ADC Buffs are a MISTAKE

  • čas přidán 12. 05. 2024
  • Patch 14.10 is a bandaid of giving adcs buffs with more dmg without fixing why adcs feel so and to play. Botlane is going to be so broken and adcs aren't going to feel any better for mains.
    #leagueoflegends #lolesports #riotgames
  • Hry

Komentáře • 162

  • @GallicNine
    @GallicNine Před 16 dny +6

    In solo q, adc not only requires you to play with better macro and positioning than your opponents but as soon as something goes wrong, like a fed assassin, bad team comp, your peel died, your peel isn’t peeling, you had a bad laning phase, literally anything goes wrong in the game, the adc indisputably suffers the most in the exchange. And most of it centers around the addition of agility and ridiculous base damage to everyone champion in the game. Assassins have no role in the game anymore cause tanks can kill anyone now and mages can oneshot everyone 😂.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 16 dny +1

      100% on the if something goes wrong point adcs need every single aspect to go right to be activated

    • @Antixandros
      @Antixandros Před 8 dny

      What is the macro you have to worry about as adc before 15 mins. I'm genuinely curious.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 8 dny

      @@Antixandros you have to remember to walk bot

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 8 dny +1

      @@Antixandros but I think its more post laning he's talking about, first 15 mins adc does nothing

    • @Antixandros
      @Antixandros Před 6 dny

      @@Rewleague lmao :P

  • @yurackjung9321
    @yurackjung9321 Před 16 dny +3

    well i was a fed lethality aatrox with deaths dance and steraks while enemy caitlyn was almost as fed as me but 1 item less and her hs were doing 1.2k dmg per shot and she ults me for 1.4k. so idrk what to do. it just feels like i either one shot or get one shotted every single game now bruisers are completely useless

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 16 dny +2

      think a lot of classes feel like that

    • @bencesipos1142
      @bencesipos1142 Před 16 dny +1

      Every class feels like that, even tanks, thats the most fumny part of that.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 15 dny +2

      Might make a follow up because we killed an ornn 42 mins into a game in less than 2 seconds which is crazy to me

  • @phyrtiv
    @phyrtiv Před 17 dny +3

    Buff oneshot adcs and remove lethal tempo atk speed and anti tank adc items LOL GOOD JOB RIOT
    What we just needed was old lethal (un-nerfed lethal tempo for ranged) and anti one shot items with crit and atk speed for adcs (ranged) (these items would be nerfed for melee just like lethal tempo should have always been)
    Because adcs role is just to d1e oneshot to anything, and if it is a rengar u cant even play the game
    Riot phreak is a massive joke i never h8ed someone so hard without even knowing them personally not even the moustache man
    And the ranged item abusers like irelia Yone and yasuo are the real problem and should be nerfed, a whole class having to suffer because of windsh1tters it's insane
    I don't even play ADCs (twitch Ashe and Draven) to win anymore I'll just go APC and it does the same but better with peel CC and survivability with defensive AP items, like veigar brand xerath Lux seraphine
    Really good video. The new adcs are everything but adcs specificly bruisers, assassins, tanks and mages

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 17 dny

      cheers bro, if I make a follow up im 100% including this, I really dont know why they balance those melee champs with adc items. The renagr bit is spot on aswell 10/0 draven? rengar ult dead but dont worry, youre trolling! by shieldbow to do 0 dmg lose your dmg lead and still get oneshot cause the shield is like 200hp till level 18! Ironically if I was level 18 with shieldbow that level 13 nunu would still oneshot me ahaha

  • @tvlyt444
    @tvlyt444 Před 13 dny +1

    Adc always were bad early , but before season 7 they used to dominate late game. The problem is the level disparity, the tank dmg items (heartsteel was retarded bro, i abused it myself) and the new champs with awful design,feels like they were designed by a kid that doesnt like losing even when he plays bad. (Zero counterplay, overloaded kit). Sorry buddy, when you miss your skillshot and your opponent hits his … you should actually lose. This,is why league is a shitgame. In snooker, soccer, rugby, you miss , you lose.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 13 dny

      ah i started season 8 so missed out on ADC glory days but yeah so many champs can miss and still will its crazy

  • @Itchy__
    @Itchy__ Před 6 dny +1

    The point about APC/full AP supports only needing to hit one full combo to beat an ADC no matter how far ahead the ADC is, is a big part of why the role feels frustrating for me. Also poking supports like vel'koz are also annoying. Even tho his q is releatvely easy to dodge, if he lands one of them after 1 item he takes 15-20% of your hp.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 6 dny

      yeah poke supports are just too punishing also pls change your profile picutre its too sad ahah

    • @Itchy__
      @Itchy__ Před 5 dny

      @@Rewleague Haha, she was my fav tho

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 5 dny


    • @einjharrelraca
      @einjharrelraca Před 23 hodinami

      I feel the same. No other role gets punished with INSTANT death for 1 mistake that they don't even have to be the one to make, while fighting an inting target.

