EXCLUSIVE: Alan Dershowitz Reacts To 'Serious' Indictment Of Trump By DOJ Over Classified Documents

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024

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  • @danielramsey197
    @danielramsey197 Před rokem +108

    A breath away from a country we really do not want! Trust me; ive spent time in such places!

    • @jamesphillips9516
      @jamesphillips9516 Před rokem

      Unfortunately thats where we are going. But if they put Don in jail and my crystal ball says there will be some taking this country back

    • @stefanl5183
      @stefanl5183 Před rokem

      I think what this shows us is that we really aren't "a breath away", we're already there. We've been living under a delusion of democracy and freedom. That delusion kept alive by the propaganda machine and talking heads on TV that tells us everything is okay and the establishment always knows what's best. What's happened is Donald Trump has exposed what's behind that veneer. Trump is the lady with the sledge hammer in the apple 1984 commercial.

    • @MrDominex
      @MrDominex Před rokem

      Americans don't want to live in a country where a grifter like Trump can weasel his way into the White House and get away with stealing top secret documents just because he has created a cult of personality around himself.

    • @Robert-fs6ge
      @Robert-fs6ge Před rokem

      Democrats want a dictatorship because they think government control makes things fair to all

    • @davidclark573
      @davidclark573 Před rokem

      All the people on Epstein under age party flights seem to stick together.

  • @jamesphillips9516
    @jamesphillips9516 Před rokem +74

    One thing about hate, it often comes back to hurt the hater worse.

    • @idkitall6804
      @idkitall6804 Před rokem

      Yeah, most Democrats hate everyone
      Just like their hero Karl

    • @jackielobin7100
      @jackielobin7100 Před rokem +9

      We are counting on it!

    • @Mark-kq6ch
      @Mark-kq6ch Před rokem

      Trump's enemies have created precedent for Trump himself to prosecute his enemies' crimes which have been projected onto him...

    • @lydiaswift-ej8oq
      @lydiaswift-ej8oq Před rokem +1

      Thank u

    • @irishangel1118
      @irishangel1118 Před rokem

      What is Democrats are doing is outrageous they don’t care about our country. They don’t care about who they destroy us. The people it’s horrible. Look at our Konomi look at Biden has done to us and then blames it on Trump. The spicing being built in Cuba call Trump know about it. Oh he has the same technology as we do they been there before that when Trump was in office. No they weren’t, he didn’t think we were weak. When Trump was in office he think we’re lost our minds with Biden in office. How can you even look at it? These people in China are laughing at us Russia to Biden is doing what he’s doing because they own him and sodas Ukraine on him, they gave him money they control him. That’s why he’s not doing nothing and that’s why they’re doing all the stuff they’re doing for Ukraine because they owned them.

  • @gmel4967
    @gmel4967 Před rokem +270

    Yet secret documents can languish in an unsecured garage with total access for years, maybe even decades?

    • @patrickmcelligott5646
      @patrickmcelligott5646 Před rokem

      Typical Greedy Old Pig response! His case has nothing to do with the other cases, they are to be decided on their own merits. Biden has not been cleared at this time, both he and Pence did search, contact the correct officials who did search. The orange idiot lied, hid the documents, moved them around to avoid detection, and did not surrender all of them, while maintaining he did.

    • @Thegoat152
      @Thegoat152 Před rokem +35

      What about what about? What about? What about? What about? What about? What about? What about? What about what about?

    • @rickspidel161
      @rickspidel161 Před rokem

      When Biden leaves office, he needs to be "cavity" searched. Period. He's a thief, liar and should be in prison for treason in my opinion.

    • @bjornlangoren3002
      @bjornlangoren3002 Před rokem

      However, when discovered, authorities were informed immediately, and documents returned. You are comparing apples to a fatso on meth thinking he is above the law.
      The more you bring up the Pence and Biden documents, the more you tighten the noose around Trump. As it is a comparison that really puts Trump the compulsive criminal in a bad light.

    • @kurt1214
      @kurt1214 Před rokem

      @@Thegoat152 Documents dating back to the 1970's. That's okay, get Trump. Mental illness or a dirty Marxist, or are you both?

  • @stephenkidgell8734
    @stephenkidgell8734 Před rokem +69

    Why use the Nixon standard. They should be using the Hillary Clinton standard, then there would be no charges.

    • @bernardleger8478
      @bernardleger8478 Před rokem +2

      Obsessed with Hillary! 😂😂😂

    • @Edward-eo5fv
      @Edward-eo5fv Před rokem

      Biden having documents at his house and other places is a lot worse than Trump having them. Trump had the right. Biden had no rights at all to have documents

    • @patricksullivan7140
      @patricksullivan7140 Před rokem +10

      ​​@@bernardleger8478 he speaks the truth. Truth SHOULD be an obsession. The truth is, she got away with real crimes.

    • @PreethaPaul
      @PreethaPaul Před rokem +4

      Good one 👍 👏

    • @mikecisneros926
      @mikecisneros926 Před rokem +1

      Wah wah wahhhhh !

  • @teddyk3802
    @teddyk3802 Před rokem +38

    From the guy who said OJ was innocent

    • @puckutubesux7356
      @puckutubesux7356 Před rokem +3

      No, he never said that at all. He implied the opposite.

    • @jamespayne6923
      @jamespayne6923 Před rokem +3

      If trump is innocent so is OJ Simpson

    • @eulalioestevez3404
      @eulalioestevez3404 Před rokem

      Trump killed no one so far.

    • @irishangel1118
      @irishangel1118 Před rokem

      @@jamespayne6923 do you think Trump is guilty of what they’re charging him with. They have nothing on him nothing. This paper that they’re saying he’s showing people he didn’t even have . I bet he was reading the New Yorker and was talking to the person on the phone from what CNN .

    • @texasnewt
      @texasnewt Před rokem +1

      Good memory.

  • @otisdriftwood8469
    @otisdriftwood8469 Před rokem +7

    The moral of this story is never to trust anyone. I certainly don't. Nobody, period.

  • @worsethanjoerogan8061
    @worsethanjoerogan8061 Před rokem +20

    Dersh timed his book so well it's insane

  • @swohs100
    @swohs100 Před rokem +111

    The smartest thing Trump ever did was to move out of New York.

    • @prakspmputube
      @prakspmputube Před rokem +13

      So he can commit crimes and be exonerated? I don’t understand some people. No matter who it is, Clinton or Biden or Trump, if the evidence is there they should be penalized. Period.

    • @Robert-fs6ge
      @Robert-fs6ge Před rokem

      @@prakspmputube 7 years of fake accusations proven fake and you still have the hope that trump actually committed a crime sometime along the way. Bidens are in plain sight and the weaponized doj ignores it

    • @valiakloeppel7252
      @valiakloeppel7252 Před rokem +3

      Sad because he was born here.

