The first born, the plants

  • čas přidán 14. 01. 2018
  • Plant People welcomes to our platform international speaker Mary Standing Otter (Gogo Ella) from the USA. Mary Standing Otter is a incredible medicine woman working in both the Native American and African medicine traditions and this is a talk that we cannot recommend enough as we know you are going to be simply blown away with her incredible profound wisdom and story telling which is so richly entrenched in these beautiful lineages.
    In old shamanic language we say that "in the beginning of all things GrandMother Earth and GrandFather Sun made love and their first born were the Sacred Plants.
    The plants live in 5 clans and each of those clans relate to aspects of the human being.
    They are the great teachers of the seeking of perfection, of giving without expectations and more...
    We live such an interconnected life with the plants that we breath each other's breath.
    About Mary Standing Otter
    Mary Standing Otter (Gogo Ella) is a medicine woman and ceremonial alchemist in The Medicine PromoPictureWheel Way of the Twisted Hairs. She has walked this Path for over 25 years and has crossed through her Rite Of Passage as an Elder.
    Mary travels the world helping women to create strong sisterhood circles rooted in spiritual integrity and empowerment. She also is the facilitator and Medicine Guide for the Hummingbird (Mystery) School and offers various workshops and ceremonies for men and women. She is a Sacred Pipe Carrier and Purification Lodge Chief. As a Healer and Dreamer, Mary’s focus is on ‘holding powerful space’ for healing and growth that happens in the teachings and ceremony she shares. Her work is designed to help each person learn to heal themselves and become centered, loving, responsible Beings.
    “My Medicine learning began in the Purification Lodge. I attended my first Lodge shortly after my first child died at birth. It was a cold pristine winter night and the snowflakes all seemed like tiny bites of majick that could heal my torn soul. It was 1987 and I was 26 years old.
    In the years since then I trained with several teachers. Some were benevolent & helpful, others were caustic and abusive of their position. I learned from all of them. I learned from everything. Learning made the difficult times worth something. I was too stubborn to suffer for nothing and not yet wise enough to end the suffering. I trained for about 15 years. I have walked this Path for 28 years.
    The Mother Lodge is my Teacher now. She is teaching me to end my suffering and create a sanctuary for Others to end their own.”
    Mary Standing Otter’s dream is to help rebuild community through the reclamation of ceremony and spiritual connection.
    All over the world people are awakening to the power and beauty of Earth based Ceremony and Celebration. We are remembering who we are.We are healing ourselves and our relationships with others and we are attempting to weave the world in new ways of connection and balanced interdependence. We are recreating true communities or Tribe.
    “It is not enough to use facebook or twitter to try and build true connections. We need to relearn how to live together in local communities and use social media to for help, support, and connections between communities.
    Mary Standing Otter is a guide in this process through Ceremony, Healing Work, Workshops, and music
    She is a medicine woman and ceremonial alchemist in The Medicine Wheel Way of the Twisted Hairs, has walked this Path for over 25 years and has crossed through her Rite Of Passage as an Elder. Mary travels the world helping to create communities, spirit dances, ceremonies and workshops rooted in spiritual integrity and personal empowerment.
    She is a Sacred Pipe Carrier and Purification Lodge Chief. As a Healer and Dreamer, Mary’s focus is on creating strong and sacred space for the healing and growth that happens in the teachings and ceremony she shares.
    Her work is designed to help each person learn to heal themselves and become centered, loving, responsible Beings who help rebuild community through the reclamation of ceremony and spiritual connection.

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