  • @jormungandr4690
    @jormungandr4690 Před 16 dny +1

    The good thing about it if you are ahead as botlaner now you will have more xp and dmg to atleast fight back a bit. Before that you were a cannon minion because you were always 3 lvls down

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 16 dny

      played a few today and the levels were definitely noticable

  • @alexandrul.9910
    @alexandrul.9910 Před 16 dny

    I think its to early to say, they removed a damage from atack speed items and added more power into ie, overall it will be more dps, but burst will be lower. From what i;ve seen from the patchnotes they removed damage from all the roles , and also remove health from tank items. We will see how the meta is after a week or two.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 16 dny

      yeah have to wait, but they've removed attack speed but put 60% into pd so really will have to just give it some time i guess.

  • @alperaksoy1062
    @alperaksoy1062 Před 17 dny +6

    There is a huge issue with league going on for ages now and no one from riot team really talks about is mentioned in this video. What makes adc players say adc is the most disgusting role and still almost every role's player base thinks the same for their role is that the class and role identity is really dissappeared nowadays. There is a cliche in video games for assassins, infantry and archers; they all counter one other troop type and gets countered by another troop type. Archers are good against infantry they can melt infantry lines before they can even get to them, infantries are good against assassins because they are generally very heavy armored and good in close combat and finally assassins are good against archers because they can sneak to archer lines and once they manage to come close they can destroy archers in melee combat. A very similiar logic was applied to adc's, tanks, and assassins in league years ago but that balance disappeared throughout the years. Adc's are supposed to melt enemy tanks like any other class does, tanks should have destroy assassins because in an equal assassin-tank duel the assassin should never ever have the damage to kill the tank and finally asssassins should destroy adc's with their bursts. But nowadays tanks have by far the most damage in the game when talking with pure numbers. Most tanks have really good base damages in their kits to be able to lane and like mentioned in the video almost every single tank item grants you a shit ton of damage. You can stay in fight for 50 sec because you are a tank and deal 100 magic damage in every second to everyone around you, if they hit you they get damage scaling with your armor, your mobility item deals damage and slows enemies when you hit, your sustain item literally gives you unavoidable damage on time to everyone in a pretty decent distance around you. There are other things like red buff, red smite, elder buff, infernal or hextech souls. Many tanks like Mundo, ChoGath, Sejuani, Malphite, Rammus are all have damage sources that scales with their defensive stats. And besides all of their tankyness and damage they also have a shit ton of utility tools that almost every adc doesn't have a single one. Sorry to say this but an equal skill and ingame level, equal gold adc and tank duel should always have to go favorable to the adc, that is literally the only thing that an adc offers. Game clearity is so bad, everyone one shots everything in an instance, what is the importance of the adc at this situation? But the solution to this is definitely not increasing the damage of adc's. Because the problem is not the damage or the tankyness of adc's. Problem is the damage of other classes. I have seen 1000+ evelynns which wipes out fed sions from time and space in an instance and also seen many Sions which dealt 60+ k damage in a 35min game. Every role is definitely needs some work but what makes adc is so frustrating is that the class in an extremely task-spesific class. It makes you so mad that the only single thing that you can do in a game as an adc is being done by every other class most of the times better than you. The solution is quite simple actually: Give adc's valid defensive options but BE SURE that they make them deal noticibly less damage. Decrease tank damage to champions very much like %60-70, they can keep the minion damage of the sunfire or turret damage from the demolition(?) to they can still be able to lane. Assassins damage should be squezed into very short time periods any assassin must not have valid dps. APC mages like Cassiopeia, Viktor, Ryze are the ap versions of adc's but they still need to deal a little less damage overall than adc's because most of them still provides utility for their team. Artilery mages are ap versions of something between assassins and adc's. They should deal mid amount of damage both in dps and burst because they have utility and range in their kit. Classic supports must deal way less damage than any other class in any state of the game. Carry, supports like Lux, Xerath, Senna should deal %80-90 of their maincarry because they have access to less gold. Fighters are in somewhere between tanks and adc's. Of course many of the details i mentioned can be adjusted by a better player but what i am trying to say is what a role or class can do and can't do should be extremely clear for a healthy game. Assassins shouldn't be this tank but still be able to oneshot a carry which's even with him, an adc must deal more damage than everyone in an ideal scenerio etc etc.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 17 dny

      Comment might be longer than the video ahahah but spot ok about the assassins counter archers who counter tanks etc the no identity is a massive issue

    • @alperaksoy1062
      @alperaksoy1062 Před 17 dny

      @@Rewleague i was waiting to comment this for ages sorry that i took you this long lol

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 17 dny

      @@alperaksoy1062 nah not at all i enjoyed reading it and agree with it. Like i said at the start i made the video because I genuinely enjoy talking about it. I can’t believe no one is talking about tank items all giving dmg

    • @torahama362
      @torahama362 Před 16 dny +3

      That's a whole lot of words to just say league has a dmg creep problem.