    • @carrolbrooks2143
      @carrolbrooks2143 Před rokem

      @@prakspmputube ???This post is not open for debate. I have listened to everyone else’s hatred, rhetoric and outright lies for the last 6 years, so now I am having my say. If you don’t like it, you can Go Pound Sand!!!
      Let me be clear, I am not a Biden fan. I think he is corrupt, a liar, a racist bigot, is in bed with China and probably suffering from dementia. He has done nothing to improve anything in his 52-year political career. Prove Me Wrong!!!
      But what has President Trump, Who admitted from the start He's Not A Politician, done in the previous 4 years?
      The "arrogant" in the White House brokered four Middle East Peace Accords, something that 71 years of political intervention and endless war failed to produce.
      The "buffoon" in the White House is the first president that has not engaged us in a foreign war since Eisenhower.
      The "racist" in the White House has had the greatest impact on the economy, bringing jobs, and lowering unemployment to the Black and Latino population of ANY other president. EVER!!!
      The "liar" in the White House has exposed the deep, widespread, and long-standing corruption in the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the Swamp, In Both the Republican and Democratic parties.
      The "buffoon" in the White House turned NATO around and had them start paying their dues.
      The "fool" in the White House neutralized the North Koreans and stopped them from sending missiles toward Japan, and threatening the West Coast of the US.
      The "xenophobe" in the White House turned our relationship with the Chinese around, brought hundreds of businesses back to the US, and revived the economy.
      This same “clown” lowered your taxes, increased the standard deduction on your IRS return from $12,500 to $24,400 for married couples and caused the stock market to rise to record levels, positively impacting the retirement accounts of tens of millions of citizens.
      The “Orange Man” in the White House fast-tracked the development of multiple COVID Vaccines which are now available and are saving lives. And yet we still don't have a vaccine for SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola, or a host of diseases that arose during previous administrations.
      The “clown” in the White House rebuilt our military which the Obama/Biden Administration crippled, they fired 214 key generals and admirals in their first year of office.
      I got it, you don't like him. Many of you utterly hate and despise him. How special of you. He was serving You, and ALL the American People, NOTE: WITHOUT A PAYCHECK!!! He's the President who got us the Vaccine in the first place!?!! What are you doing besides calling him names and laughing about him catching the China virus? Some of you were even hoping that COVID would be the cause of his demise. (Ah, the left. The party of “tolerance”. )
      Please educate me again as to what Biden has accomplished for America in his 52 years in office, besides making the whole Biden family richer? By the way, where is Hunter? His Laptop??? How's The Pullout Of Afghanistan Going???
      I’ll take the “clown” any day versus a fork tongued, smooth talking hypocritical, corrupt liar. A Cheat! AND THAT'S THE BEST THE DEMOCRATS CAN DO???? I want a strong leader who isn’t afraid to kick some ass when needed. I don’t need a father figure. I don’t need a liar. That's what Hollywood, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, and the New York Times are for.
      Call me a chump, a racist, or part of the basket of Deplorables. I do not care!
      God bless Donald Trump - one of the best, most unappreciated Presidents in U.S. history????
      In The End You'll Have Nothing But The Death Of The Democrat Party To show For Your Efforts, He and Kamala are the Best You Can Do!?!? Just Look Back At Their History!
      Now tell me, what can you name as a Joe Biden accomplishment, based on facts that can be verified, that he can claim as HIS OWN??? Shall we make a News Verified list of His Plagiarism, Assumptions And Flat Out Lies??? Now following that, His Falling Asleep, Inability to form cohesive sentences, penchant for calling Americans strange names and fondling children, Not to Mention his Bravado, Bragging In The News, about His Blatant Extortion in Ukraine.
      I Wonder If You'd Hire Him At Your Business, Based Solely On His Resume'? I hope Hillary's still telling Joe not to give consent to defeat No Matter What, as well as hiding in the basement and tripping UP stairs, Leaving Americans Behind, And Getting Marines Killed, Then Locking Up Officers Who Call His Administration Out!!!
      Remember, Biden, and his whet-nurse Kamala, is supposed to be their best Example of the DNC. I wonder what Harris said about Biden, right before she lost in the first Round of Debates, But She's Got The Women of Color Vote!?!! We're supposed to believe, Though the Math Doesn't Work, THAT MANY DEMOCRATS VOTED FOR HIM???? "He won the highest voting turnout on record"??? So, How Do Those Voters Feel Now??? Anybody want him to come to your Rallies, I didn't think so!?!? And The Only Answer You Have Is "Trump Bad"!?!? Two Words: Ballot Harvesting. Another Two, Dead Voters. Two More, Illegal Voters.... ALL It's going to take Is Time & Technology!?!! Given time, with Modern Technology, The Truth Will Come Out,. Like Using Cellphone Ping Data To PROVE Ballot Harvesters Were At Many Ballot Boxes, Multiple Times!!! How's Afghanistan Working Out For Ya' Joe???
      What about the Firing of 18 Military Academy Administrators from finishing their terms due to being positioned by Trump!?!! Ukraine??? How About The Economy???
      Now Our Criminal , "Let's Go Brandon" Is So Obsessed With Taking President Trump Down, He's Heading For Him To Win In 2024!?!!
      So, are there THAT Many Stupid Democrats in the Voting Public or is it Blatant Criminal Fraud!?!! You Decide. Semper Fi America Let's Go Brandon MAGA 2024
      BTW: Biden Once Again Embarrassed Himself Today at the Air Force Academy Graduation!?!! WHOOPS!????????????

    • @dutchdna
      @dutchdna Před rokem +7

      Yeah, he's so smart that he's looking at 500+ years in prison.

  • @MakaiMauka
    @MakaiMauka Před rokem +21

    C'mon Alan! This about 2024, nothing else

    • @drp8208
      @drp8208 Před rokem

      I agree! Trump is not in trouble because of Bill Clinton and his classified docs in his drawer, and Hillary, my gosh! She’s really bad and Biden! He has had classified docs for over decades! Because the 3 got off so does Trump under the doctrine of stare desis. It means let the previous stand. That has to do with previous decisions that are similar. Trump is being harassed and someone needs to file charges against the FBI, DOJ, and Biden.
      Then we need to go after the real treasonists.

    • @omegaman6770
      @omegaman6770 Před rokem

      W O R D !! 👍

  • @mongo_congo9908
    @mongo_congo9908 Před rokem +169

    Anyone that testifies in front of a Grand Jury is instructed to NOT DISCUSS the questions or proceedings with anyone else.
    Where are all of these leaks coming from?

    • @williamcrowley5506
      @williamcrowley5506 Před rokem +14

      The indictment is public

    • @sexoffendertrump
      @sexoffendertrump Před rokem

      Um.. I'll guess Trump supporting corrupt FBI agent code name Daffy Duck for 5000.
      Final answer

    • @carolyngenc5329
      @carolyngenc5329 Před rokem +20

      The DOJ.

    • @kathleenaustin327
      @kathleenaustin327 Před rokem

      Lawyers of people called in ...compare notes. The grand jury and DOJ can't leak ....but everyone else can .

    • @Duchess-of-Camelot
      @Duchess-of-Camelot Před rokem

      @@carolyngenc5329 Donald Trump leaked it on his social media account.

  • @mlmoreno75
    @mlmoreno75 Před rokem +54

    We live in a banana republic.

    • @newstroll982
      @newstroll982 Před rokem +4

      Yes you do if a person commits crimes and can get away with it because of who they are. You know that's how it works in banana republics.

    • @huntwind5207
      @huntwind5207 Před rokem +1

      After today, maybe not.

    • @ordellrobbie2460
      @ordellrobbie2460 Před rokem +1

      Almost authoritarianism. But prison may deter that.

    • @patrickmcelligott5646
      @patrickmcelligott5646 Před rokem

      I think a texas congressman already said that. Only, it looked like he has been getting all the bananas. Very expansive fellow, Troy Nehls Never do well. He wants us to think he lives in a trendy clothing store, and not Hefty Hideaway

    • @craigellsworth3952
      @craigellsworth3952 Před rokem

      @Hunt Wind Are you leftists clueless of what took place in Ukraine?

  • @paulryan287
    @paulryan287 Před rokem +70

    What gets me about Alan is he stands against all this, but he votes for the very same people who do this at every election.

    • @garufia
      @garufia Před rokem

      True, they would rather vote for a Putin rather than vote for a Democrat. People from a party that were once staunch defenders of freedom would now vote for auto-crats. That is how nuts it has become. They would vote for a guy who told them the election was rigged/stolen and never can produce a shred of evidence to show that it was.

    • @langcoinsduong7035
      @langcoinsduong7035 Před rokem +2

      Because he is a great American He does what’s best for America not for party. Most respect to Mr Alan

    • @irishangel1118
      @irishangel1118 Před rokem

      They don’t vote with these people want to go look at what they voted for and if they eat it or need it but you don’t. Do you think the Senate Republicans back anything a democrat want to put through they don’t have enough of a voice in the Senate right now, but they will and everything that Democrats have done will be reversed. Trust me.

    • @paulryan287
      @paulryan287 Před rokem

      @Dick Handy keep it civil dicky

    • @garufia
      @garufia Před rokem +9

      @@langcoinsduong7035 Yeah, I guess voting for a guy who breaks the law and lies a lot is best. And this prosecution complex. I mean every criminal should bring that up in court from now on. "They are just persecuting me, I am not a law breaker". So every law enforcement group out there should just back off people committing crimes, because it might seem like they are persecuting them.

  • @syourke3
    @syourke3 Před rokem +24

    He’s not a “trial lawyer”. He’s strictly an academic and an appellant lawyer.

    • @CraigBrinker-jx9qc
      @CraigBrinker-jx9qc Před rokem +1

      Spell much ?

    • @chino3796
      @chino3796 Před rokem

      He's an old Epstein island perv.

    • @etodd568
      @etodd568 Před rokem +1

      Ted Cruz and Alan Dershowitz are the two best U.S. Constitutional lawyers in our country.

    • @renee-inapuamakanahuffine2848
      @renee-inapuamakanahuffine2848 Před rokem +5

      @@etodd568 LOL. Yeah, right.

    • @scotsw
      @scotsw Před rokem

      @@etodd568 Neither one of them is very good at it, actually. Neither one of them is as dumb as they usually sound when simping for Trump, but they're not geniuses, either.

  • @Primitarian
    @Primitarian Před rokem +50

    There should be no political test for whether a crime was committed. Either it was, or it was not.

    • @ruthegan8524
      @ruthegan8524 Před rokem +2

      It is a phantom crime.

    • @kennieb5606
      @kennieb5606 Před rokem


    • @johnmay3655
      @johnmay3655 Před rokem

      Hillary Clinton should have been charged with obstruction of justice, lying to Congress, destroying evidence, perjury, and violating the Espionage Act, but the corrupt FBI/DOJ with the help of James Comey decided to give her a pass on the basis of a "political test" that favored Democrats, all while they were trying to frame Trump and his associates.

    • @bradbarnett5464
      @bradbarnett5464 Před rokem +3

      It involves an opposition candidate with at least 74,000,000 supporters.
      Very risky business in need of relentless pursuit.

    • @ambersherwoodk
      @ambersherwoodk Před rokem +11

      @@ruthegan8524 he's on tape committing a crime, on video committing a crime. What more do you need?

  • @jyfy7926
    @jyfy7926 Před rokem +66

    Professor Dershowitz could you publish or devote a show listing all the times that the Democrats have violated or abused the Constitution. I keep hearing all the Dems who are out to get Trump keep talkiing about adhering to the letter of the law and most importantly to staying within the Constitution but it seems to me that they have done most of the violating, in particular AdamShiff who tends to interprete it his own way.

    • @crxdelsolsir
      @crxdelsolsir Před rokem +3

      Because it is all about putting focus on your enemy and magnifying their mistakes or accusing them of mistakes if none.
      It is all about convincing and the problem with people is they are only convinced on what they recently see, easily forget and cannot put 2 things together (talk show hosts that have agenda's do that for them).
      Hence you have a great many uninformed, misinformed and confused people that vote on the most recent thing they see and hear (hence the media being hijacked is a must for corruption to be effective).

