Salafi Albani and Salah Differences | Shaykh Asrar Rashid

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 185

  • @adamjin777
    @adamjin777 Před 2 měsíci +53

    To the salafis albani , utheymeen and ibn baaz are the scholars to go to and ignore the imams of the last 1400 yrs. 😂😂

    • @Muizz_Gamer_
      @Muizz_Gamer_ Před 2 měsíci +1

      Wahabis : What do u mean salaf means Abu Hanifa and imam shafii
      We thought Miaw bin baaz ibnuthaymeen are salaf

    • @hassanmakame
      @hassanmakame Před 2 měsíci +1

      You forgot Ibn Taymiya...

  • @ssjaak538
    @ssjaak538 Před 2 měsíci +120

    How can a person think that we prayed wrong for 1400 years and then Albani saved us with his book😅

    • @sz4128
      @sz4128 Před 2 měsíci +5

      Maybe he had a Time Machine. 🤷🏽‍♂️😂

    • @roastingminer6919
      @roastingminer6919 Před 2 měsíci +4

      Exactly 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @hamzabashir1133
      @hamzabashir1133 Před 2 měsíci +3

      Read kitab ul salat in sahih al bukhari. Then come back and tell me who has been praying wrong.

    • @khairt1731
      @khairt1731 Před 2 měsíci +17

      ​@@hamzabashir1133 Bukhari wasnt a salaf. Imam Abu Hanifa R.A, Imam Malik R.A and Imam Shafi R.A were part of the first 3 generation and they knew hadiths better than Bukhari.

    • @ssjaak538
      @ssjaak538 Před 2 měsíci +22

      @@hamzabashir1133 Bro going direct to the hadith to interpret it. You are far from qualified. Typical salafi problem, letting every laymen interpret hadith. What do you do of there are other sahih hadith contradicting your view? My guy thinks he is a mujtahid. Relax

  • @khairt1731
    @khairt1731 Před 2 měsíci +18

    Bukhari or Albani are not part of the salaf generation. Imam Abu Hanifa R.A, Imam Malik R.A, and Imam Shafi R.A were part of the first 3 generations and they were more knowledgeable than Bukhari or Albani.
    Also, if you read bukhari hadith on how to pray, it shows the prophet s.a.w never raised his hands on every takbir like the pseudo-salafis do.

    • @rathernot6660
      @rathernot6660 Před 2 měsíci +3

      But you want to take matters of aqidah from the barelwi or deobandi who have quasi links to shia with all that grave worshipping and kashf nonsense.

    • @Shaakireen8875
      @Shaakireen8875 Před 2 měsíci +1

      This is the Mathab of us Shafi'ees brother. We raise our hands at four instances in Solah.

    • @khairt1731
      @khairt1731 Před 2 měsíci +2

      @@Shaakireen8875 which is fine, i was just saying if the pseudo-salafis want to go by bukhari then in the hadith of bukhari does not mention raising the hands.
      I'd take imam Shafi R.A over any modern pseudo-salafi

    • @mesutozil7903
      @mesutozil7903 Před 2 měsíci +3

      ​@@khairt1731what are you talkijg about? The hadith imam bukhari bought from Abdullah ibn Umar states that the prophet pbuh DID raise his hands before and after ruku like the salafis do... so dont make things up, infact imam bukhari wrote a full book on this topic called juzz raful yadain.

    • @bizzyizzy5080
      @bizzyizzy5080 Před měsícem

      @@khairt1731 How ignorant. I follow the Messenger Muhammad ﷺ through his teachings recorded and practiced by the Salaf. I practice Imam Shafi’i fiqh and as the comment above says, Imam Bukhari has narrated on the topic of rafa’yadain on more than one occasion, i would encourage you to learn and may ﷲ grant you wisdom

  • @serkanalbayrak2972
    @serkanalbayrak2972 Před 2 měsíci +13

    Why would i follow someone with controversy over a literal SALAF??

    • @Oo786oO
      @Oo786oO Před 2 měsíci +2

      But Albani is not the salaf, he us even later than the latest school of thought

    • @serkanalbayrak2972
      @serkanalbayrak2972 Před 2 měsíci +8

      @@Oo786oO thats what i mean. Why should i follow him if i can follow a salaf

  • @MillhouseSpeaks
    @MillhouseSpeaks Před 2 měsíci +6

    MāshāAllāh very well explained

  • @BeObjectiveBeHumble
    @BeObjectiveBeHumble Před 2 měsíci +2

    In Arabic there’s an examination of the Prayer book by Sh al-Albaani and shows it’s a very weak book. It’s a Masters Thesis.

  • @mdkhan3928
    @mdkhan3928 Před 2 měsíci +6

    The problem is in a lot of Hanafi Masjid people stand apart from each other, be it the shoulders or feet, so one is forced to try to move closer by spreading the legs.