    • @KpopChickenn
      @KpopChickenn Před 16 dny +1

      bronze yapper spotted

  • @user-kd9mt6tt6c
    @user-kd9mt6tt6c Před 4 dny

    the new issue adcs have is that they have to buy to buy 2-3 rabadon to begin playing imo

  • @gravedigger2835
    @gravedigger2835 Před 17 dny +13

    Nunu has high AP damage, malphite as well. You walked blind into the jg and got popped by nunu, malphite you saw and walked up to when you didn't have flash. Both of these looked like positional issues where you are not playing around your team. Riot gave said they want adc to be a glass cannon, it's on the adc to play from a safe spot and the team to try and keep them alive. The core issue isn't adc is bad, it's people play for themselves and adc can't.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 17 dny +3

      you're 100% right both are positional issues and my bad should of got better clips. Was trying to make the point of theres just so much threat to an adc with the dmg in the games is so had to play, the nunu ult ina teamfight is so easy to dodge, malphite ult is a lot harder to dodge mid teamfight and with one AP item then full tank is going to completely take me out the fight. I just dont know if glass cannons work in soloQ and adding more dmg doesnt really help anyone.

    • @gravedigger2835
      @gravedigger2835 Před 17 dny +2

      @@Rewleague you are probably correct, it isn't great for "solo que" and that's because solo que sucks and isn't how this game should be played. It just happens to be the most popular and pushed way to play by the community and by riot. When the game is being played correctly, adc is the strongest role as the team should be playing correctly around it. But that doesn't happen outside or pro, amateur play. Even in flex and clash it's hard but at least it's closer to how the game is supposed to be played.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 17 dny +1

      Gotta agree. I’ve played a lot of clash and never thought adc was weak in it.Its so much fun in clash, most fun ive ever had in league legit able to carry games. Then soloq is just unplayable.

    • @_xMiru_
      @_xMiru_ Před 13 dny

      Don't matter where an ADC is as a kata main you're dead in 0.5sec anyway.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 11 dny

      Ive just started playing kata on 14.10 and ngl she feels ass

  • @lastchannel100
    @lastchannel100 Před 17 dny +1

    I been playing adc for 10 years and with this changes, im tired, im just gonna switch to toplane

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 17 dny

      Respect that, who you going to main?

    • @lastchannel100
      @lastchannel100 Před 17 dny

      @@Rewleague probably Irelia or Gwen, i can't stop playing auto attack champs 😂

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 17 dny +1

      @lastchannel100 thats my problem love adcs hate the role 🤣🤣 ive played both a fair bit and i think gwen is more fun but irelia does have insane moments

    • @ravenoushydra7948
      @ravenoushydra7948 Před 5 dny

      Same except im playing vayne top now. Hope to ruin as many games as possible if riot doesnt fix the game.

  • @prod.cardbored
    @prod.cardbored Před 16 dny

    i respect how smooth you asked us to sub, hope you keep making good videos!

  • @stealthgamer4620
    @stealthgamer4620 Před 17 dny

    Gotcha yourself a new sub! Remember your 19th subscriber!

  • @shadowd9810
    @shadowd9810 Před 16 dny

    worst part is that even tho adc will still be a horrible team-reliant role, because of the increase in dmg for example a top laner will have an even harder time carrying vs a fed adc (also because of the delayed adc powerspikes the behind adc will be even more useless than before)
    overall this is a very bad change for the game and I hope riot realises that and does durability patch 2.0 or something like that
    also the problem with champs oneshotting adcs when they shouldn't is the main issue of soloq
    if tanks don't have enough damage to oneshot adcs then they cant solocarry in soloq and they will have 0% pickrate which will lead to everyone picking damage champs and building full damage to the point that they make the game unplayable for adcs yet again
    basically no matter what, if a champ cant oneshot a squishy champ then that champ will not be played in soloq because of 0 1v9 potential
    only 2 fixes come to mind: either removing adcs from the or doubling the duration of fights even if everyone built full damage and no defensive

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 16 dny

      Its a tough thing to get right. I think doubling the duration of fights is the way. I know tanks need so dmg but ifeel like they need somethign else like playmaking potential rather than dmg its just not what the role is meant for

  • @ravenoushydra7948
    @ravenoushydra7948 Před 5 dny

    how can we even fix league at this point? every season is worse and worse

  • @fatesow
    @fatesow Před 3 dny

    bot lane is about having the better support

  • @gagecoutch3284
    @gagecoutch3284 Před 14 dny

    Riot has no vision for what the game should be

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 13 dny

      Think is is a great point, they never actually say what they want the game to be

    • @gagecoutch3284
      @gagecoutch3284 Před 13 dny

      @@Rewleague every change made is artificial freshness its sad counter play should be the top priority

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 11 dny

      for sure they used to talk about champs and items being fun to play against but thats long gone

  • @sleepyshinra6612
    @sleepyshinra6612 Před 16 dny

    while everyone build damage, adc go full tank mode like tank kogmaw with wit end and raduinn 😂