    • @l.j.r.8448
      @l.j.r.8448 Před rokem

      If you don’t understand that republicans are just as corrupt as democrats you are part of the problem. The majority of Americans are independents.

    • @greglamothe5942
      @greglamothe5942 Před rokem

      Last 50 years Republican politicians been involved in far more scandals than Democratic politicians.

    • @alanwatterson2850
      @alanwatterson2850 Před rokem

      That would be a show lasting about 5 seconds. Trump has no respect for the Constitution, he once called for it to be suspended! He also demanded his VP to ignore it on Jan6. Hope you've got plenty of carrots down your rabbit hole.

    • @margiwatson1760
      @margiwatson1760 Před rokem +1

      Adam Schiff !

  • @KH_FYM
    @KH_FYM Před rokem +10

    You know he's saying all this before.He actually read the indictment because it was sealed?

    • @donnellserpas8228
      @donnellserpas8228 Před rokem

      It was leaked. The Dems leak like a sift when it benefits them.

  • @gojobuddy
    @gojobuddy Před rokem +80

    He could have pulled out any map, or paper, that doesn’t mean he showed this person anything

    • @patrickmcelligott5646
      @patrickmcelligott5646 Před rokem +9

      I see you adhere to the Doctrine of Implausible Deniabilty!

    • @RaJuRMusica
      @RaJuRMusica Před rokem

      Freaky jerkowitz like little girls.....on jeffreys manifest????

    • @bjornlangoren3002
      @bjornlangoren3002 Před rokem

      The showing or not showing of that document mainly is about the fact that Trump Knew they were still legally classified, as opposed to his clown defense that he could declassify documents by just thinking about it. The sound of ruffled paper might just have been a fake Time Magazine person of the year poster. The important thing is the audio recording that completely kills his laughable defense that he didn't know it was illegal or that he had magic declassification powers. That crackpot defense is now null and void for all the documents, not just the one in Bedminster.
      It shows intent. Along the way he has always been surrounded by lawyers at his fingertips informing him what is and isn't legal. Some of them i believe will be asked to testify and confirm that indeed Trump knew he was breaking the law. He will break the law and brag about it just to gloat that he can get away with anything. Hopefully a decade in a max security prison will teach him otherwise. Treason and espionage it not to sneeze at. And if the law applies to regular folks it applies to Trump, too.

    • @rosalynjeffery9510
      @rosalynjeffery9510 Před rokem

      Don't be so naive. Ge sold us out along with our allies. He'll do any damn thing for a freakin buck. His kids are just like him. What secrets did his son in law give Saudi Arabia that they gave him 2 billion. This is some serious chit here and it's going to get worse.

    • @jeremiahsams2848
      @jeremiahsams2848 Před rokem +1

      ​@Patrick Mcelligott was it on video?

  • @marcmalonzo566
    @marcmalonzo566 Před rokem +5

    I admire Alan Dershowitz’s character, knowledge & wisdom. I’m amazed how unbiased he is even though his political party despises him for it.

    • @idkitall6804
      @idkitall6804 Před rokem

      Democrats despise him because he sees how Biased and hypocritical the left has become. And he sees how dangerous these left wing extremists have become to this country.

  • @FlyoverCountry
    @FlyoverCountry Před rokem +1

    I'm not sure I will even vote for Trump,but this DOJ needs to be cleaned out and Garland should go to jail. not Trump.

  • @CECE1839
    @CECE1839 Před rokem +19

    “Trump claims the FBI scattered top-secret documents all over the floor at Mar-a-Lago to make him look bad”

    • @FDT24
      @FDT24 Před rokem

      Trump doesn’t need the FBI to make him look bad

    • @james1527
      @james1527 Před rokem

      The photo was taken by Trumps staffer not the FBI. The FBI was not even there at the time. Trump claims a lot of stuff that is garbage. I bet his lawyers do not claim that in the trial. They won't because they know it is false and they could be charged. That is why a lot of this garbage being said publicly by Trump and his lawyers is not brought up by them in these court cases going all the way back to the "Big Lie" court cases.

    • @patriciapowell6047
      @patriciapowell6047 Před rokem +6

      of course he did.LMFAO

    • @jhill4071
      @jhill4071 Před rokem

      Here's how it work per the Constitution as the Supreme Court stated in an opinion many years ago. The President is solely responsible for determining what is deemed to be classifed information and marked at what level of security. Conversely he is solely responsible for downgrading or declassifying information. When he sticks a document in his pocket and then walks outside it instantly becomes unclassified. It's illogical to think anything else. Biden was not President but if you ask Obama he will say all that stuff in Biden's possession as Vice President was instantly declassified by Obama when he was President.

    • @msummer9016
      @msummer9016 Před rokem +6

      Anybody who has ever seen a search by law enforcement knows they throw things around.

    @CVEIWKID Před rokem +35

    Trump will get 150 million votes next time

    • @gotmilk7926
      @gotmilk7926 Před rokem

      Only if the 30 million MAGA proto-fasscist diehards are able to vote about 5 times each. In Red states, they may be able to do that.

    • @nancywhitaker5096
      @nancywhitaker5096 Před rokem +5

      Maybe not. But he probably will get about 50 years in the federal pen.

    • @bggraham83
      @bggraham83 Před rokem +3

      He is going to gain votes? Lol not mine. I'm voting Democrat now.

      @DAVIDMAINORD Před rokem +1


    • @FDT24
      @FDT24 Před rokem

      He’ll need to

  • @huntwind5207
    @huntwind5207 Před rokem +47

    I bet the NIxon standard will be blow away. The quality of Dershowitz's character will be evident as this progresses.

    • @DarkPesco
      @DarkPesco Před rokem

      Something tragic obviously happened to Dershowitz...like serious brain damage!

    • @williamkobling8397
      @williamkobling8397 Před rokem

      Yes...so true.

    • @smhollanshead
      @smhollanshead Před rokem

      What are you talking about? This legal action by the Biden administration is unAmerician! Why was this done? Could it be to distract from the Congressional investigation into Joe Biden?

    • @carrolbrooks2143
      @carrolbrooks2143 Před rokem +1

      Considering It was A Political Hit Job From Both Sides, It Appears To Be Political Par For The Course!?!!

    • @charlesvan13
      @charlesvan13 Před rokem

      The story doesn't even make any sense.
      The procedure under the Pres Records Act is that the president declassifies and takes all records he wants to possess. The Archives assists in storage, and they are supposed to eventually be made public (Obama's are still not public after 7 years).
      He obviously declassified everything he took.

  • @edh5947
    @edh5947 Před rokem +15

    I thought a jury voted for this indictment.

    • @patriciapowell6047
      @patriciapowell6047 Před rokem +3

      The Grand Jury did

    • @charlesvan13
      @charlesvan13 Před rokem +2

      Indictments mean diddly. The jury only hears the prosecutions case, with all exonerating evidence excluded.

    • @davidhandyman7571
      @davidhandyman7571 Před rokem +3

      It has been said that a Grand Jury would indict a hamburger.

    • @charlesvan13
      @charlesvan13 Před rokem

      The Constitution established grand juries. But they're pretty much useless.

    • @Edward-eo5fv
      @Edward-eo5fv Před rokem

      It's a grand jury not just a jury of nobody people picked from off the street

  • @clarabellebunny5865
    @clarabellebunny5865 Před rokem +134

    The problem with grand jurys there is no cross examination of witnesses and little or no verification of evidence. That takes place during a normal trial.

    • @patriciapowell6047
      @patriciapowell6047 Před rokem +16

      Because the grand jury does not find guilt or innocence

    • @Dan-sc7us
      @Dan-sc7us Před rokem +7

      And we'll get that trial!

    • @patrickmcelligott5646
      @patrickmcelligott5646 Před rokem

      The Grand Jury presents indictments, not convictions. There must be credible and reliable evidence presented to them. The accused’s attorneys have the opportunity to challenge the evidence in front of judge and jury, who will make the decision to convict or acquit. There was more than enough evidence in this case. Since tRump can’t keep his mouth shut, because he believes he is so powerful that he is above the law, his only way out is to plead insanity, which would thankfully be an admission that would keep him from being president. However, since his behavior, if not sociopathic clinically (it may well be, i am not a psychiatrist, only helped apprehend a sociopath), mimics a sociopath at the least, i believe he has lied to himself so many times (to make others believe him) that the only way he will comprehend that the law does not apply to him, is to suffer the consequences of his many and diverse criminal actions. His personal myth of invulnerability has been bolstered over time in his mind by the many lawsuits he has had against him in civil court, where he has often been far more affluent than those he cheated or swindled, so that the proceedings dragged on, or, one of his favorite tactics, to find all sorts of legal maneuverings to delay the proceedings, and cause the plaintiffs to lose so much money paying their attorneys, that they withdrew their case or settled, or he won because he had much more extensive attorneys. He is pissed because he is being reminded he is also human, and not above the law. One sick and very nasty person, and a definite symptom of the inequality rot in this country. NO ONE, INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION, IS ABOVE THE LAW! IT IS TIME TO MAKE THAT ABUNDANTLY CLEAR TO THE ELITIST OLIGARCHS, Greedy Old Pigs, AND THE CRIMINALS OF ALL ECONOMIC STRATA!

    • @ordellrobbie2460
      @ordellrobbie2460 Před rokem +11

      And that's a problem, why? It's our American system. It works. More quiet grieving from people getting some late-in-life education on what America is really about. It's about laws, liberty, and equality for everyone.

