The Mental Health System - A Call for Change | Nora Blum | TEDxZurich

  • čas přidán 18. 01. 2017
  • Nora shines a light on the realities of the mental healthcare system. She contrasts the medical treatment expectations for those in physical pain with those suffering from depression. Can we start to re-frame the perception of mental health needs, and their solutions? Nora’s experiences give us a positive affirmation.
    Nora is the founder and CEO of the startup Selfapy, an online psychotherapy program,which gives people suffering from mental illness the chance to get help immediately. Prior to founding Selfapy, Nora studied Psychology at the University of Cambridge. She worked in psychiatric hospitals, clinics and the company builder Rocket Internet. It is Nora’s goal to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness and eventually create a world in which people think differently about mental health.
    This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Komentáře • 86

  • @markr.houberg-lawton6543
    @markr.houberg-lawton6543 Před 5 lety +13

    Beautifully said, Thank you.
    Mental Illness is a long way from being an illness that doesn't involve shame, I am a psych nurse and I suffer with depression.
    I was ashamed when I was in the hospital. I felt embarrassment having my peers my co-workers, my friends care for me.
    Would I have been experiencing the same emotions if I was hospitalized for cancer? Certainly not, but depression is seen as a weakness more than an Illness, especially when you are the patient. I still fight even though I would prefer to die. I keep fighting, holding on another day, one more month, just another year... I am sure that a treatment will soon be made that will make me feel better. I'm sure. I just hope that when I finally feel like coming out in the light again that someone is there waiting for me. I hope that everyone I know hasn't abandoned me. I have just about used up all whom I know, they have given enough of themselves and some now hide.

  • @spartjovic
    @spartjovic Před 3 lety +18

    I feel like the mental health systems in most societies need to be expanded on, reformed, and have an increase in funding. It feels like it's a crisis being mishandled by a system in its early stages.

  • @destiny587
    @destiny587 Před 6 lety +15

    One of these days I plan to be apart of the change we need to have in the mental health system, care, and how we view it. It’s totally unfair and harmful in this state. Do you know how critical a “healthy” mental is??? And how many ppl are suffering or just being effect daily. I want to be in a position to help, make changes, and open eyes. Saddening bc our minds are the most powerful thing we have and we treat it like it does not matter. We put physical health higher in rank not knowing that mental and physical health go hand in hand. Everything is everything. I really gotta get started with changing these things.

  • @leemiller7627
    @leemiller7627 Před 5 lety +4

    I'm so happy you shared this. I am going through the exact same thing. Was shocked to find out that there is no help! Doesn't make sense. Only doing more harm for to the patient who is already suffering and us as a community! Well said! Thank you

  • @bella1975
    @bella1975 Před 7 lety +8

    Nora it is appalling how prices and the suffering is so difficult. we need advocacy for mental health. Thank you Nora

    • @katemoss5890
      @katemoss5890 Před 5 lety

      Advocates are just part of the system. Here in the US anyway.

  • @drumandBass193
    @drumandBass193 Před 7 lety +13

    Beautifully said, well done Nora Blum. I hope selfopy raises greater awareness in mental health. Meditate, moralise and be wise my friends

    • @renehenriksen1735
      @renehenriksen1735 Před 7 lety +4

      Many of those "doctors" aren´t anything else than those who just only made it at medical school. And now ordinary people who are too afraid to contradict them must suffer under their miserable treatment-terrorrregime. I say stop those idiots before it´s too late....

  • @artwoodson5451
    @artwoodson5451 Před rokem

    This is a big job and long long way to go ! Your speech is excellent. In a years time I met 7 people with mental health. Depression, Attempting suicide, mania, anxiety, ADHA, Parkinson and Alzheimer . This is really seriously globally. societies really needs to put effort forces this ILLNESS. as a 73 years old student hope I have time to join the team to serve.!