  • @turretop5675
    @turretop5675 Před 17 dny

    The problem with adcs feeling weak mostly come from 4 factors imo.
    1 - Base dmg is too high, which makes tanks and support feel extremely strong for the majority of the game.
    2 - Mobility has drastically increased over league's lifespan, making it very easy to gap close to an adc as an assassin, fighter, tank, etc. To counter that, supports that can peel become extremely valuable (disengage supports), for exemple lulu, janna, which is also why they are considered elo inflating supports due to how easy it is to have high impact on the game. The ADC role though, just becomes too reliant on them, to a point where it can feel unplayable without one.
    3 - New map layout, jungle xp, jungle sustain, etc. Essentially jungle. It is now super easy to gank as a jungle with the map changes and the many ways to get in a lane. Also, with how much gold and xp a camp gives and how quickly they are to farm, it is common for junglers to very quickly clear camps and hover a lane for up to a few minutes, making it unplayable for the other team if it isn't for jg help. Then there is jg sustain. Back in S5 and earlier, you had to chose between ganking and farming, as a lot of junglers didnt have enough sustain to clear the jg and stay healthy and full on mana, which means you couldnt just mindlessly move around and spam ganks over and over again.
    4 - Platings, objectives, gold income and minions value (mostly cannon). There's been a huge increase on resources gathering and objectives available to close a game that were not there before. Minions give more gold, platings exist, shutdowns are solo gold, t2 give an insane amount of gold, first blood towers, dragons, baron minions, etc. The games are often over quickly, before you can even spike as adc, which is very item dependent. A lot of games feel like they are over before you even had time to play it. All these factors just make the role feel shit to play, because it relies too much on teammates. Dont get me wrong, you still have an impact on the game and will climb eventually, but compared to the other roles, it doesnt feel as impactful.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 17 dny

      kinda crazy how 90% of issues in this game boil down to 'too much dmg in the game' also completely forgot shortered game lenghts mean adcs get to full build way less often than before

  • @iOnlySay
    @iOnlySay Před 12 dny

    apheleos did 12k dmg to me in 20sec

  • @nickkek2660
    @nickkek2660 Před 6 dny

    aphelios walking into a fully channeled ap nunu ult? of course he's dying immediately. this has nothing to do with current game balance, just a really bad play to run into the enemy jungle blind while playing a squishy and immobile ranged champ.
    and that malphite kill, bad decision making again. flashless aphelios on one and a half items trying to side lane alone at 20 minutes while the rest of his team is on the other side of the map? that's just a free kill waiting to happen, the majority of solo lane and jungle champs will murder him in that position. most will do it faster than that malphite with his weird hybrid ap build, too.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 6 dny

      I say they were bad examples and have in other comments but thanks for the input

  • @MrJeepiez
    @MrJeepiez Před 17 dny +3

    What a moan honestly. Ask yourself, if ADC is useles, why is it being played still. Why isn't people playing other stuff botlane ;)

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 17 dny +2

      mages have and have had a higher winrate in bot for several seasons x

    • @jormungandr4690
      @jormungandr4690 Před 16 dny

      Because people arent bronze like you. 1) Mages have good winrates bot 2)mages are strong, so if a mage is picked bot and a tank is picked top YOU CANT pick a mage bot. Now you just have 1 type of dmg

    • @vx22222
      @vx22222 Před 16 dny

      people do play mages bot lane and they are very strong but they are boring so its low pickrate. same with support role its completely busted and riot continues to buff it but people still dont want to play the most boring no skill role in the game

    • @MrJeepiez
      @MrJeepiez Před 16 dny

      @@Rewleague you are right, but why is there not a complete meta shift to APC bot instead of ADC?
      It is because high consistent dps is the backbone of every team in taking objectives, neutral objectives and winning team fights. Sure it is difficult to pilot i some of the scenarios, but it is still super important to have on your team

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 16 dny

      @@MrJeepiez all irrelevant to the problems adcs have I never said they don't do the most dmg. I said how often is an adc being able to get the dmg off. I think if they added a role whos only job was 'dmg baron and drake' it would be the worst role ever created

  • @levsque3601
    @levsque3601 Před 15 dny

    Was gonna write a whole paragraph but to make a long story short you are gonna get hit by the realization that ADCs getting a bunch of marksman specific items will allow them to inherit the earth.
    Also my brother in christ that Nunu had Pen boots, stormsurge pen, and 325 built AP all while using his stationary 3 second charge up ult that is supposed to one shot you, what else is supposed to happen?
    ALSO the Shieldbow/Bloodthirster nerfs were because nobody wanted to build it botlane, but midlaners/junglers/toplaners were picking the item up more than they should for their champ. Yone getting an 800 hp shield after diving in is insane.
    Even more also APHELIOS IS THE ONLY CHAMPION IN THE ENTIRE BOTLANE THAT TOOK OVERHEAL. 99.999% of all champions that looked at that rune realized they were gonna get almost no time to stack it dropped it. That rune was trash and the replacement actually does something for most adcs now.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 15 dny