    • @oneitalia2312
      @oneitalia2312 Před rokem +4

      That's the law for ya.😢

  • @cthrew1603
    @cthrew1603 Před rokem +4

    Alan, Trump tells the writer and publisher that the classified info is "off the record."

    • @texasnewt
      @texasnewt Před rokem +1

      And your point? Whatever a former POTUS takes classified documents with him upon leaving Office at the White House, those (previously "classified documents") are rendered de facto unclassified by the inherent constitutional authority of President. The ultimate power to restrict access (through classifying) or release information (declassifying) is vested in the President. It is the POTUS's prerogative to declassify any document as he sees fit. Period.

  • @valiakloeppel7252
    @valiakloeppel7252 Před rokem +44

    Ask him why Pence and Biden aren't being harressed?

    • @KMC597
      @KMC597 Před rokem +14

      They are part of the swamp

    • @patriciapowell6047
      @patriciapowell6047 Před rokem +13

      Because you have little understanding of the law

    • @dennisg4053
      @dennisg4053 Před rokem +7


    • @yapdog
      @yapdog Před rokem

      @@dennisg4053 Whatever. Trump is going to jail.

    • @yapdog
      @yapdog Před rokem +12

      You mean, you really don't understand what the terms "willful retention" and obstruction of justice mean? Really? 🤨

    @TROLLBUSTER12 Před rokem +9

    Wait wasnt that tape during a ohone call??
    That's what they said.. So how could he show him something on a phone call.. He obviously didn't

    • @TaxTheChurches.
      @TaxTheChurches. Před rokem +3

      No. It wasn’t. The in-person conversation was taped by Trump’s assistant.

  • @Matt-yz3iq
    @Matt-yz3iq Před rokem +6

    Insane how sharp people can stay with age and how some lose it. Guy is 85 years old breaking everything down coherently and Biden is 5 years younger and I wouldn’t trust him to drive me to the airport.

  • @travisedwards5451
    @travisedwards5451 Před rokem +8

    He may be guilty of turning Right at a Red Light (“without coming to complete stop”) too.

  • @ecyranot
    @ecyranot Před rokem +3

    I disagree completely about the strength of the obstruction case. The documents belong to the government. He had plenty of time to take out personal items. He didn't want to give them back. He had them moved to avoid same. There was no real negotiating to be done. Remove your items, show them to the government, move on. But no, he wanted to keep these documents as souvenirs of the days when he was the most powerful man in the world. Never forget, you're dealing with a pathological individual. You can't really completely understand him. Just see if he broke the law. Clearly he did in several ways.

  • @eyesopen5386
    @eyesopen5386 Před rokem +6

    He's saying we...thats a tell.

  • @charliewaters5289
    @charliewaters5289 Před rokem +2

    1. The recording does NOT say he didn't declassify the document as president. He said he could as president, he said he can't now, he didn't say whether he did or did not.
    2. There is no evidence the paper he "flashed" was even the document in question, much less if it was in fact viewed.
    3. There was no cause in the first place as this is a CIVIL matter.
    There is no legal basis whatsoever for this indictment.

    • @patriciapowell6047
      @patriciapowell6047 Před rokem +1

      The indictment was NOT brought based only on this one incident.

    • @charliewaters5289
      @charliewaters5289 Před rokem

      @@patriciapowell6047 Right, that's just the one thing they believe is going to "sink" him, when it clearly isn't. He didn't say what you (and others) claim he said, period
      The Documents were declassified.
      The Documents were the personal property of President Donald J. Trump.
      The PRA has no criminal enforcement mechanism.
      The DOJ already set the precedent that dismissed their case, and they know it.
      The espionage act requires that you retain information AND fail to deliver it on demand to an employee of the United States who is entitled to receive it. The NARA was not entitled to receive it, because as per the case of Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Nat'l Archives & Records Admin., 2012, NARA was NOT entitled in any way to receive it. The documents were Trump’s personal property, and the NARA had no right to them.
      From the case:
      “Under the statutory scheme established by the PRA, the decision to segregate personal materials from Presidential records is made by the President, during the President's term and in his sole discretion, see44 U.S.C. § 2203(b), so the Deputy Archivist could not and did not make a classification decision that can be challenged here.”
      That’s the precedent. Because NARA was not entitled to receive the records, Trump did not violate the Espionage Act, and these records were his own personal property. The very same DOJ going after Trump, SET THIS PRECEDENT when it was Clinton that was the subject.
      Trump can declassify anything he likes. Department of the Navy v. Egan, 484 U.S. 518 (1988) The Supreme Court said the following:
      “The President, after all, is the "Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States." U.S.Const., Art. II, § 2. His authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security and to determine whether an individual is sufficiently trustworthy to occupy a position in the Executive Branch that will give that person access to such information flows primarily from this constitutional investment of power in the President, and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant.”
      The President’s authority comes directly from the Constitution. NOT the Congress or any appointee.
      This isn't even going to trial, it will be dismissed long before then. OR Biden will pardon Trump WHILE he pardons himself and his own family. One of those will happen, I assure you.

  • @1introvert
    @1introvert Před rokem +3

    Patraeus kept notebooks full of detailed battle plans and shared them with his girlfriend. He got off with a $40,000 fine. Doesn't precedent matter?

    • @texasnewt
      @texasnewt Před rokem +1

      Not a precedent: material differences ... Patraeus was a senior officer commissioned by the President, who is the ultimate 'classification authority.' Whatever a former POTUS takes classified documents with him upon leaving Office at the White House, those (previously "classified documents") are rendered de facto unclassified by the inherent constitutional authority of President. The ultimate power to restrict access (through classifying) or release information (declassifying) is vested in the President. It is the POTUS's prerogative to declassify any document as he sees fit. Period.

  • @ikipearl
    @ikipearl Před rokem +44

    don't try and set a standard other than the one defined in the specific law he is accused of violating. It's like giving a jury a numerical precentage figure to define the term 'Beyond a Reasonable Doubt', ....... bad mojo

    • @charlesvan13
      @charlesvan13 Před rokem

      The law also doesn't effect the fact that he had plenary power to declassify anything.
      That's why this is just a media crime, that was taken up by the DOJ out of desperation. Presidents always take all their record, that they want to keep, under the Pres. Records Act. and it is all declassified. All presidents have lawyers, and they know this. Trump obviously declassified all of it, because that's what they always do.
      Obama has millions of documents in a warehouse, and it's supposed to be made accessible to the public under the same act. And, likewise, it's all declassified.

  • @bankcounsel
    @bankcounsel Před rokem +25

    Notice how he doesn't object to the indictment nor entertain the strength of the government's case.

    @CVEIWKID Před rokem +2

    Trump 2024 blessed be the persecuted

  • @mosesCordovero-uw5vw
    @mosesCordovero-uw5vw Před rokem +2

    Alan Dershowitz is the one living Democrat that I have a real respect for....i cant think of even one other Democrat I can respect, since both Joseph Lieberman and Tulsi Gabbard no longer consider themselves to be Democrats....unless one also counts Robert Kennedy Jr

    • @starsalign9336
      @starsalign9336 Před rokem

      @moses Cordovero he's a Republican. He's an apologist for their criminality. Defended OJ Simpson back in the day, ffs. Pure elitist. Had underage girl trafficked to him at Epstein's NYC apartment à la tRump.

  • @linneahare8801
    @linneahare8801 Před rokem +5

    I thought that there are people that check all documents before they leave office? Something stinks like a dead rat.

    • @patrickmcelligott5646
      @patrickmcelligott5646 Před rokem +3

      Yeah, it’s tRump

    • @texasnewt
      @texasnewt Před rokem +1

      Moreover, whenever a former POTUS takes classified documents with him upon leaving Office at the White House, those (previously "classified documents") are rendered de facto unclassified by the inherent constitutional authority of President. The ultimate power to restrict access (through classifying) or release information (declassifying) is vested in the President. It is the POTUS's prerogative to declassify any document as he sees fit. Period.

  • @bobmilbourne6351
    @bobmilbourne6351 Před rokem +3

    So sorry to hear Dershowitz over the last two days....if the tape in the indictment isn't a "smoking gun" what is.

  • @georgeosorio9194
    @georgeosorio9194 Před rokem +8

    Why has it taking this long for them to find this since the raid. U would think the way they raided house that they knew what they were looking for.

    • @james1527
      @james1527 Před rokem

      Most likely because the DOJ wanted to put together a rock solid case before bringing charges against an ex-president for the first time in this country's history.

    • @puertoricangringo3144
      @puertoricangringo3144 Před rokem

      Trump even hid the documents from his own lawyers and then lied to them about having returned all the docs.
      I suggest you read the actual indictment.

    • @timothysherreyehler5095
      @timothysherreyehler5095 Před rokem

      This case has thoroughly been investigated, and the grand jury has decided that the evidence presented supports the criminal indictment of Trump. It's taken quite some time, but all of the evidence wasn't exclusively discovered by way of the subpoenas, and search warrant as regards Mar a logo, George! For example, a critical piece of evidence was the audiotape that was made by an author potentially gathering information for a future book. This tape of interviewing trump actually place at Bedminster, Sherrey

    • @msummer9016
      @msummer9016 Před rokem

      Purposeful timing to sabotage a Presidential candidate’s race by the hostile opponents Attorney General. Has there ever been a time when there has not been dirty politics against Trump and against anyone running against the select Dem Presidential candidate? Look at the behavior of the DNC against RFK, Jr.