    • @brothersman524
      @brothersman524 Před 2 měsíci +5

      Unfortunately I have to agree. Seen this many times myself

  • @muhammadhayatshaikh1770
    @muhammadhayatshaikh1770 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Mashallah So Much Imformative

  • @Asce.-ol2fg
    @Asce.-ol2fg Před 2 měsíci +6

    Can u refute the Muslim metaphysician

  • @yusuf619rahmani
    @yusuf619rahmani Před 2 měsíci +2

    Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal said: "It is REPREHESIBLE for him to place both of them (hands) upon the CHEST. And that is because of what is related from the Prophet a that he prohibited 'al-Takfeer' - and that is placing the hand upon the chest."
    Imăm Abù Dawd, author of the Sunan (Hadith) and student of Imãm Ahmad, also narrates Imãm Ahmad's condemnation of al-Takfi: "I heard him say: 'It is REPREHESIBLE (prohibitively disliked) to do that - meaning, placing the two hands on the CHEST." [Masail of Imam Ahmad]
    Ibn Taymiyyah, in his exposition of this issue runs through the various positions in respect to the placement of hands in prayer: "And he places them below his navel, or below his chest, without any reprehensibility entailing in either one of them. And as for placing both (hands) on the CHEST, this is REPREHENSIBLE. There is an explicit statement (from Imãm Ahmad) on this.." [Sharh al-'Umdah]
    Ibn Qayyim, similarly accepts all the various positions transmitted from the Salaf as valid whilst at the same time condemning the practice of placing the hands on the chest. [Badã'i al-Fawā'id]

  • @BeObjectiveBeHumble
    @BeObjectiveBeHumble Před 2 měsíci +2

    This is a reply to the points raised about Imam Abu Hanifah below a Salafi brother
    1- I am a Salafi since 27 years and I travellied in the early days to learn Arabic and study with the Salafi Scholars.
    2- Was Imam Ahmed from the 3rd or 4th Generation? 4th if you check by agreement, and to prove that you see in his Musnad the shortest chains of Hadeeth have 3 men between him and the Prophet SAW
    3- Was Imam Abu Hanifah from the 2nd or 3rd or 4th generation? Minimum for the 3rd Generation and possibly the 2nd as it's said he met some Sahaaba RA
    4- Thousands of Sahaaba settled in Kufah where Imam Abu Hanifah learnt. Thousands also stayed in Madinah where Imam Maalik learnt.
    5- Imam Abu Hanifah was a Muhadith and learnt from the hadeeth scholars in Kufah who had collected Hadeeth already.
    6- Imam Abu Hanifah had in his circle 30 scholars to discuss back and forth issues before deciding on an issue and from those were scholars of Hadeeth.
    7- If a chain of Hadeeth had 2 or maybe 3 men in the chain and and another had 4 or 5 usually, which is more likely to have slip ups and mistakes? Which is more difficult to make sure about? So Abu Hanifah and Imam Maalik had less chance of error in Hadeeth than Imam Ahmed.
    8- If a hadeeth in the time of Abu Hanifah was Saheeh then its possible the same hadeeth become Weak later as one of the extra 2 or 3 men in the chain could make mistakes.
    9- Imam Abu Hanifah made Jarh wa Ta'deel.critiquing and praising the men in chains and its well recorded
    To be continued ....

  • @BeObjectiveBeHumble
    @BeObjectiveBeHumble Před 2 měsíci +2

    The last part of my answer to the Salafi Brother below in comments
    18- Usually when a scholar later on wrote a book in Fiqh he might have used a very weak hadeeth, along came scholars later and checked those hadeeth and declared the opinion as weak becuase the hadeeth is very weak, BUT that hadeeth alot of times was never used for the original proof, somethings else was used, either a another Hadeeth or verse or Sahaaba and so on. Look how we messed up!
    19- You can't understand a Saheeh Hadeeth sometimes alone, it has other narrations mentioning the background to the hadeeth and then you got the Sahaaba and the angles from the Arabic Language which needs Usoolul Fiqh to undefrstand why and how its a proof and why the other saheeh Hadeeth is not used for this issue and so on.
    20- You can not use the Usoolul Fiqh of one Madhab for the Fiqh of another madhab Text as each Madhab had its slightly different angles to approach issues and their approaches go back to the Tabi'aan and Sahaabah, not made up. Many salafis still don't understand this and caused hell breaking up families and masjids and villages all over where they went thinking theyre the saved sect like the Jehavoahs Witnesses. Plus theres 5 main different groups of Salafis, 3 of them fight and warn from each other very harshly and one of them keep splitting up every few years more and more past 30 years. The Day of Judgment its every man for themselves and only the Shafaa'a of the Prophet SAW will give you a chance After the Mercy of Allah.
    21- Imam Ahmed and Shaafi'ee both built upon the Fiqh of those who came before them and Imam Shaafi'ee mastered the 4 madhabs of his time by learning with them or their students then critiqued their usool and furoo, Abu Hanifahs, Imam Maaliks, Imam al-Awzaa'iee and Imam Laith ibn Sad. Imam Maaliks madhab today is built upon the Mudawaanah which was built upon Imam Asad bin Furaat who studied with Imam Malik then Imam Muhammed Hasan ash-Shaibaani, student of Imam Abu Hanifah and this is where Imam Asd bin Furaat asked thousdand of questions in extra classes with Imam Muhammed, these thousands of questions got asked to Imam Maaliks students by him later as when he retuned to Imam Maalik he had passed away RH, and thus we can say Imam Abu Hanifah Formed the Foundation of the Fiqh of all 4 Madhabs. This is ONE REASON WHY THEY ATTACK HIM, if they put doubts into the Madhab of Abu Hanifah then all Fiqh collapses!!! And another reason is becasue he destroyed many deviants sects in debates and lastly because he was very pious and would sleep only the first third of the night in winter then pray till Fajr and between Zuhr and Asr in the Summer as the nights were short so he prayed again from Isha till Fajr, as his wife mentioned. The rest of his time from Fajr till Ishaa was teaching in his Masjid which is still there today! RH. He knew how to debate way before was a Rich Entrepreneaur so would clothe his studnets in the best clothes and look after them and he would send money to the schlolars and their students in Badhdad and Basrah whilst he was in Kufah, and studied Fiqh for 20 years from 20 years old till 40 with Imam Hammad ibn Abi Sulayman who learn from learnt from Ibraheem an-Nakha'i. Recently a MA reserch in Jordan showed how in 600 of Abdullah ibn Mas'oods fatwaas, 590 were in line with Abu Hanifahs Fatwas as he inherited his Fiqh. He made Hajj 40 times and met many scholars in Makkah and Madinah everytime and discussed and debated with them and thats why he got well known.
    22- Imam ibn Abi Shaibah mentioned in the end of his big book al-Musannaf some 140 issues where he claimed Imam Abu Hanifah went against Hadeeth, this has been rebutted in 3 books, summary being Imam ibn Abi Shaibah was not a specialist in Fiqh like Abu Hanifah by a long way, hois speciality was Hadeeth mainly and these Hadeeth were understood by Imam Abu Hanifah in a different way or he prefered other hadeeth above them or he saw hidden defects/ILAL in those hadeeth which is a high level science as a Muhadith.
    I hope this helps you my brother and others. It was a revision for me.

