate is more. Even infertile couples like suppose the husband has a problem or the wife has a problem. They can always go for a donor eggs or a donor spems with this method of ART. They can become parents which will be confidential with the doctor. So these are the advantages of going for ART. The disadvantages of art are very few like they might have multiple like twins or triplets might deliver prematurely or a small for it or there is 1% of chance of having a bird defects with the IVF of babies and the stimulation process the hormones which we induce for them to form eggs. Sometimes they become hyperactive. So they land up in a condition called OHSS Ovarian Hyperstimulation of the ovaries which might have little problems which can be always corrected and treated.
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