  • @jameswilliams3241
    @jameswilliams3241 Před rokem +1

    But there wouldn't have been a criminal charge if he'd handed over the paperwork

    • @hockedad3585
      @hockedad3585 Před rokem +1

      you still lying to yourself

    • @fluxrider7027
      @fluxrider7027 Před rokem

      @@hockedad3585 That's the legal difference between his actions and those of Biden and Pence. That's the whole point, brainstem.

    • @oahuhawaii2141
      @oahuhawaii2141 Před rokem

      @Fluxrider: Thus far, Joe Xiden was successful in stealing & selling US classified info to China & the CCP, so his family could rake in millions of dollars. Don't forget 10% to The Big Guy.

  • @enigmasky3264
    @enigmasky3264 Před rokem +7

    The question I have is... is it possible the along with trying to get the Nauta to flip, they're also looking at using him to show that they are treating Trump as they would anyone else?

    • @robertcampomizzi7988
      @robertcampomizzi7988 Před rokem +1

      Is it possible that he did what he did?

    • @enigmasky3264
      @enigmasky3264 Před rokem

      @@robertcampomizzi7988 I was working on the presumption he did.

    • @eulalioestevez3404
      @eulalioestevez3404 Před rokem

      ¿Is it possible that he did what they say he did???......, is the question

  • @kennieb5606
    @kennieb5606 Před rokem +4


    • @jackielobin7100
      @jackielobin7100 Před rokem

      Sorry for your loss

    • @carrolbrooks2143
      @carrolbrooks2143 Před rokem

      @@jackielobin7100 Copied: Notice This Was Biden's First 2 Weeks- “Today marks 2 weeks since Joe Biden has been in office. Today he signs his 41st, 42nd and 43rd executive orders. Obviously, this is an all-time record He F'd over jobs. BUT DID YOU KNOW, that the 2 people that stand to gain the most from this are Pro-Democrat Bill Gates and Warren Buffett? Instead of oil traveling through pipes from Canada to the US, it will now travel via tens of thousands of 18 wheelers and trains. Bill Gates is the largest shareholder of Canadian National Railway Company. Once Biden won, Gates bought even more shares of this railway company on December 12th. He stands to make billions due to this pipeline cancellation. The same goes for Buffett, who owns BNSF Railway and is the chairman.
      DID YOU KNOW THAT Biden signed an executive order banning all fracking and oil/gas leases on federal land and water? Estimates are that this will cause 100,000 Americans to lose their jobs this year in the oil and natural gas industry. The number was at 11,000 and it is rising by the day. Biden and his cronies nonchalantly shrug off questions pertaining to where do these people go to get jobs. They say that they can "get good paying solar jobs." Here is the problem with that. There are 10.3 million people that work in the oil/nat gas industry. There are only 12,000 solar jobs as of today. The guesstimates is that by 2029 there will be 18,100 jobs. That is an increase of only 6100 jobs over the next 9 years. Where do the 100,000 oil industry workers go to replace a $70,000-$120,000/year job? It damn sure is not in the slow growing solar industry.
      DID YOU KNOW that since Biden won the election, gas prices have gone from $1.76/gallon to $2.098 in Texas? Gas prices hovered between $1.70-$1.80 all of last year. Due to the cancellation of the Keystone Pipeline and Biden's ban on all new fracking and oil/gas leases on public land and water, the days of paying for gas in the $1+ range are over.
      DID YOU KNOW that Nancy Pelosi's husband bought $1,000,000 in TESLA stock Back in December? He also bought very aggressive call options on TESLA stock as well. Why does that matter? Well, Biden signed an executive order days later mandating that all federal vehicles in America are required to be electric by 2025. Since Pelosi's husband bought $1,000,000 in TESLA stock in December, the stock has risen from $584/share to$844/share. He is up 44% in one month. Wow, he is such a lucky guy to have "guessed" that TESLA would skyrocket on the news of the executive order by Biden. In my industry, we call that "insider trading." If I recall, I think that Martha Stewart got in trouble and went to prison for something similar. Maybe he knew something in advance...maybe he didn't. You guys can decide for yourselves.
      DID YOU KNOW that Biden did an executive order that eliminated Trump's executive order that was to drop the cost on many drugs like insulin and Epi-Pens by 80-90%? Trump's EO was to go into effect on January 22nd. On January 21st, Biden ended that just in the nick of time. So for those that use insulin, Epi-Pens and other costly drugs, they will still pay the marked up higher price instead of the significantly lower cost. I bet big Pharma is lovin' them some Joe today!!!! Forget what is best for Americans!!! Instead, do what is best for the pharmaceutical companies.
      Did You Know That Biden's Administration Gave Blanket Amnesty to Big Pharma To Prevent Lawsuits Due To Anti- Covid Injections . DID YOU KNOW that every major pharmaceutical company endorsed Biden for president? You can decide why for yourself.
      DID YOU KNOW THAT Biden signed an executive order to stop building the wall at the southern border? Roughly 10,000 people lost their jobs due to that executive order. I Wonder how many Illegal Aliens have crossed the Border Since 'Let's Go Brandon" was Inserted Into The White House???
      DID YOU KNOW THAT Biden and his administration "vows" to end Trump's "America First" policies??? Ol' Joe is doing a great job of "upholding America" at some point, so far I call BS.
      DID YOU KNOW THAT Biden signed an executive order that stopped all deportations at the border? Neither Did I!?!! No wonder there are 8000 migrants heading towards the border. Why not come now? It is not like you will be deported.
      DID YOU KNOW THAT Biden signed an executive order to reverse the ban of federal funds going towards abortion clinics in other countries? Ronald Reagan banned US funds from going to foreign countries for the use of funding abortions. Joe Biden put an end to that! We have our own severe problems right now in America with this dang virus, but he thinks sending hundreds of millions of dollars to abortion clinics around the world is more important. Rough calculations right now are $153,000,000 that could be going towards unemployed Americans, instead of abortion clinics outside of our country. So what good has he done for America
      ? What Can You Name, That Can Be Factually Verified, As A Biden Accomplishment In His 50 Plus Years In Political Office?? What Can You Say For Kamala Harris, Without Laughing Your Ass Off??? Did You Even Listen To Her Trash Biden With Facts In The DNC Debate, You Know, The First Round....Right Before She Got Shit-Canned, Then Picked To Be Vice President To Appease The Black- Female Vote!?!? What About The Biden Family Corruption?????? Keep Talking Your Shit While We Watch The Death Of The Democrat Party!!! BTW: I'm Looking Forward To The Next Compilation Video: Liberal Meltdown Part II - The RE-ELECTION OF DONALD J TRUMP!?!! "WINNING" Semper Fidelis America!

    • @carrolbrooks2143
      @carrolbrooks2143 Před rokem

      @@jackielobin7100President TRUMP Also Demonstrated Just How Low The Bar Has Become In American Politics. Don't Forget, He Came From Literally NO EXPERIENCE, To Being One Of The Best Presidents In American History....While Both Sides Of Politics Tried To Ruin Him, BEFORE He Had Even Started....And HE Still Succeeded!!! Name One Thing You Remember “Let’s Go Brandon” Being Successful For In His Entire Career, I'll Wait!?!! Semper Fidelis America ;)

    • @dutchdna
      @dutchdna Před rokem

      I'm so sorry for you. Another loss coming.

  • @FlamingRobzilla
    @FlamingRobzilla Před rokem +3

    If the president has the authority to unilaterally declassify and classify documents on the fly, why can't he do the same with security clearances if he believes there is a need to know? Even if Trump has exhibited classified documents, who is to say he didn't grant a temporary and limited security clearance to the people he showed them to. That way the documents could be shown while still maintaining the protection afforded classified documents. That's something that he couldn't do if he simply declassified them. The answer hinges upon the president's plenary power, which by definition is absolute.

    • @jimwheeler6094
      @jimwheeler6094 Před rokem +4

      Gee, could it possibly have something to do with the fact that it happened *AFTER* he was out of office and he was no longer the president?

    • @triXsolarflare
      @triXsolarflare Před rokem

      Well the indictments says there are documents related to nuclear capabilities and according to the Atomic Energy Act there is this.....
      "Some secrets ,(ie classified) such as information related to nuclear weapons, are handled separately under a specific statutory scheme that Congress has adopted under the Atomic Energy Act. Those secrets cannot be automatically declassified by the president alone and require, by law, extensive consultation with executive branch agencies."

    • @FlamingRobzilla
      @FlamingRobzilla Před rokem

      @@jimwheeler6094 Yes, after he declassified them while president he could then show them, keep them, or whatever after he left office. Why? Because they were declassified when he was still president. Duh.

    • @FlamingRobzilla
      @FlamingRobzilla Před rokem

      @@triXsolarflare "...a specific statutory scheme that Congress has adopted under the Atomic Energy Act." Are you telling me that Congress redefined "plenary power" by statute? That's a new one.

    • @jimwheeler6094
      @jimwheeler6094 Před rokem

      @@FlamingRobzilla, simple question then, so why did he tell everyone in the room that he could have declassify the document that he was waving around when he was president but didn't, and that it was still secret?

  • @mindqueen2127
    @mindqueen2127 Před rokem +12

    So someone taped him??? How did that happen??

    • @KMC597
      @KMC597 Před rokem

      How did Comey do it?

    • @ADeep007
      @ADeep007 Před rokem

      It was for a book.

    • @PatriciaLucious-ll2vm
      @PatriciaLucious-ll2vm Před rokem +2

      He told um too.

    • @ordellrobbie2460
      @ordellrobbie2460 Před rokem +1

      Maybe they were aware of his idiocy and his self-serving behavior. Apparently, a certain percentage of voters weren't.

