青海西宁炕锅羊排,藏式阿卡包子,阿星吃高原柳花菜,逛塔尔寺Snack Kang pot lamb in Xining, Qinghai

  • čas přidán 8. 09. 2024
  • 青海西宁的塔尔寺是藏传佛教格鲁派的圣地,是创始人宗喀巴出生的地方,很多人都慕名前来观瞻。有一样美食阿卡包子就和这座寺庙有关系,阿卡是僧侣的意思,牛羊肉馅的包子做成蒸饺的样子,就是僧侣们爱吃的包子。在藏式餐厅,阿星还吃到青海特色美食炕锅羊排,高原山珍柳花菜,都的当地的美味。
    The Taer Monastery in Xining, Qinghai, is the holy place of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism. It is the place where the founder Zongkaba was born, and many people come here to watch. There is a delicacy, Aka buns, which is related to this temple. Aka means monks. Buns filled with beef and mutton are made into steamed dumplings, which are the buns that monks love to eat. In the Tibetan restaurant, Axing also eats the Qinghai specialty food Kang pot lamb, and the highland mountain willow flower, all of which are local delicacies.

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