      Fair comments, I really don’t adcs shoudlnt get items because of yasuo yone just make them ranged only items its kinda crazy theyve never done that. Shieldbow is still in the game its just dogshit because they did bloodthirter shieldbow overheal when an adc had all 3 the adc was unkillable. So instead of of nerfing it they gutted it within 4 patches. Not even enough time for adcs to even adapt to it. Im pretty sure shieldbow was a mythic aswell so shieldbow over ie or krakan is such a loss of dmg theres no point having a shield to survive. I think shieldbow was/ is a really bad buy and its used against adcs like ‘they dont want to build defensive’ which isnt the case

  • @kingbeckard
    @kingbeckard Před 16 dny

    i feel like this was such a half assed solution to the overall problem. ADC weak? more damage!! and yes you can now get 100% crit with only 4 items. Whats the 5th gonna be? Bloodthirster? Thats the same build as before. GA? Same build as before. Jaksho? Sure you wont get oneshot but you also will have to sacrifice a slot that would normally be used for damage and then do significantly less. I dont feel like adcs are weak right now, theres just too many factors that are out of your control. Bad support? Unlucky you lose lane and wont do damage. Enemy jungle is better? Unlucky you lose lane and wont do damage. Enemy mid is an assasin who gets to roam? Unlucky you get oneshot under tower and lose lane. Giving adcs more damage and early damage will not fix the overall problems with the role i feel. The main problems are that theres no items or runes or anything really that allows an adc to have that much agency and there is so little counterplay to a fed burst mage or assasin. They dont need to add more damage to the game. They need to do the exact opposite

  • @spymaster3366
    @spymaster3366 Před 16 dny

    all riot did was buff the players who play adc in top or mid

  • @rafa-ariel.9487
    @rafa-ariel.9487 Před 13 dny

    tank is a new adc role for sure -_-

  • @ProSharpshooter
    @ProSharpshooter Před 16 dny

    We have a better chance of Riot reworking all ADCs to have self peel or valid escape options outside of jUsT bUiLd ZhOnYa'S than we ever do of them nerfing damage across the board.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 16 dny

      true, its such a simple change aswell its so frustrating

  • @michalhusar5028
    @michalhusar5028 Před 16 dny +2

    oh no the team reliant glass cannon role is reliant on their team and squishy, like yeah it's frustrating to play when your team sucks but crying about trying to 1v1 a malphite and walking into a full charged nunu ult doesn't show the actual issue with the role

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 16 dny

      I did say the clips were my bad wasn't saying I was playing it correctly. Trying to 1v1 is a bit of a stretch, the point was in a teamfight he kills and adc in 1.5 seconds. And ofc its dodgeable but we arent all robots and theres other things to dodge in a fight

  • @Trolulu
    @Trolulu Před 13 dny +2

    ADCs shouldn't have survivability. The survivability as ADC is the skill of the role (in late game). If you could just walk into the entire enemy team while DPSing them and not have to worry then the role would have 0 skill expression.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 11 dny

      that works in the top 1% of games but what about the other 99% of adcs not in 'high elo'. I dont think anyone is saying adcs should frontline a teamfight are they?

    • @Trolulu
      @Trolulu Před 11 dny

      @Rewleague then the 99% should strive to improve. If you are always the ADC out of the 2 that is playing the game good, you will win more and reach the 1%.
      Imagine I'm unable to throw a Frisbee properly, do you recommend I learn how to throw a Frisbee or do you complain about how Frisbees are designed?

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 11 dny

      @@Trolulu everyone can throw a frisbee but cant you be top 1% of millions of people at it? And if you cant someone should just come and punch you in the face everytime you try to throw a frisbee

    • @Trolulu
      @Trolulu Před 11 dny

      ​@@Rewleague I'm going to drop the frisbee metaphor because it's odd to keep up in a longer conversation which I didn't expect this to be.
      99% of people who play this game put 0 effort into actually learning/getting good at it. If you put in some effort to get good (and don't have a learning disability/other limiting factor) then you will find it's actually quite easy to be in the top 1%, just time consuming.
      You don't get metaphorically punched in the face when you lose a game of league; you just feel bad because you failed which is pretty comparable to any skill you're learning.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 11 dny

      @@Trolulu what rank are you?

  • @valentin4458
    @valentin4458 Před 17 dny +1

    bro when the max ap cap you can reach without drakes is 850-900~ but the max ad u can reach without drakes is 450-530~ and you still complain.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 17 dny +3

      I dont get the point?

    • @valentin4458
      @valentin4458 Před 15 dny

      @@Rewleague the thing is adcs are not broken they are assasin's food there is literally no point in hating the adc item buffs

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 15 dny

      Im not hating on the buffs im saying other classes need nerfs. i think we both kinda agree on adc. Also the reason ap is 900 and ad is 450 is because you auto attack 5x faster and crit ad for double dmg. If adcs had 900 ad it would be fucking insaaaaane

  • @Wardelicious
    @Wardelicious Před 18 dny +2

    Until supports get nerf bot is always going to be 90% support 10% adc

    • @xddxxdxdxd
      @xddxxdxdxd Před 18 dny +1

      wrong, maybe in ur low elo

    • @Wardelicious
      @Wardelicious Před 18 dny

      @@xddxxdxdxdis this the part where if you stent top 1% your low elo and dont deserve to play the game

    • @olafhund7673
      @olafhund7673 Před 17 dny

      @@xddxxdxdxd are you rtarded ?XD the higher the elo goes, the more impact the support has not vice versa

    • @alexandrul.9910
      @alexandrul.9910 Před 16 dny

      @@xddxxdxdxd early bot gameplay is all about the support, adc has the simple role of wave management, in low elos adc dont know how to do that so they matter more, above diamond most adc learn wave management , so its in the support hands to create imbalances. Anyhow support has 90% agency in bot 2vs2.