  • @Klainnso4L
    @Klainnso4L Před rokem +2

    They give you a pill, when all You needed was a caring human to speak with..

  • @Lacoux
    @Lacoux Před 4 lety +3

    The difference between a toothache and depression is that one can be easily resolved the other in some cases can never be. This is the toll the mental health system. For every unhealthy individual who really should be supported by their family / friends they have to saturate the healthcare system that does not have enough time/ people to help make up for the loss of community.

  • @method90
    @method90 Před 5 lety +2

    So krass Wort für Wort auswendig gelernt und wie in einem Theaterstück vorgetragen. Der Schmerz den ich beim Zuschauen empfinde ist sogar im fMRI erkennbar...

    • @dissdad8744
      @dissdad8744 Před 5 lety +1

      Stimmt, extrem theatralisch diese Performance. Sie promotet eigentlich nur ihr Startup, inszeniert sich aber so als wäre sie so eine Art Vorkämpferin für die Rechte psychisch Kranker. Richtig schamlos und unanständig!

  • @favourosibodu7399
    @favourosibodu7399 Před 2 lety +1

    “What do you people need to take mental health illness seriously?, What do you need to finally treat depression as a proper? - 4:42 - 4:50

  • @HughesIzuchukwuafropsych
    @HughesIzuchukwuafropsych Před 7 lety +2

    This fall in line with the World Health Organization (WHO) Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020. Hence Afropsych has embarked on Mental Health First Aid Training in Nigeria. This starts in Abuja at the Crystal Palace Hotel on 18-19 August 2017. I congratulate Nora Blum, and wish great success in her efforts to assist distressed people out there. A stitch in Time Saves Nine.

    • @nomsatakudzwa6347
      @nomsatakudzwa6347 Před 2 lety

      Good day. I am interested in knowing more about this mental health training

  • @Angiecbd
    @Angiecbd Před 2 lety +2

    I am watching this video for a class. Coincidentally, I am going through a mental crisis as I am learning about mental illness in my Public Health class. My husband says he wants a divorce. I told him that I have extreme anxiety, which leads to depression and I also have some form of ADHD (undiagnosed, but I believe I have the symptoms of ADHD), and I have some OCD. He doesn't care what my excuse is. For him its me me me. You push me away. You don't hold me...etc. I tell him that my anxiety gets to me, especially at night, and I get bad restless leg syndrome, so I sometimes get out of bed and don't go back because I don't want to wake him. I wish I could make him understand.

    • @eylul1751
      @eylul1751 Před rokem

      hi! i saw this really late but i genuinely hope that things worked out the way you wanted, while even anxiety is a big struggle itself i cannot imagine how it must feel like to deal with all those things. speacially when your sleep is affected. it honestly breaks my heart to see how cruel and selfish people can be even when we trust them the most. i really hope that you are doing better right now and wish you luck in your journey! please never forget that you are strong and enough

  • @healthshopplus1076
    @healthshopplus1076 Před 3 lety +1

    Excellent presentation, thank you

  • @fatimaausama4451
    @fatimaausama4451 Před 4 lety +3

    Thank you for speaking up and everything you've done💕💞

  • @YaBoiFavre
    @YaBoiFavre Před 3 lety +1

    Mental health is Health

  • @bella1975
    @bella1975 Před 7 lety +1

    Excellent talk

  • @kahlodiego5299
    @kahlodiego5299 Před 3 lety +1

    Living in a city with adequate public transportation so that I could get where I needed to go; work, self help programs activities with other people etc. When I had that I was able to get myself well because I could meet my needs. Lack of mobility and opportunity causes social isolation and that causes mental illness. We need to treat the causes of mental illness. USA doesn't care about that.

  • @habanerofire
    @habanerofire Před 2 lety

    It takes me forever to actually reach out for help. All the right things have to align. My mind comes and goes so I have to wait until it releases me so I can articulate just enough that I need help but you also have to know what help you need. When I do reach out, I feel like I am directed to always call someone else. I think back to the times I volunteered on crisis lines and people saying nobody cares. It sure feels like it when you get past off from person to person, agency to agency and still unable to get t help you need. Out system is fractured.