    • @ibrahimyounas5242
      @ibrahimyounas5242 Před 2 měsíci

      You wrote all this from your memory or had you collected it somewhere before 😅

    • @BeObjectiveBeHumble
      @BeObjectiveBeHumble Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@ibrahimyounas5242 I wouldn’t collect that especially for comments on a CZcams channel. Past 18 months I’ve been researching a lot of topics as I picked tons of misinformation and wrong concepts past 25 years as a Madkhali Salafi. The points I mentioned are only a tiny bit of what I picked up past 18 months. So it’s all in my head now as I had to give it time n effort to read up in Classical Islamic sources in Arabic and researches in Arabic too and some lectures here and there as I didn’t find much available in English.

    • @ibrahimyounas5242
      @ibrahimyounas5242 Před 2 měsíci

      @@BeObjectiveBeHumble nd you're an ashari now or maturidi? Nd fiqh?

    • @BeObjectiveBeHumble
      @BeObjectiveBeHumble Před 2 měsíci

      @@ibrahimyounas5242 Brum, 40s, I'm looking at everything all over in depth for now, then I'll decide insha'Allah. 90% of the Salafis haven't developed or improved past 10 years but many others have, then again we have some good Salafis who have developed like Sh Haiytham Haddad, Sh Muhd Hasan Didu, Sh Aamir Bahjat, Sh Zahed al-Fatteh. Sh Saeed Kamali and others .... Once a lot of this mess is cleared up an agreement should be set up and signed by hundreds of scholars worldwide to STOP or at least Cut Down this back and forth Publicly and keep it behind closed doors strictly between scholars, to concentrate on working together in dealing with the big challenges facing all of us today and complimenting each other in their own specialities, UNTIL we Establish a proper real Shoorah and Ahlul Hal wal Aqd as Sh Asrar has wrote on, the corrupt secular govs are replaced with decent Islamic govs or a Gov hopefully inshaAllah and Jeruselum is Liberated and other areas. Then we can sit and chat on these things that are valid differences within the Ummah on a serious level. We never had Secular Govs rule over 50 plus Muslims lands before in the past 1400 years except now, so we need to clarify quickly this misinformation that has divided us so badly then get on with things. The world is suffering badly and we should have been leading the way. And most of the time the scholars are teaching anyway. The Madkhali and similar Salafis started this mess and wer're gonna have to clear it up now otherwise many projects and bigger issues won't get tackled well as we'll still have many divisions and hatred.

  • @MrRiz157
    @MrRiz157 Před 2 měsíci +7

    Like these bite size videos

  • @humbhikisisekamnahi2125
    @humbhikisisekamnahi2125 Před 2 měsíci +4

    Sheikh please talk about Hindu Propagandas against. islam in India

  • @FoxtrotbravoSierra
    @FoxtrotbravoSierra Před 8 dny

    Seriously, are we going argue about where to place our hands and divide over that.

  • @SiratulQuran82
    @SiratulQuran82 Před měsícem

    Imam رحمه الله wrote the book in the light of sahih ahadith with references whereas most of the people who blindly follow any of the four mazahib may not have read or even come across a book about how to pray. Everyone who follows a specific mazhab, please raise his/her hand if you read any book about how to pray salah.
    If not then what blind-following is?