    • @robintodd2448
      @robintodd2448 Před rokem

      Trump specifically had one of his aides tape it. Trump wanted to make sure what he told reporters or authors the truth about what they wrote about him and match up with what he said.

  • @indychoate8350
    @indychoate8350 Před rokem

    You out are right Paul.

  • @mattpayette4166
    @mattpayette4166 Před rokem +17

    I dare you to defend him Alan. I double dog dare you.

    • @michaelduberstein1515
      @michaelduberstein1515 Před rokem +1

      Would as principled about the 10mln Joe and 30000 emails Hillary?

    • @mattpayette4166
      @mattpayette4166 Před rokem

      @@michaelduberstein1515 What?

    • @dtrn254
      @dtrn254 Před rokem

      ​@@michaelduberstein1515 that's your answer to a Trump defense? Hillary and Biden?
      Geesh Trump is looking at prison time in 2024 and you're discussing Hillary Clinton?

    • @craigellsworth3952
      @craigellsworth3952 Před rokem +1

      @Dtrn254 5 million for Hunter, 5 million for Joe.

    • @dragnet53
      @dragnet53 Před rokem

      @@dtrn254 Well, if they are going to punish Trump for having classified documents at his house, then they need to do the same to Joe Biden and Mike Pence. Get over your hate and turn off that TV.

  • @bisbeekid
    @bisbeekid Před rokem +29

    Dershowitz should serve as inspiration to all those who seek to one day become attorneys. If he can do it, anyone can.

  • @morningflowerB
    @morningflowerB Před rokem +20

    Yet, biden and DOJ skates..

  • @Butman.
    @Butman. Před rokem

    Thank you

  • @garycroteau-kx9jm
    @garycroteau-kx9jm Před rokem +2

    We the people need to stand up and take these people out of office now while we still have a country

    • @Pexbd1003
      @Pexbd1003 Před rokem

      Yea plz do so! So i can have great laugh at your stupidity😂😂😂

  • @exist7309
    @exist7309 Před rokem +18

    If Trump has retained knowledge, or evidence, of any inappropriate actions by Dershowitz related to Epstein, Dershowitz would likely be prepared to go to extraordinarily lengths to defend Trump in ways that may be difficult to comprehend for anyone without that knowledge.

    • @charliewaters5289
      @charliewaters5289 Před rokem

      Yeah, his accuser has been entirely discredited as a liar, and even her lawyer admits she never met Dershowitz. But whatever.

    • @gregmacklin9758
      @gregmacklin9758 Před rokem +1

      Another buddy buddy pal of Epstien.
      Very interesting.....

  • @steved5501
    @steved5501 Před rokem +4

    its time to put a lot of money on the table for Pres Trump and to Make Attorneys Get Attorneys

    • @noisemaker1078
      @noisemaker1078 Před rokem

      That’s what all the usefulidiots keep saying!

  • @Jay-nq1wh
    @Jay-nq1wh Před rokem +4

    Did this guy fly on Epstein’s jet?

  • @geraldinelennon4095
    @geraldinelennon4095 Před rokem +10

    So who recorded it ???

    • @aggiesce
      @aggiesce Před rokem +7

      Someone with a voice recorder. Why? You want to terrorize their family?

    • @sunshinehoward9649
      @sunshinehoward9649 Před rokem +5

      @@aggiesce like you do? no. we want to check the source, like NORMAL thinking people.

    • @sunshinehoward9649
      @sunshinehoward9649 Před rokem

      a book author. this is where the supposed "audio" comes from.

    • @davehug
      @davehug Před rokem

      No this is a simple question. As well as the legitimacy of the voice not being AI etc. Maybe if this bias regime wasn't caught so many times committing fraud there would be less scrutiny.
      We just found out after far too long the entire Russian collusion was false as well as many other false accusations.
      He just was under an indictment under other false accusations.

    • @davehug
      @davehug Před rokem +5

      Anytime evidence is presented that's a recording the first question asked is who recorded and where. There are places of expected privacy and the recording itself if not AI generated could be not admissible as evidence.

  • @joeamerica7211
    @joeamerica7211 Před rokem +3

    the 10 richest people worldwide have more money than the poorest 3.1 billion people on the planet....WTF!!!

  • @eduardosalcedosr1727
    @eduardosalcedosr1727 Před rokem +2

    Trump 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    • @Post4JM
      @Post4JM Před rokem +1

      And 2028….❤❤❤❤❤

  • @hermanmiller3708
    @hermanmiller3708 Před rokem +27

    This from other writings or video “When the government is trying to get you on a criminal charge, you’re entitled to play hardball,” says Alan Dershowitz about Trump refusing to comply with a legally issued subpoena and attempting to hide boxes of government records illegally taken.
    Is he a criminal lawyer or a criminal who is a lawyer?

    • @michellebaxter7730
      @michellebaxter7730 Před rokem +1

      I agree since when do you get it ignore a subpoena?

    • @charlesvan13
      @charlesvan13 Před rokem

      The documents weren't illegally taken.
      Under the Pres. Records Act the president takes any records that they created to be preserved. They are all declassified.
      The law just says that the records can't be destroyed, and that they eventually have to be made available to the public.
      BTW. Obama's records still haven't been made public after 7 years.
      This is all BS, meant to stop Trump. None of this is a criminal procedure. It's a civil law process for presidential records.

    • @charlesvan13
      @charlesvan13 Před rokem

      "since when do you get it ignore a subpoena?"
      When one branch of government is out of line. The Nat. Archives doesn't decide what records the president keeps. They wanted to retrieve documents over the Russiagate fiasco to hide things from the public.

    • @jimwheeler6094
      @jimwheeler6094 Před rokem +4

      It's as if Alan Dershowitz knows virtually nothing about this case that he's being paid to provide commentary on.

    • @youareright5431
      @youareright5431 Před rokem

      Do you know what the Court issued In the Clinton tape sock draw case? He didn't have to turn them over because Once a president had top secret clearance and has held the highest office in the United States with the ability to declassify documents cannot be held in the same regard as a regular person,He was privy to anything and everything! Ridiculous....

  • @awaitingSaint777
    @awaitingSaint777 Před rokem +4

    Would love to tour Dershowitz's house. I bet he's got some cool stuff to talk about in there.

  • @ronaldshiffman9171
    @ronaldshiffman9171 Před rokem +7

    Really good questioning. Very informative.

    • @james1527
      @james1527 Před rokem

      Only, the interviewer did not ask Alan if you could be violating the law while playing hard ball with the government. Like by not complying with a subpoena. Or tricking your lawyers into signing a legal document stating all the documents had been returned when not.

  • @vancecarter5674
    @vancecarter5674 Před rokem +1

    Funny how they had to take down the dislike button just for the Biden administration

  • @rvandy5728
    @rvandy5728 Před rokem +1

    Alan Dershowitz always gets on TV and expounds his dismay for the bias against Trump and the disregard for the rule of law. He then reminds us all that he is a Democrat and voted for Hillary Clinton. I believe that he is a credible individual but I am frustrated by his intellectual analysis of the law and his personal political preferences which appear to be in direct conflict with each other.

  • @googlechicken
    @googlechicken Před rokem +62

    If there is still someone in this country that believes Trump will be convicted of any criminal acts. Then you haven’t been paying attention. All this does is rile up his base and actually helps hi re-election bid.

    • @dtrn254
      @dtrn254 Před rokem +9

      You Need to read the indictment... Trump is done.

    • @joe.oneill
      @joe.oneill Před rokem +6

      Never wrong & always in denial is no way to live. It's what brought Trump down. One would think his faithful would have seen through him by now.
      Now I understand what Trump meant when he said, "I love poorly educated people."

    • @joeshumo9457
      @joeshumo9457 Před rokem

      We got him this time. The walls are closing in. No one is above the law. Russia, Russia, Russia!
      Never mind Biden. Quick! Look over here!

    • @JR-ut1yx
      @JR-ut1yx Před rokem +2

      That's 4sure!

    • @TaxTheChurches.
      @TaxTheChurches. Před rokem +2

      So we should let him get away with hiding, burning, flushing government documents that anyone else would be AT THE LEAST fired for doing?

  • @peskypesky
    @peskypesky Před rokem +51

    "In my administration, I'm going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information. No one will be above the law." - Donald Trump August 18, 2016

    • @D_B6
      @D_B6 Před rokem

      Read the indictment! Papers rustling-we DO know about the Clintons, don't we?

    • @charliewaters5289
      @charliewaters5289 Před rokem +29

      He did. There is no legal basis for this indictment because the DOJ already set the precedent that the sitting President determines what is his personal record, and what is presidential. These documents were his personal record. Judicial Watch v. National Archives, 2012.
      The NARA only applies to Presidential records.
      The NARA is only a CIVIL matter with no criminal enforcement ability.

    • @charlesbeehner5378
      @charlesbeehner5378 Před rokem +14

      Someone already said it but he declassified all that information. You guys like to forget that

    • @will-ob7pr
      @will-ob7pr Před rokem

      Not only that Clinton set the precedent for all this when he fought and won to keep his presidential documents.
      This is dictator sht PURE and SIMPLE.