    • @habanerofire
      @habanerofire Před 2 lety

      I attempted to end my life about a year ago. I still am waiting to get help.

  • @sophieblee
    @sophieblee Před 6 lety +6

    "People run away from you" 😂😂😂😂 That's if you have it good. There's stigma, there's alienation, there's ignorance.

  • @ileanacosanzeana9486
    @ileanacosanzeana9486 Před rokem +1

    5 years later, still nothing happens

  • @favourosibodu7399
    @favourosibodu7399 Před 2 lety

    “It’s time to change, it’s time to change the way we think about mental illness, it’s time to change we treat mental illness - 5:58 - 6:07

  • @diegomoreno5927
    @diegomoreno5927 Před 2 lety

    Nowadays mental sanity is an actual skill.

  • @michaelgalvan1107
    @michaelgalvan1107 Před rokem

    when i get depressed, i feel sharp pain in my heart :/

  • @alexwashburn3002
    @alexwashburn3002 Před 3 lety +1

    Yeah and the change should be if a person is only a danger to themselves and they don't want the help. DO NOT FORCE THEM INTO A MENTAL HOSPITAL. ESPECIALLY TO SUFFER THE FORCED DRUGGING AND ABUSE AND ASSAULTS. LIKE TF

  • @stassignments9476
    @stassignments9476 Před rokem

    It is ethically astounding to think that Ms. Blum’s friend was denied care by doctor after doctor for over 5 months due to no one acknowledging that she had a mental illness. Could it be summed up to the idea that potentially the doctors didn’t know how to appropriately care for her illness, so they just sent her on her way? While doctors are not required to know how to treat every condition, they are ethically required to do more than send a person on their way in hopes of them finding someone who might know how to help. This is widely considered a “shot in the dark” for lack of a better description of these circumstances. This demonstrates a clear lack of professional competence given that there are many mental health resources available that a doctor could refer a person to. Also, given that mental health is now a widely accepted issue and affects arguably nearly everyone at some point in their life, practitioners have a now obligation to be competent in recognition and now treatment of mental health issues and disorders that are very common such as depression, anxiety, etc. Ms. Bloom is clearly advocating for the concept of ethical justice for her dear friend which did not receive mental healthcare in a timely manner that may have changed her life for the better if she was taken care of. Her next point that mental health is a largely neglected field in the world of healthcare is not surprising, but is very sad considering healthcare in general so highly values the principle of non-maleficence which essentially means to do no harm. Wherein the reality is is that not acknowledging mental illness, not learning how to recognize it, and not knowing how to treat it can do incredible amounts of harm to people that are experiencing mental illnesses. As she stated, over 600 milllion people in the world which is nearly 10% of the population struggle with this illness, so why isn’t it taken more seriously? Especially considering the economical impacts of mental illness which as Ms. Bloom states costs the world trillions of dollars each year. I’m not sure I agree that technology can be used to solve issues people have with depression and anxiety, however it could be used quite well in collaboration with doctor efforts and be a great asset to care. Online courses in particular ignore how ethical treatment must have respect for diversity wherein these types of courses are typically designed to work for everyone no matter what background they may have. This completely ignores bias, culture, and social justices.