  • @erwinsmith5381
    @erwinsmith5381 Před 2 měsíci +1

    اللهم صل وسلم على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم

  • @BeObjectiveBeHumble
    @BeObjectiveBeHumble Před 2 měsíci +1

    Continuation of my reply to the Salafi Brother
    10- Imam al-A'mash was an Imam in Hadeeth and was asked a question in Fiqh and couldn't answer so Abu Hanifah aswered then imam al-A'mash asked how did you get the answer for that? Imam Abu Hanifah replied You narrated to us from so and so from so and so and from the Prophet SAW and then Imam Abu Hanifah conituned bringing chains at which Imam al-A'mash said Enough, enough, you have just summaried a hundred days worth of Hadeeth in an hour! Oh Imams of Fiqh, you are the Doctors and we are the Pharmcists! Hence the books of Fiqh summarise hundreds of verses of the Qur'an, thousands of hadeeth, thousands of narations of the sahabaa and Tabi'een and so forth.
    11- One of the students of Imam Abu Hanifah, Abdullah ibn Mubaarak weant to Lebanon and met Imam al-Awzaa'i. Imam al-Awzaa'i said oh you jsut came from that Man of Bidah/Innovator Abu Hanifah? So imam ibn Mubaarak wrote out some of the Fiqh issues of Imam Abu Hanifah with his name only, Nu'man bin Thaabit and next day returned to hand over the book to Imam al-Awzaa'i, he read and read and was very impressed till he said this is truely amazing, imam Ibn Mubaarak said this is the Abu Hanifah actually who called an Innovator! He retracted his statement immediately.
    12- There was alot more Ilmul Kalaam in the time of Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal by a long way up until they influenced the leaders to force deviant belifes upon the scholars and thats where Imam Ahmed stood firm!
    13- There is 2 types of Ilmul Kalaam, the deviant type of the Mu'tazliah and the correct type of Ahlus-Sunnah, by the end of the time of Imam Abul Hasan al-Ash'ari and Abul Mansoor al-Maatureedi, the Mu'talizah were destroyed and Ilmul Kalaam was cleaned up to its purest form. Thats why by the time Imam al-Ghazaali came he didn't need to deal with them but he insread dealt with the extremists Shiah who took control of Egypt and he destroyed the Philosophers and started rectifying the scholars through his book Ih'yaa Uloom ud-Deen which laid the foundations for the Generation of Salaah ud-Deen al-Ayoobi to Liberate Jerusalem.
    14- I know a Japanese brother who graduated from the Islamic University of Madinah and he complained how he can't deal with the Japanese as they are mostly Atheists who use Logic and Philosophy, some brothers advised him to learn Ilmul Kalaam as it teaches how to deal with those types of people but instead the Salafi brothers warned him from doing so and advised him to just stick with showing them the miracles of the Qur'an! Point is, Ilmul Kalam uses tons of Rational arguments to 1-Prove the existence of God, then 2-Prove who God actually is, the correct of God, which is the first thing that separates Islaam from the other Religions then 3-prove the need for revalation and messengers 4-prove the Truthfulness of the Prophet SAW, THEN once the person has accepted and convinced with all that, ONLY then will they be willing to accept the Quran and thats when more rational proofs are mentioned for the vaildity of the Qur'an and it carries on from there all the way whilst also mentioning Verses and Hadeeth for each issue hand in hand. So, today Islam is not growing as fast as it actually could by a long way as this is vastly missing, and one of the major reason why it's common for many Saudis who go study in the west to leave Islam completely and become either Athiests or Christians and other Muslims doing that commonly and call themsleves Ex-Muslims is they have NO FOUNDATION and no Muslims around them with basic Ilmul kalaam!!! And the Salafis need to either get on board or MOVE out the way and CLOSE their mouths from warning against ILMUL KALAAM as thats whats needed now more than ever to save their own kids, brothers, sisters, cousins and friends from becoming EX Muslims as this society in the West is designed to do that. Hence no wonder the Ashari Shaafi'ee Soofis from Hadhramaut in the South West of Yemen went to Indonesia and Malaysia, they were equipped with Rational Arguments to convince the Locals after building Trust and Friendships and become true examples of Justice through Good Morals and Standards in their Business Dealings there, and they had the Fiqh to know the Halal and Haram and know how to Worship, the rulings for dealings and business and they had strong Eemaan by knowing how to purify their hearts always and replace vices with virtues in their hearts and tougues and so forth, which is Pure Tasawwuf and look what happened through that??? The Biggest Population of Muslims are there after all that hardwork! Some Salafis are upset with me for mentioning how Imam ibn Taymiyyah explained the Soofi Book of Imam Abdul-Qaadir al-Jilaani in his Maj'moo al-Fataawa in one of the 2 volumes on Sulook which is another name for Tasawwuf or Ih'saan or Tazkiyyah.
    Pure Sunni Soofism is different to deviant Soofism which many of the Soofi Imams warned against in every generation as is shown in their works but sadly a lot has been hidden even though its available but tactics have been used to keep us away by cutting us off from its people and to gain followers and status and some bits of power, and outside agendas too to keep us very divided at the worst of times so we can not do anything about Genocides or mass corruption or make advancements and leave our youth to be left vulnerable to become drug dealers, ex muslims, junkies, bimbos, ....
    15- Imam Abu Hanifah never fell into Bidah ever, there were lots of narrations accusing him which are very weak or made up or broken in chains and every single one has been refuted from angles in numerous books but they're in Arabic, at least 3 books I have.
    16- One of the accusions is so crazy that when it was claimed Abu Hanifah was asked to repent from major KUFR the thickos don't undertstand if you retrun to the actual reports fully it was when he was debating the Khawaarij who make tak'feer as we all know by turning sins into Kufr and Abu hanifah said things in that debate as a way to get them stuck and show how they have major contradictions! So how foolish we are and I used to repeat this stuff before and I feel so bad and I ask Allah to forgive me.
    16- Imam Abu Hanifah destroyed the main deviant sects in debates in his time, its well known and that was passed onto his students then to their students then to Abul Mansoor al-Maatureedi. So thats a connection to the Aqeedah of the Salaf, a summary of it and its development.
    To be continued ....