  • @VideosSobreHabbo
    @VideosSobreHabbo Před 17 dny +1

    well finishe the video here, and bro honestly you should just play another role, you just don't seem to enjoy playing in ADC style. Go play toplane or midlane with the champions you consider the most broken, or even support. You are basically complaining about a role that is meant to not be able to self-peel, meant to play together with your teammates, and also meant to do a TON of damage, which they DO, but you need to play them correctly, especially on the early game, so you can get to your items and carry the game. Remember, ADCs have a dedicated support for a reason: they are meant to be ahead on items. If you are playing adc and you are not ahead in items compared to the tanks on your team/opposite team, its just impossible to win, but you SHOULD NOT be behind on items against tanks, because your role is to farm as much as you can, get gold get items and then carry the game.
    What is funny to me is that you just don't consider the fact that if you pick a tank toplane and get counterpicked, e.g. darius, you don't farm a single minion for 6 minutes if your jungler does not help, also that azir is a complete piece of shit until he gets 3 items, and that assassins are much more effective than tanks / bruisers in killing backline not because they "do more damage", but because they have tools to get to the backline in the first place. I mean, if a GAREN is melting your backline something is really wrong with your team, you can't blame the game for it. ADC is broken and will probably be broken forever, is a balance nightmare for riot, because they cannot balance the champions around low-elos, because otherwise high elo players will just shit on everyone using the same champions. Maybe if riot make something like "elo-balancing", like some patch note changes are applied only if you are behind a certain rank...

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 17 dny

      I think we actually agree on a lot from your comments but thanks for the long comment shows your invested. I'm emerald on cradphmor#euw wardelicious is my friends and 100 champs a season account. We both agree in high elo and pro adc is fine but maybe disagree that just because its good for 3% of the playerbase the role should be bad for the other 97% player base. The bit about me inting I do say ignore the clips its bad by me the point was the dmg in the game and the bit where every tank item has a dmg passive is pretty crazy. Toplane kinda irrelevant just because top counterpick is brutal 'i agree' that doesn't mean adc cant feel bad aswell. Azir is trash until 3 items maybe but so are adcs and he has so much more in his kit. Its soloQ a garden can flash ult an adc its literally happened in pro play to a kallista, if feel like all your points are 100% right if the game was played perfectly by robots but it isn't. The point of the video is kinda what you ended with is the role is broken and I don't think any of these changes help adc players feel less frustrated. I couldn't see you mention it but do you not think supports are too strong and have too much impact compared to adc?

    • @VideosSobreHabbo
      @VideosSobreHabbo Před 17 dny +1

      @@Rewleague Yeah I agree, most of the playerbase hates adc role, but I don't think it is possible for riot to solve this problem without basically killing the role itself. Its the downside of having too much damage, you have to be vulnerable, and when people with low skill are vulnerable, they feel like they can't do anything. About supports, I do think they have a lot of impact, but also think that this is the purpose of the role. The adcarry is a piece of shit early game, and the support already have a lot of CC, slow, even damage, bc they need to work without many resources. As an ADC main, I learned that we need to just accept this, because over time you will be much more impactful than the support in the game. However, I also think the support roaming and leaving you alone for the rest of the game *can* work, but most of the times is a shit decision because the adc is very powerful if he has the resources. So whenever it occurs, we have to deal with it, won't happen every game, but trolls are inevitable, you know?
      The point I am trying to make here is that like, your vision of the adcarry role is biased by the players you play with or against, and honestly there are no really good adcarrys until something like diamond 2. You either need to be absurdly good mechanically or have a insane amount of game knowledge to be able to perform adcarry in a decent way. I am finishing the season diamond 2 but I almost (crying from the inside, lost with 90lp) hit masters, and the difference you see in the adcarry quality is insane, I dont even consider myself a decent adcarry, because I lack so much mechanically compared to the guys I face in the games (I am a ezreal one-trick so this also makes it a bit more difficult). The most important difference is that high elo adcs know how to keep their leads and snowball the game from it. So you would likely not get to the point of getting solo`d by a malphite, because you would not put yourself in this position in the first place.
      Finishing the point about supports, I do think they are omega OP for solo queue, because since they do not need much resources, they can help the whole team anywhere on the map while you need to be lane-locked farming for 10 minutes. But it will always be like that, jungle is also broken for soloq for ages, and there is not a way to fix this unfortunately. We have to deal with the fact that ADC is a bad role to climb (however there are worse ones, like top lane), but it is surely possible, you just have to adapt your playstyle to what its expected from the role. Of course you gonna get trolled some games, maybe your support leaved you in lane and perma roamed, maybe he played so badly, maybe jungle diff, but I can guarantee to you that even with all this problems, you can keep a 55-60% winrate playing as adcarry, and this is enough to climb to whatever rank you want. I think people focus too much on the bad games that they even forget the good ones and the even ones.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 17 dny