  • @s8nlx661
    @s8nlx661 Před 4 lety +1

    ....5 months...sadly she was lucky. I was waiting almost a year and half just for a 1st appoint. Take a guess how many mental health doctors are in New Hampshire.....1. just 1 doctor. Soon to be 0. He has leukemia and can no longer help. I had 5 appointments to get in and each time my appointment was pushed back due to him being unable to make it because of his health and in 2 months is done. Theres not 1 person to replace him. So after waiting well over a year for a apointment. To then get it and told they're gone in 2 months and since they are that they don't feel comfortable to start any treatment since they are leaving and can't build a relationship to see what the best plan for treatment will be and can't just give info to another doctor and even if they did try to start medications it can take years for medication to take effect cus they have to start with the lowest dosage and gradually increase dosage. Which is no guarantee it works at all. So you can spend a year or two just to find out you need to start another one and do the same thing. So if I'm lucky, by the time I'm 90 I'll finally find a treatment that works for me.....
    If the depression itself wasn't bad enough. Pretty much being told theres no hope. I'm not rich and can just move somewhere else to find a doctor. I wish I never even bothered to go in cuz at least I thought there was some kind of hope. I don't wanna sound like a negative Nancy. But it is what it is. It's pretty crazy going to set up an appointment and originally was 3 months for the next available opening...there's that many People out there with mental health issues. What does that tell you

  • @phyllisgovia4253
    @phyllisgovia4253 Před 2 lety

    Just finding mental health care with Medicare is near impossible. You may have to travel two hours after waiting months. Insurance advantage plans sale insurance stating they have enough providers, but when investigated most are no longer contracted. I nearly lost my life over this mess.

  • @mallory5872
    @mallory5872 Před 6 lety +3


  • @midnightcat6116
    @midnightcat6116 Před 11 měsíci

    Sadly, after 6 years, things have changed. It’s gotten worse 😢

  • @les2150
    @les2150 Před rokem

    You are overlooking the physical symptoms creating the mental symptoms. Psychiatrists only see psychosomatic . They do not recognize somatopsychic-the reverse. I had a physical illness, pain, etc., creating depression and anxiety from which I had never suffered. I fixed the physical illness and that eliminated the depression and anxiety. I’m talking about mold toxicity, Lyme disease, and mast cell activation. We need fewer psychiatrists and more healers of the body. I speak from experience.

  • @linhngo7398
    @linhngo7398 Před rokem

    This system is terrible. Stop calling it mental health. Call it "I need to break to get my thoughts together and decide what's next". People don't need handholding...they need evolving and that's a very personal thing. Hearing Diagnosis, disorder or words that affirm why you can't do something doesn't help.

  • @raphaellavelasquez8144
    @raphaellavelasquez8144 Před 4 lety +7

    They'd just give her meds anyway. Feelings are no longer listened to. No understanding.

  • @enlightenedbeing4213
    @enlightenedbeing4213 Před 6 lety

    this is when you depend on everything on the government,

  • @contrafax
    @contrafax Před 7 lety

    She forgot those who commit suicide by mass murder.

    • @Yashtcm
      @Yashtcm Před 5 lety +1

      that's not suicide, that's homicide

  • @syklon3938
    @syklon3938 Před 2 lety +1

    Sadly this is an Ad, not a quality ted talk. I have wasted 6+ minutes so she explains that mental illness has long waiting lines, and Nora's solution is video therapy. It makes me sad this is what mental health is coming to.

  • @EnoYaka
    @EnoYaka Před 2 lety

    none of us care.. we like to be our own islands.. the field wont change we'll all die alone.. well mainly men.. but yeah there is no help for people at all. costs tons of money too. we're screwed. cbt or therapists and psychiatrists are treated as a cure all and if you say it doesn't work they blame you instead. it's abusive and traumatic, and is the reason why so many off themselves

  • @tomwaters5090
    @tomwaters5090 Před 3 lety

    Okay this talk would be excellent except for the fact that she's only talking about anxiety and depression like that's the entire list of mental illnesses it just ends with those two things it's like saying the only problems in medicine are cancer or aids there's no other medical problems except cancer in AIDS but that is not true. And one of the greatest diservices a lot of mainstream organizations do is only talk about anxiety and depression and not even hit on the other stuff like schizophrenia bipolar behavior problems and other issues like they're outside of the scope of Mental Health. And so it doesn't paint an accurate picture for somebody who is dealing with something other than those two things. It really upsets me when people only talk about those two things. they might be more common among more people but it's certainly not the end of mental health problems. If that was the case the DSM would not be as thick as it is and if you don't know what that is that's the diagnostic Bible that they use to figure what criteria a patient fits under So they know how to diagnose them.