  • @caliberpheonix
    @caliberpheonix Před 7 dny

    The pseudo salafis are going crazy in comment section.

  • @jamastereel
    @jamastereel Před 2 měsíci +6

    Lets Say the Shaykh was Mistaken. He will still receive a reward from Allah aza wa jall .. Rahima Allah

    • @sherifayantayo2873
      @sherifayantayo2873 Před 2 měsíci +1

      The narration you’re attempting to quote refers to scholars not charlatans .

    • @jamastereel
      @jamastereel Před 2 měsíci +8

      @@sherifayantayo2873 Seek refuge for your tongue... I would never slander Asrar Rashid or any of the Ashari Ulamah for they are Muslims.. And you claim Albani Rahimallah is a Charlatan.. So For you i would fear my tongue.. And i would also Fear u losing your good Deeds to give to this man you claim to be a Charlatan. Just by your speech alone i see you have no Adab.. So i advise you to hold onto the rope of Allah and stop slandering those people you disagree with..

    • @MichiganTroopers123
      @MichiganTroopers123 Před 2 měsíci

      @@jamastereelgood point 👍 unfortunately too many people are happy slandering people who spent their lives regardless of their mistakes dedicated to Islam. Goes for both sides

    • @sherifayantayo2873
      @sherifayantayo2873 Před 2 měsíci +1

      I’m sorry my brother if I offended you but we have to take our sentiments out of academic scholarly assessment. Albani’s attempts at weakening narrations in the sahihayn, giving wrong fataawa constantly, countless mistakes and contradictions in his Hadith works. I’m sorry but this is the assessment of the actual scholars with asaneed who are trained in Hadith.

    • @jamastereel
      @jamastereel Před 2 měsíci

      @@sherifayantayo2873 We do not look at Albani RahimAllah as Masoom.. But Scholars of Fiqh over many centuries has downplayed other scholars of Fiqh. I just fear the Laymen and Small Students will Debate issues we have no real understanding of to where it is that we become Cheerleaders to whom we follow.. Some Form of Shaqsiyah.. I fear that both sides of the issue start to slander one Another and will face our lord on that day where we will regret things we have said. I appreciate your apology and ask good for you in this life and the next..

  • @Atharva1973
    @Atharva1973 Před 2 měsíci +2

    Polytheism (Shirk) at Aulia shrines is unacceptable.

    • @n.a.1397
      @n.a.1397 Před 2 měsíci +2

      Actually, shirk is not acceptable anywhere 😂. Remember that next time your Ahle saud call upon US military for aid and assistance.

    • @Atharva1973
      @Atharva1973 Před 2 měsíci

      ​@@n.a.1397Dua from Allah (swt) only, directly.

  • @Hajeh2
    @Hajeh2 Před 2 měsíci +9

    The only time ive ever seen 4 people of all the different mazahibs praying together peacefully in one masjid is in a salafi masjid. Try praying differently in any other masjid and youll get stares 😂.

    • @Abuhan47
      @Abuhan47 Před 2 měsíci +6

      Yes, salafis are known for their tolerance and accepting differences 🙃

    • @KILLERGAMER-pf9fm
      @KILLERGAMER-pf9fm Před 2 měsíci +4

      So you are you putting your own experiences as everyone's experiences?

    • @Sk43072
      @Sk43072 Před 2 měsíci +1

      People of 4 schools r msuhrik as per salafis and if they pray in salafis then they are not followers of 4 madhabs. 4 madhabs follow aqeedah of Ashari or Maturidi or hanabilaas who may say Athari but true hanabilaas r not mujassimah like salafis and wahabis

    • @Hajeh2
      @Hajeh2 Před 2 měsíci

      @@Sk43072 nope 4 Madhabs don't follow maturidi or ashari aqeedah. It's the sects that follow such aqeedah like the brelvi and some deobandi. All the 4 imams followed the same aqeedah as the salaf. For example now you see in the UK soo many different kind of arabs/kurds/Africans migrated who all follow different madahibs. And they do not follow that aqeedah of ashari and maturidi. In some masjids you will only see Pakistani or only Indians. Because the whole masjid/sect is built around culture. Forget accepting another madahib some masjids won't even accept a Muslim who is from another ethnic background. You only see that cohesion in salafi masjids.