    • @mikedominick6690
      @mikedominick6690 Před rokem

      If you didn’t have anything to say when Hillary did it or when Obama did it or when Biden did it than anything you have to say about Trump means nothing,you are simply a partisan hack

  • @brianjackson4635
    @brianjackson4635 Před rokem +4

    If someone is given a deal for their testamony how creatable is it

    • @dtrn254
      @dtrn254 Před rokem +3

      More credible than your spelling

    • @dieclownsdie
      @dieclownsdie Před rokem

      Some of the sensitive documents that were seized from Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate by the FBI include:
      - **Documents related to the U.S. nuclear program**, such as a presidential memorandum on the development of a new nuclear warhead, a briefing on the status of nuclear weapons modernization, and a letter from the director of national intelligence on nuclear proliferation risks⁴⁵.
      - **Documents related to potential threats and vulnerabilities to the U.S.**, such as a Pentagon \"plan of attack\" for Iran, a classified map of U.S. military installations around the world, and a report on cyberattacks against U.S. infrastructure⁴⁵.
      - **Documents related to foreign leaders and relations**, such as a transcript of a phone call between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, a summary of a meeting between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, and a memo on U.S. policy toward China⁴⁵.
      - **Documents marked as top secret, secret, or confidential**, which indicate the level of classification and the degree of harm that could result from unauthorized disclosure⁴⁶. Some of the documents were also marked with code words or special access programs, which indicate an even higher level of sensitivity and restriction⁴.
      Source: Conversation with Bing, 6/10/2023
      (1) Donald Trump indicted in documents probe. Here's what we know so far.. www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-indictment-sensitive-government-documents/.
      (2) Trump risked national secrets, prosecutors allege in indictment. www.reuters.com/legal/trump-faces-federal-charges-classified-documents-case-adding-legal-woes-2023-06-09/.
      (3) FBI seized top secret documents in Trump estate search. apnews.com/article/florida-donald-trump-mar-a-lago-merrick-garland-government-and-politics-f63c018b600e1539ff3660a896a132d0.
      (4) Donald Trump stored, showed off and refused to return classified documents, indictment says. www.newsobserver.com/news/nation-world/national/article276248751.html.
      (5) Timeline: The government's efforts to get sensitive documents back from Trump's Mar-a-Lago. www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/timeline-the-governments-efforts-to-get-sensitive-documents-back-from-trump/ar-AA11kuqu.
      (6) Trump documents case: A timeline of the investigation and charges. www.reuters.com/world/us/major-moments-trump-documents-investigation-2023-06-08/.

  • @ARTnMEnet
    @ARTnMEnet Před rokem

    No one above the law,God bless America

  • @jerrydog9047
    @jerrydog9047 Před rokem +1

    The phone call to Georgia was heard and seen on national news! How much more do you need!

    • @puertoricangringo3144
      @puertoricangringo3144 Před rokem

      That indictment will come soon enough.

    • @fluxrider7027
      @fluxrider7027 Před rokem +1

      I have to agree with Trump; it was a perfect phone call. Nobody has ever described the crime they are in the process of committing at the time so well on tape.

  • @marthabumgarner6999
    @marthabumgarner6999 Před rokem +1

    DeSantis needs to step up and be a governor of Florida and stand with trump

  • @davidmcconnell8637
    @davidmcconnell8637 Před rokem +17

    That isn't proof. They can't prove that he actually even waved a classified document. They could investigate but this proves nothing.

    • @ordellrobbie2460
      @ordellrobbie2460 Před rokem

      Uuuuuuuh.....the investigation is only still ongoing because of possibly more Trump idiocy. He has been indicted. 37 charges. It's pretty much over. They can prove it. That's why they brought the charges.

    • @davidmcconnell8637
      @davidmcconnell8637 Před rokem +5

      I have no faith in the validity of that statement. No proof until they prove it in court. They have accused him before and not provided valid proof.

    • @james1527
      @james1527 Před rokem +2

      @@davidmcconnell8637 Well, now you will see it happen.

    • @TaxTheChurches.
      @TaxTheChurches. Před rokem +2

      It proves he was aware there was a process to unclassify documents. He can’t claim anymore that some lawyer told him he only needed to think about the documents to declassify them.

    • @carrolbrooks2143
      @carrolbrooks2143 Před rokem

      @@hauntersam8596 "Read the indictment." Great Comment, and with enough time & Technology the truth will come out!?!! Hell, We're Still Trying To Get To Hillary's Indictment!?!! 😛😂🤣😅😆

  • @ettakelley2344
    @ettakelley2344 Před rokem +10

    Forbes, you took down the Video with Kansas representative, Jake LaTurner, talking about election integrity, PLEASE put it back up, I need that video.

  • @redmed10
    @redmed10 Před rokem +3

    Dershowitz retired from teaching at Harvard Law in 2013.

  • @Post4JM
    @Post4JM Před rokem +2

    ❤ TRUMP 2024, 2028…… ❤

  • @FroggyGremlin1
    @FroggyGremlin1 Před rokem +1


  • @dorothymobley6382
    @dorothymobley6382 Před rokem +21

    For Allen to speculate that a president could take all of our secret documents for himself and then play hardball with returning them to our government, is asinine to say the least.

      @TROLLBUSTER12 Před rokem

      You're the ass. The president's record act says he can take anything he wants... Hes is 100% correct and you're a 100% wrong

    • @scoobysnacks
      @scoobysnacks Před rokem

      This is unchartered territory so it is certainly a possibility.

    • @charlesvan13
      @charlesvan13 Před rokem +2

      The president, under the Pres. Records Act, takes all the documents he wants to keep. They are declassified and stored. The president decides what he keeps, not the Nat. Archives.

    • @charlesvan13
      @charlesvan13 Před rokem +1

      The Presidential Records Act is supposed to make the records available to the public (eventually). It's not a tool for the FBI and Nat. Archives to hide them.

    • @james1527
      @james1527 Před rokem +1

      @@charlesvan13 The PRA does not state that. Have you even read the PRA?

  • @patriciaseverson524
    @patriciaseverson524 Před rokem +35

    Dershowitz, You’re not entitled to “play hardball” with this nation’s top secrets.

    • @mick8888V
      @mick8888V Před rokem +3

      Dershowitz is such an opportunist. I recall him sitting in for OJ's case as appellate attorney. When these guys age, something snaps or turns to jello in their heads.

    • @LibertynFreedom
      @LibertynFreedom Před rokem +5

      So past presidents that have broken the law get a pass. We know this whole action has been discriminatory and an abuse of process. America is dying...

    • @mick8888V
      @mick8888V Před rokem +3

      @@LibertynFreedom I'm sorry but ya hafta follow ALL the details not just the ones your led to believe exist.

    • @idkitall6804
      @idkitall6804 Před rokem

      @@mick8888Vnda like Hillary destroying all the evidence emails, server, blackberries, when she got caught with Classified docs on her unsecured server… and then lying to Congress over and over and over in her testimony
      All THOSE details were overlooked

    • @ThePiratemachine
      @ThePiratemachine Před rokem

      @@LibertynFreedom What about present presidents?

  • @sallyandjeffengler4283
    @sallyandjeffengler4283 Před rokem +9

    You can stand with America, you can stand with the rule of law, and you can stand with the Constitution, OR you can stand with Trump, but you CAN’T do both! Time to make a choice, America!

    • @basedinstinct1885
      @basedinstinct1885 Před rokem +3

      You can stand with rule of law, or you can stand with BLM, Antifa and the Democrat party, but you CANT do both! Time to make a choice America!

    • @AlCapwnd-tb5ow
      @AlCapwnd-tb5ow Před rokem

      @@basedinstinct1885partisan hack 🤮

    • @carrolbrooks2143
      @carrolbrooks2143 Před rokem

      Well, as of now, More people disagree with you as opposed to those who agree; so, since this is a subjective argument, it appears you're subjectively wrong.😉🤣😂😅😆

    • @PreethaPaul
      @PreethaPaul Před rokem

      ​@basedinstinct Exactly 💯 👏 🙌
      To think these Liberal crooks even care about rule of law while the lawlessness of BLM ANTIFA Demonrats burned the cities to the ground and caused so much damage is laughable.
      Liberals hate this Country and anybody who defends it.
      No wonder such hatred for Trump...he fights for Americans not illegal criminals.

    • @charliewaters5289
      @charliewaters5289 Před rokem

      You have that literally backwards. About as ass-backwards as you possibly can.

  • @Thedesertguy75
    @Thedesertguy75 Před rokem +1

    No matter how it plays out, I see it as a lose/lose situation for the nation. This is killing any unity left. A country that goes after itself will fall...

    • @fluxrider7027
      @fluxrider7027 Před rokem

      That is what always happens when a former president lies about an election and a third of the country believes him.

  • @scottreeves9255
    @scottreeves9255 Před rokem

    This guy is one of them.

  • @jimphillippi616
    @jimphillippi616 Před rokem +3

    I'm not convinced about the tape. We've seen a transcript but heard no tape.

  • @stevenewman1393
    @stevenewman1393 Před rokem +4

    😉👍Thumbs up to Alan Dershowitz for rightfully referring to law of the land as it should be and as it should not be and for telling it as it truly is and as it truly is not indeed!.

  • @AnthonyFILARDI-wt5pq
    @AnthonyFILARDI-wt5pq Před rokem +4

    LOL!Still voting for TRUMP!

  • @kennieb5606
    @kennieb5606 Před rokem +1


  • @jackiechappell4415
    @jackiechappell4415 Před rokem +2

    How the hell did this happen. TRUMP must be getting tired of these democraps trying to send him to jail. What about ALL the others?

    • @ordellrobbie2460
      @ordellrobbie2460 Před rokem

      Dude got 37 charges dropped on him. Get real.

    • @loren7057
      @loren7057 Před rokem +1

      What on earth are you talking about? There is clear evidence he broke the law.