  • @jasonloomes1186
    @jasonloomes1186 Před 3 lety +9

    This is idiotic to me, psychiatry ruined my life I wish i never saught help.

    • @kahlodiego5299
      @kahlodiego5299 Před 3 lety

      Living in a city where I had adequate transportation so that I could get around, get to self help programs and be with people is the only thing that got me well - not mental health treatment. Poverty and lack of opportunities leads to social isolation. Social isolation and hopelessness is what makes people mentally ill.

  • @dissdad8744
    @dissdad8744 Před 7 lety +11

    It's very *naive to think that she genuinely has the interests of mental health patients on her mind*. She is clearly *driven by her desire to establish herself in the startup scene* with her commercial venture. She is career-oriented and wants to gain status and money, rather than being patient-oriented. She's the kind of person who doesn't feel ashamed of using health issues as a vehicle to enrich herself, which is getting more common these days.
    She *uses emotions and her university credentials* to sell a product (Selfapy) and some naive fools are easily tricked by that, because they blindly trust anyone who holds a university degree from a renown institution.
    Isn't it obvious that *her overly emotional way of telling her narrative* is at least *dubious*, especially *when she ends up her presentation marketing her business venture*?

    • @dissdad8744
      @dissdad8744 Před 7 lety +1

      _Wow! Got trust issues eh? All the best to you_
      What makes you think so? Can you elaborate on your claim or did you just want to make unfounded statements that lack substance?
      You seem to be quite naive in your assumption. Making broad statements and ad hominem attacks, just because you fail to understand the business scheme behind her emotional presentation?
      Unlike you, I researched this young woman and her business scheme "Selfapy". Are you able to read German articles?
      There are multiple articles and interviews where she exposes herself as some kind of young career psychologist turned business woman who utilises her academic credentials in order to establish her startup venture. Psychology is the vehicle she uses, but her goal is running a profitable business and getting fame in the superficial world of the Berlin startup scene.
      You might want to do some research before making stupid attempts of belittling others who obviously have done a greater amount of research into the subject at hand!

    • @dissdad8744
      @dissdad8744 Před 7 lety +2

      This woman is a *business oriented* woman. She started a *mental health venture* in Germany by the name of *Selfapy*, where she tries to sell digital therapeutic interventions to the general public (not even specifically diagnosed people). She uses her academic credentials in order to make her business scheme look professional and legit.
      She previously worked as a manager in a leading startup venture (Foodora, leading food delivery app in Western Europe), right after she finished her studies in Psychology at the prestigious and expensive Cambridge University. Why would a person, who is a genuine advocate for the mentally disordered, work as a manager for a totally unrelated and clearly profit-oriented company, instead of actually going into a clinical or therapeutic setting to actually help people? Why is she opening a profit-oriented startup company, instead of helping people in an actual therapeutic setting?
      *You didn't make the research*. You just watched the video and allowed yourself to be manipulated, because *you are emotionally impulsive* and *susceptible to emotion-based manipulation*. You will probably deny this and continue to stay in your delusional, self-deceptive mode of thinking. But stop blaming others, who actually make time to do the proper research of having "trust issues"! That's not only audacious, but also show your alleviated state of delusion!

    • @speedsociety9177
      @speedsociety9177 Před 7 lety +1

      A lot of unfounded assumptions... If she was only after money and status, why would she take the enormous risk with founding her own startup which will most likely fail if we look at statistics. Maybe she just wants to try a different path to help people and be successful ? Who are you to judge before she has even accomplished anything ? Why would you talk somebody down like this without giving her a chance first ? You probably have no idea how much emotional and financial stress running a startup certainly is not the best way to make a lot of money, especially with the kind of University credentials that she has.