    • @KILLERGAMER-pf9fm
      @KILLERGAMER-pf9fm Před 2 měsíci

      @@Sk43072 you just said that about hundreds of millions of people. I advise you to be careful

  • @muhammedashiquenk8534
    @muhammedashiquenk8534 Před 2 měsíci +1

  • @jamastereel
    @jamastereel Před 2 měsíci +2

    Akhi Asrar Barakallahu feekum.. It wasnt Albani who divided the people.. In Chicago USA some Masajid like Masjid Nur which is a Hanafi Masjid Has 2 prayer rooms for Hanafis and then for Malikis and Shaafis, They refuse to pray the Salaat together.. As for Albani some of his own students differed with him Rahim Allah . Even Shaykh Fawzan said their is no Dhaleel for hands on the chest.. So this is a fiqh issue.. I am sure you are not ignorant and know this..But you have those people on your YT who slander the elders and people who has passed and now are facing Allah either for being right or for being wrong.

    • @youtuberzero2583
      @youtuberzero2583 Před 2 měsíci

      I've been to masjed Noor in Chicago and I've never seen any division of salat based on madhab. They just all pray together. I'm talking about the one on Greenville Ave.

    • @jamastereel
      @jamastereel Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@youtuberzero2583 On Greenview?? off of Devon ave Then you must of went a different time than i had.. I went back in 2003 for a weekend when the Jamaat Tabligh was in town back then..

    • @youtuberzero2583
      @youtuberzero2583 Před 2 měsíci

      @@jamastereel Greenview yeah, the one that use to be a church. Jamaat tabligh is there every year, they do local work too. But like I said, no madhab division that I've ever seen.

  • @humzanadeem4512
    @humzanadeem4512 Před 2 měsíci

    The point of shaykh al albani and others who have criticized the madhahib in their way of praying salah, was that the proofs the madhahib use are weak and even sometimes fabricated. So in actuality there is no basic for their opinions. Like for example raful yadayn. ALL the narrations which the hanafis use for leaving raful yadayn are all weak. There is a majority consensus on this from the Imams of Hadith.

  • @n.s.5278
    @n.s.5278 Před 2 měsíci

    did the shaykh go for hajj?

  • @Unityfm78
    @Unityfm78 Před 2 měsíci

    Assrar you are a master at what you do.

  • @Abo_Adnan_Muslim_traveler
    @Abo_Adnan_Muslim_traveler Před 2 měsíci

    Alsalam 3alaycom Sheikh. I have a problem I hope u can help. There is a guy he call himself Sheikh uthman ibin farook he was my friend. He married my wife while she is still under 3ismati. I want a ruling for this. he is refusing to meet any sheik. He denies it but I have a proof of my wife in his house and married to him. Uthman was my friend I have him my wife's number to reconcile with her. He took advantage of this and married her. He forbids me from praying and he called the police on me to make sure I don't go to the mosque and pray. All documented sheikh. Pls don't think I am crazy. I am just upset at the ummah that protects such man and they say it's ok as long he is doing da3wa. pls Sheikh i need ur help. He refuses to talk to any sheikh. Pls I need ur help.

    • @Kadar-s3j
      @Kadar-s3j Před 2 měsíci +1

      Did he force your wife? If not she was willing to marry him. Go and find someone else. Why whould you take someone back who already deserted you!

  • @Kadar-s3j
    @Kadar-s3j Před 2 měsíci

    1. You are so parochial that you called the book notorious 2. You say it is sunnah to join shoulders and feet, yet the bravlivis and the deobandis never do that. 3. You think Shaykh Albani criticised the four madhabs and came with things new in his book. Go and read Chapter on Salah in Bukhari. 4. You say mukhtasur qoodori has proof, there is not a single reference given while Albani's book has given reference for every points he make. 5. You can the ahluld hadith pseudo ahal hadith, yet the same hanafies do not pray behind each other even though following the same madhab.
    All the kibaar ulema of bralvia have done takfir of deobandis and vice versa even they follow the same Imam. It is rediculous!
    I am not defending Albani, but thousand of people have benefited from the book he wrote. As as Shaykh, you should come out of your own box and at least differ or disagreed in a better way.

  • @MrRK0121
    @MrRK0121 Před 2 měsíci +4

    Asrar Rashid, will never be on the level of Albani Rahimullah!!

    • @BeObjectiveBeHumble
      @BeObjectiveBeHumble Před 2 měsíci +2

      Yep and Sh Al-Albaani will NEVER be on the level of Imams like Ibn Hajr or az-Zayla’i or al-Iraqi or ibnul Mulaqqin and so many more

    • @mohamed_amine_bench
      @mohamed_amine_bench Před 2 měsíci +1

      you mean that albani is better than malik or abu hanifa or achafi’i or ahmed may allah be pleased with them all ? you ign*rant

    • @mughal_r9374
      @mughal_r9374 Před 2 měsíci

      Nasir albani was a schoolboy. A man of bidah and heresy

  • @catlover7336
    @catlover7336 Před 2 měsíci

    Bring dalil from quran don't blabber.