      @@VideosSobreHabbo I really think adc in SoloQ wont work without a drastic rework but then like you said in d2+ the role is good and people play for it. It would never happen but that elo patch you mentioned would be worth trying. It would not happen but honestly if you made a smurf and played in emerald and below and imagine you had the skill of a gold player the role sucks so much. Even at my skill level clash is so much fun as an adc because your team plays for you. The role itself is fun and in co ordinated teams no matter the rank is fun but soloQ man is just disguting

    • @VideosSobreHabbo
      @VideosSobreHabbo Před 17 dny +1

      @@Rewleague I mean one thing you can do to improve your fun on soloq is always play duo botlane. For me, 99% of my stress in soloq comes from lack of sinergy with my support. Even if your team is hard inting, if you are duoq with some friend things get less stressful. I once find a good support and duoqueued for a couple games, it was a completely different league experience, even the games we lost we were smashing laning phase, and also voicechatting so it is way less stressful to lose

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 17 dny

      @@VideosSobreHabbo My support friend has just got back from holiday and its so much better duo. The low elo stress is you pick draven and you lux just stands 10feet behind you. I literally only tried adc again to warm up for the patch tomorrow but unless it drastically changes adc cant see myself ever playing the role without a duo

  • @metalmokus
    @metalmokus Před 16 dny

    Quit league join dota more balanced and you will have fun learning new things. i play league because my friends, but Dota made me feel what i felt in 2013 when i started LOL

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 16 dny

      too much time in league to learning another moba at this point

    • @metalmokus
      @metalmokus Před 15 dny

      @@Rewleague as i said i started league in 2013 i played the original DOTA in warcraft 3 before LoL so i had some knowladge, But it's really refreshing to learn something new

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 14 dny

      its a good point tbf might have to have a look into it

    • @ravenoushydra7948
      @ravenoushydra7948 Před 5 dny

      This might sound stupid but I will never get into dota simply because of the turncap. I'm just too addicted to snappy aim. Otherwise I'd really give it a try

  • @boldisordorin9010
    @boldisordorin9010 Před 17 dny

    They DID add defensive for adc, they added a lot of movement speed to adc so adcs can kite and dodge damage, what else did you want? To give hp armor and mr to adcs? That's stupid. If adc were tanky then they would be mega op when they get peel. And nunu and willump ult is literally the most damaging ability in the game at the exchange of being hard to land, you got hit by fully charged n&w ult who is building damage. I agreed that i don't like when team is full of carries these days but they did nerf damage and coins in supp like 2 patches ago so i see a lot more normal supports now, top usually doesn't do huge damage and is frontline, mid and adc do damage and jg can be anything from tank to assasin

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 17 dny +1

      If you watch the video it will answer this comment. Movement speed is great for defence but anyone below probably diamond at best cant use movement speed or kite anywhere near what players above that can do so it helps high elo and pro which adc is already ok at. Ive also pointed out how much weaker defensive items are, bloodthirster isnt even a defensive item anymore. The only crit defence is shieldbow and it fucking sucks

    • @spencerdaugherty311
      @spencerdaugherty311 Před 17 dny

      @@Rewleague if you buy shildbow without a doubt your losing stats up the ass

  • @MrJullz17
    @MrJullz17 Před 17 dny

    Good insights and as an ADC I agree that everything in the game does too much damage and not much outplay potential

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 17 dny

      I miss outplay potential so much

    • @peepers4082
      @peepers4082 Před 17 dny

      ​@@Rewleague did durability update not accomplish that

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 17 dny

      @@peepers4082 I think durability update has already been confirmed to be back to pre durability levels. Either way if you watched s8 game to now the dmg difference would be so visible

  • @peepers4082
    @peepers4082 Před 17 dny

    I think adcs can peal for themselves pretty sufficiently in some scenarios. It isn't as support bound as I think people like to believe.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 17 dny

      be interesting to kite a vi, naut, noct, zed, akali, ahri, leblanc, tf, gragas, skarner,ksante, yone, zac, vex, irelia but maybe

    • @peepers4082
      @peepers4082 Před 17 dny

      @@Rewleague There is a reason why bot lane has the highest agency.
      If adc wasn't important don't you think support and jungler would always roam to get top and mid ahead. When I talk about adc I also mean the marksman class in general as well.

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 17 dny +2

      @peepers4082 good supports do roam 🤣🤣🤣

    • @spencerdaugherty311
      @spencerdaugherty311 Před 17 dny

      are you and adc main?