    • @dissdad8744
      @dissdad8744 Před 7 lety

      Wow, what kind of bias do you have going on here? First off: my assumptions are not "unfounded", because I made my research before commenting! Did you make your research or do you just want to opportunistically jump on the popular bandwagon here?
      Starting a startup business is not a risk or emotionally stressful, if one can rely on their rich parents and support from other rich kids who happen to be friends and successful startup founders. That's exactly the case with Nora. If you had taken the time to do the research, you would have found that her mother is a rich psychotherapist in Hamburg who owns her own private practice and who endorses her daughter's business. You would also have found that Nora has best connections to Foodora / Rocket Internet, the most important internet startup conglomerate in Germany. These people have also endorsed her.
      Maybe investigative scrutiny is not your strength, but I actually made the research. Check their Selfapy-Facebook page for a start and check who gave them a 5 star rating. Then check their profiles and google their names: most of these ratings are fake, they are written by colleagues and friends of the Selfapy founders, mostly people who are already established as startups (or former startups) such as the Foodora / Rocket Internet friends of Nora, with whom she worked before.
      I have my reasonable doubts that her premier interest is in helping patients. Otherwise she would have made the service affordable, instead of trying to sell it as a full-therapeutic intervention, when it's not, and ripping-off the customers and health insurance service providers in Germany!
      Don't try to discredit my arguments, when you failed to do the research! That's pathetic! Do your research and then come to your conclusions. This TedX Video is essentially a promotion stunt for her startup, but you are to naive and unknowledgable to realize this!

    • @speedsociety9177
      @speedsociety9177 Před 7 lety

      Fine, I was actually trying to be open and neutral towards your self righteous ways of judging about the live of a person you don't know, but how you talk down peoples intellect or ability to reason here and put yourself above all else is disgusting. Let's talk about your holy research mission, as you call it. So you have checked her Linkedin, Facebook and googled a couple of names ? Brilliant, you seem to be a next level scientific researcher to be able to scoop up this information. I read an article about her in a german magazine and saw her Linkedin and checked what Selfapy is doing, so my "research" is not nearly as pathetic as you would want to see it.
      She has wealthy parents ? Wow, seriously ? Who would have guessed with Studies in one of the worlds top Universities. I guess nowadays a top notch eduaction is already frowned upon and you are immediatly labeled a soulless capitalist. Do you really think there is only one way to provide value to society in the field of Psychology ? Do you think running a business, which needs to make a profit per definition i agree with you, is always just a product of the greed of its founders ? If you believe that, your world view is quite narrow. A lot of founders want to pursue their passion in a way that they think is right and might be risky and even when you have the best connections and safety net, it's still nowhere near an instant success. Rocket Internet is the right place to learn how to run your own company, so it makes sense that she did this if she had the goal to pursue her own ideas at some point. It is absolutely not a ticket to success and much less to incredible riches though, let me tell you that.
      In the end it might all be true what you say, but those are just assumptions and we should give her a chance. I agree that the way Selfapy is setup lends to the american way of capitalizing on healthcare, BUT I believe this can still add value and help people that maybe otherwise would not consider getting help, which is a big issue in Psychology. It's not that alternatives do not exist, people try different things. Not guilty until proven otherwise, or "Unschuldsvermutung" as we call it in german applies here too. You are trying hard to criminalize and stigmatize her actions and damage her public image based on what exactly ? Assumptions, conspiracy theories. TED in itself is an event that is heavily utilized to get publicity for certain interests and there have been countless entrepreneurs before her that had an agenda in addition to just giving an interesting talk, you just have to accept that fact. You come off as jealous and bitter, maybe because you did not get that precious spot at Cambridge, i don't know. I didn't want to go to the personal level, but you are really asking for it.