  • @truthspeaks3188
    @truthspeaks3188 Před 2 měsíci +1

    سبحانك هذا بهتان عظيم على الشيخ الألباني رحمه الله

    • @كاشميري
      @كاشميري Před 2 měsíci

      He is notorious asrar

    • @BeObjectiveBeHumble
      @BeObjectiveBeHumble Před 2 měsíci

      انت منكر للحقائق و انا اعلم بالشيخ الالباني منك. التعصب لايجدي شيء. لازم الانصاف و اعتراف الاخطاء و الفضائل كذلك.

  • @bhatbasit8614
    @bhatbasit8614 Před 2 měsíci

    Shaykh let's not call them what they want us to call them, let's call them siflis or wahhabis or khwarjis that's all,calling them salafis is very disrespectful to Salaf us Saliheen ridwanullahi alaihim ajma'een

  • @ramadhanomar8093
    @ramadhanomar8093 Před 2 měsíci

    Can you respect the greatest scholar of the 19th century ...stop this madhaahib bigotry

    • @halimvebic6578
      @halimvebic6578 Před 2 měsíci +1

      Shame on you and your mouth. What scholar ? Albani who had no ijazah or anything 😂?

  • @bharatmodi6712
    @bharatmodi6712 Před 2 měsíci

    Spread legs wide in front of your lord is considered arrogance

  • @kasuji1
    @kasuji1 Před 2 měsíci

    is salah behind the imams of al-harmain accepted

  • @abdinur6152
    @abdinur6152 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Waaaw. to be sheikh and lier is very very bad.
    There is no stretching legs in the book in the way you explained.

    • @MichiganTroopers123
      @MichiganTroopers123 Před 2 měsíci

      But people still do it so why are you crying

    • @abdinur6152
      @abdinur6152 Před 2 měsíci

      An other lie, How do you know I cried

  • @farzanak8107
    @farzanak8107 Před 2 měsíci +2

    Abu hanifa was a murjiah as described by bukhari.
    A true hanafi would have no option but to condemn him.

    • @AmirKhan-pm8cb
      @AmirKhan-pm8cb Před 2 měsíci +1

      Abu Hanifa wasn't a murjiah.

    • @TheFatMan
      @TheFatMan Před 2 měsíci

      Scholars always attacked each other. Who cares, its just something they did like most people do today. Abu Hanifa is still the GOAT

    • @KkKk-px2le
      @KkKk-px2le Před 2 měsíci +1

      😂 You are lost

  • @Faizan-al-Islam-bin-Furqan
    @Faizan-al-Islam-bin-Furqan Před 2 měsíci

    This man is Barelvi..

  • @hamzabashir1133
    @hamzabashir1133 Před 2 měsíci

    If you have 1 person from each madhab standing and praying next to each other there are so many differences

    • @user-ql7vk1yg4v
      @user-ql7vk1yg4v Před 2 měsíci +8


    • @AqeebAkhtar
      @AqeebAkhtar Před 2 měsíci +6

      Even if there is, what’s the issue? They are valid differences. VALID.

    • @ssjaak538
      @ssjaak538 Před 2 měsíci +3

      He is talking about differences in FARD my guy, there are small differences in sunnah and mustahab and mubah yes. But im sure you dont even know the basics. First study before you comment

    • @hamzabashir1133
      @hamzabashir1133 Před 2 měsíci

      @@ssjaak538 all the pillars of the prayer are the same, if you don’t do them your prayer isn’t even valid. However hanafis reject some for example the reciting of the fathiha which is a pillar of the prayer

    • @ssjaak538
      @ssjaak538 Před 2 měsíci +4

      @@hamzabashir1133 Like I said first learn the basics. Hanafis have 6 pillars for salah. 2 is qiyam and 3 is qira’a. You need to recite the quran and the fatiha is wajib. Dont confuse people, for 90% we pray the same.

  • @rathernot6660
    @rathernot6660 Před 2 měsíci

    As a salafi, I love Imam Abu hanifa and the scholars. However of all three imam Ahmad bin Hanbal was far more knowledgeable as he traveled across lands seeking knowledge. The weakest of all three was imam Abu hanifa as he did not travel much and was confined to Baghdad most of the time surrounded by Ilm ul kalaam and shia debating him and other Sunni scholars. He also momentarily fell into Ilm ul kalaam but did repent later and called it a lie and heresy. Why don't you maturidi follow the aqeedah of imam Abu hanifa in aqeedah and not just in fiqhi matters

    • @syedasadullah7462
      @syedasadullah7462 Před 2 měsíci +3

      It doesn't make any sense! Baseless 😂😂😂no prove of yours 😅😅come on bro by the way you guys must stop believing anthropomorphism with regards to the God's attributes! That's kufr

    • @syedasadullah7462
      @syedasadullah7462 Před 2 měsíci +1

      Even you guy don't follow many things of hambalism! There are few of things you salafis deny or accusing of innovation or 'shirk' was actually acceptable and endorsed by Imam Ahmed bin Hambal r.a! Study his creed properly