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 17 dny

      @@spencerdaugherty311 play top, mid and adc. Think Zeri was my most player last year

  • @bencesipos1142
    @bencesipos1142 Před 16 dny

    Riot: "But if you are that bad at dodging, just Pick AP botlaner"
    yy, but then your supp runs it down bc troll pick

  • @zeker6
    @zeker6 Před 17 dny +1

    I'm surprised I watched the full vid with my ADHD when its just all about talking, you have talent bro, got yourself a new sub

    • @Rewleague
      @Rewleague  Před 17 dny

      bro same, I repect the dedication and cheers for rating my yapping

  • @VideosSobreHabbo
    @VideosSobreHabbo Před 17 dny

    Hey bro, whether you like it or not, ADC is balanced around high-level gameplay. There is a reason low-elo people don't like the ADC role: They dont know how to be in position, space, teamfight, lane, or rotate properly. They just want a role that is self-sufficient and ALSO does a ton of damage, which will NEVER be the case for ADCs. To be honest, ADCs are in a good spot on diamond+ queues, it always seems to be "better bot always wins", it is very rare to see the worse botlane winning the game. I saw you opgg and you are currently gold, so you don't have enough game knowledge and mechanics to perform the ADC role in the way it is intended to. If riot just makes ADCs self-sufficient, they would have 70% winrate on higher elos, because there they know the basics very well.
    About the two first clips you show, I completely disagree that you died there because "adc is weak", lets break into the situations:
    - first, you died to a two-item (full ap), full charged nunu ult, which is a skill MEANT to oneshot people, because it is very easy to dodge or interrupt the cast, it was just a very rare situation where the nunu was sneaking in the bush, and EVEN THEN you could notice you got slowed down out of nowhere and flash out. (not to mention the fact that you facechecked a bush with no vision into nunu + shen, just to chase a caitlyn that would not die anyway?
    - second situation, malphite killed you, but was 100% your fault. Your support was botlane, you were alone toplane, with no ultimate, no summs, a level down, and walked forward to give opening to the malphite to ult you. OF COURSE the malphite will solokill you bro, he has 1 AP item, armor boots and another armor piece, + the fact that all top laners are meant to be good in teamfighting + self sufficient. You should have backed up and waited for the wave to crash, and play with your team.
    And lastly, riot is not actually giving more damage to ADC role, it is the absolute opposite. They are making the new adc items and runes so that you need to make a choice between attack speed and ad/crit, and adding much more movement speed on all adc items. Also, they are nerfing the first-items powerspike adcs usually had, so adcarrys will no longer have this giant spike when they finish essence reaver, kraken slayer or statikk, the power improvement will be more linear and clear. So basically I dont quite understand your point of the video, if ADC is so weak why everyone plays around the botlane in high level play?

    • @MohammedAli-dg4yr
      @MohammedAli-dg4yr Před 16 dny

      adc is a team reliant role even if your a pro player adc you will get fked in low elow games because there is no team so how is that the adc foult???? and wtf is this its balanced around pro play ... pro play is the 1% of player base .... what about the other 99% your argument points is trash just like your hole existing

    • @jormungandr4690
      @jormungandr4690 Před 16 dny +1

      To me its obvious that you dont understand what you are talking about . Yes ADC performs better in high lvl of play, but that is not due to mechanics and positioning. It is due to teams playing around them more. I am in Master on EUW and people here still dont play around me 50% of the time if I am strong.
      You will never see a pro team leave their ADC out to die and be dove for free, if they do they lose the game, people in soloqueue dont understand that, BUT they used to when ADC was strong and primary late game carry. It is just Riot made Supps too powerful, why give a fuck about your ADC if you can try to carry the game with a rumble support.

    • @VideosSobreHabbo
      @VideosSobreHabbo Před 16 dny

      @@jormungandr4690 to me its obvious that you don't know how to read, please go 2 steps back and read again. At no moment I said ONLY mechanics and positioning are the reason adcs do well in higher elos. To me it's crazy how you are a master player and still don't realize that almost every season, 80% of the games are won and lost on "bot diff". Maybe you are a master player with the same mentality as the emerald guys, thinking that your role is shit while the better ADC is carrying 90% of the games on higher elos.

    • @CoffeeSipper555
      @CoffeeSipper555 Před 15 dny

      ​@@VideosSobreHabboI think you wanted to say the better SUPPORT in your last sentence.

    • @ravenoushydra7948
      @ravenoushydra7948 Před 5 dny

      stupid to argue that adc is in a "good spot" this way, because it's not that adc is weak. right now after item changes, adc is super broken. but it's disgusting to play, feels like shit the whole time, and even if ur winning its like, im just autoing this guy and oneshotting them, or im the one getting oneshot, this is not what i play adc for. and u can compared to old seasons like s5 era look at the clips, even then it was crit meta and it was WAY different. much less dmg from ALL sources. idk who asked riot to change the game so everyone is doing burst dmg but they really fucked up. also they will nerf this next patch for sure.
      also funny cuz back then malphite had no dmg unless he went full AP, and still people picked him alot just because he could engage, FOR HIS TEAM TO FOLLOW UP. now he can have 1 ap item and oneshot people, it really shows how much power creep the game has.