    • @jackiechappell4415
      @jackiechappell4415 Před rokem

      @@loren7057 what about the bufoon and his cartel? Hell I know Trump doesn't have a chance bc all of the crew are democraps You're a democrap I guess

    • @jackiechappell4415
      @jackiechappell4415 Před rokem

      @@ordellrobbie2460 yeah maybe if they keep digging they'll finally find something Doc we're found everywhere so why is Trump the only one in trouble for it? O wait......

    • @ordellrobbie2460
      @ordellrobbie2460 Před rokem +1

      @Jackie Chappell Maybe they didn't deny having the few they had. Trump had hundreds. Or maybe they returned them expediently without holding out for months. It's possible they didn't lie by saying they returned them all and didn't hang on to a bunch to show their pals. Come on, rationalize, differentiate. You can do it.

  • @lorettamorales7276
    @lorettamorales7276 Před rokem +3

    I think it's a frame!I don't think it's really him on the tape it's new technology!🙏❤️

  • @stevereynolds2830
    @stevereynolds2830 Před rokem +11

    Notice the news agencies won't touch him.

    • @damiangrouse4564
      @damiangrouse4564 Před rokem +3

      That’s come to mean you’re telling the truth these days.

    • @jcZo23
      @jcZo23 Před rokem +1

      Yeah cuz he's honest & extremely knowledgeable of the Law

      @TROLLBUSTER12 Před rokem +1

      He's been on every channel.. notice you know nothing

    • @fluxrider7027
      @fluxrider7027 Před rokem

      @@TROLLBUSTER12 Fox and Newsmax are not the only channels that exist.

  • @HasekDaScudaDoodle
    @HasekDaScudaDoodle Před rokem +17

    Man I wish I had no conscience like Alan. I would be so goddamn rich. Just have to be poor and have a moral compass 🤷‍♀️

    • @dogworldonline1189
      @dogworldonline1189 Před rokem +1

      Plenty of poor people have no conscience. That's not the path to riches.

    • @HasekDaScudaDoodle
      @HasekDaScudaDoodle Před rokem +1

      Name a wealthy person that didn’t destroy people on their way to money and power? Tick tick tick

    • @dogworldonline1189
      @dogworldonline1189 Před rokem +1

      @@HasekDaScudaDoodle Elon Musk, Warren Buffett. also, plenty of poor people destroy others

    • @larrypaul2462
      @larrypaul2462 Před rokem

      ​@@HasekDaScudaDoodle you sound as if you think all wealthy people are also people of fame. smh

    • @hockedad3585
      @hockedad3585 Před rokem

      you mean poor and stupid after 10 yrs in public school

  • @lydiarosalieanndamiano7206

    Trump 2024

  • @Kscomelli
    @Kscomelli Před rokem +1

    Dershowitz and Epstein needs to be looked at deeper.

  • @GoSolar
    @GoSolar Před rokem +12

    Did Dersh seriously just say the obstruction of justice charge was no big deal, and that there's nothing wrong with lying to the DOJ in the course of a criminal investigation?

    • @james1527
      @james1527 Před rokem

      Yes, he did! Shows you how desperate he is to find a way to defend Trump's stupidity.

    • @zengjanezhu
      @zengjanezhu Před rokem

      Well Hillary deleted 30000 emails, and certainly no obstruction of justice was brought to her. The fact remains is that presidential records act applies to Trump, not to Hillary. By presidential records act, Trump is entitled to the access to his records after he left the office, so was his representatives. Also, the act excludes the copies of classified or non classified documents as presidential record, which means that they are personal records. Presidential records act trump the other laws as it governs how presidents and ex presidents deal with his records from the time in office. If Trump is jailed for this, then all the living ex presidents should be as they all have the loans from NARA for their records including classified documents. Go read the deal made between Obama and NARA in 2018.

    • @fluxrider7027
      @fluxrider7027 Před rokem +5

      He has completely disgraced his own reputation for Trump's sake.

    • @6spdkeg
      @6spdkeg Před rokem

      The immoral always try to cover for their favorites in time of flailing desperation where image starts to matter more than facts in elections.

    • @oahuhawaii2141
      @oahuhawaii2141 Před rokem

      Nope. He said he can play hardball.

  • @ajfragosa2355
    @ajfragosa2355 Před rokem +2

    Both sides are to emotional to run this country

  • @meme6335
    @meme6335 Před rokem +5

    Also, what is with all the TDS people pissed off at Alan? He even says that this case could be a strong one because of the tape. You’d think you would be happy that someone critical of the other indictments is saying that since getting Trump is what you care about most or did you just see his face and rage lol

    • @carrolbrooks2143
      @carrolbrooks2143 Před rokem

      But on the Bright Side, It Makes For Awesome Compilation Videos!?!! 🤣😂😅😆🙂😁😀😋

    • @scottvincent3062
      @scottvincent3062 Před rokem +1

      Because they are hypocrites who don't believe in far justice at least for the orangeman bad.

  • @Ralphie5023
    @Ralphie5023 Před rokem +1

    On the other HAND , if it doesn't go far enough , a corrupt criminal is getting away and even rewarded with the highest position in our GVT

    • @xCmDrunkX
      @xCmDrunkX Před rokem

      He turned his documents back in brothA

    • @Ralphie5023
      @Ralphie5023 Před rokem +1

      @xCm_ DrunkX
      Apparently not
      He did return SOME but not everything and he moved and hid boxes.
      In any event , whatever the JURY decides, I am fine with and will respect.

    • @oahuhawaii2141
      @oahuhawaii2141 Před rokem

      Joe Xiden sold US classified info to China and the CCP, and his family raked in millions of dollars.

    • @xCmDrunkX
      @xCmDrunkX Před rokem +2

      @@Ralphie5023 anyone doing this sorts thing should be indicted…so this isn’t a one person should and another shouldn’t IMO

    • @Ralphie5023
      @Ralphie5023 Před rokem

      @xCm_ DrunkX
      Yes absolutely .
      I also think the system for controlling documents needs to be updated.

  • @RiDankulous
    @RiDankulous Před rokem +19

    Trump is a perfect representation of the Christian voters who still support him.

    • @sunshinehoward9649
      @sunshinehoward9649 Před rokem +10

      Attacking a religion. There goes your credibility. can you even spell tolerance or just HATE?

    • @davehug
      @davehug Před rokem +1

      ​@@sunshinehoward9649 leftism is the actual hate group. Only they think of people as collective trait value.

    • @patrickmcelligott5646
      @patrickmcelligott5646 Před rokem

      Really? When you support a man and a bunch of pseudo christian haters who obsess over everyone else’s behavior, while denying the love and tolerance Jesus taught? Jesus didn’t like the wealthy or the holier than thous

    • @DaTooch_e
      @DaTooch_e Před rokem

      Yeah evil

    • @randyrenner7643
      @randyrenner7643 Před rokem

      Says someone who's probably for cutting up kids' genitals and breasts in the name of Trans rights.

  • @davidhandyman7571
    @davidhandyman7571 Před rokem +19

    Dictatorships charge less important people with a crime associated with the person they want to get. Then they offer a deal to the less important person to get them to turn states witness. The witness then says whatever they are told in exchange for a lesser punishment or no punishment. Only problem with that is that they so often "disappear" after they have served their purpose.

    • @chino3796
      @chino3796 Před rokem

      You're thinking of places like Russia and China. They can censor media & have everything go away. You can't get away with that in a country with a free press.

    • @peskypesky
      @peskypesky Před rokem +1

      Lock Trump up!

    • @davidhandyman7571
      @davidhandyman7571 Před rokem

      @@peskypesky For what? All the beat up media B.S. Meanwhile, Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden walk free despite enormous actual evidence to their guilt of far more serious crimes such as having actual classified documents when they neither had the authority to declassify anything, nor the authority to have those documents outside of a secure facility and server. There is now actual evidence that Joe sold secrets and favours to foreign entities while a senator and as VP. Where is the media reporting of that? We get more truthful reporting on these things here in Australia than anyone in USA.

  • @christineschueneman4147
    @christineschueneman4147 Před rokem +5

    Just the simple fact that 45 wouldn’t return them 2x asked is enough to convict him

  • @CustomerService-uw3xe
    @CustomerService-uw3xe Před rokem +1

    Yet secret documents can languish in an unsecured garage with total access for years, maybe even decades?

    • @oahuhawaii2141
      @oahuhawaii2141 Před rokem

      Or the Xiden-Penn Center in an unsecured cabinet in an unsecured room accessible by just about anyone who visits the building. After Biden and his son brought the documents, the center received tens of millions of dollars from China and the CCP, and paid the Bidens for their help.

  • @ralphboyshline1518
    @ralphboyshline1518 Před rokem +1

    Trump was indicted by a Grand Jury of Florida citizens, not "the government" - just for the record.

  • @gabrielsaad2785
    @gabrielsaad2785 Před rokem +1

    You always learn a lot when you listen to Mr Dershowitz. Thank you.

  • @mygundidntdoit999
    @mygundidntdoit999 Před rokem +4

    This case is a Presidential records act matter. There are no criminal penalties involved with this act. To bring the espionage act into this matter, shows the political motivation behind it.

  • @asafuthomas6339
    @asafuthomas6339 Před rokem +4

    I used to have respect for Allan's legal acumen but he sounds like a freshman law student.

    • @hockedad3585
      @hockedad3585 Před rokem

      i never had respect for biden clinton obammy and i`m glad the guy pretending to be ag is not a scj