    • @Oo786oO
      @Oo786oO Před 2 měsíci +1

      The Imam of the Imams is IMAM Abu Hanifa. He was in the Salaf...
      As testified by the others
      Don't listen to the scholars today, listen to the salaf and earlier generation about earlier scholars

    • @BeObjectiveBeHumble
      @BeObjectiveBeHumble Před 2 měsíci

      I had to put the reply in sections at the top my bro to these points you mentioned. I've been with Salafis 27 Years but learnt a lot of misinformation

  • @QuranicWords
    @QuranicWords Před 2 měsíci +7

    Asrar Rashid makes a clown of himself by criticising ahle hadis and salafis with childish accusations which are based on lies and not on the actual beliefs of these groups...

    • @AqeebAkhtar
      @AqeebAkhtar Před 2 měsíci +17

      What’s ur qualifications? Do u even have a right to speak on such matters? What have u studied and where have u studied?

    • @alibekakramov4335
      @alibekakramov4335 Před 2 měsíci

      Okey bro continue to pray like hanafi woman. You jahil don't deserve anything else😂

    • @frommoroccowithlove
      @frommoroccowithlove Před 2 měsíci +10

      Albani is not from ahlulhadith. He was rejected not only by scholars of ahlusunna but also by his fellow pseudo salafis, like ibn uthaimin.

    • @roastingminer6919
      @roastingminer6919 Před 2 měsíci +7


    • @myemail5619
      @myemail5619 Před 2 měsíci

      Wahabis are ignorant khawarij

  • @SalafiFighter
    @SalafiFighter Před 2 měsíci +1

    Asrar Rashid is a Qubūri Mushrik and Hanafi Munkare Hadeeth !

    • @n.a.1397
      @n.a.1397 Před 2 měsíci +7

      We love the grave of the Prophet, SAW. May you be raised with those that hate the rowda, khawarij.

    • @SalafiFighter
      @SalafiFighter Před 2 měsíci +1

      We love The Tawheed of Allaah The Most and Sunnah of The Messenger of Allaah Salallaahu Aley Wasallam .
      The Filthy Khabeeth Barelwi Grave worshipping Mushrikeen and Munkare Hadeeth will be raised with Abu Jahl .

    • @n.a.1397
      @n.a.1397 Před 2 měsíci

      @@SalafiFighterYou love the US that support you. You love Lawrence of Arabia. You are supported by Israhell to cause fitna in the Ummah. You liken Allah to His creation, najdi.

    • @BeObjectiveBeHumble
      @BeObjectiveBeHumble Před 2 měsíci

      @@SalafiFighter again you have tons of misinformation on this and very upside down, trust me, 25 years I wasted!

    • @BeObjectiveBeHumble
      @BeObjectiveBeHumble Před 2 měsíci

      @@SalafiFighter and you're making Takfeer of millions from now all the way back hundreds of years, think of all the baraka you're losing daily because of that???

  • @user-sp4rp1di8x
    @user-sp4rp1di8x Před 2 měsíci +2

    Sorry but I can't listen to anyone who's deen comes from Ahmed raza Khan Bareilly. Makes me sick this man has said albanis book is notorious.

    • @mughal_r9374
      @mughal_r9374 Před 2 měsíci

      Well hes not wrong. Nasir albani was a schoolboy and a man of bidah.

    • @user-sp4rp1di8x
      @user-sp4rp1di8x Před 2 měsíci

      @@mughal_r9374 says the follow of Bareilly. May Allah guide you. All talk to action.

    • @user-sp4rp1di8x
      @user-sp4rp1di8x Před 2 měsíci

      @@mughal_r9374 make repentance to Allah

    • @mughal_r9374
      @mughal_r9374 Před 2 měsíci

      @@user-sp4rp1di8x repent to Allah SWT for defending a man of bidah nasir albani.

  • @muhammadbenjuraij7734
    @muhammadbenjuraij7734 Před 2 měsíci

    He only mentions the description and not the Ahkaam of Salah and so anyone thinking that book will teach him the Salah is wrong! Alhamdulillah for the 4 mathahib

  • @AT-yj8gl
    @AT-yj8gl Před 2 měsíci +2

    Wahabi depictions crack me up

  • @humbhikisisekamnahi2125
    @humbhikisisekamnahi2125 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Sheikh please talk about Hindu Propagandas against. islam in India

  • @humbhikisisekamnahi2125
    @humbhikisisekamnahi2125 Před 2 měsíci +2

    Sheikh please talk about Hindu Propagandas against. islam in India

    • @MuhammadYasir-2526
      @MuhammadYasir-2526 Před 2 měsíci +1

      Don't spam comments. He's not living in India, so he can't comment on this topic.

    • @humbhikisisekamnahi2125
      @humbhikisisekamnahi2125 Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@MuhammadYasir-2526 Sorry, But I think this is not about Indian or American... This is about Islam and Ummat e Mustafa (SAW)... And I thought, Spamming the comment was necessary to catch the blessed attention of Shaikh Asrar Rashid (Damat. barakat.).. It shows urgency of the Matter. Thank You!!